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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jul 1946, p. 6

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FOB U$M s? , - ^" i 4%^-® FOR SALE -- DM hnbher, tx4% irf's, hr»; It and M-toot tsngths. 4M Park St, ltcHanry. 1®-* FOB 8ALB Baby ttmmm l«ftM|||b|i, 419 John street or call •7-W. Reasonable. *3g- be aeon at McHenry 10 fOR SALE--Kimball playei* piano in good condition, or will trade for cm all outboard motor. Sturm's, located at end of Riverside Drive, on Huemfcnn's Beach. *10 FOR SALE--Garbage cans, self-seal, at lkwl a* WlB«aD ••i#--.--. Alae fwmm ink tor T. B. and Ban£ {sssrvs0^ lb, My cattle are laaianlood *M»t death leas far thaQr days. vlean healthy cattle delivered ea ywr farm when yoa bay from H. L. Doming. 104 HBL? WAHTKD HELP WANTED--Girls or women for light fnctory work, no sewing. Fbr full particulars, apply Riverside lUf. Co„ 200 N. Riverside Drive or cau lfcHenry 39. HELP WANTED -- Tw» laboring. McHenry Plut«rb|. equare step-on cans7 capacity 16 qts.,1 McHenry 692-R-2 or 678-M-2. finished in white baked enamel. $5.96. Gamble's Store, West Henry. «c. | HELP WANTED--Men mechanically j01 inclined, for maintenance and general work, or maintenance man now iMTi • WM FLOOR BANDWm •aWtilng^ vjj free estimates. Call McHwg Mrs. John Shadle Ml motorcycle Uf tks re Ijbsy will visit rel- Mrs. BenWalkington, Mr. tsancay wm an. simma mm* and violet Vrivtar at 1# aw t tfceweekend in the Ktfvin Paul WalUngton and with tha Geneva, na son. Jay, and Mnu Rose Jepaon enjoyed I Mr. and Mrs. Fred a picnic" supper at Lake j Paul Shadle Sanday. i Ovanston. Nancy and George Ainger of He-j Mr. and Mrs. brim snent Monday with their tended ts, MT. and Mrs. George George Shepard at at Veterans Acres iu^ifdbeen oSx tnvS ur?yim^ im^ JwwEiodist ehnrch FOR SALE--New Ideal corn shellerj employed, who wants to work several with electric motor; oil brooder. A. hours each day or evening. Snow Wilbrandt, Jr. Tel. 622-R-2. 10 White Laundry, 13 Woodstock street, -- --. • Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 120. 9-2 FOR SALE--Two pure-bred Guern-! 2 aey bulls, serviceable age, T. B. and HELP WAN TED--ST EABY RE LI AV.-" Anderson & BLE WAITRESS TO WORK 6 P.M. *10-2 TO 2 A.M. ... 'AMD SPLENDID FOR SALE--Motor boat, utility type, NENT YEAR 'ROUND JOB FOR Bangs tested. Buren Son, Woodstock, 111. GARBAGE dispoee of year or oftener tf rates. Regular year round ronte. John E. Hffl. P. O. Box 2T4, Me- Henry, Phone 865. tf WANTED TO &XHT WANT TO RENT -- Two working girls desire room in McHenry, with] or without cooking privileges. Write Box 21 in care of Plaindealer. *10 WANTED TO RENT--Small" house for year 'round living. F. B. Randall. 1236 Nelson St., Chicago, 111. 1-tf WANTED ir. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle spent, a couple of days the past week at! Mrs. Fred Davis oi Chtefcgo spent the wteconsm Detis. j Saturday wWh Mrs. Fred Wiednoh, Mr. ahd Mrs. Weldon Andreas and Jr. » 1 ' s ; - j i faailv spent a few days the past< Mary Ann Wiedrich and FjfW week with her parents at Algon- Lenard returned' home Sunday fronl quin. | a week's visit in the Phelps Saun- Mesdames Mildred Munshaw, Fan-1 ders home at Sycamore. ny Udall, Laura Munshaw; Jennie Fred Wiedrich and son, Fred, Jr WANTED -- We nave cash rGnOnOnD MHOnUnRmL Yv vRlA™TE f,or 8ttmmer hom**> ci# property arma r ist vour nronnrtv with *DID TIPS. PERM A- J°;U_r IVR oAUJCr--mowr now, utimy vype, ment YEAR 'ROUND JOB FOR j j McHenrv or 2005*' Sheffield Jive 18 ft. long, by 6 ft. beam, mahogany RIGHT PERSON. WE ALSO NEED Chicago pLne L^ln lSS-lS«4tf' varnish finish throughout, excellent EXTRA *"7p waCTrwwna ^mc>go' rnone ^lncoln ia3d ia*4 ttr buyers and us, Rt. 60 h.p. Kermath engine, new canvas R J Y E R SIDE BARBECUE (TOM cover, priced for sale. Call after KA'S) TEL. McHENRY 422. 9-2 fViday, McHenry 651-R-2. *10 WANTED HOMES AND FARMS FOR SALE--21-ft. launch, Ford V-8 motor; ready to run; price $250, 0f trail good shape. Coles Boat and MT • ; In and around McHenry and Lake HELP WANTED---We are in need counties. We will fet on an occlusive basis. ape. Radio Shop. Fred Pegel. girts or Tomen for pressing FOR SALE--Permanent year 'round' ladies' apparel. Riverside cement basement, acre land, water front, high and dry; also two|r .. McHenrv 39 summer cottages, Fox River, one Lal1 McUenry 3V" Apply Mfg. Co., 200 N. Riverside Drive. 10-6 ED. M. LANNES, Agent Hines Realty 4k Construction Co. Tel. McHeary 674-M-2 or M7-M-2 9-tf LOST south of bridge, east side river. HELP WANTED--Young fellow in- Pegel, Mineral Springs Subd. terested in radio experiments or be- ItcHenry. 10 ginning radio to contact or write ichara Shaver, Lily Lake, Route 2, ' PfSi?' FOR SALE--Two white computing scales in good condition; reasonable. Tri. McHenry 458. 10 FOR SALE -- Piano accordian, 12 bass, case, $2.95; dip net, $3.09; calcimine brush, $4.44; gasoline tank, $S.39; dog muzzles, $.93; dog har- $.77, $.99 or $1.11; wood clothes teots boots, military S5.55; suitcases, $1.59, $2.22 and $8.95 (luggage subject to federal tax); saddle soaps, $.27; neatsfoot oil, $.19 and $.29; Dunhill cigarette lighters, $.55; gun holsters, $.99; gas range, $15; large size ice box. $12.50. Spears, Inc., 126 Riverside Drive. Phone 679-M-l. 10-tf McHenry. *8-8 HELP WANTED -- Girl or young woman for store work; steady position; Bolger's Drug Store, McHenry^ LOST, -- Black suitcasi containing lady's wearing apparel and money, somewhere between William Hay residence on Washington street and Richmond. Reward. Mrs. Frank Hay, McHenry. *10 WAKTED TO BUT WANTED TO BUY -- Canoe, Call Crystal Lake 480. *10 HELP WANTED--Laborers and carnesses, s.yy, > or wooa penters foi construction work; toi WANTED TO BUY--Private party dotiies hangers, $.05; lady a nding learn a trade. Fredrickson, Wonder interested in good used ear wffl ISft SSS- Tel. WondCT L»t. 22'. 48-tt miliUry whistles, $.77; locker trunk, HHEELLPP WWAANNTTEEDD----CCoonunpilee eexxttrraa mmeenn,. 1-- Hunter Boat Co., McHenry. 39-tf WANTED TO BUY -- Four or five room summer home, near McHenry, on or near Fox River. Address Box "BJ," care Plaindealer. 26-tf (Formerly Barnard's Mill) North End of Wonder Lakwe at the Bridge i; -5S" ' > STEAKS, ROASTS, CHICKEN, L0B8TE& TAXL Complete dinners served from 6 to 9 p.m. daily. Saturday: 6 to 11 p.m. Sunday 1 to 7 p.m. Fish Fry every Friday. We cater to parties 1 ' 0 '• M " , '•BEAO" STRONG, Owner PlWltr StehflfW 312 HELP WANTED -- Light factory work, steady employment, age 25 to 35; day or evening shift; 5 to 10, p.m. Top wages for conscientious \ DEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars is workers. Cellulose Industries, Rich-! the least we pay for dead horses and mond, 111. Tel. Richmond 885. -- FOR SALE--Car batteries for Ford, Plymouth and Chevrolet, $6.96 to, HeS^. Gamb,e's Store> West Mjc- PERSONAL -- To 82-tf women and girls who like to sew. We will train you to work on women's apparel uader our modem method. You will earn 50c per hour during your training period FOR SALE«--Generators, armatures, •starters, fuel pumps, distributors and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lily- j There are possibilities to earn $1 nr % moor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel.! over per hour if you are capable. McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf | Work forty hours per week. No Saturday work. Come in for an CQWS in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No help needed to v load. 14-tf RINGWOOD (By Mrs. Georre Shenard) The Ring wood Youth Fellowship £SrA» r?C D' tJ 'T _a, _f8f VtV,. yy ^H^rXMf°g. r CCoo.", 200 N. 'RRivievrsiSde dW'V^ldSon HAnH^r*?»»^a of Mr. and Ma Volo. P. O. Round UkeT lU/ -id! Dr^e, M&en^! FOR SALE>--Davenport and chair,' reasonable. Maud Rothermel. Tel.; McHenry 143-J. •10] MISCELLANEOUS n n i ^ Andreas on Tuesday night, 7-9 July 9. There were twelve members present. Different games were the meeting-. M wwiness 8 o clock. We read bible stories out played outdoors before ____ , We* started our business meeting at FOR 8ALE--24-inch Cushman husky 'NOTICE--I will not 4>e responsible! of our Sunday school*quarteriy'bo<5wfc o-Wsde motor lawn mower; 52-inch j for any debts contracted by any j then we sang many different sones' tandem tractor lawn mower with | person except myself, on and after out of our song books. The meetroHers; medium Johnson and large J"ly 18. William Brennan. 9^3: ing ended at 10 o'clock. Refresh- 'oLEI\iT. WHITEWASHING - Frank H,nkelJ Sto Kabins. Tel. McHenry 661-M-l. 10 FOR SALE--Antique bed/ground dining ^ table with boards, ^dresser, dressing table, cistern pump with connections, gas water heater, firejjjgs. jnisc- 409 Main St., West Volo. Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. 4tf; The W. S. C. S. held their July lenry. •10 POR SALE--Lake frontage lot, 50 x 125 ft, located on Mill Lake of Lauderdale Lakes; blacktop road direct to lot. Walter Kusch, 1936 Bellplame Ave., Chicago, 111. *9-2 moval. ROCK WOOL INSULATION blown ^ 5lonie of Mr*' Viola in by WARD'S. Experts with com- „ Thursday afternoon. plete Modern Equipment will do the! Mj. and Mrs. Albert Escher and job the * Right Way. Satisfaction £rjj. ®!l "J* visiting her mother, Mrs. I guaranteed. Roofing, Siding and In-!T",le "aillancourt. sulation at MONTGOMERY WARD'S Mrs. T. J. Haugeberg, Mrs Woodstock, 111. Free Phone Woodstock 992. Estimates. 49-tf FOR SALE--Two flat building, five rooms each; in Spring Grove. Modern conveniences, bathroom, electricity, chicken house, 20x40 ft.; 1% apes of land. Reasonable terms. Edmund Keefe, 424 Oak St., Waukegan, 111., or call Richmond 917, TREE SURGEONS--Pruning, spraying, cavity treatment and tree re- We are insured. J. W. Gustafson, phone Crystal Lake 326-W. •7-4 _ Ed. erg, Mrs. F. Devine and Miss D., Kohlsaat of Chicago spent Thursday with Mrs. George Haberlein. Mr. and Mrs. William Henie o1 Chicago spent Friday and Saturday in the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein spent Saturday with their children DRIVEN, j »n Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson, Mr. and WELLS DRILLED OR WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 {Mrs. Leyahd Beta and daughter and Main Street, McHenry. Telephone! Mrs. Tom Nelson and son of Libef- 9-2 j 93-J. 10-tf | tyville were callers at Mrs. Rose 150 SERVICED• ^Sr'TN^B^E^SrtlTrf Gary, ' spent SaturdWy night in the FOR SALE--60 x 155 ft lot, KELLEY SANITARY 8ERVICE-- „ ft. from Fox River at Johnsburg. | Clean septic tanks, grease traps, cis-jlndT, Dp«.w oo^u. Access to private beach with pier. | tern and cess pools. Phone Wauke- B T Butler honm. JJ™' 7^1?i^u164° M T a,fr Ave- Merri-jg»n Ontario 3055, between 6:30 a.mJ Mr. and Mrs. WeMon Andreas and mac 7310, Chicago, 111. *9.2 and 12 p.m. ^ 10-tf. family spent three days the past FOR SALE -- Fairbanks-Morse I WHITEWASHING ---Barns,' base- w SSL u ,, tbr water and sump pumps, for im-|ments and chicken houses; also famil' of wTiitewatw mmt Sm mediate delivery. Engstrom Sales whitewashing with Carbola DDT. Al day ^jth the fornw's' Mr" •nd Service. Tel. McHenry 696-W-l. 1 PhannenstilL Tel. 433-R. 7-10 ^4 Mr? Fred ' i- ^lf LIVESTOCK TRUCKING -- Frank! Mre> Mayme Harrises of McHenry FOR SALE--Aluminum rural mail Raycraft, West McHenry. Phone Mcboxes, nationally advertised, $4.75. - Henry 149-J. 41-tf .Wfest PMoHenry'.9 ' GlimhW% Sto^ I LAKE COUNTY SANITARY CO. • • ---- i Septic tanks pumped a^id installed. - FOR SALE--Year- round comfort and J Servicing--Construction--Repairs economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- Phone Libertyville 1346. 50-tf *iHe Rock Wool Home Insulation "Blownin" walls and ceilings. ; Call f*EO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 36tf. AUCTION 7:30 Miarp At Gaolke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois ; ; Charles Leonard, Auctioneer OF DAIRY COWS SPRINGERS OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE. Load of Jerseys by Ur. Parks FEEDER PIGS OALVtt . * STOCK BULLS HORSES BEEF CATTLE SHEEP BROOD SOWS FEEDER CATTLE W YOU CAN BUf -- YOU CAN SELL i : Call Woodstock 572 or 489 if yon have livestock to ALL CONSIGNORS PAID CASH DAY AFTER SALE All consignors make arragements to get your livestMl. in, either the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. Terms: 25 per cent dew% balance in monthly instati- 1 to 16 months time at % of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sides Co. Inc. W1L E. OAULXE. Onw-Fhon* 872 Mi*. Fredrickson and Harold and soo of spent Sunday In tha George Mn home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart of Waakegan, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn of Richmond spent Simday in the! Fred* Wiedrich. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ahendroth of Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Jannie Bacon. Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice Mae, Mrs. Emma Beatty and Mrs. Walter Low and children spent Monday afternoon at Woodstock. Alice and Marion Pett of Elgin spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mrs. Mae Harrison la visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Glen Treon, at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Agnes Jencks is visiting friends in Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mm. Charles Peet were visitors at Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner and Louis Nimsgern and children of McHenry spent Sunday with Mrs. Laurence and son, Joe. Mr. and lbs. Robert VanDusen and daughters of Elgin spent Sun day in the Oliver Laurence home. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were Elgin visitors Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Carlson ai daughter of Maywood spent Sunday in 9m Clayton Bruce noin*t; Drug rom Sod New Wonder Taken From $oQ Pvmgl Streptomycin --the new wonder sister-drug to penicillin -- 1« being used in general army hospitals over the country for treatment of urinary and other infections caused by gram* negative bacteria which do not respond to penicillin. A gram, or one million units, is the standard daily dose administered in three injections over a 24-hour period. Production is limited severely because the drug is obtained from a natural fungus found in the soil and must be grown under carefully-controlled laboratory conditions which cannot be hurried. The phenomenal production of penicillin which brought it from a laboratory curiosityx to a commonly used drug and the price from astronomical figures to about a dollar a dope was due in part to pressure of wartime needs. But with the war ended and priorities a thing of the past streptomycin does not have these advantages, thus working to some L-ztent to hamper production although industry is doing what it can to supply the demand. The army's principal needs are for treatment of soldiers with severed spinal cords who developed urinary tract infections because at a loss of bladder function; and to some extent in treating some cases of meningitis and other infections which do not respond readily io penicillin therapy. CLIFPOID B. WILSON, Pra* SfXAlUNTKH) McBBNRT CAB 4fl Waakegaa Bead M-Hear Service TEL. MeMENRT 472-J CECIL BALLOWE FRANK E. WEILER PAINTING AND DBOOBATING ;|: t. Phone McHenry 689-W-S Painting, Papevluaging, Spraying Bsthnatea Cheerfully Furnished .V WALTER P. BROOKS - - ^Palntln* and Deeeratfa#"™ - g| Wallpaper and Paint at Wheleaa# ^ 1M WaattnglMi St, McHenry | TeLSll.R ' ^ r RAYMOND 1. KBLLEf Atterney at Law HUNTLBT, ILLINOIS - ~ - Q-T TRUCKING CO. Sand -- Gravel -- CindeiS Black Dirt -- Limestone . Dwap Tracks For Hire,,B Jehnsharg 97T-W McHenry, I1L Phane McHeary 86-W N. FREUND TRUCKING LfvtttloCk -- Lime -- IN Waakegan Read West McHenry, UL AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE Ml Main 8U McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENKT, ILL. Phane. McHenry 6S7-R-2 -- BaaeaMut Eaeavating -- NETT8 SAND * GRAVEL Special Rataa en Read Gravel Lot Filling .. Black Dirt . Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT Johnsbnrg^^^^^F^ WHY PAY MORE? Wa THOMAS BOLGER, DRUGS --WANTED TO BUY-- We pay $C te |2S for Old leaa lee -dawn •heMU aal MATTS lliNK RANCH Spring Grove Reed t .Phane JetaaMnrg ttt-J-l _ ./ CALL AT ONCE W DEAD HOGS^ HOR8BS AND CATTLE w» "t • McBBNRT OASAGE IN Frant St. (lute SI) General Biaaiilns W»H)ng--Are and ftistjlijw '"Light Blacksaith Weak " NICK P. MILLER ^ •' Phane McHenry 1SS-R • A. P. FREUND CO. > Ezeavating Cantracter' T~ rac"k"i ag, H_ ydIrraaanUt e and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 2S4-M McHenry, HL I/DTS FOR SALE--Twelve lots, 50 W 360 feet. Inquire at 715 Center ,Jft. Phone McHenry 278-J. 8-tf Need Rubber Stamps 1 The Plaindealer... Order at SEPTIC TANKS and Cess Pools cleaned. Fred Wells, 123 Ellsworth St., Crystal Lake. Phone 543-M. 40-tf EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 168, Weat McHenry, I1L 4*-tf NO INCREASE IN PRICES Xtae to the additional cost of delivery service, we lild we are unable to maintain our standard of workmanship anditill operate profitably. Rather than raise our prices, we are discontinuing delivery service. This will enable us to maintain our excellent standard of drylv: M'HENRY CLEANERS PHONX McHXMKY 104-K Our most pressing needs are for permanent homes and river front cottages in and around McHenry. We assure you a fast turnover at prices-which probably have reached their ultimate peak. Take advantage of a seller's market and cash in j>n your investment wjyle the is •.JfipCle, 1 McHenry Realty Cd? Root#iao •eHEHST, ILLINOIS ^"Telephone McHenry 690-M-2 I;. H CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslvn A Parker) Office Hours: Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-5 Office--KoAr Supply Company, 542 Main Street, Weet McHenry Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 TeL McHenry 243-J HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Paperhanging, Removing Old Wall Paper-With Steamer, Spray Painting IN N. GREEN ST. McHENRt . ! SIGN PAINTING Any Kind -- Anywhere -- Any Time Window Lettering -- Track Lettering EARL LAWRENCE 122 Main St. Phone Crystal Lake ie DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- lit Green Street these 292-J. McHenry Office Honrs: 1# s. m. te 5 p.m» daily except Wedneeday. Bvening# hy appointment. INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Ante, Farm and Life Inaarance Jtepreeentfakjr REUABLE COMPANIES When yon need insurance af any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green tt ^m McHenry TeL Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist • --Office Hews-- Tnenday * 8atnrdajrs: IsJktslM Eveidags and Snnday Meralngn ly Appointment 1 Leekant Paint Waaisr Lake. HL _ REFRIGERATION " & SERVICE -• Odi ; WONDER LAKE MS JMR* M. BL mi - " 'v- - • ' Veterinarian S t S W a a k e g a n S t . ' P h a MS t •aSENMt. Itt. ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Elsctrhal Central tees Radio Repairs Let as ssthnata that next slsctrical Jeh ef'yanm • LEO G. ROTHERMEL, Propt, 1 - Phe«M McHenry S7S-M IN Riverside Drive A. WORWICK PMOTOCTAPHER CsnmsteM Pfcetagraphy ^ Phane STS - RlrstaMs Ddp# McHENRY, ILL. «•• »-!-- Xw9e aaa STOFFEL A REIHANSPBRGER Iaanrance agents for all das. ea of prspsrty In the heat companies. * _|JeHEIIRY FLORAL Ca . j J -- Phane SIS-R-1 -- ^ O

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