J. (By Francis- Edward) annual mid-summer dance of the Lilymoor Property Owners will be held at the Lilymoor Covntry, ctiairaane' r- Club, Saturday evening, July eth at | Installation wrtndMli were ceadactfor a grand tin*. Refreehmenta and! kind, fan gralore. Don't miss this important affair. The Lilymoor Property Owners Association installation and party held a last Saturday under the of Hn. Kay Jffthaft LAUNDRY * s r : : • > * ' • » « • and DRY CLEANING WORK One Trial Will Convince ' and Zhnrtdays: . • ",V ' 0*11 Woodstock 655 ; t -OLAUNDRY dlmetlMi of Frank E. Keller. The organisation is now entering its fifth progressive year. The newly instelled officers are Victor his second year as r efforts president, now ear c" * untiring as :i J vmprntm organisawho was her past diffcwnk litor and We Pay Calk s. %r; i-4" * ; WIim whefag your own ahoos, TU parent, th*« child, and oar whan choosing Aon for tho dfco fittar al can sea nmujtoM cmi --m •m H «H 1 a»# > i M TW vmnni wt machine to bo nro of a perfect Ht. There's no qnm wort You •ee MSIDEfho shoo and select the CORRECT pfc, "GLADSTONE'S 4 901-203 8. Green St, McHenry oudy oaocHy how accurately the shoos fit the loot. That smal IrocHon of an inch difference may mean the difference bo- Twm) cuvniurv wq n9tnn or sincere and leader of this hiil many frie miters. Al was installed by proxy, due to illness, making it impossible for ktan to attend. Others installed were Mrs. Florence Svoboda, .secretary, who always was a very capable worker and helper in the tion, Mrs. "Jo* Bartelt unanimously elected for, record, of efficiency. Three Charles Rogers, John Molitor Larry Bartelt completed the Hat of well chosen officers. The installation proceeded with a ritual reading of the president's duties by Mr. Keller, first past-president. After this procedure, Mr. Bassi was. sworn in as president.. A short but very impressive address was then rendered by him. Following this, >11 remaining officers were installed as a group After the installation ceremony wai completed the president caJled upon his committee-chairman for a few words in behalf of the organization. V. Bassi was very complimentary to his officers and committees for their past and present services and cooperation. There are now sixty-five members in the organization and a large amount of this membership is due to the membership chairman, Mrs. Charles Rogers. Mrs. Rose Keller, was thanked for her aid in sending cards and flowers to all members that were ill in the past. Mrs. Guy Surtees now has very graciously assumed this responsibility, for the coming year. Fred Svoboda, who served as road commissioner last year, resumes his position for another year. He has done a very good jt>b in his capacity by improving the roads in Lilymoor. The Ways and Means committee chairmanship has been given to Mrs. E. Weiler. . After the official Ceremony, a buffet dinner was served to members and guests. In the way of entertainment, a rendition of accordian numbers was given by the talented son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers. A quartet was formed, with the accompaniment by Mr. Stolle and his beautiful guitar. Rhythm at its best was portrayed in a medley of popular piano numbers by Roseanne Fischer, sister of Fred Svoboda. A special consideration of thanks from all is most certainly due to Mrs. Kay Mahar, her committee and assistants, including Mrs. Lee Bassi, Mrs. "Jo" Bartelt, Jane Mann and Mrs. George 9unde for their time spent at the door as ticket takers. The buffet dinner was indeed a culinary success. Much credit is due to Mrs. Tom Legge for her beautiful and artistic arrangement of the floral decorations and settings. The flowers came from the dens of Lilymoor (Garden spot of Ameiica). For the fine co-operation of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wyjas and and the use of their lovely Lilymoor, another well thanks. (P.S. I hope I have duly all those who have so ably ..Th* tOgllW J--nthly the PiefWty Owners will Sunday, Jely 7, at the school at 8 p.m. Ar^Snd Mw. lt. W. Krinn Ptte&'0*rea hangar wedded man al a ihrtarparty liSt week. The immediate family wore guests* Mrs. Rose Keller is a June birthday girt. Maify~ -happy return* of tha day. .Two more .Apaiilies have added their names to the permanent residers at Ulraoer. They are MA Md MI*. OiKfE. Johnson, purchaaan of tMjfpiier Meehan home, anf Mr. «if Hi*. William O'Brien. John W«m«r ia now convalescing! after his recent Illness of1 the past three weeks. • ftotnrdnyt l«t--YJl--Ifcw tt«n 2nd--Y4--Ed RolO^r, Hall, Sid Eatenon, fpd_Y7 ---Pwte" Lodwig. 4th--Y4--Ed. Kollberg, Stan A Jumpy Fourth to . A wedding' jMd reception waa atby Robert Einspar and his family. The marriage of his cousin, Martian Birlrmaaa, to Herman Gre- Zurich, was a beautiful and impressive affair. The bride, in a white net dress and a twpe yard train, was attended b; three bridesmaids. Reception tool 'lace at the chinch hall in Lake Zurich. Bride and groom were the happy recipient* of many gifts. < M n#»i i . i t t t o 1 1 i i i t I Mitt Ufe Om the Bay ••milium n i i i h i i n >• (By "Cam" Marticke) ~ Don't be alarmed if you hear a lot of clink* and rattles while traveling on Regner road. The road was tarred and--no, not feathered-- tost oiled, last week, and the gravel hitting car* going over tfeo road makes a terrific noise. LOST -- Playful, brindle, English Boxer. Male. Answers to name of Denny. See ad for further information. By the way-- whatever happened to the baseball team some of you fellows started so eagerly? Did the excessive exercise of th first game leave you too sere 'and fatigued to play again? The Earle Gordons are rleaving the Bay today and will live in Dej- Moines, Iowa. We'll miss you-- but we wish you happiness in your new home, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. P '< S$>J The Grand Opening of the Pistakee Yacht Club was held last Saturday. A special race will be held Thursday, Fourth of July, for the Henry L. Hertz--Challenge Trophy. Last Monday, when I asked Alice ISO ACBB8--130 cultivated, 30 pasture, excellent level land: too crops; barn, milk house, onm cribs, machine ihedand v^ou* other ont JrailiUngB. Honse, 8 rooms, furnace; insulated, fuU basement. A ileal at 9&10 per acre; * it 133 ACSSS in the beanttfnl For Shisr Valley; 15 ol WooHand balance under cnHivaHon; two ^kMB» baurn, etc. House, 9 rooms, soft wa*er> f w. Sale price of 1300 par acre includes 8 lots adja» cent to river with permanwrt access to the water. Buyer hae option to purchase 160, ft. river frontage with 5-room house at a very reason^ aUe figure. An ideal and attractive location for a country estate. 139 ACRES--100 cultivated, 39 pasture wooded. Barn, machine shed, S car garage, etc. House, 10 rooms, ultra mo4ernL 5 bedrooms; hot aijd cold water. Seasonable at $225 per acre. 280 ACRES--140 cultivated, 120 pasture, 20 water. This farm if an excellent spot for a ' tremely plentiful "TO LIST WITH US IS TO SELL THROUGH US'* A - A McHenry Realty Co. Between Lily Lake and McHenry--On Route 120 Telephone McHenry 690-M-2 "T ' EARNINGS T-ror: :• ' WHILE YOU elravnerwve wwinmy INSURED UP TO S94W rJ- J ^Current Rate). Dividend Checks _ Mailed Twice Yearlyl And thats more than a phrase--IT'S A FACT! All our investors are insured as to principal qp to $6^00 ia the Federal Savings and Loaj£ Insurance Corporation. Investments may be made for any amount or on a monthly investment plan. That's up to you. And, remember, investments made before the tenth of the month draw dividends from the first of the month. but you can plan NOW to eliminate unsightly extension cords, dimming lights, "lazy" appliances by installing adequate wiring more plentiful. * - * ,-«r^ 1* Amfh Qrttts to supply electricity for your future needs ...enough for all those new electric home appliances you're planning tcrhaVe. Tt »•;rWW# & %^ r,.;.. ^ 1 • w . - Monthly Loans II you need money to refinance or purchase a home or to make necessary repairs, investigate our monthly payment plan. Your loan is paid ofi in small monthly payments just like rent and you are never faced with the necessity pf refinancing. There is ho service charge on any loan made. Marengo Federal Sayings and Loan Association V*», *AE*HOO, nuHOIS SA^BttolL <. PHOH* HA&XHOO W 9? Wssljr ti (Mtfs that will do away with long "iiriheto Kght yovr way through the home *•* ¥:: Find out how easy and inexpensive ^adequate wiring is. Our / Architect and Builder Service Representative will be glad to help you plqn . ..or yoy con ^consult yow^electricql contr<fctor. ^ Be ready for d new tomorrow and new .home conveniences. t / ' *•& PUtLIC tmvici fftiimi PI HQITHIIII miMOIf .-.'-v. ' ' * t> . "'•••vifc • , #'•#"' '1 ? /.v " " " ' « • . «* V t '• ' ' ' v1* ^ % V®* ^ •' "* * .• w « ?1 • " ' i >*,<^»" 44 >f, r^,*. .*•' i', 1,,„