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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Oct 1946, p. 11

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• HUNGRY MARENGOAN8 There an some hungry Kiwanians il Marengo for there was no luncheon- , young ctnl survivors of deceased World War II veterans* who died following their discharge from the armed forces and as a result cf causes not connected with their military service may be able to qualify for survivors insur- With the fire siren in McHetuy sounding its frightening shrtB very regulary of late, its appropriate that President should issue a proclamation . _ aside the week of October 6 ,as Firs Prevention Week throughout the Wiifetinj^fScsday, due to the meat | ahce payments* under She recent vet- j nation. The president^ proclamation shortage. Up to this time the group eran*' tuafcttdment to Jhe Social Se-jfead in part fcllsw*: v ^ has been mighty proud of its regu- curity Act, Bernard Basnett* mans larity--fair weather or foul. But itfger Socia.. , -- - . . . . . , never had the OP A to reckon with, j Security office, has announced. ! nate sll possibk csjwes. ef_ lures • j. The veterans' amendment provides his home and re his easiness, in I for monthly Social Security payments crder to safeguard both nves iJfoI «** qualified to receive compensation ness and labor ownngsttcns the nrenfriM to Attire when a or Pensions frcm the Veterans Ad- churches and schools, elvic. g P bating stove »n»«winH» I ministration, Mr. Barnett explained.; and the agencies of, we press, interior of the dwelling was a mass fully*! ot of flames within a few minutes. Clad ! jJj^ity eSSfite tion Week; a JS*" t^wTAws P«rsonswho think they may be appropriate agencies of .the Federd Rf^ eligible for benefits under this new governnibht likewise assist m arousht, rn,~r ^ fwk amendment, because of a veteran's in* the public to the awareness of «.S2j death from causes not connected, the dread threat of fires. » DulWin* was ae^|with h5s military aervice, should get; -- _ • jin touch with our office at the Wau- STATE CRIME RATI | kejjan Pos toff ice assoon as possible, .L, HOMECOMING QUEEN . mr. Barnett said. 1 We will help, •Eleven lucky girls were chosen to^^ to determine whether they are SAME PERIOD. 1945 eem the semi-finals for this years entitled to benefits and to file theiri ' Crystal Lake Homecoming Queen and c]aims< free of charge." i 1"" >?-a*.'!* "i* "sr*"".*-«lJiSJSSSJSKKfeSrSK were committed in Illinois -in y6ai* gasoline industries ,te thi* atroyed Mlffl •tSw* Msitislnl iPtasion Just before this column went to press, we were told of the death of Cabb Crandell, an old time nridut of FtpMai'ii MrCmndsllfatbsr of M DiWtow t a hat may ciplsaf on the $ * I ask every eitisen tedetiis part of the Waukegan, Illinois, Social. by learning hew to. detect and elinrito the jnenta ner aiienaanis: oeven seniors unuj In order for his survivors to get I mn7~'ZuJrZ^LY~' '• f«omu._r *jLu.n,i ors composed Jth .eLse. --e le--ve*n ., sSoocciiaall Sseeccuiirriittyv bDeenneefnitiss uunndoeerr tmiiee other major crimes, except Iar- ceny were committed in Illinois in! the first six months of this y^ai* than Jeske, Marian King, and Marge jointed "out*"The veteran musfhav;:: in-*he corresponding period of 1945. J - * TAA A. /ITAWMA* A'laiifail t -- ... . The final elections named the attend- new legislation, a veteran must have T. V* dHaannttss aams ttrLnceheo wGskrlo. chowski, DDoonnnnaa met .t.hv*re e quail:i*fi:c..a*t.i:o ns, Mw_r . Bn arne.t.t °'es*e; pointed out. must have--, ,.h„ th>a. aRuuedeant.' Jeanne O'Connor was elected i ' #R IeTe n adiissccnhaarrggeeda firroomm tmhee aarrmmeeda «p D semi-annual bulletin oi tne e j e r a j Bureau of Investigation qU6€ ! forces under nrcumstences other 3h(rW3 however, that the January-to-l > than dishonorable within four yeai s Tll_„ . f' {_ inj_-S_ , DOGS GUARD BODY I and a da^ aftei- the as-yet officially"' tVo dogs guarding the body of a* unproclaimed end of World War II.J found one recent afternoon along 2. Had at least ninety days of ac-1 _ . " .i. --or rural road near the W--f c• lwort*h - - - 1 For the nation as a whole, the FBI Kehosha county line were so devoted to their master that one of the dogs had to be shot before deputies of the Walworth county sheriff's department could approach the body for tive duty between Sept. 16, 1940, j and the official end of the war, or! peported, a 13 per bent increase in; must have been discharged or re-. cri'Tie **s recorded in urt»n areas, leased because of disability cr in- » }»<<> in ™r*\ areas, i jury incurred or aggravated in ser-!^" nation s murder i*te jumped 2^5 of duty. !per c*"1 *nd the robbery rate 31.8 . ,, AMATION SUIT A mition to dismiss the com^idnt in the MOO,000 defamation sntt of George Huffman against the Prfirie ~ John Strohm aad.Ralph Ofwas denied by Judge Wil- Carroll )ftiI Mooll^ morndefendant was granted an of twenty days is Answer. Joslyn is counsel -for the d C. Russell Allen for the Attorney Joslyn indicated ,_rt he would like to .hsve a fall. After heating argute motion the court stated ^ >int was sufficient to warrant thfb fatter being decided by a jjnry. SIX ffONTHS SENTENCE Kopsell was sentenced months in J&e county jail by Judge William M. Car roll. ^ A petition for probation was grant'ed with the order that Kopsell serve six months in the county jail, the case he continued for two years, the defendant report each month to the prob«t:on officer following his release :iWni jail and not to use alcokrik liquor during the probation period. Kopsell pleaded guilty to a charge cf issault with intent to commit rape. He has been confined in th» coonty jail for four months due to fsjtore to make bond. m '" " • • " MiK Laetose ^ Milk provides the only commercial source of lactose, a rugar which digests more slowly and therefore gets farther down the digestive tract than other sugars. In the intestines it stimulates the growth of tiny, mi* crwwplc plants which aid the- absorption of calcium. Lactose, by the way , is part of the medium in which PfnicflMn . producing molds art . vice .in the line of duty. examination. The body was identi- 3. Died within three years of the date i ^®r fied as that of Peter Christensen, of his discharge. | The about 55, a farm worker in the town Even if-the deceased veteran never ala: of Lyons, who apparently: was a worked on jobs that come under So-|®sch suicide. Icial Security, Mr. Barnett explained, also re; Sailed this "particularly in. veiw of the fact that preceding bulletins definite rise in crime. | his family may be entitled to Social i Although 124 murders were listed DEDICATE AIR FIELD ^Security benefits under this new leg-; in Chicago, a total second only to Plans for the dedication of Were- islation. Where the veteran had; New York city's 160, the murder ley Field, Burlington, Wis., are fast! worked under Social Security and his; fate in Illinois for the six month being completed according to the survivors already have claimed bene- * J * " committee in charge of arrangements, fits based on that employment, it is Between fifty and sixty light planes possible that they may now be elifrom all over the state are expected jrible for larger benefits, if they apto fly to Burlington for the dedica- ply for them. Survivors who have tion ceremonies nn Oi*t, fiT been told they were not eligible for Order ye*r Kubber Stamps at .Hi* Pfoindealar. cor form 4:15 ea Monday, This cnmmun to Mrs. Crandeli tha Norsworthy __ Funeral servicsa Thursday afternoon at chapel n Chicago. Fall is here--no The sharp scent that heavy frost we night, the opening of the duck season-- all are symSols of the fall of the year. There is something sad about this season. Perhaps it's because there is a long, cold winter ahead, or becatise places around here are so deserted now. Or maybe it's just because tfeere're a heck of a lot of leaves to rake. Any how, .those colorfully painted leaves help Miike fall the fgost beautiful and SWe-inspiring Season * Pistakee. Bay. ^ ^ Mrs. Kay Gronewold and daughter spent the weekend in Pistakee Bay at the home of the Clarence Regners. Sinee last week, I've been informed that racoons are not as rare in these parts as I presumed they were. Seems Bill Ericsson sees four or five of 'em at one shot--when he sees 'em. A few speedboat races were held at Holly bach's last Sunday afternoon. Winner of the first race was "Rum- Runner" IV. The second race was taken by the "Apsehe"III. G'by Subscribe for The Plaindealer benefits based on a deceased veteran's NEW RICHMOND PLANT civilian employment, because the em- The Welfare Engineering Com- rloyment was not covered by Social pany, Wm. J. Bargen, president, Security or was not of lonr L manufacturers of school desks equip- j duration, may now be eugil ment, etc., with offices at Spring Grove are now erecting a plant at f* • as » • Richmond. The property for the fac- WK MOSt lmporutnt to . tory location is just west of the C A N. W. R. R. tracks. Workmen are now busy erecting the new buildperiod was only 2.81 per 100,000 inhabitants compared to the national average of 3.13. The Illinois rate in the corresponding period last year 2.01. COMING EVENTS October 3 Circle 3, W. S. C. S.--All Day Meeting. C. D, of A.--Business Meeting. ; 4 i October 4 Homecoming Game--High School; County Council * Legion Auxiliary Meeting--Legion Hall, Harvard^-- 8 p.m. October 6 Prevent Tractor Mishaps Tractor ac :idents can be prevent ing, which "is prefabricated and is ed, the National Safety council em- Public Party--Sponsored by P. T. A. 66 x 180 ft. in size, and also in build-; phasizes. If care is used in the op- --St. Mary's-St. Patrick's schbol han. ®g *, foundation and putting in a oration of tractors there is no necesfloor for same. _ : «ity for aocidents. g The council offers these suaces- FIRE DESTROYS HOME * i UonsJ ^ The large beautiful twenty - two i Ensase th* Hntoh mm. •mm home of Dr. Leon P. Kozakiewicz, located at Powers Lake and I « pulling uphill, out of formerly owned by Judge Cursten, ?^fheS or heavy loads; to burned to the ground on Sept. 24, de-! f?1 uc? sPeed 01 stoP. always brak* ^ite all efforts made by the Rich- the wh®els ®QUally, using the brakeT •nond fire department and five others i connecting latch if possible; always summoned from nearby towns to keep the power line shielding in fight the flames, which quickly en- place and stop the power take-olf veloped the home, destroying it com- before dismounting from the tracpletely. tor; never carry extra riders on j the tractor; take care when refiBr «™i i ^ COLLIDE j ing the radiator on an overheated JGrawlake rewdents received a thrill tractor or a tractor with a pressure SX15 C,. S7 Xr" the ! " .runnto, °r •»«; <"» Silots, Lts. Carroll E. Miller and! operate the tractor in a closed [enry C. Ferren, both of Chicago 1 building or where the exhaust will Were able to bail out, as the planes' contact inflammable matefiaL ' * were 5.000 feet in the air. Lt. Fer- *en was uninjured, but Lt. Miller^ ~ sustained minor back injuries when1 his parachute was ripped as he left the plane. . J**™1 jMKta6*0' amble's, in West McHenry is a I * wned store. -- --Anti-Friction Bearings Every new automobile, truck and bus rolling off assembly lines con* ta;ns 23 to 30 anti-friction ball and roller bearings. McCullom Lake Community club meeting--Jacob Kantorski Home. October 7 Altar and Rosary Sodality--Monthly Meeting. VFW and Auxiliary Meeting--Parochial School Hall--8 p.m. October 8 Circle 1, WSCS--All Day Meeting--- Mrs. James Gallagher. October 9, If, It, 12 Rummage Sale -- Sponsored bf Christian Mothers and Altar Society. . • October 11 Mothers Club--Mrs. George Johnson. October 12 K. of C. Indoor Csrnival--Parochial school haH. October 17 Ons O'clock Dessert Bridas, Basar, 5:30 Cafeteria Supper, Entertainment---- O. E. S. First Meeting Thursday Night Athletic ChJb. October 27 Confirmation Service -- St. Mary's Church--7:30 p.m. October 29 Confirmation Service -- St. Patrick's Church--3:30 p.m. November 1 and 2 Rummage Sale--Citv Hall • sored by Sunday Nighters. sSk.viJS that you have and have his re McHenry AMIRICA'S MOST FAMOUS J A NATIONALLY ADVItTlflD \M/ i l / /r» in/n'rfM MM. U. a. MT. orr. JONN WSOMAN * OON vary name tells you the story. It's the ill»|Wfpoes all season's WINDBREAKER % turns back wind and weathifew. >5 $7.95 to $17.95 McGEE'S II# 'Green St McHenry :§;: The Best Oil Burners Are OnSxC : : : # : CONVERSION BURNER Sold EaDoluairely By HOT AIR UNIT THENNES OIL ^CQi Dealer Is# QUALITY FUEL OU^ SOS s. GREEN STREET PHONE 48S4I MeHENRY COMWJFTE BUSttilEir SE&V1CS OH AlX'^^MAKES - . • • • • !• FVr!*,; r '• -S-i" ' For Machine or Assembly Work ' " ••• "V,:' '".v.. "W" 48 Hours or More Per Week 4PZ&BT-" •wmt it•* you want a steady job for the future, apply at the •,ma ^"oodstock, Illinois

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