- ***-• *75 i5HP?P® ^fwfPpjpwsPPjPi!1!^^ rLiW * ,^1. 'if ^•r a, s9- • J „ ' V (By lira. The Key* ton* Heme Bureau unit met at the home of Mn. Glen Jack- May U. Fi J*+ %& wfll be The Keystone Home Bureau imit social evwing was hald In Richmond hall on Saturday evening, May S5. r j, with Mn. a« TOttm. !. ;• h, - -4 ' WHY PAY MORE : fUttan tables played cards. Film in hundred m awarded to Mrs. Wm. Marshal and Jim Valentine. In euchre prisea Irnnt to Mn. Wm. Harris and Mrs. Glan Jackson. Hostesses were Mrs. Clem TOton, Mrs. Al Goffie and Mrs. Joe Condon. Mn. Harold Osterman of Harvard was a caller fa the Mrs. Cora Ktflor Tuesday afternoon. Gertrade Wendling of St. the past week in the ' hone. of lab- Simdsw of Sycamore spent from Wednesday till Sunday in the Fired Wiedrieh-Jr, home. Mr. and Mrs. PanTWalkiugtnn entertained their card ctab Saturday mning. Prises war* awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe. ....... Mr. and Mn. Wm. Heine of Chiand Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainget TWICE TOLD ef hutssi Takaa From the files ef the of Tears Ate hedge fence is front of Iris reaidsace. FOBTT YEAST AGO 1 a front of the Pakoeky Mock taasivnd a new coat of paint improves its appearance. Mj^^s parish ns founded ha--r e^ a»nuud ; Soppeonaccerr bbiinll oonn ' the was purchased by John Neiss road, scraped and pot at the time, has again been placed condition. into service as a sch<k>l. , TWENTY TEARS AGO * .C , TJieves entered the Fox River Inn -mi_ Fred Kamhotta's West 8Me bar-i fLPteS!*P?"1 street, Mr. and Mn, Hen* Beta bar shop has teen newly paparedand *Jell s jMSfV!*.?»l®8bui*, some united in marriage Tuesday, - • and ti,Fe °urin»T Wednesday evening car- T " '* * ~ " 4 jrying away considerable " MTS.# Hoppe of e of tested cows on nd> is delivering milk sllbual rculosis germs to " Miss A dele Heimer, daughter Trarsday in tAhet Ben Walkington ' *H° Wltt Mr's p•Benfl t *M* anorial Day in • , the Georse Sheoard home. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Max Beth of Chicago i Koostra and sons of were callen hare Wednesday. i Sharon were callers in the after- --------- ----- -- .. »v-. Memorial services wan held at thejnoon. jmained steady at 21 cents. north of- John Neisen's shop, which Methodist church Sunday morning.! Mr. and Mn. Don Smart of Wau- j The McHenry Brewery expects to; i" .to be used for a cold stonge, mmp- '* * * * A% * --1 1 --a. ft 18 lOAov SIXTY TEARS AGO j The official price of hotter on the I Elgin board of 'trade Monday repainted' and presents a neat and j " weanesoay evening car- Andrew J. Butler of Bath, fa. Usty appearance. ryh« *"*? con8ider*bJe loot. service was read by the Rev. Father R. A. Howard, of the West Side! ^Me^ Fnu of the Sec- Charlea Nix of St. Mary's Market, came out this week with Tuesday in brand new tap carriage and a new;*®*"1* the running over the Read the Want Ads delivery wagon. A. Englen is nutting up a new building, on the bank of the river, Mr. and Mrs. Alan children, Mr. and Mn. ard and son, Howard, and trude WfcndHng spent f Dundee. Mn. Emma Andersen Ainger^ and | ke?*p *, THOMAS BOLGER, DRUGS and son, it from Thursday till Sun-j put their goods into the market raige and boat house, y in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home, sometime next week. and two stories high. Ger-1 Mr. and Mn. George She^rd and M. D. Weber has rented the Gilat; son, Howard, and Miss Gertrude. b«rt building on the west side and ' i Wendling **ent Saturday in the Alan win open up business at once. Ainger home at Hebron. In the af- L. F. Newman is • new eenmnp loyee; THIRTY TEARS A*|& ; M. D. Ott, until recently employed Robert,_8?ent Thursday and FWday | ternoon^they wen all visitors at \ mt^ 'Hw^Weddw "^t faVtoVy, BSeld^rbS^op E. W. DODB begining work last Monday FIFTY TEARS AGO in the Ted Koostra home at Sharon. Walworth. John Neal is spending the sum- Dave Ramaker of Somers, Iowa, mar witK his sister, Mrs. Andrew V«nt the .weekend hen with friends. Ramaker and family at Somen, la. Bill Brennan has gonS to the Vet-i Dr. and Mrs. George Haberlein and;®""* Vaughn hospital for a med! - . • Mr. and Mn. Harold Weber and son "*1 examination. ^elearn that H. of Chicaro snent Wednesdav nirht Mary Ann Wiedrich and Janet bought out the Richmond Gazette, ident buildmi Jnd^uSa^theG^ Johiuon an vg&n*. Natives at'and has alnady^taken possession of ed by John lein home. ni" Mn. Louis Abendroth and on the West Side, starting work j there this week. Mr. Ott is a first-; class barber. John P. Weber, the local contnctorj C. Faber has and b u i l d e r , is busy on a new r e s -j ** K *8 ®*®ct-> Neisen on his lot just; ELECTRICAL & RADIO SHOP Jv : fouss wntnra AMD OONTEACTII«» Wlsukagsn for a couple 6f weeks, isame. * south of his home on Water street. j|n I Mn. Florence Mortenson and son,1 A. G. Locke, of Chicago, has rent- His lease on the building having PHONK S10HM0ND 883 BELTS WE HAVE THEM ALL SIZES Knight's Refrigeration 312 Elm St. Phone 439-W Ins ' ill X Hove Ifca htWfat Curfohi Is Ifca BhcH All Purpose RIT Cnrtain Dy* It OUAAANTpD !• dye di aavtah Mkrfc* NMCTIIT .. A* mas# dym ifca# mmm&f em kuyl ---- Use'it Cor Cdenef, acetate Rayon, Nylon attl Misares as well as far oottoo, salk, linen. Four new "decorator** shades--Champagne, faarhglnw. TTsssrt Tsn. "Snnaj Frm DiijII bring ths sunshine right ion yoar home, and peck up aa eotiie room fast as they pack up yonr old cur* alas. Definitely gmmm Isaf--so yon know yovH wit no dye failures. IN THE BIO BOX Thomas P. Bolger "The McHcnry Druggist" - FUR STORAGE - rua COATS OLSAHXD AND OLAZSD Itor uperi wwkmuuhip • CURTAINS DRAPES RUGS McHENRY CLEANERS and LAUNDRY SERVICES 1103 Elm street Phone McHenry 104-M MILL INN •• • (Formerly 8 MUX) North Sad of Wonder Lake at the Bridge 8TBAXS. BOASTS, GHIOKKN, L0B8TBB TAIL COCKTAILS -- UQUOB -- WINE We cater to parties 'DEAO" STBONO, Ow AWNINGSTARPAULINS CANVAS GOODS NOW AVAILABLE Specialising in Store and Residence Awnings Bradley, of Rockford spent the week-1 ed the bakery, in Gilles' ^block, and- expired, John R. Knox, the local Ford end in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home, j h*s opened ft first cltM kftkery tnd agent, turned over the keys of his There will be a children's day pro- i restaurant. old stand on Pearl street to the new frata at the Methodist church next George Smith has brofcf'n ground owner, R. I. Overton. unday morning at 9:30. | for his new house, on the West Side, j The little German school building The Home Circle will meet with1 It will be one of the handsomest re- on Washington street, which for Mrs. Dixon June 13. |sidences in the village, when com- many years served the German Mr. and Mrs. Betts and daughters, pleted. ^ speaking Catholics of the village, but Jane and Jean, and sons, Robert and! W. A. Cristy will put a new and, which was closed at the time St. Kenneth, spent from Wednesday till Sunday visiting relatives through the state of Iowa. Alice and Marion Peet of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinze of Crystal Lake spent the weekend in the Harrison-Peet home. Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of Crystal Lake was a visitor here Wedn'esday. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore and Mrs. Bertha Saunders of Harvard 4 spent Sunday in the Fred .Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. Ted Kooistra and sons of Harvard spent Saturday afternoon here. j Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens of) Sycamore and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hitchens and daughter, Elaine, of! Woodstock spent Sunday evening in' the B. T. Butler home. j Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and i daughter, Carol, weht to Huntley Thursday to see their new grandson J The Home Bureau met at the Le- E'on hall in McHenry Tuesday with rs. Paul Doherty and Mrs. Thomas Kane as hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and daughter, Muriel, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek spent Memorial Day in the Vivian Austin home at Genoa City. Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Harrison and Mrs. Roy Harrison attended an Eastern Star Line officers club picnic at the home of Mrs. Valeske Hoppe at Wonder Lake, Sunday. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry Sent Sunday with her daughter," rs. J. C. Pearson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Merchant and son of Greenwood were callers in the Fred Wiedrich home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and family spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Hunter, at McHenry. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Merle, Mr. and Mrs. John Marie, J*y and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Merle and chiU dren of Chicago spent the past week in the Anton Wieser home. Frank Collins and Milton Koot of Wilmette spent Saturday with Rev and Mrs. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley celebrated their twenty-fifth weddtn McHenry Awning Co. Phone McHenry 634-W-l Thos. Thonneson, Prop. COSTS 3 cms ID FNNT 2S SB. FU CARBOLA-DDT - . bwect-KMM and eoiM^BBMI A FLY KILLER AND DISINFECTANT, TOO Why waste aamy en apssin I mitt urea to MD fltal Orhola PPT (2% DDT) H fwmmfewl to kin thia at low COM. Proven in tbooMwa* o< twta oa forma by county aSwrts. Natural adha •ivoneai of our •partal ml--il canter cauaea Qarbo(tttat-wD PyrTaq tthoe MmdWt iotol, lwoaasll . tbtKlrtlw. Ol oUnOtlYnu cleac two wUilwl i<nWlt«ral. nbayo aaquaSthtooera*, 1o.i1.)t1e rtpi r(onri Vm oInnt k*v.b Steimr palnyd m aixpE p( Clyh rbwoiltah- Ihtrt cnv'.i- ri. jft rKiy nJr caejnDt*r ttoa st rweahti t3e5. Caqo.c tfat .a Npo- .< io rh c.-oe wit »tpkr ayI' m5C %la) ,c opwou lhtrayra hao u(caoatsa, A$!t dealer for aeenemieel SO fc. hae 1 lb. .25, 5 lb. .ta 10 lb. $1.35, 25 lb. $Ma SO ftw llN HcHEHRY CO. FMHUS CO-OP. ASSH 1»HONE WEST McHENRT Whitewash your barns and poultry homes with CARBOLA--DDT AL PHANNEN8TH2. Phone McHenry 433-E niversary Sunday by entertaining nded Complete dinners served from 6 to 9 p.m. daily. Saturday: 6 to 11 pjn. Sunday 1 to 7 p.m. Pish Pry every Priday.' Phase Etflhmond 312 ng antamii " relatives and friends who attend their wedding twenty-five years ago in Chicago. Dinner was served in Mussy's hall and a pleasant time was enjoyed at the Hawley home. Outof- town guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward and children of Washington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Schrader of Elgin, Mrs. Eleanor Bacon, Miss Cbra Wklters and Edwin iWiig «f Cmtal Late, Jb. .anil •Mrs. Reuben Ricke of Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schwardt of Twin Lakes, Mrs. Mildrsd Pascoe of Park Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley^ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hildebrandt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hildebrandt and. family, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. DefTenbaugh, Mrs. June Kopriva and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carlson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Carlson and family, Mr. and Mrfe. Fred Schau and fsmily, Mrs. Carrie Witterer, Miss Eleanor Peterson, Gunnard Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Godson and Mrs. Irene Glansey and family of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. An- Idrew Hawley, Mr. and JrlTs. Louis ' Hawley and daughter, Marion, of Ringwood. , Johnson-Winn Mrs. Helen Johnson and Mr. Louis Winn were married at the Methodist church at 3 p. m., Saturday, by Rev. Kranz of Richmond, with Rev. Dixon assisting. Their attendants were Mrs. Betty Lenard, sister of the bride, and Rodney Winn, brother of the bridegroom. Mrs. Johnson was riven away by her brother. Bill Brennan. Miss Mary Ann Wiedrich sang "Because" and "At Dawning.'* Ushers were John McCoy snd Kenneth Parlor. Mrs. Johnson was dressed in s rose colored street length dress with a blue flowered hat and white accessories and her bridesmaid was dressed in a blua street length dress with pink flower? ed hat and white accessories. Hiey imth wore white carnation corsages. The bride's mother wore a peac eyelet dress with brown accessories and the groom's mother wore navy blue with Mack accessories, A reception for 100 guests was held at Muszy's hall with Mesdames J. C. Pearson, Weldon Andreas, Andrew Hawley, B. T. Butler and John Blackman serving. Guests were from Waukegan, Richmond, Elkhorn, Rockford, Lake Geneva, Harvard, Sycamore, McHenry and Solon Mills. Alter a short wedding trip they will be at home in a house they purchased near Richmond. i~t--ri~ ~ ~ ~~ j---- -- --•------ -- -- -- * » m --***« V; A * ' ,:4~ ~-~th . •. • • - •"* it ? nnouncement of resumption of bituminous coal mining has enabled the Illinois Commerce Commission to reniove all restrictions on normal uses of electricity. The public may now feel free again to make full use of electric service for all residential, commercial and industrial purposes. The period of these restrictions has been a trying one, and we want the public . . Q . . : . , . ! "• to know that we appreciate its understanding rSlsl /,-M.-r? V •* f J* uallii and cooperation. Oriental Go-Cart Tha Oriental go-cart was. called Jinrikisha because the name literally means "man-strength-vehicle." In Japan the slang expression is jin-riki but the more polite term is kuruma, which means wheel. To foreigners it is known simply fes riksha. Ordar Plsindealei. m • i VUIL1C SBftVlCE COMFANT Of WftTflUN