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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1946, p. 3

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».•» wFV^1 ',w <jw» «""/•"'**'*!••' i 'J FLAIHDEALER #??• SSM -*? J-^ - ' A ': M.I ill! ||||# 11 •(( I IH*M 111 but in all of my memories it is just' Grtef Sells, Esther Martin end . MtWS WrMl -the crick." IPegnr Selsdort. _ ' ^ . m ' I There was a small aunt for me to ^HrlWMWW? IfWR£ Pl»y with, just two yean older, and she and I are probably responsible , for more of grandmother's gray hair than ajiy other doable hazard she | has ever encountered before or since.! The general business meeting of On Saturday Mr. M. Btft took another group of the children into the hew skating ring at Woodstock. Even Mr. Burt tried out th* floor! (By Vanesse Sells} Memorial Da/ was really the first i Now we were forbidden to go intc i the Wonder Lake Bod and Gun^Club tj£;7 'H ®f summer--and the first day of j the crick. Its dark, ugly waters j met at Horn's on Sunday morning. CS? "ftwiiiimin'" f«r many of the young- 7rer* *«id that snakes abounded near Most of the discussion centered -*-- r.f fu„_. i its banks. And so that is here my I around the carnival that the group -- ' 5^ • , v are. alw*y* | aunt and I went daily to swim. I - - - - thoae intrepid few that go in early.can still see'myself, a small skinny •' - «• if they come out covered with' figure, with at least four inches or fcfcks, and adorned with goose pim-iend <* mj braids muddy and wet, answering grandma when she an A and a B. Louanne had this average, but was disqualified for the Honor Roll because her schooling was begun in Chicago. Bobby Cormier and small Dick Aelsdorf of our neighborhood have nad a busy week and an uncomfort- Yes sir, Patricia Giimore is home to spend d^ce J!®8*" * the summer months with her par- ® ^weekend. Little Kaye and his wife, also ents. Did I say rest and quiet? , sP«nt the holidays in Chicago with J? smaper and to ^ On Saturday the Korbhan's jour- her grandparents. j . Suwts took DM neyed to Elgin. Here the family A few weeks aeo the Smtnlri Pin°chle game, which did quite a bit of shopping and f»milv moved Tn^^Lr!'^ "T* °f the £y* nn.m. uii. i... i j " "»ove<i into their new home, j Summer residences nv will sponsor in July. Many interesting surprises are being planned for the public. > a^Mtarat for^theTMIdren"^ i* i • Il^ meetin* on^June 9th It ^nf^'on^'writLn^Buti' add""Ft" 4"*to°V*r ,he wepkend were Clinor Provi- Did- someone msk for something ™8le line it would takem tra •ssriZZ .«r -irsur-r z&r&'srspst tez ^ - that young Miss Jean managed to , . . , - able one. They have the measles! j wiggle a pair of those still precious i fre. ^usy remodeling it. f"d Jfere *"d Mrs. At this writing, Dick's sister Jean inylons from some salesgirl. ; ,n A.morning last th® Thompsons, the is suspected of also harboring a I The Lind residence may be a little to £!h Abbmanttis returned and ^ measle, but has so far refused to i from the highway, but it sure J? J£®y "J"*. guests from Chi- That8 about enough for thi^ break out! Probably won't be lone, doesn't lack any activity. Several n* Mrs- S° *** you next week ' guests gathered on Memorial Day AO"y r* B*rbera and children. The sister of Bud Schau has noti- f--or, a~ rp:i--cni-c dinne--r. , A new "sw"•i•n•»g ^p^,.u„_n ng~ the .w .e ek~ Mr. and Mr?. fled me that the long and involved ^ ^,n,d p,Ie was **so »»>t»«ted for Ph ®ey,/fH ad® to Ch'c*f?o Here address for her brother is still in-' - Eddies. _ .. ,laAd ,good^ ?™ndma Case,, complete, and that if you are plan- Guests at the Providas residence w^° f°r California. • Kailrea4 WsHetiw * *11 the railway tracks United States were I remember how much fun I had sight and assure her, "Grandma, shimming when I was a little girl. {would say--"Oh, no!" 1 Kadi year, when I was small, I | ' 2?"" to f^ndmother's for BoUer skating has become a major ; a the summer just as soon as school sport wiOi the young fry. On Tuesout. About a mile below the day, Geri Cftrajier entertained a farai where grandmother lived was small group of her friends at a ft ? , e' -TTuddy creek--known to all skating party in McHenry. Am one local residents as the ^ v ? ft had another nameinvited to attend. made for a big day of fun. has been purchased for a general public is j before last for address.*) Plans are being Food I picnic' So many inquiries have come in Mrs. Providas I Saturday with main, for the •?k I1,nS,-u come out bor Mrs. Murdoch has solved the fJl ith the children and re- problem as far as he is concerned, e season. j TTiis gentleman rode a bronco in the 288 days to run from other. ^-heon. If you dont come, a lot 'a ^port^f hS" p^iesT is^fn th* Fafctr's is entered'around the | \iUert'?^re» of good might go to waste! This is,~} _ report o^ his progress is in jrarage they are putting up. a pretty good chance to meet your _"S^rs ,e. n.ail',e Mr. and Mrs. Germanier and fam- T».« wi. _a.»» Order your rubber rtamps at In® Willerts .were honored with Plaindealer. ^ "crick." Maybe •the youngsters who went were. Bob j I don t know-- Armstrong, Richard Richards, Sharon neighbors for - a social afternoon. > j' Billy Coon and I mean that he ilv spent the weekend at their cot- There will be food, pinochle and _ lr» and Mrs. Rapp were once VMT THE HANDY PANTRY FOOD WONDER t.Airie t&ii i SHOP Phone Wonder Lake GROCERIES AND MEATS Ihrosen Foods -- Fresh Vegetables Ice Cream Liquors -- Wines -- Beer he looks up and makes a little noise of inquiry that sounds like "Whey The Rod-and Gun AukiHiar^^ imA ;5trer » • S is.Jiunfirry' hf«?^s * ,at the Harrison iSchool on Sunday different^ tone, and goes Whee--' ; afternoon and made plans to have a whee whee and it rises in a ores- i special party on June 15. The Men s cend<? .of 8®"nd ^hat can„be so nerve-1 Organization had planned a party on /w?rac'llil* ta he-usually gets ser- I that date to be held in Woodstock ^ aft*r *|wut tl?e fitst ?!^ht bars, at the American Legion Hall. As . r\ow. he ,ov l ep 1 h,s pottle, and ii 'their schedule is pretty heavy, and beginning ^to balance it on all four rtheir carnival is to be held in July, * . .Js capable of holding it [the Women's organization has taken J? Lstiwgth_that if you hold l over the planning of the June 15th ? '\e «ign m the air, Billy Coon [party. Mark it on your calendar. !8 on the under .side of it. This iEveryone is invited. ,8 i pretty remarkable when you con-; | * I M6r that he is only as long as your j Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Howorka; ^an<^ _ ! ) had a special reception at their home I 1 •on Sunday to introduce their English1 Tnat strange wee in- the Plain- | daughter-in-law to their friends and dealer office is me. Miss Froehlich j relatives. Young Mrs. Howorka has 's on vacation and I am trying to; onlv been in this country a few,AN ber place--and I do mean try-! weeks. ling. Wish mm luck! ! -- CALL WONDER LAKE 568 -- FOE HOUSEHOLD AND COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION XKPA1B8 AND MAINTENANCE Of ALLJULKES McMahon Refrigeration Service 24-Hour Service Route 1, Ringwood, Illinois | Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Berry ut 4-H 'News-- • I spending a part of this week in Chi-! Vice-president Sharon Grace Sells, I cago where they are attending the [ called the Busy Fumble Bees 4-H Fishing Tackle Manufacturers Conijclub to order and Sec'y Barbara vention. Mr. Berry manufacturers Sellek read the minutes. Esther1 fishincr tackle boxes, and he will Martin, recreation chairman, led in! 1 probably have plenty of new ' ideas singing, "Brahms Lullaby.'* "There ^for items tp put in the boxes when Are Many Flags in Many Lands,"; ' he gets back home again. | and "Bicycle Built For Two." ' t I Our health project this year is on Miss Cora Mel Patton of Cali- good teeth. All the jrirls had their fornia, teacher, lectiirer, dramatic first lesson on the sewing machine., renH^r f»n?i author is a ho'ise «tim; Mrs. J. Christopherson has verv' j the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. B. kindly offered to he our assistmt I Richards. Miss Patton. veteran of leader. Natalie Pitt is a new memmore than fifty years of teaching in i ber of our club. and around the Chicago area, has, of late years been associated with a well known dramatic school on the j west coast. I Most of »the local residents were , pretty happy to see that big gray I bus start a regular schedule through our community on Sunday. Schedules ^ are available at the Handy Pantry and the gas station. PEGGY SELSDORF. Reporter. JOHN THE TAILOR Cleaning, Alterations, Repairing Pressing Same Day Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 123-R Main Street West McHenry LILY LAKE I 1 1 I t I t H H l H U H ' (By Dick Hyatt) j Here we are again with a bit more! news and gossip. Outside the birds | j Among the recent graduates from ^ are chirping and the sun is begin- j [ McHenry high school was young' ning to fade off in the distance, so i j Louanne Howorka of this community. I let's settle down and see what we j | Louanne was given honorable men-! have for this week. ition for her high scolastic averape, j To start off with Tuesday evening, and would have been an Honor Roll j June 4 will be quite a busy night | ! member if all four years of her {for most occupants of our communi schooling had been in the school ity. This will be due to the fact j I here. It seems that one of the j that the Lily Lake Ladies League ! Qualifications for the Honor Roll is j will hold their meeting at the Lakethat the student spend all four years side Inn, and the Teen-Agers will in McHenry, high. The Honor Roll j hold theirs at the Club Lily moor Students have an average between j ar,d still some of our residents will jhave enjoyed playing bingo at Al's. DON'T DRIVE YOUR CAR UNTIL IT HAS BEEN CHECKED AND SERVICED IN OUR SHOP See Ms 'WpZute-Jp \ta f * to"* "ftlflf*1 BUSS MOTOR SALES i YOUR FORD DEALER Kit Main Stml at the Night, June 8 From 9 p.m. till ???? k r TOP-FLIGHT, ENTERTAINMENT ^ V . ^ By the Famous Trio ^ "THE THREE FLASHES^ Renowned in Radio and Night Clubs for Fun, Laughter, Hit Songs and Magic Music Come and hear their leader, George Intrieri, and his accordi&n, sing and play to you music sweet as honey--* swingy as a spring breese--You'll be spellbound! COME ONE--CpME ALL! ^ i ADMISSION IS FREi FRANK S. KELLER, M.C. f ^ The Club Lilymoor is located on Route 120, three miles east of McHenry and two miles west of Vefew Jppea I# SNI USID TO WII6H 170 LBS. wcUbs 119 Ito.- of SI. AiEntol Vitamin Candy writes Mra.L«> toUwAYDa dufiiM Hut HmUM, Tm. Sheakohid an unuiac nductta in her meaaarmenta, Tcdudm 11 inches in her waiat. 10 Wm in her Upuml tiadMiiilwlMt. Yourexperien be the aame aa I try the AYD6 Vitaoinl youradf it you are over _ to orer-maulfetioe. Jiat the attractive and taat ciothea you amy bt afaie to wmt. think of the nmwd aetf-con* fideneeand thepriie iaa dimur, nor* (racefui aguw. So Btviy wHb ownwittf pfob» Inn wed the AYDSPUaauooHafuOy. la two hy •• Ileal 4nc tora mar* tkaa 1W pemMW fart M to IS 1W. ii«n|a ia a few weeka the A YDS Way. HoExereistlNtBraBllleUnttvtsl The AYDS Way ia ao oaamtable and harmlea. Simply eat deUcUua AYDS Vitamia Candy aocordinc to directions and you don't cut oat any meak, ttuckai potataea. meats or butter --you jut c- .t them dowa. II not with reaulu. Money Back with very fln JO day* aiipplr oi AYDS, 92 JS. Paone or caA BOLGER'S DRUG STORE McHaary m A NEW FORM OF MUSICAL has been instituted at 'THE BRIDGE 9 9 BAST or STATX BUDOE AT McHKNSY, ILL. BILL AND HIS ACCORDIANcomee to this well-known night spot, where he will entertain six evenings a week, playing all of your request numbers. Dining room will be cjoeed on Mondays. •"Come On Over to the Bridge" The Teen-Agers of Lily Lake have 'made the final preparation for their | mid-summer dance. This will be held jat the Club Lilymoor on August 3. jit promises to be a gala afffcir so j don't miss it neighbors. | Some time ago we were all over- | whelmed with j«y when hearing the < news concerning the old Casino, I which has now been renamed "Dan " | Danial's Lake Shore Club, Well | now here's some more news, the j A | mentioned Hamond electric organ has been installed and grand opening will take place some where around the 115th of June. | We'll now get around to wish j several of our friends • hearty eon- Sratulations. This we extend to [r. and Mrs. Noramnd, Mr. and Mrs. Les Vineer, also to Mr. and Mrs. Sand. These people all had wedding anniversaries during the past week. Congratulations are also in order for Gertie Hyatt, who will celebrate her birthday on Saturday. Also for Gloria Harie who will graduate from school on the 9th. A bit of saddness was brought into our community over the weekend when we heard that Grama Harle fell and broke her collar bone. She is now in the hospital. A few of our theater goers made a trip to Chicago, the Goodwin theatre being their destination. Among these were Evelyn Lavin and her cousin. Here they saw "Little Lee Brooki." Visitors at the Sarley residence, nver the holidays were Mr. and Mrs.1 Fricano. On Saturday evening the J. N Yaegers will attend the wedding of a friend in Chicago. _ Our community extends a most A cordial welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Russel. They have moved in as. 9 permanent residents. Mr. Russel is .A the sixth gentleman of Lily Lake to be employed by the Downs Ex'- jw ! J press Co. ! Does anyone think they had a i busy time over the holidays ? We'll i try to complete the schedule the I Marsh's and a few others had for I that period. On the 29th Mrs. Marsh, Richard and Mrs. Wrublewski visited Brook- ' field Zoo. I On the 39th Mr. and Mrs. Wru- , blewski, Marty, and Les Krieger en- | joyed a delicious outdoor dinner at the Marsh's. I May 31st saw Mrs. Marsh and : Mrs. Wrublewski making a trip to j Lake Villa. Here they visited with | Bfrs. Sears and partook of a luscious j dinner. J Again on the second of June the ! Marsh's, the Wrublewski's and LfsiS Krieger gathered together at the X Wrublewski residence. Here all en- j V iov«H n very eventful day. , A Oh boy am I tired after all that ^ an^ all that! | w w Getting around to some more stuff O • w | Hke that we go down the road to ^ J the Hyatt's so-called park. Over ir.' W ^ I the C. J. '<vHort n*"( j £ a | we saw a huge gathering of friends a " i and relatives enjoyin* a picnic din-1 J O jner- A day later, Friday, over in ' O a!the C. O. section there was a still ^ J j lnreer gathering'. This was in J ^ Of {honor of yours truly. Thanks friends 9 A 1 for vour cards and gifts. A X j Mrs. Boro reports that in a re- ^ W! cent letter from Gene she learned he expects to be home around the first of July. After a v*ry exciting school venr st Our Lady of Angels Academy and climaxing- it by undergoing a serious operation a few weeki ago, GamMed rieEircHiEF BATTERIES •1.00 Deposit The saboMriaes are oat of basiasas! Shipmeats ef rabber are agaia arriviag at Aaerkaa port*. And we are agaia aMe te offer yon 45 aad Sl-plate batteries with separators. Loager life and hat ter perfomance are asaared. • Take ai vantage ef this opportunity te bay these batteriea -- The separatera. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS SPIC AMD SPAN POT CLEANERS Hakes pots and pans Sparkle Easy on Hands Iteg. price 10e ' Special 2 fcr 15c ABSORBO POLISHING CLOTH and 4 Patent Pads Big combination package centmhn polishing cloth and individual knit pads for polishing, dusting, cleaning or waxing--far car or fnrniture. Reg. prke 59c. special 49c METAL K1TC HEN \. STOOL Sturdily Constructed Reg. price $1.99 Special $1.79 (See. CeHette, Owner TTZ. 4 W v -MW.

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