::;Wm H ff ^ , v <4& 'it; *' f'"':<*;immmmm r^; *%• .• ' #7*$^ •v«i -»-& . *f '"..""•I J* •<*> ' V« <**- * >» je«-i*r * >», <- *,'•>•. &&••:•iSf> T fttiiiBirfTriiFi ws^ -4-' ,. .• 7.1MI SCORES THROUGH SUNDAY Kreutser Dbt^ 8--Walsh ft. J. Thorsell, 195-522; W. 190-520; H. Kreutser. 193- WALS m, 286-602. ppp^^ip^ -XX tees, »l«s*; Prtae, ser, l$t-ftl8; H. Smith, 681; Kinsala, 1M4M; 498; Jones, 187-188-lf Mosey Inn, 2--Horns T»*«B, 1. Majerick, 168-2QS-i?6-547; W-. Frost, 198-519; Tonyan, 16&-470. Ro- . v.may. »«jil be IwM*sometime pttftgr. (I «M on the fleer SO aradi is April. that I feel qndfial to tin such a -- " ivteir. It Mi really siren to have a A pft» wu flo «. HallowMa I fl"*?,,"** ttrt .nd .1 _ «n .n « 1B2-;by Mrs. Owl Hadmw. Gwtti were,*">.*°°*.ijytThTtff„ .«.nt «r a. • J2" mostly residents of Piatakee Bay. ^ ,*,!£" •*- The women thoroughly enjoyed the *ward,n* of over party and espedallyliked the Hallo-!*5? ^„P^" *v «# weenish table decorations. Immediately alter the awarding of the prises, free ice-cream was passed oat. I; Hajberf, 201-498;: Nimti, 187-499. 190-508. J -- , . , Tonyan Construction, 2--Alexander !K. of C-- / W This Plaindealer office is no placej Lumber, 1. Tyk, 188-517; W. Ton- Steffans J«tvelry, 3'--' XcGees for anybody tat a Republican aince i81-lg7-*®-&70; E. Smith, 197-' Clothing, 0 G. Larkin, 106-474; H. that *weep on Tuesday. 584; N. Justen, 190-617; Schlitt, 225-; Steffan, 18o-472. , , ur.A . 1518: Hiller, 191-483. | FitaGarald Cleaners, 8--Refers, ,^Wild AH these long years we bavej cW Herdrich Dist., 2 -- Palace 0. P Brefeld. 172-473. iWouIdnt povred it on the gang. Doat think! Rec., 1. W. Raid, 191^190^-156-536; < Stillings Insulation, 3 Roads around Pistakfee ate begin- i r* , .w#,n nArtv i tar t. look « they must h,». ^ UTStlffifcL -- looked seventy-five or fifty years bugines8inen for their grand prises, ago. when they were mere Indian ^ ^ now, if 4: H. Steffes, MS-ftOK. [1V8-&19; J. 16K~*Yt>. Ko- -"STZ1 "TKT^ T""..' 11 w** » 8^«u party and I'm sure licGees, 1--Sip Snack Inn, 2. D. laine Grill, %--MeDonaJds Tkvon, 1. * that the kids of MCHS thank the winr, lr- - - Everyday, -can be iM you next weak--Siong. t% arent pouring it back! iW. Kreutier, 194-510; Budler, 189- 517; Kinsala, 208-539. But, maybe our ^position of j _ t f ment won t be so bid after Mil. If Iifif the Republicans doat run things to suit us, we will rush right over to see "Mose" to find out why. 1 Motors. 1. A. Schaefer, 448; H | Morris, 173-448. j Schaefers Market, 2~^[oots ftrtern, 1. " 'J/, Newsboys, 8 -- McHenry 8a»d A' ' • Gravel, 0. R. Smith, 200-506; N. j Schaeferetter^* Justen, 182-504; Jr. Freund, 170-497.' _ Roller Rink, trails. (Not that they're any better today.) rabbits scores of 'em I iy* Men hopping all over the MCHS BASKETBALL b« SSU& X ^JBASOM TO OP» j buffalo or three come meandering AT CRYSTAL I«AKK Matts Tavern, 2--FitxpatrickB, l.jF. Koob, 166-44' There is always a silver lining.! L7?^7J; J92^*:! 19KS^ Grill, 0. M; Doherty, 152-. hn««*i« in this happy' Rolaine Grill 3--McHenry State| Petersen Boat Co, 2--Rochelles, I. rS nLnnU iMm like Bank, o. Stolier, 200-613; Repan. T. Schlitt, 421; E. Peisert, 181-464. _ ! A^L,^.timr^tobrintuoa ^ 195-497; Duttko, 206-616; Sutton, Stillings "66," 2--Pink Harrisons, enduranwthe Junior riay practice, crysui Lake has ruled tne county | TOWflWp It 9.«ft P ll an opportune time to «P » lg5 » Freund 417- R. Freund. 424: 18 now well under way. Its ahwayR "with powerful teams in recent years,! XUflluliT AT 7.30 FJK. few' little expense account items. ( „ T__._ w,,_k. • ri J!rK4»f»r !a live session, of course, with Rich- MCHS having felt the stine of both aiong- Regner Road aome day soon. G'bye. i Following close on the heela of H 1111111111f t 41 t t l! 111 |j f i football season at MCHS. Coach _ __ , j McCracken will waste no time in RaHtrnan I laccoc ; swinging into the basketball season. IJClWvCll VyldoScS | On Friday afternoon of this week. . . . . . . . . *. ! the boys will prance onto the hard-jSSjf I il 11 CI111, III t"H I I11 11 t t 113 Ij . wood floor in preparation for their ] V B&ijacque Hopkins ®ver to tie the score Walter Lair, _ at € and 6. Bsihanapeigii The Wkrriors recovered a fumMe on Delavan's 20 yax^ line and Murphy's pass to ll&nny- Miller in the end aone was good fat a touchdown; PUMJC n Notice at gfay pt^r?°,i~,niM*1 the ^-fiiSasssAttar point. With four minutes remaining nnnHtinn« rjf flu rain^k in the third quarter Neias intercepted K?Wh«m it Mm! S55La pass and ran 31 yards for a toSch- The^d««SSLl^^* down. This time Peterson's kiek eiv„ anUh e w*rrk"» le<1 . f" , Motor Carriers of 11M In the last quarter "Sonny" Miller of Public Works and L closed the scoring for the Warriors the State of Illinois an __ by going around his o*m right end for a Certificate of Public CoaNilk* on a reverse for 10 yards and "a ience and Necessity as a LeealiSI touchdown; the conversion was no rier with base point at good and the final score was 26 to 6. Henry, Illinois, and „ This victory put the Warriors back transport by motor vehicle the up towards the top. They are now lowing commodities: Weight tied for second place with Delavan similar general commodities, and Burlington. All parties interested in this WARRIORS WIN FINALE The MC Warriors won their last gi season 88 to 12 •ested a»> Elication and the public hearing ve . e thereon may obtain ore'last^iie-ht mation relative thereto, by addl of the football i2?L_thV Chirf ,D™o» first game two weeks hence. (__ _ _ . . ... __ . ___ _ . The first game will be played at VOLLEYBALL TEAMS Vea, that momument to . ntimfen ;• Crystal Lake, Friday. November 22.' RKOTIT TOURNAMBNT endurance, the Junior Play practice, Crystal Lake' has ruled the county9 * * v™ JSw ! Hoots Tavern, 2--McHenry Plumb- D. Schaefer, 182-469. ja live.session, of course with Ricb- MCHS having felt the sting o Travel expense, you Know. !<„•: j. j. Rogers^ B02-164-186-551; Farmers' Mill, 2--Betty Nielsens.1®"! Henry Hcuser adhbbmg and close and decisive defeats. Now the _ , 2-460 1. F. Larson, 417; E. Freund, 401; Creating disturbances backstage.,boys will be out for revenge. (day Night Athletic club, volleyball D. Peisert, 177-464. L. Frost, 400. Also, there is Alan Bock man, the The entire varsity team from last! captains were chosen, who, in turn, ing. Bet he wouldn't kick on buying us C. Dowe, 172 B j>ne-way ticket from here to h®Uangone. ame ' i <™> wwto«««, Sfc^rinS.i.^'7 ****' DATED this 4th day of November. AJ)., 1946. * CHARLES J. BUSCH, DONALD W. BUSCH, KENNETH C. BUSCH, d/b/a - +*?%, CHARLES'J. £USCH 4 SONS,:; ^ An>licantik: At the last meeting of the TTiurs- Address: Route 1; McHenry, Illinfeitu Palace I isdies •' African Druggists, 2--Schmaltses C. D. of A.-- Tavern, 1. R- Marshall, 443; A. ' Kildays, 2--Suttons, % MALTE SCWABE DIES Funeral services will be held Millers, 2--Justens, 1. ' DeLires, 2--Webers, 1. Bet out publisher -tod tha. Kttle. woman have smiles 'that wonH co«ie, Freund, 171-468. off. Somebody once told us that; Rtepatncks, 3--Barbians, 0. they have 'a little leaning toward Baibian, 165-426; M. Ibsh, 414; S. the Republican party. I Weber, 166-439. I Barts Tavern, 3--Althoffs Hard- We used to say MDont ehange|ware, 0. M. Yeree, 173-448; M. Monday COIM'1 «. ..v.. horses in the middle of a stream."; Kinsala, 420j E Trtennca, 154-155- Bruce Boat Co., 2--Walsh Insur- drjve custom-made cadillacs one- Now, those doro>ne Republicans have 151-460 ^nsistent), lL Green, 187- ance 1. W. FYost, 194-510; Snyder, armed before he could walk. Then walked off with the stream and all. 478, M. ^nneUy, i87-487. ' i?9"5^ F-Crt^8on' 488-461; C. eYlter the villains, Diane Freund Tbies Candy, 2 Gambles, 1. J-tMansfield, 250-603. _ gleefully rubbing her hands, and tpt y hero , of the play, who enacts the season will report to Coach "Mac," selected their teams Jis follows: kissing's scene with the eagerness with several new faces looming, up Mary Vycital, captain: Bill Bolger, Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock afc of a small boy who_has to take a to crowd for positions. ^ Walter Bolger, Charles Brda, Madel- the ^Merwin funeral home in Wqb&- e, weii anown WINwho died suddenly mm : 5, 1946. He was t& Paul Schwabe, wW mnHZ*' ft f' tffAer 'dose of castor oil. Hie other part- McHenry is entered in the new ine Freund, Adele Froehlich, Charles atock and at 2 o'clock at the Gnj^ r iisn_4iq^' B-msaiaB. w. ** w«wr,;ner in ^ Egging scene is that de- SWANI conference and hopes for an Vycital, Fted Wahl and Virginia Evangelical Lutheran church tm r - j mure little colleen from Irish Prairie, impressive record in this strong Williams. Malte Schwabe, well known (Margaret Bolger. Larry Haug, the group. Margaret Larkin, captain; Ann stock jeweler, who I lousy profile, plays another one of Games Until Christmas Vacation i Bolger, Thomas Bolger, Loretta De- Tuesday, Nov. T 'the leads. He is Margaret Bolger's *Crj*stal Lake. Fri., Nov 22, Tbere. Lire, Earl Dowell, Donald Howard, father of Dr. brother, a rich playboy who leamfed *St. Mary's, Tues., Nov. 26, Here, i Helen Knox, Bob Newkirk and Leon- fonnerly practiced in MeHenxy. Harvard, Fri., Nov. 29, Here. ' ard McCracken. ------------ - » Burlington, Fri., Dec. 6. There. | Viola Brda, captain; Grace Bol-I Rubber Stamps? Oriir Marengo, Tues., Dec. 10, Here. ger, Leon Grosby, Frank Johnson, The Plaindealer. Lake Geneva, Fri., Dec. 20, Here. Elkhorn, Fri., Dec. 20, Here. j Denotes Non-Conference Games. WARRIORS LOOK LIES Of course, Alan comes in WARRIORS AS THEY with McHenry's lack of library facil ! H. Schaefer, 188-467; A1 Weingart, 203-497; Conway, 177-481; Bennett, Mar^?et,W knocks ^Seuser^out^and BEAT DELAVAN 25 TO # ities last week. Write to your con- j 181-469; Leo Heimer, 178-190-186- j .196-519. , i the last that is heard of Lar fellow whose columnist, Jacque Hopkins, [C. O. F.-- json, 182-470. 'Between Classes" took issue • Stillings, 2516--Gus Freunds. 2304. j Althoffs, 3--Kleinhans, Oi Poiter,' Jj* gressman, Jacque! 554; Geo. P. Freund, 161-162-197-520 -- ] (showing those kids how!); C. J. j Tavern Leagafr-* hi satisfaction. Stilling, 206-495. I Rolaine Grill, 8--Mfttwy Inn, Justens, 2602 -- Smiths, 2383. J. Dean, 187; Widen, 178-504. Larry is' when he goes to put a piece of beef-: After being pushed all over the j steak (it's a comedy) on a pip of home field, the first half of the game! Anyhow, there 0. a shiner. Friday night, the Warriors came out Jacque, in knowing that people read! justens, --- J• | To keep the stage from looking too for the second half an all together your column. Some were quite dis- Herdrich, 220-536; Geo. R. Justen, McDonalds, 3 -- Horns, 0. Sales, deserted, Roy Noren, Carol Harri- different team. Delavan broke into turbed. j 199-633; •L. Winkel, 220-563; H. 1161-168-165-494; Nimtx, 172-477; Ma- son, Elaine Nell, Louanne Bauer, the scoring column in the first quar- . , 206-524; C. weingart, 186- jerick, 180; Ball, 166-467. j Marion Conway, Bob Freund, and ter when they smashed over Mc- Jacque called us last week to ask 498; H. Freund, 188-496. ........ myself Don in and out all durine the Henrv's left tackle for 28 vards and .. A-- Naturally, this confuses the a touchdown; the conversion failed plot, but otherwise the stage would and the scoring ended for the first , , look as deserted as study hall twohalf. ask more questions. Kreutzer. 178-503. for the figure credited to the library fund each year through regular tar c. O. F. <4 man teams) levy. We are sorry that ne didn't Kreutsers, 1643--Karls, 1689. Stillings, 1827--Bartelts, 1808. Bud While in full agreement with the Thennes, 174-482; Leo Stilling, 194- thoouugghhtt tthhaatt MMccHHeennrryy im ust .strive 512; l. Bartelt, 222-194-184-600. for a more complete library, we must come to the rescue of those who have done so much in that very direction for several years. life On the Bay I I I 11 It 111111 Tin II (By "Cam" Martick«) Does anyone know seconds after the afternoon bell. | In the second half McHenry kicked Well, well keep On working ari-t off to Delavan who after three plays Old Timem-- Adams, 2556 Downs, Thompson, 169-471; Jones, 188-487; i The Petersons have been looking •in.- r-i.,u i« Adams, 222-629; Cristy, 168-213-210- j for one for a lonjj time, but no luck. = 686: I>°wns, 173-182-184-639. If you know of an oil heater that's deserves credit for its effortsRoj?t;rs 2386--Bacons, 2272. Blake, I available, please notify them. It'll many lean years The 1179-460; Wattles, 177; Meyers, 482; be appreciate^ , Legion len^ahelpin(r hand So dd Dr 171.502. Barbian, 206-J , j the city. Otherindividuals helped m|527 Roffen 186.623. The William Nicholases have gone their small way. * into Chicago to spend the winter.1 However, they expect to come out here to their cottage quite frequently during the winter--weather. permitting. Wilbrandt, 164-438. , . Hettermanns Tavern, 3--Volo Bait „ Everyone has been turning in The Citv Council made its appro- Shop, 0. P. Pries, 428; E. Gniot, favorable reports about the school priatfon Thekvy was made oI l9?4 173-465; M. Weingart, 157-160-163- program held at Lincoln Halloween, Fta-- Adults, especially enjoyed the' that those taxes were not^legedw ^ Bg W^er) !63-431; V. Died- little play given by the students. ^ " I rich, 15^-404; E. Rand, 167-428. I think I can promise you a good i failed to gain. They decided to punt, plav for November 15. the snap from center was bad and I where the- Next on the agenda is a worm's- Wagner tackled the ball carrier on I "Chuck" Petersons can get hold of eye view of the Halloween skating the one yard line from where Wil* 2390.|an oil heater? NATIONAL STORE whew YQ" RENNET DESSERT Came 1943 and it wa$ decided by I --Schaefers -- . > the people of McHenry that the li- _ i. i » m. tr •. brary should be supported through „ Oak Park Hotel, 2---The Vogue, 1. regular tax channels the same as H. Siirtees, 433; E. Hoyte, 405; oar city band. available until 194& then received $760, Lor Larson, Joan Albina Samec st Andreen, and The high school board generously1K. of C.-- ;... • ., . at Lincoln Q gave space for several years. Then Hoote Tavern, 2--Stillings Insulacame a heavy enrollment that neces- tnon, 1. A. Noonan, 167-473; L. sitated the use of that space for school purposes Stillin said the party looked quite lively and like a success when they were tig, 195-502. there „ SSf£»"» 1-, L.„ »«k Mr. .nd Mm. wllLt o _ »i-v„1 j. Koos helped Mr. Koos' parents, pack up the books and store them Motors? 0. P. Sch'aefer, 164-177- their «olden until a suitable space could be: 208-549. Last August it was necesasry tO| Schaefers _ lty spot to land. Nothing was found--j Clothing, 0. found. The city wa combed for a! a.n d if it had bee"n " nffo und how far wquld $750 go toward payment of > Johnsborc-- annual rent, light and general maintenance? Alderman Freund, who is also a member of the library board, con-1 Art Jacksons, 2--Geo. Jaclcsons, 1. Leo King, 206-501; F. Schmitt, 167- 474; Art Jackson, 180-468; George Jackson, 186-149-194-629. Martinees, 3--L. Smiths, 0. Bob ceived the idea of shelves on wheels Frett) 189-196-176-550; Leo Smith, with glass doors and locks. The • 1j5677. 477_ City Council agreed to house them s Freunds, Z--J. Fretts, 1. Stan in the city hall. Space is limited jYeund, 159-171-174-504; Walt Smith, in that noble' structure. j 133.200-179-512. _ 4 . . . 1 B. Millers, 2-- B. Freunds, 1. M. Next sten was to find a man to, Schaefer, 173-123-210-506; Pat Hiller, build the shelves on wheels. Wood 186. G frowak, 166-173-192-631; Don workers are busy. But, one firm Michei8> 199-484; Bud Miller, 208- would promise to do the job on rainy days. Then came a long dry spell., wedding anniversary. William Kotraba and daughter, Evelyn, left for Sarasota, Fla., last AUCTION HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND FARM PERSONAL PROPERTY On -Ela road, being 3 miles south of Hwy. 22, 3 miles* east of Harrington, 2% miles south of Lake Zurich, on SAT, NOV. 9, AT 1 O'CLOCK FURNITURE -- Extension table: dresser; chairs; leather covered ., . davenport; settee; chair and arm Eventually the shelves were con-: « ... A chair (matched); chinn. cabinet; structed and moved into the city w.ll 1011^' recking chair; several odd chairs; Ru8ty Thurlwell, 191-190-!ir<>n ^ and 8pringg. kitchen table; NRUCWA AIM IIW»™ »NW V.»J ... hall. The trades class at the school "17«"I7QVYIHOTT" ion iron BE*1 *nd 8P - agreed to do the painting. They • ' y' ! sewing table; folding irohing board; h,Wt .yuny . wry wicked bn»h, •"* t Nnwak ! kerosene room heater; large radio 184-530-' cabinet; Bissell sweeper; 3 flower An able committee has been ap- H ! aluminum cookingutensils (all sizes); pointed for some time to sort the! .» _ W > , ' • I ' O O 4 0 1 . p' coffee pots; large percolator; pie books and make recommendations for :o,',07 ' w™ n 'tins! cake molds; cooky sheet and CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENT Will Open FRIDAY. NOV. 8. At BART'S TAVERN WEST McHENRT v . •• ' V ' . •II cribba^e playeri «re invited to enter this tonraameiit DOOKS ana maKt* rtcummciiunwuiiB v , A1 1Q7 1QR e»o. T*T__ nM/v_ urns cane moius cwny »nwi new purchases. Some of the pur- 191-197-185-673, Wm. Bacon, fonng (varioU8 8ize8); chases have been made, but the sorting will be completed when the library moves into its new home. - The City Council has very definite ideas of housing a library when buildng materials are available.-- | And there are a few people who will1 make substantial donations to this cause when that time comes. So. The library board has not been asleep. Just resting. But, watch us go in the second half of the game. There was Quite a ceremony in the Plaindealer office a few days aao when John Loose presented Milt Pederson with a beautiful necktie inscribed as follows, "SWING MATTER SWING!" Followers of the softhall league will appreciate the significance. The Warriors came to life last Fridav night and trampled over Delavan 25 to 6 on our home field. The whole team hit stride. Gene Wagner was back in the line, playing a great game. "Sonny" Miller was at his best. Murphy's passes were accurate and his all around worth in evidence. Wilhelm cut in much better and was tough to bring down. Carl Neiss didn't let a little matter of a cracked rib stop him, giving the crowd a thrill on a 81- yard touchdown run after a pass interception. The footballs will be packed away A<« week and the basketballs start fcnuncing. mnVOUKOTTHHT/ Order yoor •tamps at the SYMBOLS ARB MOT" SEflvatrc Lsrrezs but WOftO PICTURES... Let Us Give You a Picture ef the Comforts You'll Enjoy with HESTER OILS HESTER OILS "The Beat Far Leas" FUEL OIL &ASOLINE LUBRICANTS ; .iNat af C. ft N-W. H.'l* WEST McHKNRY, ILL. fSLEPHONE MUKNRY IM . aluminum oven; several pieces of ice box and oven glassware; China table ware from platters down to butter chips (matched); several fancy glass refreshment services (complete on trays); other useful and fancy glass and china items; 2 cold pack canners (large size); 260 Mason jars; 2 fruit juicers; cherry pitter; apple parer; 60 white feed bags (washed); bowl, paddle and mold for butter making. FARM PERSONAL PROPERTY LIVESTOCK--6 Hclstein cows and 1 Guernsey cow, consisting of 2 cloae springers, 2 recently fresh, 2 heavy milkers; 1 Pure Holstein bull, 18 months old; 2 good farm work horses. FEED AND SEED--150 bushel Vicland oats; 300 bushel ear corn; 675 bales mixed hay; 3 ton loose mixed clover hay; 250 bales of straw; 60 shocks corn; grass seed; seed corn. MACHINERY--Model 43 Gehl Field I Harvester; 1 Gehl blower; New Idea manure spreader; Dee ring corn biqdejr; Hoosier seeder; Deerirtg mower; 14-inch sulky plow; Bristol and Gale corn planters with check wire; 6-ft., disc; 2-section wood drag; J. D. sulky cultivator (8 shovels); Tower Surface cultivator; 12-ft. grass seeder; 800-lb. scale; steel wheel wagon with basket rack; new steel water tank; two-wheel trailer. MISCELLANEOUS--Breeching harness, collars, blankets, 2 ladders; wagon jack; 2-15 gallon oil drums; i 50 gallon fuel oil drum; post auger; i poultry and snow fencing; No. 20 j motor oil; 3 gallons linseed oil; poultry feeders and fountains, etc. | MILKING' EQUIPMENT -- Losee i electric water heater; 2 sterilizing tanks; 4 milk cans. CHARLES J. O. RUFFING. Pre*. Public Auction Service Co., Clerk aa* Wm H 79c McGEES I l7Gr--h St McHwuy SAVE SKIMPING-- SWITCH TO NATIONAL •VALUE • QUALITY •VARIETY •FRESHNESS •CLEANLINESS ;!• COURTESY B.' ^ JUNKET POWDER 3 ££ 23* HEIN7 CREAM OF . ^ TOMATO SOUP... 'SilO8 HEINZ ASPARAGUS OR _ GREEN PEA SOUP 2 LL-OZ. CANS FANCY QUALITY--UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ^25" SALERNO BUTTER COOKIES .21 WHOLE KERNEL CORN NIBLETS CORN CANS GLENDALE A Tatty Club Spread Tom«to S«t»c« and QWIII 2" QQc LOAF I^OZ. CANS HIXSON'S COCOANUT VEGETABLE COCKTAIL SUNSHINE HMIa Crackers t aKG » HOLSUM PKOOUCI PeMHrt Graaeh HCLSUM raoouci Pusst CfWM CU«CMON( CRACKERS ClMtzil . . . ILUE WHILE VOU WASH BIi While >ELF POLISHING Wilbert's WHEN AVAILABLE ChiffM Flakes. toz. a~ a a a 37* 31%-oz. r>e PKGS. W QUART e e CAN AIRY FAIRY M« Fit* **4J. OF 49 4 -6 •&. GOLDEN RUSSET REOI-RIPE BOSC PEARS u. 10 BLUE DIAMOND BRAND -- LAMM SEEDLBS GRAPEFRUIT 5 ROME BEAUTY LBS. APPLES FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES PASCAL CELERY * 1 * + LBS. YELLOW DRY ONIONS 10 LBS. RED RIPE TOMATOES SOR4 |(C IN TUBE 19 CRANBERRIES . . . . *39* PORTO RICAN YAMS SWEET POTATOES 3^25' McCLURES ^ RED POTATOES 10^33* x. i -/WT . ' • H ... .. . .J- .. - .i- Sj:Sa J- , JV.. Ammm