. *<*« -m. t ^ ?-»*••'•-• - «Vf Volume 72 'IjfcHBNBY. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1946 WRING WEEK vyt Two Residents Of* "v:- Nearby Subdivision* ; * Died Unexpectedly HeHenrv friends were shocked to learn of tM sudden death of Andrew Sehwars, who passed away on day, September Twwe hospital, a resident division, WOMAN'S AT [ART OF WOODSTOCK HOSPITAL PLAN ANNUAL MEETING* « • y - '• The first annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Woodstock public hospital will be held on Tuesday, October 1, at 2 p.m. in the Sunday school room of the Presbyterian church, Tryon and Calhoun streets, Woodstock. After the business meet- AAA ALLOCATES $114,900 TO AH) F ABUSES IN CONSEKVATION WORK ^ * _ .I Under the Agricultural Conservatiop Program the county AAA committee was allocated $114,900 to be used in assisting the farmers of Mc- Henry county in carrying out needed conservation work on their farm3 this year. It has been the earnest endeavcr of the county committee, 4ng, tea will be served by the dircc- j said Mr. Bert Bridges, to fully utilize tors. All members of the hospital] .this money in bringing to the county j auxiliary and their friends are Urged1 as a whole the Maximum of soil con-[to attend this important meeting. i #e"rati°n" * ( Friends of the auxiliary will he! On this basis, some 85 percent of j interested to know that it has or-' OCTOBER 8 IS LAST BAY FOL EXPECT HOMEOOMIN 0 TO BE PLEASANT REUNION FOB MANY COMMUNITY SADDENED BY DEATH TODAY QM JAMES HUGHES, 86 M c H e n r y was saddened this (Thursday) morning to learn of the death of James Hughes, Sr., 84, who died at his home near the McHenry dam early today, September 26. He Friday, October 4, is the day of the big homeccming in McHenry, an •vent which will very likely be observed annually. .Certainly it should for last year's large crowd testified to the popularity of such an under-j had been in poor health for many taking. .'months. ^ First of all, there is nothing quite A retired farmer, Mr. Hughes >as: .a. Parade to get folks in the I one of the community's most rtmcod for a( colorful celebration. This spected residents. He spent mucfi -will take place during the afternoon of his time in later years collecting Wl" ^ pven added impetus by, Indian relics as a hobby. Twenty-six McHenry peoj^r f^is-1 the^ appearance of the school band, Survivor8 incite five children; LEGION, INSTALL OFFICERS IN JOINT SERVICE November 5 Voters Most Comply With tiw By Deadline" Harry Lock and ' Mrs. Minnie Greeft Head Organization A crowd of interested spectatort idrewj county farmers requested and re- ganised and put into operation a lib-! tered here last Saturday, September j which will play snappy marches as r „"~'witnessed the impressive Joint in- Mon- ceived approval for some type of rary for the benefit of the patients. 21, the first of two-days set aside bythe paraders make their way through puicajm- l*-„f Tonek* Km • j.m« i stallation ceremony of the local La- Qi • aaaiafoniMk tnal iton M I lLtAlra m m _ J r* a 1- J TV 1IT 1 _ . ni fir UTr'^LIi.Li - £ i vUlvagU) ^liCv U1 i f "" £|Qf| |)OSt &HCl ItS ftUX'H . Thursday evening in the high school k or ' ^mnasium- > Survivors include the widow, Hilde-' are asked to notify the AAA office,1 month to this "service. These" and~9p.m. ~[will come vTith the "dance, which will Before that time I headedPthe dTg^^ea'm^hich^tw^n gard; four sons, Nicholas, Otto, Emil which will be glad to help in ar-:teers, who are called 4 book trund-! Local residents ate again warned be held in the school gymnasium, ty® ®°dv will be at rest at the Peter charge of the installation for the and Anthony; and two sisters,. Mrs. rangements to complete practices or lers," are Mrs. Carle toon Robb of that only properly registered electors free of charge, after the game. j ;ii wf • ,home. Interment; men, at which time the following of- Helena Jaeger and Mrs. Anna Gaeth- make substitutions. Thia office would, Marengo, Mrs. E. W. Lowe and Mri. will" be 'able to vote" in the general J Alumni, this is your chance to re-j^H *n St. Patricks cemetery, ke. j appreciate having farmers who can-1 James Allan of McHenry, and Mrs. 1 election to be held November 5 of turn once more to the scene of your j The body was taken to Chicago not carry out any practice approved Herbert Kemp, Mrs Robert Vieregg this year, as provided by the per-! younger days and renew acquaintuntil Wednesday noon, when it was on their farm notify the office also, and Mrs. Arthur Boncosky of Wood-!manent registration of electors law lances. Your friends and classmates brought to the Peter M. Justen fun- In this way the committee can alio-; stock. Mrs. Robert McConnell of'of the state of Illinois. j will be there and you certainly won't eral home here. Services were held cate this money to others. 'Woodstock is chairman of the library; The provision allowing a non-repis-1 want to miss an opportunity to rem- | committee. j tered voter to be registered on the inisce with them about the old days ! • The library contains over 200 vol day of election is no more in effect, at M. C. H. S. Remember the date. I umes, all of which have been donated Those who must register to be elipri- October 4. Ft should be a red letter | by the public. The collection con- ble to vote include the following: |day on your calendar. | feists of fiction, non-fiction, juvenile ! 1. Voters who will be 21 years of j •- books and magazines, offering a wide age on or before election day, No- 'mHAllP I imfr ITTrkinm variety of romantic, western, mys- vember 5, 1346. IllUujAflUu AI I KllllMf 1 tery and adventure novels as wtll 2. Registered voters who have this (Thursday) morning at St. Pat-; rick's church, with interment in the church cemetery. I Charles E. Guy I Charles E. Gay, Sr., 83 years old, m resident of Woodlawn Park, McHenry, for about seven years, died auddenly last Saturday morning. A native of Sydenham, England, and resident of Chicago for many years, ft* deceased was a retired foreman of the Bloone-Valve Co. W« Oier YOB CoegratnUtrais! AROUND THE COURT HOI fleers officially took their place aa leaders of the organization: Camas biographies, essays, poetry and changed their name by marriage cr DINC TDCC CADIfC CilU ' short stories. otherwise at least twenty-eight day 3 * Ullf • HMI' ' f\I\I!lu wAUu _ The Woman's Auxiliary is deeply before election. Rarely do we find two lives more indebted to Miss Lura Wandrack of 3. Registered voters who have ^DEPENDENCY PETITION ! A dependency petition was filed1 in county court Monday by State's' Atty. Don A. Wicks on behalf of: Donald Taylor, 16-year-old Chicago; youth, who is alleged to have taken $65 from the Harrison and Son store' Survivors include two sons, Ed- interesting than those of the men who Woodstock for her invaluable help moved from one precinct to another A* estimated 6,000 persons weie at Greenwood, August 13 of this ward Jr., and Harold F., and one are objects of our congratulations in setting up the library to Mrs. within the county since last register- on hand last Monday at Pine Tree year. Henry T.O Donnell and Taydaughter, Mildred Marie -Harris. His this week. We extend best wishes for; Austin Selz of Crystal Lake for her ing must appear before the county Dairy Farms Nos. 1 and 3 to witness 'or drove up to the Harrison store on wife, Susan, and one son, Walter T., many more anniversaries to Stephen gift of a hospital book cart, and to clerk or proper registration officer what was probably the largest public the above date and according to auj--> =_ j ,H Freund and Henry J. Klapperich, Mrs. James N. Rawleigh of Hebron preceded him in death. _ and s__i gn an application for chang= e auction ever to take place in this thorities, while O Donnell was having The body was taken to the Peter whose memories are'filled with .ex- for"heV"gift of the"attractive sm(Kks, of~residence, stating the oid and new vicinittyy,. A total of $50,000 worth of his car filled up with gas, Taylor hold--goods--and livestock from went. inside the store and is alleged^ even farms of the late William to have taken the money. They were Willi - M. Justen funeral home and then to periences of early days in this com- | which are the "trundler" uniforms! address. ~_1_---- house the£-oK?TmpE and,Son ^neral home munity. -- : The report of the volunteers on 4. Voters who are registered in the seven -- ~K"~3I8 N. Central evenue, Austin, Mr. Freund is observing his eighty • the patients' response to this service1 another county and now are resi- R- Skidmore was purchased through • n*n«lIlI!Sfi where services wiere held at 11 o - second birthday anniversary - today makes the auxiliary members feel i dents of McHenry county must reg- out the day. 1 K! «iLr ff H«nrv A i «t T!, ^ock. Tuesday morning. Bunal (Thursday) September 26, while Mr. that the.time and effort spent on the ister in McHenry county. i .The sale opened on Farm No. 1, by ^enff Henry A. Hulle, at Wonams m St. George cemetery, Kenosha, Klapperich passed another milestone,! library are well worth while". | 5. If you aire a resident of the with the sale of seventy Holstem «r LaKe. WJS. !his eighty-fourth, on September 18.j . county and have never registered cows and miscellaneous articles., Miss Clara Wilson | Mcifenry folks and those from! INJUNCTION DENIED BY And are eligible to vote. Later in the day they moved to1 FILES INFORMATION i Last Sunday afternoon cars made many nearby communities will well; unr fliBBATT ra» i ^ y°u are a pre perl y registered No. 3, wherethirty-nve^Brown State s Atty. Don A. \\icks on tiieir way to Woodland cemetery in remember the double golden wedding 1 JUDGE WM. CABBOLIa IN I voter and you have not moved from Swiss cattle brought from $150 to Monday filed an information in counpart of the city, where celebration of these two men and MABENGO WASTE CASE " L""J -- --» HARRY LOCK Photo by A. Worwick. McHanty IV the north Rev. Graham conducted last funeral their wives, on January 25, 1938. On one precinct to another since you $460 a head. Another item which ty court charging Henry T. O'Donnell, mender, Harry Lock; senior viceregistered, you do not have to regis- drew a great many bidders was an Wonder Lake, with petty larceny, commander. Richard Williams; junior rites for Miss Clara L. Wilson, 90 that day the brothers and sisters, J w;„. „ n „ . ter again. • i old fashioned cutter, which sold for O'Donnell is alleged to have taken vice-commander. M. L. Schoenholta; years old. Miss Wilson died last Stephen and Mary Freund and Henry; i QuaHflcations [1280. ;»25 m money from the Harrison adjutant, LeRoy Conway; finance o«- Friday, September 20, 1946, in Wil- and Katherine Klapperich, renewed ^ "! To qualify for registration you Machinerv and standing and har- store at Greenwood August 13 of ncer, Gene Dobyns; chapUin,' Ted •unton. Will County, 111., where shs wedding vows of fifty years pre- i must be a citizen of the United vested crops were included in the this year. An information, also Graham; historian, Sam Schmunk: had made her home for the past vious. More than 150 guests were States, at least 21 years of age on Tuesday sale, and netted $45,000. charging petty larceny, was filed sergeant-at-arms, Richard Justen; thirteen years. ! present to help the two couples cele- ,, iL. the date of the next election, No- This brought the total sale for the »n county court bv the states at- service officer John Dreymiller. There were the curious, who in- brate this auspicious occasion. f vemb«r 5, 146, you must have resided two dav«= to $95,000. Among the toniey against Arthur W. Schramm. Auxiliary Officers quired for whom the services were Stephen Freund • - . • ® ^ i for one year in the state, ninety days largest sales included a corn picker Schramm is elleged to have taken a Mrs. Helen Cowan and Julia FeWMV being held, then shook their heads Few men in the entire history of ri Jr^ n «/"» the county and thirty days in the tor $1,610; six trucks from $900 to $15 wedding -ring frcm the William both of Crystal Lake and both put aa the unfamiliar name of Clara the McHenry vicinity have been so precinct in which you now reside. |»1,350 each; four tractors from Toppen drug store at Richmond, July officers m the county Legion auml- Wilson was mentioned. Even with active in such Bftad ways for the J w ' For the convenience of the voters $1,000 to $1,850 each; and 180 acres 18, this year. Both O Donnell and lary, took charge of the ladies intke older generation, the name was bettemeHn^JpMmr home community fs-j-iiv who must register under one or more of standing corn from $17 to $22 Schramm are at liberty under bond, stallation. The following were inanknown. . . _ ! than StepheS H. Freund. With na- L ru,M mentioned above, the board of an acre. ( .filed: President. Minm • 11" "" ,J 1 1 ' nhv«M*n in llarmm * supervisors approved' the recom- Mrs. Ethel Skidmore, who resides |r/\umtrg na«|«vw phcl .. .. mendation of Clerk Woods to pro- in the Drake hotel, Chicago, witness- FIVE MONTHS REMAIN en.rrWt.g.. collator, h.v. b«. duy m^ pthe- t,wo d.j, of prectoct reiis. p.rt of th, TO APPLY FOK SOCIAL flrst of th.M w„ -- . SECURITY BENEFITS little is temembered about Miss Wilson, even by her few distant relatives, but it is doubtful whether she ever lived in McHenry. Howevei, i her parents, Charles and Olive Break | Wilson, came here many years ago i from Vermont. Mrs. Wilson was, buried here In 1894 and her husband j was brought back to McHenry ir.1 1917 for burial. A marker in the; stalled: President, Minnie Green; first vice-president, Margaret Smith; second vice-president, Eva Bacon; secretary, Agnes Buch; treasurer, Lura Yanda; historian, Teckla Bkuagren; chaplain, Aileen Bose; eer- | Inquiries have been very light con • 1 :* . ,wu vlv I,c"r,clerk will be open every day except' ceming social security payments to °ic^viHu«U «tnir0^ H,?m"f™ C/hi?T Sunday. Any elector may register McHenry fire fighters experienced dependent survivors of veterans who cemetery dating back to 1836, with' the name Margaret Wilson, indicated that the family settled here at an j early date. At any rate, Miss Clara Wilson, shortly before her death.; made the request that after her ftrnHy "lot in*Woodland cemetery for tive zeal and an intelligent mind he BESTAUBANT MEAT burial. has employed every means possible MKAT^ nftniMn BACK STEPHEN H. FREUND 'n Br^"alfn 8jJJJ at the office of the county clerk on another busy weekend, but fortunate- died following discharge from serthese days up to and including Oc-,ly, none of the flames caused dam- vce, Homer G. Bradney, administratention to the warning signs. ? '1946» » i jtcr of the iuinois Veterans CommiswwltJS6 tn h7.°r n)T 'f*S J® Albert Krause is in charge of the! On Saturday morning they ex- sion has reported. 1 wanted to hear all of the facts on registrations in McHenry. tinguished a grass fire at tily Lake,: Under an amendment to the Social and in the early afternoon were call- Security Act, Bradney s;;id, the sur-: 'ed to the William Green home on the vivors (who are not recuving death COMING EVENTS Imme mission. compensation or pension, are eligible On Sunday afternoon a grass fire for social security payments even both sides of the case before making any decision, _ w--3 Roller Skadrur*Partv for Young threatened to cause damage to a though the veteran did not qualify The body was brought here by from early youth for^ the improve- Jn_ Folks--Sponsored Sy V. F. W. .nearby garag^ but the flames were before entering service. Fetefil. Justen, funeral director. |nient of this part of the country 1U •vfll dU UKHdlluP East River Road Pinochie Club--Mrs, extinguished before the local fire- Under the amendment veterans are Albert E. Paddock which has been home to him since j Thomas Thonneson. mien reached the scene. awarded Social Security "credits" Albert E. Paddock, 80 years old, birth. ... The OPA last week ordered im- September 17 1 . _ .L_.».rm that may qualify the survivors for a son of pioneer Wauconda township for many years after his marriage mediate restoration of June 30 price Public Party at Country Club-- FBEE TBEATMENT FROM payments ranging up to as much as parents, died at St. Therese hospital, he farmed the land north of Me- ceilings for restaurant meals and in- Sponsored bv Circle 1, W. S. C. S. DP TIT A TV TIFNTI8T8 IS Waukegan, last Friday, September Henry, in the Solon Mills and Spring dividual menu items in which meac' September 28 , IfltlVA1B 1/ 20, 1946, after an illness of several Grove area. Even then his leisure js the major ingredient. Circle 3 W. S C. S. Bake Sale 'APPROVED FOB VETS months. moments were not wasted but were Since September 9 restaurant ceil- Prie's Market! 1 * The deceased was born on the fam- spent in keeping the community, and ing-3 fo, these items - had been October 1 Illinois veterans who have service -- ily homestead in 1886 and lived his himself.n step with modern at sricea whichwere in First Annual Meeting -- Woman's connected dental conditions, may now Survivors of veterans who died prior entire lifetime in that community. .!n 1®5 he »M»ted in effect during&*« week-ending Aug. Auxiliary cf Woodstock Public cbtain fi*e treatment from private to August 10, 1946 but within three He was a farmer by vocation. Dur- the Johnsburg Creamery Co., serving 81, prior to te-estabkshment of re- Hosnital dentists annroved bv the Veterans >'ears of their discharge, should file ing his early years he thus became as its secretary and manager until tail meat ceilings. ' October S : Administration it has been disclosed at once. 1 known throughout the county. 1911, when jt became the Wieland The OPA in its official statement circle 3 W S C. S.--All Day Meet- by Hasry J Pilarski contact repre- Service Officer William R. Cairns $65 a month or fl um_p sum payments of about $200. Bradney pointed out that only five months remain in which dependents can apply for retroactive payments Survivors include his widow, Jose- Dairy Co. He held a membership in called the new action a reduction Photo by A. Worwick. McHeaeg MINNIE GREEN sentative, of the Veterans Adminis- at Woodstock has been authorized to phine; two sons, i^esne, residing in ™ cigin ouuer »u»>u »«rK.cuw" oi restaurant prices, but it made no c D of A--Business Meeting itration Such treatment will he assist widows, children and dependent California, and Earl, of McHenry; years and has been a member of the estimate of how much the reduction ' October 4 ~^ iauthorized onlv when veterans ad- parents in ascertaining their eligibil-; ~~--o " _ »*. one daughter, Mrs. Leslie Turnbuil, kational Dairy Union and Dairy-;WOuld be. Homecoming SmT-High School. ffinis'raUon0^dJntS Clinics are "not h tor social security payments £ *£ Wauconda; one sister, Lola, of Elgin; mens association. However, an OPA official told a October 7 ' feasibly available" to the veteran. under the amendment. - ip Vi TOrKe"ni ""J and a brother, Senator Ray Paddock, Later he helped organize the Coun- reporter that "most of the increases Aitar and Rosary Sodality--Monthly The new "home town" dental ser- i in_ the --remony officers of Lake county. ty Farm Bureau association. He we have heard about (since control Meeting. vice was established recently by Paint StOI*6 Enjoys and spectators gathered in the Le- October f. 10, 11, 12 agreements between the Veterans PoDul&ritV gion hall for a delicious Utmtk R u m m a g e S a l e -- S p o n s o r e d h y A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d s t a t e d e n t a l a 3 - * s o c i a l h o u r . increases Christian Mothers and Altar Socie- sociations throughout the natior.. Funeral services were held at 2:30 was instrumental in forming the first ended June 30) have been about 10 o'clock on Sunday afternoon from count" Good Roads Movement com- per cent." Abe "Strang chapel in Grayslake, with mittee and served as its first chair- He added thai, soi Rev. Reed officiating. The Grayslake man. He was a member of the Mo "have been greater than 16 per cent, chapter, A. F. A A. M., was in Henry grade school board for twen- some less, and, in some cases, there ' October 11 charge of rites Burial was in Wau- ty-nine years and has served aa trus- have been no increases at all." Mothers Club Legion Hall. ty. eonda tee of St Mary's pariah.* In orderini STATE DEPABTMENT SESTOGKS McCULLOM LAKE WITH 3,000 BASS iig June 30 ceilings re- October 17 In 1897. he was elected McHenry stored, the OPA said the national 0ne O'clock Dessert Bi Dentists participating in the prograhi Growing in popularity even la this -- bill the Veterans Administration, ac- community is the Crystal Lake Paint #OUU ill Equipment OtOien !cording to a revised fee schedule, store, operated by Charles Wirth from Welding Shop SandM'M' for authorized work performed on and James Vinci, across from the ^ r "ntwtafn- ve^"®n^rm "not feasibly available," §?ie two'young men started their 0ff,ce equipment and tools valwsl Mr. Pilarski explained, covers cases business last February and deal ex- nT?7h«^lidinr :* e ns vetv n Reniamin and Monre broke lnto the Welding service yO-, ; township assessor and later super- restaurant industry advisory commit- 5.30 Cafeteria Supper, 1 visor, serving as chairman of this tee had pressed for ceilings on meat ment O E S Hall. r , 'body in 1920. He was active in pro- meals and meat items which would pirst Meetine Thursday Night Ath- when it is impractical for the veteran clusively in Benjamin and Moore . . 1f „ !Curing and routing sUte highways be higher than the April 4-10, 1943, Ltic Club to obtain treatment at a V. A. clinic, paints and wallpaper, they have re- *hoP- » ^f T SlSS here and for two years led the court general restaurant freeze levels in November 1 and 2 Determination of "feasibility" and modeled the building in which they Lake, Sunday ^ v«nRi2u Fishermen who frequent their fav-^t whU* ^ on Jone Rummage Sale-City Hall - Spon- enUtlement is made by the Veterans are located and are enjoying a grow- 5^ ^G. B. FSrickson, who ---Administrat ion. MmccnHceinirryy CLUouUnUtU; v(CeWterIWanUs who -»• y. J _ have dental disabilities incurred in paint in the October 3 and successive -ISf. • lav- 1---j--- rr. , • _ Kummage saie--i^itj nau erite spots on McCullom Lake will present highway ^ The agency added, however, that sored by Sunday Nightera. u niMuui lum on Monday, through McHenry. - sufficient evidence had not been pre- ---- fUn?imhir iA th« itata denartmant Almoat anjr ten year period of Mr. sented to show that restaurants oould ESSAY WINNER raotocked the lake with 8000 black Freund's Hfe has bem flUed with not abeorb the prevailing admittedly Friends of the Ray T Nicholas or aggravated by their military ser- issues of the Plaindealer. ^ more MMDCUU acuon lor nis ww hi^ber costs of mott - - SMn^lS^SS^ At S^he^! REGIS™ ^fff'fo^their attractive offers of P?rted theb urglary to the sheriTa WSHlu«ff . UpTnllnm tj--A Doasi or U1 S lUtUIM. AV H M U aEUlDlUl MV afiBIVIUOlS Witth^ft, a McCullom Uke t, in fine yntith and is still keenly in- _ An announcement was made b family of Grayslake are rejoicing vice, may request treat ment ^ by ap jaa pcompiiTfl with them over the winning by Mi. plying in pewon at Pilarski s office . „ «Jt RESIDENTS Nicholas of second place in the James in the post office in Woodstock each uuHrumenwu .n murutz this *n J??0® °l F- Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation Wednesday afternoon from 1:00 p m., , JWI „ w w „ rts- oJ" r.S'.rK aLssi'^S: i n . c r . r . tminmA ?n the homsatead where he Was Saturday. tiong Thjs js not the first award veteran must have the written au- of a daughter, horn at Sherman boa- UinH „,t0moWlT on Rt. 4.» During the period when ice fiahing born eighty-four yeara ago, leeated „ won by Mr. Nicholas during his ag- thoriaation from the Veterans Ad- pital. Elgin on tW« ?re«k- „«ar the Wisconsin state line un- SS ^ tryridj.of Mr.and ttoltar.! »r«r. butfar.Uj; rfif»««on Pnr.U tov « toowin,!,. hi, f.o, ice fishing is allowed, it is expected ftat plenty of boles will he kept open urd the fish. Berths The thieves gained entrance to the 1 shop by breaking the catch on a wash rcom window. A typewriter, welding equipment, cutting torchers and other equipment was stolen. The • loot is bel:eved to have been hauled >*V" te M grand lom Lake has long been a spot for fiaheriirimene, n. but of the lake needs re-stocking ftem time to time. Many fish are caught each year. It is only the Mg oner that get away. McHENRY MILLS, INC. In the future, the McHenry Flhnr Mill will become known as McHenry Mills, Inc., according to an announcement made this week by the ownec, north William Meath. in the fam- largest. Last year he won a $100 tist can be reimbursed for service Ae parents of a son born at the {oo1 of the m ^ .ccelerilmoat nine- bond in National Green Thumb Vic- rendered on a fee-basis. _ Woodstock hospital last Friday. ator he caQ8ed an .ecklent which Mrs. Klai^erfeh ai yeuaold!' the^mwe *ttan tory Garden contest and back during For further ij^ormation about this ! century old log cabin atOl stands his college days he won sixth place new^^dental 1 nearby. j in a national essay contest. Mr. Klapperich, unlike his brother- 11IBVa ; in-law, has been leaa active in civic NEW ALLEYS coat the life of the driver's father HENRY J. KLAPPERICH -- STRUCK BY HAYRACK TV. KAV John VilsoiL Jr tance in applying for any benefits Dobert Potter, 5-year-old son of ... r .i.. „untv sheriffs thai? of laws administered by the Veterans Mr. and Mrs. Walter Potter Jr.. . returning ftom a Administration, McHenry county yet- tenants on the Edgar D. Comstock L w:, erans are invited to see Pilarski in farm on Sleepy Hollow road, a mile becmuse oWer Johnsburg'a moat reapected citizens, far future, have additional howling Woodstock office in the post office northwest of Elgin, was fatally in- WiUon Sr #nd Urban Kaihaa*^ He has engaged in nnaing all his alleys on which to pursue the sport each Wednesday afternoon. jrn-ed last week Tuesday when he wepe tired and wanted to aleepw In life and has been most successful in which has been growing by popular «»«Ano Finw mca T*8 ?„Ver_un stretching. gainst this pursuit. His health remains demand. Recent controversy over . Nelson's foot on the accelerator and Kalhauge shoved against work about the farm. leagues that desired to bowl at the to burn "*bbish «?u,ted in a loss es- ,n St. Josephs hospital. w rontroj H« aaiH ho was The community is proud of these Marengo bowling alleys which are tirn*t«d at $20,W on the fann of of JcJinshnrg. His father, j two men, who 1h.a.v..e. ili;v.^edi lio«n»g- .ann/id , onnpperraattpeHd hbvy tthhee MMaarreenngroo PPaarrkk ddiiss- Dr. Eller\ H. Harvey, route 40, Mr. and Mrs. Harold rPha&a atboy lost control. He said be unable to step for a barraeade ani as he swerved the wheels locked tsd Mr: * w"! ^ter H. Kla^ich. had come from: useful lives, »nd are even now keep- trict: Prompted the ®f ^ MTwTd»^K^Yilfiret0Mn- 5* clashed into a parked_car of J. C formerly head of Meath Sales Co.. of Germany in 1842. and finding an at-j ing in contact with the steady growth the board to give Chicago, which is now a part of. tractive log cabin in the subdivision cf McHenrv. We can repeat with tion to enlargihg fee McHenry businesa. I1 w# hich. ;s now Ri..v.1e.r^d aLle-,,J purchaseud genuine feelings the words of the | .Tapir vnunvpfif give sericus considera- ship, last Thursday. The fire con- George Joedtcke at the Strang chapel ^ f. e. » K*ns**ville wis. the alleys. sAuNmMeOd^ aa lUarrfgfAe hbAarrnn , supnrninnigr hhoouussee,. in AA ntioch oAMn TTiuiAesaditaayv aAfFtIeArVnNoAoANn .,, llfllCT, OI tvanMSTiiw*, viik • and other buildings. The barn and Mrs. Joedicke was the wife of the from the owner, who had bought it song, "We offer you congratulations, J Jack, voungest son^ of Mr. and tool shed ^f^.^^total Joss^ and superintenden^ of the Lake Vi^a dishave received notice that from tbe ercvernment. Reared jn the we "really mean them from our Mrs. Arthur Smith, left this week for while not exceptionally ex George Steinsdoerfer is now station- Vprv w.ld country which^existed^here heart." ed at Virginia Beach, Va. " "" Ordpr your Rubber Stampa at T1m flltin-leMler. at that time, young Henry Klapperich could hardly visualize then the beautiful summer resort territory which today replaces the rustic coun- The Case Eagles won the McHenry softfcall championship last night by defeating the Co-ops, 14 to 7„~ sive in trict of the Public Service company.! Among thi SW army duty, having enlisted recently, themselves, they contained a large Miss Margaret Freund accompanquaintity of building material, ma- jed Mr.and Mrs. Frank Foley cf , H MI*>•!•••• • ee >ee MARRIAGE LICENSE ----chine tools, and other equipment -Richmond to Urbana. Ilfe on Sunday! w ^ Walter E. Wilccx and Atiee Mae -- . ' to visit Bill Foley, who is a student! Mw. .M. J. WriM Low, both Ringwood, " . ^ : Read tiMTWaat Ada ; 'at the University of Illinola. 'mifty tnm bar -