Coates of Green- . dinner guests in the Charles Peet home. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane enterlined their Five Hundred club at l " i their hem* Saturday evening. Prises (Shirley, were awarded to Mrs. Paul TOdk .. Mn> Cindy . mai Mrs. Bofcsrt Van Dnaen and Mr. and! Miss Norma WUtkg of Mrs. lake and Mr. and MtTsdaid Jaclson and daachtar of Richmond spool J in tRe K E. WUKbr HAS Elijah Coates of Crystal Lake spent Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. Fred Weidrich. Mr. and Mis. Edward Smith <rf Lacrosse, Wis~ spent Tuesday evening at the Harold Stanaek Km Mrs. Thomas Bressaer Betler) and daughter, Kateeen. are spending a few days In the B. T.!Beno; Butler none. j Mrs. Alice Georga Haberiein w*s a patient' Sandav with her parents, Mr. and in the Ravenswood hospital Thurs-! Mrs. Charles Poet. da; and Friday, where he went for: Frank Walking-ton and family of observation. - i Libertyville spent Sunday with his: evening i ington and Daniel Rawson, high, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Benoy, low. . Peet of Elgin spent Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr were: lite community visitors at Woodstock Monday after-!at 8 p.m. Thursday noon. i school Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and ness meeting, program and family spent Sunday with her mother ments. Everyone is oordiall. at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Smith and Mrs. Hugh White of Detroit, Mfch.,j*°n»J**' *^_Mr8- H«PP«r »n.l and Mr. *nd Mrs. Merritt Croickl d»ught«r, Eleanor Jane, of Chicago, shank of Morton Grove were callers1 «nd sappw guests_ of the city" in the Wta. McCannon home Sunday1 ,V j rnJ^Tr H**'ley Satevening. urday apd called at the home of their were callers at Fox t of plus. Port tariee «i the invitation to research and tory in Crystal Lata will that commimity with an outstanding , modern research developetnent. The Sdav Sent. 19 i {""Wing proposed to he erected Id- SZt wfil I*'. b„^;^ nmmm aad refresh- '41? wi" unit will he housed m a three story brick building set in a landscaped the southeasterly, edge of! PHILCO STROMBERG-CARLSON Table Models and RINGWOOD ELECTRICAL & RADIO Phone Richmond 883 HOUSE WIRING w" r , i parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Smith. X? Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley visited Lake, Sunday. rAiit». I Mr* Mrs. S. W. Smith spent: „ j « o » j Thursday and Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of .Mr. and Mrs. John Antioch and Mr and Mrs. Lbuis Aben ' Mrs. Jessie Walsh of Grayslake j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walking **** her Mrs. I ton. ft • J David of Beloit spent Friday even- at Crvfct«l E. Whiting. t ^ 1 Mr. and Mw. A. E. Herbert and ing with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. mt- ^rUL Mr, and Mti. Ray Lorens and Mi J daughter, Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Irv- - - and Mrs Tony Baron of Elmhurst ing Lesher and family of Elgin, Mrs. spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Louella Schneider and Mrs. Laura Harold Staneck. Peet of Woodstock were callers in Mrs. Viola Low attended the county the Mrs. Emm* Beatty home^Sunday *fMrv Md Mrs. Ed Bauer and daugh- [ M'88 Amy Harrison, R. N. of Maditer, Joan, and sons, Roland and Mar- fson«s spending * two-week vacation •in, spent Sunday evening with Mrs. *'.lth heJ_ P«w»ts, Hr. and Mrs. Elisabeth Weber at Antioch. Mrs. Cora Charles from Fairbanks, Alaska, lbs. Nellie Reynolds of Liv- Ek-nest Andreas, at Mundelein Sun- Legion Auxilliary meeting at W< stock FViday evening. * Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and faaily of Hebron spent Sanoisy with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Merchant and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Merchant, Jr., of ! droth of Elgin spent Saturday evea- {ing with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. with her Chancy Harrison. Friday as gi ohn W. Smith Riagwood Schsol Note y Marvann Ait: Wiedrich and I Andreas) j We are usinr the Scott Foremen i reading books in the entire grades: in our school. j Downstairs they have fifteen en-1 Weldon Andreas visited his brother. *"d out of the fifteen Lois; .» ss..»t.iAtn c<it> Hunt is the only girl. She is in. j second grade. Si MILL INN (Formerly Barnard's Mill) JJfFtjti End of Wonder Lake at the Bri4|» cona gr ingstoii, Mont., Mr. and Mrs. James day afternoon. Upstairs we have twenty-two t H 1 1F ^ a p ^ t M M ' r « R ^ h l ^ p v I r o l l * d o f w b i c b M t e e n a r e g irls. 1 H»rri«nn' nl ' W® ,r* ^PPT t0 °"r P»rt-timO x? d * v i teachers, Miss Thompson, our music ZioT £kUU^ E™' -d MiasWaliington, our Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens of Sycamore spent Sunday evening in 8TIAK8 Dinners served from 6 to 9 p. m. daily accept Mondays r Saturday: 6 to Up. m. Sunday: 1 to 7 p. m. FISH FEY EVERY TODAY mr COCKTAILS - LIQUOR -- WOTS ^ BEER oater to partial 'DEAO" STRONG, Owner Phono RicAmond 312 FTK FYTER EXTINGUl #• fOR teOMSt FARM AMD COMMERCIAL USE quart - 1% quart - 1 gallon Vaporising Liquid :*;« (For elctrical, oil, gas and grease fires) ^ ' * • ' ? : .... ^so ... gallon Soda Add and Instant Anti-Ftoese Type . Approved by Underwriters' Laboratories! ' ^ .. - FOR ORA8S FIRES ®«o ... Indian Fire Pump Tank . t. sUe ATTENTION! Shops . . Cleaners ... Oarages . . Theatres . . Hotels Laboratories .. Boats and Airports use the Extinguisher! USE RANDOLPH CARBON DIOXIDE -------- SAT SMITH SALES AMD SKKVIOS fT> Write P. 0. Box 42, Waukegan, flHiiois ' Phone Ontaiio 6189 7:30 p.m„ sharps Wednesday, Sept 18 At CUnlke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 75 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS, EITHER CLOSE SPRINGERS OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE. Load of Jerseys lay Mr. Parks ^ FEEDER PIOS, ' CAL1 STOCK BULLS m BEEF OATTLEE":^^ SHEEP" BROOD SOWS FEEDER CATTLE "~ YOU CAN BUY -- YOU CAN SELL --- m Ww«toA 578 or 499 If .y^tettT~to«k • t o c o n s i g n • • ALL CONSIGNORS PAID CASH DAY AFTER SALE. All consignors make arrangements to get your livestock in, either the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. Terms: 25 per cent down, balance in monthly installments. 1 to 16 months time at Vi of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales Co. Inc. WM. E. GAULKE, Own«r--Phone 872 the B. T. Butler home and attended the reception for the neeww Methodist minister at Muzzy's hall. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry spent Sunday' with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family. Mr. and Mrs. C L Harrison and daughters, Amy and. Carol, and Mrs Watts' and son, Glen, spent Sunday in the Henry Marlowe home at Huntley. * Mrs. W. C. Dillion of Waucpnda spent the weekend with Mrs. Rose Jepeon. Clarence Pearson and Robert Low were visitors at Dundee Saturday. Mr. and Mrs; Clarence- Jepson of North Adams, Mass., Mrs. Clarence Heidner, Iva Turnbull and Stanley Jepson of Wauoonda were Tuesday evening dinner guests of Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mrs. Roy Weidrich and children of Greenwood spent Tuesday after* noon with Mrs. Fred Weidrich. Sr. A reception and not-lock 6:80 jpjn. dinner was held in Mussy's hall Sunday in honor of the new Methodist minister, Rev. Marshall, and his family. Warren Jones of McHenry sang several selections which were greatly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Dodd entertained instructor, are back again this' year. Most of our books were rented! from the county office in Woodstock.' We have one new coy attending COTTAGES FARMS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • • x. ,A,:„ All Materials All Labor Fully GUARANTEED Uphllt tMagU Mof St ScafS worth-while ssyiags. IASA pmt m aa low a . N# PrUritin Ntidtd Phone 1M-W FRANK GANS . .. /'He Riverside Drive Sit. McHenry •4I< < < U I I < I I I I M I M I I H I * !! On thf Honr ;i ' ' • ' a ' ' !!of my death, do not weep: ! Ifor me -- Cry not 'Parted; ' 'parted: union and meeting] !'are miae in that hour.--] Old Persian Manuscript." V - iSorrow which comes to us; \ 'all in the passing of a loved: •one is hard to bear. We] jhave dedicated ourselvog to] ; ^lighten the burdens of those! • we serve. When the need arises, let! us serve.; . Jacob Justen Sons: FUNERAL DIRECTORS ; Phone McHenry 103-R ; Residence, McHenry 112-W; Green Street, Corner Elm ; Who Else Wants To LOSE WEIGHT Yet Eat Plenty 1 Dont wear yourself out with eMdM. Dont jdve np all the foods you mm. Dont cut out any nesls... just cot them down. Is mm MwlMtid by snAtd 14 to " " Ptan. Just try this ddkious AYDS Vitamin CnnPhn yourself. 30-day simply. $2.25. Economy (Triple) Sise. ^50. Klowl Come in orphooe BOLGER'S ro STORE We have many select offers of propertiea within price suitable to alL Our list of real estate and business properties open for your inspection. Any inquiries will reoetvi our prim tentSon. . • !> ^ To List With 17s Is To Sell Through Us. McHENRY REALTY •0 * . :-y : Route 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS Telephone McHenry 690»M4 6 ft' .-1 •=. 'v:- But It torn happen, in your new home, unless you give your contractor to include adequate wiring plans in his original blueprints. /l#*? 111 a home with adequate wiring you'll have circuits enough to supply electricity for all your present appliances, as well as for those soon coming your you'll have greater safety, too* Now, btfort you build, is the time to check with your contractor to be sure the wiring plans for your new way. There'll be multiple switches to home will suit your needs. Find out light your way before entering a room from us or your electric contractor and plenty of convenience outlets, how easy and inexpensive it is to co- Dimming lights, "loafing" appliances joy the convenience of adequate wir» •ad slecnuegtihuvjr «ri*r"r»n fnigvfyi cords -IS .';a my<m * VUIUC SIRVK1 COMPANY OF l|OKTH»ll ILUMOIS •> a> 1, j-ieHki 1 h?! s:' i' • "j!" ^ ' * ^ "'\ir s iva/.-.." » -f--: i. 'j:-. ' • • • i.-, • /I f I iA-'t