MEMHHL NT v. _ ' ... t gl« in anybody's life, and when that At School A* 9:46; Proceed To Graver Saturday, May 25 iper, a wealth. Instead of " length of the trials and dis-i" of one person, a record the life of all the people it serve* duriag that time would be in the memory of a newspaper, were ii j, capable of such recollections. This week the Plaind«alc rammer season will open Offi- brstes its seventy-first birthday next week, Thursday, when niversary, with Publisher C. H. ; ml Day is expected to •bring ich and Editor A. H. Mosher ha the UBUSI throng- of Chicago visitors been at the helm for more thai! «nt for the holiday weekend. [twenty years. - a "small circulation, correa«i to the sice of our little citf ' years ago, the Plain* with jthe steady^ guards McH growth of McHenry All veterans are asked to report j many miles to carry news to folks to the Legion hall at 8 o'clock in! still interested in harmenings here, the morning, May 30. At 8:30 thej We feel young, in spite of our sevrroap will leave by car for Johns- enty-one years, with a spirit and deuuig, where the mvebert will assem- j termination to keep growing and imble about half way up the churchroad. i proving as long as we are hf re to Hie march will continue to the; guide its destiny. church grounds and will pause in] -- l front of the honor roll, wnere the: NATIVE 07 McHEHRT •WSySJVTaSbi.: ColorsjniED IN ELGIN AITER and color guards, firing squad, vet-; OKB MONTH ILLNESS erans, introduction of speaker, dec- •ration of graves, firing of volley and retiring of colors. Assemble At School Those who will take part in the 'ty i>""; TOM®* who were born since the in hospital beds and painstakingly two first World War remember well past j make attractive flowers. Poppy Days and-are this year com-; This v«ar's Pontiv Dav paring them with the 1946 obser- conducted^* " " f will of the flowers are exectly M'HENRY COUNTY RANKS THIRTY-NINTH IN BOND SALES DURING APRIL Recent reports inform us that the following is the result of the sales of E, F and G bonds sold, in Mc- April: 112,457.85 906.60 54,500;00 TOtAL S167.864.35 Out of the 102 of thirty-ninth last of bonds. the sale RIVERDALE RESIDENT TWENTY-SIX YEARS DIED LAST FRIDAY DONNA ROSINS DIED SATURDAY ON BIRTHDAY Heart Ailment Fatal To 14-Year-01d Girl After Short Ilhiesr Everything should have been hap* piness and celebration at the Frank Rosing home last Saturday had riot fate stepped in j Donna Ruth, 14 \:<m» and taken the life of in the week plans had been made for the little lady to observe her brithday anniversary with her family and . at the same time share honors with Mrs. Jennie Melntee, a resident of • her brother, Richard, on his home* Kiverdale, McHenry, for twenty-six ] coming from the navy. years, passed away on Friday, May Saturday May 18, came, but in- 17, 1946, after a long illness. Survivors include two daughters. Margaret Melntee and Mrs. May Orbon; two sisters, Mrs. Blenda Boehm stead of celebrating a birthday and homecoming, the Rosing family was sorrowful over the death of the intended guest of honor. Donna Ruth and Mrs. Math Burgmann; and twojPasse^ away in Victory Memorial grandchildren, Homer and Karol Or- "osPital< Waukegan, of a heart ailalike--- some come from the hands Her husband, Owen, and a son, i Jnen^ having been a patient there both vpt<»p« ^ of mmeenn wwhnuo wweerree hnuurnt tiwweenntiyy--eeiigxhnt! vance of the day. They remember I units"" Following is the ^ayor^a years a*° the battles of the First ^ PoPPy Day meant before | proclamation, concerning Local friends heard with regret of:1941. when they were told that vete-ivmnee jn McHenry the passing last Friday, May 17, rans ,?f,a ^ar long P«ut had made Mrs. Mary Rossman Lin- the little flowers and that money! the Proclamation obser- World War. Others have been shaped _ifcy young veterans, injured in Europe or in the Pacific in the second condorfer, 56, of Elgin'who died in~St.1 pa'^ *or them be used bene-: Poppy Day will be observed in .flict, who made poppies this year for inarch in McHenry will assemble at >wno aiea - "- ------ " -~d throughout the United first time. If we could know the the high school at 9:45 a.m., at'f°*;Ph8 wl/ L Tt" " "V° S It wLT .'h wwlh*ic lh it*im Ae t4h1,e_ bu andj wwiiilil npula.y. ?BeAvV - itltl ness. KrS.™he w&s b un»ati vaen oifs ooM c- > tprpstewH& snK t ut tni<t Burial was in Oak Hill cemetery. V. F. W. AND AUXILIARY SAY "THANK YOU" FOR stories of all those veterans, old and jV-E DANCE SUPPORT Sydney, preceded her in death, ""'jltss than two days. The body rested at a Chicago fun- DonnaA w£Ue a £"ail ^ ^ eral home, where services were held1 aPp,are"tlv ^"^ell witd Tuesday on Monday afternoon at 1:80 o'clock.!? week. Shs vrrz fined to 1946, of c ri»:n e* I Daid I or cnem would De UMd to bene- ... ' McHenry an that thev weren't in- States on Saturday, May 25. «rml numbers »nd at 10:10 'Wo"k j'i*>m on M.y 30, 1889 iterated . but it »«. hard to picture ® 0f both^orld'w.^ »<""!*• «hW »»u'4 ""*« •" Honorable Judge Wm. M. Carroll,!. JJ[LnHnji£ DitaU They wi" •* «>M ™> McHenrv streets service and .uffermit for the secur-j *uest speaker, will be introduced. "&1Enew that older folks Relieved that and from hous« to house "through-. lty America. forAmt 1a0s: 20fo lltohver e:l inec oolfo r maanrdc h will, » N > TVinitw T iith#R«N PODW ^ales were worth while but ou' ^ day by school children and ^ is hoped tha color I Trinity Lutheran |»PPy worth while, but volunteer from the au xili- wears a poppy on *?ardS, band firing squad, ex-ser-' ch"rc^,.1"^ha L t__C'ty; \to zet enthused about a custom ary. units _of our veteran organi-, ^°ok closely at the vk*men auxiliaries Red Cross, Boy. Survivors, besides the widower, nre! whichresSlted from a war whS "'ions. Contributions received in think of the men who made the pop-:which was helJ at the Bridge" balK Scouts, City Council, all civic organ-1 four sisters, Mrs. Martha Page and ?hey h£S n ™ witnessed exchange for the flowers will be used Pies- they have been through roomf a huge succes" Over 1000 isations, Gold Star mothers, disabled, Mrs. Martin (Rose) Smedberjc of. • . in relief and rehabilitation work for |and what they jare still enduring j friend3 were in attendance at 'the veterans, and Spanish-American and Lo» Angela, Calif Mrs. Joseph j th™" ^ child JITknoJn what disabled veterans, their families and! because of theff war service. Then celebration and Prenty of entertaiS Civil war vets. < , (Anna) Kilmer of Elgin and Mrs. ^ y»un^ ch,ld^8 m^T in the the families of tlie dead. it will be understood that the poppy |ment, dancing Soise makers etc The parade has taken a great deal, JJl€J t_!Jd Urder, not to mention the more im- There is a story behind every one is not f j"fl a K n^1 hine ^de f Ug* but i «Hed the scheduled program.' The of planning and now those in charge brothers, Albert of Woodstock, Otto , . t of tho litil* nnnni«« urki^k a carefully shaped symbol of remem- veterans wero v«m me hoping that Dame Weather S'Sl'iSS 1™%'MlSC" Iw kind in sending warm breezes and Lake and Fred and Robert of Mc-!,ittJ<i Now Poppy j^y 'come, j will wear in honor of the war dead of ^comrades, |due to the entailment of power. Each and every • member" of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxp of Fox River Post, No. 4600, Poppy Day - Will wjsh to thank everyone who particihttle flower and pated in making the V-E Day dance, her bed at her home for two days 'HFWal services were conducted >ro»nd ™dit i!;\f8ni by Rev. Harman J. MaGuire, pastor'mentaI Plcture o£ the men who lie As th«! of Holy Trinity church, at 1:30 o'clock ; sunshine „ The local Legion and V. F. W. are in charge of the program, with the following in charge of the various marching groups: Lester Bacon, firing squad. Fred Meyer, color guard. s >•£ Floyd Cooley, Legionnaires. jTack Keenan, V. F. W. Mrs. Catherine Weber, Auxiliary. Mrs. Pauline Pries, V. F. W. Aux-^ CAPITAL AIRLINES inary. Day. iey are made by hand, no] R. 1. Overton, Mayor. on Monday afternoon from the Wolff «C IV IT WITII funeral home, Elgin. Burial was in J Oil I 11 If 11II MJuIv AT PAROCHIAL SCHOOL LeROY HETTERMANN Le«rion! IS HOW PILOT WITH i^fo^?e°^tda SU^^hera,™ hik W8^ s^^'flie^'JontinSd °o and ®unda| evenW, June'2, by ths th. V. F. W. will take ore of! ""Zl ™ The motto of St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school musical department. "Say It With Music," will be demonstrated on Friday evening, May 24, BIRTHDAY BOOK TO HONOR OUR OLDER FOLKS The program which begins at 7:45j p.m., will open with the violin stu-) ^^rtation for the disabled^ vet- j when J. H. Carmichael, executive the band and the program at the! dozen ^^r^vetera "s°^aTO joiMd the dents performing Uieir own favorite ldgh school, while John Dreymiller! ,££ of^ SrttaSSr ouJte brineinJ tunes- ^ Piano ^up will then .°f .th* more th£n 170 the PCA pflotf ^3L!:i.S.ihT.-2l "A Mu8kttl nnf nn^l , with outstanding war flying records. 1 0°f Ut *"d..^,n ann.ual Headed by Major John \ TiltonJ -- - , 5bute' to our brwvr war -eteran PCA pilot-captain back from scheduled for Friday evening's pro- j folks---those Expect To Record Names, Birth Dates Of All Octogenarians AMENDED DRAFT LAW IS EXTENDS* UNTIL NEXT JULY featuring descriptive music. jL»ia you ever stop following performers ars how our past war aff< who had BACCALAUREATE AT HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAY EVENING power. j V-E Day is a day to be well re- ! membered bv everybody, as so many I of our loved ones were "over there 1 at the time. V-E Day and V-J D*y are ones the Veterans of Foreign Wars are proclaiming as their days for celebrating for years to come. This week, on Saturday, May 25, is Buddy Poppy Day, so let us remem- Fifty-eight seniors will gather in, ber our wounded and disabled veterthe high school auditorium next Sun- ans by contributing to this worthy day evening with their family and cause. There will be solicitors Stafiiends for Baccalaureate services, tioned in the business district to wel- This annual, solemn program is one come you. of the last to be enjoyed as a class, j l>on't forget the Memorial Day! 'y religious little girl, quiet of man- }, with the Veterans 'ner an^ sweet of disposition. Her and then removed to the hospital, where death occurred about 8 o'clock Saturday evening. Born In McHenry The deceased was born tn Me- Henry on May 18, 1932, and was a seventh grade student at St. Mary's- St. Patrick's school. She was a deep- * Did you ever stop to think iust ected our older Following the processional, which parade on May 30, will be played by Miss Marianne of Foreign Wars and American Le Glauser, a junioi, the seniors will gion leading the parade. • • . hear an address by the Rev Wayne' ---------- Price, minister of the Community VISIT TO McHXNRY Methodist church. After Rev. Price ^ mnT n nv a«* talk, a musical conicceerrtt will be pre- AUAj-U Off PROGRAM struirirled 8ented by the mixed »nd gms 1Bj Z~nr.a, choruses. The program will include girls' OF HELEN JOYCE passing came as a shock not only to her immediate family, but to her classmates and her many friends. Survivors include her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosing, one brother, Richard; and three sisters, Dolores Rosing, residing in Chicago, and Lila and Patricia at home. The body rested at the Jacob Jus- McHenry received a great deal of. ten Sons *uneral home, where the publicity on the radio last week [many floral offerings, spiritual bou- Thursday, when Helen Jovce, homc quets and innumerable callers were flying service to alf parts of the • through four score years and more1 " ivorld, the new group includes ex-1 w v»ohn: Joan Wegener, Peart upon this changing earth. Most of , following numbers. Mathews, Lois Brefeld, Patricia Mar- us quite naturally spent most of ' L°yal Hearts Will Not Forget 'shall, Patricia Justen, Jerome Miller, our time wondering how our young O'Hara--Mixed Chorus. Judith Fnsund, Billy Weber, Alan people were faring as they fought "Lift TW Ey^"--Mendelsolin. economics expert on station WLS, evidence of the great sorrow of tile FVeund, Ella Jean B^ss Georgia in all parts of the globe for peace. Steal Away -Arr by Johnso|^__ described her trip to our little City entire community in the passing of Stenger, Donald Dowe, Richard Woh- Our eyes and ears were turned to Girls Chorus in detail. this child Funeral services were The Senate completed congressional w-S J°£? Ji Bolf,er' Sa"y Nye^ Jack newspaper and radio for news of 'Seniors' Farewell Song"--Yanda. Mrs. Joyce had come here the held on Wednesday morning at 10:30 •etion last week on a bill extending! ! wtrtz, Charlene Dowe James Weber their progress and well being and Senior Girls previous Friday as the result of an o'clock from St. Mary's church, with the Draft Act until July 1 and ?,8 T A?n Justen' Eva Uritl and ouf. Payers were for their welfare. Patriotic Choral Fantasie"--Arr. by invitation from the Mothers club to burial in the church cemetery. President Truman promtly signed it' Jack Justen- ' , Gra"dma and grandpa, too, had James-Mixed Chorus. speak at their monthly meeting. She! * into law, although characterizing it I 1 Piano: Julwne Tonyan, Claude thoughts only for the youngsters, Catherine Schwerman and Mari- told of her arrival at the home of FEDERAL GRANT OF ~ "a bad bill." McDermott, Shirley Thurlwell, Gail keeping their own troubles to them- anne Glauser will provide accompani- Mrs. George Johnson, who escorted>1 sj oaa thttt am TW Soon after the President had1 Brefeld. Margie Freund, Patricia selves. It was more difficult for meJ^ for ^e choruses. her to several places of interest, and f '. . AXU Im signed the legislation, Mai Gen Long, Patricia Rosing, Donna Dowe, them, for many wars beyond the age . \h<? projrram will begin promptly then went on to relate something IMPROVING ROADS Lewis B. Hershey, selective service' Ethelmao Hagberg, Maureen Henn, ^e.n thev could occasionally play at oclock. about each of these visits. ___ director, telegraphed local draft! Joan Weber, Jean Weber, Katherine hookey on the golf course or at Next week will be a busy one for _ First she stopped at the C. W.! A road fu-oeram eallimr for Hin boards to halt the processing ofi j Wolff. Shirley Glosson, Shirley Weg- '^1® movies and forget for a few the seniors. Class Day will be held Klontz home, where she viewed Mrs. expenditure o£ $304300 in the counyouths under 21. tener, Patricia Wohlert. Joan O'Brien, the depressing atmosphere in on Wednesday afternoon, followed-.Klontr lovely oil paintings. An ty of which $164,300 is a federal His instructions said that youths Jean O'Brien, Clarice Schaefer, Mary *j»ch the whole nation was envel- by a class picnic, and on Friday interesting disclosure to her was the grant, was approved by the board 18 and 19 still are required to register for the draft, but cannot be indueted until they reach their twentieth birthday. Although the legislation permits the induction of men 20 through 30, Hershey announced that selective service's present ban on the induction of men 26 and over will be continued. Only men 20 through 26 will be drafted. This reduces selective service to a comparatively tiny reser- , . . . B ,--, ~_.. voir of manpower. Officials esti- army and navy fliers with an ag- "?aKe choice on the proposi- some eighty years or mora kted that there are only 59,000 srregate of thirty-two decorations for 1 :!L:l°ar^i. to ^ honored. Lucille Knox. EXPECT LARGE VOTE AT GRADE SCHOOL ^ POLLS SATURDAY Battery, John Knox.! While our prayers are still for P'acethose who gave so much, never to; be able to enjoy the fruits of victory, our thoughts now turn to the older generation. We feel that the time has come when these pople be given the limelight. Knowing what a struggle it has been for us to live The $164,- . , . . . . . . . s t r u g g l e i t nas ror l i v e Hie public grade school will hold through thirty, forty and fifty years, a special election on Saturday of nobody can deny but that our grandthis week, at which time voters will mas and grandpas who have put in to paint until her children were in 300 has been allotted to the county high school, which might well be an and $54,700 of this sum is available incentive .t.o ot^h ers who might feel at pprreesseenntt.. that the time to learn and develope The grant is part of the program , new hobbies was past. for improvement of secondary roads. | rrom there she traveled to the "Hie county must make surveys, pre>- Honnes residence south of McHenry, pare plans and furnish engineering where she ^ marveled at the exquisite supervision during construction ana inlaid work of Mr. Holmes and his also all right of way, son, Frank. One could be assured The county must also provide one- Mrs. Mary Adamowski of Mc- A they heard Mrs. Joyce speak, half of matched funds required bi HEWS ABOUT " OUR SERVICEMEN •Ugibles left in this age bracket, of valor. ;ing the tax rate limit. The polls The idea which we propose putting whom perhaps 50 percent would Among the new PCA first officers ^ ^ op€n fr°™ 1 pm- to 5 p.ra. into practice i8 not original "in the be found physically unfit. , are five former army pilots who com- { A committee of parents and citj- Plaindealer office. However, it is Final congressional action came-P^ted more than 500 missions over *®ns met at the grade school build. 8UCj, a fine one that we feel that it after two hectic days during whicli The Hump" between "India ant ing on Monday afternoon of this wen WOrth copying. House opponents of the draft had ChfeiB, and. ® bomber captain with week to make plans to get a large Here at the Plaindealer we are aged to tack two crippling thirty perilous missions .over Europe vote out on Saturday. Every mem- starting a birthday book, in which nMents to the bill, prohibiting i logged in his record. | ber of the committee present report- we will record the name and birth the drafting of fathers and teen- The reresented by Lt.' <"d favorable reaction on the part of dates of McHenry's oldsters, who erve, Cullom Lake and Chicago received ^*t she was thoroughly impressed state by the federal aid act of 194^ a telephone call ? beautiful work %hich is being This. the county agreed to do at last week from °°!Le these two men. last week's meeting. her son, Captain From the Holme# residence she The county is following a program Benjamin Adam- *° the home of Mrs. Wallace of repairing blacktop roads this sum* owski, from Paris, P0^"8' where she saw a most in- mer and construction will oat stall France. It took te^sting collection of antiques. Mrs. before another year. ten hours for the J8 Wf" kn°wn in this vicinc a 11 to navy is agers. COMING EVENTS e ity for her many and varied items, Rarutrmtion Of through, and so at wn,ch were no doubt viewed witn Bast River Road Pinochle Club--Mrs. Albert Vales. May 24 . PaMic Card Party--Sponsored by O. E. S.--Masonic Hafi. May 2$ Baccalaureate. May --. •" : Fhre-Hundred Club--Mrs. Earl Brown May SI Commencement. June 3 Heme Bureau--Mrs. Wm. Doherty. June 4 P. T. A. June 5, P. T. A., Children's Pkaiie--Walkup's Woods. Jane 1# _ 8:30 in the even- enthusiasm by ona interested In Vehicl«8 On Roger Jerome Hoy, 3984 Pennsyl- the public and it was hoped that as are eighty years old or more. As! li V i n g, when the wom^1 s hobbies. vania avenue, Washington, D. C., a many as 280 persons might go to the each one's birthday rolls around we "" telephone rang, it . "r""11"? .?m£' Mrs Joy** Registration of every elan «i former geology student at Ohio polls. Anyone wishing to vote and wni prjnt his or her picture,' to-: was an impatient mother who rushed v,8,ted ,n .. . vld ®™*on home motor vehicles for tha first foor State university, who wears ribbons not having transportation is asked gether with a short resume of ear- to answer it. The call was being "ear nere, which was^ begun ^about months of this year exceeded last representing participation in the ; to call the grade school, phone 94-J, Her days in this vicinity. Imade at 2:15 a.m. Paris time. Mn.jjlve ye,M **o and will soon be en- year's figursa for the same period* anti-submarine patrol, the Presiden-<and arrangements will be made to; This birthday book is for the octo-• Adamowski reported that the call 1 „y co°,pIet*<l- . . Secretary of State Edward J. B» tial commendation and Pacific and send a car. Philippine Theaters, and LL (j.g.) LeRoy William Hettermann, of McHenry, 111., a trans-Atlantic pilot. WOODSTOCK SOLDIER ESCAPED FROM FORT^ ~ SHERIDAN GUARDHOUSE B>narians living in the vicinity of came through as clear as though cHenity. Don't wait until your had been just a few miles from hoi h--e ,L Mr?- £®yce greatlVjr enjoyed her rett baa reported. me. 1 day in McHenry and will certainly Up to May 1st, 1,382,406 fact that the school is one of the birthday comes, enter your name in three most important institutions in our book now, along with your adr | William John Gerlach, who served any community, the other two being;dress and telephone number, even fourteen months overseas with the the home and the church. Certainly,, though your birthday is later in the i navy. has received his discharge, then, it is not too much to ask every- year. j Shortly before leaving for this counone to give careful thought to the McHenry's sister paper, the Wood- try, he spent two weeks with his operation of the schools. i stock Sentinel, began the birthday brother, Lieutenant Leo Gerlach, in The caliber of teachers employed book idea several weeks ago and Japan. WrwwU+noir MiiM v, k " of utmost importance in the main- found it extremely popular with lo-j _ Sheridan army offers the fitrhs t Foorft |S teen"aannccee„ of *a gFo0o0*d *in»s»ttiittuuttiioonn . Tloo ccaall rreessiiddeennttss,. We hope for similiar County Allotmonts FPOIB th* WM»1C in >Mro)iin<> f_, wi««Ji date» McHenry's grade school has success here. O A * 1 ? w - w w i F f ^ v i ^ n f o r t u n a t e i n h a v i n g a f a c u l t y : J u s t g i v e u s a r i n g , ?< K»Mt7 ever though ..gX t«. drop u. . line, pnaoners. | have necessarily low ;Gas Tax Receipts Increase Worthy Matrons' and Patrons' Night tbe guardhouse at Fort Sheridan. Acacia Hall. Fonda had deserted the army on jeae 14 three other occasions and last spring Mtrthfwi Cluh ' was apprehended after having de- • -- • I--- {serted for fourteen months. It was or even bety two, .,h.r ^JTSLZSt.'W BC S-.-S^TiA SS'S^I ucb^ p*™ and John Pinreili Vt of TK-' day'8 vote at the polls will do much also whether you have a photograph, in allotments from Illinois state men had wwed their 1 determine whether or not the of youwelf. If there are younger: gasoHne tax receipts in 1M6, com- - 1 present high standard can be main- people in the family, perhaps they! pared with $78,240 in 1944, accordtained. ican handle details for you. ing to a statistical analysis prepared j Let's see just how many oldsters by Barcus, Kindred & Company, we can honor in the coming months.' specialists in municipal bonds. This ; We'll be waiting to hear from you! was an increase of $11,217 rsntianrw gain of lSS through April keep a soft place in her heart for cars were licensed, a the women she met during her visit, over the January tit taSL. in nrfrtn. tions came in chauffeur's Kcensmt Secretary Barrett said. From Ju> I >!• »>»••» uary through April, 140,076 dmvf« feurs were licensed, an increaaa of Births ' -hi -A CARS COLLIDE i following his arr«st at that time that Automobiles driven by Alfred 01- he was given a general court martial j sen of McHenry and Calvin Davis at Fort Sheridan, found guilty, and of Round Lak* collided last Sunday sentenced to five years at hard labor, afternoon on Route 120, four miles He wa<* awaiting transfer to a fedeast of McHenry. Sgt. Jack Smith, eral prison when he made his escapc. «>f the state police reported that j Davis turned out to trian who crossed in frint and sideswiped ftAYOR FOR DAT Friends of Mrs. Vernon J. will be in Waymel. a at St. Gregory high of Chicago during Ye Day, held last week in that city. PLAINDEALER PRINTED WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK • Due to Memorial Day falling on Fhursday next week, the Plainlealer will be printed one day °arlv. As we must "meet the deadline set for delivery by city mail carriers, it will be necessary for all news and advertising to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rusboldt of 40,389 over the first four months Harvard announce the birth of a son, of 1945. The registxation of dealemu Michael, at the Woodstock hospital totaling 5,134, is up 1,346 over a last Thursday. Mrs. Rusboldt is the year ago. former Miss Delma Freund, daughter . . Johiwb' an<* ^ra" ^reun<* °' Alvan Rothermel Is • r A son was born on Saturday, May Candidate For Sheriff 18, in Sherman hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Erber. McHenry residents will be iiiteer RESIDENCE CHANGES j crease was due to rising gasoline I consumption in the last six months „ , „ 1 of the year, following the removal Mr: and Mrs. Gottlieb Boley have f war.time rationing. mowd from the anartment above the Park Pub to the John Stilling house i • 4.1, on Court street. | ^mOllF th|> SlCK The Frank Gende family has I • ed from the apartment above t Ml-- Rena Scheid underwent sur- Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan of ested to learn that Alvan Re Elkhorn, Wis., are rejoicing over the who now resides in Dane county, birth of a daughter on Tuesday, Wis., has announced his rtndfatasy The financial firm declared the in- JJay 14, at the Woodstock hospital, for sheriff on th$ Republican ticket. Mrs. Morgan is the former Miss Ma- Mr. Rothermel and his family hav* rie Miller of this city. ! been residing in Madison since leav- Mr. and Mrs. Chester Colby of ing McHenry about five years ago. Richmond are the parents of a1 He received publicity last Deceafcdaughter, born on Sunday at the ber when his picture and a story ap- Woodstock ^hospital. Mr. Colby is a peared in The Capital Times, Man- * " son paper, after he had rsacued six Pa's tavern to the Hitler home on gery at St. Theresa hospital, Wau the same street, which they recently kegCn, on Saturday. purchased. ttead ON Want A4l Hairy Stephenaon of ban a medical patient at stock " former McHenry resident. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pritchett: shivering puppies froaa are the parents of-a girl, born on treeside hollow halfway up the Lafca May 16 at the Woodstock hospital. I Mendota ski runway. He A new addition to the Ringwoodfand still is, Dane maty hi community is tha little son bam oa! fleer. May IS at the JFoodMock baspitij toi