1 •• 'Vs*. .:<• V" "" «SB'S { •ir". ,"*«•* Page Twe CncIMi Wm<>at» Mortality from coccidiosis may vary from 5 to 16 per CMt amoiy young chicken*. Raw1 Cabkf* One cup of raw .Cabbage supplies nearly half of the day's need "to* vitamin C. CHEAP WIRING IS EXPENSIVE IP See "Better pagt 10, or your dealer. and Gardens" for July, 1M6, ELECTRICAL & RADIO SHOP ?hone Richmond 883 f ^ . s f ( y ,,, Ringwood, 111. HOUSE WIRING ; > ! CONTRACTING Wonder Lake (By Vanessa Sails) Today was a great occasion a# our house. Our twelve 4-H girls finished "their projects. When school ended for the summer, they gathered at my house and decided to make skirts. All of them were fourteen years old or ugder. At their first meeting day, scarcely a child even knew how to handle a needle, and today, like the colors of the rainbow, twelve little skirts, seamed, banded, placketed, and hemmed lay in a row-- finished! There was nearly as much ripping as there was sewing, but' everyone took the bad with the good. There were days of despair when the girls were sure that they would Y P: friends at Ma farty -were Mrs. Harold Janes of W< Mias F. DeganftMer of McHenry and Mrs. Alice Nocvn of Wonder Lake. Mr. and >hn Bates ara no* residents of Indian Hdfl . Chicago residents, Jthe Bates family la occupying the_ former modal hoaae in Inatan Ridge 1. Mia. Batea ia the mother of Mm. Joseph Riegel of Indian Ridge. Another new permanent family in Indian Ridge ia that of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frenssen. Their small son, Arthur, win enter Harrison School this fall. Wa ara sorry to report that Mrs. Jack Graff is still confined iq the Woodstock hospital. We hope that1 she wul *800n be home again. Her neighbors, miss her very much. That sail boat race on Sunday was never be finished, but today--with j another sponsored by the Yacht club that last fitting--what pride in ac-i*©* a leg on the trophy donated by complishment! Surely nothing gives' the Kenans, and now on display at FOR BETTER LAUNDRY • - . £ J * >5>- DRY CLEANING WORK §9* m* wm qwu** Service, Mondays and Thursday* Catt V Woodstock 655 one greater pleasure than to see the | work of one's hands, and know that (the work is good! , • . j . - r -- r - \ | j We are srry to report that Mr». I Heilman fell and broke her wrist this | week. Just before her forty-seventh wedding anniversary, too. We hope that it won't be long until everything is OK again. the Grill. A snipe owned by a resident of Wonder Woods came in first. The eat boat, "Windy Sam," Owned by Skippy Noren, came in second with the "Myrtle," lightning August 11 during the picnic sponsored jointly by the Yacht club and the Wonder Lake Rod and Gun club. and 1% 4r--Yll -- Carol Sunday raee da* nwtin»ri MII («y W *,v; :> • u w AMD TESTING .. WW AT YOUR CO ion Satetu & Sab* My eigioefer Jma *iallf!aated^'Finally. after modi inquiry Pre found ieqofiJTnS a batte^Ml^? an Inglaside beer truck, traveling at the Speed that moat trucks travel, mat a fast-coming car. Both vehicles were traveling along the same eurve in oppoeite directions--but, sad to aay. tie car thought it had priority- right on the road. In order to avoid fitting the careless driver the beer trufek swerved and crashed into the stone wall on one side of the road. Now, I always thought that that wall akin to the Rock, of Gibraltar. But listen to this. After crashing into the wall, the driver backed out and drove his truck away. He had a banged up fender. That was the1 extent of the damage to the truck, j The Pistakee Yacht Club will hold its eleventh annual Fox Lake Invitaowned by C. M. Rutledge, coming in gtio°n" Regatta_ this ccoommiinngg Souunndaaayy.. third. %. n«t «ce Jfo b. nln on go.ts The clubs will provide free refreshments for all the property owners ami Will furnish prizes for motor boa* ?iu;•V,*T*T* ia *!»*••• "^'".u"aI*se, s, including rowboats with outboards, and swimming races for several age groups as well as the sail boat race mentioned above. fa - We Pay Ctllt Yeur.jf Richard Christopherson, 18. who has been a summer resident of Shore Hills since was seven, is collecting his graduation present this week when he goes to Redondo Beach, Calif. 'His parents promised him **• and he chose to visit old _ aiol' TH»t motor b^t mm there might even b. - ££ C*pt- Anto son tor ths but that may bo calumny But does one need a rea- T^n to go to California- No, I don't think so. Round Lake, Brown's Lake. Lake, Delavan and Lake Geneva Will participate- Two races are to be held-- ope at .11:00 a,m. andoneat2:30 pjtt. "N f; ^and a\)k - FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS Four of the Busy, Bumble Boa 4-H club attended the roller skating party held by tho Cherry Valley 4-H club, Esther Martin, Geraldine Cormier, Joan Heilman r and Sharon Grace Sells. The "'Wonder Women" met for desftert luncheon at the new ice triMtfn castle, and from there went to the home of Mrs. K. B. Richards for a swim. Four guests were present, Mrs. P. L. Cormier, Mrs. James Selsdorf, Mis. J. Picken, Jr, and Mrs. J. Picken, Sr. On Saturday afternoon the Won- | der Lake Gospel Center sponsored a picnic for tne youngsters of the | community. There were games, races, prises and many good things to eat. All of the children wait sorry that their amiable patron, John Swenson, was too ill to be present. We are sorry to report that Mr. i Swenaoa is connfied at preeent in the Swedish Covenant hospital fat I observation. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fickea aftd Mr-. land Mrs. Jack Ficken, all of Mua~|Tueadav and moat of the girla fin catine, Iowa, are visitors in the V. islied their skirts completely. Plana J. Ficken ' " * *' „ A.unz, re ports that to data t>;e wbnder Lake Rod and Gun ^ has taken about £j000 poun^g 0f carp from the lake. The wlurp must bo removed to give trie spawn of the game fish a chance to multiply. The' carp also rile the water, keeping it in a muddy condition, and it Is the aim of the club to keep the water.- clear. Thousands of baby gaana fish will be planted in the lake fn the fall by the men of the club. Don't forget tho meeting of all the property owners of Indian^ Ridge Submvisions Noa, 1 and 2 on July 28. 1%e meeting will take place at Harrison school at 2:30. There will bo a general discussion for the purpose ox forming ah Indian Ridge Improvement association. If you want your roads gnutod and surf jused and the beaches and boating facilities enlarged and hnpw»ad, be sure to attend* Rafeert West really had an idea whea he said, "Nothing is easier than fault finding; no.talent, no selfdenial, no brains, no character are re^uifrfed to set Vp III business.* 4*H Kvwb The Bbsy Bumhla Bees 4-H dub met a* the home «f Mrs. Sells on die grumbling | HOMES j ULY LAKE S-ROOM COTTA^-Al S-BOOM COTTAiGB--Year irfi'auaUia. «• Uu, large let, cssiplataly ULYMQO* PISTAKEE BAY le BOOM B0C8£--Oa half acre of grouid; 1H feet oa 2ie feat 4sar. Mi eaassstt hasemas*. 25% 5»; completely na, iikrtik, water; On high IomB heaatifully appafaited. deBgfctfal. acWire; Ideal >or chlUren; away from txafllc. « -- - - WEST •-BOOM HOUSB--Faraaee fcil pii phuabiag--1% acre 2 chirkwi ko>iws--(nil tews, etc. an edge of tsmi-- --..... SSJM cash; hslanss Hhs casU. ! Bart homo. Mr. and Mrs. 1 tare the parents oif Mra. Burt. Geraldine Cormier entertained the {members of the young set on Sunjday evening. A wiener wast phis home-made ice cream; were Jeatored I to help celebrate the young lady's | arrival at the grand old ago of tmriteen. It was pretty hard lock ior I. I O'Brien in Deep Spring Woods Sat- I urday night when ae ran outaide to I find the interior of his car on fire. I It was at 4 a.m. that the light awoke Mr. O'Brien, who had *eured aome time before. The entire inside of the car was gutted, hut both the motor and gaa tank wore intact, so perhaps the loss wilt not be too [great. Alao in the hard hick department I was tho accident suffered vy Miss Laura Holland of Wonder Center when her 1946 Pontiac went over an embankment after having been sideswiped by another car. Miss Hol- ] land is now confined to Elgin hoejpital with a broken foot and abralakms. Her eacort waa also injured. Small Christqaher Dunaway cdlo- Ibrated his birthday in a very special way. He. had hia hair cut. Chris The Reg Atkiiis^h^s . "Nor-laine, Ift Met in the Wat«f this year after being in storage since '41 Because of lack of certam motor parts for the boat. AFtfeR THE RACE |)Mt will gift Oar MANBEE equipment -^dedicated to your aafo-Sp; ty--is the newest, flaest,-/? moat scieatiftc _ way to . ' test aad correct „faalty|-'| wobble »U<nuBeat or ; .balm»a,^; end. Tbssa Stop by and see it. D^si'tf^ pat H off--fer safety's. ,r"'4 Ydiii WHEELS WOBBLE, SHIMMY oa [E HARD TO TURN . . . SEE VS NOW I CENTRAL GARAGE Phone 200-J J. SMITH, Prap. Towinf s-.< - v y w-: vr •-••• \>,v. ^ > ' -i "-C • 'hi •« f t - - . . , - The above picture was taken by Jack Deroche at tho Pistakee Yacht Club juft after the Henry L. Herts Challenge Trophy race. Thia race, held on the Fourth of July, was won by "Pete" Peterson. Regular nan are held at the P. Y. C. every Saturday and Sunday. 8atardaj'a Race BaaaHa 1.--Y4--Ed. Bollberg, Stan Franks. 2.--Y1I--Bill EHccson. 8.--Y21--Dave Hall, Sid Peterson. 4.--Y8 (Y7)--'Pete' Peterson, Richie Lodwig. 5._Y«--Bob Ludford. , _ ^ 6.--Y22--Bill Stardc, Jack Dwrocho. 7.--N88--Bob Buehler. ^ „ 8.--120--"Boots" Jensen, "Stabby" Stebbins. _ ^ Sunday's Race Reaulta 1.--Y8 (Y7)--'Pete' Peteraon, BMtia Ladwig. were waoe to attend the 4-H Achievement Day in Bingwood and, _ - iflitHi for oar own Achievement Day 49911 • IIIII!HII'MM 11• III at Earitsea «dbwl'«a Friday, July 28. Please «ome and saa our Fashion Show. Everyone b invited and gvere is Wb admissiqn dee. MXGT 9BLBBOB*. Reporter. ' ••WW ;; fa' '* . • * wft-su66?snofe * rr f , V» » . •*' ' •- •' ** WHXH N VOX UUEBI; OsatV.au, Try , Volcanie When the continents tremble with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the earth crust may be pushed up to Torm new mountains, may crack or ahflc to leave deep vaBeya. When tte trembling occurs aomewhere to Bffs Tasty Momun Dnmm BAJtBEQUEB Be* of Ooffae just two, and the grownup' ^ chain's volcanic activity. tea Ouwc-fourths of the (kfw teat I Baa --dtr (he oceans, islands coma w WW* and 90. Perhaps nowhere ia tea Closed On TttWdlJB abaan floor more genaraUy vaaUaas I than aftong •the l,(KNMmila submerged | I I I I I 1 1 1 I I U I UIIII I I I ! I» chain of volcanic mountains between Tokyo bay and Guam. Tbe .higheat peaks reach above aaa-leval to form the Marianaa, the Volcano and tee Bonin islands groupa and numesous individual -Islands. Fuming, dmder-plack Tlrseaa, l,Ot7-font* high oan^at the norteeni limit. «f the Marianas arc, and tte^SOMOft marines planted their .flag at tea Suribachi peak where United aouthem end of Iwo Jima, t|pi> Ub.to h«ip yt 4 iMrtHNr IIM of your NKW Toloiitiono Directory •"^f« 1ST to make year tefephoag ^directory accurate and oomplefte. fWae five suCTertiona, if followca, 1--t ysmm dhsrtsry M k wm net «nsM«fwreng (DenH dsrtray k-tnm I ll 7 "iLlTaLi Hn if j_im M ^ IW* M bem"eaBsd hsfawsily, vsrily *** e*B" ****** - ** •mr by leaking In P Uu tbe "ClaMified"Se«tlerf . • (yeBew pages in a^nt ib«p«s T: Jt lbs jbsnHfj ri*>) ta lecale wanted pndaai " FARMS ICS ACBHB Complete buildmga; S-raom house; heat; large orchard; farm aaotoriaed eonipsient; CO bead cattle and arflk eowa; 5* hogs; bandreda eff chickens; 2 sitae; ctadcea bouse; beaatifol barn with drinking caps--on main road. 87^ ACRES--WHh*hoare and oUmt bmMings--good Isnd ideally located. 140 ACRE FARM--West of McHenry; spring water; half mile frontage on cement highway; buildings and so forth. Will take best cssh offer. I TAVERNS Phone Wonikr "FOOD WONDER LASS GROCERIES AND MEATS?* Frozen Foods -- Fresh Vegetables Ice Cream 14quorg -- Wines -- Beer On Roate 129 near McHenry--Large tavern fully enaipped SSI V4 or antre acre; good building; plenty ef parinag api EDWARD M. LANNES Exclusive Agent BUm aPALTY AMD CON&T&VOTIOH «0. . SIHCE 1920 667-E-2 McHenry Phones 674-M-2 We can aeU year property on an exclusive bada at the best prices obtainable. List your property with ua. We have bandreda ef taatsaiers waiting far goad hoaMB, tne reaart property and large farsm. CHICAGO PHONE departments-- JLEYttTONE 2090 «IAL ESTATE LOAHS IMBURAMCE Is mra ynar ilpiiisga fcily year Um lamNsHT HOSIERY DTE hmm< MIST SUN BBOC •UTTHINUT DSSSRT SAND Thomas P . "The McHenry COMPANY . is j;4 '\$W ll ILLINOIS WmJL vacation a K: in MEOMKS SBtVKB WM CAR-4KMT/ v" -!'.- il sarving ^l«p«ndobly---until you Mlvory of your now Ckowolol sion, mar axle • Lubilsala ****** ierutaa, ftdmf mi * throughout • Tuna maljfi OWo your cor tea banal* aff ewr fourfold aawke (1) axpait wmdniwlcs, (X) modem leak, 0) gaaulns parts, (4) • Um k Cm Aoh pre- doM naiiabic nioos. IMli UhM. 5SS£5S M THE SIO BOX 23< •»%* vow mm* _ > an- '"v* '>c and temporary shortenee*** wall do swarythina in oar pww w9 am ipivwj w ywi npv.vnsvTWii) irm eost--farhmsfcmbir t«l CAt-SUVKt IS YOSt BIST OHWI SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES Roate* 120 and 31 * ; _• U , /. , McHenry, UlinoU * ' XSw 3 Jbi. ^