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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jun 1946, p. 6

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V « ? . / . HELP WANTBD--Saks hetp, either for fall or port tiflM work. Gambles Stott, Maia 8L, W NeBniy. 8-tf Trigta's Place, Bt. 1, West McHsnry. FOR SALE--We Mil fireworks it Trigin's Pteco, McCullom Lake. *6 fOR SALE--10-ft COM power grain . . . -- " -- 1 -- 5 8 - e a n TW. 8 binder; 28 x 46 CAM thresher 5 Wilson Cero-Flow milk cool Onjthke 2881. LOTS FOR SALE--Twelve lots, 50 by 880 feet. bMpin aft 715 Coaler street. Phone McHenry 278-J. 8-tt HELP WANTBD -- Spray painter; ,(ood wngee: 4MM«I a week plus overtime. Holmes Products Co., 218 Hi- Madison St, Woodstock. Tel. 188. 6-3 HELP RANTED -- School girl or woman to do ironing. Tel. McHenrr 8T-B. 6 KBLLEY SANITARY Clean septk tanks, grease trape, cistern and ceee pools. Aone Wn> kegan Ontario 8065, between 6:80 a.m. and 12 p.m. *M FOR SALE--Two-wheel trailer; 18- inch sulky plow; one-row horse cultivator. Clarence J. Stilling. Tel. McHenry 614-W-2. *6 -VHELP WANTBD -- Boy, over 16 ofcL Local Cleaners, McHenry. 4-tf ABC CHIMNBT SERVICE--Tocknointing, rebuilding aad. repairing. Address BlockNo. 12, Lily Laice, east of McHenry. *6 HELP WANTBD -- Girl or young FOR SALE--Sterling dump truck, JES" 1926 model. Tel. McHenry 637-R-2., «on' Bo1**™ Dru* Stor«' McHenry. *6 - i"tf LAKE COUNTY SANITARY CO. Septic tanks pumped and ins tailed. Servicing--Construction--Repaint Phone Libertyville 1846. 50-tf WHITEWASHING -- Frank Henkel. Volo. Tel. McHenry 881-M-l. 4tf 5/8 h.p. Tel. McHenry 6633?73-RR -22 .° d*lQi I WANTED--Women and girls to sew !pnttoT, and Learn FOR SALE Pen Yen Failing simplified[sewing taught. b y the as- KKhghy, complete, $150. Tel. McHen- semMy line system. Women and R7K.R.1 6, always be in demand m ! --.-- -- | this industry. We have girls who FOR SALE -- Young lamb, 4 mos; earn an average of 90 cents and over old. Mrs. Ray Grooms. Route 2, per hour. Work 40 hours per week. McHenry. Lilymoor. »6 Apply at our office or telephone Mc- -- --- | Henry 39. Riverside Mfg. Co., 200 FOR SALE -- One pair double ve- Riverside Drive. 3-4 lOur drapes; set andirons. Csill Mc-I Henry 267. -- {WANTED -- Carpenters, union, ex- FOR SALE -- Kohler electric gen- j perienced, to work between McHenry orating plant, used only a few hours. I and Woodstock. Double time for Phone McHenry 254 or 231-W. 6 j Saturdays. Tel. Maxon Construction company, Barringtn 860. 5-tf. FOR SALE -- New electric boat motor and battery; also new 6.50x16 HELP WANTED--Laborers aad car- 8-ply_ truck tire. Phone McHenry penters for construction work; to *61 learn a trade. Fredrickson, Wonder jLake. Tel. Wonder Lake 221. 48-tf HAVE YOU HEARD about the new reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rates ? They will surprise you. Ask us for insurance rates. Th« Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. 2?-tt KBNTILB FLOOR TILING • Floor- Sanding ft ' ReAniahinjr old floors Duraseal Lifetime floor finish GONDEK BROS. Formerly H e n n i n g Newman, 826 Washburn St., Woodstock, 111. TeL: Woodstock 181. 1-tf , hsM . pariah Cartb _ mn. A1 " r" in. five John* Jung aai A lovely • cards. 1m the next mooting are Meyer, Mrs. Arthur rs. Jake Freund, Mary Mrs. Joseph Koutny and May. and Diane May, children , ^ and Mrs. George W. May, andsgiiH tonsillectomies at St. UliWW heepital in Waukegan on Thursday. The Pinochle Club met at tilt heaie of Mrs. A! Sehmeltser night. Lovely prises wars tn. Harry Myers and Mrs. Freund. Mrs. Math Nimsfern received consolation prise. RenresKmsata were served. Math Nhufsra was* Mr. aad Mrs. Jos Pittgee, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dsgin and fiaily, Koabsha. Vernoa J. Knox, Nowaor^ Bstiite of Deceased. DA' HEIMEB, Notice ishereby given ^ all ^gersons that Mioaday, Children of Mr. .and Mrs. Fred If **• J" •« Frederick, Peter and Roger, Hslmer, De< their tonsils removed at St. Therase hospital, Waukegan, on Satwdai. Mrs. Helen Fredericksen, daughter, > of Chicago, spent the weekend} estate of >«»>" and 'Roger, J3S±5 kid ttatr tonsils removed at St. Illinois, aal tlwt dalms be filed agiinst the said estate on or before said data without issuance of summons. u J - v i> i or l. „ roNA J. HEIMEB, Executrix, witii Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weber. Mr (Published Juno 20-27. July 4) and Mrs. Gus Gustafson and son of . Chicago Wore Sunday visitors. I lawertod Feet „35ur^f'r evenin5 *ue8ts in „the | Brforo the- war, even with inten- Ch£taNteT.idmMr."nd Mn! Paul Thoma and ftimily of Chicago. < £2i h*r,, Pat Kagan, small son D^r. andj.*00®' • . 'va i . • l*"r *v 605-W-2. FOR SALE -- lOscellanoous house-1 hold furnishings, including double HELP WANTED--Couple extra men. b«l complete, with matching chest Hunter Boat Co., McHenry. 89-tf of drawers; also bassinet and bath' table. Can be seen Saturday or by HELP WANTBD -- Light fsctory appointment Phone McHenry 81. 6 WOIfc, steely employment, age 25 FOR SALE -- S-piece bedroom set. to 56or «wni5« 5 to 10 Hacd s Place, TLi-lyil TLlaSkre . TTerllrerp.hhnonner 1 Pm- T°P WM'S. *°r conscientious (worker^ Cellulose Industries, Rich- < f l W W 1- | mond, 111. Tel. Richmond 885. FOR SALE -- Universal gas range with oven regulator; also Detroit Jewel gas range with regulator; Knight radio; also Majestic radio 82-tf WANtED TO BUY WELL WORK -- Order your dilvou well now. Wo sell, repair and install all pumps, including electric. BHl Bacon, 206 Main street, West Mc- Henry. Tel. 98-J. 89-tf GARBAGE COUIFCTING -- Lot « dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year roand route, formerly George Meyers'. Ren J. Smith. Phone 865. tf SEPTIC TANKS and Cass Pools cleaned. Fred Wells, 128 Ellsworth Phono 54S-M. 40-tf St., Crystal Lake. rouiro FOUND -- Rowboat. Norbert Rich. tires, subdivision. Used lawn Henry, 111. with record playing attachment; j WANTED TO BUY OR, RENT-- 4 • Sunnyside Estates. Route 1, Mc RCA Victrola, chest of drawers and;or 5 room house or cottage in town dressers; about 30 ft. stair carpet i McHenry. Address Box "C" Care and pads; miscellaneous chairs, lam ps °f Plaindealer. *5-2 and end tables; 6.00x16 and 6.50x16 w.MTIjn _1T. used tires. Tesnow at Oakhurst WANTU) TO BU LOST . . , LOST OR STRAYED--Since June 10, Phone 605--W-2 *g ;mowers. Sharpminmand repairing.ifrom Volo, small black Scotty, male. W -i£obt- J- Thurlwell, ll^ Main St., Mc-| Answers to "Mickey." Child's pet. 51-tf| Anyone seeing dog, please call Mc- Four or ~ I Henry 667-R-l. 6 FOR SALE--Located on Coon Island, | Henry Pistakee Bay, 3 7-room cottages, ljwAvnm DITV 10-room cottage with basement 44x j _ _ 52 and 1 3-room cottage. Bottled gas Iroom suinrn®r h°™e, near McHenry, stoves, electric, 528 ft. fronting on!ne"r Addre*a Box boy. For further information call! care Plaindealer. HOHN 'ii. Gleaning Pi Satisfaction OuaranteiE 26-tf Pistekee 641-W-l. ^' DEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars is FOR SALE--Fireworks. One block the we W for dead horses and east of river bridge. Marjorie ™ condition. Wheeling Thomas. 5-2! ^endpnng Co. Phone Wheeling No. 8. Reverse the charges. No help FOR SALE--Two coal burning hot water heaters. Henry Weber, 213 Riverside Drive, McHenry, Tek 91-W. needed to 'load. 14-tf ... EXPERIENCED 4-if j LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY ^ ^ , _ AND REMOVAL FOR SALE--Outboard motor boat,: FREE ESTIMATES 15H-feet, cypress " Resort JOHNSBURG Mr. (By Chit and Chat) and Mrs. Earl Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gaylord and son, Donnie, of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kennebeck and sons were dinner | guests in the Ben Kennebeck home Sunday. Mrs. Joe E. Freund, daughter, In£3e W* P* Catherine, and Mrs. Antton, Freund Bay; or D. Pnvogel, 6248 N West McHenry, I1L 4#-tf; were Waukegan shoppers Wednes- Ave., Chicago. Phone 6454. Bell Briargate WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR- j ^aj&_ mnA Wr, Fr.nk Rll_„ .n<1 4-tf ING -- All work fully guaranteed. , Mr. and Mre. Frank Burner ana "Torrhv" Knm» daughter, Catherine Ann, Mrs. John FOB SALE--Fairbanks-Morse ejec- Henry. TeL 879. 47-tf ®u^ner> Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mich- ' • - ' .* " els were dinner jpiests in the John M. Pitzen home Friday evening. tsr water and sump jpumps, for im-1 aMdiatf delivery. Engstrom Sales j WANTED Arlyn, five-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Turner, is seriousl; aad Service. Tel. McHenry 696-W-l. = : -- iSrif7£^5°0ii McH^S? WmSClm'1,1 Municipal Contagious hospfc. «• Waukegan St., McHenry. Phone FUmdealer. 6 Mn Helen Hettermann, Mrs. Ed. MCHEYY 147-J. ^ 52-14 - --- POB SALE--Year- rouiid eomfort and oeoaomy with fire-proof Johns-Manvffle Rock Wool Home Insulation "Bkwaia" walla and emlinga. Call 1*0 J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 86tf. FOE EMIT FOR RENT--Resort rooms, bedroom and living room. Modern conven- HOUSEWORK WANTED--Girl, college student, employed from 8 a.m. to 4:80 p.m. Monday through Friday, wants housework evenings or weekends in return for room and board. Call Mrs. Noren. Ringwood Chemical Corporation, phone Richmond 5, Ringwood, 111. 6 WANTED -- Oats. McHenry Flour Mills. 4-8 REAL ESTATE WANTED -- Want small house in or near McHenry fences. Sunset View Subdivision. Tel. | Prefer largo lot or small acreage, but KcHenry 669-W-l WASTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT -- Veteran and this is not essential. Give description and price. Write E. H. McGowan, 7921 Vernon Ave., Chicago, I1L *4-4 WANTED -- We have cash buyers bride wish to rent small unfurnished for sumiaer homos, city property snd house or apartment. No children or JX* •a6rt s. Write Box 87, care Plaindealer. {1*, *M£c,£H2em*1v or 2006 SShSeSffSiefUf* !A*v*e*^ Chicago, nione Uncoln 1888-1M4 tf. WANTBD TO RWT-~Office space; three rooms for professional practice. Addrqu Box F, in care of Plaindealer. ... 6-4 WANTED TO RENT fluisTl house for rear 'round living. F. B. RandalL UM Nelson St, Chieago, m. 1-tf WANTB> TO RENT --Middle-aged professional couple would like large stooping room, furnished or unfurn- WANTED •OMBS AND FARMS In and around MeHonry sad lake ceuntiee. Wo will on an oxdashra Hettermann and Mrs. John Herdrteh were Oak Park callers Monday.' Dale Stiegman of Madison, Wis., is spending several week's vacation in the Ernest Malsch home. Mrs. John Bugner from Alvada, Ohio, spent a week in the home of her datwhter, Mrs. Arnold Mkhels. Mrs. Tod Suennan of Hudson, Wis., spent several days in the John Smith home. Mrs. Earl Turner spent several days in Chieago in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jerack. Mr. and Mrs. John Heidrich and sons, Dickie and Donnie, of McHenry and Coxswain Jim Hettermann of Arlington were dinner guests of Mrs. Helen Hettermann, Sunday. Oscar Hollenbach and Bob Frett attended the ante races in Milwaukee on Sunday. A recent visitor in the Ernest Malseh home was Mrs. Clare Bleather of Long Beach, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bugner, daughter, Catherine Ami, of Foetoria, Ohio spent a week in the Joe J. Freund home. Beginning of the second seriM was a big hit for the Johns burg team, imam KIT HOSIERY DTE BunamiiT SUF mnlNSBb * M THS MO BO| P. Bolgef "The McHcnry Druggist" NE8, Agent, ffines Realtv A Coa* -- struction Co. TeL IfcHenry «t«.M-2 beating their age^ld opponwt, Rlchor 667-R-2. t< ff mond, by a score of 4 to 2. Here's mSOELLAHEOUg Mwd, with cooking privileges, cite or; FLOOR SANDING--Refinishing, ear- ^SSu.1^ flsrm. Write Box Z, care of Plain- nishing and waxing; new " and ^ Owltaf BOBM| hoping the second series runs the same as the first. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Guyser of Chio spent Sunday in the William dealer. •5-2 Trade la a recant bulletin, Pennsylvania Jteced a value of $840,000,000 a year #i its tourist business. - PICK-UP AND DELIVERY VOGUE CLEANERS sssf*- c*" 4? Sf^pariSB , Brit* of Spring Grove were Kenosha LIVESTOCK TRUCKING -- Frank callers Friday. Rayeraft, West McHenry. Phone Mc-> Mr. and Mrs. George Frett and Henry 149-J. 4l-tf family of Woodstock ware callers in' the Joe Frett home, Sunday. I Guests in the William Ricks home1 Sunday were James BurktU, Roy Schaefer, Fenton Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linn and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boiler, all of Chicago. Miss Josephine Carver spent Monday in Chicago, visitinr Miss Lila Groves. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hettermann and James Hettermann attended the wedding of Bonnie Page and Elmer Meyers at McHenry, Wednesday. REFRIGERATOR WE HAVE THEM SIS Elm 8L VhMMtttW nm Msgr. c. into it, rsii iih's tssLnsr-W!t* ofigrtiss" tribitad mt§M, TM aad before aad daring the 746 Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to SHW p. a. aad 7KK> to 8:09 p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- 4:00 to 540 p.m. and 7.-00 to 840 Rev. Win. A. O'Rourke, Pastor. 8L Joha's Catholic Charch, Sunday: 7K)0, 9:00" and 1140 Holy Days; 7:00 and 9:00 Weekdays: 645 and 840 Pint Friday: 6:85 and-840 Confessions: Saturdays: 7:25 and 8:00 Thursday before First Friday-- 2:80 and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. ° 8L Peter's Cafhetr Chareh, 8priag Grave Masses: Svndays: 8:00 and 1040. First Friday: 8:0^ w Confessions: ^ Saturdays: 240 and 7:18. Thursday before First Fridays 240 and 7:15. Rav. John L. Daloiden, Pastor. Zkm Evaagelical Latheraa Church (The Chur» of the Lutheran Hour) J<An St Mock east of Hwy. 81 West McHenry, 111. Frederick C. Pudsell, pastor, McHenry, m. Services, Sundays--10 ajn. Sunday Sch(Ml and Bible Study Study Group--9 a.m. A cordial welcome is extended to all visitors and vacationists to worship with us. Sunday school children will receive attendance cards for their home-church records. "In thf Cross of Christ we glory And find joy and peace divine." Coauaaaity Churdl Church School: 10:00 a.itt. . Wbwhip Service: 11:00 S.m. " Methodist Youth Fellowship, .7:45 p.m. Rev. Wayne Price, Pastor. Ringwood ChorclK, Ringwood, I1L Sunday--Public worship, ftW. ' Church School: 1040. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Crlsty, director. Subscribe for The Plaindealer WHY PAY MORE7 m i..:* m THOMA8 BOLGER, DRUGS I I I M M I I H I I I I M I i m i l H SAT AT BILL'S DINER ' on U. 8. 12 H (Thaimtl Bridgt TOT LAKE tO Wm. M, Boott, Prop. v(Forni«rly W«st WOrny) I T I I I N N I H I M U M I I nm SIGN PAINTING Any Kind -- Aaywhere -- Aay TlsM Wiadew Lslisrlag--Track . BARL LAWRBNCB 122 Mala St. Phsaa Cryetel Lake It SNOW WHITE LAUNDRY McHENRY CLEANERS McHenry Cleaners and Ijanmdry Services 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry 104'M DON HOWARD SPRING GROVE (by Mrs. Charles Freund) Herbert Wagner is spending the summer with relatives in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and their guests from Iowa, and Mrs. Charles Freund, spent a most enjoyable evenin~ at the Aragon ballroom in Chicago on Tuesday night. Mrs. Bob Lent entertained a group of ladies at her home on Thursday afternoon. Several games were played and a demonstration was held. Prise winners were Mrs. Weber and Mrs. Math Nimagern. Lunch was served by the hoetess. The Christian Mothers and Blessed s: MILL INN :: (Tarmorly Barnard's Mitt) , Vortii Bad tf Wondtr Lakt STEAKS, BOASTS, OXUUKEH, LOBSTEB TAIL Complete dinners served from 6 to 9 pJR. daily. Saturday: 6 to 11 p.m. 8nnday 1 to 7 p.m. Fish l*ry every Friday. ^ I Q , [Ill III UQT70B - • •• o We cater to parties 0' --! * ^DEAO" gTIOMtt, Owner Phone Bjohmoad 312 OfSUBAMCV BARL R. WALSH Fire, Aato^ Farm aad Ufa Greea * FAMIBB ef mn 48 or I18-M For REFRIGERATIOB 8BRYKB CaB , '4' WONDER LAKE III ROTHBRMEL BLBCTRIC SHOP IBiitrhal Csatractora Lot as estfssato that aext job ef jems. LBO G. ROTBBBMWfc Profi. Pheow McHeary 2T2-M 804 Riverside Drhe Telepheae No. 800 8TOFFEL * REIHANSPERGER Iasaraaca agoata fpr aR telssses ef property la the heat eem Weat McHenry, UWaefa JACOB FBFR it* 8t, C7S-R-8 $ "5.^ FRANK BL WEILER PAINTING AND MOOBiliro Phone McHeary S80-W-2 - Paiatlag, Paperhaagiag, Sprayfag? -- Cheerfally Faralshod ' # WALTER P. BROOKH WaBpaper aad Paiat at 118 feel. 181-R St, McMesvy KAYMOND J. < Attorney at Law HUNTLBY, ILLINOIS CRYSTAL LAKB LAUNDRY Aim CLBANRBS 1 AH asrvkse Lsdts, Agsat; 82 117 Gcaat St Q-T TRUCKING CO. -- Gravel -- CMsil Black Dirt -- Lfaseatoae Tracks For fcriia. • r- Pheae Ishaobarg 077-W4I - ' McHeary, HL Phone McHeary 88-W N. FREUND TRUCKING lilvsaiifiirLiam '-- Oa«L 108 Waakegaa Read ' West McHeary, DL AL*S WELDING AltD REPAIR SERYICE 881 Mala Blactik Portable We Aootyleaa Weldlag aad Cattlai ALEX W. WmFS, Oasrater Phoao 815-W-l or 484 MUBNBT, ILL. McHeary 887-R-2 Bxcavatiag -- NBITS SAND * GBAYEL kl. Bate* en Baad Gravel J. E. NBTT P. O---Mc! --WANTS TO BUY-- Wo pay 88 to 828 tor Old B* ^ MAirS^MfiSSTVSftB* . MeBBNRY GABAGB 80S hat St. (Bsato 8t| MICK P. WLLBR 188-R A. P. FRBUND CO. OWN AD BUILDING-- N. 884-M TeL Hilary 248^1 BABOLD B. Old Will Papir mS 188 M. GBBBN ST. DR. R. TsL Wonder Lake 418 B8L B. B. WATKINB 'ML B. s. nn Yeterlaariaa Waakegaa St. HeHENRt; JUL A. WORWICK PBOTOGRAPHBR Portraftara Coauaercial Photography 275 -- Riverside Mil MeBBNRY, ILL. McHENRY FLORAL C| Ipa MBe Senth ef MiilfMjj 81 tsr a wt~ 'U" C.- - / , .-.IS*... - F*1'.. .'J*' >.. J* . JI. . 3£!<. R-,«'IT-X.. . '**.. •- S'V K . .C"H

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