tllllM \ " """ at tham areatarted by camp Area, Mrii biMnft'itf wdM|| matches and cigarette*. Clear Vanels Ahrays bat. sure bit flu bami and action of guns arc dear at obstraedaas. i • • - BnUuriMteKand tood«p™. vide about d pir cant at the total calories and proteins In & • * • - i * Tasty Wftawr Spread the frankfurter with ma» tard, rbll h In fine cracker crumbs and Ihuwu mider the broiler. • *4 .<-• •- 'W <•* " •' *• 4 erlske v *ri heim. ilworth. interment aft (By Sells) m v !y Vv.; K' .* », - 'y *f »<' •' » :-VWi,S ,v2" ;ViV£w*« ";P:^ FOOD SHOP »3"HSV: ggU B°~ "Sr** "" ' • ; ' ' ' • GROCERIES AND MEATS /' Frozen Foods -- Fresh Vegetables •- , Ice Cream - "'f lilqittbrtf -- Wines Beer ' I heard. a report this week that the first wmshiny machine wms invented around 19}0. Only 86 years ago, our mothers and grandmothers had bat one way to do a washing . . . on a washboard. (This was before Spike Jones decided that tins latter was a musical instrument.) Washday 88 years ago was really' cordially invited to attend a herculean task. Heating water ---- those days usually was a matter of' The ladies of the Rod and Gtm putting two large copper boilers on • club auxiliarv hope you have put a the range and building a roaring fire, i ring around Friday, Aug. 23, the date A Sacred Maskale will be held at the Wonder Lake Gospel Center on Saturday evening, Aug. 17, at 7:48 p.m. Gene Jordan, radio star with his talking marimba, will be featured. This talentad young man is an outstanding artist. Other musical attractions will be on the. program. Admission is free and the puWic even in August. There was also the of their ice cream social •fe.'M' '!• i •}• ft .H..;, •!••> <• »'1' 1M <• •! 4 'fr '!"W aril WONDER LAKE GOSPEL CENTEE > i (Opposite Schroeder's Grocery Stare, Wonder Center) &trr?b fRusiral . . . presenting ... G E N E J O R D A N Artist . . . With His Talking Marimba and other musical talents :: SATURDAY EVENING, the public is AUGUST 17, A? 7:40 P.M. cordially invited --- business of getting the water into j the boilers, and that consisted of' 1 assiduous application to the business j end of a pump handle. Nothing so effete as turning a tap and water* coming out, let alone hot water. , It . is an odd Commentary on the j j genius of man that his lirst concern t 'in the invention department was to i ' keep himself from walking, and so he invented wheels to put cit a cart . . . and that was several'thousand I j years ago. When his wife Refused to pull the thing, he broke the horse to domesticity, but the horse required considerable care, so he tinkered:. around with the thing and \ finally put a motor into it and mad® it {ro by itself,. That was around the turn of the century, and he was dirtying clothfs regularly, but he ' still was worrying about transporta- | tion and finally got his vehicle into ,:,the air. . Around this time he was | also tinkering with a way to talk t3 b'"5 neighbor without getting out of his chair . . . and came up with a telephone and a telegraph . . . ! also another gadget called an elecj trie light, and he still hadn't thought ! of any help for blue Mondays. The more I think about it (there j is, naturally, no data to support my (theory), I'll bet that that first washer was invented by a guy who j had such a strong-minded wife that > he had to help with the washing! To be held on the lawn at the Allen Arm strong home . . . everyone invited! Do you suppose it is true that it man can be judged by the clothfs his wife wears????? " m* » lwi •h•p•p cyci *** iHtobabhr not more than an average of % out ] i of jevetrlOOpendtas. Thia ideal con- ! I ditkto of exact refractive abilities is , known as "etninetropia." In an em- ' metropic eye parallel rays of light i ; come to a clear, sharp focus upon j ! the retina. Not only roust the lens ' operate exactly, but the cornea and ; : the aqueous fluids in the eye must { ; be nicely balanced in refractive | I powers for a person to have so- I called'perfect vision. Although few 181-eyes meet exactly the high stand- , ard for perfect vision, eyes of many persons closely approach that stand- j ard. Irregularities in the curvature ; of the cornea, improper flexing of ; the lens, and eyeballs that are too j short or too long are among the j causes «f improper focusing of im-, j ages upon the retina. ... *1 The essentials of laundering woolens can be condensed to two things; gentle temperatures and gentle handling. Lukewarm water is a must You know the trick you use in testing the water for a baby's bath. You dip your elbow into the water, because the skin Ujere is sensitive; hands are not a sure guide to correct temperature, since ' they become accustomed to the hot water used for washing dishes. So elbowtest for temperature, and that means for rinse water, too. You wouldn't shock a baby's skin with water too cool, either. Woolens show their sensitiveness by shrinking from either extreme of water temperature. doing Wood When gluing wood articles, icy the clamps of an old clothes wringer to hold them together as they . uiuw yui Plairtdealer. The Club o NEW HERNIA SUPPORT for reducible RUPTURE Enjoy the? comfort and security of the O.T.C. Hernia Support, designed for small reducible ruptures that do not warrant a truss. No bulky pads, no springs--not a truss. Easy and comfortable to wear. Come in today. Expert fitting, sympathetic understand^ bf trained fitters. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1 • No Bulky Pads • No Springs Green Street McHenry t: MILL INN :: (Formerly B&rnardfe Mill) North End of Wonder Lake at the Bridge * STEAK?, &OAST8, GHIOKEN, LOBSTER TA2& Dinners served from 6 to 9 p. m. daily except Mondays s Saturday: 6 to 11 p. m. Sunday: 1 to 7 p. m. FISH FRY EVEEY FRIDAY • COCKTAILS LIQUOR • • P WINE - BEER later to "DEAC" STRONG, Owner Phone Richmond 312 ficnic held by the Community Lodkout Point was quite R success, and netted the group a. sizable amount which will be used for' the upkeep of the district, particularly the conditioning of the roads.! Mrs. Marie Bendel, hostess, and JMrs. Mochel, her assistant, were fery gratified at the fine turnout. •Thty were particularly pleased to see so many visiters from the other ^Subdivisions. Many lovely prizes were taken home by participants in the games, ^frs. Minnie Steel. 5865 Winona ave., Chicago, topk home an electric mixer and Mr. McGuire acquired a fine automatic electric iron. j A lovely leather purse, donated by the Betty Nielsen shop was won by! Frieda Langner, a big chocolate cake donated by Mrs. Gertrude Wat kins was the prize for Mrs. K. Engvalson. Another fine cake donated by Mrs. Dorothy Kostuch was won by Herbert Schultz, Jr., of 5427 North Lynch ave., Chicago. iThe picnic was, almost in the nature of a celebration for young Schultz, recently discharged from the naval reserve where he served as a lieutenant, junior grade. Running races were the order of ,|he day for the very young and -frizes for them, small banks, were acquired by Richard Hoffman, Robert Gallagher and Judy Mochel. Andy Poluch and his wife of Mc- Henry staged the most impressive arrival ... in a taxicab. The Lookout Pointers want to thank their neighbors for patronizing their shindig. War Against Carbon ^ Monoxide Gas in Hotpes Poison gas killed 1,950 Americans last year. Carbon monoxide was , the poisonous gas in eight out of t every nine cases, and 97 per cent of " the victims were stritken in their own homes. Safety principles for ^voiding monoxide poisoning in the home include: 1. Be sure that the damper in a stove or furnace pipe is never closed tightly enough to force gases out into the room. Jit is better to regulate 1 "draw" witn a pheck draft. 2. A flu^ pipe to carry away burned gases is always necessary 1 for gas ovens and water heaters. , 3. Gas burners should burn with a , transparent blue flame. If the flame ' has a white or yellow tint, adjustment is necessary. 4. Never operate a gasoline engine in a closed place unless the exhaust is piped out of doors. Open shed doors before starting the truck, par or tractor. ; Read the Want Ad|| Washing Lampshadea can ^ ly as long as the materiel fast and everything Is.aa stitched to the frame. Just peatedly in lukewarm carefully in several clear in and place it where there is • circulation of air for drying. If shade is glued or pleated, use of dry soapsuds will do a job, but be sure to rinse well a cloth dipped in clear water thoroughly wrung out Best will be obtained either way If take the precaution to away all dust first. Incidentally, *. neait trick for dusting difficult pleated shades is to whisk up and dowiy# with a man's old shaving brush . . *%"• it's so soft it can t huji the fabr and the long briSiJco reach these elusive folds. , Order your rumier stamps at tjbp: •eaoeeeee "vtv?: LOTS COTTAGES FARMS BUSINESS ~v Air Supply . Beginning in 1928, air freight played a big part in equipping gold mines at Pickle Crow and Central Patricia in northwestern Ontario, both very productive. In 1931 planes equipped radium ore and silver mining sites in the far northern region of Great Bear lake. Canadian air freight and express jumped from about 2,400 tons in 1933 to more than 13,000 tons in 1935,v mainly because Of mining volume. * Come out and watch the Plaindealer Newsboys play ball! We have many select offers of properties within price ranges suitable to all. * Our list of real estate and business properties are open for your inspection. Any inquiries will receive our prompt attention. " To List With Us Is To Sell Through Us. McHENRY REALTY CO. ^ Route 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS Telephone McHenry 690-M'2 Lake Benedict was the scene of another nicnic on Sunday, when the Ringwood Chemical company treated their employees to an alt-day get-together. All anyone had to bring was their own plates and silver . . . everything else was on the firm, The food was elegant and apparently endless with seconds, thirds and; even fourths being passed around." Dr. E. W. Low and Dr. Wfclter Guthmann, president and vice-president respectively of the company, were the genial hosts to the group. Many Wonder Lakers were present, among them being Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Noren, MV. and Mrs. Orville Tronscn, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wrede, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cheney, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reuter, Mr. and Mrs. John Carman, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parlour, Mr. and Mrs,- Gerald Alletag, Mr. and Mrs. William Hoef't, Mr. and Mrs. A. Merritt, Mrs. Jane Dunaway, Fterd Armstrongs Steve Zak, Louis Magliano and Willard Hamilton. The last two namecr are from Wonder Wocds. AUCTION SALE EXTRAORDINARY % THE ENTIRE FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT v fe : , . . OF THE . . Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Bahler, Chicago, were weekend houseguests in the home of Dr. Watkins. Despite every effort, the pipeline company which supplies natural gas to this area has been unable to obtain steel lor additional construction before next winter. Due to this, plus the large increase in home use of gas • • • 60s for New Space-Heating and Industrial Uses Must Be Restri «r% TO PROTECT THE SUPPLY TO HOMES AND ESSENTIAL WOOSTER HEALTH RESORT will be sold at Unrestricted Public Auction on the premises, 19 mil of WaUkegan, 13 miles northwest of Libertyville and 3V4 miles west 111., on the southeast shores of Wooster Lake. of * V~ Morning, Afternoon and Evening Sessions SATURDAY and SUNDAY, AUG. 17 -18 65 Rooms of Furniture and Equipment Small Sandra Anderson, aged 9, house guest at the James Selsdorf home, enlivened her stay by running an ice-pick through her foreifinger. The bone was not injured, so Sandra and her sister, Dee-Dee, ean finish out the vacation here as Consisting of Rugs (oriental and Carpets, Parlor Suites, 150 Pl*nnedpieces of Living Room Furniture, 200 pieces of Bedroom Furniture, 40, y pieces Lawn Furniture, Lamps, 6ric-a-Brac, Office Furniture and Desks, . **7* 1 T llectric and Gas Ranges, Miscellaneous Kitchen and Dining Room Equip- n Mr ment, Frigidaire, Larjfe Steam Table. Laundry Equipment, Bed Linens i ?? - Sunday evening, Aug. 11. Mr, and Blankets, Curtains, Draperies, Shop Tools, and hundreds of articles used in this Institution too numerous to mention. ritrnre ai domestic), Mrs. Walter Troxell, Mrs. Victor 1 Milbrandt and Mrs'. Jairies Selgdorf j were special ^guests at a garden! Earty on the lawn of the Aldeni igh school at Alden. This party.) sponsored by the Home Bureau, was to welcome new members. Missf Christine Schroy, guest speaker, told of living conditions in the Great Smoky Mountains. Mrs. Mabel Anderson and son, Wesley, Chicago, have been spending jheir vacation in the home at thepel Center. > • Elaine Fredricksen Just en hesams the mother of a baby boy on Sun' day morning. " Mother, baby and jgrandparents all doing fine. Al Repan is our latest addition to the "Tnirty-one Again",group. He received his congratulations on Saturday from his family and friends. other an(* ®®rs* Piiocci purchased the for- A rare opportunity at this time to obtain much needed merchandise readily available on the market. For Special Information, write or phone The Wooster Lake Health Resort, at Round Lake, Illinois. EVANS HOUTZ, Atrts«Hf Vint P1MMKT, Vfc*4hps« Clssk a# toi Ufcs SSU /. mer Pat Flanagan home last fall and [became permanent residents of our ! community. Mr. Pinocci had already become quite active in several civic improvement groups. Two daughters, as well as Ms widow, survive him: The daughters, Mrs. Roy M. Getschow and Mrs. F. 1L fteasB. are rasMsats ^f-&snil» gtudshlldrsn, Lae and Graca GsfadMw and LaVerne, Frank V It became necessary fo ask fibe Mlkoh Commerce Comminfae hr authority to limit tho dotivoryot ga» as follows: • , . . . Spac* Hearing. Delivery of gas for space heating during this emergency will he limited to (1) premises gas-heated last winter or those in which gas equipment was installed or being installed as of July 16, 1946, and (2) new homes completed or under construction as of same date, in which gas heating had been installed or specified. . Industrial. No ddiveiy of gas to any new industrial customer who can reasonably we a fed other than gas, norjtoany new customer or additional load of an eaittBg custo^aer f iwf ding a 3® In addition to the above restrictions on connecting additional loads, when necessary to safeguard the supply of gas to homes and fo protect community health and safety, reduced deliveries of gas for industrial and commercial uses will be made effective during extreme winter wsothtr, and residential customcrs will bs called upon to hold their uae of gas to m imnimwm Delay* in carrying out the expansion of pipelines to bring additional natural gas to the i which had been planned for this year, ph» the large incrsspsd demand figj|-- far hot u--, make these issUkilious in connecting additional bad immnBit^y We sincarely iegret the nscasslty for these limitations in gm service. Yoo nay be that restrictions win £e lifted at the earliest poeeibls moment. I S T I t a I H I I I I OAS A N ! I I I I V I I I l O S P f t l l Mi* » .. . A 1 ' * ^riVirtliHiii I ^ n sai8--" {*' -I