_,. w MMM K ||| pot Plant ftlaats growntn homes for foliaige, such as the J comcm, need large ...... with plenty of space for wpaixllilf roots to favor heavy leaf growth. Flowering plants, on the eOnr hand, give more bloom in " " which cause roots to be ' but a plant needs to occasionally to provide Read the Want AOs " /-rK ' - * rnmm mm 'mm* mm An etejihiwr pounds at UHh. I« te SM iiia>>pw^»wiiii. i •» num. i«m Kathleen Norris Says: Lowers Bay Takes too much heating of hay in mew or stack decreases digestibility and lowers its value for mOk production. It has been found that of normal hay, II per cent of the dry matter is digestible, and of the black Bhy, only 17 per cent. Cows like the taste of normal hay better, too, and in one test 'all of those fod on brown and black hay lost weight. r for the Batiy * ; M.--WNU fNtum. RECORDS -RADIOS -- ZKHITH. HOWABD TRAVELER _ SONORA Baerlc Clocks -- ToaMcn W'-W KLSOTRESTCEM RADIATORS' . IWILSON'S RADIO SHOP 208 I. Bm Si . ; }tcHenry, Illinois PHONE 469: ANNOUNCEMENT Due to the scarcity of meat and materials, we are forced to temporarily discontinue onr daytime hours. Open 6 p.m. every evening except Tuesdays. RIVERSIDE BARBECUE McHenry, Illinois Telephone 422 ilia THE BRIDGE DINING ROOM NOW OPEN OPERATED BY Loy Ginn Jen (Louie) --CHINESE & AMERICAN FOOD-- i COMPLETE DINNERS, $1.35 and up v Chop Suey to take out Parties and Banquets Horns: 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. daily; Sun.: Noon to Midnight CLOSED MONDAYS : MI LL INN :: (Formerly Barnard's Mill) Worth End of Wonder Lake at the Bridge •TEAKS, ROASTS, CHICKEN, LOBS||SR TAIL served from 6 to 9 p. m. daily except Mondays Saturday: 8 to 11 p. m. Sunday: 1 to 7 p. m. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY COCKTAILS LIQUOBT -- WINE -- BIER We cater to parties --o -- FRANK J. WIEDEMANN, Owner Tel. Richmond 312 HEADQUARTERS FOR STEERING SAFETY See Oun. NEW MANBEE SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT FOB BALANCING WHEELS AND TESTING STEERING NOW AT YOUR COMMAND {on Safety'* Sake Oar MANBEE equipment . . . dedicated to your safety .L-. is the newest, finest, iwwt scientific way to test and correct faulty Bm*i pat ap with shimmy, wobble alignment or balance. Stop er wwrfw at yoor front end. 11mm by and see it Doa't pat nut! sawsi % iJI# •IP IF YOUR WHEELS WOBBLE, SHIMMY OR ARE HARD TO TURN ... SEE VS HOW I CENTRAL GARAGE ' $ FRED J. 8HITH, Pro9. i •• WW Towing JohniVarg (T j Ctjfitb i, nt m**. f:80. _ a _ letae. Choir •tag, lbs. Kenaeth Cxisty, d£eetw MR Mnv imm* S SHOP •f * *»" - "V" " 'v baby/' writes Frances, from an Arkansas town. "This baby was the result of a winter of recklessness, I see that now. But I had joined a free thinking group in college, and the thought that a woman is not privileged to have a child and raise that child, without the farce of a few words pronounced oVer her and some man by a justice of the peace, was ridiculous to me. Your advice was to have the baby privately, and give it out for immediate adoption, but 1 loved the thought of a child all my own, and determined to go home for the summer, acknowledge my baby openly, and try to persuade a supposedly openminded circle of family and friends that things have changed and the old narrow law against so-called illegitimacy is outgrown. "Well, some of the circle saw things my way and some didn't. My dearest girl friend stuck to me and adored Sylvia, who is an exquisite child, now nearing Ave. My mother was wonderful, quiet and sympathetic, anxious for me to get in touch with the baby's father, which was out of the question, but helpful all through. Certain cousins and aunts turned up their noses. I got a good war job, made lots of money, and could do everything for Sylvia. My father died a few months after I got. home, and 'Mother lived with me, Mother wanted me to tell people that the baby's fattier had been killed at I wo Jima, but I wouldn't 11 e. "Jane, my friend, married, and her husband didn't like our friendship. I would never have believed that anything would change her, but the stubborn narrow man she married managed it. Thty have two children; he doesn't even want them to play with Sylvia. "Well, here's the present problem. What nobody but myself even knew was that Salvia's father was married when.I met him; I did not know it until we had been lovers for some time. He and his wife came to our town a few weeks ago; fhey. are childless, and they want Sylvia. "Meanwhile, I haVe fallen truly in love with Karl, an engineer who is going to Norwsy for three years. He thinks it unwise for us to take the bfcby, and would be glad to have me give her over to her father. The equasion in this that nobody takes into account is my feeling for my beautiful, affectionste little girl; we have1 never been parted, she depends on me, and her possessive 'my mommy' is always on her lips. "Her father will stand no halfmeasures. She must go to him unconditionally. She must not see me sgain, and believe, as she grows older, that she is his wife's child. I am torn two ways, agonized by this decision. The man I want to marry ts in every way my idealstrong, quiet, tender and wise. Hi is half-Norwegian, end the prospect of life at a greet construction plant in his father's country sounds good to mi. Only sbout Sylvia is he sdamant. We will have other children, he says, and he will never love her as he does them. "Botwoen mom and your wriding dmy try le build up betwem Sylvio and Kerf • friendship thot my mIh ill /hit with no stpormtien bwHom you and tht child ml all." By KATHLEEN NORMS M ¥~MVE years ago I wrote you £* about my expected college A CHILD'S FUTURE Frances has a peculiarly difficult problem. She is about to be married to an engineer. They will go to Norway where he has s contract lasting several years. Everything would be splendid excepting for Frances*s illegitimate daughter. The child is now five, and very cute and loveable. Frances has been able to care for her since she was born. Karl, Frances's fiance, doesn't want the child. Ha wants Frances to surrender Sylvia to her father, who is witling to take her, as he is married and childless. This would seem to baa practical solution, but Trances doesn't like to be parted from her daughter^ nor is it likely that Sylvia would be happy away from her mother. Miss Norris replies that the chiUFs happiness and future should be the first consideration of her mother. In the present situation,.goes on Miss Norris, it would probably be better to try to build up friendship and affection between Karl and Sylvia, so that he may be willing and even glad to take her to Norway. "What is the best way out of this for us all?" • • • The best way out, Frances, was very possibly your surrender of the baby before you ever saw her face. If she is what you describe, charming and lovable, some adopted mother and father would all this time have been giving her a child's right, love and security. It was your decision that deprived her of this, and put you in today's position, with today's hard choice before you*. Whatever you do, there is pain in it for you, and til the solutions you suggest there seems to be small consideration for thfc child. Long ago she should have been placed beyond the reach of these disturbing and upsetting changes. * A "married man who could have a love affair with a college girl doesn't sound too safe a guardian, and the wife who knew herself cheated will not make too loving a mother. Why not place this small girl with some kindly woman for-- say a year, marry your Karl and go to Norway. Malke hit? so loving and efficient a Wife that he will want, some day, only to make you happy. When you get your child back, once in your home, Sylvia will make her own way. Her own father and his wife seem to me unlit guardians. It would be a super-human wife indeed who could truly love the child of her husband by a younger woman. She has never had children, and would not understand Sjylvia, nor his fatherly indulgence of Sylvia. Steer clear of them entirely, and between now and your wedding day, try to build up between. Sylvia and Karl, friendship that may solve all this with no separation between you and the child at all. Since you are independent enough to face the age-old crisis at Sylvia's birth five years ago, face this one too, always keeping in mind that nothing else matters except that the child shall be presently established in a loving and permanent home, with a chance to forget the wrongs and changes that have upset hev babyhood. It. Mary's Caihsll* Charch Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and U:S0 Holy Days: 8:00; 8:00: 10:0*. Week Days: 6:48 and 8:0*. Firs* ijrtday: 6JO and 8:04 Confessions: Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday- After 8:00 Mass onThursday; 8:00 p* m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. 8. Nix, Pastor. St. PstrMc's Catholic Char* ; Masses: Sunday: 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11 KM) Weekdays: 7:80. First Fridays: 7:80 On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:80, 7:00 and befare and during the 7:80 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. ai 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- 4:00 to S:P0 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 Rev. Wm. A. O'Rourke, Pastor. o ot^rnmmmam / St. Joha's Catholic Chsrch, Jahasbart Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and ll:0|va^ Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 < Weekdays: 6:86 and 8:00 • v- First Friday: 6:85 and 8:0#^ .- ^ Confessions: Saturdays: 7:25 and 8:00 ' Thursday before First Friday--< 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. Peter's Catholic ChurcKt : TT' p: Spring Grore Masses: Sundays: 8:00 Mid 10:00. Holy Days: 6:80 and Mtti Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. • Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:16. „ Thursday before First FHds9**» «- 2:30 snd 7:16. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Zfon Evangelical Lutheran Church (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) John St. block east of Hwy. 81 Wsst McHenry, 111. Frederick C. Pudsell, pastor, McHenry, 111. Services,, Sundays--10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Study Study Group 9 a.m. A cordial welcome is extended to all visitors and vacationists to worship with us. Sunday school children will receive attendance cards for their home-church records. "In the Cross of Christ And find joy and peace we glory divine.*^ Cosuaanity Church Church School: 10:00 a.m. Wbrship Service: 11:00 a.m. is flft pn afch As ssmsIss. NON-SKID SPOT-PAD TRUSS IY^eaJlU feeis fat ^a flasss h* sv «t•k-!s-« -a •s«e- 9^PV*fll VWMV 9H9I W9 sf fc. Ths Ipef Mfc *s hands tdkBa As eea>afcM i heaps the ssd ibsB leleatNle FIMlag By Experts CaaM la sad caaaad sa wMfceet seat er sMtooHee. There la e "Spot-N4" Tfceai le fk vm Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry J-;, -Z * 516 Main Strt«t McHENRY ..s7*-: Up PHONE 20 206 S. Green St McHENRY Is Your Property Sufficiently Insured? • nationally known statistician stakes that a Y«ry lasg* percent of re^ and personal property Is under insured. - 'v---- • ii your pivpsny was soincientiy lniuria ssren yean a^o, you should add 40 per cent; if it was sufficiently/ insured four years ago, you should add 30 per cent. •K . - r • • - We gladly help you to re-check your insurance. For information, inquire of ^ JACOB FRITZ, Realtor Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1333-4 Johnsbnrg, McHenry St. 1, Phone 672-R-2 OF BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS ^|iAE/ES and SERVICE OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCS with all types of Refrigerating Machinery PHONE McHENRY 439-W A dtmmUng end tovoUo My. Skin Caneer Cars Radioactive phosphorus,, applied with common blotting paper, has been used successfully for the-treatment of skin cancers at the University 6f California medical School. It was emphasized that the treat ment was applicable only to superficial skin cancers and warts and warned that it could not be applied to deep-seated tumors. Dr. Lowe-Beer revealed that 30* cases of superficial skin cancer and warts have been treated in "quiet" medical research here since 1941. Best Vegetables Quick-grown, young vegetables sre the best, snd only the home garden, where. they may be harvested as needed, can provide them. Mediant at Exchange' During the Christian era iron waa used as a medium at in mway isolated regions of Africa, In some areas as currency and in others as a barter commodity. Ssaether Fat If fat in a kettle, pan or ^broiler bursts into flame, smother it, but never pour on water as it wiU cause it to spatter and spread ftpprv Hold * Firm An ordin«i > uuilding brick, padded and covered with cloth, is convenient for holding g~*<« firm when besting or hemming by hand. Place the brick on the sewing table - WANTED - HOMES-COTTAGES-FARMS BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS 1 , THESE ARE THE FACTS - We cannot give an absolute guarantee of the sale of your property when listed with us, however we do promise you action unsurpassed. Our continuous and extensive advertising has built a backlog of prospects on all types of real estate, both commercial and residential. 2 "Talk To Us. It Will Pay Us Both" McHENRY REALTY CO. eOUTE 120 McHENRY. ILLINOIS Pephont McHenry 690-M-2 wV>-* . - •m ifce ry,;::v Vu