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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1946, p. 6

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Hit to it &&F7FT**J *'$;• "«nW FOR SALS FOR SALE -- White birch fireplace bn. McHenry Lumber Co., West ifcHenry. Tel. McHenry 46. 19*2 .'Mtsai'M'Ht1. :La.iir.ia.i"i'i|i"ii»»jait*w. n WIlTflD Y0 J9T TO BUT -- Sow «r aaartaMnt MMki In or near McHenry. Jot Nimagern, Rt 1, Mc- Htuy. Phone Richmond 849. *1? ?0W or room summer home, nearr IMccHHie nry, on or near Fox River. Address Box "BJ," care Plaindealer. 26-tf SURGERY WHITEWASHING -- Prank Henkd. Volo. TeL McHenry 681-M-l. 4tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars' is FOR SALE--Pea rreen 2nd and 3rd' the least we pay for dead horses and cut alfalfa; also clover, timothy and cows in food condition. Wheeling :r- clover mixed and straight timothy. i Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. Will A. Johnson & Son, Sugar Grove, 3. Reverse the charges. No hd ;iji i.• 111. "Del. 6171 Sugar Grove. *19' needed U> load. K ENTILE FLOOR TILING „ Fleer Sending t BeAaiafciag eld floats Duraseal Lifetime floor finish GONDEK BROS. Formerly H e n n i n g Newman, S2o j Mrs. aa she is in the midst of her n_im Washburn St., Woodstock, I1L Tel.: houseeleaalng. l£g> Woodstock 131. Laki will I J *L Mrs. Charles IfMPH Bog cholera la on fa late ssuummrm er and faU. fm Bod aad Gm A * ditmer on Satarday e their recant Frost, Mrs. Rose on October 19, at the turant. ion's sister-in-law, Mrs. and husband weskaad fiesta at the Simon Mr. and Mrs. Allen of Chicago ate now spending their week's vacation with taa Simons. ; Mrs. Cederberg and little daughter, K*y, spent last Thursday in Chicago. lit really was a day off for ths FOR SALE!--Child's snow suit, red;! sise 3. Call McHenry 491-M. 19 FOE RENT imp gitD a., ro* RENT --Partly furnished year-j 716-M. ,round 4- room cottage at McCullom ' will spring next 30 days; also two - . MrfTenrv " ~ ' Hereford steers about 600 lbs., each. ywi Write Frank Elimek, 410 N. Michi- . gan Ave., Chicago, phone Sup. 0444 c*gt>> FhoPC Austm or call McHenry 614-W-l. " *19, WANTED TO RENT SEPTIC TANKS and Cess Pools cleaned. Fred Wells, 128 Ellsworth . Phone 548-M or 40-tf St.t< Crystal Lake. (By Vanasse Sells) It is getting so that almost all the small talk going around dull days is concerned with shortages. The meat shortfg* is beginning to make the average woman go around with a hunted look on her face. The > other shortages hare become so out 1-lf We are Sorry to hear of the "W^ragfMYns^fc^** rmnmhlw tkna» rfavi fortune Dave Heckman ha^ while?sidled m to t crack In u i..- - - fishing in Lake Defiance one Hay last! .VL^01.!* i building purposes, week. Somehow or other he man Mrs. Klsanor Murphy, Mrs. Marie Milbrandt, Mrs. Helen Renter and Mrs. Lotte served a splendid dinner of chicken ala king. There was a splendid turnout at the idKMl election and there was a unanimoasvete hi favor of ixing a, .75 "per cent levy for tional purposes and a .25 levy for door, and whispered, "Joe sent me." (former upright citisens are aged to eatchthe hook in his.hand, becoming sneaks art liars, made so Iwa was quite serious and it was, hv ^ 7L-t *r Mrs. Davis along with Mr. and Mrs. Don Coumbe of the Yacht dab makes the following report: "A gale of. wind' and very rough last Sunday'required a larger in each sailboat for the third Fredrkkson championship trophy FOR SALE Cast iron KELLE* SANITARY SERVICE-- WS£?*r- . traps, ds- - WW1* **» around , .l •_ •_ j _ .u..nlidUeIhl his coat aanntfj • • were in the race. Minor accidents item undeh hts coat and go.home™ caused three boats to drop out. so CA86 M nins it.*. i.L--. Li. -- - ; for year-round living; young couple, _an Ontario SOW between 6:30 a.m. fortu,le °' stumbling and injuring jf the friend isn't known at the stor« I tfiw "Hal" Georgeson's "Heather FOR SALE -- 8-in. circular, floor no children. F. B. Randall, 1286 a_j 12 n m ' 10-tf ^er It was due to this that -where the bonanza occurred ^ came in first, putting her in model saw; new 1-hp. motor and 10 Nelson St., Chicago. l-tf,^l l£ pm'-- she, was laid up in bed for a few f A , bonanza occurred. | the lead so far in this series of blades. Phone McHenry 674-J-l. 19 WANTED TO RENT -- Furnished, GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us days. t t,nm. nnStii UmV i disP°®® of your tgarbage Mich week, Mr. and Mrs. Gold are spending FOR SALE--1932 Chevrolet coupe, three-bedroom home, umtil May 1 :or oftener if desired. Reasonable few days of this week in Chicairo ' $200 cash. McHenry Boat Co. Phone jf . ^enaii^- i tiT^j8?88!?1^.im" rates. Regular year round route, iting with friends , , .. mm la mediately. Official, Woodstock Type-!j0un r cttii p o Rn* via m- n „i r> j . ispam and eggs, spam ala tang, spam Vriter Co. Tel. Woodstock 400 Henrv Phone SM 5 thT"iJSl J1"; r? Conrad, spent hash, peppS? st^k with spam atid FOR SALP--Ward's "Plowtrac" gar-; 18-2 ^ ' r ip-m «u gratin--that he would settle High traiperaturea at tha Dea$ t - m make for heavy avaporationj, which la believed to create tha strange Uua-whita eknpda that bovtf' ar over its eerie, leaden waters^ Moat of the evaporation loss is rai.v"' stored by the Jordan, main streanajr to flow into the Dead sea. Mineral ^ salts recovered there form a valuT able Palestine export. v*-* '"1 t,~*- r WILSON'S RADIO SHOP ha -- BeMPis --, AypHsarse ": Repairs on All Makes . J ^ 'M Home A Auto Radios *'*' 4 206 E. Elm St. McHenry, m Phone 469 , ^ :* ^ WELDING and Ceastnictioa tractor, complete with pfow, discs, cultivator and sickle bar and other extras. On display at Lilymoor' WANTED TO RENT A--BC CHIM--NEY SE RV--ICj E -- Tu--ck --! °oJ5Ptth£e? ^wleSe?keknSd ?'M^Mr. ra^nnd dM0"r^s.' •nX5i«y (or little green salad and noth,ny else--but, pf coarse, there is no salad dressing. What that lucky man doesn't realise is that next week «. « T XT- -- i those cans of spam on hisLjrife'e in,T . d.iMrS ,J- j T^er h*y# >ntry shelf will have become ex ^ TJ^UyrJetUn£d J?°m * JfP i nausted and he will be down to to Toledo, Ohio. Guests spending lpUin m ^ king, boiled' vegeta- MeHenry. 19 furnished or unfurnished. Phone 626- --! W-L 19 HELP WANTED FOB SALE--jUsed household furni-' tare. 105 S. Green St., McHenry.' TW. 287-R. *19 ~ " 1 i HELP WANTED -- Men for labor- FOR SALE--Four-burner gas range ing> |L25 per hour. McHenry Plasoven and broiler; also three terin- Co. Tel. McHenry 678-M-2 or oecillating electric fans, one 18-tnch 392 R_ 2. 19 and two smaller. Telephone Pistakne 1-- : 19 HELP WANTED -- Here is your I S!ddress: Bloc^No. l?f Lif^Lake'! ^nd* uncle "fir 'ani no drMpin«- " What &at lucky Trading Post, dn Route 120, east of WANTED TO RENT--House or apt. east of McHenry. *l-«!MrsT H^y ^smiester of Ind^amT ma" doean t >» that next week ULY LAKE (By Diek Hyatt) The sun is setting, the wind Silr ?Vh,f Y^gW i lT>m® bri£d peppers; and au graUn. d»u^hter-in;1^j Mr-,Those eggs,incidentally wUl proba- S S J K t ° f b l y b e p M c h e d -- t h e p r e c i o u s V u t t e r Nelson i» out this way on a business | an J d no ^,n for drippings and no trip. shortening. Once you could substi just gc to show that those Georgeson men are really sailors! Small Billy Monteleime Was one year old^ this week, and his von Bam pus grandparents, helped the little fellow celebrate. ,~ Another birthday party, at the home of the Frank Cheney's, was for their neighbor, Jim Bell, who asked for admission to> tha "Thirty- One Again" club. Don't forget that the Community Eqaipaunt ; H. E. VANCE--McHeary 5I-J ; ' . ^ 9i9 Soath Greea St, McHeary, » WILS0S? Phaae' McHeary 469 Bapairs ea all makea, heaM aai' . f • a a t a t w O m ' . . CLIFFORD & WILSON. Prep. ; k t U ALL WORK GUARANTEED .] On 4-u- oa*u U~ n t 1"Z 31* 7-- club ^neet is scheduled for October 1, On Thursday the 26th, Mrs. C. J. tute waffles for an occasional meal, Tuesday, at the schoolhouse, 8 p.m! j -- | rustlin* The leaves st$f remainimr on celebrate her birth- j but then there is no syrup. I*>R SALrTIom Model A sedan I money for the the tr^ and>a fe«Ung of quiet«)li-1 ]u«vi^P£y ^^h^ay' D?lores! . Ff the frost comes I shall have to In^eSti^" motor Tel^8 need ¥?ato W#it **£%' ^cominieTtSfc^metan^ly diid A$a£ ^ UP starting all my meal pUn- Henrvl^w' *Cbetween6p.m and 10 p.m. or fullevening whiV I sit here hitting the ™ ^ 1!nin^ with the sentence, "Well, for Henry 136-W 19 tl„e. Pigh school students accept- k of the typewriter, gettin# out^ t2?n!?f.^il-.^ JSSSLT! one thiSf» we'11 ^ #licwi tom»- FOR SALE--Log saw; 1% h.p. gas ^le" .J00^ and^tips. ^ new# for this week ' Lst week's welcome to j toes/'--I^en more and mote I lean engine with two blades: one h.p. gas Barbecue.. TO. McHeniy coiumn was omitted due to the fact The first one ia Mr »nH Mm 'b?ck on macaroni an<^spaghetti. Toengine; one power mower, 2n£2» -ii_n.cuh ; 422. M^ithat I suddenly daclarad it time f>or Hriclhajr.d^ F1lv^nn 0"Th^iw f»Tj«'v "TTm* i' ni^bt my long suffering husbard ffbone Crystal Lake 326-W. 19 i HELP WANTED Factorv hel» vacation. Such things as raca-; Hren Marilyn RiohnrH Tr °PoW«iJ i P"8^ ^Bc't ^ls P^at® of macaroni rv» SALE--194-fccre larm. Ww nines tii ^ ^»•'" north of Chicago or 7 miles from Rlchgtond' I1L I am not hot cup of Officers for the season are to be elected, so think up some likely candidates. The Community1 dob is our equivalent of a PTA, but it also includes any couples without children who might care for the social gatherings. Everyone is invited, so mark your calendar. 4?^.,°," ibe ,Fo,X ,.river, 8ide °1 P1 HELP WANTED -- Girl for general1 in worn, weu, in a iew weens it wiu n# OAm41 nungrys 1 obhw mm a not 01 -- j be exactly one year that I'm writing owners ol 1 I co^®® -- without sugar -- but that; rai the news for our fast-growing com- thing new^for^.hem. 8ome"jdidn't appeal to him either. And; Wonderful duck l&lcc, Isr^c d&iry office worlc tvDinv nMAssirv in.' monity* I wl. __a_ j , .. . j wo uiq 10 Imrn, 34x100 ft.; silo; 2 corn cribs;] surance office ^"woodstock.^Phone There was a feeling of satisfac- ^ "m?6and Mra.tArthurlare 0<lt 80ap urge chicken and brooder Haiirp* nr i_x._i_ n «?._1 o«%/i i. m»»v w «ir. «na am iuxnuri granary; machinery house. 135,000. Or 23 the highway to the Fox river, Cardinal Newman ones made this observation, "Fear not that thy life shall come to an' end. but rather fear that it shall never have a beginthen, we'fcad to leave the dishes--we ring. rooder house; Woodstock 7 at office or Woodstock t»on and contentment among the res- w. Clexton and their four children shed. 11-room 453 at residence. Rardin Insurance jdents of the lake this past week, j^pj, £jnnea Art Jr and Mike*' 0ur Ernst Mayer, the barber, had L f Agency. 19 j This was due to the splendid job done The Clextons are formeriv of Florida! ?? un"sual experience this -week. On Pox nvpr A on the repa.r ofthe ^roadsthis work They really can'tsaTS howThey his W*V work he saw what ap Broiler Industry --In Nine-Fold Im food spot for chicken farm, club- HELP WAXTED-Waitre^s and part being accomplished through the un- 88 > peared to be 7dead fox Tvine in the Big business min lliittttllee ccnhiiccnkeennss iiss aa E«t <- tt as- *----• s:as -"»^ r &V" feaSWSaS' sssffsji# ~s; » HFIP WAXTRn r*irl «r vnnn»L Two weeks ago Mrs. Simmons en- cottage sinoe April Mr and Mrs ' UP decided it was a wild animal [! • * l5f fe OTB.>*• «S--B «- Dougl.>,r.!x^««*. Wm h..„rpn«d.h?5 FOR SALE -- Used Westinghouse electric stove in perfect condition Priced reasonable. Call McHenry 614-W-l. 19 j ^tain the club. The lending library sure ge^ng^heir^fMtU^n&dy for tlie derk took a look "at it and FOR SALE -- Three Copeland re- HELP WANTED--Laborers and car- ^ 'i , 80 °^ten b*en-,"® the coming winter months. They are h*nded him $6. He didn't know fcigerators, |40 each, as is. Ad- !penters fox construction work; to; ™ ?'I3 1 R^ng it a new coat of paint. dress Box 55, in care of Plaindealer. learn a trade. Fredrickson, Wonderi £1 ' it could still stand to; Gussie Pierotti and escort, 1:) FOR SALE -- Aluminum combination storm sash and summer screens. there was a bouiity on foxes, for ,i.uct _ . ^ 1CIUU1 „llu e^'rt"' Louii that is what >t was. Now he is try- Lake. TeL Wonder Lake 221. 48-tf ?TO™ so™e- This can be accomplishcl Diedrich, along with Mr. and Mrs. l"K to cure the skin, so if you see : --! by donations of books and magazines Dave Heckmann, attended the wed-'Mra* M*ycr thls winter in a hand- LOST from all you kind neo^le. Mra. Svo- ding of Kay and Tom Farina in ?ome fox 80,1 rf- y°u will know that boda is chairman of this undertaking.! Chicago last week The recention !t waa prepared by her husband's S2r5«ChTndJ5S 0n,Write Wel<l°n -- Desco surf board, scuth of Please contact hh*err ff°orr a*l"l a*cCcCeepnt<ta,nnC~®«S j was"he"ld T_tV tbe^Aldii^'^HIaSlcTeP^HTh?en 1I llnov«iiln«» hkionnd^i-. Andreas, Ringwood, 111., representa- bridge ReWard. Address Box 30, in j , v„w, o . ... jnewlyweds were childhood acquain- ^ i9 care of Plaindealer. *19' Hurry. hurry. hurry! Sounds like tances of Gussie. j Paul Mats had a near accident this FOR SALE-- Baby buggy, good conwas collecting garbage dition, ball bearing wheels; grain rack, 6 ft. 6 in., by 13 ft. 10 in., by TO in.; bathinette. Tel McHenry 442. 19 IWt SALE -- Oil heater, like new; two years old. Call McHenry 38. 19 1 t*80;1? ,°LCiKU4r «r ./K3.meifli?8r'! Suprinski, our -neighbor and 1 weeK. He K t 5 driver of the New Way Laundry! and apparently had picked up some ----WANT1!D -- ofThi^onS.Th'r r^V" r.28'^ '^ "•'roiii, -fis wis WANTED --We have cash buyers;DrJL«t^ ?T' taken off for the winter montLi. H»,» full truck load, he was coming up ' L ! Present a Variety Hour, installation plans to take up his work in the! f*>m Lake Shore drive, when a resi- ,a .ca . ??d bunco summer. !dent called to him to look at his for summer homes, city property "and f ^ in*t«^ation i from ~resifarms. List your property with us, rirt^ ri^ tu ^ t bu^° , |Jacob Fritz, Maiinn S01t..,, Jjoohnnnasbouurrgg,, Ri»t..; ?pliu-.rbuy LT i^W,nT^ -- "V.T " ^ g»ou w near tmhaatt Bneectctyy ;lioua»du.. Tinhce eenntuirree lnomadu wwaass aaifilaammce... 1, McHenry or 2006 Sheffidd Ave., | ,t«rt Pill wnl Pierotti has returned from her visit Luckily the truck is of the dump win o .. „ _ Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1333-1364 tf. u in® jS0 p,n1, Everyone m Michigan. Her father whom she > variety, and he was able to dump v s£LE-pJonathan apples. |2.oo ^ 118 J»n at«,, went to see is now out of the hos- the entire load and put out the fire per bushel Call Thursday afternoon,' nnuiJ like all would pital and his condition is much bet- with the aid* of Mr. Wingren, in V^dav and Saturday, after 5 HOMES AND FARMS ! U A? » . ter. front of whose home the load wa> Tlieodore Stock, No. 616, on Route j I® ^d around McHenry and Lake'. /uf £®Pe^waa nquir"i That's about all the news for this j dropped. It was several hours be-> 120, west of R. R. tracks. *19, counties. We will get you top prices I .ih® ™mb€T ,of Permanent: week so HI sign off till next week.1 bore the flames were put completely ~~ Ion an exclusive basis. j the numbor of papers saying watch for tha column and re- i out and he was able to reload the WHEN J ADVERTISE THEM I: WAVE THEM -- 200 Hereford and i wort horn 3 and 4-year-old cows, I T. B. and Bangs tested. Suitable for J fceef, feeding and breeding purposes, j . ED. M. LANNES, Agent tha* are sold here at the 1^ The "pXr" dr^S.^ A£~- Hmes Realty ft Construction Co. i nu™ber of year-round residents has one wanting to subscribe for the TeL McHenry 674-M-2 or 667-M-2 j overwhelming majority over the Plaindealer please contact me 9_tf | number of papers sold. The only ex-1 - ' planation I could give was that most a few having calves with them. Rea- WANTED--Watches and jewelry to of the people must buy their papers' Peruviaa Waayfalgs aonable prices. No steers now nor repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. I in McHenry. If that is so, folks, canHie textiles of ancient Pern In* again this fall, because $15 to $17 j Green street, McHenry. (Front part you please tdl me the reason we i chide every type'of weaving known for feeding steers with a $20.25 of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15-tf have our own newstand here at the' to the modern World and some types ceiling does not make sense to me.i arrariVT T a ; la}ce- In case you don't as yet knowi not known today; the finest ancient Farm on Route 20, two miles west MlaCEIjItANEOUS where it is, the Daidone Grocery j Peruvian fabrics have 270 threads of Belvidere. Phones 624 and 318. 'has this paper every Friday morning to the inch H. L. DUNNING. 18-3 EIGHT cents a year will protect a 'and' the following days also. Why • mmoann"os oAr* lady's suit *fr om m«oitLh dam-11 n nAoft mpao tronize our own commun•i xty a.n. d• ! Drinklag Tests by car. He got out and picked it in,w™ ^ up .nd d«ddJlt w«» . ,ifi mnim.1 JSHLw 31J mX™ broiter. compared with only 34.03 million in 1984, the first year for which reliable statistics were collected. This was a nine-fold increase in 12 years, which began in" response to peacetime needs and continued throughout the war. The average broiler weighs two and one-half to three pounds. Broiler producers feed chicks of the heavy breeds of poultry. It is a specialized business and many broiler specialists do not keep flocks of lay. ers but buy chicks from eggs produced for .the purpose by another group of specialists in poultry keep, tag. Farm production of broilers --more or less as a sideline to egg production -- continues to supply the bulk of the broilers, but has increased only moderately while the commercial broiler industry has been booming. Farm production of broilers was more than 600 millions in 1934 and had risen to more than 800 million in 1945. Expansion of commercial broiler production has been rapid in the South Atlantic states, but there have been large increases elsewhere, notably in California, Texas and Alabama. Illinois and Indiana have important broiler Drodurin* areas, as do New England and the North Atlantic states. truck and go on. The Joseph Riegels were very pleasantly surprised this week when old friends from Chicago dropped ir for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. Anderson and daughter, Ginger, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Jacobs, were the weekend visitors. FOR SALE--Fairbanks-Morse ejec-iage for 5 years. One spraying of PUt it on the map where it belongs. tor water and sump pumps; onlv oneiBerlou Guaranteed Mothspray does] A surprise bridal shower will be ... moving part, will never knock; double; it, or Berlou pays for the damage. held this evening in Chicago for Miss! ^ persons harboring 0.15 par ..... „.,u action pump to fit under the sink; j Bolger's Drug Store. 19 Dollie Wtederrecht at her mother's! cent or more of alcohol in their jJr., and Mrs. Blanche Patterson were also 12-guage Winchester automatic -- ---- ! home. Dollie is to graduate from I Wood are to be considered "under among those who helped Mr. Sasek shotgun. Engstrom Sales and Service,1 I high school this coming February,! the influence," since they have lost, celebrate. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilheim had a special party this week for Mrs. Wilnelm's father, James Sasek, on his sixty-fifth birthday. Ronnie and Dick Wilheim, Mr. and Xrs. Irwin Sasek, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sasek, located 300 feet from Nell's ballroom. Tel. McHenry 696-W-l. 18-tf. LOTS FOR SALE--Twelve lots, 50x350 feet; also young geese, Muscovy ducks and apples. Inquire at 715 Center St. Tel. McHenry 278-J. 14-tf S Exchan^f ^ve rhTa i tv? 1 T , mterrupted the way j at least to some extent, some of that , S. Exchange Ave^ Chicago j things look for the wedding is plan-1 clearness of intellect and self control j Last week when I was proudly ».,ii uir # onore 0070 ned to be sometime in October of this that they would otherwise oossess pointing out the important positions Ml, Im. .f chrome y_ear. The luck, m.„ i, J^h Law, ! N" by. Harruon sraduate,,1! didn't stripping and parts for all cars. Calf or Write Nagey of Chicago, who has just returned from serving in the navy. *19 It's a little early, but you know ---- -- WHITEWASHING -- Barns, base- ethaarltv ooldr sUatyPi nDg,i an" It's better a little nava. FOR SALE--Lot in Wattles Subdivi-! raente and chidun houses; also y than never don, West McHenry, 66x132; also whitewashing with Carboia DDT. Al< three other lots in West McHenry. Phannenatill. TeL 433-R 19-tf' Tel. McHenry 235-J. 13-tf; --! | ROCK WOOL INSULATION blown fOR SALE--Seven - room Home, lo-; in by WARD'S. Experts with com-' Cated on corner of Broad and Park'plete Modern Equipment will do the streets, McHenry; also a 4-room job the Right Way. Satisfaction apartment and 2-car garage. Inquire guaranteed. Roofing, Siding and Inof Mrs. John McMahon. 6416 North sulation at MONTGOMERY WARD'S • Seeley Ave., Chicago (45). Phone Woodstock, Hi. Free Estimates. Briargate 3607. 11-tf; Phone Woodstock 992. 49-tf TOR SALE--Generators, armatures, j WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN. ftarters, fuel pumps, distributors and WATER. SYSTEMS--We sell, repair Ignition parts for Ford and all other] and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206; •ars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lily- j Main Street, McHenry. Telephone, Moor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel.l93-J. 10-tf McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf Well. Laws embodying this interpretation PeJd b3f."ar"s?n graduates I didn't have been paSS«l b, Indian., Main. 5,. ^ and New York, and the tests have counselors for the Junior class. That been admitted as evidence in almost every state of the Union. gives this district representation in every group except the Seniors. ----*«» -- !LIVESTOCK TRUCKING -- Frank fO» SALE--Year- round eomfort and j Raycraft, West McHenry. Phone Mcaeonomy with fire-proof Johns-Man-1 Henry 149-J. 41-tf *Slw2n"k walU*1 andUlar»U i LAKE COUNTY SANITARY CO. •'reC&v 86tf. Phone LdbertyviUe 1846. 60-tf GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE WENRY CLEANERS 103 KLM St. PHONE McHENRY 1M-H WANTED - •C0TTAGES-FAKM& MeHSNRY CAB 491 Waakegan Road I 24-Hear Service TBL. McBENBY 472-J CBCIL BALLOWE FRANK E. WEILER PAINTING AND DECORATING Phone McHenry 689-W-2 Paiatiag, Paperhaaging, Sprayiag Bstiautaa Chearfally Fsraished Q-T TRUCKING CO. Sand -- Gravel -- Ciaderf _ Black Dirt -- LUaestoa^ Damp Tracks For Hire frheae Johaabarg 677-W-S McHeary, I1L Phone McHenry 96-W C. N. FREUND TRUCKING Livestock - Lime -- Gas! 196 Waakegaa Read West McHeary, 111. JO/g WELDING AND REPi SERVICE *601 Mala 8t- McHeary Electric Portable Welding >Acetyleae Weldiag aad Cuttlag ALEX W. WIRFS, OparataT Phone 615-W-l er 464 M'HENBY, ILL. Phone McHeary 6S7-R-2 -- Basement Excavatiag -- NETTS SAND * GRAVEL Special Bates on Read Gravel as| Lot Filling . . Black Dirt . . Powet Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT Johnsbarg p. O.--McHeary --WANTED TO BUY-- We pay $6 to $2S far Old Dorses^ less ,fer dewa bsrsis aad cattle, MATTS MINK BANCH Johnsbarg • Spring Grave Boad Phone Johnsbarg* 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGSL HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phoae charges With a sharp knife remove fins from along the back and cut a strip of skin from entire length of back. Loosen skin on one side from bony part of gills and once started, if fish is fresh, skin may readily be drawn off. If fish is soft, do not work too quickly, as it will be badly torn. Keep knife close to skin when working, to prevent tearing. ^ McHENRY GARAGE 408 Front St. (Route 31) -- General Repairing Welding--Arc and Acetylene Light Blacksmith Work NICK P. MILLER Phone McHeary 106-R A. P. FREUND CO. Excavating Contractor Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 204-M McHenry, IB, CHARLES S. PARKER. Attorney (JosKn & Parker) Office Hours: Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-5:09 Off:ce--Koehr Supply Company, 542 Main Street, West McHenry Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 1:: "•> ; - THESE ARE THE FACTS - We oaaaot give an abetiiite fBBiBiiUe-of the sale oi jeer property when listed with ns, however we do pranbe you action ansnr* passed. Our oontinnons and eztaMlve advwtiiioi has built a backlog of prospects on all types of ml estate, bc4h commercial and "TaJk TO tr(. I( Win Pay [JJ Botk" McHENRY REALTY ROUTE 120 McHENRY. ILLINOIS , Telephone McHenry 690-M-2 mmmmmt********* SIGN PAINTING Any Kind -- Aay where -- Aay Time Window Lettering --Track Lettering EARL LAWRENCE 122 Mala St. Phoae Crystal Lake 16 --• INSURANCE : . " EARL B. WALSH Fire, Aata, Farm and Life Iasaiaacs Bsarsasating BmiABft O0viNIBB Whoa yea aeed iasarance af aay kind Phoae 48 er 118-M Gresa tt Btaa McHeary TeL McHenry 24S-J HAROLD H. BELL P?inting, Paperhanging, Removing Old Wall Paper With Steamer, Spray Painting * 105 N. GREEN ST. McBENBY ML B. DeROMB * - Deatist -- 120 Greea Street Phone 292-J. McHeary Office Hears: 10 te 5 daily except Wednesday, by apfeiatment. 8BBYICS GaB WONDER LAKB 5tt ROTHEBMBL ELECTRIC SHOP Bisstdjcsl Coatracters Badie Bspairs Let as eatiasate that next tistUkal ]eb af years. LEO G. BOTHBBMEL, Prop. Phone McHeary 272-M 904 BiversMe Drive ^m••^ipppw Telephone No. 80# STOFFEL tt Insaraaca ageata for all propsrty ia the heat cempa West McHeary, Hliasis TeL Weader Lake 418 DB. B. H. WATKINS Deatist --Office Heara-- Taeaday A Batardays: laAtil|j| DB. H. ft. FKB Yeterlaaviaa IMS Waakegaa St. McBBNBT, W» A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPL Poati altars Coamerda] Pheiyripliy Bl - Riverelde DfHa McHENRY, ILL. McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 OM Mfle Seath^f WkMm0 ea Baate 81 V «y» W- - . <•'- '•

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