Mm iwtoftel at »• act rf May t, 1ST*. CMIOMAL- 4-8 the 11M movie, wkkk titled "Where the Road Turns Right," willbe produced in co-operation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the State Extension Services and "the National 4-H Club News. THIS ABU LEADS IN NUMBER OF NEW INDUSTRIAL PLANTS We cannot accept news after Tu4feday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Please turn your items in before the deadline. *19' alar nickname of "Buffalo Bin" when he contracted to be a food pro* vider for the early railroad construction camps and hunted buffalo in the .vicinity of Hays, in western Kansas, where tL. new sorghum was brad. It ifr" a new variety having so called "waxy" seeds. Hie breeding of Cody sorghum has made possible the manufacture of a starchy food, suitable as a dessert, that can fully replace the quick-cooking tapioca. In testing and breeding waxy sorghums for several years in the hope INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS Northern Illinois leads all other areas of the United States in the number of new industrial plants for which contracts were let in the j that special uses might be found year following V-E day, according I for that special type of starch, inves- ; _ ^ w _ Jo a survey made by the territorial J tigators found one hew strain, later I federal aid and MFT funds, and also information department of the Pub- ( narned Cody, proved superior for i that the road be paved with the first lie Service Company of Northern manufactUring A seed supply of funds of anv nature whatever availfllinois and based on copyrighted . 2Q nds from ^ mi cro j able in the county for paving pur material furnished by the Migine- ^ of tiie .B i held 1 , members voted *ao" when a Crystal Lake delegation visited the court hoose for a special hearing on a petition to complete the Paines Hill Macktop road between ^Crystal Lake ami McHenry. The only approving 'votes on • the proposition were those of Nunda's supervisor, Henry C. Meier, and the assistant, Paul Rosenthal. The Crystal Lake residents who had signed a petition presented by William Fencil, • citizens' committee chairman, and Atty.* Gordon Lowell, asked that the road "be put on tb« list of roads to be paved out of hjr • stpaailsd dynairticaBy |q the earth dunng the depression. Refined wood-pulp, ftinUiinf Oa hulk, of the industry's requirements, and cotton linters, supplying the balance, are readily •availirtrie in the south. These and other natural advantages of the region have made it the center of rayon production, southem plants accounting for about three-fourths of the -domestic out put. The value of rayon and allied products of the area in 1989 is esti mated at 119 million dollars and that of cayon broadwoven boods at U? million dollar*. in Lake Villa. Brawn's Jbedy was discovered by Charlee Bratske. also of Lake Vtfia, last Thursday. Ha said he had been by the place and saw .Brawn's dog, a Gennan shepherd, tied outside the place where Brown resided. When he [<* «h»a years, was breath when the (Atari _ awWed. They dasUu|ed the animal. Read the Want Afe f: erine News-Record |vWas Pyramided in 1942 and 1943 so The ninety-nine plants. locating in - that a commercial crop for processi the Chicago-Northern Illinois area j mg of 32 million pounds of gram was ! total more than twice the number produced to meet wartime needs in established in any other section of 1944. ---- (the nation. The Los Angeles area! Cody was selected from a cross : -f ASSISTANT ADVISER ^ranked second with forty-seven Jicw £,etween Leoti, a tall sweet sorghum #.Jftaa Margie Vander Mey of Chie- plants . while Cleveland was_ - third ;having small-brown waxy seeds, and Agw^andWneaton has been selected 1 with forty. rilinnis' Club, a productive grain sorghum •s McHenry county assistant home During the year, Illinois state- , S>ses, with the untley-Algonquin .nd bee.n-worki.,8 Jul, 6. <«id. inWiM"'facfliUtM were in- having white has She is a graduate of Beaton col- creased by 112 plants, the largest large waxy seeds free from the oblege with a B. S. degree in home of which cost $6,000,000. jjectionable coloring present in othecon amies. Miss Vander Mey will New construction totaled oy?r er sorghum seeds that makte diffiworlcprimarily with home economics $45,000,000, Milburn L. Forth, the, cult the separation of a white starch. 4-H clubs, Rural Youth, and will as-; department's industrial economist,1 The stalk of Cody is shorter than the •ist Clara Greaves Sweeney with the reported. He said that Illinois is' stalk of either parent. It is short Jlomfr Bureau work. I well represented by smaller plants enough so that most of the crop is cut *5 | covering a widely diversified list of with combines • ' - I JOYOUS REUNION , industries. 1 t -v •; --Ikjoyous occasion w^l the reunion The srta.te has maintalhed the same •f Fr*nk Quintus of Gages Lake in ^war expans.^ that -loeberrv Plants with his daughter whom he had not lt; had occupied as a result of the Blueoerry riants iseen in tw^ty-s^ven years. The accelerated wartime industrial con- ^Blueberries prefer an acid soU, daughter, Margaret, who was born jn | stniction program, he added. thriving best on soils that have pH's Milwaukee, returned to Jugoslavia!Forth found rt significant that the! ranging between 4.5 and 5.5. Large when she was six years old, after I study showed facilities for iron j bilberry plants--plants two years fcer mother died, to make her home f n j* steel, automobiles, chemicals, j Qr 0i(jer_are much better for transwith her grandparents. Seven years j fo?d. Products and petroleum com- |anting than small plants. Before ^ when*™>eatened, she went J™"* gjggP °fthe total V*lue| Setting'out the planti, place a lib- E Anferica!, %^£^th°£ew£<"WHh "Si Option of food pro- eral amount of peat moss or other breaking out, she was unable to \ S* ** make "" exception of the j , road, Huntley' road and the A\den1 tfie °trin and wi** forced tries that led in capital investment rotted leaves, in the hole dug for to remlaaiinn Kin. Elniglnandi. 'during- the war," he pointed out. the plant and mi* it into the soil. j "And they are among the leading1 The plants should be set deeper in OATS BURNED industries , of northern Illinois." I the ground than they were at the lmnied Christ ter. The Marengo fire department |689,000^000. Among answered a call and found neigh- state IUinois ^ gaiifornia, folfcors valiantly fighting the flames. lowed b 0hio PennsyiVania and Furrows had been ploughed around Texag) ^ the J r&nge of jn. the Mazing shocl^, preventing their dustnal diveresification, based on new apread in the field. However, for a construction. time the farm house and buildings j Expansion of facilities during the were m danger. i past year northern Illinois rep- ; resents 5.7 pa* cent of the total plant DJES IN FJRE : additions in the United States valued A, tragic death came to Floyd Allen, at $100,000 or more. S8,«of Grayslake, recently, when he Cancer Toll In the United States cancer of lost his life in a fire which started in his home sometime during the night. The blaze was discovered , . ,.A . . about 12:15 a.m., and although the ^ breast caused 16,140 deaths to fire department responded quickly, 1943; cancer of the uterus caused the rooms were so filled with smoke 16,968 deaths; cancer of the larynx tht it was impossible to gain im-i caused 1,490 deaths; oancei of the mediate entry. When rescue/s sue- tongue, ^1,231 deaths; and cancer of oeeded in entering the butyding they: the lips, 661 deaths. found Floyd lying face down on a j bed while his son, Donald,was in another part of the room! Both were have been set out. Tops of the plants should be pruned back to within four to six inches of the ground. Mulching the soil with wrellrotted sawdust is necessary to keep the ground from becoming too dry during the summer months. Disorderly BOOM _ Disorder in the house was respon* sible for 18 per cent of home accidents studied in a survey made by the National Safety council. Five Corner road." . Following the negative (rote of the supervisor^, Chairman Beck suggested that application be made for state funds sinee county funds a*e exhausted. Mr. Fencil outlined the work which was done at a cost of $47,000 obtained from ,tfie government and also discussed the 1938 action which 'he termed ai "technical slip" at that time in not listing the Crystal Lake- McHenry road for MFT funds. Referring to the 1938 status of the matter when it went to the road and bridge committee, Chairman Beck said the record showed only that gravel for the stretch was vested at that time. Ceiling Duster A good wall ceiling duster can be made .by slipping a large flour sa'ck over a floor mop. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Want Ads on Page Six HELP WANTED • 11 1 . t grgflni Come out and watch the Plain- jco. dealer Newsboys play ball! --- HfeLP WANTED--To 1 pi: Tel. 302. work in ice am 10 -tHANGE Of OWNERSHIP - I desire to' announce that 0I have irardiased the garbage disposal business of Ben J. Smith, as of July 1, 1946. K is my intention to generally improve this busi* ness ahd desire to take new customed Address Box 27^ McHenry, or phone McHenry 365, JOHN E. HILL SHOP DPhko ne lIyd ' * % v;,;s' 516 Main Street a •Jb John The Tailor ' .416 Ihla StL Pilose 1234t • Agent fqr Snow White Laundry. •*•>> : • . ;N0W WHITE LAUNDRY It Woodstock St. • Crystal Utke. 19» Pine Tjanndering :'i;3 ' Prompt Delivery , . v •f ' - % \ ~ - taken through a window and the in- jhalator squad worked over the' lather for an hour and a half and on I the son for an hour. This is only! the second loss of life by fire in the! history of Grayslake. On the night •f March 23, 1899, Fred Potter perished in the Wilbur .Lumber company fire. ^VETERAN ACRES" The name "Veteran Acres," submitted by Mrs. Wm. J. Reddersdorf, of Crystal Lake, was chosen by the judges as the winner in a contest to name the park in the north part «f that city. The acreage was never officially named when it was purchased for a park, having been referred to as "School House Woods," **Oakwoods" and Walkup Woods". With the war at an end and tribute being paid to veterans of wars by memorials, the boavd >decided to name and dedicate the park to veterans of all wars. An award of $100 was offered to the winner and a very large number of names were sug- ^ WINS MOVIE CONTEST A lot of people who think their experiences would make good movie material can look with envy at Clarence Snettringer, a Barrington farmer. Snetsinger wrote a story around his experiences as a volunteer leader for sixteen years of the Lake Zurich 4-H Cluft>.« The little Hie"** w#yyou«W.; s«m*V tacks for sport or casual wear are 'Shrink- Controlled These art the socks that never change their size .. . for no • bow you wash them oa a form. Yes ... McGEE'S McHenry #eans getting into sum* iter's new Jantzen swim trunks. There's a differ-: ence in the fit and feel of 0tese new Jantzens. Tailored for action in new figure supporting exclusive fabrics, Jantzens 4? more for youl New patterns and colors too oil Jantzen tailored to itandard»*of taste and quality--- priced 2.95 Jo $.95 in most all sizes. McGEE'S McHENRY •.Is 1 ./.Jfei r „ t rv ; Ci p FRIDAY T -• aeeaaa SATURDAY SUNDAY r » ,;v, 1 - 2 7 - 2 8 -,.i i a Visit ^McDonald's Field on any or all of these dates for fun in the spiritjof die good old days known as "The Gay Ninetiesi." ^ ^ IT'S SOMETHING DIFFERENT '4 :: * 4* PROPIKTT O WNBRf V/mi-, """0 ,-jV j>'J d -