: Mtuon t '• Too much to be dry and crumbly. A cake urtH fall if too much ttqpM is used. Be sure to measure iccuwldy, using standard measuring equipment One way to make vegetables $nto a note hearty meal Is to put ' la a vegetable pie, and giving them a meat flavor by combining them with meat broth. MttCvlloni Lake On Parse* (tpn ally father' easily. settle en the paper th» room. By "Yardstick Tm Btautigans eoDl always were people. * -• Phone W rqmf: "Just For Fun" Roller Rink THURSbAY, JULY 18 at 8:00 pjm. Admission Fifty Cents by Cherry Valley 4-H Club FOR KTTER MUNDRY •&•>=•/• •fete 'H/Vb::- 'y • 4 - DRY CLEANING WORK One Trial Will Convince Mondays and Thursdays Call Woodstock 655 JEN-A-SEE LAUNDRY We Pay Calls - FOR SALE HOMES - FARMS Since we are exclusive agents, there will be no increase in prices.* - HOMES - LILY LAKS 5-ROOM COTTAGE--Year round, on lafag^lerge lot, completely furnished, gas, refrigeration. Possession September 1--$2^00 down; bal. monthly. • . 5-ROOM COTTAGE--All year around; furnished;, 4 lots; immediate possession. Terms: $1,750; bal. monthly. h LILYMOOR 4 ROOMS--Extra large porch--overlooking lake--water, gas and electricity--can be used year around. $1,500; bal. monthly 6-ROOM--1 '/z-story log cabin in woods--furnished--water--double plumbing--immense fireplace--ideal setting-- $2,000 down; beL monthly. WEST McHENRY 6-ROOM HOUSE--Furnace heat--good plumbing--1 % 2 chicken brooders--fruit trees, etc.--on edge «f torn $3^00 cash; balance acre land-- like real. - FARMS - 155 ACRES--Complete buildings; &-rooi heat; large orchard; farm motorized and milk cows; 50 hogs; hundreds of house; beautiful barn with drinking cu| midtn furnace ; ee head cattle 2 sites; chicken main read. 87 Vt ACRES--With located. home and, other buildings--good land--ideally tavern with modern ftxtures; basement; strictly aoiin. m We can sell year property on an exclusive beats at the bast pricea obtainable. List vsur property with us. We have hundreds of rsstnnwrs waiting for good hemes, tee rceert property and large farnm. CHICAGO PHONE --all departments-- KTOTOHE 2061 V. Greetings; Folks! The A. P. Freund A Sons crew of workmen have really performed^ a miracle on our beach project. Mc- Cullom Lake property owners can safely boast of having the finest beach of any resort in northern Illinois now that the work has been completed. The Screwy Dozen were at it again last Saturday at Horn's* where they held their regular monhtly birthday party for Mrs. Shirley Jensen and«Otto Pyritz. As usual the spot enjoyed a capacity crowd. The Bifir-4 orchestra, consisting of Otto Pyritz, Frank Holmes, Win Pietsch and John R. Freund, kept the crowd in a hapi>y mood with their lovely dance music. The Sfflew- Jettea provided the folks with many ' laughs with their novel floor show. 'We are just a wee bit "afraid that some day a talent scout might, see these two gals in action and we may lose them. McHenry was well represented at this gay affair in the persons of Mr. Mrs. A. P. Freund, Mr. and iimtJfaid a bit CSs.. vain so he put made the * cage, to return Uw Rusty is now a lot hitchhiker sty a ride. Chicago, something ,:waa giving out with The individual who that Us everts with Rusty were in in his car and here from! CMto the Rochelles. wiser dog. Schurnberg ifte for the have sum- Mr. and Mrs. opened their eeM mer. Mrs. F. Psabody of Elgin was a guest at the Harold Vycitals last Wednesday. George BaumbeckL our official lettuce man, who has been doing such a grand Job keeping our community clean, has recently suffered pain from a badly Infected linger on his left hand. To add to this injtfnr George tore the ligament in his left shoulder last week while lifting a heavy ash can on his truck. This him from makschedule next Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barbers' weekendjrueete were Mr. and Mks. W. L. Wortttan and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Barber of Chicago Joe Horn is treating his Emporium to a new coat of paint on the outside. Joe, who is an expert interior decorator, has recently finished p tising his art in the interior off the place. injury may prevent 1 ing his pickups on week. We are sure Congratulations Mrs. Frank Madsen on her 18th birthday anniversary July 29. P. R. Krich and fkmily of Salina, and and Tony Blake and many others. The Sarty lasted fat into the wee sma' ours and was aclaimed .IK Sucfefess by all those present. > Last Wednesday evening the Mc Cullom Lake Sharks, our juvenile baseball team, made their debut in McHenry, where they played their first g^me with the C. O. F. Rangers. The 300 odd spectators who crowded the bleachers witnessed many thrilling plays by both aides during the course of the seven-inning game. Bob Brown was on the mound and Kenny Betts on the receiving end for our 6harks. Umpires Aim and Pyritz are to be commended for the splendid job at their posts. While we're throwing the violets around we Eroudly toss a generous bouquet at director Marty Wagner of the Rangers for the grand reception he gave our visiting Sharks. As we focused our binoculars on the bleacherites we spotted Alderman and Mrs. Geo. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jensen, vice-president of the Screwy IXwen, Otter Ebert, Knollwood's comsioner of streets and alleys, John Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Larson and many others less prominent personage It's time now that we give you the score. It was 10 to 21 in favor of the Rangers and Marty Wagner wins the nylon shorts. At a meeting of the Sharks team at Manager Struck's home, Jimmy Sales was elected captain of this nine. The boys all pledged to give Jimmy their full co-operation in his efforts to make his team second to none, and we know the boys meant it." folks read about* George's misfortune you too will join us in wishing him a speedy recovery. Winfield Pietsch a letter from his is enjoying a two-months vacation j in California, as guest of her sister, j Mrs. Reba Wolf. Win is experiencing some difficulty with his cooking. Wont somebody please send him a! cook hook? | itnhaati awfvteerr yjrouuu !.K as-» ar* visiting for ua . wve_ekt_ ia. t the_ Lane cottage here. Mr. Krich is a nephew of K. Bruelheide reports receiving wife, Pearl, who j And so till next week number is still 566-J-2. the phone Crisp Vella To restore crispness to veils, press them between two sheets of waxed paper. iitumsllf 3R£?.. •: fei-Sk ife - HJtiT • Un k iw.nwi.pi m vm m *m| f ' : •, • ^Thomas P. Bolgef "The McHenry Druggist" GROCERIES AND MEATS roods -- Fresh tee Cream Liquors -- Wines - HEADQUARTERS fOR STEERlNfc SAFETY, Set Oun NEW MANMS* scuamFic eqiupmkwt FOB BALANCTfe WSSOM AND TESTING STBMNO^ NOW AT YOUK OOMUli^ ton SaietiA Saki Our MANBBE .--dedicated to your safety-- is the newest, finest, meat scientific way te teat and correct faulty Ban*! put ny wkh shfanMy. wWi ar waadhr at year frsnC end. Thsss Step by and eee It. Our nl--Hfls pot it off--for safety's IF YOUR WHEELS WOBBLE; SHIMMY AKE HARD TO TURN ... SEE VS NOW J CENTRAL GARAGE fEED J. SMITH, Prof. " Towing While we are. on the- subject of baseball here are the results of Sunday's game between the McCullom Lake Wildcats arid the* Wonder Lake boys which was played on McDonald's field. It was 5 to 7 in favor of our Wildcats. The batteries wers George Goransen pitching and Wilburt Hecht catching for the Wildcats and for Wonder Lake Ken Fausler and Jack Pavlik. After the game our boys voted Ralph Trigin as their man of the hour as it was his perfect peg from deep left to home that proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back. -4 . The Wilburt Hechts of Maple Hill are entertaining Miss Pat Dunn Hamilton , Ontario, at their home. Miss Dunn will leave for home the latter part of next week, carrying | with her many pleasant memories and we are certain the little lady will be back for more of the same next year. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cermak's quests this week are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Souhrada and their two lovely daughters, Joan arid Jean. A1 Zovoda and his Mrs. are enjoying a thr«e weeks vacation at the Zovodas' Shan-gri-La. Al's first fishing expedition on the lake last Saturday netted him sixteen bullheads and that we say is pretty good for an amateur. Their weekend guests were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Friflfc, Jr., and Charles Fritz, Sr.. and his heart-throb, Emma Schwel of Chicago. - TAVERNS - r McHenry--Large tavern fatty equipped on % ; good bvilding; plenty of parking space; a On Route 120 near or more acre; money maker. On Route 12t near McHenry--a beautifully appointed, fully equipped 'sheeted; living quarters EDWARD M. LANNES Exclusive Agent HIKES REALTY AND CONSTRUCTION 00, SINCE 1920 . I67-R-2 McHenry Phones G74-M-2 The Frank Madsens, who are renting the Floyd Lewis cottage for a week's vacation, have as guests Mr. and Mrs. Art Postal of Desplaines. The I licks have rented their cottage to Mr. and Mrs. Foearty and family for the summer. Mrs. Hick is the former Miss Rose Hagedorn. The Kellys and the Zastrows were weekenders at the Adam Brand home. Mrs. Jean McDonald held a surprise baby shower at her home last Monday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Margaret Miller, who is expecting that bundle from heaven in the near future. Among the guests present who enjoyed a most pleasant after noon were Mrs. Heitler of Chicago, Mrs. Charles Jackman, Mrs. Budlong, Mrs. Nelson. Mrs. Dave Reid, Mrs. Jablonski. Mrs. Everette Ingersol, Mrs. H. Maekin, Mrs. BoTgstrom and daughter, Mary. Hugh and Jean McDonald have purchased the land between their place of business and the Tririn store. These are the home grounds of our local baseball team and will be known as McDonald's field in the future. Our congratulations to you, Mae and Jean. 1X>AM INSURANCE Steve Huska, Jr.. one of our - recency discharged heroes, suffered a badly sprained ankle while dancing with his sister, Joyce, at his home. Mother Hu«ka h»s two "oatients on her hands these days as little Patsy is also confined to her bed with a severe cold. We sincerely wish them both a speedy recovery. For Better CAN at Heme! r*vj.-9 m <*zv* •B Hoffit Cannifigls tlie kind of ^gOod-plannifTg" |hat stretches the budget and adds variety " to your meals all year long. Diminishing Ibod piles and Europe's hungry children present jitill another reason for topping your wartime canning records,"A' full shelf today means full meals later*** both for your family and those across the seas who need our help. x Speed and accuracy ace of primary Importance in good canning, and housewives have found their gas ranges ace in- Valuable aids for best canning results. Your gas irange makes the big job of home canning Here is a hit of good news for this week. Ed. Dainm, who has been a oatient at Wbodstock hospital, has been released and is now convalsaeincr at the home of hi* son. Robert, in Crystal Lake. Mrs. Doran tells us that Bd. wll be with us •gain in a week. You just cant keen a good man down. Bill and MOIte Bodidb ar* two happy people these davs for ftnstv. tbsir eoeksr spaniel. Is back hn>n« asraln after being among the miwdng ' If Kusty was able to your garoen pay by canning firaks and 4blc( now. Cooperate fully during the canning seaww, _ ^ . A; / r 3*-!T Ftlf ASK AT OUI OfFICt for BOOKLET, "Canning, What You Should Know About It." AN» ILICTRIC >. ' •• VSiu&d,