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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jun 1946, p. 3

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„ ^ IJI-'11111411111111 JJ J' HI' 'U '* . , « "i*4' ^*: ?t•' v, ^^yf\ " -n ,v. *: .?* , 1 '\ *< . • - , .y "V •". " - •iMkf CRy Id, M CNM 2nd Fleer WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Qm ^••Uhm 1 ill 11 >er»esLeeV.a.*aaqr -- CALL WOKDER XJLKE 168- K «S#r< ' - **4 *>? FOE HOUSEHOLD AHD COMMERCIAL MP AIM ABO MAIHTXHAMOV OF ALL 1 ^ j r . ; ? r r r * r" *.2r» - • *"*** ,*• * k na_* McMahoo Refrigeration Service 34-Honr B^rice . Boole 1, Rinffwood, HHiwii ifftr ;m FOR SALE tafcs advaataga af theee St z 1M ni larftr, ge M law u 111 SMMthly. w>- •%-•• •§ LILT LAKE • " ^ ^ OOyfAGf "" p»tli<ily fandahedrafrjgaraier and iktiklty; water; |w-4«lw rigUi |1,HI dawa; M. m--thly COTTAGE--Year ail faralehmgs war S-BOOM COTTAOB--Oa Ua-T War . ail pas i>w» wafli all year aimi Miat W i 24 larga raereattaa .•••v-. . *•'••• ULYMOOE 4 ROOMS---Metre. brpjN I4NMW STUCCO--S-ear garage--a* M|hwy 1M-4 large tMM «K ACU FARM i wia a> hay j laa; IHv HCHRHT § llwl SW Hi W9KTJ HOUSE--Furnace k«t-i^*^aMai-m acre k«4-- S ddefcfa tmiin frait treea, He, aa edge -af to*a- |T.m cask; halaaco tt» resrt. WOTOER LAO Til Ti i-j.^ jjjr^iajja-a laaatk efl hiatus ksaliNBy hSw»H jraar aiaaad INW- aay he had with ar •H ><mI aithaat faraitare, tl,IW caah; haL maathly "TOCJR REAL BBTATRMAN" Taa eaa 4m1 with eoafldaaee with a Real Estate te deatiaf ia Raal Estate aad net a aide KM. Ha TAWW& EDWARD M. LANNES Exduain Agent HIKES REALTY AND CONSTRUCTION CO. " SINCE 1929 ' -R-2 McHenry Phones $74-M-$ \ ' . ' - >| ': CHICAGO PHONE * --all departments-- • *- lEKYBTOm 20#- % •. rs*: " Ji' REAL ESTATE INBUSANCE first an ths Bam saitin'-- Ife. aad 2t,srr" Cailtott mmj* Tpttan . Mia. Frank Cdatsa, •va^ aad Mr. and Mrs. Lssfear Brooks and finally of Crystal Laka. Tkm W. a C. 8. Md aa a&dap mCatfaiff with MIK Charlaa Pa«, Thoraaay. A pot-ladc dinner served at noon. Mrs. Eleanor Paeon of Crystal Laka called on relatives here Friday afternoon. Mrs. Alan Aincer and children of Hebron apent Wednaaday afternoon with her paranta, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mh. Ralph Simpson and son, 'Dennis, and Mrs. Lill Conway of Crystal Lake were callers in the Mrs. Cora Xelley home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Jennie Bacon is spending a coaple of weeka in the home of aer aon, George, at Antioch. Clayton Brace of Belridere spent the weekend here with his family. Howard Shepard has accepted a position with the Chicago and Southern Air Lines, Inc., at Memphis, T«nn. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kins and two sons of Chicago apent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mra. E. fi. Whiting. Mr. and Mra. Harry Ritter and sons of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brace and family spent Sunday at Brookfteld Zoo. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wice of Chicago spent Sunday with her parenta, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Oliver Lawrence. Dr. and Mra. George Haberlein of Chicago spent the weekend with hi* rents, Mr. and Mrs. George HaberiniMin iMUMMMliiiininmn (By W Marticke) last like te start' off with a little warainc dii acted at and for the hanstt ef jNsa aaudl fry. ThereVe been quite a Mr cases lately, where people islsssilag out in the middle of labss have hsan struck by speedboats. Ifew, yea know, and I know, that •assdhiafs didnt acquire the name lacaass thQr're slow -- and when /aa kids swim out in the middle af ths laka an a Saturday or Sondaar whan fcaata are bussing all around, iwrtB Just inviting a nice hard eoak aa tea head. Right? LILYMOOR (By FrandS Btward) Commodare of the Pistakee Yacht Club for tha Jgu of '46 is David Hall, owner af til. • > Walter Low and Sunday in the Beatty- Tha Pliartj! Assodatton of Lily- •or ia having their eflsars installation party Saturday eveaing, Jane St. for members and friaais, by reservation only. - On Satavdav evening, Jfuhr ®, the Aaaodation will have its mw season This will bo a gala affair and all from far and near are wel- _ to come and join tha fun. Music b to be furniahed by the Turner orchestra. Mrs. Edith Blake will be hostess at the P. T. A. Social Friday evening. Cards and bunco will be played. This will take place at the school house at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Whiter EinSpar celebrated their thirty-first wedding anniversary Saturday, June 21. Their yrc^be announced nsxt week as ths Jjj^are still not coa^ete at Oh ontslanding candidate pteff te the P. T. A. meattog,^Sbsd 2ST £ A** J?** 2?ttltnr bome, the houae w*a still opm^ul Omnte OUmSl Ur springeS^ j J tk. -- Psi A, mnx Estate af Notice is sons that L is the daiss Grace M. CMvar, ths Conner X Fttuda Collards, mustard and turnip Creens can help (he family build m a sopply <tf vitamin A. ersarv saturdav, >.»H . Sally, canine member of the Harry |RO"' Willard, »nd his family and 1J|/ HteisdMl^fiBsr, met up with m "^.^Mrs. Cook, Chicagoana, were out vicioua littlaislscat last week. After to helP c*leb'ratethe first SMaanter, Sally dashed ' Two birthdays wera celebrated home, there te receive aid in the1H"* week, that of Bob Einspar and form af an adoiH^urifying bath. ~ pare lein. Mr. and Mrs. family spent Low home. Howard Shepard apent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Tyrrell and aon, Wayne, of Crystal Lake and Sgt. and Mrs. Earl Langbein of Palm Beach, Fla., apent Sunday with Frank Fay. Miss Agnes Ritsert of Huntley apent Sunday in the Oliver Lawrence home. Mrs. C. G. Huson of Elfin is visiting Mrs. Rose Jepson. Lynn Hanford of Long Lake Spent Saturday evening in the S. W. Smith home. . Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley returned home Thursday evening from a three weeka' trip through northern Wiaconain and Minnesota. Amy and Barbara Lawrence of Elgin apent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mra. Oliver Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk of Volo and Mr. and Mra. Ben Wdlkington were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. BOM Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Smith and son, Dick, of Chicago apent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and the evening in the & W, Smith home. The. punila of the Methodist Sanday school are sponsoring a pot-lock party at Mussjrs hall next Sunday ting. All are invited. n, daughter of of Pistakee Bay, angaged to James it dentist. Elaine, W OB vacation here in a few weeks, ia a atudent nurse at the Presbyterian hoapital. Thrte boats entered the first Yacht Club race off the season last Saturday. Tha winning boaf was Charley Peterson's Y7, sailed by Pete and Dick Ladwi*. Dave Hall's Y21, •ailed by .Daye and Sid Peterson, Sr., and Sid fete rson, Jr., came in aecond. Third alace was taken by "Boots" Jensens Y17, sailed by "Boots" and Dick Fuhrman. Sounda- pretty good to say that Y17 took third place, doesn t it-- well, don't target--there were only three boats ia the race! Since the list of Sunday's race is a little longer, I think it'd be eaaier to read and understand if put in chart form--hare are the boats in their winning order. 1st--Y22--Bui Stark, Jack DeRochc, Bill Jensen. 2nd--Y21--Dave .Hall. Srd--Y4--Ed Rollberjj. 4th--Y7 -- "Charley" Peterson, Dick Ludwiir, Pat Nixon. 5th--Y17 -- "Roots" Jensen, Dick Fuhrman. SHI USIP TO WIICH 110 LBS. Frank Weiler. The Thursday Ladies Club of Lilymoor will be enteVtained by Mrs. i Charles Rogers. Mrs. John Milinac' was hostess for last week. j G. M. 3-C., George Roeske is now honorably discharged from, the navyj His homecoming was belated due toi rail and coal strikes cauaing transportation dilfkultiee. Boy Scout troop 162, headed by] Scoutmaster Fred Svoboda, ia now starting a memberahip drive. At the meeting Monday evening, plans were made and diacuased. The meeting was attended by the Scout Council, who treated the. boys to refreshments. Their method of procedure FOR BETTCR LAUNDRY ind i • ."h; GERALD J. CARET. •• (Pub. June 4) Read tha Want Ads •» 'y S*, - One Triaj Jwill Conyinoe 1 Bervice, Mondays and Thursdays i Woodstock 655 St" JEN-A^EE LAUNDRY We Pay (Mb wMi I|» Ita.--«law adsthaoka totka ATDS Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family are spending a few days at Ore ran, Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward and family returned to their home at Waamnfcton, D. C., 8unday after a visit with her parenta, Mr. and Mm' Hawiey. Miiias Marjorie Whiting of Ciys< tal Lake and Nocma Whiting ql Grayalake spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Mr. and Mn. George Shepard took thair son, Howard to tha Municipal Airport in Chisago Monday morning. Mra. John Blackman apent Friday and Satarday with her sister at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore were callers in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home Thursday even> ing. Aadzey and Darieae Andreai Mary Ana Wiedrich and Peggy am Batchie laanard apent Friday with Janet Johnaon near Richmond and halpsd her celebrate her birthday anahreraary. Mrs. John Blackman attended ikhnvtM, lO IndM in N^Mpa Mid 8 indw tn Iwr twt. TWWPRACE IM| W NAJTMOT te (haaame M Mn. HawUas bat bfyimaMwMA VDS VkaeainC ~ Ilnunonr is •Mr-induifcaoe. JoM I tte attneuv* and CMII agMM you MIT te iU> to VMr. tUakMthc n*md adl-oa*. tfisssand the arid* tat aataMMr. s^fpwrfut^uw. , SWin wWVWwlBR th« AYDa PUa •ucc-- . «• <aaW--ilal a*c Mn MN te «SS null last lltelfBM'aia • a few wedki & A YDS Warway » HOMNramaa^ hamhp. . ddicioiw AYOS Vttaaria Cmmiy ; to direcuaai aaS you doa't cat oat t •tarchn. pMtMab mmta or battar --you ji«t cut them domm. it mat dtUfhtad in reauits. Money Back wttk «wt Snt boa. N ai* auppi* oi AYDS, SUB. (aa or al BOLOER'S DEW STORE McHsary (jawtU&t The Friendly Stora END OF MONli Entire Stock of i LADIES' DRESSES $2.98 and up 10% Discount 4lzes^lt-10 bridal shower Iter Helen Stuart at the hoaM off Mrs. Wm. Stuart Sun day. Miaa Stuart will ha the bride ot Daniel Ducey af Richavxid, July 6th. Mrs. Mae Harriaon apent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Gtfn Treon. at Crystal Lake. Miaa Alice Peet off E^to apent the weekend with her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. John Shadle and Miss Marguerite. Bennett af Richmond, Va., were mar*; tad at I o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Gnaw Evangelical Lutheran ip Woodstock by the Rev, C. Kaafknan. They were at by Miaa Eltnaor Pries and tha groom's father, who took the place of hia son, PauL who was un< able to be prsssnt. They left for short trip through Wisconsin an then will leave for California to visit his relatives. They will make their home with his parents until fall, when he will enroll in college at Champaign. * Mra. Viola Low and Mra. Charles Peet were visitors at Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. George Shepard and son, Howard, were Elfin visiters Friday afternoon. Mrs. John Blackman apent Monday in the home of her son at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family are enjoying a .vacation at Lake Chetek, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. George Haberlein. Mra. Wattlee and son, Glenn, of McHenry spent Sunday in the L. Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons, Charles and Joe, and Frank Muss y were viaitors at Brookfteld Zoo, Friday. Misses Amy Harrison and Ruth, Tuttle of Madison spent a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harriaon. Mr. and Mra. Harold Stanek visited friends at Hillsboro, Wis., Sun- v.'-,..*: '• " . V , I'V- - . . ; .•••? ' ' ? > 'was saddened by. we ve ami every ooe of you with due new Packardi yoa've ordarad, and have been waiting for sa pataesdy. Last fall, the outlook was food. Padcard was pnaidsift it would dmmkh its pre-war output ia 1946. (The factory is equipped to turn out lar asaas thaa thac) l--fc what fcos fcoppenetlf HM caase material shortages. Para shortages. For waioat complecely beyond its own control, Packard was able to keep its assembly liaa saoviag omlf aim dtft ia the first quarter of this year. In the meantime... Our friends have kept calling us up aad asking, "Hey! Where's diet new Packard I ordered weeks ago?" Many of these are old friends--* Packard owners since 'way back. But to saake Ills mora ktdf sessss to want one of thaw grand Packards. Over 65% of the patRic flint to frag) aew Padcards are aow driving some other mike,' Honest, it's gotten so we hate to answer tha or look our friends in the face. Rut... Your pofiefne will pay off! Ope of these days, the shortage of parts aad ssaterials is bound to sase up. And when it does, those twin ewamhly Unas at Packard will really roll. Anytvmy, yom CMS on this: As fast as dm factory ships cars to us, wall do everything wa can to deliver fonts st tha sarliest possible moment. So, we hope you'll be patient a little loAgec. We're doing die best wa can, and so are tha folks at the factory! V . %- ASK IW MAN WHO OWNS ONI RIVERSIDE MOTOR SALES J04 E. PEARL STOEET ---- " McHENRY, ILLINOIS M mm m , •« ..•••• .i, «i •

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