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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Aug 1946, p. 3

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' '• r. --_ ^ •?- BASS THAT DIONT ©ET AWAY to get All the imted, nor will they to assess the district antil another meeting Is held and the sixe of the assessment is agreed upon. However, the men choseh will meet again this week and will formulate plans to meet with the men from the Syndicate and discuss the needs of the district and try Mid reach an agreement as to responsibility. •iiTfaiinir tiiM SiiiMii During the Indian Ridge meeting, Charles Scheidgen played the piano most entertainingly, keeping the hm 4-H Harrison had tat meat ag«d T, for thi crowd. Day, held at «• Friday evening, hit of entertain- Robert Kenney, to sing and dUM He sang '"Give Me a Little Kiaa, and The G which I Russian Mrs. Garbe, Sr., j < 1111 >>tt I IIHIilUMHM< lie on the Bay i n m i n m u i i u i n i n n lie did a waltz dojf and a; tj,e (By "Cam" Martkke) Tuesday •-- Certainly seei 11. 1-20, B.4B., Pistakee, "Boots'* Jensen and Dick Fuhrman. J Charles L. Flowerfej 12. Y16, Jim and Tom Wilson. "j amusement concession The. above scoring1 is the result of iLake, was electrocuted Sund!"**™* ** ** tW° r*CeS Wii » motor boat -- Here's noon. Flowers met death an electric drill to r*n*J though it should rain wishing Peterson while standing in the afteriThe G'Bye. Mundelein fire department but efforts to revive him fi Here is the picture of Mel Sellek hear stories every day about that the Peterson home and will be able and that colossal bass he, caught a bigone that always gets away, and jen(j a for a few jays. #1. few weeks ago. This is the kind we are wondeiing if this is it and • of game fish that ail the sportsmen it hereafter those that get away^will dance. The Kenneys sore \ can summering in a cottage in Wonder, are leaden-colored, and a damp, cool- extra" luck for Ed~RoHh^ri VfilX T """ ""tf* Center. i«h air which often nreredes rairt 1 *7i , T , ^ ,n the stooped to pick it up lie -- rJS&rSL A iSrfeS setSXk 1^7-^ Jj)U«£nai 0pen RegatU «** instantly. The rescue - --r_ .... Y«m.r Art «frrt, .fa., Wn.„, |gr'^a.°°g^ tilHt ,nd " crowd from becoming restive before; f™ more re«ntiy_oi tne ice track,, Honestly, the water situation is - the meeting was called to order. ™8 * T*s,t e ° , -J}?™*! getting so bad that I had thoughts I . Nice gesture, Mr. S., and it was °* JJ™ J** Seattle, Wash. |. . . not really serious ones ... of! • | most helpful to the officer in charge, i Youn» Art resxies with his grand-! getting a rattle and tom-tom and .parents in this community. j going into a ceremonial Indian rain Mrs. Frances Peterson, of Indian! u_ • cw-v k.e . . i dance. Since I'm not a true Ridge was the victim of a bad acci- .Jn™' ,1 • {7 Indian, however, that plan will have dent on Tuesday of this week when1 * 1*™°" to be forgotten. ith.MoolonwhLh.he-.. •Unding;!',^ ?rm W.'h™,7»h 't£P^L,W '" coaflSd t. . ho«pi(.l on th. west' ,, S"™1"" **»«»». of th. ClMMTt forced her arm through the window,-^ # . tu_ volJr , Romeisers are their daughter, Mrs. cutting her badly. M. Burt, ir. the; S^wTnea. ^ vfei Saul, and. grandson, William irole of Good Samaritan, rushed Mrs.: ' i. Clement Saul. Peterson to the doctor, where several; pA- . • man"with'"natUhr^ t l^u • Flash • • • Mr- NicholasVcom is ^""",Mt hi8h' ' ' First place in the eleventh annual! Fox Lake Invitation Regatta, Class You know bragging may not brinif >v'as taken by "Pete" Peterson happ- i* ne~ ss, h«t no m- - _ an. %h_ * av_ in' g caug.fht t t an%%^ x~l 1h% *i Ai ' s*•» on, "ChuI^cAkIi ," in "Y8 Aloha. Miss Dolores Murphy of Shore a large fish goei home;^ through "an Second place was taken by two ex- H l l l l l l i u n n i MHl » ' i t Nos. 2 and News From Wonder Lake 'July 22. Eight of her "teen-age • friends helped her celt brate the occa-l Harrison sion at dinner. ,r From this district perienced sailors from Lake Delavan, Walt Kiefer and Jerry Stammer, in "P4, Another Ketchup.'^ Comn. „ , . 4-H News , . 3, met at j The Busy Bumble Bees Achieve- modore Dave Hall and Sid Peterson School on Sunday afternoon to form were Louanne Howorka, Patricia ment Day was a great success placed third in ' Y21, Skipaway." an organizaton for the betterment Stoddard, Gloria Biggers, Eileen Sharon Grace Sells was "Mistress The rest of the fleet came in as ot their community. Anthony Aud- Camp, "Dinky" Doberstein and of Ceremonies." The program was follows: ino, through whose untiring efforts, Betty Druml. Congratulations, and as f0H0ws: Peggy Selsdorf read the i this group was brought together, was the best of everything! |4_H Creed; Geraldine Cormier srpoke ••>»•»»»»•»•••»*»»»•»••••• unanimously elected chairman of the (on < Choosing FabricsEsther Mar- 5 association which will be known as A bad brush fire along the county: tin, "Conservation of Clothing"; 1 the Indian Ridge Improvement As- road this week was put out by Bill Joanne Resheske, "Trying To Use a 6 We have our annual nroiect under s?c?a.t,on" As the Indian Ridge sub- (Wright of the Handy Pantry before; Sewing Maehine"; Jean Hay told __e_?ave °"r annu^Pro-'eci un°eI divisions are so large, they were, the Fire Department arrived from " ~ - SOHKID'S NEW BAEll ^ 5 miles south on East River lloiui near Griswold Lake! <0«? (By Vanesse Sells) at our house. Operation Sells tne construction of a basement. use This one called the f ire uepartment arrived irom , obyy oouurr nneeiigenSwworree ^ ui^ i ,n 8I? 8ec,tl0ns an^ two McHenry. However, the fire depart- icommittee members from each part ment made a record run out in anwere chosen to represent their swer to the call, but the lady who B, 15 The m • vv. . . | HCl C LIIU9CI1 IV ICUIC9VIU U1C1J MwSlec'oncernTng ™ f^wh^tded nei^hborllood and to serve the com- pUt in the call, and who had started S buiS a house in Ihese try^; mU"Uy t0! * ^ °f # Z t y€a5* fhe fire, reused all responsibility tonee. All I can say is that they I Section 1, consisting of Blocks 1, in the matter. It is the opinion of should have had our names for their 2 and 3, will be represented by Jo- this reporter that when the fire defoal list. First of all we tried for, seph J. Riegel and Frank C. Cor- partment makes a service call to months to find a man to come rado. Section 2, consisting of Blocks this district that the service charge dig. Then, when the man did 4, 5 and 6, will be represented by should gratefully be paid by the to dig it, the equipment broke Charles Scheidgen and O. F. Hen- Party needing the services, ft is When the digging was almost neberg. Section 3, consisting of 1 beside the point that ner house aia finished, the house almost fell into Blocks 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.1 not catch fire. It could have . . . ! the hole! At present we are look- will have P. L. Cormier and Fred \\« rrnght find ourselves in the same ing for the forms which are next Sells as their representatives. Sec- position as the Greek boy who caliea on our list . . . ah, well, we have,tion 4, Blocks 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19, "Wolf" just once too often. What ao the hole. If we can't get.the cement, chose Lyle H. Stensrud and Carl you think? we can use it for a moat! 1 Marx to reoresent them and Charles j -- F. Pilch and ' Bud" Elbersen were Mrs. George Armamentos of Chi- JOHNSBIJHG iinl' in 1 p j j (By Chit and Chat) v A . , , , chosen for representatives from Sec- caeo is visiting her daughter, Mrs. ,T After Sunday's baseball game with r. Armstrong returned to his lit- tion 5 Blocks 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24. James Selsdorf. The Selsdorf chil- j Huqtley, the Johnsburg Tigers still 1-18, Kake Kay, Geneva, Stewart Eggert and Bud Melges. D2, Sea Raider II, Delavan, Don Gunderson. Yll, Mistakee II, Pistakee, «*i t. e _ • "Dode" Ericsson, Carol Ericsson J1,®* Tj? Put 0" * Sn»P Fastener";! and Bill Ericsson. Helen Tronsen demonstrated differ- 7. D22, Eight Ball, Delavan, Jack e2 «?*m finishes; Natalie Piet told! Stritt and Bob Penticof. of Grooming and Accessories ; Bar- 8. Y4, Hold Tight, Pistakee, Ed bara Sellek talked on the care of the Rollberg and Stan Franks. *ii' i.v . , . , . , 9. Y22, Mischief, Pistakee, Bill . A~ ?!j fn IJJ®de^ed the' Starck and Jack Deroche. skirts they had made. The rest of 10. Y9, Skipper II, Pistakee, Bob and1 the evening was an ice cream social, jjm Ludford I and the girls served ice cream and i [ cookies to about fifty guests. PEGGY SELSDORF, Reporter, MTS"FR"OM SKIMS . . . TMr Arck Eaeaty I*, to*. Ik<> will rua troM RATQON -- iiaailibU rat r«p*ll«at nadt •xtraet oi lift skuaka. mU it. but rodasta caa. us*. Non-peiaonoua. in b«M« S2.00; larg« $(.00. Cramer PnAgh, lac. ill Law Mg. Xmmi Citf, Ma. tiehome in Wonder Center this week Section 6, consisting of Blocks 25, 2G,' dren p^ggy jean and Dick, are!remain at the top of the list. Scon after a four-month stay in Call- 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, will pretty happy to have their grand- was 10 to 4. Johnsburg, which has; tv™? . a A"e "°me V'® son- be represented bv Justus Kellner mother at their house. I remained undefeated in the second Daughter, Mary Lou Merntt, and and Henthorne. There are -- | series, will play Hebron at the local aen^Alan Annstrong, here were glad 970 unfts of property or lots in these Wonder Lake Lookout Point, diamond next Sunday. Crystal Lake, to welcome Mr, Armstrong home. two and ^st of then, commu^U, ^ng'of the | J^ch was ^e -^0^ teamin, . Morp than 100 property owner, L^E'wM^ormed ,o' N"<JU ^5^^, tWirtT.MWta 1 b?, l.,t Sun-'RatgOIl dllTM »W»y rate tltA •i the districts of Indian Ridges, late in the season, it will probably Xnnimr .Italic will b. h.w w'" "'"f mice . . . made from cnHnred VISIT THE * FOOD WONDER LASS : PANTRY SHOP Phone Wonder Lake <01 . • GROCERIES AND MEATS L, Foods --Fresh. Vegetables ^ loe Cream jF;1Liqoora -- Wines -- planning a picnic Crystal Lake at Johnsburg. j , . . . __ on August 11, on the 1Jeach i»t the j £,r &nd Mre ramcr jfeyers< MrJ extract Of live skunks. YOU north end o.f _ and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, Waukegan, can't smell it rodents There will be and Miss Esther Freund of McHenry ™ ;.S, " * * * ,®W ^ father, son and daughter were Sunday dinner guests in the'and they le&Ve . . . ! «*me, and there^wiU dancing. | wnijam J. Meyers home. ,, ^ Plans are to start at 11 a-m- *"5* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Sr.,| 8-01. bottle $2.00 invited McHenry, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter, All of the district is co :y ; Bbumshen of Canada were callers , _ "LJSTtrtB toST into^J»h« M. pi«™ h«»e Tu«d.,! Thomas P. Bolger Drn«itore ana we u»'"-inR " -- _ ,, evening evening. The _L^kout_Pomters wfouli ( Mrg_ Helen Hettermann Mr.; love to meet their neighb^ frronmm mrs. neien neuermann and Mr. and Mrg. Paul Weber and daUKhu,r, otheJ" subdivisions. , j Judy, of Spring Grove were callers' Watkins, president of tte cw», andjin the Wilf;am K Krift fc Mrs. Ben^ chairma jjngton, Wis., Sunday hostess for the picnic, are planning ( Mr_ kn(i Mra_ Alhe) home at Bur- «"--~t --- - «... | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping and many interesting things »r an inter Mr and Mrg Jake pepPing attend esting day. Try and attend. the wedding of their ' .; Ralph Kunis, in Chicagi The summer home of »"• j Art Klein, in company Mrs. Charles J. Garbe, Jr., in Indian and George Saunders, Spring! Ridge is now being permanently Grove, spent Sunday at Rippley, r>i«H fav the family of Charles Wi- Vi«hih» nephew, go Saturday, ny with All McHenry, III S. W. Brown Drugstore Ringwood, III. PLEASURE TRIP PRECIOUS TIME WASTED? Summer MotoT Trips Can Be IEither "Make mine a pleasure trip." you say . . . but it's largely up to yon. We can help, though ... if you'll bring us your car for a tuning-up and adjustment before you »tert touring. ^ Remember, it's a lot better to have yonr ; car put in good shape here at home than -r-to be stopping at garages all along your vacation route to have the work done piece-meal Long distance, high-speed driving has a way of making little faults into major troubles. Tour best assurance 1 of an enjoyable trip is to have us correct those little faults in advance. * ; " .V-' a Schtverman Cfieviolet -- Routes 120 and Z%jm: * ^ *§p"> Portable models finished in white aynthetic enamd with black japanned cookdng top Gteas fuel tank shows supply at all times. S hnnter, with l^s •11.75 SPARKLE OiANER I occupied by oi onaries ^rjg > fi8hmg. J. Garbe, Sr. Mr. Garbe, Sr., has, Mrs. Jos. J. Freund entertained recently retired from business alter, members of her club Thursday afterhaving been employed f for : noon. • years at the Robert O. L^wis Book-1 Don't forget V. F. W. and Auxiliary [ bindery. Mrs. Lucille of South; me€ting Monday night, Aug. 6, at; 19 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas, Woodstock, were callers in the Pete** Freund home Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kennebeck and! Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holmes, Wood-1 stock, spent several days at the Wis*; consin Dells. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping wore dinner guests in the Ed Freund home Sunday. Eunice returned t«j spend several days with her grandparents. Johnsburg Community meeting Tuesday, Aug. 6. Committee includes Jonh Schmitt, Jos. S. Schmitt, Jos. S. J. Schmitt, Math Schmitt, Edward Schmitt. Pvt. Jim Freund of Scott"IField spent the weekend with his folks, the Jos. L. Freunds. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martinec of j Chicago were Sunday dinner guests, in the William Martinec home. Dotty t and Billy Martinec returned with i them after spending a week with their grandparents. William Kicks of Sonnyside Estates had the misfortune to fall and break his wrist Tuesday evening. The gentleman will on longer be able to do the -shopping for his neighbor women. They'll miss you, Bill. Mr. Ricks, who has made Johnsburg his permanent home for several years, now holds the position as alderman of Johnsburg- under the guidance of Mayor Tea Ghristensen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blades and sen, Timmie, returned to Johnsburg after a few months' visit with his folks, Afjr. and Mrs. Everett Blades, of Republic, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mills of Edinburg, Texas, spent a week in- the Jos. H. Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller, Gladys, Lloyd and Charles Bundy, Chicago, were recent callers in the George Hiller home. ^ „ Margaret and Anna Diwmiller, Chicago, were guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Peter Ocfrling one day last . Mr. and Mrs. Don Monte. Miss Julette Thelen, Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller, Waukegan, guests in the Arthur Thelen recently. ... ... . .. Blessed Virgin Soladity^ will hold home their monthly meeting ing, Aug. 2, at St. John s evenschool cietus LaFontaine, Fostoria, Ohio, spent several days in the Joseph Michels home. Mrs. Reginald Rex, Sr., visited In Chicago several days last week. Mrs. George Reinmueller and family, Chicago, spent a week's vacation ill the Arthur Thelen home. _ MPs raw your little girl's 4oO has a dirty tee* wipe it off with greaseless cold cream oa a soft doth. 1Mb will remove the soil without removing paint and luster from the dolTa 1: :^jMb TBI STKAN-STill Hate is eae el III vsriatiees •! the "QuoeMt 24." Three Metions are ined a* sa hepleaieat shed; the fovrtfc see* ban, eaeloaed aai fitted with walk-door aa4 window in aide paaal, malwa aa ideal worfcthop. Ttta riapl* adaptstioe, wkfc ie e«tira (reat aasaalesed, ta uaei ea a loafiag bara far liveateak. 24n--firwAaa a fittiai tfapley iar (arm pradeae. jpesi^ned on a new principle and built with new i lliala, the "Quoaset 24** is a really modsnm farm building, lettw for scores of uses. It it 24 feet wide, with the length extendable in section* of 12 feet . . . 24'x24/, I'x36', 24'jHS', and soon. are the only buildings that combine all steal itruction with great flexibility. Each 12-foot section pma be individually equipped as desired. It may be Partitioned or not; die front may be enclosed, left epenor fitted with roller doors; extra sections may be whenever required. Additional windows a loon, insulation and other equipment are itnlled. This wide utility is due to a unique, fast «a* itruction method, which employs Stran-Steel jmtfeMr framing members and sheet steel covering that ieMtffitf ^irtctly to them. Inexpensive to build, easy to erect and maintain, fireaafe, the "Quonset 24M is a sound building investment. |Ule us for full detaila. "imiif beMljgs sra puissti st west twn Csrpststlss, s salt st Istlssil Stssl Northern

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