m>' •-i,. •'* . * ' ? ' • Jrt ;JV» ' *$U- ,^!*'•?;. SMs*" *v- 4 FWFMIWUTH KHALLOWtE* - feddiai lutiiUimd "t Oct 90-81; Teeo-Afe Parly On ^tarsday ;i||During the past fiw years tile oqr council has been trotting the ynuig folks of the community to a Movie at the local theatre on Halloween night. The purpose has tin both as a food-will gesture and to provide these teen-agers with entertainment on an evening when they aright otherwise be desrtoying peraanal property. The response of these young folks has been gratifyproving well worth the efforts fat forth by the council. If the young folks enjoyed the planned entertainment of other years, they will surely welcome the new fgrm of amusement planned for this friar, for it is even mors elaborate mmd truly in the spirit of the season ef Mack cats Mid witches. The first of the two evening! of --Iiii Isiinni nl will be for the younger athose still of grade school age, will be a skating party held at flK Just For Fun Boiler Stak on Vrineaday, October SO, begiinning at 7 pjn. Hue wOl be a costume idbr skating party and will be absolutely free of charge for the hUdies. The four local man sponsor- i &this event, Roy Kent, Roy Miller, D'Vpre and thr. Edmund LoWe, • have arranged every detail with the' »t care, with nothing being fort »n. So that skates will fit each 1, they have' tented enough small aiae skates to supply the demands , ef the large crowd anticipated. Chilare asked not to bring their mm skates, which are injurious to tke rink floor. Parents of the children are invited te attend, but in the event they are not interested they can rest assured that Johnny and Mary will he well taken care of, for skating muds have been hired to assist tte youngsters who are not too atesdy on their feet. A variety of fine prises will be given sway, both for the best cos- j tnm and for skating games. There j are really fine prizes and will make ••y child wide-eyed with joy on receiving one. Skating Party •On Thursday evening, Halloween, October 31, the business men are t taking over the entertainment. Boys j aad girls of high school age are i invited by them to attend a costume j ihtiTf party at the local rink, •sgulsr admission price will be roisni WEDDING AMNXVERABY hj-- pSSf 4nann iHStha ago the Plaina story of congratula- >h H. Huemann of tHa oecasloa ef his Jbirthday wmhrnur. N congratulate boft Mr. Hueawl his charming wife on Aeir fifty-sixth wedding anniversary, which occurred en October 23. The eouple celebrated the occasion with a family dinner. Sunday at which seven of Unit -children were present: Mrs. Eva Haglupd of Chi- PlMto Sy A Wn iia. MdBsnry yjts. JOSEPH H. HUEMANN DAMAGE AND THEFT OF RURAL KAIL BOXES INVESTIGATED LOCALLY Complaints of damage to rural •sail brass, as well aa theft of mail AMI such boxes and other boxes designated for the deposit of aad delivery oi mail matter, have been on the increase locally. It is noted that, to a largo extent, children art responsible for the acts. With the approach of Halloween, a still greater increase in complaints of this nature may be expected. Young people should be warned that it is a violation ^of the postal laws to steal or damage mail boxes and their oontentq arid that severe penalties are provided, up to three years in a penal institution or a fine of $1,0Q0, or both. It is essential that this sort of juvenile delinquency be curtailed. George Banmann, Retired Fire Captain, Buried On Saturday Funeral services were held on Saturday, October 19, 1946, at 3:30 o'clock at the funeral home at Lake street and 2nd avenue, Maywood, for George Baumann, previous S AT LOCAL FWTORT Variety <K Lovely ' Garncnfei Turned Out By TWrt^JFive Ladies NAVY FIGHTER, MODERN VOGUE Last Friday wo paid a Visit to the Riverside Manufacturing com-Cj pany on Rivepside&rive and watched ' with interest as- thirty-five ladies; from McHsary and the surrounding j community cenpMed a garment in a matter of nun^es. To our surprise, and probabl* to yours, t^he garments w« saw bsfclif made were not only cotton home-dresses but colorful house ccAts, bright wool, sleeveless, jackets, plastic fan covers and a variety of other articles. Nothing is crowded in the local i factory. Machines are set up at distances to alio#, the girls ample room, where there is never danger I umann, who died two days of interf"e ring1 with another's work.! Mr. Baumann, 85, a re- j An abundance of', windows provide tired fire captain, had resided in and; sufficient daylight so that except on around IfcHenry for more than fif- dark days no other source of light is needed. is survived tar the' The garments ft* hildren, teen years. The widow, Louise; aad two children, Mrs. Esther Brown and Otto Bau NEW ITVE-OENT RATE TO STIMULATE VOLUME DURING AIR MAIL WEEK Te assembled on the second floor, with each girl working on a particular operation at which she has become adept. One ting on buttons. - DRESS DESIGNER, A long chute carries the partially, LOCATES IN McHENRY completed garments to the lower floor, * fhert the finishing touches M rochet, a project** 10 feet 1 ••pads. aateooee a in--aslrsMia el the das fid Ceraatr. The celebraHea ef Navy Day, ItM. 1 peacetime Navy eeashialag. through the Ofla ef lestia aad tfta Bareaa el am--aatlia, Meaa aad efforts te fravMo Ihe laMea with egeashre aad dsfsaalvo weapses s> a wpmwilt age. (0» elal Navy Photograph) Business firms are planning special ire programs to stimulate volume durmg National Air Ml Week October 27--November 2, Postmasters Ray MeGee aad Elmer Freund declared today. Inauguration of the now five-cent United States flag rate October 1 immediately brought a sharp rise in air mail volume, they said. Rapid air'mail service, offered for the fust time at a low postage rate, should NOW com ONLY 5 CBflS AM or. . .. - - . i The McHenry community is happy an^ the artiqjes pressed,: to wei£0me to its midst a well known panies, usually chain stores special- js now making his home and carry We Offer YOB Congratulations! PRESENT NAVY DAY SHOW HERE NEXT WEEKEND i "• •.%$ ising in cotton foods. Among the largeet buyers off local goods arc the Cotton Shops, located in most big cities. The pressing equipment mentioned is a recent innovation at the. Mcing on his work at McCullom Lake. There is none whom we would Mr. Aufrect attende dthe American : 5J?hwr-.offer« congratulations th*n! Saturday's Imposing 5 Demonstration Will * l^atnre 150 Plana|^:^ Preclamatraa WHEREAS during the year that hfs elapsed since our final victory fas World War II the majority of 'tiH men and women who left bur coaiimnity to help achieve that victory by serving in the navy, marine corps, coast guard and merchant marine have returned to their homes and civil life and WHEREAS the tendency is to soon forget the sacrifices they made fet our behalf and WHEREAS Sunday, October 27, has been designated as the day oa which the citizens of the nstion will pay homage to THE UNITED STATES NAVY, VICTOR IN WAR, GUARDIAN 4V PEACE and publicly honor our navy veterans NOW, THEREFORE, L R. L OVERTON, Mayor cf McHenry do hereby proclaim Sunday. October 27, as NAVY DAY in McHenry aad urge all citizens, organisations businesses, schools and religious denominations to observe the occasion with appropriate exercises and programs and by the display of th« U. S. flag upon public buildings and private . residences. s R. L OVERTON, Mayofr. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk Academy cf Art in Chicago and the f Ellen Deherty, who with one Saturday, October 26, will be a University of Paris in Paris, France, ?f two .other nonagenarians lni Mc-, day for the old and the yoang where he studied dress designing. Henry, !S one of our oldest j folks alike in McHenry, for they „ . . „ , , Previous to his entering into the .^lontay' are to ** treated to a Navy Day air Henry factory. Heretofore, the gar-, armed f he worked for Mit- cached her ninety-third birthday show at ll;06 and ments could iiot so sent direct to the, chell Brothe„ Co., leading dress anniversary. ,2:35 p.m. These shews will be dis- " w&s. neces?^rr' manufacturer in Chicago and origin-' To say that "Aunt Nell," as she plys of navy air power such as this J® tsom first to a plant which Qf faItJcd Anne Mitchell. 1 is affectionately known, looks young community or, we dare say, any handled the pressing. At the present Q returning to civilian life Mr *or her *** is an understatement, other in this vicinity, has ever wit- SThe^«SS KC<?uSniS o/Ta AufJec^ ii Settling th"s vicing! .she celebrated her seventy-fifth nessed. It is a tie-in ^th the N«y iffiST oSrat^ Is: where he hopes to be able to bring ^rthday .we might have made the Day celebration on Sunday, Oct. K, JrX- ' i his knowledge of designing to the 8«™e *"y 2l Largely responsible for the big wl nt t>J r. ^idonts cf the McHenrv and sur- f,t10"' w A.U"^ T'J •y0U show. ™ ^ locai cc.mra,t ll te« *T nd Samuel Nathansoii. owner of the: Pllim. i i n_ -nmrnunitiM i« now t,mt s^e leels young too, and since especially lormer marine flyer Joe factory, and his wife, Madeline, who J"I1}'{'"* ^ thS li?e makinir all that is the true >«*hod of I Gausden, who Hhve gone to great -----; ----- assists, have lived at McCulkm t irarments suits dressv^ age, it seems "unnecessary that she lengths to bring to McHenry this sBt%imtnluUliaatWe cvovminmneirwce», ubuussuiniseasss leader°s 1i Luiaakve ifVoir tMhIeC ppaaas%t *fovuuri amntdu oinnier--hnaeluf a » ni4l i r i« a4t ii_l- tCoOthlnevri tXoO Kke€e€p| an account of her educational entertainment. here believe. For that reason, theyjyoars and have been operating their , . a R> V * birthday at all win v. tK_ are encouraging large «r^ilin«s 1March f °L ^ J^wii SJSTliy garret seen ad- j Ellen Deherty was bom on Irish i anpi c ximstely 150 planes from the during the nation-wide air mail p jMrs. Dorothy Herdman of Wonder f^j,i0n magazines. Fbr Prairie, south of McHenry, and livcl Glenview naval air station, consisting I motion week. ' I Lake acts as foretady. rma'ion. interrstod per-' there for forty-two years. Since ftf three navy squadrons of Fir "The Post Office department has! ndp Needed Photo by A. Worwick. McHenry , taken a leaf from , the book of wrtised in further informa' sons can call McHenry 656-W>-2. „ 'OS*:™ HUEMANN ; Ajjertoj. I u« pfctu™ if rt." I~«l faoMg SELECT MAKNBQUINS *** "«t «. fini ,pm« «• FOR FASHION SHOW await those who attend are enough Henry, Mrs. Ella Knorst, John and offering better and faster service te induce a capacity crowd. These! Mrs. Thdr^a Olsen of Chicago, Jos- The post cffice has borrowed the ;--t-j- lyky.' aI^i »!ru» skates skate ePh aod Fredrick of Johnsburg. Ten proven pr.nciple of delivery, is cut. .7 • • J . ,* ;• _ - grandchildren also jcined in the cele-,A lower price requires one thing to; ^ n(j ^ why f;i«hirn show rr>mw5tW of rrlany ,var"i ' sight of thirt] g i which MrfT Nathn: on has in en try- OH FRIDAY, NOV, 1 iing in vain ta ketp bu.=y. With such and other novelty prises, all , of which will be given away during. oration, latermission at 9:45 p.m. j Just six years ago 5. Huei succeed--larger volume. In 1940, Mr. ' Business men want to have Robeit Hirschmugl, owner of the and Mrs. Huemann were happy in five cent rate continued. A policy erass bt-ini? greener on the other Pyn> woolstTck. hap listed tm rink, has promised to decorate tho the celebration of their golden wed- of enlightened self-interest suggests j.jde 0f tlic fc,lc, fn fact, several . m'c» ir= v» Vlaip room in colors and designs abiding anniversary. Unlike that earlier that all cf us promote air mail dur- ^iLner)ri. jrir[s ^av.> been heard to Tm TlJ> tr, wr'V (- g- oprioait<e> ttro\ tthhae sMeBassortnn , tthhiiss crrrpenatt.iinncgr driaattie» wwhheenn tthheeyv aapnpnrrooancrhheedd SStt.. .JJoohhnn"ss iinnogr tthhiisa . np»erriino<dl uwihhemn tthhee nneoww llooww remar1k. that „1h ?v e. pect to continue K: USS on l MrS. LcKov iMelseK. > real Halloween atmosphere. 'church by horse and buggy for the rate is being tested. to vork iu locU.it*» m nearby towns "The business men are not for-; wedding service, the couple arrived Meanwhile, Postmasters McGee while these aiv in operation. AfU-r that time she has made her home Hellcats, TBF Avengers and SB2C*s on Court street, where she lives with i Helldivers; also one squadron cf F4U her sister, Mrs. M. J. Walsh, and the; marine corsairs. All of these planes iattfer's family. will be piloted by navy reserve men. Miss Pohert/ continues to wsrk During the war, the Glenview staaroun< l the house and to go about tion trained thousands of the naclsewhere much as she has done for, tion's leading pilots and was always She walks to mass! regarded as one of the leading train- This base reserve local at- Mertes ret lasting youth. tent ion that the base is in great need eonre Miss Doherty likes nothing better > of l>oth station keepers and maini men_ Any ex-enlisted navy i difficult to un.Jcrst nd just why this . ho«nit»l henrfit to requently, her sprightly step and in? bases in thi country. T1 lis true. One p<W.ility may lie' in hjH ^ Nov l in St Mary's P the env>' of n,any a has now been organised as a T"* the truth of the old adage about the ^ Woo tst-rck. hap listed ths« fol-. younger lady who admires her sec-station and it has come to 1 Setting the youngsters either, who j by automobile to attend the 9 o'clock and Freund reported, air mail letters the lx>om times have passed they mwill find a second evening of enter-j high mass which was read in their • are being received at the post offices ten(} 1o COn;e back to the locul estainment in store for them. Tickets honor. Later fifty guests gathered with incorrect postage affixed. The tablit.hirn.nt. to the movie, ' God Is My Co-Pilot," • with them in the Johnsburg hall for five cent rate applies anywhere that will be given away at both grade dinner and open house. Rev. Gecrge the American flag flies, including all schools for use on the evening ot Nell of Effingham, 111., their nephew, United States possessions. It is October 31. Children are asked to was present also on that memorable alan on entering the theatre fto latqjr day to make the day complete than 8 p.m. I every respect, wcelv \vc lifted the names of r -mity sb^ps w'Kich are furnishing »r -wns. Fach ore selected its own in inoquirts fo" their poise and ability to wear clothes. • The one qiu t: n which everyone McHenry, never fl factory town, j, .wi^ng is "Who is to be the aj-rt Was happy sri Ue dress concer.i hrj^vt >]•; at s0;.ms to remain the mso u-- -•«««- ---- * • • ouestion and will she appears on Friday evening. The We think a very hearty "thank, Both Mr. «uu uuob«bh «c mau service m we unnw ouvni lVr i** - ,, mn should be given the business descendants of pioneer residents in was in Juno of 1010, when Rej>. ^ y answer s,,re us is that ^he is all you and the four shove mentioned < the Johnsburg community. Soon Sheppard of Texas introduced a bill 'u' . jJ _? ,p°r^eous *. . «inn«r n for their contributions to the after their marriage they moved into in Congress "for an investigation to I ru-noti «3CTuT? pttpo 1 are said to oe sewing " which they have resided determine the nra-ticaUHty ajid cost lMPKESSIVK K.I II5S rnpicHy, so get yours at ^nceand plan to be at St Mary's gym, Wood those in charge asexpect of the young folks this Hallo- , the house in practicality ween. Out of the generosity of ever since. Mr. Huemann established of aeroplane or airship mail route." MARK 0B£HT?.V ® TTdE OF •, . ., . ., „ ..... their hearts they have put forth his blacksmith shop in a building However, no action wus taken on t'le v^PT f If' J < TIWUnTTrtK s»°^, ' Promptly; when the show starts aoney and time to create fun for near his home and later converted matter. (JfOim tloo^Z> UfiVOilUW ut 8 p.m. on Nov. 1. McHenry's youth. Their only request the shop into a garage and filling The first air mall rcute in the | 1 ______ nnvuTTTUO ii that those "who are being treated station, for many years he also United States was established be- Observing Forty Hours Devotion INSUnArlOXr rltEMlUmo asfrain from damaging'local proper- operated a well drilling business, for tween New York and Washington,1 at St. Maiy's church, hundreds of WAV BE PAID WITH 01 tgj Surely that isn't too much to which he became well known. ! via PhilsRlelphia, in 1918. The war , faithful knelt in prayer throughout w« n/>w tl IVKNTi October 24 [stVsl •" uevoiiiv "*"vw ; VIS r nilWlVipilHlt ill lv 10# 1 iiv w o I , Juiiiuui «u aj »vu v AT T A TTV n During the past few years, Mr. department furnished the planes and the day last weekend and at special TElUftlrlAlj 1-tJEAV£ lSUnU7> and Mrs. Huemann have lived quiet- pilots and conducted the flying for services held each morning and night. ly, enjoying fairly good health and three months, after.which time the Climax cf tho for'; hours of devo-; \ simplified procedure has been contenting themselves"with memories pest office department^ took over tion was the very impressive service set lip for use of the veteran's term- of the happy years when they were the entire operation. The first for- held on Sunday evening, when t^rD.igs ina.l1 'le ave bonds for payment of helping to make Johnsburg " ing community it is today. n^T7TnA»Ml mnk Urt , auift^ JohnsUirg the thriv- eign air mail service from the filled the church • yacity. A long premiums on all forms of National :-- .-i»« " United States was inaugurated be- and imposing procession was formed Service Life Insurance, Homer G. ; men who had ratings in these de- 1 partments are urged to call Glenview and they will be given information about the positions. A reliable I source states that for each day's ; work, men will draw two days' pay, which locks to the former navy men j like a very good opportunity. I Once more back te the Navy Day j celebration itself. Wo are tola that j approximately 150 former sailors, i marines, coast guard and merchant ! marine members, ircluding nursee* WAVEs and SPARS will take part : in Sunday's program. The. parade will form at 2 p.m. I sharp in front of the high school I and will proceed to the Honor Rol!. i where former navy nurse, Lieut. Ell sie Regner Winkel, will place a wreath in memory of the following J members of the navy who lost their lives in service during the last wart Rcllo Chamberlin, James Bailey, Emi est Miller and Eugene Weidemann. The parade will then continue its march to the City Park band stand ' to hear a short address by Com- ' mander R. C. Moureau, U.S.N. Upon j returning to the high school, there n p Q.fr _»i l "If cvinniuiukj « 10 ww;. : uniwa otaws wu iiiBugui Bira w «uu i.iifuiuig p.wv.-o.»., " »».service uie insurance, nunier ur. MISS ELLEN DOHERTY • will be shown a free movie, "Sea *5 | • 11 ------ tween Seattle, Wash., and Victoria, by children of the parochial school, Bradney, Administrator of the Illi- -- ---- -- . D . „-fi , auKK- r-«l pJS Wktn Hall-- MOVAK-WEBB REALTOR S B.C., a distance of seventy-four miles, while the church chow, under the nois Veterans Commissicn has an- than friends and relatives to call for Power in the Pacific. bv^oT RiJS V«to>AimTUTAS snrr WAS |i» 1920. j I direction of Sister Andreella, fur- nounced. a visit. Her keen wit makes her McHenry residents are urged to Sponsored _by *ox Kiver > alley UOMMIsoIOW PUlT WAB J^t one year later the first nished the inspinng music. j To pay GI insurance premiums popular as a conversationalist and be present to witness the spectacular SETTLED'IN COURT through air mail service was estab-j Priests taking part in the Sunday with the bonds, Bradney said, it in she never lacks for intelligent com- air 8h0w on Saturday and the coiorlished eoast-to-coost. Planes left service were Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. only necessary for the veteran to ments even in discussing world news. fuj parade on Sundsy afternoon, mw in tk* UMi 'San iFrancisco, February 22, 1921, at; Nix, Rev. Eugene Baumhofer and endorse the back of the bond and Certainly "Aunt Nell, or someone Organised in the customary efficient .1 J Wefah. wS 4:20 a.m. and completed the trip Rev. William A. O'Roorke of Mc- forward it to the Collections Division just like her, inspired the old adage jtyle of the navy, the two-day enst Ifarv'a tnr's eommlaakm sut in cireuit court to Long Island, N. Y., at 4:60 p.m., Henry, Rev. John Dording of Hart- of the Veterans Administration in *'Youre only as old as you feel, tertainment, which combtnee amcm- ^ Mary • Tndrn William M Carroll February 23, a period of thirty- land, Rev. Nicholas Theirjr of Hamp- the same manner as paying insur- With that in mind, she may look for- orial service to those who fought Church 7:80 P.m. „ SSLSii f^ofSs^Udnt^ Tlr I three Iwurs aad dxteen mtnutes. shire, and Rev. John fialeiden of -nee premium, in cash ward to manv, many happy years and died and a demoastxatwa of entered in ftvor or tne pisjnan, *r., ^. „ ing Grove. I Veterans who have not applied with her family ana friends. the navy's strentfh. is rare to to ~ enjoyed by all who attend. Camp, RNA. October St talfaween Hard Times Dsnce--St Peter's Hall, Spring Grove. October 27 Following testimony ard Novak vs Othi«4 Ottshsr 29 iQsnfinsstion Service -- St Patrick's Church--3:80 p.m. October 39 (faculty N«.k, ta tw M of mk>.' i-jat-! tion -- l^cion Bdl-- mW by Aaat 8t«^. Attj. C': -Luck Dinner. I Russell Allen. I - Netherlands, Franco, "° Ot«l.r,iSS^£"W Mr. Mwri. Age Children -- Just For that property owned by Mrs. W«*b ^5 J? gT?1" dler Rink .in VaxMkmr Oroya was listed with School Fun Roller Forty Hours Devotion is usually for their terminal leave pay may _ „ . observed at St. Mary's duuch contact William R. Cairns, service ANDREW McANSH, 74 * D SI hating Party Tin High Sdiool Are Youth--Just For Fan Roller Rink. If creator I aad S re Sale--City Kail ffoaby 8aaday Nlghtors. Heftaber S of A. Rsception For Now of d HalL ^ Novesabsr 4 Altar and Roeary^SodaUty. • jjii lie 8, WSCS--^All-Day Meeting-- r1 vi George Johnson hooM. Novearibsr IS Jbnior Class Play--High School Auditorium. #•»>»•>«(> »•» I him fbr sale at MS00 aad that he ! ***** ^ preceding the twentieth Suaday after officer for the commission, st Wood- OTTlgmEP aaamwr At ^Pentecost. However, beesuso of the stock, IUinois, for assistance in SHSfSJ^YTr nfM Confirmation service to be hold next tlie application. Deadline PI8TAKEE BAY, DIES _ Sunday, it was necessary to hold for applying for terminsl leave psy ,• i services one week earlier than usual, y September 1, 1M7. >ooooeo< Births* #s sooooeoe Mr. and Mrs. John Sauder of iburg announce the birth of- a Hawaii, New Zealand and the Philippines. mini >oee»»tft the 8kk secured Anton Rak as a buyer. Mr. iRak, he asserted went to see Mrs. Webb in Chicago aad returned with the infonaathm that he had paid down SS00 aa sareeet ssoasy and that Mrs Webb was to scad out the papert. Later there waa a conference in Nbvak's effkt attended by Ifr. Rak, Mia. Webb aaserted she did not aire to sell unless Mr. Rak would take soase real estate in Cary for an addftknal $1^00. This Mr. Rak would aot do, so Mrs. Webb said she hsd dunged her mind about selling the Fox River Grove property. Anton Rak upheld Mr. Novak's testimony as did Mr. Rak's son, Edward Rak, whe'eperates a filling station _ on the property in question and who I hospital, Waukegan, last week. * accompanied his father to Chicago: Miss Elsio Harmsen is recover! Mrs. Beulah Vachet of is recovering akeiy confined to Behaeat EVA'S RESTAURANT HAS BEEN SOLD TO ARTHUR HEN8CHEL8 GRATEFUL MEAT LINE Mrs. Agaee Alford. of King's dn* store, Antioch, received the thanks ---- 1 of scores of persons last week when Andrew McAnsh, 74, a suauner she served coffee to-the loag hae of resident of Pistakee Bay for many cutomers awaiting opportunity^ te years, died at Grant hospital, Chi-, buy meat at the Aatiech Feikiac cago, at 4 o'clock on Wednesday; House. Because of the shortage of morning, Oct. 23, 1946. He had been meat, men and women waited for * ill about a week, death resulting hours until the doors were osened Fifteen new fadios of various a Mr«brsl hemorrhage. !at the packing houee. Mrs. Alford. ro home sensing their fetigpe, appeared ea ive, was the scene with coffee in trae Salinvestor. 1 ration Army lass stylo. Otto Dslar, Burglars Take Fifteen Radios From Local Shep Chicago* two McHenry, 1 at St age. Christensea of Route 1, enry, has been a nsedical patient t iWress hoejrttal Mrs Josephine Wag Waukegan. agner of Volo After twenty-one years in business t»es, valued at more than SL000, Mr. McAnsh. whose Chkaao ea, Mts. Eva Guinto has sold Eva's were stoten by burrfars who broke was at 1400 Lake Shore Driv* •i sstanrant oa Riverside Drive, the into_ Charies_ Coles Radio Service in ^ business as s real estate ini -- . change in ownership to beconse of- Veniw Park, McHenry, sometime Survivors include a daughter^ Mrs, j packing house meaager, found his ^ni feetive some •*-- between the first '•to Sundsy night or early Monday yf p. Foreman, and a son, Byron, (customers in better humor than sail and fifteenth of November. The new morning. The models ranged in both of Chicago. Mrs. McAnsh pass* and he thanks Mrs. Alford for it Mpnars in Mr. and Mrs. Arthur price from $25 to ISM. ed away in June of 1945. ' ninirhiil of Chicago, who have op- Mr- Coles was m his store unfl Funeral services wiU be held on RECORD BREAKING FAIR emted a Mitaunvit aad tavern 9 P »- on Sunday and did not dis- Friday at Lane's funeral home, 5501; The Wfchrorth county fair caaw the-. #or years. I cover the burglary until he opened ^. Ashland avenue. Chicago, with through the 1*46 seasea with the Mrs. Guinto has become well UP at 9 s.m. the following day. En- burial in Rosehill cemetery. j greatest year la known through the years for her trance was gained by breaking the • " underwent surgery at St Therese| e xce.l.le n.t cuinsrin .e, andi :iat is with r_e - llnorclkr oonn tthhee f^rroo nt door* XMAS STOCK DESTROYED % ret that her friends see her retire! CHRISTMAS CARDS stroyed a two-store building occupied (33^00 is in gos its history aai a profit of about SSS.000. At the preaeal moment there is on toodk fas Aa Fire of undetermined origin de- banks a total of $4S,00ik ef which when'he contacted Mrs. Webb a^d from "surgery which she underwent tend a hearty welcome to Mr and J1'*™* nS.SS' *am^turiM Co., the balance in cash. gave her the check r.s earnest money. at Lutheran Deaconess hospital, Chi-; Mrs. Henschel for a successful fu- about^ Christmas cards Jo be sent aiK| owned by, Mrs. Emil Hahn m all financial records NEW POSTOFFICE wiroi „ M ] cago last wees ture in McHenry. The couple will o«t in December. The Plaindealer g^. Charles lot week, resulting in j along with them John E. Freund is still confined move here with their three children, ®f a loss estimated at more thanllO. ,"Chicago, on October 9. Mrs J department in Washington last week r is the former Helen Wein- j end as among 161 cities snd towm {in Illinois eligible for new postofflces. j last of the week. Mr. snd Mrs. Richard Aronson of (Funds to start the building program are the parents of a j will be requested of th«L congress 12 years old, and s beautiful cards ready for your in- QOQ. iting in |10,-' records of The %mpson coaqpany, owned, *n»e total atte: st heads aai Not oaly were mtas. hat dba ter, born st Ravenswood hos-1 ^Sj^e^tawSJh&tOTTl^wSeTi t0Mrsl h^^Tnu^y^nder^^'sur-! daughterfa'l8, vrithim the next few ;^T^L^.€ni W John Simpsma, hasb^engagedcording to a as »mflag 161 cities snd towns gery at the Woodstock hospital the;week: fiatskee Bay win oe requesseu oi we o mm. Richard William, born at Bd-1 convening in January, The >t hospital, Chicago, oa Oct JO.lciated Press, reports. s. lor without name imprinted. Place [q manufacturing woodeh toy^ par-'by Secretay Charles Mrs. Guinto is enthesisstic in your order new and have them reedy ticularly rocking hmssi, aad prac- _ expressing her gratitude to her pa- "or ihsuing later. 22-fp-tf: its entire stock of raw ssa- B. J. Frisby and Robert Frisbjr and trons of past years and says it us1 _ . ^ , tariws aad MM family of Chicago visited relatives' with reluctance that she leaves hei! y™** yoar rapt st *as the CharistoMM haca ea Sunday. lquuiy business scquaintaaces. i Plaindealer. , thfa weak V waa IStMfl -smMM