Cartes of Crystal Lake 1M1 Us sister, Mrs. Ife and Mrs! Don 8mi Mr: ai^Mra. Frsd •pin. "" Xr. sad yk Weldon Andreas aad the itiiktiid in The Rome oircle met at th« homo of Mrs. Louis Hawley Thursdays A Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley, Mrs. |k and Mts. Lora undsy with friend* •e r .Hr- «•£; •SsSmsm. of Wood- 'eiihangh Mn- Mae flirrison spent Sunday wi% her daughter, Mrs. Qlen Treon, at Crystal Mirtd Butlor entortainod the Youth at her hoae Thursday 'S&H' ANNUAL COSTUME HALLOWEEN ; PARTY nULrfHWft OOUHTET CLUBHOUSE . • • On Route 120, Bast of McHenry v<y: JSATURDAY, from 8 p.m. till ? ? ? •11 1 --""A""r " Music by Barbara Horick's Orchestra Sponsored by Lilymoor Property Land Owners Improvement Ass'n, Inc. w~*T6Sar.. STOP FIRES FTR FYTER EXTINGUISHERS TOE HOME, FARM AND COMMERCIAL USE • I quart - iyt quart - 1 gallon Vaporixing Liquid (For elctrical, oil, gas and grease fires) %. . . also . . . S% gallon Soda Add and Instant Anti-Freese Typi t-----Approved by Underwriters' Laboratories I H1 FOB GRASS FIRES Use ... Indian Fire Pump Tank ... 5 gallon sise ATTENTION! Shops . . Cleaners . ., Oarages . . Theatres . . Hotels Laboratories .. Boats and Airports use the Extinguisher! USE RANDOLPH CARBON DIOXIDE SAT ssfrra SALKS AJtD SEKVICE Write P. 0: Box 42, Wankagmn, Illinois Phone Ontario 6189 ••ad B«ynoMi "Rbcfcef* Bil Pmh with Onk Haifa • |M6 each, • :J - • .Conic Gold I .Jat Black .Chute Silver lUnptwra Bias (vuusb pbikt runn) Hum State j r-»wio-- check or money order j CUBORGE COLLETTE, O if»g Phone McHenry 4M SSI Main S treat West McHenry -- A HOMK • OWNED STOKE -- MrfTC. L. Roy Hantm^Mrs. C. httlML i MeHeary!very l«i0i her daotM«, i Or. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn visited Prank grand representative, Saturday evening McHenry, their daughter, Mrs. Frank Block, Mrs. | and ^family in Wisconsin the past Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman viaiited in the home of their son, John Blackman, Jr„ at Antioch. In the afternoon they all dqove to Kenosha and called on the Philip Funcks and Williard and luM Blackman homes. I I I I I M I H M I t l l l l l l l l l H I IflJfSMtr So hapiafr You aHm For Dont* forget Oct. M, awarded to of Ptairie View, ftrst; Pat Adett~0f Mundelein, second; and Mrs. Arc Herschberger of libertyrille, booby. Mbe Eleanor Pries spent Sunday in tiiie Wolf Shadle homsT Mr. and Mrs. ffcrarts and Mr. and Mrs. Hltdeivandt of Twin Lakes spent Wednesday in the Louis Hawley home. Hm Keystone Homo Bureau unit social evening win be held in the RidHQond hal{ on October 19. Everyone is welcoage. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Curley Wilson of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lawrence. Mrs. Louis Hawley and Marion were visitors in Chicago, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Csrr and1 yoked at family visited her mother Mrs. I uncalled for 8g»» ifad.fc'1 A hauntinmg *• wW do ,, / To -t*y to The aauma F_ _ Our plans a*talready mstfc we will se< to de. your worse or your Best, prises have we for the prettiest And the rattiest dressed guest date folks, Sat., at Club Lilythe Property Asoor. You still time to rig up let's get on the be all sorts of ghosts, etc. Exto your friends. The more the merrier. Friday night Girl Scout meeting was called' to order by President Audrey Kurbymn. She was prober nita* Scouts and their for bubble gum session sedation have over reversed when the bowling ball failed the opposite way for him Fri-! day night. He has Ua^gelf a little arixed .with the bowling score. But S$eve, it Isn't the low score that ~»unts. If Sunday morning seemed warmer uui last Saturday it was only beluse one ofjour unselfish neighbors tried his new oil stove outside. mil; for in January. Mr. Ryan, we are all very happy to know that your operation proved successful and what you are doin^ Aae. Hurry and get well, we'd sure like to see yon at that dance. Ftaochle is mitt a fame when i threesome like Mr. Mid Mrs. Swan son and Mrs. W. Einspar get togsthss. The Fiorettios wets out this col< weekend. Tbey enjoyed a terriffii game of poker. Remits of the Jrigt-Gus, the winner and as Usual the rest broke even. Remarkably thing about poker is no one evet loses. Joyce mode a delicious spon| cake, despite the fact they teaM her that the only reason it's calle that, is because she sponged the flour from one party and the sugar from; another. Don't let them kid you^ Jo^e, when it comes to baking tdr: _ Pit M Ifour pie boils over in the oven, sprinkle salt generously. This simple remedy will prevent the juice from smoking and will loosen tt at the same time. air, and even teen without stirring Rom where I sit^iy Joe Want a Vacation from Marring*? Hunter, st McHenry, Sundsy. {Girls will be girts and gum is hard Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich of to get, .so* yon have to make the Belvidere spent Sunday with his par-1 best of it when it's available. After ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich,! everything was well in hand, Mrs. Sr. | Krimm gnvft instructions on con- Mrs. Luella Stephenson attended verting agar boxes to sewing boxes, s party at the home of Mrs. Clara Miss Sue Rogers conducted the E. Foster in Richmond Thursday. jgsmes. A lovely t Mrs. Lora Sprensel snd Mrs. Maud all. Deffenbaugh of Chicago spent thej Due to the fact that the "Teen Age I weekend-in the Louis Hawley home. | Glee club is invited out for that Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of Crystal i gals dinner party Saturday night «L Lake spent Friday in the Louis Haw- J ft K, Dick Hystt is unable to write time was hsd by ing you're super. Metal Caniismi f',,\ Corrosion causes an ihnu^ Iom^ of an intimated M million tons of iron and steel'in buildings and other applications not adequately safeguarded by coatings. AMa Blake went aeatii en Us vacatkn, for seme lehlng, snd left his Misses to eajey a escatfan from the cemceb pipe, rlsthas Is a heap, and . selss sn the hsrmsnks. First few days, Martha enjoyed it--liouoe neat and quietr top beck on the toothpaste, no morning mess ' from Ahrin's midnight snacks ( Al's partial to a bit of cheese and beer end of the week, she ^ - bsgsn to Sdget; coaMnt even read " "" ^'ir-'rn H htrkrd ss anmassid: ;'; didnt have any appetite with sif When in a wbe Al, when he week ahead of time, mri sIml «riee for grstitnds. CTeitthe i wsy myselfsays AL) From where I sit, thoas dHtaP^r ences of habit and opinion-- whether they have to do with cotn^,, . cob pipes, s g^sss of bter, or v ^ ing the harmonica, seem mlgHj trivial when youYassparated. And they ars, too! CafyHfAi, 1946, Vmitmd Stmn Bremen Ft ~r r i iriri^^mlH Bowman's Have The Work Shoes You Need! ley homV Mrs. Anna Tonysn of Fox Lske is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bsrbara Lawrence. Mrs. Leo Karls and Mrs. Harry Anderson of Richmond called on their grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Smith ana son, Dick, of Chicago were visitors in the S. W. Smith snd Andrew Hswley homes Sunday. the Lily Lake column, hearsal nights to get Dick held re Mondsy and Wednesday mall in tip-top singing condition. Thursday night the club will meet in the Blue Room of the Milinsc residence. Miss Christine Calangelo, court reporter for a law firm, friend of the Kellers, took them quite by surprise. They were her guests at Simomnie's corner in Algonquin. A delicious dinner snd cocktails were ride widths. In light, medium or heavy weight* • With or without irok supports. * •Leather, rubber or oord soles. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merchant' served. It proved to bt an exciting and R. E. Howard of Kenosha spent avening and a grand reunion as the Sunday afternoon in the Ray Merchant home. Mrs. Vern Malsch of Lake Geneva Simoninies are friends of the Kellers, whom they haven't seen for Sars. The occasion was Mr. and rs. F. Keller's fifteent hanniversary. Happy anniversary to you, as you recall with sK:::: v A REYNOLDS FOR ONLY COMPLETE WITH DESK STAND Reynolds Ball Point Pen At This Sensational Low Price This new Reynolds Rocket" Ball Pen is now priced within the reach of everyone, yet it has all the remarkable Reynolds features that have revolutionised pen its distinctive features, make your choice from six «nH wimntwf that it la ' Hot $12JH • Not $7.75 O-N-L-Y *385 Thm Greatest School Pen Emmr JWwIs Isfto/rom Kindergarten through CoUmgo • Writee 15 • No ink to • Writea dry --never GamKal 9 A service agreement that means what it ssyS. The rrfemflv Store AUTHORI i YOU CAN ORDER YOUR ROCKET PfN BY MA1% spent Monday afternoon with her parents, Mr. snd B^rs. Clayton Harrison. J joy your happy wedded Miss Audrey Merchant of Elgin i days, and may love and understandiand Mrs. Charles Coles and 'daogh- j incr continue as it has in the past. I ter, Suzanne, of McCollum Lake j Happy birthday to - Peggy Lee ! spent Fridsy with their psrents, Mr. i Thompson, who is six years old to- : and Mrs. Ray Merchant. . i day. I Mrs. L. L. Hswley and daughter,; Miss Sue Rogers is now vacation- ! Marion, Mrs. Maud DefFenbaugh and ing in California. I Mrs. Lora Sprenzel were visitors st; Mrs. IF. Svoboda left for Toronto, {Fox Lake, Saturday. j Canada, to attend the wedding of Mrs. Lonnie Smith is visiting stiher neice. the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" is Wurtxinger, st Woodstock. |the appropriate theme song of the Rev. and Mrs. George Marshall will; subdivision. The several days that hold open house at the parsonage at: the fire has continued in the slue ha.* Greenwood next Sunday afternoon I been pretty confusing to the houseand evening starting at 2 o'clock. wives ss to whether it's the supper Mrs. Wm. McCannon, Mrs. Barbara burning or something in the air. Lawrence. Mrs. Anns Tonysn, Mrs. I Larry Bartlet, Joe Gilmore and Frankie Stephenson and Mrs. John i Steve Wijss are«»now bowling at Blackman came in Monday afternoon j the Palace with the Foresters. Steve, and surprised Mrs. Jennie Bscon. the pin boy's delight (first one gutter They brought ice cream and cake, j than the other) thought the alleys LILY LAKE PIZZERIA Something new and delicious TRY PAUL'S PIZZA At THE BUS STOP TAVERN ULY LAM Also Italian Spaghetti and Ravioli NIGHT-AUCTION 7r3Q, sharps Wednesday, Oct 23 At Oaulke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 75 HXAD Of DAISY COWS, KITH EE CLOSX SPRIXOKKS OK ntSSH WITH CAIJP BY SIDS. Load of Jerseys by Mr. Parks . nXDXR PIGS CALVES fTOOK BULLS HORSES BEEP CATTLE SHEEP BROOD SOWS FEEDER CATTLE tOV CAN BUY -- YOU CAN SELL • 0sll Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock to consign ALL CONSIGNORS PAID CASH DAY AFTER SALE. Ail consignors make arrangements to get your livestock in. either the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. Terms: 25 per cent down, balance in monthly installments. 1 to 16 months time at Vi of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales Co. Inc. WM. E. GAULKE, Owiur--Phoiw S72 T*,:z ^ v YouH find these st^es and ' - „ * M BOWMAN f: Rubber Footwearj Too! wis wsse . fortunate in a Isrge shipment of work footwear. Better get yours while we have si types. . • . weather hfifBi m * - ^ L Four or' flye buckle. I4.4S te H.TI 2. Hip boots, light e» hesry. $735 te $iej^ ^r»4 H 4 \ s' -ct i'i S. Lace boots, $6.95. 4. Two buck!e rubbers, $2JS aai $UI> BQuimnn BROS WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS N ' ' ,v.