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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Sep 1946, p. 3

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(SEAL) V"'.~\ * ,">!•/ ;-\Tt . \> ud «r SALES SERVICE rauncr* for tM «aiMi tricts in MeHiurj Conntj to-wit: oar rood friend Iton Sail, El»»« Goeke, wife of William GnIn> who died on Monday mdrninffat the Victory Memorial hoapital in Waubefan, was baried iu St Mary's wHwy Nhf. Riley Township, IB vVlnV lEullIu with all types of Marengo 1, Sit »I'd Mil I 4c-. MUNIO, 111. Marenfo 2, Community BM* high mass was son* at m. Dunham, Mrs. Anna Phillips res! denneeee, Dunham Twp., 111. ander a doctor's care. Our Chemung wishes for a weedy recovery. Episcopal Pirish v. m m House, E. Summer St., Harvard, IU. r*bSS& Jiitonr byWRrr Buaktte, m body was I <lffAET»IB LEONARD, SD VOOKL and JOHN DIWAXE, Auctitaeers P All Livestock, Machinery, Feed, Etc., From SEVEN FAMOUS me Dairy Farms There was an ant of romance about the Weinsheimer abode this past week. Bill Weinsheimer nis lovely other new cided on honeymoon and, after a week of cooing left for a ten-day gypsy trip through Wisconsin. Our hearty congratulations to these two nice kids. It was a heavy weekend for the upper Crusty Orchard Drive Elites. On Saturday evening the O'Flaher- S%. -Mary's church bv the Rt^tev. Msgr. Nix, after which the ftoneral procession hulii for McCullom Lake* where it circled the Goelc* home and than skwrly proceeded to after Geno laid to rest. Pallbearers were Hugh McDonald, Ahrtn Blake, Ray Musynski, Kenneth, Charles and Everett Ingersol. Mrs. Goeke is survived by her hus band, Wttliain, Mr. and Mrs. Chemung 2, Hoirard Clothing Store, N. Main St., ttar^*d, 111. Chemung S, Douglas Mill, Chemung, 111. Chemung 4, America Legion Hall, N. Ayer St., Harvard, III. Alden, Alden .Town Hall, Alden, III. PHONE McHENRY 439-W ^ Jablonski, parents, and Mrs. Bennett I " ^ of McCullom Lake, an aunt. • Seneca, (Efciate of the Late William R. Skidmere) ty's entertained this select group their palatial manor. Mr. and M Mr. and Mrs. William Ames of, „ Maple Hill left last Saturday on a1- Grafton two weeks tour of the Western x j Hartland, Shurtleff's Store, Hart- :land Twp., 111. Franklinville Town Hall, Seneca Twp* 111. Coral, Village Hall, Union. 111. lTvillage Hall, Huntley, mt states. MMMJ I Joseph Frisa, Mrs. So| Osmplete diagonal sale of all livestock, i farma will be held at Pine Tree Farm, No. I, located at Piatafcee Bay, S milee northeaat of McHenry, I1L, on •WAY, SEFTEUER23 ad TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Ada an bath days to start promptly at 9 o'clock, aJL, Daylight 8aving Time phie Koeti and ; Mr. 'and Mrs. Helge Davidson were I among tho prominent big-wigs who :Mnery, feed ana equipment of enjoyed an evening of penny ante, * not to omit the delicious refreshments served by the gracious Mrs. O'Flah- ; erty. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frisa, the new owners of | the Altman estate in German town, Mr. and Mrs their little boy, next Sunday to cation in California. Grafton 2, Schutt's Cottage (Lake* . Phil Brautigam and wood), Crystal Lake, 111. r, Edward, will leave1 . Don; 1, Harding Garage, > enjoy a month's ;« Madison Sts.f ivoodstock, *Mkia > i IVrr 9 TAwni*ni)'« Clmr following to be sold at sale on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 100 Head of Dairy Cattle Following to be sold at sale on * TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 MACHINERY . Head Holsteins and 35 Head of Four Tractors---2 Case "DC Trae* Brown Swiss Dairy Cattle, ton en rubber; Farmall F-M tracte» { registered Suffolk marea, on rubber; McD. F-M trac-tractoi^ mare, Palomino saddle Mc-D. 2-row picker; Case (spotted pony with saddle and:up baler; sla i«d cart. train separator EQUIPMENT--8 Surge mtlk shredder; grain blower; Papec silo units, complete; refrigerated f*«i grinder; 3 tractor' cooler; refrigerating unit and tsndtmi discs; 3 tractor cultivators; tank; can racks; milk cans and! * tractor plewa; 3 Mc-D. mowers; cets, etc.; milk testing outfit. i J plantora; 2Me-D. rotary j Equipment and tools--2.000- ~ platform scales; 12 cattle feed !!"?• J J • «h.; 14 hoc trooclu; 2 hog jyw uhwg ink sder; 2 Mc-D. sMadeUv^ j 2 Mc-D. wriky rakea; fl AUCTION - 'SALE' Calhoun 111. Dorr 2, Townsend's Garage, 4lt | C)ay Street, Woodstock, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mart*, the1 D®" 3> Room under Co. Treas§ new tenants in the Trigin apart Office, Court House, Woodstock, 111 ments, had a very unfortunate ex-! Dorr *> Fir* House in City Hal| perience. On arriving here from Woodstock, HI. * DesPlaines with a load of household ,0°" 5, Abbott's Shop, Ridgefield, goods, they unloaded their posses- „ j sions in the rear of the premises and Greenwood, Town Hall, Greenwoodj, returned to DesPlaines for another I11- . ... .. _. load. On returning they discovered Hebron, Office Alden Mutual Firf that soma thief had gotten away Hebron, 111. with three valuable bedspreads. It; Richmond. Memorial Hall. Rifh»1 is hard to imagine that anything like mond, PI. this could happen in McCullom Lake, t ...Burton, Town Hall, Spring Grove, r corn Pick- DAIRY GOWS mm. co C portable hog houses; 8 galvanized water tanks; € barrel hand sprayer; rge dril press; band saw; 2 vises; anvviulss asd stands; power metal saw; 6 h.p. Friday, Sept 13 150 CHOICE HOLSTEIN OOWS Bangs tated. Tfcese are well •elected from Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reid enjoyed the company of their son, George, over the weekend. George is at resent attending the Teachers Colat DeKalb. .111. preset Sir! 111. McHenry, 1, Royal Blue Store* ngwood, 111. cHenry 2, City Hall, McHenry, McHenry 3, Eva's Restaurant, Mo» and Mrs. Frank Suit are en-' joying a two-weeks vacation at their | „ McHenry 4, Bildner Barber Shop, cot out tage. If his fisherman's luck holds t Frank expects to return to Chicago next week with a few big ones from our lake. Here is hoping, Frank! That new electric water pump installation job at our Otter Ebert's house last Sunday, required the combined services of George Harker, Lee 8*wdo, Fred Thomson, Pop Ronjstad. Harold Grotthus and about a gallon of mountain Johnsburg, 111. Nunda 1, Einar Johnson Garage Barreville, 111. -* Nunda 2, City Hall, Crystal Lake* Nunda 3, Odd Fellows Hall, Crystal Lake, 111. Algonquin 1, Village Hall, Algonquin, 111. Algonquin 2, Virginia St Pumping House, Crystal Lake, 111. M&to the best herds in the thing works • and Iowa, are young. carloads of white faced and heifen, weighing Algonquin 3, Village Hall, Cary, tountain dew before the project I Dl- , . „ _ completed and, believe it or not, L Algonquin _4, Village Hall, Fox I River. Grove, 111. The World's largest Selllii •OUSEHOLD A OFFICE EQUIP- Me* mixed hay; 1.Q00 bu. old' corn; gteBTS r--General Electric DeLuxe re- ? 8^°8 of silage; lio acres of rtand-'. oka il. i. Mu iB oil »ng corn; 12 tons of soy and lin- tO 800 IM., 10 DO SOU1 in lots of 10 and SO head. Also Roper gas iudd^TM " water "'heater; 8««d meal. 1 filing cabinets; beds, TRUCKS--1941 Dodge %-ton pickchairs, tables, etc. Many up truck; 1936 Chevrolet ltt-ton artkles not listed. - .panel; 1980 Dodge 1%-ton stake; For farther iaferiation, call 1934 White 1%-ton stake: 19ML v McHenry CS3-M-1 {Dodge 2-ton dump; 1984 White ltt- Wagen on Ctesadi AU Day | ton dump. m,M | That grand young gent from Ber- i „ Algonauin 5, Junior High School, " wyn, Anton Cermak, was a weekend Lake, 111. c; Eest at Jerry and Betty Cermak's The places of registry will be open me. | from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Registration Win Pietsch left for Fredericks- Day. town, Mo., by train last Saturday.) „ ^«ted at Woodstock, in McHenry where he will meet his Mrs. Pearl,1 ?»unty, in the State of Illinois this who is returning east by car after ®*h day of September, in the year a two months' tour of the western CLINTON MARTIN WEST KcHENEY, ILLINOIS PINE TREE DAIRY FARMS fttate of William R. Skidmore .McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerking McHenry, Illinois singles;. Jeb E. DeVast ft Sen Phone SOS--Behrider*, I1L J. L DeWane and Charles Leonard^ Auctioneers states with her sister, Mrs. Reba Wolf. The Pietsch's will motor back together and expect to reach home On Saturday morning. PLAN YOUR HOME OR GARAGE NOW! WX HAVI THE NECESSARY BUILDING KATEKIAL8 4 Room Cottage low as $21.67 per mo.' 2-Car Frame Garage low as $5.00 per Get our low prices on the following-- ; ENCLOSURES ATTIC ROOMS AsnxmoNs SIDHW Wood, Asbestos or Insolbrik OVERTOP OARAOE DOORS iOMBINATIOK STORM AND SCREEN WINDOWS . ^ ^ REPAIRS AND REMODELDi# - EZ TERMS PHONE WONDER LAKE 486 and Salesman Will Call WRIGHT BUILDERS AND SUPPLY CO. WIST McHENBY, ILLINOIS There is every indication that the Screwy Dozen's next birthday party, which will be held at Roy-Al Community Center on Saturday evening, will be one of the outstanding events of the summer season. For the past week Jerry Cermak, the club's president, and "Old Sphinx" <)tto Pyritz, entertainment chairman, have had their heads together many ' times so, from past experience, we deduce that many things will be a popin Saturday night. Roy and A1 Blake, those two genial barristers, who preside at the bar of our leading emporium, are also making preparations for a big nite. A1 has a red necktie on order at McGee's, we hear, while brother Roy decided on a canary yellow. The reason for all this hub-bub is the ^act that McCullom Lake's most eligible bachelor, will be among the celebrants on this occasion. Who? Why, our Otter Ebert, Len Jensen. Sr., and Fred Edmonds are the other two guests on this months birthday he nor ralL Hash--Hash! We hear "Toots" Schmitt is sporting a new ring these days and Ridgefield'^ fair-haired boy is responsible for the skip in her heartbeat. Double Bubble gum is included in Eddie Brautigam's daily diet. The things that guy dees, with it after dark. You viper, you, and we don't mean windshield. Thought Starter* If you get into an explanation too suddenlv, you snap the coupling Instead of starting the train. If a man could have half of his wishes he would double his trouble. The other fellow's sins, like the other fellow's headlights, always appear more glaring than our own. Our thought for the week: It's surprising how often a narrow mind and a wide mouth go together. ADI08. . ,,_.r i"' STATE OF ILLINOIS 1 County of McHenry, ss. l! In the Circuit Court SAMUEL A. MAXWELL, Plaintiff, ! vs. i; JAN'ET H. MAXWELL. Defendant. , COMPLAINT IN CHANCERY FOR DIVORCE ij No. 30768 ' , Affidavit shewing that the defend-; ant JANET H. MAXWELL resides* 1 outside of the State of Illinois: that her residence and post office address, is as follows: Janet H. Maxwell. 211; South 17th Avenue East, Duluth Minnesota, so that process cannot be served upon said defendant, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of this court, notice is therefore, hereby eiven to' said JANET H. . MAXWELL, defendant, that the nlaint'ff in the above entitled cause filed his complaint in said cause on the 30th day of August, 1946, an J that said action is now pending and I undetermined in said court, and that you, the said JANET H. MAXWELL, [defendant, must file your appearance . ... GamMlA ^ „ «•. >t SKFFETA SUPS FOR WOMEN Wispy briefs that fit I ilea a 1 dream. Rayon and cotton in tea rose or white 59c Smooth, sleek fitting slips of luscious rayon taffeta. Exquisitely tailored «nd Women's lovely flare panties of rayon lenit or satin finish Milo-sheen Tea rose; sizes smalt medium/ large--. ~98c trimmed with corded lace. T«a rose in sizes 32 to 42. WOMEN'S CHENILLE * ROBES * Wohable . . . praeKo#< ^ robbs of lovely chenilleu Soft shades of aqua, rosfl^ maize, powder, strove* berry and cherry. 14-SOl For bobby-soxers! White and solid colon in o GOtton and rayon sock elastic top. 81/6 to 10%. 29c to 64c GamMed The Friendly Store GEORGE COLLETTE,

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