Milium If Vt .. fli# InstiiiK mm w«y ud miedj a that the dawn is heralded by •hooting. All this tines sets as an tuttfa^ tonfe to the younger generation. Thm ww® three Mm from the sihool last week who decided that the most important ttnr <> the world a chance to go hmtinf. There one great obstacle--it was. a day. After they talked it though, weighing the two activities, the school lost. Now all three of these boys went home for hmeb so that all the mothers were .able to see they they After lunch, one of the boys cava* fWW borrowed Ms father's a whistled to Us dog, mot his end off they started--in the < direction from the school. The boys had figured without their teacher. however, who having sons of her OW11, and having handled small boys for many years, is (pits able t» Recognise immediately the symptoms Treating en ^ « n®d niade » the gnosis syfiWd aver into tfce[«nt war* LUlian Larsen, Sandra Joj Mrs. Gertrude Watkin. entertained! NOTICE OP offLi^Tfi.. |*'5 i MMWISISUUI, Sandra Sob, Jean 8eb-|'£« Ringwood Unit of the Borne SEAL EST ^"'»owl££ HAPPY M*TWR>AV"'RNT I dotf, Cora Jean Hepthorne, Orva ®"re«u « ***•••«• *<»day all- **• now J"". C?°*5I. *nd_*re •* LB ,TH?rY TOi | «-- n_,, w-i- i d*y session at which A potluck din-r OF THE follows: President, Helen Tronsen; ( Oct. W Jean Hay. * Treason, Betty Jo Wright, Helen. ^ was served Visitor from Wiek- JTIVHRM tSfST vice-preeidtet, Onm Tronsen; seere-' Nov. 8--Mrs. Hibna Fredrkkson. Tronsen, Leo Bart, Pearl Mathews line was Mrs. A. K. Parour. There NOTIcfe IBS J2* Not and Jean Hay. Iva will be remera- were thirty ladies present. 1W in punuanee iTSnvTnfl^r.1 ' w«r iSSUAm bered as having attended school her£ Mai* T^fai" "k1' JV* «" endeav- tered by the Conaty Csurt gSrbjd ^ Rjrtfert. tal It i. --i~ I U« ye*r .he. .h. u, ST g 'SSVtfBg J whicli lead up to playing hookey.; The ^nocWe club met On Satur- H«"l«r home. ;sorry! MATHIAS JTJNGEN, IHmn the three fWled to wtnrn to.5£ Sj^orf, l>e ew„fa^at the tome of Alic*. ~~ .. - I * ------r-- undersigned will sen on eehooL<*she called the three'asothers l£nr*» •y'g' . ^^5_*rw,u?0' Hoeft with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kamp, Anyone looking for an experienced! NOTICE i 17th day of November. IMC. and verified her suspicious. ^ J1™" °*7% TTmRen- both baby sitter can call on Roger Hfcn-^ IN TTTEMATTER OF Tift At hoar of two o'clock p.m!!^ A_. »Mt mt w ear and J° * nte'eon* *™ Janet Gnll. nr. Burches and Martha and Mv. i sen. Ho has been taking care of ~ LT.RL<|J __ .mi IIHMH the *«Mds of ' #nd Mrs. PfalT of Chicago. Refresh- j four of them while his wife and A. hunfc» The big skating party held at the, ments were served. j sister-in-law go bowling. His two ing PSST STbSi saw her first £»£ ' ' '8on8# Jimmyi 4' Johnny, 5 mwA *11 Aim hU In a <to» diteh. P" •chool ebiUmi enticed many Wonder Lake children m the undertaker will JUNGB1 sell ; Noveral Ar ! m~ at 1 , ---- --- «•.. -- -- -- B ---1 PLICATION OF ANTON M. Henry, Illinois, in said COenlar, at _ I and ] SCHMIDT, FOR VARIATION OF public vendue, the fbHowfaic ^a- the .two' ZONING CLASSIFICATION. crifced personal property, vis!: roller link on Wednesday for the > I sons, Jimmy, 4, and Johnny, 5 j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN1 Two-piece living room set; . *d many; johnny Widen and Art Thorns montiw, and nieces, Mickey, 2, and i that in compliance with the provi- table; one 9x12 rug; one faS well out of sight, and hoped that i wonqer ua cnuaren m for the went duck hunting this weekend and MUItf l**® * hand- sions of the McHenry County Zoning two wicker chain; Frigidadrs *eshe would drive nast «•< they! tertainment. Sponsored by four g0t kicked! There was a strong ^ul but 111 bet they aH sleep through! Ordinance a public hearing will be frigerator; gas stove; kitchen table; could then get away. How fast their I «c**enry business men, the party wind, whipping up whitecaps bigger i £?r him. Our sympathy to Mrs.; held by the Board of Appeals of the miscellaneous pots, pans and dishes; hearts must have beaten and des- » «>onng success. From W°nder than the Atlantic, and the two hunt- R°£er Hansen, who underwent a McHenry County Zoning Ordinance silverware; dining room table and nerate they must have felt as they!, were Mary Ann Martm, ers ^ out in the middle of the tonsjllectomy thas week. We hope relative to a change in classification: °hairs; buffet; five antique cane lay there waiting for the car tois^J; ^ Joan DoriAush, Sharon i^e, were completely swamped.:8,16 feels fine again. , from agricultural ("F") classifies- seated chairs; telephone stand; throe go by. She almost did drive by, too. . Joyno Resheske, Geraldine: They were lucky that a sandbar. tion to Industrial ("I") classification heds and dresser; springs; 2 chairs; just as ^ ^ nlannaH hnt they l"** planned, but 'tthhe#yv ;i C^°O^flnt>tliWfr,' *" ,^"e"""1 . S"e lsdorf, ' ran al"o ng "th ere, and- they were only fr Any persons w-h o -h ave good usable I o--f• the f•*o l•l'o wing d» escr- -i bed property: •- '^P: radio; miscellaneous garwere following their regular routine.'had figured without the dog. He!*5? "™*' wno, almost <*•;waist deep in water, because with toys which they no longer need are A tract of land in the fractional ^°®'s ftnd other persona pro- - - •* * 8iu6 fierseu cjtcitcment ' •* •• * ^ ~ " *• 1 ' -1 a ^r:/' JU3THMA--i ASTHMAXIgHff "*'1 ITT in ••llnl ilnl lull--i CAUnon--Umt mity ma tirmfi. NtntalilMitiJAi OhtmUitmi BOLGER*8 DRUG STORE became so alarmed at the position of ^"^fseu witn excitement won ^he heavy gear, tbey might not being asked to contribute them to hiar beloved little man» that, just! H1** 'or her drum-major j have been aWe to tell the tale. Art the Sister Kenny Foundation. Miss as the car came abrest ot the hiding, c081310** Thome was most unhappy to lose Mary Sobaska of 203 Gate street, place, he began to jump up and down I beside the boys, barking excitedly j The Community dub party his brother's new gun which he had Crystal Lake, is collecting these toys, for borrowed. Have you anyi suggestions and she has asked tne Merwin Southeast Quarter (SE^4) of Sec- Perty; 1934 Chevrolet coupe. tion thirteen (13), Township Forty-: Said personal property will be sold five (45) West. Range eight (8), juPon the following ternis: Cash. " East of the Third Principal Meri-, There will also be sold at Public dian, McHenry County, Illinois Auction at the time and place and begginr the lady for help! (The' **>th big and little folks, sponsored as to how that gun might be sal- Furniture Co. in Woodstock to col- frontin„g on the Johnsbur„g State afores.a i,d , , the house and five acres rest of this story is too sad to relate. • series of games for the adults for vaged? It is still on that sandbar. Iect them for this area. Anything! Road, said tract being Three hun-j®?cuP'®d. by Matjiias Jungen during T~h at is why names are carrfuUy! which priz--es were presented* . *E>a-r-•l you might like to contribute can be1 dred (300) feet deep and running; "!s homestead. omitted.) i Miller was cha,m pi„o n p- o,t ato pusher The Rod and Gun Auxiliary met »«ft *t Merwin's store. ^Jron A 'or.hJ»;at the school"..-on Friday and M-a|'; -- eTforts. Mrs. Frances Riegel won a pleasant social evening. Coffee and i Mr. and Mrs. M. Towne, residents ftom Fairview Avenue Northwest- : TERMS. 50<"r at time of sale, balerly to a tract of land conveyed'anc<? uP°n delivery of deed and eviby Anton M. Schmidt to Joseph:dence of merchantable title. The Frit*. i real estate will be sold subject to' Said hearing will be held in the!***®® ^or the year ,1946 and subse- Court Room in the Court, quent years. . - , , 4 Lillian Druml, Mrs. Marian Cannon house which they occupied, the for- "°"f« ,n ^he tl?f Woodstock,! Df*«d this 4th day of Novem^r, drUtod fnm, doSr t» bSSTtlSS Mr" H' h„ur o?3:(K)T.Sl:, ."'X' IMh d£j ' MWb LAURES inff lMndoats or cite. Th, Polly Ml" A tambourine and which WM; . . . iof November, 1946. A11 persons in- FRANK WEINGART, "»• ?l»b, fhoee^ now, h.,d to the lady's head by strategi- v._. .v. i A. .v. ^ .®rested_may attend. I Executors_of the Estate of Mathma Halloween was still happening «11| hectic game of musical chairs. Mrs. Mrved bv Die committee ' for the nast vear in WickKne have November St*n8rUd dose,t to 0/^^ ^eney M«! purchaseT a home in ParT '^e r ~-™ all thTeWes. wblins rtSts Md P1""1"* * nose A °" th* »»g pumpkin Betty FSala, Mrs. Edith Moore, Mrs. and moved there last Friday, the • . aU dS^sctSs -nd Anthony Audino, with Mrs. J.,Lillian Dmmi. hous* thev " into ing various Carmen as numbers twelve, did their Trick or cajiy placed knitting needles. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMSTSIST At 514 Main St., West McHenry Steffan's Jewelry Store (iHosed Thursday Afternoons) r Eyee Examined -- Glaaaea Fitted , Visual Training -- ViMwl RehaWHftfcm Complete Viaaal Analysis Hears Daily: 9 to 12 aad I to 5 Saturday Evenings: I to SM PHONE McHBNST 123-J "DAN" DANIELS LAKE SHORE CLUB - ^ ?*' •• •' r «wrlfcppftafii DMJOIOUS STEAKS, CHOPS, CHICKEN, SHRIMP AND SANDWICHES Fine Liquors and of course "Dan" at the organ! Bob Doran, Mgr. Phono McHenry 667-J-l , Route 120--Lily Lake MCHENRY • PHONE * 440-* OUTDOOR SIGNS *f» SHO-CARDS Lettering & Window Lettering • o ( Prompt Serviit -- Reasonable Prices H. REESE mm Fox Street PH1LCO ZENITH ERG-CARLSON I - * Over 23 River si rive Hirotigh booms and slumps--always affording the same dependable service of superior facilities and experienced personnel. \ RINGWOOD ELECTRICAL & RADIO SHOP Phone Richmond 89 Ringwood, HL HOUSE WIRING CONTRACTING Also Refrigeration Servioe ' : - . I home of Mrs. James Doyle and Mrs. One of the hostesses for the Doe i MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. _ I Kitty Fainchild on Saturday for club m Woodcock on Monday was | ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS! Arthur Thomas, as captain of the 8™f" ^®f t Mr8„ZLorenSf Dean' IU! By E. J. DENEEN, whining team i- n the sui- tcase race, water, Wis. The small guests pres- bet it was a good party - - was proud of the six persons who j were able to don a shirt, a jacket, i a hat aiiti an apron and dash to the. end of the room and back and pass the garments to the next one. Five j little boys, Ronnie Fredricksen, Jerry ' Christy, Richard Widen, John West' and Clayton Dombush sang some i barber shop songs, and Clayton j Dombush sang a solo, making more than one lady feel like swooning.' The little /oks, in the downstairs! room were kept busy in games for { which prises were awarded. J The chairman of the Community | club, Mrs. Betty Selsdorf, wishes to! thank the very able assistance given { her by the committee: Mrs. Jane; Dunaway, Mrs. Marie Milbrandt,' Mrs. Allen Armstrong, Mrs. P. L. j Cormier, Mrs. Kenneth Christy, Mrs.' Fuller ,Mrs. Paul Mats, Mrs. Alice Noren, Mrs. Helen Renter, Mrs. Ernestine Resheske, Mrs. Hasel voa Bampus and Mrs. H. Widen. On Friday another notable Halloween party was held at the Rolaine Grill. With the traditional colors in long streamers decorating the dining room, and with corn shocks around, as well as hanging black cats, witches and owls, a festive atmosphere was created. Many outstanding costumes were in evidence. First prize went to Mr. Pashke as Foxy Grandpa. Second went to Dottie Powers, who in a hula costume and wearing leg makeup en her body and a black wig was aide to really confound her friends. Third prise was a tie between Dolores murphy as an appealing Topsy and Betty Lou Druml as an angel, complete with halo. Many other costumes were outstanding: Mrs. Alma Davis as a pirate, Mrs. Betty Pavlik as a baby, Tony Groseo as a menacing devil, Eileen Kamp as a southern belle. Bill Kamp as a tramp and Mrs. Re pan and Florence Dean in matching Spanish costumes. Another handsome couple in Spanish attire were Miss L Bros and Chester Rejnert, both of Berwyn, 111. Joe Monteleone acted as amateur m as ter-of-ceremonies most successfully and Nick Santucci playing his accordian, made a pleasant music. Sharon Leo Hoffman was baptised on Sunday at St. Mary's church in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George Dvorak of Chicago were visitors for the joyous occasion. Mr. and Mrs. George Wieenbargor had a weekend party for fifteen couples from Chicago. There was so little sleeping room left that many Its Chairman. AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD aad B> VOGBL, Auctioneers Complete Home Appliance Service REFRIGERATORS, DEEP FREEZERS, WASHING MACHINES. ETC. 413 Elm Street Phone 439-W Jungen, Deceased. Subscribe for The Cocktail Lotuige and Dining Room tithe Fox Hole --ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY-- -o- FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 65c FISH FRY 65c PHONE McHENRY, ILL. Should Know About <«£ 4fV~ McHenry State Bank, Clerking Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at public auction on the Mrs. Josephine Esch farm, located 1 mile north of Solon Mills, 2 mi lee east on Route 173, and 1 mile south of Richmond, on TUESDAY, NOV 12, lMf Commencing at 11:30 a.m., the following described personal property, to-wit: *2 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK. Consisting of 24 Head of Cattle 17 Holstein cows, 18 of them fiiet and second calf heifers, 3 Bred heifers, M open heifers, 1 year eli bull. \ • a HORSES Chestnut team, 1 mare and I Gelding, > years old. wt. 2900, sortai mare 8 years old, wt. 1,8*0. 26 pigs, wt. from 160 to 225 lbs. Hay, Grate aad Machinery 40 tons mixed hay, some baled,, 1200 bushels Vicland oats; 20 acres] I corn, may be picked by aale day; i Universal portable dotrtrie unit milker | I with motor and 50-ft. cord; 8 8-gaL milk cans; pail, strainer; one electric water heater: one wash tank; 1 rinse : tank; 1 Gent silo filler with 30-ft. • pipes; Mc-D. push type hay loader, j new; Mc-D: field cultivator, 7-ft.; Mc-D. mower, 5-ft.; Mc-D. sulky ! cultivator; Mc-D. side delivery rake; Linsay 4-section drag with folding { draw bar; Linsay rubber tired wagon , and rack, with side boards, hard I rubber tired wagon and rack, Oliver j I corn planter with fertilizer and bean j attach., new; Hoosier grain drill with j grass seed attach.; New Idea manure1 spreader; set back pad harness; 1 j 50-ft. belt; corn shelter; snow fence;; 1,000 lbs. platform scales; 5-ft. hog j • feeder; hog trough; bob sleigh; elec- j trie fence; 1 90-ft. rope; grapple j I fork and carrier, gas barrels. | Terms: All sums of $25.00 and! under that amount cash, over that ] amount a credit of six months ati 6 per cent will be extended on notes | approved by the clerk. Anyone de- : siring credit kindly make arrange- A ments before purchase is made. 2fd4 property to be removed until settled m HATH W. SCHEID ' • . . . _ _ Ji' **. ' ' ' ; - .. " Before you buy a home freezer it is well to consider mil the facts so yon will know which unit will suit your purpose. You may have asked yourself "What advantages are there in a home freeser for me? What type do I need?" The answers to these questions depend on the size of your family. your home, and the availability of . Iresh foods. Home freezers were not manufactured during the war, but the fortunate housewives who were "freezing" voiced their ipproval with such enthusiasm and wholehearted praise that women the country over decided they must have one. Many companies will have freezers available later in the year. FREEZERS What slsa and styta will yea naadt You can estimate the size you will need by planning on one cubic foot as adequate for about 30 pounds of frozen food. Many new household refrigerators have a low temperature compartment which may meet your requirements if your family is small or if there is ao suitable looation for a freezer. For the family of average needs there are many types of home freezers. The chest-type is waist high and designed to it into a utility room, basement or kitchen. Upright freezers ^are styled like your refrigerator and open from the front* ;'V Khstsrs Ihs af • frssisrt Meal planning ceases to depend on the mtasons or local markets when you have a home freeser. With a variety of frozen foods on hand (home and commercially frozen foods, including breads, pies, cakes jyd ice cream) meals can be prepared on - a moment's notice. Unexpected guests " ;v|an be served fine "company dinners" ... s ipeals which ordinarily would take long hours of planning, shopping and preparing. Out-of-eeason foods can be enjoyed at your table as fresh as they were in the garden months earlier and at as low a cost as when they were in season. For those of you who grow fruits and vegetables, or have easy access to quantities of foods from local farms or markets, freezing will fave time, vital food values, flavor and color. Actual time studies show that preservation by freezing lakes approximately % the time required for home canning or dehydrating foods. Preparing foods for freezing must be done with care. The manufacturer of your home freezer will provide complete instructions. By following those simple directions you will get the most satisfaction from your freezer. The operation of a freezer is just as simple as that of an electric refrigerator. It has to be defrosted only two or three times a year because it is not opened as often as a refrigerator. Home freezers can be plugged into any wall outlet and operate at a monthly cost slightly higher than a standard refrigerator of the same capacity. . T " FREE capiat of our M If--Wh|| DM 1 wsUa* TocH about How ft--m in" may b« ok tabled at your PubHc Ssrvfce * we or by «rM 119 lb* company. PUBLIC SBRV1CI OF NORTH KIN ILLINOIS " •