We cannot accept news after Tqeaiv afternoon at 5 o'clock. Please your items in before the dead- Safe cheese is usually cottage ! cheese seasoned lightly with sage, - ; but many cooks mi* sage with H -.^Vv ^ Order year rubber at the; cream cheese and use it for stuffing " ^.indealer. -'celery. * te be stani ai tka Fw ttver abe<ve tike Kimball street Mdga in Clgln by the Bgin Marine Bnnday, flspfc 1. Tne four hoar program «ms at 1 p. m. sharp. nuenmn skul|> Harry Kleckner, 44. Chicago, suffered a fractured skull recently when he fell twenty feet to the groand from the row of the Walter Graw cottage in Wauconda. He was em ployed by the Madison Construction Company of Chicago and was repairing the roof at the time of the3 accident. Bolger's Drug Store High Drama for Nalls/arid Lips ...prettiest color under the sua Sm Red SMART SET y (Lacqaer, Lacqoerol, lipstick). fl.TS* M S* (Lacquer with L*cqiierol). 75c* Lipstick, 91* m -SOMETHING NEW HAS ^BEEN ADDED TO THE 1 BEAUTIFUL AIR-COOLED RAINBOW INN Island Lake, Illinois On Bonte 176, 3 Miles West of Wauconda Serving the Best in Food .. Home Cooking AGED STEAKS CHICKEM SPAGHETTI 1AVI0LI SANDWICHES Hamburger Steaks and Sandwiches Made of Pure Aged Beef in Italian Style v V" . *'<•* .i*c,fV , • It's here*.. by WARD •Mt • no ucnucnr • NO SOAP OtwATM s NO At last! A vest pocket size dry shaver for the man with bctwccn-»havc stubble. Quick, comfortable (can't nick or scrape), Vcstpok can be used any time, any place! For office, plane, taxi, locker room, camp ... and, of course, at home! * - $9.00 with 10 of the finest razor steel blades. •n * •«. rii«iMI riimi i»»«ii h. SirtOi ytwi WPOK ' McGEE'S McHENRY - • By V»GIN1A ftfl QO LINDA DARNELL won out ^ over Gene Tierney lor the title role in "Forever Amber,'* and a lot of us are still protesting that 20th Century-Fox has made another bad mistake in connection with that opus. Three hundred thousand dollars goes down the drains because of the first one--giving "Amber" to-Peggy Cummins. Cornel Wilde remains as "Bruce Carleton"; Otto Preminger 'will direct, replacing John Stahl, who walked out before shooting came to a halt last spring. Come September the whole thing starts again--and this time it's got to be good! Also ftiiifcptember" W!^i«-;Cagney's "The Stray Lamb" goes into production, with Audie Murphy, the most decorated G.I., making his debut, unless Cagney lends him out to somebody else first. Murphy has been considering various film ith Ellis Of Dabaaue, ' tL m Kate McLauSuin last Mr*, fi. 9. Ward andsoa, Mrs. Louise SehwvnsMi iters, Catherine and Bavw last Sunday in Indiana, visited Valparaiso Unifty jmd later called on friends. : MM Catherine have enrolled for thei? mdiman year at the university and tkill begin their studies there oa Sag*. |6. Miss lMores Genther of Elgin has been standing her two weeks' vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Peter A# Mrs. 8tacia Malone, accompanied ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of LINDA DARNELL bids ever since last- February- James Cagney has been after him since last July. Following "The Stray Lamb," Murphy's booked for "A Lion Is in the Streets." --*-- Wendy Day, 14-year-old daughter of Clarence Day Jr., who wrote "Life With Father," has been given a role in the picture based on the book and play. Irene Dunne and William Powell star; if the movie's half as good as the play it should get an AcadeShy Award. A perfect pieee of easting--Claudette Colbert and Fred MacMurray in "The Egg and I." That hilarious account of an adventure In raising chickens should be the year's best comedy, especially appreciated by aD who've ever raised ehiekwfien Harry Von Zell went into movies he swore he'd never play a radio announcer -- "Standing in front of a mike and talking and giggling into it is not acting, as I see it." But Von Zell. whofs featured I in RKO's "Till the End of Time."' Freund hom* on Sunday ^aukegan. visited friends in Woodstock on Sunday. Mrs. Catherine Stelte of Seattle, Wash., left Saturday for her home after spending the week visiting in the tBfen Justen home here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boger and son, Jiinmie, of Elm wood Park and Mrs. John Mcreau and daughter of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. Catherine Boger. The •formers' son, Dasvid, who spent the past week visiting here, accompanied them home in the evening. Miss Martha StVfel of Washing?, ton, D. C., spent last week with her; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Stoffe!.; Weekend guests in the Ben Justen; home were Lieut. Paul Justen of Fort Sheridan and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kreuger and children of Cedar Point, Wis. George Tollefsen and familv and Charles Smith and daughter of Oak Park spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. O. Tollefsen, helping her celcforate her birthday anniversary. The latter is recovering nicely from her recent illness. Billie WfeU'cf DesPlaines, a former local resident, spent last week In the Peter A. Freund home. Mrs. M. J. Walsh and Dorothy and Louise Walsh of McHenry and Mrs. Kinney of Chicago spent last Sunday visiting friends at Lake Geneva. Mrs. Francis Curelewski and daughter, Sharon, of Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krohn, Sr., and other relatives here last week. Mrs. William Spencer and daughters, Mrs. Lester Page and Mrs. Thomas Phalin, attended the flower show at Lake Geneva on Saturday. Mrs. Fred Krohn, Sr., Mrs. Francis Curelewski and daughter, Sharon, Mrs. Leonard O'Leary and Mrs. Elmer Glosson and son visited Brookfield Zoo last Thursday. Little Mercedes Gustafson of Chicago spent the past week with her grandmother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. Miss Barbara Ann Krause of Elmhurst visited relatives in McHenry last week. Andrew Worwick arid Paul Yanda spent Thursday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Berthold of Elmhurst spent a few days recently with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Felcman spent a day last week in Chicago. Miss Marie Justen and Ray Horertberger, Jr., of McHenry and Navy Chief John Dye and wife 'of San Diego, Calif., attended the evening Erformance of the Ringling Brothers, irnum ft Bailey circus in Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Freund and family, Johnfburf, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Diedrich, Volo, were dinner and supper guests in the SMvJ&Pisut * ** Featured in the daOy program will bea spectacular outdoor night shoVr, Wbrla of Stars,"; 18 big-top circus acts;: * complete speed show, including ttn afternoons «f grand circuit harness races, three days ofautemoi! S motorcycle races, and a thrill show starring Jimmy Lynch and his daredevil automobile driving death dodgers. "World of Stars" Is rated as the finest outdoor grandstand show ever shown in Wisconsin.- Starring a cast of over 260 stars of stage, screen and radio, the show is the largest production ever to go on tour. * Eighteen sensational circus acts, ' *ks art tfu Mat „ ^ Mtevyia Am «ok mm* •• - -- PL •' •*'. MEN'S SHOP " - SIA Mam L ** ' " ; 1 > tV'" » • McHENRY ^ \ A * ; ' r Y ' - * ' VV --> ^ , r % ^, • : < ; •• """f } * " * ^ *<. T "r" , * : . ?• • ; A •.* -•i.y L Every elgntt Oil Biinier sola U a VR&ami OH-O-Ha^e (lundrwti ^ of other makes to choose from). •S'i >•/. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boyk and son, ri? v8y ®nnouncer "I "How j Chicago, spent last weekend visiting Do You Do?" However, he alibis himself; explains that he did more than just talk into a mike--he really acted. That same "Till the tfnd of Time" gave Guy Madison his big chance. His only other screen role had been in "Since You Went Away," in which he was the sailor who laughed at Jennifer Jones' bowling. Fans went crazy about him, and there he is, playing opposite Dorothy Mc- Guire. --*-- . .Mary Meade, who s a t on an e i g h t - ' ®S°t champagne glass in Republic's "Earl Carroll Sketchbook," has been promoted. In "The Magnifi- j last week visiting in the home of cent Rogue" she lies around in the their daughter and familv, the James sand, in a wispy bathing suit. But Mahoneys, in Chicago. it's an advance in her career--she 1tTi°0 vn;- Mrs. Cora Herdrich Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting and granddaughters and Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward and Jean Conway of Elgin spent Sunday viaiting relatives and friends in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cornwall and Miss Catherine Cornwall of Chicago were Sunday guests in the William Doherty home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes, Woodstock, spent Sunday in McHenfy. Mrs. Frank Rossi and sons, Chicago, spent last week visiting in the home of her parents, the Robert Knoxes. The children remained for a longer visit. Miss Clara Stoffel left Sunday for a vacation trip to Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin spent X 90,6 per cent of all Williams Oil-O-M&tics iwttaiu^ in the last . 25 YEARS are still being used. $. A Williams Oil-O-Matie will test times m Mm other homers. ( 4 Williams Oil-O-M&tic Lo-Pressnre is still the best Oil Burner ever manufactured or assembled. a Wlllianu OilOMatic prodocUon today i* S tint* fnafer th**.- the best year in history# •• : ; ; , • >: T v - for full automatic oil heat B* Sff* and CM the New Williaiu OU-O-KMIc ; Y told exelturively by THENNES OIL CO. QUALITY FUEL OIL He B. OKSEN ST. "<^KL. M6-S ' HeBSHST, ILL. " Qnnin*ni iii> •"* , Sonr Order Kow Wm JUnie Too of Beinf aii dftd-tfatie Owner. Oomplete Burner Service on all Makes! . , - • - 'fj « ^ i* ^ ****** * r irj ' , * ; ' : ** J™ *' gets to speak a few lines! --*-- . The air's daytime serials are nonaudienee broadcasts, bat If yea're privileged to walk la en one, it's no shock (after the first few times!) to find a Broadway star In the cast. Margalo Gilmore's the latest recruit. On the stage, she has anj Important role In the smash hit, "The State of the Union." And on > the air she's recently assumed the role of "Connie Wakefield" In "The Bight to Happiness." \ *-- As a special concession to Wen 4ell Corey, who had the week's star ring role in "Goodbye, Again" at the Yardley, Pa., summer theater, the company omitted a recent Wednesday night performance. That made it possible for Corey to get to New York for his "McOarry and His Mouse," NBC air show. The concession wasn't hard to arrange --the owner of the theater is--Wendell Corey 1 ODDS AND ENDS-Undbnmrmgtf by ww Earnest," '^l, *** MU rftm le ifce «> •Jith hit own thom>; hfll al*» return to »« in "Terry mmd At Pirstn," produced by Douglm* Fmirbmnks Jr. . . . So rou'ra Hmvimg • Nmmmt Brtmkdo «on, m thort, it mom Mri tmoio by Wmnur Bros. . . . RmmmW Dick Jomm. thttoj? "Henry" oj -Tho Aldrich Fmi ily*? HJt till in th* mrmy. . . . The tym- W d«y of a Hollywtod ttar trill be thown in the Columbim tcreen tnapshot, "Ift Tough to Be m Star." . . . Dennit Morgan tells it on hit young daughter, Kirttin--tayt the mtked him whmt pert of the cow makes the bbttle! Miss Zenith Ellis of Dubuque, la., was a recent guest in the William Doherty home here. Mrs. Eleanor Fbley and children are spending a few weeks visiting relatives and friends in Cleveland!, Ohio. Ernest Kamholz of Chicago spent a few days the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Out-of-town guests in the Martin Conway home on Sunday were Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Smith and son, Dennis, of Rockton. Paul Yanda and Andrew Worwick left Tuesday for a fishing tfip north. Ball road Statlattes If all the railway tracks in the United States were extended in a single line it would, take a train traveling at the rata of a mil* a minute 288 days to run from one end to the other. "X-5? to A STATEMENT To Keep tfi^Recditis Clear and we thought you might be ^ |n£eres£e(J_ ~ « 0»I>iiiii Unmbo' of New Automobiles we have received to date ^-^ii '" Delivered to VeteraiMi > / V ^ ^ 1' Delivered to Doctors ;vl. •' j Delivered to the Clergy ';r •' CRASHES INTO HOTEL About 8:80 a.m. last Thursday oil# of the Downs Motor Express trucks crashed into the east entrance of the Richmond hotel, damaging hoth the truck and the wall. Apparently, the driver parked the truck across the street, before going to breakfast in a nearby restaurant and while there, the brakes released and the truck relied down the kill, aerosa tjw road and crashed into the wall. MAT FIVES? CONSIDER COSMETICS Co*m«tic •lltrgM* eftaa csmm (attaint* If you «r« Matedls hypewir| nie Cowiito «M Mb rtlicve veer diteomfoft. SeetbiRi. oeliffctM •MMty aide, widely pfM«tbed rb| Att--toHom, Cease oat and watch tha Plain- Isalsr Newaboye ph^r ba|H & : j Bolger's Drug Store Ckeea Street McBewry 21 were delivered to old-line custmners. 12, or were delivered to high priority 331/3 per |n addition w% have «b order with the factory, 4 Oldsmobites with Sydromatic Drive, for Veterans who have lost the ne of one or more limbs. The factory assures us of shipment of these can this month: / v|e this particular class of orders receive^ factory priority ABOVE; v ^LL OTHE&8. Any veteran who hag lost the use of one or more limbs may order a car on this same basis and receive top priority. W* BBLIXVE WK ARE BEING FAIB , v QVERTON MOTOR SALES BUIOK -- OADILLAO -- 0LD8M0BICB -- PONTIAO J HcHKNEY, PHOMX & s TLr t f l .