Zmmsmmsrs TwSh ami •P- £ e0«e of , O^pihH a* H» Wit wis Hettansann. Lm tells ua it to 6,000 fast and circled wftffle tha kaat waa tied. Mr. and Mra. Ua Weelach and Mr. aad Mra. bil Roller of Chicago Mt tha weekend in the bona of thehtftor** father, Wm. O. Ricks.of ttoa. You remember I while ico Mr. Bida fell and hik wrist. Ha tails us he Is to han the east taken off tha Johnaburg JOHN8BURG * Chit aad Chat) FohntWi aeema to hln adopted phraee, "We did It before and it again," only we moanj Clarence Michels. only Johnsburg team that playing. A group of brave fellers freas Chicago challenged a taam from here and tried in rain to beat us but they just couldnt do it. Must have bean the diamond or maybe it was just too windy -- well it was something anyway. This new team doS harT. name, So here are tte players. Frank Freund, Leo Jim Hoyte, Ed Frett, Joe E. Freund, Joe Adams, Joe Frett, Charlie Smithj Ed Hetterman, Jc^^Weingart anii Chicago team Again Sunlay, Johns-! was under the supervision of Lou were the winners in a thrilling: Marko, who has a summer home at at MeHenry against the Sham-1 Sunnyside beach. On September 4 and 5, seven former servicemen gathered in Cincinnati, Ohio, for a reunion. It was their first meeting in a year with a aeora of 7 to 4. Johnsto^ Uy a three-game but won the believe this' with McHemy, fnt two games. We cwwiatM the season, which was ex-. iYfSrere happy to "be in civies cOptienally good. The whole com- Hettennann was one of the •natty is proud of their baseball seven who gathered there. The taam and we'll all be back next year seven had been .in the navy air •toting for you. 'corps. We've heard of people being ^up j The Johnsburg Foresters will hold in the air whan taking the final step their annual picnic Sunday, Septemaad getting hitched, but never did j ber IS, in Miller's Woods. The we Mar of people actually being j Juvenile, Lady Foresters, and Men SPRING GROVE (by Mra. Charles Prated) The fireman wiah to thank *11 who helped make their Carnival on Saturday night, August Si, great success. A thank yon to all who assisted in the stands and to tha large crowd that turnad out .to show the firemen their On Auguat 29 Mra. Mi entertained members of her elub at Villa dub, Pistakaa Bay. Am afternoon was spit -at cards and prisea want to Mrs. Edw. May, Mrs. Paul Lewis, Mra. Klaus and Mrs. Charles Freund. A delicious chicken dinner waa aerved after carda. Among thoae tria entertained guests over the holiday weekend we're Mr. and Mra. Walter Brown, his sister and husband, Mr. MgTMra teturaa aad the Mt at $M00 Carrall. hi the mattsr. presented to tha grand i'a Attorney Dob A, h indknaaat Judge WflHaa^S LILY LAKE PIZZERIA \-r - Something new and delicious • TRY PAUL'S PIZZA At BUS STOP TAVERN lily laks Also Italian Spaghetti, and Ravioli MEN'S SHOP Phono 516 Main Street McHENRY '11 I TARPAULINS CANVAS GOODS VOW AVAILABLE Specializing in Store and Residence Awnings MeHenry Awning Co. Phone MeHenry 634-W-l Thos. Thonneson, Prop. Over 23 rs on Riverside Drive e o. R E A LT O R S Through boomsJ and stumps--always affording the same dependable service of superior 'facilities and experienced personnel. "i ./j Paul Kietetr, of Nebraska, aftd Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gall of LaGrange want Sunday with than. The Frank Grosser family and Andy Straub family of Chicago visited in the Albert Brits home. Thoae visiting in the Frank Wagner home were Mr. Mid Mrs. Walter Gabe and sons of Cicero, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinle and Mr. and Mra. Harold Houten, son. Tommy, of Jahesville. Mr. and lira. Clifford ,. Schuls and Miss Catherine Huff of *nd Chicago spent the weekend with the lje~ John Sanborns and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kutish of Chicago visited friends here. Mike Huff is a patient at Woodstock hospital. Otto Felder of Dubudue, Iowa, Ksnt the past week with William ttner. Miss Lillian Sanborn returned last week from a trip to Colorado. Mrs. Charlea Behrens, her granddaughter, Beverly Adsit. Jill Siler and Charlotte Freund enjoyed a day at the Brookfield Zoo on Thursday, August 29. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lent were pleasantly surprised on Sunday when relatives and friends gathered at the Math Nimsgern home in honor of their second 'wedding anniversary. A pot-luck dinner was aerved picnic style on the lawn and the day was spent visiting. A lovely gift was presented to the honored guests. Those to make up this happy party! were Mr.' and Mrs. Floyd Lent, Mr.! and Mrs. Harry Lent, Mr. and Mrs. John Amborn and son, Mr. and Mrs. ' George Mitchell and children of < Sharon, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. William! Toynton and family of Genoa, Wis. Mrs. Peter May was hostess to I the members of her club at her home on Thursday afternoon. "600" were played and pn to Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. Harry Hall, Mrs. Wm. Britx, Mrs. Fred May, Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mra. Joseph Koberstine. Refreshments were served after carda. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wilts and children of MeHenry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown. Bdwaid* at i Han fat the ^Cr.aad 1 SUIT FOR INJUNCTION A auk for injunction to reatrain municipal authorities from dumping garbage aad other refuse in a large pit on tha. eastern edge of Mareago nasbeea filed in MeHenry county circuit aosrt at Woodstock by Attar. J. J. McGauley, in behalf df 100 Marengo residents. Tha suit is titled "Clarence Buesing at al against the Village of Marengo, a municipality," and the petition bears the names of approxily 100 residents who reside near pit. mt~ petition sets forth that the municipal pit is located just east of catloning at Sand Lake, Minn, tha village limits and is used aa aj Mr. and Mra. Elmer Winkleinan garbage dump. Because of an ac-and ^ Jaaiaa, and Charles Venable cumulation of decaying animals and;0f Oak ~ vegetable matter, the petitioners three Mr. ad Mrs. RayRalette of Chi- JAMA1 tiaroag tn IN ^MHTI VfW BOHM MfVa Mr. and Mia. Jamea Powera apaat a^fttw, da^s^last waek visiting fta Mr. and Mrs. Bdwaid Laridn af I Mr. and Mra. Oaorga •f Wheaton attsadsl na«' for WUHatti Man at ft. Patrick's church on Tueaday morning. Mrs. John Degeu and daughtar. Jeanette, of Johaahorg, Mrs. 2U«I Tonyan and daughter, Diana, Mr. and Mra. F. Pitsen and Mias Rena Scheid were visitors in Waukagan and Zion laat Saturday Mr. and Mra. George Kramer, accompanied bar Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers of Woodstock* have bean va- Mt.mA Mra. w • « « • "^ir - - - - i n a n x -aps DR. HENRY F^UNO ^ S mmmm, v V..v-: 1 :c ^ ^ vmrt • to it T 1SS-J f- . ! 4- the_ pit has become ground,for disease-tarry a breeding rata ana FOB the NOTICE OF APPLICATION PROBATE OF WILL Vernon J. Knox, Attorney for Estate STATE OF ILLINOIS, MeHenry County, ss. To the unknown children of JOHN ADAM WINKEL and MARY WINKELl and thfe unknown heirs at law and legatees, so far as known, of MATHIAS JUNGEN, deceased, lata of MpHenry County, Illinoia. Too are hereby notified that application has been made to the County Court of McHChry County* Illinois. for the probate of the will of MATHIAS JUNGEN, that the hearingr of the _ , . said will has been set by said Court Island for the £fat 1946, at tha Hie f< Woodstock, when Park have returned from a trip to Vermillion Lake, Tower, Minn. Among thMO who attended wedding of Mias Joan Byrne Francia Whrts In Chicago last Saturday were Mra. Marie Miller, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wirt*, Mra. Jean Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Al Wirts, Mr. and Mrs. L«o Thompson and Mias Helen Schneider Mr. and Mra. Robert Kraloweta and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith have been vacationing in the Eaat this paat week. Sunday gueata in the Fred C. Schoewer home were Mra. Nora Scott and daughter, Edith, of Chicago and Fred Samlow and daughter, Dorothy, of Elmwood Park. Mrs. lEL R. Sutton and aon, Charles, . and Mrs. Eleanor Nye and Ajthur Martin proof of, spent a few days recently at Rode ~ " ' and Dubuque, la. While at forenoon, a dstock, tlli i and whei re you can appear, you see fit, and show cause, if any ou have, Why said will should not admitted to probate. R. D. WOODS, (SEAL) County Clerk; September 9, 1946. Games of! (Pub. Sept. 12-19-26) rises went) "'-/"•«»--TTT--™ Read the Want Ada day of October, A. D.'Rock Island they attended hour of 10 o'clock in j mond jubilee of Sister Mary of the at the Court House in Sacred Heart, marking the sixtieth nois, in said County. I anniversary cf her entrance to the ', if 9iaterhood. 00 NOT WORRY ABOUT S'i '1 • •V,".if v1* HOSPITAL BILLS ENROLL NOW !*• r W AMBUOA'S HO 1 HOSPITAL AMD SOTHHOSL nretntAKOS--PAYS HOSPITAL KXPKHSK for both 8I0KMXSS HMD A00IDKKTS ' ' ' t • Benefits paid world's largest underwrite re of Individual and Family Oronp Hospital Insnranoe--For information call Jacob Fritz, Realtor m J0HNBURG, MeHenry St. 1, Phona 672-K-2 ' / Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1338-4 ^ ^ rZ muMk The Sister waa formerly teachar. H0USKW1VKS TJKOKD BY OEEKMS TO HXLP BKAT MSAT BLAOX HASEST How retailers and conaumers of MeHenry county can work in co-operation to beat black markets now that thejiew retail meat price ceilings are effective, waa told thia week by John H. Greene, chairman of Price Control Board No. 114, 124 Johnson Street, Woodatock. **Be sure you pay the right price for each grade and cut of meat" the chairman told consumers, emphasizing that ceiling price lists must bo displayed at or near the meat counter in each store that aella meat. "Refuse to pay wholesalers over ceiling prices," he said to retailers. He strsased to them that OPA inspectors will regularly chefek the prices charged by packers and wholesalers. Part of these, he said, will begin work in meat packing houses and trace violattona w to the retail stores. And part of them will begin in retail atoree and trace overcharges back to wholeaalere aad piackera. "OPA alao haa a much stronger slaughter control program than before, and it ia now the agency solely responsible for enforcement of the program," Greene said. "fte controla give each slaughterer the right to km only his fair share of meat animala, and there are teeth in the controla. But controls can only aucceed, he added, with the full aaaiatance of housewivee and local retailera. l H I I I I I M H i M WHIN IN rox LAKK On Bt V. 8. 12, Try 's Tasty Foods 5-OOOTME DHVHKR8 /. BAftBSQUBl Home-piade Pies Best of OofEee ' Formerly of West MeHenry Closed On Tuesdays MIlMnMHIIIIMMIMin Mrs. Nye's Marshall Bacon left last week, for New Jersev, where he will spend a two weeks vacation with hia wife, who has been visiting her mother ; there during August. Mra. Bacon home with her huaband. Erneat Kamhols, Mra. Carl; George Kamhols Fred Kamholr funeral vices of a n^Jnion on Sun- &u, Evelyn Anderson, who ia at- { tending Elfia business school in Elgin, apent tha weekend with relatives here. Mr. and Mra. Fred Adama of Des- Plaines were MeHenry visitors who haa bei ' Of aeveral days Dry Woodwork If painted woodwork tends to be aticky after it haa been acrubbed, your fan ia an invaluable assistant. Harry Anderson, attending the thia aummer, with nlatifM to Michigan He iaTaSi plete hia studies not Mr. and Mn. Ira spending a two Bruce, Wis, Miss Edithe Geary spent laat Tharaday tives in MeHenry. Mrs. H. J. Sehaffer and 1fas. John R. Knox visited in the Dan *Shea home near Grayslake on lliutaday. fall eourae. and will eom- June. are at visiting ywrflAs iSA Thomas P. Bolge|; ; , "The MeHenry Druggist'* Um Marcala SUn Liibricatins toil for dry, sansttiva skin. Acecpkabla for advertising ift publications of the AmarieaS Medical Association. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street . McHeary HEADQUARTERS FOR STEEIHN& Don*! pat up •Uflsaay, wobble (iwrt tad. these are dmnger signab. Oar sdaatifle last wfll give Irwe cmhm aad carved cur*! See Oun. NEW MANBEE SQENTINC EQLLL FOR BALANOWB 1 AND TESTING H NOW AT YOUR GOMMAND Jon SaJety'i Sake Oar MANBBB jf . . dedicated to aafety . . . ia the aewert, fineat, laoet adaatifk way to teat aad eerract faulty alignment or balaufQ- Stop by aad see it. Dsa't pat it off ... for aafety'a aake! V YOUR WHEELS WOBBLE, SHIMMY O; HARD TO TURN .'". . SEE VS NO CENTRAL GARAGE v&fMD J. taOTH, Ptm Phone 200-J , Towing "t ^ohnsbnrg SKflunoad. mscm^ i •5*1# scfitiot of l A C K T O B U S I N E S S Be Smcm PARIS I N D U S , i • A R T I R S AB-Elaatic Fraa^winc and famoua AU-Elaatic Paris (at top marks for atyle Snd comfort. First hi its daaa, a fmartnew Paria Belt la "Tope far r Trouaera!" Moat atylea $1.60 up. All-Elastic Paria Frae- " Can't aldd off our ahouldera" $1.50 and up. ear AH-X3aatic Paria Garters"No fnetal can touch you" 56c and tt; >4f iteM McHENRY t - i.r~ . -- .T"4