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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Oct 1946, p. 4

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0a Psrses •tunning in bar ftbttnne with Mwkinrie family to oar fold. Again wa toy "Vcieom neighbor!" and a bm M Tha mil of |»ld ^ eorsaige of gardiniss Hio names of Kenneth Ingonal After a reception at the Schlittand George Koeti have this week hone, which was attended by doM.bM addtd to oar ~ roll of inHrteM relatives of the bride and groom, the] in tbe iraed forces. Kenneth Inggsry «mf couple left for a brief honey- sol enlisted in the army while George mm. : Koeti choae As fnftirittHft. Goodlack Harold Meyer, the new" groom, is: to both ef you from yours truly. of McOrihn Lake's boys en- the sen of Mr. and Mia. Frad Meter' fa thaarmsdfonss. „ land set wed in the navy in the Pacific* At last Sunday's tegular monthly plaa Mf Hallowe en theatre daring ftt war. meeting of the Scrrtry Dofen, which .1 ^ ^ ^h0" V*™** from their honey- was held at the Boy-Al Community Blake and Jean Weber to be moon tin yoong couple will establish! Center. Diana were • A for their ;'s Mores 8chlitt Mayer last Saturday. Mr. aad Mrs. Varan Mackinxie w*m their home in SUdey, IlL w ! ifiuJiiioai to Kr. ittd " flstaidsy Dolores Schlitt, fieyer and best wishes daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and happy married future. SeBitt, of Beadi View Drive, married at St. Mary's Kectory to Mr. and Mrs. " Vernon Mackinzie' A1 spotT Entertainment Chairman Otto Py likewise *tftfked on *tiii sttd ^Igor during their wsshsad Mltion at their cottage. i It's great to soe our Pegge Whiting up and around again after her recent accident. Mrs. Whit^ has ftoHy recovered from the' burns she suffered an her face^nd chest while dofof Soto* wnrifig In her home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dalxiel and family have established a permanent boose in the Terweilliger sisters houae on Orehard Drive. Weli come to KnollWood, folks! Harry Lock, the newly elected many birthdays W&fck Hyatt) 000 miles of city 85,000 miles haw It Mre is nice to look forward to that pleasant season they refer to as Injun summer. Most people now say it is Just around the corner, but if it is I for one wish it would hurry j up and Uike that extra step aroond • *ia bend and catch up to ns. The 8 Fu news this week is rather scarce, the cool weather nnbablr kent mdat i !?** * 8™>uWn> now befon otti had one last Tueeday and in the evening her parents had a din- IW\L received many nice gifts., 1lft. --- Another to have a birthday was her! low-typa brother, Soy. * ' 45,000 mflfi m «>rry to hear that little | drain idand have no Clig Kiehl is sick in bed with the I Pigmenting state fl\T t : streets isa vast Now that th« state highway de-! miles of twh. 1^-- «... -- lage iroadfS^tafrti probably kept most everyone close to the hoine Ares. However, quite a few neighbors left the home fires long enough 00 Saturday evening to attend the affair held at the CUb Lilymoor sponwith a production of 12 syt ID. Our con-; regular monthly birthday autr at' American Legion commander of lie. i VV sponnlM, for • l«i»« honowd W. .11 bn tirtjo. ptf Ml e.H, Toet<Uy!m SS ese parties an tnrday of eacl |these j Sat eacb month at the Roy- ajter old Betsy ****** ™n. <h*«|the first part of the program till to an empt£ gas tank. We have an | now „ j think it deserves a little arry will be a regular raore thought This - - - * Ewn^fcoc I ntm/^fjoe Marsh Bait Chikfers avid th» Melon Bert Chfldars ppt aa ad ia the > thi ether day. HeroTs what It Mid: "Ranted move melons than I eaa eat this year. Stop by and pick as many as you want. All free." ia yeu caa guees, pleaiy ef fefts asat tkir Uis em and pi--ty ef the parsats came too. Stripped Berths melon petch in ao tism. And as they weat away. Bert treated to liimiasli, aad offered a glaaa af 1st ssM Naturally it pusded sense folks ...but Bert explains: "It gives a* alrick to diars tilings when I can afford to--whether it's the mdons, or the lemonade, or beer. I gases I just like to indulge my whims." From where I sit. If we hod i rite also announced that a gala HaU ipassenger on tha WAF bus"afteri Hour IWfrriiw'to ™ Hcrii ISmS loween drees party will be held on this ordeal. They never run ontof 2«rth«^SSSZ' £r the 26th, as weVas a children's party' gas, Harry! _ I pf«t ™ ^ S^^^iJ^r ?^°Slu^ Owa^^ To-- "gSb 3 s ru'S&isM .to-ta, of .b,. "g«U- l»^ ,» d.y c, 100 "Timfcer." : •L If birthday followed Audrey Kurbyn, Arleen Svo- Bettv Cermak doin* a double bustle 1 • " • -- ' ^ tanglefoot. The beautiful Walton j -Advy » »^ welcome jmdiby Jim i^JSr Ind j" Mmno who want it most, always Hke, bringing us their version of "Senti- Anma t mental Journey." and this was really 1 *JrW8 | something. As a special attraction,; i Nelda Hey managed to bring us her . 'pcrobratic act and Gertrude Hyatt ! wood Follies of 1946" in technicolor, : starring Ed and Grace Walton with Oct. 31. **"r^e "Advice lawn was the scene of this extrava- ;ganza. The folks next enjoyed technicolor movies of Jerry and Betty's recant tcur through Canada, the i states and Mexico, which was ihoukhrt be long before! "nnua^Tr:. r, tha extension of the four i at _^nu*"y- Forty-two ft lanes continued north from T «ir« our '•nna are still on nil Zurich to Volo, which has long been J™ program, thereby putting Lake more and more on the map. We are wonderinggif the syndicate that was formed jfist before the war to drill for oil in the Waukegan- Ubertyville district on the strength of natural gas deposits have revived their plans. Wouldn't it be funny some time to turn on your bath at Lily Lake and find yourself getting an oil bath instead? Will, folks, remember the notice I had in the paper last week regarding the purchase of papers at the Diadone grocery here at the lake. Well, let's see a little something done about it. 9I!» Subscribe for The Plaindealer BOLGER. DRUGS joyed by all. --who believe la share aad aHk* live aal 1st live, this tfawl world weald ha a whole let bkter off! SPRING GROVE had everybody ducking as she swung j that baton of hers around. At this , I time the truest stars were introduced: j Dcuglas Thompson at the piano,! j "laying "Bumble Boogie" and "Sweet Lorraine," also his cousin, Walter 1 I Dick, as comedian. A feature for | The grapevine has it that Al. [Blake and Jean Weber of Kenosha, {Wis., are making plans for their Mr. j and Mrs. act on Oct. 30. Wfe hope I to give you more on this in next week's column. j There is no meat shortage said, ••. -- --•». «iuk con- e„„.. » --V r; i Mr. Truman to Chicago's mayor, Mr. *>l«tion went to Mrs. Harry Myers. 2 ££!: , Kelly, as he opened the doon of the^nch served \y the hostess "e'^n Ro^re* Lucille N.elson. Audry (by Mrs. Charles Fround) Mrs. Arthur Kattner entertained the Pinochle club> at her home on^"' •». cvmcu'»"- A uNiture ior Tuesday night. Lovely prizes 1or thf on? fu ? 7' highs cores went to Mrs. Math Nims-1 T put c®n .m th.e , gern and Mrs. Kattner, while con-' P,L * I Tlj f1rM18r J" .m Ctfyriglkt, IMdw Umktd Stmt* Bumtn ;;x;, m COLOR, BEAUTY LASTING FINISH \rnu£ . 2mick jbtyitup ENAMH. Giva panaaaaat haauty to your woodwork aad furaiturawiAMoora'sUtilaa Flows boas * bnak ia propar oouiitMef, driaa la low hours to a bright, waahahla, durabla •irfm, On coat usually auffioiaat. CRYSTAL LAKE PAINT STORE Exdnaive Dealers of Benjamin ft Maori Palate Crystal Lake, I1L Phone Crystal Lake I1C0 Located acreaa from daaat was giant locker in the cellar of tiie af^T cards. , „ , _. White House and pointed to the L Members of her «lub met at the {ln "n^7 n„ heavily-laden racks suspended from;home of Mrs. Edward May on Thurs- T f ^ the ceiling. Mr. Kelly looked, day afternoon. 1 p»e Lily Lake Beautif^ng club 1 scratched his head, tightened his belt! Games of five hundred were played' J?'(' a" <fxeciitiye meeting at the a notch and after gulping a few and P"*« winners were Mrs. Nor- Tower building last Saturdav eveni times agreed with Mr. Truman that i ^rt Klaus, Mrs. Arthur Klein, Mrs.1 ,n?- At th s meetinsr the books were there surely is no meat shortage. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. L. L. ^udlt(d; prwrnne for the new year. So what vm - - - ! about. ' __ Got a card from Joe and Libby 1 Horn this week from Hollywood, Calif. The folks are now well on their way home. Pearl Nerstad's limited knowledge of the culinary arts served Marge and Irv. Budlong in good stead last Sunday. On Saturday evening Pete Nerstad brought his Pearl a roasting chicken. Pearl took one look at the nude critter and then ran hastily, to Marge Budlong for help. So Marge returned with Pearl and took the above critter to her kitchen, where she prepared it for consumption and then invited Pete and Pearl to Sunday dinner. Poor Pete is still trying to get the Tight score an this deal. m O T I C E WHO BXRVXD IN THX IRIVT, IN Knrxs, OOAST aatxa oa matOHAMT lusnn: Ton an uigmtly nqimud to > mrtm to bt h*ld at tha BIONW BALLBOOM im MOHUITT, at 7:20 •'dock, pjn^ on • : TUESDAY, OCT. 8 to formulate plans for a Memorial Service on Sunday, October 27 (Havy Day). PLEASE ATTEND Mr. and Mrs. George Baumbeck had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schnieder of Crown Point, Ind. Mr. Bay AaHo left last Sanday for Detroit, Mich., whene she hopes to make a favorable impression on her new-born nephew. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Cham bore are the prood par eats of this new offspring. Mr. and Mrs. AL Watls of Maple Hill Drive entertained Mr. aad Mrs. Paul Black of Chicago over ths weekend. Sorry to report that Mrs. Danifl son has beeri Suite ill this past week We sincerly hops her recovery to health will be a speedy one. Our good neighbor, Charles Coles, has also bsen laid up with a severe sold this past wssk. To him 1 ] also say get well soon, Chuck. . T&W* .epterteined Joee|Sh IWne over the wo^end. Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Frisa were hosts over the weekend to Mr. and ' Mrs. O. Stark of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Smith hsd as i dinner guests last Saturday, Mr. and i Mrs. Richard Nhats pnd their house ! gueetSi Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whitei man of Chicago. Sunday guests at the Syd Smiths were- William Howard . and Miss Reba Schuetts of River , Forest, Illinois. j Have just received word that Eddie Lang, cousin of our Bob Doran, has enlisted with Uncle Sam's Paratroopers and is now enroute to Hamburg, ; Germany, with his outfit. Good luck to you Eddie! Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Tjernberg and Route 1 Rinfwood, ID. PHONE 909 McHenry Offi*§ Route 120 The Bridge PHONE 419 i McMAHON HOUSEHOLD and COMMERCIAL ;»H. # / DON'T WASTE FOOD KAVS TOUR REFRIGERATOR CHECKED WW COMMERCIAL UNITS PGR ALL INSTALLATIONS V We aim to build our reputation by giving better customer satisfaction! : • ' • " i t J l ' I H K S T I M A T E - heck are wo^ beefing I Kagan. A delicious lunch was served Remember the installation of offiafter cards. I <"ers to be held at the J & K res- Mrs. TiH was hostess to her club taur*nt the nineteenth of April, at her home on Thursday afternoon, i evening of real entertainment Cards were played and prizes were *,as ^>een prepared^ for your enjoywon by Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. Charles'ment a,on* that nice delicious! Gillespie, Mrs. William Britx, Mrs. turkey dinner. Math Nimagera, Mrs. Wm. Engels. We are sorry to say that there. Refreshments were served. will be no meeting of the P. T. A.! Mrs. George W. May. Mrs. Charles this week. j Freund, Mrs. Albert Britz and Mrs. I On Sunday morning we* were all i Andy Straub enjoyed seeing the;startled to. hear of the death of, play, "Oklahoma" in Chicago Sat-.Frank Sampson who was 61 years of' urday afternoon. [He died in a Chicago hospital.j Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Schulz of It was Mr. Sampson that organised1 Chicago spent the weekend with her the real estate development at Lily, parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn. | Lake. He is survived by his wife, { Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and Rose; two daughters, Mrs. Maxine family visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Optner and Mrs. S. A. Cohn; and a' Smith in Johnsburg Sunday night. son, Marshall D. Services were held | Diane May celebrated her seventh Monday nt 3 p.m., in the chapel at' birthday on Siinday by inviting sev- (5206 Broadway. | eral of .her little playmates to her Mrs. Lannes usually has some sort home for a party. Games were play, I Df accident. Yes it has happened ^ a uj^»i!?nc served, with a this year again, she has cut a vein! large birthday cake decorating the in her hand. This was done with a j center of the table. Those present piece of glass. I ware Leigh. Plat aad Mary Lou1 Kagan, Bobby Nelson, Roger and &ZL riSrJr,--ienvS CliffoCB J. Hyatt has just returned to work after a two weeks vacation. Frewnd' Ponn* On l^st Wedneedsy evening the C. J. acute MM, Mr,. and Mrs. Charles Freund. 1 y <UBC*d 11 dragon. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern vis- Alice Kiss spent the weekend ited with Mr. snd Mis. J. Wagner mt her summer oottage. at McCulkxn* Lake on Sunday* CLOVER and Other • . Seeds CLEANED Our equipment is modeMl ; . Our service is prompt. ; ^ : v Our prices are reasoiiablK. - We will purchase any seeds you may wish to mSL McHENRY MILLS, Inc^ (Formerly McHenry Flour Mills) Phone McHenry 92-R West *% • • k-c • On thit ooming Saturday Joe j Clexton will celebrate his birthday, j taeaatfesceat Ught - - - • Joseph Wilson Swain, an EhlgUfh physicist, invented the flrst prac- Weekend gueete at the C. O. Hyatt residence were, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hyatt and-osn, Billy. Mrs. W. Hyatt and son will remain for the week. I The Vachets were agreeably surtical incandescent electric light in 1 Pri»«d Sunday by the unexpected, ' visit ef Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Malone i and family, of Wheeling and Chicago, 1 who were celebrating their nine* teenth -'wedding aanivefsary. Aocomr thoM« Msasy Ksafi^' The reason honey has such gooa keeping qualities is that it has little moisture. When the honeybee oanying the Malones were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleming, recently of California. Mr. Fleming has been the hot trumpet player of George Olson's STOP AT THE Trading Poet Wm • • •• roEYoro . FRESH FRUITS % VEGETABLES GROCERIES Ofci 9 a. m. To 8 p. DL IT«J ULYMOOS TRADING jPOST S Idas Bast ^MeHettty on Route ISO, LUy Late COLUMBUS DAY gathers the nectar fresh from the j1 flowers, it removes much of the I moisture from the nectar. And that is why honey is a concentrated sweet. It's both unnecessary and undesirable to keep full bodied honey in the ice box. Cold honey is as thick as "molasses in January." It's hard to spread on bread and not so easy tor sweetening dry cereals and the like. So that is why we keep honey at ordinary room temperature. It will keep for months as ^ long as you keep it tightly covered | Gamble's, in Weat McHenry is *' home-owned store. Kl Nk'HT H A R N E S - A I AURORA D .v k - 1 t ^ < * r Indoor Carnival COME TOimm! EWE EVERY luirn H SATURDAY NIGHT OCTOBER 12th ,'s:> Past Tkaa IJI aa. •M. Adwltri-- $1^» CM Heme. UN How to Got TWw! ST. MAR1TS-ST. PATWCrS SCHOOL HALL EVERYBODY INVITED BY BLECnUC--CUcas*, AWA A Klfia Imm Jmchmmmtmi WUb •t StlS mU IM MAim tratea at aad Ml miHiiiHiiHiiiiiiiimiHHyiHiiiuiHUiiiiiiiHuuiiHiiHininiHM i PARTY Sponsored By McHENRY COUNCIL ~ No. 1288, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ^ . £ - t • „ aL. .' i "iW*- *•&- -.4 "• jJL.Dt*lsb V ilk**. ^- am

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