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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Oct 1946, p. 2

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^u4U £.<. • ~*Tj* ., SYV r-n?i -y ' .. • *%< „ . r T . , y , . . . . . „ ;i;:> -stffe" , . J" - ^:' :atf-.•« ** *" ,t,* "W '**¥' * V ^ *r t *++"*\ ^ v.- <<««£? *."•"%» ?rW&»t«ifW"wiS»%<A-"**" « f>-iSKJ»(j»'. '**"V" *V "" «o« - • , - * • > , - ,; *». • !stS<5^ ;-'*jaj"i Lli^S?':* v. f- - ' " 1 . * •KeHSHKY, ILUHOIS, iwiMKtT, ""TtB „ 1M8 CROWD AT HOMECOMI HAKUFACTU8III6 MISS BRTHA FREUND AWADED DEGREE AT SCHOOL OF NURSING • - * iy®iifc^«Atty- v®™"1 '• *™« "Wf ••' 'j^Preekleirt Of KWrly ' &?• "Incorporated Company Miss Bertha Freund, ri&ughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Frcand of Richmond Road, was one of a class of ' twenty-five girls who graduated from ; St. There*e School of Nursing in | Waukegan last Sunday. Another member of the class was Miss Madeline Flannegaa, sister of Mrs. Clarence Niesen. | Baccalaureate service* were held ; during the 8:80 o'clock mass, which _ TTT" . . , was celebrated in the chapel. Rev. The McHenrv that we know today Thomas O'Brien officiating and giv- _ ems more thail a little like that in a t^ati but inspiring address to , well known character of fiction Top- ^ nurgeg Following the chapel U' iT^i 3 grew andgrew. There servjce> a Communion breakfast was is hardly » block within the city served to the craduaUi. * "e^J?ildin^i5 At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, mem- U l t i u j - ' " U * 2 ^ l b w ' 8 o f t h * c I l u w ' t h ^ r f c w f f l w a n d Hi1** 5^^,. ."5® friends gathered at the chapel once B*,r t>*IreP w • m imPre *cr Commencement services. mi Route 120 Between West Mc-lAa Father O'Brien -ealled the names ^^tltiwatt hthUisw w*as. aJ tn^eww s^ettitelemmeenntt . |i of the **»y thkenierl t, daetg rethees . Q1?? •*:**» wyortant o* these from Rev Edward KanLer, newly hwMtog projects, and one which may ' appointed vice-president of DePaul weU have escaped notice by the gen- University. The nurses retfted the public because ot its location, Nijrhtingale pledge, after « « • « • -- ">d™«" » in the finishing Stages, is on Main T&r the services, tea was served street and Crystal Lake road, across ^ •gB-mbied from the McHenry Lumber company ' assemweo guests. It will be occupied by the McHeni iny. inr Manufacturing company, which will manufacture piston rings and o.ther precision manufactured automotive 'gets. The company has recently incorporated as an Illinois Cor- ~»n to "manufacture, buy, sell,! aaasmble and distribute automobile! Jlul<M •Mteand accessories and other »er-1 central Company Officers otller CAMD0ATES FOR STATE OmCESfflEETED HERE Henry L. Cowlia, county committee chairman, and county Republicans were present in Woodstock last week to greet Offkm of the company are Ver- the state candidates, Richard Yates ww J. Knox, president; Charles Wen- Rowe,. candidate for state treasurer, aafr vice-president; and Carl Rath- Vernon L. NickeU, candidate for £•£•», seertrt«ry and treasurer Mr. superintendent of public instruction; locally. betng. William G. Stratton, candidate for cite attorney of McHenry and having : pepresenUtive in congress, and Nick a local office, dividing his time be-(Keller, candidate for state represlajwAi. Us Crystal Lake and McHenry i entative. Many downstate Republi- 9™5m- „ . . , , , cans accompanied the group to Wood- Mr. Wenzel is from Cleveland, 8tcck also OU* where for over thirty years he Mr. Row'e, a World* War I veteran, haa toen »med in the same menu-: WM elected to the Republican sUte aring new in which he is enter- central committee in 1940-44 and was here. He was formerly shop unanimously elected state chairman, superintendent and officer of the In- Piston Ring company of In 1944 he and his assold tiMir business to Thompson Products company. Since that *^tfane he has been inactive, but has asahatained an interest in fonttinflt a new esmpany to continue production . «f ^ston rings and other automotive parts, a field in which he is • well versed. in »PPO in 1944 to Dwight H >tary of th Green the state unexpired term of the; late Edward J. Hugnes. He was re-appcinted Secretary of the Illinois budgetary commission and in that office he* has become an expert on finance. He is a resident of Jacksonville. Mr. NickeU lives at Champaign. b.tookin, sbout th. tountrr «*• P«t atndying sites, the McH«ry area j ^ iring the past » the enthusiastic confidence and ARE YOU REGISTERED? , Y-v • • -vi i, ' • ' " lip you know that, regardless of how often you may &*ve voted in the "past, you cannot vote at t lie election .'November 5, or at any subsequent flection in Illinois,, unless your name is on. the list of regi^ter^d votei-s for your precincff Tliat is the law and it will Iji1 Pnforced at the polls. ? j , ; . « u A survey shows that approximately on? out of three men and women in downstate Illinois, who otherwise would be-eligible to vote, has not' regisleivd.. This is not true in Cook, County, where the permanent tegistration law has been in effect for many years. Among the unregistered citizens are most of the liewly returned veterans and their wives, who have a paiticular interest in the election because of the referendum on the Illinois Veterans' Bonus, <un<|(M' which, if it is approved by a majority of all voters at the election, they may receive up to $900 from the State. iJ .HOW TO REGISTER Oo to tlie County Clerk's office in flie MeHenry County courthouse any time during business hours am day up to and including Monday, ()ctol»er 7. (iivt* your name, your address, your date and place of birth, when turalized if not boru in the United States, and state Iiow long you have lived in Illinois, ill McHenry county, and in your precinct. YOU DO NOT -HAVE To STATE YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN ANY POLITICAL PARTY. Your name will be listed as a voter iu your precinct and will remain on the list permanently. Yon trill not need to register again unless vou move. " OR Go to your regular precinct polling place any time, on Tuesday, October 8, between the hoars of 6.00 A. M. and 9:00 P. M. and proceed as indicated above. PROTECT YOUR SACRED BIRTHRIGHT OF AMERICAN SUFFRAGE. FRANK SAHRm DEATH MOURNED IN ULY LAKE Community Btdldlr^'%• V ; Passed Away After ; I4ngering Illness DENISg MAGILL VISITS III OUT mATnill SffS'S,"'® FOOTBALL The entire McHenry community, and in particular the residents of; his European negotiations, Lily Lake, learned withes - - -- - -- Petite Denise de Fontaine-Magili, charming wife of Herbert Magill,, resident of McHenry's river front, 1h being interviewed by Bob Elsor. lust before bearding the Advance Commodore on her way to the French! "Riviera, where she will visit with her parents, who are survivors of two World Wars. Denise is a hat designer and will jstop in Paris to compare notes with j other French designers; she will also j represent her inventor husband SAME HIGHLIGHT OF BIG EVENT Pep Meeting, Parade And Dance Are Among Important Features' -There is spirited action in As a re- around McHenry Community high 0 . , SOrrOW of, suit of a« Wnvonrlud W»»«a«r *I irvomuiaunmcc-,, sBcchnooouli tihni iss wweeie k as preparatiens argT,. 98 ioj! f i?" u*oU y' September; Denise became the bride of an Ameri- under way tor f, : °| Frank Sampson, 61 years can dough - boy, and has been ac- attendance at old. ^Mr.^ Sampson died m Passavant; tively engaged during World War II' ties « hospital following a lingering illness, ber and services "were held from the j chapel at 5206 Broadway on Mon-' day. Interment was in Rosemont Park cemetery, Chicago. | Mr. Sampson was instrumental in' building up the Lily Lake subdivision.; At the time of his death his holdings throughout McHenry county ] amounted to considerable property' value. He was president of the: Albany Park Safe Deposit Vault' company, the Hines Realty Construction ocmpany of Chicago, Evanston and McHenrv county, besides being director and chairman of th<! board of at least twenty-five other companies. He was also associated with a great number of charitable anizatkms, of -which--he was a liberal contributor. He was an indefatigeable worker and his interests i in charity* and mankind were wide; and varied. He was an outspoken! defender of the minority groups and: intolerance of faith, color of creed1 had no place in his makeup. Mr the age that he tion to time spent in promoting civic projects, he was an arduous worker in the Mascnic fraternity for over thirty years. Sports occupied much of his leisure time and in his younger days he was pitcher fir the old Seipps Brewery team in Chicago, an anticipated recordL „ Homecoming festivO ring World Wtor II' ties on" Friday of this Sampson started his career at *n th« Fr*ncj? £T°uP War e of 13, when it was necessary [or J th*l U- j*. Treasury Dep » make his way alone. In addi- i Arnold J. Rauen, Homecoming is an invitation froat| ! the school, its teachers and pupils* j to the alumni. It is a day planned*, for alumni who developed a loyalty4 • toward their school while in attend-! ance, solidified that loyalty with in«^ terest in the splendid development at j* the school--and now have a chanc* > -to express that loyalty as they gath* s, er with fellcw alumni to reminisoa 1 about the happenings of the good f old days at Homecoming. -7^ At 2:30 Friday afternoon the gym-* nasium rafters will resound th» , cheers of students, alumrti and" friends cf the school as a • Pe* M eting ' opens the program for tha hie day. You know, there will be football gnme in the evening and tha A student body must warm tip for en* # thusiastic cheering of their team ia |.' their efforts fcr victory- - I Colorful Parade ^ | Ifnmediately following the pe» # meeting a parade will form in mit f tj i . " of the school and prance in lively I rWTimSnt5 fashion through ty town. Floaty I also designed and completed by each class, ? colorful costumes and a rollicking "Sh^invS hu^h.^ szr'rsrHf s i-ectly contributed the iast war. In addition to the by Bob >Eilson, her toward U* *• "LB8UU HOUR" CLUB 18 PLAKN1D FOR 4-H Announcement has bean mads by dan Sweeney, home adviser, of a respect ~of" «choool officiaTs, edu^at'ors i . hour' or "party-a-month We Offer Yott% Congratulations! * awarded fcr the best displays. . , _ Now, about the football game f > cheery sendoff Coach McCracken hasn't chosen aa I . -- . • . . - . . . V - - „ . . . . many friends easy teara for t.he occasion. No nst ' team which he helped build until it, on her during a recent week- by a long shot! Burlington's powe*w * held several semi-pro championships, end, at th« Qpsfctail hour, to wish fui eleven will be here. 1| The deceased was prominent in Re- a ".?on "wnWe" and present her Fans, who remember MeHenryV *; publican circles throughout the state w,j «F ; , „onF were Mr. ^reat teams of the past two years, , for many yesrs and served on three ®nd f1?-. Becker, Mr. and Mrs win wen remember that Burlingto* i different occasions as campaign man- Erank D»edrich, Mr. and Mrs. David team8 have been the spoilers of mte iager for William Hale Thompson. £rHZonj . ^ne' defeated seasons* records. f v Now hanging in his office is an !?r,^*n . Charles LeClaire, Mrs. Th|# year McHenry is a member honor roll plaque issued by Mr. lliompson and attested to by James T. Igoe, city clerk. Other treasured items included a citation from Provost Marshall General E. H. Crow- Eeasley Mrs. Mathew Rowe Mrs. the Southern Wisconsin and Nert* Arthur Shetkm and Mrs. Milton »«, iin„rti. mir* Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Magill have been making weekend visits to their home held particular appeal. Within two j and Mrents in the staU. and through c,oi>» designed to keep 4-H dub mam- Congratulations are in order for ar tkwe weeks the setting up of the: ^forfs ni;nou schools received during the winter monthf. Joseph H. Huemann of Johnsburg, MMMCacturing machinery will begin, an inrrra1tT ;n g^te aid in excess of I "^"Me clubs ar* optional, but mem-1 veteran business man in that com- ••inr the direction of Mr. Wensel, Ju.SoOO, during his present ad-! **« wiU ****"* » spceial credit for imunity for many years. Mr. Huewho plans to move here from Cleve- 1 ministration. , participation in them. j mann, still in good health, observed " .ifith his wife, son and daughter-: Mr stratton served as congres*-' A "leisure hour" club is a short'his eighty-fourth birthday anniver- T*e son, George, experienced man-at-large in 1941 and 1942, where time P"»j^t prepared by the de-, sary last week, Sept. 26. Iv. c{ i^»w»ct«nn?. wi" ^ he was a foe of New Deal extrava- P«rtment of home econonncs, Uni- Mr. Hueinaim and his lovely w fe tas^thcrV chief Shop assisUnt. Igance. In 1942, when he was elected of HUnois, ahd both boy and; have lived in the same house in,; , . , J , . T . . ^ . Besides the aforenamed <Hricers,, g(ate treasurer, he received the K*r*# i*1® •*®8 °' anl ^ Johnstiirg since their marriage fifty- i ^ ^ g;v®rnor of the state under a|ed together in Island --« -- f • -- . f Aetfrectors of the company include iarffest plurality of any Republican are e,|K»ble- Five or more members 8ix years ago. On October 23 they I'r^tional order of the president, jganized a group known as the Com- ^ em Illinois conference known the "SWANI." Burlington is also |'4' member of the conference. * Mac's Wariors have won their first der and countersigned by Frank O. in Sunnybank subdivision, between three starts of the season, beatiMjp"F Lowden, governor of the state of Uli- Johnsburg and McHenry, fSf many Harvard last Friday night 26 to « ~ nois and a testimonial from the pres- years. in the first conference game. Ia ident the United States, signed . their only home game to date, thf 7^ by William Ingrham. As s token of DEDICATION OF NEW boys swept over Antioch 31 to V friendship and esteem, ProvoFt Mar- TOT awn r A V"W riTTTIRrflV They followed this victory with 4fc-" shall General Crowder signed the ™«««» 24 to 7 decision over Grant at Fo*| leit hand corner of the latter as a ,T0 TAKE PLACE SOON »Lake. While each game has served J personal symbol of admiration. • i to smooth out the rough edges *n4vj? Mr. Sampson whs proud of an ^p-' In the spring of 1943. a little the^team up to form, it mus|T pointment to the dfaft board, issued bund of church-minded people gather- >'«»"embered that the visiting Burlike and or-",n*ton «Rgregat:on will present William M. Fmicil, promiiwnt McHen-, candidate. He recently served as aifre reccmmended for such a club. win celebrate the momentous oc- U eounty^ industnalist, Franklin J., lieutenant (jg) in the navy. He J" a 8P®cial £rom 'h« un»vers,t> casion of their wedding anniversary E"*"' Lake and Martin resides at Morris. 111. 'here are numerous articles that can j,y spending the day with their fami- CooMy of 'McHenry. .... I Nick Keller who is a native of ^e- Ea5h member is recom-; whjch i„ciudes eight living chihlwhen in full „„ „ 1I IC ii:vuiu in Mre jwill employ v about thirty hcuse of representatives in Spring- Certainly this new business, field, and cueh tim»» »inrp hp flnf tnnlr The company, when pro- Waukega'n, ha< a 'fi^e" record "in" the m®?d«4 make ,five of the articles. Will ~--"* - -- -- "• i-j-« i- --• je rti wW^h our own McHenry men have o;.e7 ^ job" ten yearV agor he "has tion* on how to male* the following valuable kaam ! : The Sampson family lived fov wenty years in Evanston, where he leaves a large business institution which will be continued ty. his son. Church. Services were held than encountered by the Warriors each Sunday, and a Sunday School *° Look was organized. A meeting place was roy*' ln *bis one. secured at the Island Lake Tearoom. >rs up battA duettos UFO* «n teterest will prove a v.,u«« ^ bf the ^ TOte "getters addition to the industrial life of the ^ ^strict. _ Besides recreation included in each' fieid7and e'aih'timeTince" he"fi«t*toSk meeting, demonstrations and instruc community. In variety of atides are given: Various recipes are included specialising in i County candidates are: State's sandwiches; costume accessories made Atty. D:n A. Wicks for re-election of nHts- 8ee5ll!' cloth, knitting and to that office: Fred Bau for sheriff; weaving; using decorative stitchis Henry A. Nulle for treasurer; Roland a"d deer rat 101ns for clothing and j McCannon for countv superintendent °, er *rticles; the general principles of echocls; Judge Henry L. Cowlin °f» and designs for wa l hangings; for re-election to county and pro- handmade mats or small rugs; con- Sears Harrison, 87 years old, of, bate judge, and R. D. Woods, re- "racnni game boards and pussies, Racine, Wis., was crushed to death election fcr county clerk. , and making. Christmas cards. the cab of his Knox truck on| | The university suggests games and TKAGIC ACCIDENT NEAR RICHMOND ON TUESDAY TOOK LIFE OF ONE n Route 17S, two and one-half miles AURORA B0REALI8 entertainment. 0? TaM<ta* PRBSBNTXD IMPOSINO John Schlosser, residing on the SPEOTAOLS OR SUNDAY Meyers, farm, near the scene of the ae^^SheW"ighwayn%henm^n<55ier Sunday to develope club unity and provide The aim of this project is to give each member training in planning, conducting and patici- j • pating in parties of various types, 'as well as an opportunity to learn more about manners for social affairs. Kmx truck, driven by Ronald Max- i^SEJJSLf0# iJ2ft wholesome good times for the entire well of Davis Junction, appeared, "tr* er" ®r 'n _lhe "y* group and provide a vehicle to carry driving toward Richmond. Receiving ^ over in^er*st of. an already organized ^ -arc. Iliese bands of l'ght, of course, group during the winter months, signal from the farmer to stop, were the "northern lights" or more waSnJ Md ScientisU believe that the rays are into remr the first due to dischitf*es of electricity in ,nto *"* °r the rare upper atmcsphere and the.t ****** »kaif 4My0| Births JOSEPH HUEMANN Marshall Sampson, and E. M. Lannes! As mor^ ar,d , more became Besides the son, who is a practic interested in the movement, the deing attorney, Mr. Sampson cisicn was reached that it was necessary to build their own church-home. ters, .Mha'.xMine" and Dorothy, the latter •"""•'eh th« of John V who recently returned from the European war zones, where she was actively engaged in humanitarian duties under the banner of the American Red Cross. Four grandchildren also survive. of McHENRY Walter Miller Lav'ne Lockwood Gene Wagner Alfred Young Richard Marsh Ray Xoren l.esjio Krieger Carl Neiss Richard Wilhelm Georsre Miller Hugh Murphy Probable Liasapa BURLINGTON LE LT LG C RG RT RE QB LH PH FB Maf Mowe* Ficketl . Gores Browit. 4 Reme* Henning Hoffman SchenkenberjffT Frattt- Getk4 NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN Hards, who were then residents I«land Lake but who now live in Tucron. Ariz., two acres of land were sri'-en for the church to be erected upon, and a liberal sum of money: i to aid in the construction of the | huildiryr was also given. A vigorus I -ampaiKn for raising additional funds „ „ ~ . f-' 11o con^lete the erection of the Following the big game, a dan«s i church was instituted by interested a get-together will be held m the [members. A finance Committee was Jfym"as,um as a windup to the Ng_ appointed by the members, and ai- e,rS,r - . . . . . v . , » ' diticnal donations and contributions Everybody is working hard and I from friends and neighbors wer# enthusiastically .n preparation tor | sought and secured. Ministers from different churches neighbors were ^ biggest snd best "Homecoming Day" on record. Let not a little Eleven beys from this community filled the pulpit at various intervals. m*rnbers^from*comine^°back°to MCHS enlisted their services in Uncle Sam's Rev. HalloSk, then of Wauconda Fed- ^ this ev^nT Disfan^ n^v ti in . r m y U . t W « k . e r . M c h u r c h . n d l . y - . b . r , . f X Z " " A f £ " J J " " Z Of the group, the group itself took charge of the mJmy priEes to ^ award<fd j* orH> seven were ~ • "" • """""" Tha.impact was so great that the gj* ^ toward the atong lines of magnetic ********************** front of the Harrison vehicle was isiiiiaml into the Maxwell truck in -^ach a way that it Cook more than three hours to extract the body of Hasrison from the wreckage. IHoid Last Rites Today For Mr. Caleb Oraadell netic North Pole. Another, less reasonable theory, is that the phenomenon is due to the reflection of sunlight on ice crystals in the tmper atmosphere. This has been at Mast partially disproved due to the fact ren: Mrs. Eva Haglund of Island ' Lake, Mrs. Margaret smith of M< - A daughter was born on Monday Henry, Mrs. Ella Knorst of Edison at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Park, John Huemann of Chicago, _ Mrs. Walter Brown of Spring Grove. Mrs. Theresa Olsen of Evanston, Reed, George An announcement conies of the Joseph G. Huemann of Johnsburg, Smith. Others . birth of a son on September 19 to Mrs. Rosemary Olson of Tulsa, Okla., Robert Thiel, Ray Bauer, Kevin Han- the First Community Congregational Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lloyd Kidder and Frederick Huemann^ of Johns- ley End Kenneth Inffersoll. ! Church of Island Lake Estates. £ class- services until Rev. M. J. A. Dalrymple for the alumnus and alumna present mates at M.C.H.S. of the First Congregstional cWh whose home is farthest [ro^ Mc_ last year, gradua- of Crystal Lake was secured as full- jjenry tiJle.n.^ith t!j®5:lass llme uPi8t0r- 3ey- D?,ryT1}>P,e' •!; From far and near, old grads will^M of 1946. Those though having his regular charge at ^ comi home for "Homecoming- > seven were Jack Crystal Lake, has found time to aid, We hope R vou will ^ with the, * F l e m i n g , L l o y d d i r e c t a n d c o u n s e l t h e f a i t h f u l i n t h i s ; Freund, M e r win venture. A decision was made to vrTifvpiT SVPVTPVS Schmitt, Herbert apply -for membership in the Con- UXIoi»Au „ Johnson, Michael gregational association, and that HELD SATURDAY FOR Goranson ant Jack membership was secured; Thus, the nr tt wt a T nil A V £•> who enlisted were name of the church now stands 1 Funeral services were held at The P i s t a k e e Bay community *n •PP*' with regret of the death on __ UI-UI|U •«kwj: Sept. SO, 1946, of Caleb McHENRY FIREMEN (Jane Durland). The baby" who was burg. Another sen, Elmer, died . .. , , . born in St* JoMph'shtepital, Chicago* several years ago in sunlight and have a closer re- has been named Wdiael Durland ^ lation to certain substances found Kidder. . rakfent there for >»»"T FOUGHT niTY-SIX mu promo yxai It is moat timdy that during this octogenarian was the Pistakee Good Photography, Lovely The date for the dedication ser- ^ Saturday afternoon ^om -- - Wbod- 'TV- • _. ... Jchnsburg where Pistakee Bay h o m i t e f ^ c h a p e l still stands. Through the years hospital on Wednesday morning to ^ farm became nonexistent, but the vices for the new church building ^ ,Merwin fuheral home in, Wbo born near Bn"njd"e Mu.alkr e Fine CnAommkbiinnaattiiAoini run from Oct. 27 through Nov. s ^. H. Waklman fta, who « Committees have been appointed a!?»y ,ate l^4 .^!^nes^y Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Meyer. The joo-year little tod, Vho tipped the scales at ^ ^ne of the most interesting his- and faU than Andrew Mreabotrtt. old structure remains. It man in McHenry this Survivors include the widow, Marcaret! and two daughters, Mrs. Hazel PsrsAs of the Bay and Mrs. Helen £^4Wj0torthy The bodv is resting at the funeral tion Week, we ahould make mention born at the Woodstock hospital ,t *5708 W. Madison street, of the fine service which our own -- • - • ChkMO, where services will be held local Are department has given our *t 1 Jt o'clock this (Thursday) af- community during the past year. fss'-.i % From the middle of Noveml _ summer will ® j0.0" na"« tories of any building hereabouts, photographer. With the great numcf Jon Joseph, havtog been n*"*4 During the long ocean trip to this ber of weddings which h«ve taken for his two gnndMAen. country, the great grandmother of place in this community during the . . . . rt . -L w- ,., rv , "®ra; Alfonse Goaiiia of » Huemann became very ill. Her past six months it has been quite **** * *»• *"*•'}%, ^%SS£Srt&S C "^ndTr^Ued tK« 7 *. .or- I M for on. to Thursday Sept. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Th West McHenrv are the parents of _ . n,.n„ November, their first child, a daughter, bom mrnt 81,11 attr ,cts nmny for the^ dedication services aP^,nthJ ®r"!'isr' S*?teTb!r 25;, *[" It would be difficult to And a busier church (moderator, F. A. Alden. These Waldm»n. who had resided in ^yd; ill beVj ublished at a later dste. 9k ' .vived the rigors cf the journey Im)T; nt would erect a chapel in thanksgiving, lovely Mr This he did and the historic morm- A monir (he Sick he commodate the needs of all these brides. The Plaindealer has been happy to f^rese interested be able to bring you s picture of wee|c Mrs. Beatrice Peterson of West McHenry underwent surgery at St. hospital, Waukegan, last stock for the past three years, lived in Vclo for a lonjr period of time. Christian Science services were held «n Saturday with C. C. Hopkins, reader, officiating. Survivors include the widow. Elisabeth: one son, Herbert, ot Chicago; and three grandchildren. 1945, until the last of Stei^Miber oi cn September"^, It "thT^obdstock vi8'tors annually. M^Worwick™forHfurnbhing^u^with B®tty' .is. ^ the During his earlier years Mr. Hue- 0l^w» JZ ZLTLr,y P'om «PP«ndf<5tomy ,w^i^ display r* •JmV,1p 1p mann was a blacksmith and later ft n"8 tS the McHenry girls or the Mcpnprated a sarage. but it is his well Henry photographer who is responwhich he has gj^{e> at any rate we think our CHRISTMAS CARDS It*k not too early to start thinking about Christinas cards to be sent recovering out in December. The Plaindealer nr . - "Kvv*.-N»^my which office has now on displav boxes of ™ she underwent at the Woodstock hos- beau iful cards ready for your in- ' pital last week. ' spection. You can order them with or* Joan, twin daughter of Mr. and w:?hout name imprinted. Place your , has been a patient order now and have them rwtdv for • NOTICE this year McHenry firemen have been hospital. Mrs. Pitzen is All veterans of the navy, marines, called to extinguish fifty-six fires. Miss Lorraine Stilling. coast guard and merchant marine are Of these, thirty-eight have been1 requested to attend a meeting to be grass fires, six homes, six automobiles, SERVICES FOR INFANT •"rilHn* business fceld at the Bridge ballroom on Tues- two trucks, one brooder house, one Burial services for the infart become b^st known Hay, October 8, at 7:30 p.m. At this coat, one garage and one barn. 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert from active wrrk no' time plans will be formulated for The very efficient service which the Smith were held at St. John's ceme- much of. his time at his place of iMemorial ServiceSo be held on McHenrv volunteer fire department tery, Johnsburg, at 1 o'clock Sunday business, which is pear his home. ; - from pneumonia. Fire causes millions of dollars *f October 27, which is Navy has given in keeping loss through afternoon. The baby was born on \ye have double reason for wishing wedding anniversary. He may well, Mrs. Eleanor Renard has been ill diimage annually. Remember this fres at a minimum speaks well for Saturday morning, September 28, in many hnony returns to Mr. Hue- be proud 61 his labors through the at her home in West McHenry the always, and especially during this organization, which is one of the Woodstock hospital, and died a mann--first for the recent obser- years, which have helped to build past week. i Prevention Week. Gamble's in West McHenry is a *>e most important in ang ccmmun- hour= later. Mrs. Smith was the vance of his birthday, and second for up the thriving community to our Mrs. Paul Patske has been IB fit; • owned store. „ 20 ity. - ; former Miss Lorraine Reinboldt. ; the approaching celebration of his north. iher home on Center street. . ' Subscribe for Th PI»iwhJw niK pu the Men While retired fcrid<;8 are just about the finest look- Mrs. Carl Weber, ar* !W. he spbnds j w hav^seen anywhere ,n' * lctory Memorial hospital, Wau- mailing later. " -- "* 1 1 ! kegan. where she has been suffering :r 5 rf If . r-f , v • .lit** • - „

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