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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1946, p. 1

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,«r. . ^-WT-TMr-t. n. , Sf> . .*>*V' *,•«-. t. •/•i^r,7^^*^..-' 1ft T"' ' . ' C.-* ' --H " 1 ,. - , - *- .- -' ."V 'T .-' ' - * " •••*-••• •• ' >. ^ J . £ *»* *•&*** «*"** »• *«ui • ^ *< li f" •r-f tfi' if \ ' , * • * _ ' * ' ' . 7 * ?<*C-y»»VsM^i».c««*«r3»- ,"-'t?^v"?, ^i«i>.,--t*,'v""vir *-*' ••'•5f -.jr"- ";/• <- ^vfS-7 :.-v r -** V-•£•<" ' •'"""' '" ' '• . ____ _ . . j <»" ."<*-•« r'jpj ' <!> , ** •-' , **"• WF8 "7 *1 '% • j .-, > u* - ,f|L *« '-,.-1 '" 72 McHEHBY ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 •&*r WM. DOHEITY, SR. tAKEN HEATH SUNDAY H0RNIN6 WM. OEFFLINSS MARRIED 56 YEARS Pioneer Resident Of Tfoaa Community Died At Age Of 90 &*••• if'in"" • • .V • •'"%*' ' "•*• .fe A pioneer resident of the McHenry vicinity, Williara Dolierty, Sr., 90, '* %w taken by death last Sunday morning, Nov, 3, 1946, following a period of foiling' health. He died at •Is h(>me four miles south of McHenry, on the Crystal Lake road, where he lived with his son, William ST. Dohcrty. , While he had been failing physically for many months, mentally he remained keen until a short time before his death. Until a year ago he •pent some time each day helping Ita small ways about the farm. When he was no longer able po pass away: IN time in this manner, he centered *» enthusiasm on a hobby of long •tanding, baseball. _ j|e kney, ^ big league players fetter than most younger fans and fven this fall refused to leave the MRS Will PRESENT ANNUAL HAY ON NOV. 15 Twelve Students v Perform In "The Wrong Professor" CAPACITY CROWD ATTENDED COUNTY FASHION REYUl Republicans Take 1 Control of Congress McHenry County Votes 5 to I For fcbfe GOP »7#;v ;< 1«' fe r* ,t Photo by A. Worwlck. McHenrjr The mammoth Fashion sented for the benefit of the Woodstock hospital, Friday evening, Nov. 1, was a decided success. St. Mary's spacicus gym was .crowded to capacity, even standing room being fit a premium. The gym was beautifully decorated with baskets of white. mums and arbor vitae fit the end of the T shaped runway, with an arbor vitae -- ! tree at either side of the model's i The very amusing three-act coittedv entrance, which was an arched (ioor- "The Wrong- Professor/' will be pre- way. w f Sented by the Junior clas$ of the Mc- As the strains of the wedding j Henrv high school on rriday even- march were heard,; four beautiful 4ng, Nov. 15, in the school auditor- girls gowned in sheer woolen gowns, turn, Tickets are now on sale and ashes of rose color, with matching reservations can be made in the coronets of cut work, and carrying school office on Wednesday, Nov. 13, arm bouquets of wine-colored mums, 'fit 12:30 p.m. - moved slowly down the ramp. A dress rehearsal for the pupils of Mrs. Edwin Pierson of Crystal frade school age will be given at Lake, Miss Jane King of Harvard, :90 o'clock mi Wednesday evening, Miss Pat Larsen, of Marengo and Nov. 13. Miss Charlene Murphy, of Woodstock "The Wrong Professor," which ha? UP ,t.he P„artyur lA VT , , been in production since Oct. 1, bride.Mre. Walter Neubacher, Tuesday, Nov. 5. For the first time Henry county Tuesday like an early A concerns the antics of two irrespon- whose identity had not been revealed ;n fn<irfaan VMN RnPrandiHit#« nver «_» : a v., . . SMASH KELLY'S CHICAGO MACHINE * / J/ Stratton Winner Over Emily Taffc Douglas In Spirited Contest For Representative At Large It was a great day for the Repub Republican candidates tor state licans, that bright, crisp fall day of national offices swept through Mc cnnrr v iw.v«» -- - • • - ---- r-- ... ... j n fourteen years GO P candidates ovei winter snowstorm Richard . . „ _ . . sible young people, whose aunt hires u"^,s momenV wre * be»utiful the nation felt the public solidly be- William O Stratton and Ver-4-- - Many have expressed surprise at eight years ago on German Prairie a professor to take care of her wedding gown cf very fine white hind them in a major election. Party ™*e; .!"!*?. , " If T' 1 • the great number of wedding anni- **e»r JohnAurg, the son of the late charges while she takes their father sheer woolen, with large rectangles supporters are now looking confident- n°n ^ Nickell polled^ large! margtoa^ % of fiftv .nd more John and Anna Klein Ocffling. Re- to the mountains for a test. of cut-work set in the full skirt, the lv ahead to the 1948 presidential of victory to add to their big totals | h£«n this 8idinsr clo6e to ^ local "cbool, he Entering the scene at this point fame bem« repeated m the year when they feel that their in the state. It was a splendid vie- J SSnnitv nf llto TTti^Twould seem was ln those early days m! are two young men, Dinty and Trent, t,ara- The b"da] chances are promising for putting in tory for these candidates. The vote I . J ST™ yof flJ? f tw S one ?f the who received the former a likable ne'er-do-well, was featured in the short the hi h office of our country a was: » ? ] tLt mai's ton«r?!itr » formal education. The old Prairie |the latter a writer, both of whom train and veil worn by Mrs. Neu- favorit| son ^ ible answers, tnat man s longevity |^| u_ )>•• hM>nm* ui bacher. who earned white roses. i o_* For V.PV Hofinitolv on th« increase or school which he attended has becomeiare seeking- refuge from a suspicious ba«her, who carried white roses. j Before mid-evening on Tuesday, it dow" anunusualW lu^thv. none*istentaince that time. policeman Mistaken for the pro- The Women's Auxiliary is very ^ was certain that the Republicans had " that McHenry is an unusuauy neaitny Mpa OoiTlino- th» fnmwr Anna I S2-_ t« _^fv, k;„ a*. : erateful to all who in any way con-; „*• «.v,« Ke>s place to live. Among the most recent to cele-; man pare„t8f seventy-six years ago. i to^hemselms, thus providing t&em- fitbr »J* wer®, Mr. and Mrs. William Followin* her marriage to Mr. Oef- selves with fi solution to their! . mm at * * Oeffling of Johnstravg, who t were f]ingi the couple took over the man- troubles for a time. With Dinty ANNUAL BAZAAR AT Mrs. Oeffling, the former Anna;fessori Trent, with his friend, de-; "*^0 in an/^^ way con- j wre8ted control of the house of. ^eya ^ -- - - Kehr, was born in Jchnsburg, of Ger-|ej(]e to keep their true identity to tnbuted to the success of the bene- representatives from the Democrats. "*** ™Ill*lf1 illl-- t It was much later, however, when Nickell , - the majority of returns were in, !Engle married on Nov. 6, 1890, at St. Johns agement of her father's farm, where fast becoming attracted to the cook- METHODIST RHURCS church. Father Mehnng officiating, they remained for twenty-eight years, j JM 0f the family maid, and Trent _ _ __ ___ _____ Jff ,* In 1940, their golden wedding annl" They moved into Johns burg m 1918; equally attracted to the daughter, TO BE HELD NOV. 21 versary year, the couple was honored an(j for many years thereafter he i Edith, the two settle down to enjoy i at a special mass read ui their worked various places in the vicinity, j their masquerade. The many amus-j lTO„,,r „w.v. - honor, followed by a dinner for re- including some time spent as janitor, jng developments will provide you bazaar sponsored by ladies of the was necessary to gain nine contested latives and open house for their at St John's church. iwith many a laugh as the story un-1 various circles of the WSCS of the seats to clinch the majority. county. The vote was: many friends. / Because the anniversary date fell folds and eventually comes to a Community Methodist church, is be- One of the greatest surprises was Livingston Mr. and Mrs. U en ling were piea - in the middle of the week, the five happy climax. ,*> ing pleasantly anticipated by many the very definite "skids" given Mayor Fornof a# ntly 1s.Lu rprised Jon Sunday byji visit children and many of the seventeen The " * '" - ' ~ ' -- MM lIllVBAt1 ' 1 1*11 1 * . _1 1 ... that they could rest assured that Congressmt^Laifet t ? * they had also taken a lead in the stratton senate. To be successful in the Douglas __ 3117 ^ r.ras That very festive event, the annual five members, while in the senate lt; the Lnivers"y °f J1,lnols • • * publican ticket also ran wild la the from their grandson, William Guyser, grandchildren and four great grand- as follows: and wife, who came from Long children were present at a family .Beach, Calif., for the celebration, supper and social evening at the They, brought with them colored Oeffling home on Sunday. The childmovies of their recent wedding, ren are Mrs. Anna Guyser of Chiwhich were greatly enjoyed during cago, Peter, George and Alfred Oef- „arnoa . the evening. fling of Johnsburg, and Mrs. Catherfadio during the world series gam s.; ^ Oeffling was born seventy- ine Guzsardo of McHenry. cast for this year's play is McHenry ladies. This year there will Kelly's Chicago machine, which has Holt WILLIAM DOHERTY tie also kept in touch with the latest j Hews by means of the radio and was , ---------------- ~ well informed on happenings at'home PLANNED HALLOWEEN Farmed Near Here ENTERTAINMENT FOR William Doherty was bora in; YOUNG FOLKS ENJOYED Munda township on May 14, 18ob, «nd lived his entire lifetime in that _ ,. , . - , A.m v_nn_ ' _ . .. , By occupation he was It was; a biff mght for the young • On Friday, Nov. 1, Mr. and Mrs. HAROLD DICKOWS ARE NEW OWNERS OF GROCERY BUSINESS Cast Edith--Margaret Bolger* Pat--Larry Haug. Mrs. Hedges--Elaine Nell. Jennings--Luann Bauer. Minnie--Carol Harrison. Flossie--Diane Freuml. Fred--Richard Houser. The Cop--Roy Noren. Prof. Pipkin--Robert L. Freund. Trent--Alan Bockman. Dinty--Jacque Hopkins. Ruthie--Marion Conway. IS,711 13.4M 13.515 be no dinner served, but the bazaar ruled Cook county for so many years. Kthertaa ^will begin at 1 p.m. on Thursday. Early returns from this area indi- Forsvttf' | Nov. 21, and will continue until 9 cated that Democratic candidates Wou." ; p.m. in the evening, thus giving busy there would win out as expected, but on*®1® - j lclks plenty of time to come in and reports later in the evening showed Reports from throughout the state , see the fine array of beautiful arti- a steady rise in votes for GOP disclose that the three Republican j cles on display. ' candidates. The accompanying wane candidates. Rowe, Nickell and Stratton J Each circle will have special of Democratic support in Cook coun- carried the state by large margins All ; booths, containing fancy work, baby ty not only meant defeat for many three were elected on a tremendoas goods, aprons and other nuscel- county candidates but also for Mr*. - laneous items. A great many of Emily Taft Douglas, who lost her Republican vote, even in Chicago. Cook ; these articles are hand made by early lead and eventually the elec- county and downstate. members and so will be especially tion as congressman at large to In the contest for congress^-at-larse. . treasured as choice Christmas gifts. William G. Strattcn, Republican. Stratton unseated Emily Taft Doag- Publicity and ticket chairman is A refreshment stand will also be McHenry Precincts _ las. This was a big victory for "Little Community " uv "»® un rriaay, ixov. i, air. ana BITS. Mary Jean Dcherty. ahd sales team installed for the convenience of visi- In McHenry and the surrounding Billy' who has thousands of friends in % farmer, carrying on this work in &lks l«8t .week„ ?red"®fd ^ Harold Dickow took over manage- captains are .MuS,c! iIa ^ • u » , . . . ... . community, ballots were cast as fol- j McH*nry county. Democrats pot up a the vieinitv south of McHenry. For Thursday, when Halloween was ob- ment Qf the recently purchased Reg- Cnsty, Virginia Fieund, Mary Lee It isn t too early to begin think- lows: hie hatti* to keen Mis Douzlas in jbu- n«st twentv-seven vears he served in McHenry with customary ner Grocery and Market on Green McCarroll, Beverly Bedersen and mg about purchasing- holiday gifts, McHenry 1, Ringwood: Total vote ' g farmed on the former Gilbert place .celebration. ! street. The business, which was Mary Ann Stoffel. Prompters are and this is one of very finest places cast. 469: straight Republican, 358; congress. Where he died and for twenty years' On Wednesday night, a large group purhcased two months ago, will here- Marianne Rogers, Marion Conway to do some of that shopping. Re- straight Democratic. 46. Rowe, (R> Easy Contest lefore that resided on a nearby farm.! of youngsters of grade school age after be known as Dickow's Grocery and Richard Heuser. | serve Nov. 21 as onte of your Christ- 395. Keys (D) 68, for treasurer; McHenry county as usual W«fet Be- ^"ivo" Sd° f.S'r .sk atingparty .t fc and Market. i Mlj. Heljn Stren,. who to. bwn ,hopp.n)t day, and Mt«M the Nickell (R) MM <P> 65. for blic,„ ^ Ume b • Costumes of all descrip-. While the Dickows and their two I directing the very successful plays {W SCS bazaar. • - «upenntendent of^ p^l.^instruction; wlder margin than in reCent elections. Stratton, (Kj 895. ^ Douglas^ a Voters of the county swept into office^ llrs. Mabel Powers of Crystal Lake, local rink. ---- -- --- ------- - w.^ --« *»«>« VMr. James J. Doherty, Thomas R. Doher- tions were in evidence as the children children only recently moved into ft t"e. high school ror ma > y , ly aannda William rF.. DWoIhICerUty),, Juri..,, oUfi vYiieedu 1fUo1r gRiUfIt. Ihiovnuoviros.. -R--esfp"o nsibl--e for their h»wo>m»e« iIInI tuhwe Cvuouunnvtriy) Cwluu»b i~s a-«g• ain in. . * elioractoM McCULLOM LAKE MEN McHenry; two sisters, Bridget and this pre-Halloween treat were four subdivision, they are not new to the "ef excellent , u apvirn TTAT T OWTFN TN Mary Ann Doherty, also of Mc- local residents, Roy Kent, Roy Mill- McHenry community. They first fine direction have made each S^EMDHALLOWEEN I» Henry; twenty-nine grandchildren er, Bob Devore and Dr. Edmund moved here in 1939 and remained school play m°re ^Pular ! AN UNUSUAL MANNER tad several great ^-andchildren. L<Jwe. The following night, 300 until three years ago, when they preceding one for representative in congress, state *t large; Livingston (R) 402, John 8i* Republican county candidates. R. Fornof (R) 401. Holt (R> 392, three without opposition and three Etherton (D) 63, Forsyth (D) 67, with opposition. Those witli oppoataivd Wohlers (D) 53, for trustees of tion and their vote include: University of Illinois; Reed (R) 402 J por Ceaaty Clerk: Woods 13.W5 3.059: £llen Doherty. | While the younger tots were "tak- once more. , The body rested at the Peter M.' ^ jn» the movie, a skating party Wnile McHenry residents welcome ___ _ .nr.Vfl a n. AT WOT Justen funeral home until 10 o clock ^ being enjoyed at the roller rink the Dickows to the ranks of local FILE UnAivUCo AUAXMb* •n Tuesday morning, when a requiem by ^ high school aged-youths, business people, they regret the RICHARD TURNER AS •»*«• was sung at St. Pstricks Beautiful prises donated by the bosi- departure of Mr. and'Mrs. Joseph n_0TTT -« AV ni> AUTT Church. Burial was in St. Patricks neS8 men were awarded the follow- Regner, who made so many friends RESULT Or BaEWL Cemetery. Mr. Doherty had been a jng. Joan May and Jacque Hopkins, during their years in business. The " f , ... .aaember of St Patrick's parish since firtt prises, pair of skates; Delores Regners had gained the deep respect Charges have been filed by State's noticed something flying from win- * total of 228 voters said "ves" Far rantr Jains Childhood and had belonged for a Schmitt and Harold Freese, second ol both their many customers and Attorney_ Don A. JVicks against d<m to window. Because of the cn tj,€ proposed amendment to Sec- Henry L. Cowlia --* .> Wicks -- Of Sctocbs f • , • , , ~ •" -- j j\ f iuo, iui state ? atiui IICJ t »» vv\in * --• RUSbOldt evening hours attempting to capture 399 pennev (D> 64, for county; For Trtuanr: an owl which had sought rrfuge clerk: Nune (R) 394, Desmond (D) Henry A. Nulle , from inclement weather in the base- P8> for countv treasurer; Bau (R) [)onaid j Desmond ment of his home. 398 nnd R„sboldt (D) 68, for county uonaia ^ • \Mien Mr. Sarner went to the ?heriff; McCannon. (R) 409, for Wk"ks T#P» Tkrw *3 » {casement to put oeal in the furnace 3Upt cf schools There was one The three Republicans elected withabout 2 o'clock in the afternoon, he ^j^ht Prohibition ballot cast. out opposition and their vote taKM* i # - 13.548 i 3,097 13J9«; 3.44C Wot Eugene Oroell, 72 14.M9 1S^7T f-s.s Judges were George P. Freund, prizes, kittens; Sally King and Bob the near future. Until that time they brawl in front of the Crystal Lodge lower floor to again tend to his retirement fund collected 844 votes in'Roland McCannon Becker, fifth prizes, sachets. _ will aid the Dickows in their store, in Crystal Lake on Wednesday even- furnace,- but had only opened the favnr and 94 /jurainst ' It was County Clerk Raymond D--"* ing of last week. kitchen door into the basement when McHenry 2, Citv Hall: ToUl vote Woods, popular world war one vefcer- Obst, although badly -wounded, will he was confronted with the flying ca9t 716. 8traight Republican, 466, an. elected to his fifth taim. survive. He cre*tur* whtch was attempting to strai^ht Democratic, 89. Rowe, 875, who led the Ucket tor those with i hospital, Elgin, following the fight, gam admittance to the house. iig. Nickell 574 Enele 112- ... ., nK Turner was taken to the Woodstock • Immediately closing the door, Mr. !££ Living- P081"00: HiB 1W ._ hospital and the foUo|ring day to Sarner called his neighbor Harry stCTli 574 Fornof, 570, Holt 561, S 1, the county jail. . I Buckley, who began a search with Fth^rton 109 Forsvth 112. Wohlers. Politics, «Don A. WlcKa, on »• «»ce « Complete details of the brawl were his ^ flashlight Perched on some jq5; Reed, 680, Oswald, 107; Keller, unofficial returns topped the "|M,» Funeral services were held on Holger Pedersen, Ray McGee, Mrs. LAST RITK8 HELD wday morning at 10 o clock in St. Annabel Aicher, Miss Clara Miller qv WKDNK8DAT TOR Mary's church, Woodstock, for Eu- and Migg Marion McOmber. 1I1I0 ««, rGroell, 72, who passed away on. AU in *11, Halloween was quite a MRS. EMMA DtOAMP preceding Wednesday, October far the young folks this year, •• 1946. Burial was in Calvary thanks to the generosity of local re- McHenry friends this sidents. There was only one dark mourned the passing of Mrs. Emma The deceased is survived by his £££" on the whoie picture and that j^Cuu, 84, whored' '•Wow, Magdalene, and nine chil- wa8 the occasional damage by a few on ^ river «>• EIMFMI* H»l*n Rr«dv. Jogenh. :_A.: Monday after ween, en- had been set aces days Q~ sra; "night "~iteelf~~ari "wetaafoMl Op.n^Unran^lfOT. w " -- -- - -- o n t h e r i v e r , s o u t h o f M c H e n r y , o n * r ~ ' - unappreciative persons. Monday afternoon, Nov. 4, 1946. She the story HS Sii Many days before Halloween, seriously ill for only five AYrAna^hp1« Will Perry and Frank of Ringwood, tire windows of business places were days. i ArtiWUP HenflCnelS Will Arnold and Margaret Smith of Chi- covered with soap and wax, and on mt hnmo not ascertained. Each of the parties furniture he discovered a fujl grown 7^' KeWev, 789%. ~Bolger' 484%; of county candidates with a of home involved gave different versions of Cwl, resting after frantic efforts to Cowlin, 583; Wicks. 579; Woods, 577; 14,049. He wwaass ccllooeeeellyy ffoolllolowwede d by _ Pennev, 116; Nulle, 561, Desmond, ju<i*e Cowln wtth 14^4* votes. Toth- 126; Bau. 548. Rusboldt, 146; Mcalso survives. escape. Another neighbor, Albert __ was then summoned with his 22 cali- Cannon."579^' The' soldier"ballot' numbre rifle and net. Preferring less 520 in favor and 147 against, vote on1 the conaty Mmjna drastic methods of capture, he re- the amendment to section 2, 281 in a splendid endorsement of the people bit of damage was reported at pri- S.1*. "u,w? ""V ^ M „ sorted to the net as a first attempt faTor Knd 47 against, and the muni- to men who have served the coaaty in vate homes. However, destruction L n ^M2ln On Saturday, Not. waa successful. The frightened cjpai retirement fund, 519 "yes" past years. Baa is a new official bewas negligible in comparison with 9^®| " IArthur Henschel will op^ their ta - bird was released and the three men votes and 109 "no." ing elevated from chief depaty sheriff ,1., " {^.b which •"Ployed as a seamstress before era and restaurant, formerly Evas were free to spend the remainder of M<»H*nrv S Riverside Drive* Total . . ^ frn„ November 7 _ tho^e wfco coming to McHenry eleven years ago. restaurant, t» the public, catering Halloween in a manner of their own __te£ btraigh^ Repvi "lirfin 420, to sheriff, tfnlle no"» fr®"_ Bhsft River Road Pinochle Club-Mrs. ^ that time »he h«d "s«ted in JTSnquets, and serving lunches and choosing. rtraieht D^mSic SS 494 «k#rtfr» ottice to tre^ur^s °t- Georre Glos. , Mks. home <*J** Ute J»m« Hughes, dinners They formerly operated the 8 kIvj l61NSl 485 'Enrie. lS ^ Woods retains the office he has Circle S, WSCS--All-Day Meeting-- tainment for our young oH». w^io diec s t»w weeks ago. business known as Art and Lee's at ARMISTICE EVE DANCE Stratton 493. Douglas. 178; Living- so well filled for the, past sixteen George Johnson home1 I ^ „ m , Mrs. DeCamp was preceded in 3045 Montrose ave., Chicago. A chef The only planned Armistice cele- „ton 49^ Fornof, 482. Holt, 480, years. Funeral Kites rlOVeniDfr » i^aath by her husband. She is sur- with many years experience will bration that has come to our at- Etherton 159, Forsyth 161, Wohlers,; The splendid vote given the three CODING EVEHTB Noves^er 8 vived only by nieces and nephews, head the culinary department. • The' body rested at the Peter M. Mothers Club--Mrs. Richard >}•"* por Mar H. Boehme ing Home. , ______ __ " rn°«r*1 ^ ^ tention is t--he Armistice Eve dance, 152; Reed. 486, Oswald, 155; Keller, candidates who were unoppoeed. Jadxe State's A«or».T Wlc», ^ ^ COLLECTED IN 1946 Announcement was made last Week vit®d- „ • County Treasurer Stevens that $1,644,394.07 in 1945 taxes had ! Ballroom, sponsored by C;0wlin> 490; Wicks, 606; the local American Legion post. Ad- ^ penney. 153; Nulle. 485, "TT"" bv the oeo- 1 mission will be free, with music mond 172; Bau, 489, Rusboldt, 170; schools, is an endorsement by tne peofurnished by Bud Conway and his McCannon,' 510"' The amendment " to pie that these men have condurt^d the Sophisticates. The public w in- ^tion 2 had 237 in favor and 94 businees of their offices in an efftcieat Northern Illinois District Assn. of , , M - t . _t mw w*rc cunuucica on n caimaajr COF -- St. Mary's St. Patrick's 7'™1 afternoon at 2:80 p.m. Burial was School Hall. . funeral boma at ^OO N. Western in Woodland cemeUry. November 12 1 ave., corner of Foster, in Chicago, * CtrcM 1, WSCS--Mrs. Inrin Kedc-- for Max H. Boehme, late of Mc- H<MIBOOMING I ^.ne^7 MeetiR* and P°t'U* Kree^Jto™ * ^ The Johnsburg Commuaity club by"c^'ty Tr^surer J. G. Stersns DWM November IS ' Mr. B^hS is survived bv his rftf'nTSSJ' ^ 6^394.07 in 1945 taxes had IMS Class SoT t Mary's-St widow. Lillian C. Boehme, one <&ugh- ^^lU Club rLor^li been coll<^ ASNilKi. Birth® „ rPaattnriecxks? Saccnhooooli Hnaaiill . 1 bterro,t heMrsr s. PaRuul th AGrthriuffri na nadn dR icthharerde Reservation^s tomUl ust ,1'7d4'Il8^flJ!!l,ch, amount8 to 96.46 percent collected. ! esecccceeeceeeee. , , , _ Nofeatar li , SJllPz,™' be made at the Central garage,: tve current tax collection „ 1 McHenry 4, St Clara s Court and 8tA*a*ha s Boehme. - Johnsburg, not later titin Nov. 16. the oli *20 862.67 in back taxes Mr. and Mrs. Pete Dowell of Grays- votes. 416; straight Republican, 824, they did. Court'. COfrS2m , 5!L;*i?.i «FJ5K NATURALIZATION i There will be dancing and refresh- • collected making a grand total lake, formerly of this vicinity, are straight Democratic, 26. Rowe, 373, IUry»-St- P«tneks, SEX* NASALIZATION mentg $1^5^74. the parents of a son, born at the Key8 32; Nickell, 367, En*le, 33; SELLS BULL School Hall--8 pan. hoST^n LtiSiaffo'n iSdS? 1 nil 1111 n itti ti 1 in 1 H111 Rilnr' ....^_ $ 86,763.99 Woodstock hospiUl on Halloween, stratton. 380; Douglas. 30: Living- Richard L. Fisher, a Brown Swiaa November IS ^TiL^fL.^rn^^ MwIv Nov •••••• 11 •l#,t<•1 M 1 1 * jS%nj^ _ . .ton, Fornof, 359. Holt. 36, breeder of McHenry, recenUy sold at the circuit court on Monday, wov. , . • , jnarenj'o «o <x>/\ «o A 6 lh «nn. Timothv Trvinar. was w WnKlers, the bull Cedar Dale Butter Baiy against; the retirement fund special manner. ^ i ballot carried 459 "yes" votes and y has been evident for weeks 1112 "no" votes; and the service Republican candidates would si recognition ballot had, 479 in favor ^ county, but there was s as against 16S opposed to the m*«- thou^ht that ^ yoang O. L ca ** "IfcHenry 4. Johnsburg: Total dates would poll a larger Junior Class Play--High School Auditorium. Among the Sifk (Dunham ..... 96,155.38 October 31. .... ston, 366, . 38^80.69 A 6 lb. son, Tunothy rrving, was Etherton. 31. Forsyth. 32. Wohlers, the bull „ . - 158,048.90 born on October 28 to Mr. and Mrs. *0: Reed, 374. Oswald, 32; Keller. 78292 to V. L Deeke 4 Se^ La- 46,500.14 Glenn «acon. 552, KHsey, 518, Bolger, 151; Cowlin, clede, Mo., according to a ----^ 50,744.27 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyers are 339. wicks, 365; Woods, 370. Penney, from the Brown Swiss Cattle . „ 18, it has been announced by the November 17 clerk, tester Edinger. , They are >" Put-Luck Supper and Get-Together Paul Werned Barth, Marengo, «;»»»«»»»+»»»»#»»«»«*1 ^ v , .,w Party--St. ^trick's Church HaU-- iShSJV a ^tivT^f Mrs Edrar Landnen underwent SeneS . IZIZZ--"!! 88|566.S0 the parents of a son, born at the 37; Nulle. 372, Desmond. 84; Ban. ers association, Bekrft. Wia. Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Mwtfold, j ""P'cu •^ 47^.92 Woodstock hospiUl on Nov._2. 354. Rusboldt. 49; McCannon, 367. Sodality. I Germany, Karl Jonsson, Woodstock, surguy at St. inerese nospiiai,, uotw •••--.- 77 257 40 Mr. and Mrs. Stanileld Coss an- a tot<*l of 102 favored the proposed November 21 !* native of Ctechoslovakia; ana Waukenn, last week. - 266 029 07 nounce the birth of a daughter on amendment to section 2 of the met defeat. Defeat w Bazaar -- Community Methodist Alma UnneaMason, Woodstock, a .£j* ™^SulSS GTwnw^T.r.;!'.'.'.""!'.'.!!"!!'.! 5l',69o!63 Nov. 2 at the Woodstock hospiUl. constitution of the state, while 33 be the reault of the H Church--4 to 9 P-m. j native of Sweden. .totecukhMafall onRSmidjj. ~ 89^45.68 A son was born on ItNto.Nov. ^ the issue; 26* voted in favor familiar with *• IMM If* * b 1 NflTirR -has been a. mitdiral patient at the Rjfhi^ 62,531.55 '5« »t1 the Woodstock hocpital to Mr. 0f the service ballot, to^Cke a stan^ea HServicemen's Homecoming Party-- . NOTlClf '"has been a mey<yi paaem ai wte wcnnwnu --16 408.68 and Mrs. Charles Miller. .„;tv, 91 ooDosin*- " " •aW rinh Rasort--Snonsored bv This is to notify the public that Woodstock hospital. . Burton 2R-fn o« Jolmibort Commanitj Ctab. , 11^7 ulffl unSSS«i1S^JteWMrtock. 164.662JU .TW.rtor,-Ulf» ehpd.^J.y fmd with 88 Skating further ncOc. M rf i Nighters. j «». ^i. now and Mrs. James lowers, is a patient The McHenry_Town Club ice recognition whk, w mmm • . osing; and than were Vctomas of World Ww l, «t favor of the retirement otimr hand. >mf k ftt te I opposins it !«#• Art tM. PMjlP 5 8 I drder yow Christsys Auction cf Emerald Puk and Jjw W tocedeewi. Kc9< Clemens School Buildings. Plaindealer office. ^ enry at Winndbago County hospital, nccr clooed every T'uecday BockfonL wintse I 240>02J7 Ajmistice day also TWaghring Incomplete returns showed that the bonus to ke _ day, John J. Vycital, Green St con s t i t utional smsnihasnt often ; upwreval cf 3ub will be _ , ^ ^ ctfkd the Gateway •niAsnit be- mw* * the Order yenr n^bbcc - a; Ms cause it would have Illinois' mm

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