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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1946, p. 9

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Tkndfty October 24,1M6 ^ ~ * K - _ .*«f SfcV mmmmmmmmmmmmmrnrnmrnm MMXMIMINIW) »lll i »f#» ••>iy>iMnimmi>.iiMM< folks! V#* '*>v -T'lV; • -- o e t M . w * : . Csnterwfll V JN mm tof a gait BaOowm twlnn which i» sponsored .the ~! $>osen Social dab. ' Jerry Cermak and «M Otto Pjnrita invila aD MeCulkwa Lake to this. mm the the of Lake with will ba awarded for the cal costumes, so taf». gat have a law days left. Crick beaichfa* tor bwrltha Thatbassball bat fa her right m -a pat* of her matasse Nellie says. Wa have oar doubts. ^winUlatiMa To Sam DooUa en Us 25th birthday anniversary. October .29. t\iS T' ff; »£• yeatSs bitthdsys. j Mrs. Hv^« CottpMW LueOa Btephsnaon entertained (aad PiwaM Jacks •Mt aitenMOa v600" chib at ! Awarded to Mtee. Prises] rod. Mrs. Nick phr. Bauer spent the Chartes Harris her house Wednoedayafternoon. Prises and delicious i wave awarded to Mrs. Roy Dodd and'laadi was seized by ft* hostesses Mrs. Geeme Shepard. who 8PRINGGROVE George Mr. and Mr*. Ed day evening in at Ktcka|« Mr. aad Mts. were, Mrs. John Hogan, Mrs.) (Vi- Glen Jackson aad Mrs. Victor) May;Stanek. (by Ae Mrs. Charles Freand) Holy Name jEHfeAM.- .. V~- :.«a. » /. • . • .JA,' ' ^ <•!/ -1 •itni" •- " • . :• • .. ..*«•> I ' .. i:« • I • 1 in Burlington. ) Aaaong the I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shunneson. orday was a i from Winegar, Wis., spent several i afternoon between the :days last week in the Charles Beh-i eighth grad* boys at R - *ens home. Visitors on Sunday were school »•"< the keys «f It : Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Steinke and Patrick's school Arlene from Racine, Wis. St. Peter's the » . , .Mrs. Lill Conway of jgiystal Lake | Petef'g church Is seonaorinn a Hallo-1 _ , Roger Collins and i *I£5? c*" ! *•«* Dwee to fceWd in the parish I H I M I I 1 1 I H 1 1 I I 1 I I 'll illHUUimilllUlHIHUillij %ZTEZ&** her *nddaag&er, Lywi, dTltanhuiet, spent night, October ^. October 21. Sanday aftsnoni with his parents, Jean White so her 2nd R*r. and Mrs. Collins. mr October if. f Mr. and Mm. PWlphs Saunders of Mr. and Mrs. .George Cable oonn ,j SSyvccaammoorree aad Mrs. Bertha Saunders their 9th wedding anniversary* Oc-j0f Harrard spent Sanday Fred Wiedrieh, Jr., home. in the Mr. and Mia. John Glaser on; - j „ --. . The c o m m i t t e e i s a s k i n g e v e r y o n e : and Mrs. Ed Wfeks of Chicago, to dress in hard-time costumes to I ' *dd tun to the occasion. Prizes will uar,y be given and refreshments served. Mr. and Mrs. gdhert Vfc* Dui daughters and^fr. and Mrs WWiillaaoonn oofr Ellgiin spentt Ssuannadaayy wwiiS th: Evervbod^ i> » Uieir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lawreace. Mrs. George Sanders and infant as*. •••» --• - | Quite a few from hen attended) Mt.r. aannda sMsrisa.. Hmairrtyt Bnmittcerr amnndu,, "v» » .. . --;-- f--r^5™2 Wood,l;--tS^--^ their 50th weddtag annh^srsary, Oc- open house at the home of Rev. and family 0f Woodstock spent Sunday f108p,.ta' on , The^new baby taker 2& God bless them. jllia. Marshall at Greenwood, Sun- with ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt bMn n*nied Michael James. Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur Huff and mi Jim Wiadrich spent the,twin daughters of Chicago spent grandparents.! Wednesday with Mike Huff. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wieoriclw Mrs. Emma Steinke from Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Elmes Carr and fam- spent the past week with her daugn- For A word to tkc fceeeewiiw--Yeer|'||p. and Mrt . # -Jtcher, like yourself, after the The following item appeared in {lifting of OPA ceilings is d»M>int the Aurora Beacon en Oet 15: "Mr.!around for the best values in meats John Cristy and Writer. butcher, 1 family spent Sunday with his parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. '*; weekend with their U: ait Sunday with her mother, ter, Mrs. Charles Behrens and famunter, at McHenry. ily. .meats] Mrs. Pfcul Walkington and son and itad Mka. George Baumbeck are the|0n the wholsaato ssaxket so that he j Mrs. Walter. Wilcox, with Mrs. Wfl. proud parents of a eon, born Oct..) may pass on the savings to you, so j bur Benoy and daughter. Mrs. Glen _ 14, 1946. Our congratulations. George,; bear with him and be assured that; Benoy and children, Ethel Krohn and: Lester Carr and Amos' Smith were The Christian Mothers and Blessed , frou really do get around with your j through your co-operation meat willjKts. Alan Ainger and children, spent visitors at Huntley, Monday. Virgin Sodality held its regular lettuee wagon, and to think that; »ooit he made available to you at Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Ted Clayton Bruce is visiting here with meeting at St Peter's parish hall on the Aurora Befcron scooped us on a price you can afford to pay. This Kooistra at Sharon, Wis. ) his family. Thursday night Plans were made this bit of n«nM Shame on us! | decrease in pricea may be slow from1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe andi Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Wagner, for a card party, to be held on Sun- /jr -- the start hot as the n»ly of live- family of Huntley and Mrs. Etta | Louis Nimsgern and children of Mc- day night November 10. After the '$ Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Olson re-' stock in the packing houses through- j Wattles and son, Glenn, of Mc- Henry spent Sunday afternoon with me^ig, cards and tmnco weke 'turned -on Monday from Lowell, out the country _ increases, the oldjHenry spent Sunday in the C. L. j Mrs. Barbara Lawrence and son, Joe. glsyed and prise winners were Mrs. RUBBER FOOTWEAR •<< ? fMas*. after a week's visit with Jake land Evalynne Leveque. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schults accompanied them . ion this motor trip. While in Lowell the Olsons celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary with a reception at the Hi-Hat Country club. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hart of Lowell were among the many gueste present to wish the Olsons many happy returns of the day. Pfc. Jack Reimer of the Army Air force, stationed at Chanute Field, is enjoying his one week leave with his . parents, Mr. and" Mrs. Harry Reimer, of West Lane Drive. Jack leaves to report for duty next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brand had as guests over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Jens Hansen of Oak Park and Mrs. Kate Roae of Chicago. Last Friday the Orchard Drive Elites- honored Mrs. Sophie Koati at a luncheon and card party at the home of Mrs. Wm. O'Flaherty. The occasion was Mrs. Koeti's eighteenth ..birthday anniversary. Among those present were Mrs. Margaret Davidsen, Mrs. Wm. Rochelle, Mrs. Joseph iPrisa and "Bobbysoxer" Helga pply brii law of sui _ and demand will auto-! Harrison" home. matically bring prices down to a today cleaner Ed Benoy and pll ; Wi What this country is dirtier fingernails minds. ADIOS. RINGWOOD (By Mrs. Geowo 8hesard) Weldon Andreas, Mrs. B. T. .Butler and Mrs. Andrew Hawley attended a teachers' meeting at Joliet Friday. Mr. and Mrs spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox spent Sunday afternoon in the W. W. Wilcox home near Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinse of Crystal Lake, Kiu Ruth Cunningham if Lpe Angeles, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and children of Hebron spent Wednesday evening in the George Shepard home. Miss Jean Muzsy entertained fourdaughter, Arlene, William Brits, Mrs. Charles Fveund, Among those from here to attend!of Woodstock spent Suhday in the Mrs. John Kattner; Mrs. Ben Smith, the Eastern Star luncheon at Mc- pa„i Walkington home. Edna Hanford and Donna Schmitt Henry Thursday afternoon were! Mr. and Mra. F. N. Muzsy and A delicious lunch was<rserved by the Mrs. J. C. Pearson, Mrs. Collins, ftmiily visited the former's parents committee in charge. The committee Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. Louii | tt Marengo, Sunday. ; appointed for the next meeting in- Hawley, Mra. Luella Stephenson, Mrs. { Mr. and Mra. Weldon Andreas dude Mrs. Fred May, Miss Gladys Roy Harrison and Mrs. Bowman. : and family spent the weekend with Meyer, Mrs. Charles May, Mrs. The W. S. C. S. was entertained the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs George Huff, Mrs. Fred Meyer and in the home of Mrs. Clayton Harri-1 Ebel, at Algonquin. Mrs. Steve Freund. son Friday afternoon. Election of j Mr. andMrs. Alan Wagner and. Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Bobby Neloffieers waa held, with Mrs. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ackermsn; son, Lawrence Nimsgern Mid • Mrs.; ieft Friday for Milan, Wis, and Mrs. to visit! Roebrt Lent visited in Waukegan Davidsen, who created-a sensation! teen of her school girl friends at among the guests by appearing in her home Friday irfternoon in honor --a creation by Levinsky of Halsted of tor eleventh birthday anniversary. St Helga has a reputation for j Shuffleboard . . always being the first with the latest **» **rv«d *»y ^ h* J*" Sorry to report that Mrs. Joseph! ceived many nice gifts from her Wagner has undergone surgery at, friends. the Edgewater hospital in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard en According to latest re>ppoorrttss Mrs. Wagner is well on the road to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. George Harker had as weekend guests Mr. and Mra. Roy Kuhnle of Chicago. We were happy to see Aunt Clara looking so well after her recent operation. Grandma Annie Sawdo left for her home in Sturgeon B*y> Wis^ last Monday after enjoying a twoweeks' vacation with the Lee Sawdoe. "Senator" Dave Said wound up his two-weeks' vacation period by helping * Mrs. Reid with her fall housecwaninr chore. While Mrs. Reid enjoyed breakfast in bed the "Senator" performed such tasks as doing the laundry, washing windows, scrubbing floors, dusting the furniture and bathing the family cat There is one man who is thoroughly tamed. We don't krtbw how you did it Margaret! Hie Roy-Al Inn grand opening last Wednesday was without a doubt one of the biggest events that ever happened in McCullom Lake since Otto Pyritz got his ear caught in the wringer. No less than 396 of Roy and Alvin Blakes* relatives and four friends turned out to wish the boys success in their new venture. The boys were well prepared for this huge turnout, there was plenty of barbequed beef and refreshments for all. Otto Pyrits and his symphony orchestra provided the dance music for thoee who were able to move after enjoying this rare treat Now to identify the four above mentioned friends, they were Hugh and Jean McDonald and Jerry and Betty Cermak. The puty lastjd. far into srtf. the wee the and after the last istablishment the very tired Key And A3 retired with the assurance that they have been accepted into the fold. As one relative to another, we say good luck to both of you "Regular Guys!" Hard as we try bo keep up with the Jensen-Baumbeck foursome in their entertaining )it activities we find them a bit too fast for u»-- Maybe old age has something to do with it. It was by chance that we learned that the Screwy Dosen's star four contributed their talents toward, entertaining the VFW assembly at St Mary's hall last Monday evening. Look to other columns of your Plaindealer for details of this " affair. After all, our nose is tuned to the McCullom Lake frequency only. tertained the "500" club at their home Thursday evening. Prises were awarded to Mra. B. T. Butler and Kenenth Cristy, high, and Mrs. Weldon Anreaa and Louis Hawley, low. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and daughters, Alice and Charles Marion spent Sunday in the Arthur Peet home at Woodstock and celebrated Harrieoo as the new president. . Roee Jepaon, vice-preaident; Mrs. in the Harold Ackerman home. | on Thursday. Viola Low, secretary and treasurer, I Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlaon snd sons j Mr. snd Mrs. Nick Wagner and Mrs. Charles Fset, corresponding sec- Qf Woodstock, Mr. aad Mrs. Tucker daughter, Carol Ann, of Chicago retaiy; Mrs., Kenneth Cristy, social 1 and sons, George, Archie and Myrtle | spent Sunday at the J. G. Wagner :lattsna and local church activity; Biggers came Sunday afternoon and ] home. helped Mrs. John Hogan celebrate > Mrs. E. V. Orris and Mr. and her birthday. Mrs. Ernest Smith of Waukegan . were callers at the B. L. Orvis home •aal •arts CMakaas I ^und*y afternoon. - It• chtekaas are kept in houses - w*kforid? dc alnlleSd* on friends ,M*adndd* n reWl- -"wlBf w» waatber, the houses stives in t»wn rela' Mrs. Collins, George Haberlein j tuAl 8ft; Mi Mrs. Shepard, publicity; and ] C. ftaraoa, euppW chairman. Mr. and Mra. Harold Web< rs. Musty, publications; Mrs. J. Weber and son and Dr. and Mrs. Geevge Haberlein of Chkago sprat Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George The W. 8. C. S. wQl hold a silent auction at the hoaie of Mrs. George Shepard, Thursday, October 81, in the afternoon. * Everyone is urged to attend and bring something to sell. Hie members of the Keystone have plenty of ventilation hi both front and bade, in fact the mora ventilation the better. Ml part rate low • aai contribute little lo the diet Two ex- >l papnxa red spic fa alia Home Bureau unit who attended the i® W _ . . played and lunch {tour in Chi^ge on Tuooday/ Octo CtpOoaa to fte wila, haweyer, are ' - ber 15, weielfesdames Leo Karls, pfcprika and chile. Paprika is a John Hpgan, Glen Jackson, Victor Stanek and Hmraid Vogel. Ilia Keystone Home Bureau unit will meet jat the home of Mrs. Joe Condon on Friday afternoon, October 25, at 1:80 sharp. Hie Keystone Home Bureau social evening was held in the Richmond hall on October 19. Thirteen tables of cards -and bunco were played, with prises awarded to George Woods, E. E. Carr, Joanne Condon, spice from a mild-flavored pod pepper and contributae important amounts of vitamin A tt used lavishly in the diet Chile, alao a pod pep. per, la uaed in large amounts in Mexico aad southwestern United States. In recant 'years chile powder has Increased in popularity. Tests show that chile, if need generously may contribute both vitamin A and C to the diet stives in town on Sunday. Mrs. Ella Siegler and daughter, Miss Mabel Siegler, of Oak Put are spending a few days with Victor Siegler at Dwight 111. Berwyn Bourelle of River Forest spent Sunday with Kenneth Fransen. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern visited Mr. and Mrs. Nick Jung in McHenry on Sunday. Mrs. Berths Esh spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Kenenth Crain in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Straub and children were Sunday visitors in the Albert Brits home. A daughter, neighing 8 lbs. 12 os. was born to Mr. snd Mrs. Charles Adcock at St. Thereee's hospital, Waukegan, Sunday, October 20. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Kutish of Chi- | cago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. [Arthur Kattner. In the afternoon ; they visited St Francis Seminary : "£&•: -' .J*"'*- '• M. EN'S , r\ ' " '*•> f '• 4-BUCKLB ' tt-*.:<i. OVERSHOES ' • Siaat 6 r OVERSHOES B9 I'M A MMfE** IN HOnTHStN ILL WOMZH'S 24taip OVERSHOE •a % M * ..f. 7vt (armed in Northern Illinois for about 50 years. The land is rich and Ws a help to me to be near the biggest food-processing center in th* country. The corn and milk I produce is only a few hours away from the large distributing center in Chicago. 'My family has been farming around here for a long time and we've seen this land grow more productive every year. I've brought up my children -- and educated them here in Northern' Illinois. They're staying to work find live here, loo# MEN'S 2-BUCKLE WORK RUBBERft 6 to 12 v * J vV. ROBBER BOOTS r> 6 to 12 95 -£13> "Today I am a man!" These are the words that echoed through the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Deski* last Monday, and it was their own pride snd joy, Ray, who was responsible for them. Monday, October 21, was Ray Deskis' twenty-first birthday, so Ma and Pa decided that there was no better way to celebrate this memorable day than by preparing for Ray the many savory dishee which he enjoyed but was deprived of during his two yesrs of service on Munda Island with the U. S. Navy during the war. Pa Sam did a swell job of ferreting the necessary ingTedients for the complete feast which Ma Deskis prepared for the occasion. In our humble opinion, nowhere in the world were there three happier people on Monday, ^ OUCcWtoUbeWr e2l1*. Ovwur congratulations is W. you, Ray Deskis! Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Eckhardt*S weekend guests were Mr. and Mra. Herbert Raske of Chicago. "Rabbi" Clem Wirfs has been playing havoc with the local stocks of cigars of late. Future events usually cast their shadows before them, and with that thought in mind we suspect Chat the "Rabbi" has a definite purpose for his hoarding. Sunday Scenes Otter Ebert, partaluut of "Abeiftbrod" with the Fred TO&msens. Betty Baumbeck taking bread baking lessons from Doris Doyle. Mrs. Frank Schmitt shopping for - babble * This JttaS i* typical of the progressive fistmart of Northern Illinois. There is an abundance of good roads and railroads to get their products to all of the country's large marketing centers. This same transportation network plus the area's diversified industrial facilities combine to provide the finest machinery and equipment with which to work. , In Northern Illinois, electricity helps make farms great producers. These Companies are continuing a long-standing program of rural line extensions which today makes this service available to more than 95% of the farms in the territory. The towns serving the needs of these progressive farmers are well-developed communities with good stores, shops, sound banks, fine schools. These Companies, too, are an essential part of Northern Illinois, and have great confidence in its future. The theme of this advertisement is similar to one of a series being published in magazines and newspapers throughout die country to point out the many industrial advantages available here. . • If you know of any business seeking a new location, please inform us so that in cooperation with other agencies interested in the progress of Northern Illinois, we can furnish complete factual information on the area. *N*M* on fiMlwstrtas locating tn fMs arao hava these outstanding advantages: Railroad Center of the United States • World Airport • Inland Waterways • Geographical Center of U.S. Population • Great Financial Center • The "Great Central Market" • Food Producing and Processing Center • Leader in Iron and Steel Manufacturing • Good Labor Relations Record • 2,500,000 Kilowatts of Pow^r • Tremendous Coal Reserves • Good Government • Good living • Good Services for Tax Dollars Sand for frea booklets containing useful information on thase advantages. Man's Hip Books Misses' Brown Boots _ Women's Brown Boot! Youths' 3-Bnckle 2 Boys' 3-Bnckle - N#" MEN'S HEAVY WORK RUBBERS * . ^ ¥,i At \ for brother on laying cei tdation tor hi nest. Under Marge's supervision ef course. The Len Jenaens roughing H in *"*-• Wm 1 ' Fot more information, communioate with the TEH * f TOR I A I INFORMATION DlPARTMlltf 1 If*, I I B L I C S K R V I C K C O M P A N Y r I S T S R i U N I T I D t A f I O F N O R T H E R N I D I L K C T R I C I L L I N O I S GLADSTONE ' V Why Pay More? "*8C 2NS (fHT AIR » OUK SMART "• Y'->- J , Zi.* ...

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