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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 May 1946, p. 6

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wagon; excellent tires. Can be seen LOST -- Gold cross, on Main St., at Hettermann's Service, Johnsbuig. Wwt McHenry on Sunday WELL WORK-Order year driven 61-tf. Heuser. Tel. McHenry .74-M. « w» «.ll .nH HELP WANTED well now. We sell, repair and install all pumps, including: electric. Bill ger left for Cleveland, Ohio, where ne will attend the Foundry Mens Convention.- Visiting with the C. O. Hyatts dur- FOR SALE--'Wheeler-Wilson sewing. imm v»<uijl«i/ . ,oaa 11.1. r. - .. w--f m*. «in•«| twhe wmisnh wwecrioe »Rhicuhmarud Paschkc, machine, not electric, runs well' ---- ^tvi n$J stwt' Mrs. C. Paschkeandhis Phone McHenry 681-R-l. 51! HELP WANTED -- Man to work jn **«nry- Tel. vs-j. aw-q »ut«rf Marion. The Paschkes fre- I store > and help with newspapers. Al- dead ANIMALS -- Five dollars is FOR SALE -- Sand, gravel. Mack bert Knuse New Agency, 308 Elm j the leMt we p^y fo- dead horses and dirt. Staines A ^Lawrence Trucking SU McHenry. Phone 379. * 51-tf • in condition. Wheeling Service. Tel. McHenry 638-R-l. ' HEMLLP**r W" AANil 1TEW D - Txwwuo wwoumiiiernn fWoIr :j fe"*!™* <*:. Phone Wheeling .No. t O » V-W ;general commercial kitchen duties.! V, A Free to work from 10 a. m. till 2needea *> loMd- 14"tf FOR SALE -- Thousands of vegetable plants, 20c per doa., $1.40 per 100. Tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, p. m„ or 5 p. m. till 9 p. m.; choose j GARBAGE COLI.ECTING -- Let as egg plant, sweet potatoes, huckle- own hours. Good hourly wage. Mon- ..^ . -.rk... mmtth berries, celery. Also flower plants, day off. Nbonan's Restaurant, 202 J* J££*F perennials and strawberry plants.; S. Green St., McHenry. *51-2 or oftener if desired. Reasonable L. M. Pierce, 84S Wheeler StLTl - ~~Z ; Woodstock. *51 HELP WANTED -- Girl for general housework; small family; own room rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ren J. Smith. Phone 366. 11 FOR SALE -- Metal bird cage and and bath, radio; on Pistakee Bay. stand; vacuum cleaner, in perfect Phone Pistakee 652-R-l. 51-2 HAVE YOU HEARD about the new condition; thermos food and beverage - -- - rt¥1 ~ _ „ .. . licnic jugs. Tel. MeHenry 203-J-x! HELP WANTED -- Full time cook, 51 IP?*1 #*1,ury* M*on« Wonder LJtlee picnic *1 JFOR SALE -- Second cutting alfalfa, _ _ Six women, behaled; also baled straw; DeLaval HELP WANTED milking machine. Call H. J. OTBrien. tween ages of 18 to 40; for ward Wauconda 2317. 51-tf nurse assistants; no experience necessary; will train and salary ndFOR SALE-- Aluminum Burpee vances with experience. .Apply Pressure Cookers, 7-qt. glass size. Woodstock Hospital-, Woodstock, 111., Mrs. J. E. Foulke. Spring Grove, 111. or phone 86 for appointment. 51-2 Tel. Richmond 926. '51 WANTro ^Experienced butcher to FOR SALE--Portable electric paint' manage locker plant. References, sprayer. Phone McHenry 433-R. 51, Reply Box A-6, care of Plaindealer. FOR SALE --.For folks who carry ... their lunch--all metal, black finished HELP WANTED -- Boy to help in Lunch Box, with pint Thormos Bot- garden two or three days every tie, $1,98. This is the week-end spe- week. D. R. Hemsley, 25 Orchard cial at Gamble's Store, West Mc- Beach, McHenry. Call or phone McHenrv 51 Henry 643-M-2 Saturday or Sunday. , 50-tf reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rates T They will surprise yot». Ask us for insurance rate*. Thw Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. • »-tt FOR SALE Boy's_ bicycle,j excellent condition. Worts" Sinclair Ser-1 PAINTERS WANTED -- 45-hour, 5- vice. Phone 356. *51 day week; no high climbing--steady for Telephone Operators Eara $25 Per 5-Day Wf«fc To Start (About $146 per month) i work. George B. Kane, telephone Frequent salary increases thereafter, FOR SALE -- "01dto>yn outboard McHenry 225-W. 50-2 with opportunity to earn more by boat and motor; 33-hp. Evinrude, '42, -- -- -- -- - -- 1 ' - w - . w „ - i , l i - i i ' j * " i , „ i # model, complete with starter, gener-j WANTED--Women and girls to sew extra work, at time and * half pay START TODAY ator, lisrhts. Mack's Auto Repair cotton and rayon dresses. Learn Shop. 603 Waukegan Rd.. McHenrv. simplified sewing taught by the as- On Highway 120, west of C. & N. W. sembly line system. Women and | ^ R. R. Phone McHenry 463. 51-tf £rls will always be in demand ir.In communications job which is this industry. We have girls who|an essential part of J the business quentiy spent their summers at the lake some years hack. Mr. and Mrs. Sale were once again out over the weekend, with plans that say they will come out to stay for the summer around the first of June. Can they stand another increase? Tfee number of Normands' cats increased last week and brought their total up to nine. I wonder if they are trying to go oyer the grand total of fourteen. On 8unday afternoon Mrs. Kiehl and the Andree girls attended the ordination ceremony at the Zion Evangelical Lutheran church in Mc* Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Kiehl made , the trip to Park Ridge last Saturday evening, where they were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Glassener. Mr. and Mrs. Gilman and son were Ottt over the weekend. Grandma Casey came out to her lighted to have their grandson, 'Butch/' staying with them during his clean-up week vacation. On Sunday thev were visited by William Grant from Delavan Lake. For the past few weeks the writer of "Life On the Bay," a column in this paper, similar to ours, has been stressing, the need for a hospital in McHenry. Lily Lake is one of the closest communities to McHenry, and this hospital would be a great benefit to us as well as it would to others. Think about it folks, but don't stop there. Do something about it ! Remember let's try to put our community. Lily Lake up in the lead when this drive starts, let's pray that it will be soon. A HOSPITAL IS REALLY NEEDED! JOHNSBIJRG (By Chit and Chat) Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boiler of Chicago vviissiitteedd hheerr father, William Richs, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith attended .. ... ~ , !®K»the o Also visiting with the Casey's for urday> at Lak son's home for a visit list ^week^j^e wedding of their grandson, Satthe week is" Daniel Casey q/ Calif. The Caseys are new residents of the lake, thir first night here the electric polls blew down and they were without light. Miss Dagmar Andree participated in the chorus contest atDeKalb on Saturday. The McHenry high school came in second. After spending the long, cold winter months in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Willert are once again with us. Guests at the Leckman residence over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Ledin of Chicago and Mrs. Len Norlander of Isanti, Minn. urday, at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Prussing spent the weekend at their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simpson and daughter, Patsy, of Chicago visited in the George Michels home last week. Those attending th C. D. of A. meeting from here, were Mrs. Helen Hettermann, Mrs. Marie Oeffling, Mrs. Art Klein, Mrs. Mamie Jackson and Mrs. Mary Hettermann. Mrs. Alma Freund entertained members of her card club in her home at Richmond. Prize winners were Mrs. Olivia Keenan, Mrs. Rose- Th% Atlantic awallower heads th* lict of fish remarkable fur thfir eattef- <t has cuch an expiuisive stomach. compared with it* aize, that it can *wa&ow fish largar than itaalf. Tha stomach atretcbei until it is ao thin that it bacomaa transparent. ba Creaas WalilUsM Jfca cream containa many growth prompting nutrients. It provides nature's bast proteins and vitamin A. A number of other vital nutrients of milk including "tV'mi and phosphorus are provided in tha form of tea cream. ^ FOR SALE-Beautiful 3-piece wicker earn an average of 90 cents and over an^ social ,ife^ of our community. set, couch and two chairs; like new. per hour. Work 40 hours per week. IE_ Unnw«M«rv Full n«v Also wicker table. Call McHenrv Apply at our office or telephone Mc-! wni learnine Past service will be •51 Henry 39. Riverside Mfg. Co., 200 ^edUed t™ ^roer operator^^o are Riverside Drive. 49-31 re-employed. operators wno are 22, Friday. FOR SALE -- Cottape, partly furnished, at Lily Lake. Inquire at Ha- HELP WANTED--Laborers and cartel's Place. Tel. McHenry 690-W-l. penters foi construction work; to 51 learn a trade. Fredrickson, Wonder '-irLKL-ti. ---- Lake. Tel. .Wonder Lake 221. 48-tf FOR SALE -- FISH -- Jumbo carp. : ^ 10c per lb. George DeBray, foot of WANTED--Man for general work. Grand Avenue, Fox Lake, 111. Phone Kramer Boat Co., Fox Lake. Call 3051. 51-3 Fox Lake 4091. Congratulations are in order, for!mary stilling, Mrs. Isabel Stilling on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Cederberg j and Mrs. Dorothy Hettermann. Recelebrated their sixth wedding an-. freshments were served and a good niversary. Helping them to ^cele-j time had by all. w.i. Mr and Tony (Freund visited with Walter Smith at the Waukegan Sanitorium Friday night. Louis Oertil and son, Freddie, of Chicago spent the weekend at the George Michels home. Mrs. Art Klein, Mrs. Leo Lay and Mrs. Art Adams visited Jameg Klein 'Interesting, Home ENJOY Steady Work „:jRe§r FOR SALE -- Stoker in good run- HELP WANTED--Couple extra men, ning order. George J. Schreiner, < Hunter Boat Co., McHenry. 39-tf 303 Court St. 50-tf i HELP WANTED -- Light factory FOR SALE-- Ranch type all year work, steady employment, age 25 house. 7 large roofhs, glazed porch,; to 35; day or evening shift; 5 to 10 fireplace, furnace, bath, shower, 31 p.m. Top wages for conscientious bedrooms. All floors covered with | workers. Cellulose Industries, Richtile. One block from lake. Private j mond, 111. Tel. Richmond 385. beach, $8,000. Tel. McHenry 292-J. 32-tf 50-tf •Vacations Holidays with Pay 46-tf j * Sickness Benefits •Pension Plan •Pleasant, Safe Surroundings ^Advancement FOR SALE--Grass or thin steeTs WANTED ""S'We "LSTJiSSSSi '!^N?SJ0d-c,,ANGE tkree and four-ye.r.„ld Hereford ' Lake' cows for my grass and my custom- p. * ' *ox Lalte* ers. Due to regulations, must sell 1 •51 ten or more, and in Illinois only. WANTED --We have cash buyers i»l!!!*2r8o/»Wf m€ i at , °.n for summer homes, city property and route 20, two miles west of Belvi- farms. List your property with us, dwe, 111. Guaranteed against death Jacob Fritz, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt. nTTMMTwr ' y days- : l > McHenry or 2005 Sheffield Ave., DUNNING. 49-^ ; Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1333-13S4 tf. Apply Today * to Chief Operator Park Avenue ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY DISPERSAL SAU OF TBI RETAXK rABKB HKKD AND FAKM PESSOKAL PROP. On Atkinson Rd^ being 2 miles east of Libertyville, 1 mile north of Hwy. 176, on SUNDAY MAY 12 AT 10:30 O'CLOCK D» 8. T Lake Zurich Indies Aid wUl serve lunch CATTLE--82 Holstein and Gaermey cows, bulla, heifers and calves, consisting of 50 head of purebred Holstein^ 14 well bred Holsteia and 18 high grade Guernsey. Senior sire is . Leco Mystic Uneeda Alcartra. Junior sire Lilac Hill Chieftain Carl is from Henry Wegener's herd. Guernsey bull, 2 years old. 96 Holstein and Guernsey cows consisting of 3 cows with calf at side; 4 springera; 4 recently freah; 26 of these cows are now giving 16 cans of milk and the yearly average herd teat is 3.8%. 6 Purebred Holstein heifers, bred; 7 open Holstein and Guernsey heifers from 12 to 20 months old. 13 Holstein and Guernsey heifers from 6 to 12 nnonths old; 10 Holstein and Guernsey heifers from 1 to 6 months old; 2 calves sired by Pabst Roamer. Calf-hood vaccination has been followed for several years. HORSES -- Well matched team of sorrel mares, 5 and 6 years old, weight 3,200 lbs. MACHINERY -- Mc-D. Model "H" tractor on rubber (with starter, lights, P. T. O., and fluid in tires); Illinois State 'Eye Infimary | Mc-D. 2-row hydraulic lift cultivator; ** j* ^ |Case Model ' L" tractor on rubber Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping, Sr., j (good condition); Case 3-bottom 16- were honored at a dinner, Sunday, inch tractor plow (on rubber); Case celebrating their fortieth wedding, 2-bottom 12-inch tractor plow; J. D. ~ *" " 2-bottom tractor plow; Mc-D. 10-ft. tractor grain drill (with fertilizer must have been the ground squirrels, j Mrs. Al Pepping of Muskegan, Mich., menf Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Estep visited Mr. and Sirs. Fred Peppin FOR SALE--Started baby chicks. McHenry Flour Mills, 49-4 WANTED HOMES AND FARMS FOR SALE -- Hybrid Seed Corn,!1" a"d around McHenry and Lake Furr, National and other varieties! counties- We will get you top prices McHenry Flour Mills. 49-4 ^XC ^T^S1S _ LAN- -- i NES, Agent, Hines Realty ft Con* FOR SALE--Brood sows to farrow; struction Co. Tel. McHenry 674-M-2 in May. Gregory Kattner, Rt. 1, or 667-R-2. 84-tf McHenry. Tel. Richmond 929. ^ 50-2 MISCELLANEOUS with the Vachets over the weekend. The Vachets are now spending a two weeks' vacation at their home, cleaning up after their remodeling, so it will be ready for them to move into in the near future. When passing the Burbom cottage, I noticed their remodeling is well under way. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Dasch were honored with a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Swanson of Chicago. The Swansons formerly owned a cottage here. Mrs. Alice Kies, the new owner of RINGWOOD 1 CHEMICAL CORP. •••••i-H-M 11 i 11 IflM HMttl LILY LAKE H I I i I I » f (By Dick Hyatts Here we are again, rarin' to goT We've got quite a bit of news this week, so turn that old kerosene lamp a wee tit higher, adjust your specs and lets see what we can relate. FOR SALE--^Fairbanks-Morse ejec-i WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRtor water and sump pumps, for im-1ING -- All work fully guaranteed. r x A nem ,r g insiauation oi oimediate delivery; also a good buy "Torchy" Krause, 310 Elm St., Mc- fleers Mrs W^iler Conducted the * w.v. ^ „ %K«rom Henr,. Tel. 379. Vt-fm* STEADY WORK in a growing organization which gives; 1 week paid vacatlen after six months service. 2 weeks paid vacation after twelve months service. It was just last Friday that the i > ... . ... „ P. T. A. held it's installation of of-!5 pm,d hol,day8 P«r y«»r „ and children of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund and family of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pepping of Chicago. Mrs. Opal Duncan of Chicago and Mr. Warren Humsden of Fort Wayne, Ind., ealled in the William Frye home last week. Mrs. Delia Miller and son, George, moved from the Leo Freund residence to the home she recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Frett are occupying the apartment upstairs. Mrs. Wilba Blades had the pleasure of talking to her husband, Staff Sergeant Ray, Saturday when he called from Eli expects to come home soon. LeRc Sales and Service. 696-W-l. Tel M Ho v . .. --: installation ceremony. Afterwards, C46-tf. ROCK .WOOL INSULATION in Hv Frnor+s uri+Vi 4*s\vm uuc ovicliuillg HoU tt HlUBl cnjoyaUic FOR SALE--Year- round comfort ami; plete Modern Equipment Will do the \ J*1* economy wWIiVthII fiurei c-p- rpoioufu i Juouhimnss--Mmaaini-- | jj uowb tuhiec Right Way. So tattuissfmaccitiiounn! 1 / . n .y 1 ^ Josephine, no ofville Rock Wool Home Insulation ' guaranteed! Roofing, Siding and In- j ' ' ..... walls and ceilines Call elation at MONTGOMERY WARD'S | Despite the dimout and the dark- LEO J. STILLING McHenrv 18 | Woodstock, 111. Free Estimates. "®88 that surrounded our commu- * ' Mc enry , Phone Woodstock 992. 49-tf nity» the LllV Ladies League1^ 3fitf.; | May dance witnessed a spectacular i TREE SPRAYING AND WHITE- crowd. Young and old alike danced WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO EUY -- Two to twen-i A share of preillta ill addition to regular pay. Training on the job. _ Tuition for approved outside school- PRESENT NEEDS WASHING -- Frank Henkel, Volo.jto the rhythm of Turner's orchestra.; MEN Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. 42-tf. The week before last, the Teen-! Chemical Plant Operators . Zl ~ I Age club announced the opening of ty acres with modem house of about LIVESTOCK TErlJCKING -- Frank ] its new home, and now we'll have to five rooms, preferably on one floor; Raycraft. Wes^McHenry. Phone Mc-i announce its close, due to circunc-: must have bath and inside toilet, Henry 149-J. 41-tf! stances yet unknown. Our future electricity and phone: located within wniT17ur,oinvr ~ T77"* 'meetings will be held at the Hyatt's i a S mile radius of Woodstock, Crys- WHITEWASHING -- For white- garagef thanks to Mom and Pop! tal Lake, Barrington or McHenry. I washing barns, basements, chicken; Hyatt. As you know, our club is'! prefer to buy direct from owner.' houses, see or call Al. Phannenstill, gUided by the Lavin girls, Mr. Weil- ! Give full particulars, price, location phone McHenry 43o-K. 50-5 er an(j starting this week, Mr. Keller »a!IlCPlofeiifll; Am LAKE COUNTY SANITARY CO. Iwi" a8si®t ^em dress Box B, care Plaindealer. 51, iT , tanka pumped and installed.' Mr. and Mrs. Harle were out with WANTED TO BUY Used lawn ; Servicing--Construction--Repairs I £r®ir. daughter, Gloria, this week. mowers. Sharpening and repairing. Phone Libertyville 1346. 50-tf Gloria s girl friend, Florencfi'Deaay, Robt. J. Thurlwell, 110 Main St., Mc-1FLOOR SANDING--Refinishing, var-j^Mr. ^eb??8 is now recuperating y' I_|nishinjf and waxing; new and old from a week vacation spent at his WANTED TO BUY Four or five floors', free estimates. Call McHen- home here at Lily Lake. Mrs. Weber room summer home, near McHenry, j ry 206-R. *50-4 will spend a few days in Chicago on or near Fox River. Address Box I « • «.«. I during the next week. "BJ," care Plaindealer. 26-tf 20 to 35 years of age to learn how to operate manufacturing equipment and later learn how to run chemical processes. Ail' training and supervision by experienced chemists. mendorf, Alaska. Ray le soon, oy Hettermann of Chicago Is spending a few days with his father, Henry Hettermann. These spring evenings find the Johnsburg baseball team busily engaged in preparing their field for the coming season. The boys are reading themselves for a busy season. They have had champion teams in the past ahd here's hoping this will be another banner year and they'll have the support they so well deserve. Showing their pre-war ' strength, they won the season's opening game against Richmond by a score of 7 to 4. Sunday finds them battling the Shamrocks from McHenry on the local grounds. A -miscelleanous shower was held in the home of Mrs. George Schriener, McHenry, in honor of Bernice Pi'zen, who will become the bride of George Hausheer of Chicago, on May 11. Mrs. Olivia Keenan and Mrs. Pauline Pries of McHenry spent Wednes- 1ay in Chicago. N4w Zealand Capt. James Cook rediscovered New Zealand and circumnavigated the islands for the first tyne in 1769 brate were Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and son, Tommie. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore will celebrate their 16th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. James Picha enjoyed the weekend at their cottage. Spending a most delightful weekend at the Seyfferth residence were thtir daughter, Mildred Bettray, and their two granddaughters. Gufests at the Bellinni residence during the week were Mrs. Attorina Grivette and family. | o Mystery, a few days ago Grandma J anniversary. TTiose present were^Mr. Hyatt planted some peanuts. Upon and Mrs. Clarence Amann of Round ;Lake' "r? M"; Anthony Tip. and grass seed attachment); Mc-D. IE? with fertilizer .ttachlime spreader; Mc-D. 7-ft. power mower; Mc-D. silo filler; new Mc-D. 2-row corn binder (with bundle loader an<^ bundle carrier); grain elevator; Mc-D. 42-R combine on rubber (with Scour-Kleen pick-up attachment; extra screens and P. T. O.); Rosenthal No. 420 steel corn shredder; No. 6 Mc-D. Super hyd. manure loader; Mc-D. Model "M"; pick-up baler, on rubber, with Mc-D. 1 mounted engine; J. D. 10-in. ham-1 mermill; New Idea manure spreader;! P. T. O. air compressor; Mc-D. side delivery rake; model-A Jeep; Mc-D. 7-ft. tractor disc; Mc-D. 15-ft. tractor disc; Case 6-ft. mower; Letz burr mill; 2 rubber tired wagons and racks; Mc-J>. manure spreader; quack digger; Mjc-D. corn hinder (with bundle carrier and bundle loader); clod crusher; Mc-D. grain binder; tractor snow plow; woodwheel wagon and rack; 2-wheel trailer; Model-A power unit. MISCELLANEOUS--10 H. P. electric motor; F. B. M. gas engine; 2 r u b b e r - t i r e d w h e e l b a r r o w s ; new electric stock water heater; pipe wrenches; 11 bundles of baling wire; 160-ft. 1%-inch pipe; silage cart; 2 feed carts; 2 vises; extension ladder; woven wire; feed rack; 2 large hay bunks; 130 new steel posts; riding bridle; 2 electric fence controllers; snow fence. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- Mc-D. milking machine, complete; new Mc- D. lft-can milker.; milk scales; 4 sterilizing tanks; 2 Dairy Maid electric water heaters; 32 milk cans. FEED AND MINERAL--13 bags of Brewers grain; 12 bags of soy bean oil meal; 400 lbs. Vita cattle mineral; 400 lbs. Manamar mineral; 5-ft. of silajire STDVES -- White enamel kitchen range; oil burning heating stove; coni heating stove; 4-burner gas stove. TRUCK--1941 1 l/i-ton Reo truck, with panel body, 2Vj-ton motor, good tire« and reconditioned motor. E. C. TERHUNE, Owner diaries Wrav in charge of pedigrefer Chandler, Elfers and Art Froelich, 'Auctioneers Public Auction Service Co., Clerk' • KclinVBT CAB 4*t Wa«l*ca. Baaf • 24-He«r 8ervfee & 7 f«L HeSENKT 472-1 CECIL BALLOWE FRANK K WEILEK PAINTING AMD DECORATING PImm McHeary <8»-W-l PafctiBff, Paperfcaagiag, Spraying ^u Ibrimatm Cheerfally Famished A . WALI^SS P. BROOKS / / . Fainting and Deceratlng> Wallpaper and Paint at TThsleaafa 116 WaaUagtoK EL. Mdbvr . TaL 1S1-R • "ILAYMOND J. MuinJ'fK'..-": Attorney at Law ; HUNTLET, ILUN018 CRYSTAL LAKE LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS -AH --ffc-- P. P. Laits, Afitt Phone SS 117 Grant St. Q-T TRUCKING CO. Sand ' -- Gravel -- Cinders Blade Dirt -- Limestone ; Dwp Trucks For Hire fliona Johnaburg 677-W-2 •i--- McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 86-W . <X N. FREUND tRUCKING Livestock -- Lime -- 106 Waukegan Road Weat McHenry, I1L Coal o AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main Stn McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 : M'HENRY, ILL. Phone McHenry 6S7-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETTS SAND ft GRAVEL Special Ratea on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling nd Grading. J. E. NETT Johnsburg P. O.--McHenry it --WANTED TO BUY-- We pay $6 te $2S for Old Horsea, lesa for down hersea and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnetmrg • Spring Grove Rood Phono Johnsbarg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE j_iiii|iBi|>Weij2ay_Jphone_eharges^^^ Janitors Order your rubber ptav<ps at tha The Plaindealer. - PICK-UP AND DELIVERY • ."•'."j ' VOGUE CLEANERS SNOW WHITE LAUNDRY . McHENRY CLEANERS ' A man who keeps hi% own basement clean. Work ia keeping Later train* for chemical plant operators. McHenry Cleaners and Laundry Services 103 Elm Street Pkone McHenry 104-M DON HOWARD piping setups. WOMEN I r,-lW JTifei-T-g There was quite a bit of activity along the channel over the weekend. The Hopperts and the Anschultz's were out. Visiting with them for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Yaeger and Mr. and Mrs. Ehlert and families, all of Chicago. The weekend once again witnessed Mr. and Mrs. Lucas enjoying the , comfort of their cottage. Mrs. Lucas Maintenance Helpers says she hopes to be out to stay for the summer season in about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gorski and family have been spending the past week at their cottage. Ray is the lad we've been seeing traveling down the roads with the motor bike. Well, it seems a certain family along the lakeshore has solved the beverage shortage, they're planting beer seeds, ha, ha! We are all sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cinnelli have left our little community for citv life. The Cinnelli's left for the city on 'Monday, May 6. Mrs. Cinnelli's son,9 Kenneth Struts, is remaining with Mrs. O'Brien until the present school term is ended. Spending a most delightful weekend at the Simons' residence were there daughter, Mrs. Steadman her husband and family. ..Saturday also saw Mrs. Yaeawr, Mrs. C. O. Hyatt and daughter, Gertrude, making the trip to Chicago to do a bit of shopping, bot upon now AUCTION miles north of Lake Zurich, 5 miles east of Wauconda, on SATURDAY, MAY 11 AT 1 O'CLOCK (D. S. T.) Watch For Auction Arrows on Hwy. 63 and on 176. qualify 35 HEAD OF CATTLE because It requires oniy depend- ^ head of Holstein and Guernsey ability and the ability to follow cows and heifen| existing of 2 instructions. No hard work. 3 • springers, 5 to freshen May and shifts, 8 a.m. to 4, P-nu; 4 p.m. june> 7 fir8t calf heifers to freshen to midnight; midnight to 8 a.m. jjune and July, balance milking good; Chemical Plant Helpers j]° and.1.G^?ey 1. h?ifer* v y ,rr -'from 9 to 18 months. This herd was Young men (over 17 years of ckan on a nCent Bangs test and age) who will help in drying ca\f|,ood vaccination has been foland packing finished chemicals.; lowed for the past 5 years. These neat and .orderly. Process Wa not be permanent. Older in lve men can mi'k cows are young, being 7 first calf and 9 second calf heifers. The hrrd has been under D. H. I. A. v . . supervision, and the books are open Young men (over 17 years of|for your in8peetion. The manager, age) interested in mechanics or jjr> Laufer, will be pleased to go trade. Will be trained in main- over these records with you. taming motors, blowers, pumps, 30 HEAD OF REGISTERED BERKglass and rubber lined kettles, SHIRE HOGS -- 6 Boars that are stainless steel and Ctjiw special rea{jy for service; 25 open gilts. This is a choice offering of Berkshire hoars and gilts; and are sired by Black Bomber, Jr., or Buck Creek Epoch Again. An excellent opporunity to become established in the WILSON'S RADIO SERVICE 206 E. Elm St. Phone McHenry 469 Repairs on all makes, home and auto radios CLIFFORD E. WILSON,»Prep. ALL WORK GUARANTEED INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm and life Iaanraaea Repreaenting RELIABLE COMPANIES When yon need insurance of any kind Phone 42 or 118-M Green & Elm McHenry Photo Packers Young women who lik§ to work in a group. Wbrk is filling.! PUJ^ed hog business, with outlabeling and packing liquid ^ Btandms: blooH ' C3.-- _ _ photographic chemicals. APPLY RINGWOOD CHEMICAL CORP. . Rtngwpad, nttaali MILKING FX)U1PMEXT -- D*I aval milking machine, complete; 18 milk cans. FURNITURE --Set of lawn furniture, consisting of 4 steel chairs; 1 steel table ind a lawn swing; several electric lamps; several good chairs. FOUR WINDS FABM CARL LAUFER, Mgr. DR. E. MUELLER, Owner Telephone Lake Zurich 2146 FroeBeh and Wick, Auctioneers PobUc Auction Service Co* Clark i For REFRIGERATION BERVICi Call •"- WONDER LAKE 568 ROTHERMEL ELBCTRI^ SHOP - Electrical Contractors Radio Renaira Let us eatimato that next electrical Job of yours. LEO G. ROTHERMEL, Prop. Phone McHenry 272-M 9§4 Riverside Drivo Telephone No. 2tt 8TOFFBL * RMHAmnm McHENRY GARAGE CM Front St. (Route 31) General Repairing Walding--Arc and AcetyleM |Jght Blacksmith Work NICK P. MILLER "Phone McHcnry 108-R . . J1"7 A. P. FREUND CO. Excavating Contractor Tracking, Hydraalic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- o Tet R4-M McHenry, III TeL McHenry 243-J HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Paperhanging, Removing Old Wall Paper With Steamer, Spray Painting 106 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY DR. R. DeROMS -- Dentist -- ---=-- 126 Green Stre# Phone 292-J. McHenry Office Honrs: 10 a.m. te 5 p.m. daily except Wednesday. Evenings by appointment. TeL Wonder Lake 418 DS. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hoars-- Tueoday A Satnrdays: |^.m. to 5 pju Evenings and Sanday Mornings by Appofatmsnt! Lookout Point Wonder TH, -- DR. H. 8. Tw fltiHaaipiaBSBSL Wadosgan St. ^ McHENRY, ILL. A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPHRR „ PortraitBro Csmmsrfisl Phetegraphy 275 -- Riverside DrfV* McHENRY, ILL. JieHENRY FLORAL Ca -- Phone MS-R-1 -- Om MBe Senth of McHenry an Rente SI flmnfvdl JACOB FRITI m 1UL j: .'..-j . . . . > 4 . , . , . x V ' i . , - t . ' + . ' 'W ' V-...

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