'"•*?,» A ' e '* f" f, <? *'"? - ' '»•> ' * -» ^ + * \ *** * . * ' •' «.* 5» "* ..** * ' ..« (.< "Wfi •• "3 " ' „• "WT - "** ' " * * ; ' - " - ; ' * '-"V "y . • "-, fV.- > \ " * ' * ' < * • - - • •< •• ••• .•• _ ^ , *« *•' #»/«< v./irH «f» . ' - .- :^-i" y ' '~^J • % •'-.!}• m mfc • m olQme 72 HcHEHRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1946 Ko. IS «*;- V - < IMSHER EDUCATION IT BY VETS, 1946 GRADUATES - 'X- 'V: Peace Time Bring* ; ^ Capacity Enrollment ; In Country's Oollegei BABY BOBKET CLARKE DIED Of PNEUMONIA WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28 PRODUCTION PAYMENT APPLICATIONS MUST BE MADE BY AUGUST 81 Farmers "and feeders have only a few days left in which to file application for beef, sheep and flmb, and dairy productions payments. The deadline date is August 81. This an- Sympathy is extended the Richard Clarkes in the loss of their baby son, Robert, who died at the Woodstock hospital on Wednesday afternoon, August 28* 1946, At 5:30 o'clock. Death was attributed to 1 nouncement is made by Mr Bert pirSm0ft Lli ! Bridges, of the McHenry Co.' AAA The baby, two and one-half weeks' office. . old, had been home from the hos- > Thpst n*™«nt« aav nital for onlv a few H»v<i wlipn he, ^ inese TJaj menta, say the commitq.-£ i*£t!8l2S S&SKJ PLAN CURB OF BUCK MARKET AFTER SETT. 9 Future Of- Meat Supply Makes - Unhappy Housewives AWARD CONTRACTS! POR IMPROVEMENT OF TOWNSHIP ROADS Contracts for road improvement in fourteen of the seventeen county townships, amounting to $61,011.99, were awarded the Crystal Lake Trucking^ and Excavating Co., last week by members, of the road and FOUR NEW SISTERS JOIN TEACHING STAFF AT PAROCHIAL SCHOOL The Sisters of St. _ Francis at St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school are preparing for the opening of the fall term on September 4. Four new sisters have joined the teaching staff . . . . -- t h i s y e ® r a n d w i l l i n s t r u c t i n t h e bridge committee. The action was j second, fourth, fifth and sixth grades. nrifltrH hv (Ka j__ u;ii /il • Qrst stuG) Sister M< •f irst ooff Iktss kkimndd)) Pnrr°^Vr'fdlinngt ffoirr tthh*e Ni,a- second grade; Sister M. Josetta, third Sister Nataijne: Woodstock. He had been named for ^r^rX^'w^Li^ W>5ht, September means school not only his father's brother. Robert, who was hjve *?f* ?'"--IT' Whil* hn..«owivM ««, . . . - - - - -- mira rraae* sister m. xvataune - > -..b.ish«, „„ •n.. IK.. S'?«- «• W.nn., »,«) SUMMER SEASN COMES W CLOSE WITH LABOR BAY . Year 'Round Growth Will Be Noted With Expansion Mm ' taSor familiar Day is just around corner, but even with igs to be established on The following are the township.• Ti T | its promise of a pleasant vacation war"»». s«":i body is at rest"' at_ the" J^b! S ! ^ Iff . ^ when draft calls summoned many of I Mass of the Angels will be the young men who would otherwise i from St. Patrick's church. I»ave been carving a future for them- j -- iehres in some university or college. pRIQE BOOSTS MADE -^r This fall of 1946 most of these' Soys have returned and many are taxing advantage of the govern* jtoent's offer to send them to an advanced institution of learning to help their delayed dreams come true. Interest in farther education among 2.48 miles, *4,944.50j Richmond, 3.3 SCHOOL LUNCH Many markets have warned that'mi,es .(two roads) $4,567.98; Burton. PROGRAM LAUNCHED next week will see a dwindling sup- **7 mi'es» $2,138.64; Greenwood, 3.02 niTPTWn niom xxrvw Any person who has sold eligible ply,of meat. The prospect of once m"es (two roads) $5,008.71; ' i,ulkWw raBi WfifiJL _' to milk and butterfat produced dur- planned, sung j jng the months of April, May and June of this year. Mc- ARE REQUIRED UNDER NEW LAW PROVISIONS animals or products during the speci- »K»in standing in line for a couple Henry. 5.04 miles (three roads) $6,- „ » fied period and has not filed claim °t _ pounds which must last an in- 230.10; Marengo, 3.98 miles, $4,-1 When President Truman signed the ! for payments, should call at the i definite period is hot exactly to the 320-80; Seneca, 3.45 miles, $4,914.80;' School Lunch Act on June 4, he County AAA office immediately. Mr. I housewive*s liking. In fact, even Dorr, 1 mile, $1,527.50; Riley (two said: "We have the technical know- IIliro Bridges expresses the hope that no'thoughts of such a situation have roads) 3 miles, $6,688.56; Coral, 3.15 ledge to provide plenty of food for n„, ... • . 4. 4 lu Higher prices that McHenry county McHenry county farmer will be made her prone to give little thought m"M- $4,642. (every man, women and child in this ~v"\, ;. °onsoianon is tnat the shoppers are finding on washing forced to forfeit his payment be machines, vacuum cleaners, radios,! cause of oversight or neglect in mak-; to once more make ^ J 1(1 M SAM it AM .fc- - ^ - At! • _ A A ! ^Aaa A A. A t Jive to the problem which ' lated with the holiday. It marks the end of a three-month period of recreation and activity which we sharv with the hundreds of city visitors who call McHenry their home during 5 the summer. While we sometime.* ; ^ welcome the accompanying quiet of . -%• pest-Labor Day, we cannot help but feel a bit lonesome at bidding adieu - J to our Chicago friends for another i'li nine months. " | mwnineB, raaios, i »-»uac 01 ovensigni max-;10 mora maae uie also hr^n ifntnd ^^u fhnfr nf 1 e,ectric ^pliances, and other goods ing application before this date. Ap- 'or OPA officials, namely 2il been *uth-ori?ed ^ OPA »nd« P&*t*ns must be on file before the!market. :n is threatening The following two townships in- country, but we have often failed ] r^" j situanon f jllowing 1 life unpleasent c'u^e * pit-run base, Dunham, 5.08 to distribute it as well as we could.; ,*7. 88 P.0*1®**'*'* mely the black miles, $6,999.00; Grafton, 5 miles. The School Lunch Act represents a, Weekends continue to Labor eac.n draw Aity to accept positions whicn would $4,835.85. Porter has announced that the OPA As yet. contracts have not been this basic forward step toward" correcting 17""?^ to our midst for a greater this failure " I length of time each season and many requirements of the new price con- end of August even though all re- _ more Chicagoans each year decide to speed peace youne ladies this vear . 1.aw J p*l8.ed b* ^* w«s ?"ired evidence is not available. If is now working on a new enforcitient awarded for Hebron and" Algonquin United States is not the first na-1 2d tlSft there L nothlno- to ston "p,ained 1_tl?,s w®ek by John H. this is^done, more time be al- program with the department of roads and Nunda township will nro- tion, however, to accept school,anent ho" X £££ «iinil from fulfil]inv their ^m!tm tn Greene, infor-j an- ceed under its own contract. Work lunches as a national responsibility.1- -- pects fut 1U. ,m.t.on b, th. count, .frwi^unwment »«, frj.1 tkftt fi,AN| nAfkin» fA vriis wwi oy sionn it. in'8 is oon9f >inore tini6 'will D6 Al- progT«in wiut uif oepArtincnt ^1--- .fyom ffiifiiiinn- 1 Greene» chairman of price control lowed for securing additional infor I agriculture which should permit >ard No. 114. I mation needed by the county office 1 nouncement very shortly a "^od'pereenuir^f' th;*7u.7"^l{ > continue.in business to head for certifying payment. |toughest Proirram yet." soon be answering, the school bell in I of{. ™n««y Nation and these _ nnmniv > SappUee Scarce •tter parts of the country just the autho,;"ed higher prices are still con- WALWORTH COUNTY aame as they have been doing for «lder*bly below what prices would FAIR OPENS FRIDAY fl»e past twelve years in McHenry. ^ T»™*ted to rise to FftHPJn A Vonnm • Aa ltooitaali *01t s»evv.enn onfr il„a.s»t years, ,uU e*tent of today's h»>e auv_y dj.e. i xUlt FOUR-DAY SHOW Mass will leave for new residences toon. Several more who had plan-, Mfr.. . .... Bed to enter school were forced to1 * increases allowed are in this of "the will begin as soon as necessary ditch 1 National legislation supporting school j witiT 'the^d^^oDmert"^' the*' FW* ' : and bridge work is completed. j lunches have been in effect in France, river va|ley Winitv will ' HAccording to Porter, the somewhat OFFICIALS DISAGREE *?T.y'ur£k'fS»,Ttc^noThiS IN thhr estimates jhlamed on the restoration of OPA; OF DRAFT PROVISION j ceilings. He said that September] has always been a low point in the England, Holland, and other nations | increaS^y ^inUr""7 ^ I of continental Europe for some time, j jaccordig to A. O. XWVi ilmot, assistant 1° 'I?,aflf'ne.the wilimited state director of the production and ^fibilities for improving th» area, > marketing administration, who will j ?ay tbc8e wh? have been instnusental j direct the federal government's part !T *ncouraf,|n& th« de^®P»ent. The world's hi<r»»at n*tu «nnnf»! nas •mays the' w_: U'iii.«i s p...i j 'n the new program in Illinois. In | ,1.® are f ?86 w"° V1®w , ® ... rw s . county I hoe suddiv This combined with th* > Maj. l^en. W illard S. Paul, war de- Germanv Norwav and <?wedpn i pansion and improvement with the ="L ; gyjsiwAj.« «; gf. ZSTg^ ^ "KS; "SB:! I 1"°L"'" «f college or university had a capa-1 fhe standards Uid down by congress the fairgrounds of the Walworth lon * to faten thenTwill make ^°iUnUry e l n,istmCTts - edittyv eennrroollllmeenntt.. Iin such a manner as to afford the County Agricultural Society in Elk- te^r an unfo^Mte Lnth in^E- dlfference between tl J Mary Douglas one of last year's maKrmT P?***'0" ,to the buying horn will be filled with' exhibits, ^^^""poX^Shet m°ntn- fe" rf<,uested o{ selective 'proj«fs ^uD^rted1 ^the^^hollv"^! "national facilifies 'which'win s, will'enter the iJlinois ?undard^' P°ssibIe undfer ^e8e JroStsPrthe8£st ii*sto?kr^from Wal1! In resrard to cattle, Porter states I draft officials m part by government funds are' -to t^he mi t Hio f ns Ilt of f p,.ice ticket. with tvp hiirh-r -u -worth and surrounHino- i ,that the.y have ,bwn cominK to mar- Plllll LiH hu-rii.. ^ also . maintained in many Latin j ^ dl"g L ' ® P* - .. hn01S- . wi1ll a to affasae t the'1 Kram °n record was established in liMMWO me,,; Munich, Germany 1790. School lunch service and • ) economic value which will come with ovulation and industrial growth, tners see it as providing increased recreational facilities which will be /graduates, win enter me Illinois ntjmrf«rH« ^School of Pharmacy in Chicago the prjce tickets projects, the best in stock from Wal- th,; ZT'U Cl' ' Is _affiliated with the University of fnr k„ i/uh, .v.. _ -Jl ".some of the feed lots are stripped oc aaa ' „ i The Un ted Stat Illinois assistant in 1 1.1 r. y . « , •»« a warning nas neen issued to the nf need for school lunch feedmir. They work in the improvem«it process is " In the very heart of this expanskm program lies McHenry, which is oar "frin admittance to the school of her Sw law*"36 °*' ^ provl8Ions of the ha*ll^e"rt ^at. ceili,nK Pr|ces wiU " However. Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Her-estimated< ^ tl},^ time that there the section of the Fox River which of rights. ^iHA ?rt ter Rvi^ie J*?8inf8S UWh"er« OPA was obligated to The4" eev^rarm'dwa^ o^* the PfaS J^e'^HvesH^ha'T thev^ill^remafn shey^^icn^seSiv^ "8ervTce"di- w"h undernourish«i extends south of McHenry to AI- ' *hooLin abo.ut carrj- the canii- firm «v!r!^J i„,7^.!Ll SdT ^tor, ch'}d!; 15. ' in A"rora about September carry out provisions of the statute grounds will be filled with the"carni- firm rtl i»,7 en ln Un,,te<i..Slf tes, an.d' ^on<lu,n- Z rector, said last week that there was chU(1ren >n the United States and, gonquin. Because of its navigability She will take voice lessons j.i within 30 days, it held increases to val attractions of the Ellman Shows to mriif? nf..? requires OPA no chance of the draft providinR punting to Europe s attack of the t for many miles, thousands are now additiioonn ttoo hheerr bbuussiinneessss Lccoouurrssee.. TThhee tthh*e mmiinniimmuumm required by tthhe. luaww»/' , fMt^ri inr^rid_w:Ij„T ew'MtomShlVii,Swtr, w> moony mem. „ 1la8s5n,6fotno" min by Ma^rch 3q7i ,' 11904477V when pprroobblleemm,^ aaddvvooccaatteedd aa ssiimmiillaarr_ _ffeeeedd-- ; eennijooyyiinnigr hhoouurrss ooff rreeccrreeaattiioonn hheerree __ ... ijd ' farm machinery, eating stand^dicted meat sho^e housewKJs thtI dra l ft act «Pir«s' , reports of overcharges are games of skill and displays of house- are not t«« b»nv «Snt Hershey predicted it will be neces- ... . . .. , .. , , „ . . • . - ted by the price control hold accessories. " ?ITnn?rJ^ ?ar.y. to ask for additional draft some_ cities took it over from the|north of Alginquin fall, in the dryeir following year she hopes to enroll Greene said. at Purdue or Northwestern. 1 Citizen Valparaiso University at> Valparai- still wanti__ aa, Ind., is the choice of Catherine board, since its'local" obfigation conflchwerman and Richard Ward, both tinues to be the holding of retail freshmen. The former will major in prices to the legal maximum. languages and the latter in electrical engineering. Five Veterans, Families Nancy Carey has chosen St. Mary s ~ --- ... . at Notre Dame and will take a regu- Occupy WattlftS Apartments lar course her first year. Music has i --•=-- beckoned to Marion Freund and Lou-1 Five veterans and their families Day. ing program in this country. Volun- during teers took up the task and later ever, the summer months. Howcause the water level directly fternoon and fast tested to some extent on th« v«rv w " men needed i WARNING IS GIVEN FORMER PRISONERS BY WAR DEPARTMENT anne Howorka. Marion will leave moved during the past week into September 9 for Mundelein, where the recently competed Wattles she will take music and mathematics, apartments in West McHenry. Other while Louanne has enrolled in the house hunters jealously watched the school of music at Northwestern young people who were fortunate icnough to have found homes for Three of last year's graduating themselves. boys, George Goranson, Herbert The five couples included Mr. and Johnson and Michael Reed, bad in- Mrs. Gordon Knox, whoSmoved from ar!n/. n.' tendfd to enter the University of ; the Edgar Landgren hoim* ^r • d d i 11 Illinois but the housing situation Mrs. LeRoy Melsek and .... prevented them from carrying out who moved from tftfe Howard lVattles 'as^ the week by the war depart their plans. home; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dillon _ m Former Graduates 'and family, who came to McHenry MaJcr General Norman T. Kirk, Among former graduates of other from Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. the »urgeon general, said the recall years, three are taking advantage of LeRoy Smith, who came to the new ot off»cers to active duty on a volun- WIC the University cf Illinois freshman apartment from the home of his tfry J^asis w«» necessary to insure to be transported CORPS OFFICERS RECALLED TO DUTY Recall quotas for 1,900 former Mmenurse corps officers and 109 Mr. and actional medical administrative children. forP8 .officers were announced the least vo'untary societies. (season, it has been found necessary before 8C^°°' lunch movement in' to build a new dam, for the purpose America exnanded some in the 20's, j of creating a navigable body of 1 but it was the depression of the 30'» water above it during these seasons, that awakened the American people1 Chief benefit will be to make mneh to the need, to, feed pupils who came more of the shore line between Mc- 1 to school hungry. Charitable or-1 Henry and Algonquin desirable for ganizations took up the job here and summer or year-round dwellings, there and states and local municipal!-1 guaranteeing access to the river re~ _ ties passed enabling legislation and,: gardless of droughts and. other con- „ . Relatives of former prisoners <>f in some cases, ntade appropriations j ditions. the outcome, we w*r or of deceased prisoners will for free lunches for pcor children.! When the dam is comnleted th* ton now realize one very important find the following information of Experience proved, however, that state will dredire the shallow nart* idling---the fighting doesn t stop when importance. It was received by the local funds were inadequate where cf the rjver which n re vent Mv!w. (the shooting is ever. We will re- county Bed Cross chapter last week the need was the greatest, and fed-'tion between these noints A 'member this last war for a long an(* was released as a warning and ®ral aid seemed to be the logical ladder in the McHenrv dam i* m I protection to the Red Cross person- answer. v [pwt^d to^ be^tnstalUd^^at thLTie ----. 1 nel from unnecessary expense or loss The Illinois School Lunch Program T. . . . . . * in connection, with claims. for 1946-47 was launched this past'1.** f# * T !L^ui^dvAn lnSr" According to the communication, week as the United States depart-1 * -- not •together happy hisseveral unofficial groups have been ment - - - The $11,000 race under way Friday a..w..™., „,.u «-siea 10 the very Marrh Si paces and trots will be featured each high ccst of the past month, they afternoon. Clarence Langley, super-1 nevertheless hav been relieved to be intendent of speed, said that at least able to go to the store and buy what three races would be held each after- j they desired. noon and that special pony races Some folks agree with the new would be run on F^day, Children's j price control board's decision to ret « fe "store price ceilings on meat; others 1,000 ARMY NURSE I ture. Whateve^ ^ * ANNOUNCE BUS SCHEDULE FOR OPENING OF SCHOOL 1 . , _ ment of agriculture and the state, tory. From a period mer=e» t_h a.n .a circularizing former prisoners of wt. department of public instruction an-' "f'1;,lo ® afir? WIIen " Wms * or the relatives of deceased prison- nounced1 .tuh„e s„ii gJn.;in g o„f/ an agreemen*t popular source of V 1.^" ers. They are soliciting representa- whereby each will bear about one- a ^ 1*? » hody of »-ater t »k u * j t,on on a contingent-fee Dasis of half the expense of a state-wide looked upon unfavorably i^refSe m ll;e.n"mb*r of students claims against the German and Jap- program. P* t^e P»W»c. p»e growing extension course to be offered^ at the mother, Rena Smith; and Mr. and the best possible care to some 90~000 local high^'and6 grade* schools1 has pe^na^0*^"1^-"1 ~^°r P.r**'8!0?**°/ the^ new'popu *n y 0 cars -1* ' *n e to from an upper apartment Terry M. L. Schoenholtx home. Crystal Lake high school. Norman Knaack and Richard lock, both veterans, and Hialin, all 1945 graduates. Mary Grace Murphy will return VETS ADMINISTRATION soon to Mount St. Claire college in nMl lL -- • ......_ Clinton, Iowa, for her sophomore REPRESENTATIVE TO year- As this is a junior college, BE IN WOODSTOCK tins will be her last year there and aext year she must choose another achool Eleanor m summer ---11 j,.., end of which time boards will review According to the war and navy money provided by K«me fish became fewer. deSlrorp? WO; ?Mtt«ryCrorM'm- m,k* departineiiU, "no sUtutory authority tare "for 2MW. *> ~ Th. McCu.lom UU h«h «hoo> « J av Jhe state legislaschool lunches, funds ac-: A campaign to alleviate the connrversity, T_,_n . there this fall. She is majoring in conUet duty Jpimydjgjn arsna A nm iniaf m#iam Usm J .. Barbara Carey and her ^cousin foan Reihansperger* are fortunate in _. ------ ^ , „-„v „wn scnooi having a longer summer vacation *1?.JT ? °^e .,n ,p?? t0 return in company grade and 40 blackton road Ihan ?^ . w^.ere .^e will be available points to return in field grade. i rive at schoo |n contact representative with the Vet- seas duty. Thev will repla erans Administration, has revealed nel eligible for discharge, in, in WViodstock each mer officers, they must hi in {, *^7 from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. ficiency rating score of a 60. Tfee first recall quota of 200 re- students will c^tch the &AF hn m,ts Bftt'em J ent ,of such claims. The dren of a nominal charge for the with the creation of sanitary district* serve and national guard officers au- JElt aVrives at the hSh School ^ it funds reparat.ons out of daily lunch and the value of special f.nd today only a few places ot polluthorized for the medical administra- K a m rl i *, whlch Payment would come has as services. From 1951 to 1966, Illi- tion still remain Game fish are on • • 8 25 a m- Ll'y Lake high school yet not been determined. The de- nois will put up *1.50 to every feder- the increase and fishermen are bepart ment of state will make public, al $1.00 and after that, tfie state will £>n*»ng to enjoy that sport once such information as may be avail- triple the government allocation* ac-1 more. ! •» , wood and Johnsburg pupils will me^t * from time to time." cording to the agreement. | With the present project completed will replace person- last year's bus schedule. fnHTVn WI imers As for- a WAF bus will stop for the Gris- v ' have an ef- wold Lake and Prairie grade and, at least 35 high school students on the new August 29 Woodstock VFW WiU Sponsor V-J Dance » pr along the river will see a most college students. They , .-. . , ----r-;- will not return to Beloit college in \or »nteryiew by veterans and their Whpconsin until about October 1. dependents who desire information where the former will be a first sem- a? assistance concerning insurance, aater junior and the latter a second compensation, hospitaliza- Births k. h, LSr' ™--Vl.«. «taim.t.r,d ^Several recently discharge veterans will soon be off to " KcCracken and so that they will ar- Methodist Youth Fellowship .-- Trip i rive at school at 8:50. The Pitzen to Riverview. bus will pick up the Emerald Park August 31 • ^.r high and grade children so that they Firemen's Annual Carnival -- Spring arrive at school at 8:35. The Schmitt Grove. bus will cover the same route as, Summer Dance -- Club Lilymoor-- Woodstock Post No announces a V-J celebration dance to tees a be held on Friday, September 6, a^ j vacationland which will surpass any- ! thing they might have dreamed of- ' McHenry residents can be happy that they are in the very center of «fthis 5040, V. F. W., modern improvement which guaranbright future for her people. Barbara is maior. J'on« Pensions, and other benefits of j, * WI" <^ve/ . s^me i, ™u„ a8 ] m,Jor laws administered by the Veterans last year, that is west of McHemy | ^ i and around McCullom Lake, and will! n . « ^ ^ , « - 2 r ! I L S S s f w ? W ^ a 2 L ? Z Z - . o p * - fuMic Grade s s 1» George WWting are ^ce has ^n institt^ uSS w- T e the'r •?Eearmnc« »«t Thursday dents and those living on Route 31.! and High Schools and Rimrwood nenK of Thompson and hh passing, which occuired at Victory Lilymoor Improvement ] Land Owners Association. September 3 St. Mary's gymnasium in Woodstock Assist&llt State's Attorney Dancing will be from 9 p.m. to I ZTrTT^l »! ?. " J a.m., admission being |1.80 for Pield. 76, Died In Wankegl --Ji -nl i roperty COUpjes an(j |i 20 for singles. 1 By popular request, the post is W&nkegaa McHenry county friends of George altering DeKalb, where Dean will . , .. . - - 9*. > - - -u "8:35- : August 22. ifiey were born to Mr. south, so that they arrive at school School. | °£epteari>er 4 The afternoon routes will be ex- St. Mary's-St. Patrick's School P. T. _ **an,T>*hire. The ^Eastmans, plained to the students during the; A. Meeting--Rev. E. Baumhofer, « . school day. Guest Speaker. is interesting to note that 274 Bepteaber 5 m . - --. , . • __ _ m no--ima fiiarsn irviirt "mui • , - -- -- s t u d e n t s r e g i s t e r e d a t t h e h i g h s c h o o l C i r c l e 3 , W . S . C . S . -- -- M r s . C . E n s i g n . Brst year student, whereas Paul McHenry county veterans and Ml?, .nea,r '"ture. They have one other during the Monday and Tuesday reg- East River Road Pinochle Club--Mrs.; a--.oM it oum 2d.vmmU lrmv "m- *" S3r TT^11 fcr ch,.W- "Uo * «^rL istrauon days. There were sixty-one Bruno Juerjens. 4--A*«old H. Olsen, 20-year-old army office M ^S?rsUPJoh?ClS[' Paul Shadle lo^It th? pnJF™™" v are fanning to attend the Univer- - . . . ~® aira °* the Veterans aity of Illinois, where engineering. John I Paul Shadle «TmPnfS^" VJZ#Z lin- N- Hampshire. Thi Ewtmans, pl.i ->"> rChic^o, hay, Kt .ti P*"* and convenient service ta veteran* *Pen<"ng the summer in the east It he starting his aeotor year. Schools and Sin{«ooi i|.pjMe orchestra, with four vocal- Memorial hospital, Waukegan, last ists. Dancing habitues will recall the Thursday, August 22. 1946. He was Thompson orchestra as having ap- 76 years old and had been a patient Cared at the Aragon and Trianon at the hospital for ten days. llrooms in Chicago as well as I Mr. Field was born in Woodstock on NBC radio programs. 1 but had resided in Waukegan since 1906, where he pret iced law. For DROWNS IN FOX LAKE : the past eight years he had held the of assistant state's attorney Murfc is ^cho«£-S^r two ^.^^tsjo^l ^n ^/or "T^wLi^on Thursday, Au- Ss"" seventy-th^ TunTo^Ti?^ C.T^f T-l&ess Meeting. ZX" " t* «riL whi abrief while Warren, who is now taking vacation from a summer RECORD REGISTRATION More vehicles were registered jon Sunday. August 26, at the Wood- pupils included, in ?tock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Frank SSi£er5wo^oidV hSc«horo^l fohfM Mnu'Ssic. rli'nl ."Crh^i- th« thU y^r th... Giyll of SoJoo HUU, in au of jq45 Secretary of State Mr: ,im1 Mrs. Alvt ____ . . e {°,rn1®^ 1S accomplished Edward J. Barrett reported this ®*e the parents of _a boy, horn at the Grove Firemen's annual violinist, while the latter has been w#e^ 1 Woodstock hospital on August 27. as * eellist He said that from January through and vocalist. July .lf511458 passenger cars were J«An Rogers, just out of Uncle licensed, a gain of 7,309 over the a letter irom Kdward Zimmerman, son, 11 Bams navy will leave about Septem- totej 1945 registration of 1,504,269 resident of Jewel Park, Barrington to be especially entertaining. her 16 for Marquette University at vehicles . was read to the meirK ' Milwaukee Wis. where he wUl study The January through July regis- ^ board recently Wiiness administration. ;»•< a/ +m<.ir<> «k. iq.<c operative action by authorities in the youngsters to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur John three sophomores and . sixty-nine September 6 Wonder Lake. freshmen. Of these, there was a Woodstock Post, V.F.W.--^V-J Dance, i™? i •KS* daughter, Judith, was -bom -re cord number of sixteen transfer!W i EkS»esprteTmbner 7 „jV'* fJ™,' y uk. gri.site Annual Forester Picnic. ^ he the y°uth had »uf' Septeaiber 13 Harvest Show -- Sponsored Mothers Club. 1 si. une or me enjoy- September IS /.,i^j NOISY TRAINS able events of the late summer sea- Public Card Party --'Sponsored by J'1 A Jetter from Edward Zimmerman, son, fthis year's carnival is promised Altar and Rosary Sodality of the ^aL^ but d^th was due to hospital Patrick's church., drowning thev renorted Sue Rankin has been a medical aae refresh-! y P° • ^ ; tient at the Woodstock boepitaL of Wonder Lake SPRING GROVE CARNIVAL ' «: carnival, i will be held on Saturday evening,, August 31. One of the most enjoyfrom a rowboat into shallow water.. ***************** I • I • 11 It# Among the Siek »••••••••••••••• >M Clarence Feiereisel of McCulloas Lake has been a medical patient at youth fered an attack of some kind. The Antioch rescue squad lifted the body from the mucky water, close to ssnhoorree, obuutt tmheeiirr aatttteemmnptt*s ttoo rreev\iivvee St* Therese hospital, Waukegan. Mrs John WiiJiams has been % medical patient at the Woodstock . . _ There ( Patrick's church., members of the vil- will be music, games and refresh- . September 19 requesting co- ments for both the older JihUm andjC. D. of A. -- Social Meeting. A former Plaindealer employee and registration by 14,01? vehicles. A Preventing locomotives owne<i by the. a veteran of long service with the total of 236,270 have been registered J- 4 E. railroad from whistling aignal corps, Lyle Franien, is now this year as against 222.238 durinsr ^nnecessarily at night. He said in ti X ' jL ® Kie Z A.12 FISH STORY ARTIFICIAL LAKfjB For the Marengo area, the M4ia yi on vacation in Colorado and after .11 nf injr his return will enroll at Blackburn 1 college, Carlinville, 111. He is strongly: o considering taking a pre-medical gineering and Daniel in aeronautical residents of the" vicinity One one from ; engineering. All three were in ser- recent occasion he counted twenty- a 30-pound Muskee, which they land- son one recent'evening for one The three Cooney brothers, John :vice with the army during the war. three successive blasts of the whistle'ed while fishin M . , -. „ .. t - a 1. - ^ j .. * r -- in Northern Wiscon-jthe largest gatherings ever to . as Martin and Daniel, have dil been at-; Compiling a list of college students at a very late hour, and he said he sin at Lake Gilmore. "" tracted by engineering, although or this year was no easy task, with believed that this type of whistling various types. They will leave this changes of plans being made, of nec- was caused by engineers signalling Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Freund and Mr. fall for the University of North essity, sometimes over night. If we one'another. and Mrs. John N. Freund and family Dakota at Grand Forks, N. Dak. have omitted any names, we hope' ... . John will specialise in chemical en- those persons wiU notify us so that FEATURE ARTICLE ' I . P«trick Sullivan . . t A feature, "Rabbit Hotel,1'^ which been confined to the Woodstock appears in the August issue of the hospital the past week. _ ... _ «=•• «'e Prmulnr Mpchanir* mamin* «U- Mrs. O. Long has been quite III Proving they_ were telling no fish nite possibility of an artificial lake ?cl^fc„ the modern ra^trv at Sw in th* Woodst°ck hcspital. - - T keen very s.l| ot m(15. - -- niece, Mr*. Praak . t .trip -ith the proof, j c» .mi Bile, tow„,hi^. the Miss Laura Weber. Mrs. Mmi Heuser and son. Dick, and their puests, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Acher and his letter that excessive whistling story, Messrs. Fritz Kruse and Frits: of perhaps 100 acres with the recreo- ^ ^ V.? mextern ^ raPQitry at the. junK€n has between the hours of 11 p.m. and 3,Oetting and Mrs. Florence Zarn3- tional facilities such a body of water, V, ; the heme oi his ni a.m. greatly disturbed him and other torff, of Richmond, returned recently. would bring to Marengo. Coral. Sene- »**?_' 'IVl Weinirart. Come out and watch the Plain- Newsboys plaj^ "oall! -- _ were dinner and supper goests at the home of Mr. ad Mrs. Stanley Diedrirh at Voio on Sunday. semble in the city hall to hear Vernon Kays, city alderman and temporary chairman of the group, tell of the intention of the State of Illinois to build a lake in McHenrv county under the state's small lakes projeet. --:--' -- trated with nine "I, the operation of the business, which! 'produces meat and far. Eight hundred rabbits are housed at the farm. I , RESIDENCE CHANGE8 Milt | Peggy of Cutler. Ind., attended the j Cubs baseball game in Chicago last It Pederson formerly living at j Sunday. the George Reiker residence northl Morris Growth and Jaha Ooheftv. nf Johnsburg. is now reaidinar at 50Cjwere both released flroes the Waukegan street; West McHeary. -- . . w . ~ . - i n • - mti t i r SHtfl