: i'U . ' • , • ' 1 ' **• Hige Tv.b ' V . i jmiUMMiHl lH I IM IM' Mews Wonder Lake inf of the pheasant ssason. Marching about two feet apart, grimly clutching gam of ersry 4jberlpthm, they kiuea everything that and three , were (By Vanesae Sella) We were engulfed with hunters, as jt makes ne sad to .report that s tidal wave, on the official open-' many were the hens that were killed, More than 1,000 license* were sold in the county, and many who applied turned away; there ware no more printed applications for them to fill oat. • CLARENCE'S SHOP - JOHHSBOTta : 4 CHRISTMAS OlPjfS V Toy barns, doll houses, children's kitchen cabinets, table and chair sets. ironing boards, etc. Full line of genuine calf leather men's and ladies' b e l t s , b i l l f o l d s , e t c . . • " * ' • „ "V * I Pull line of lawn furniture. • - ;. , „ V ^UUtENGE J SMITH V ' ° > i Tel. McHenry 625-J-l 6 v ; > Card of Thanks f Please accept my sincere tlianks for the loyal support given me in the election of November 5, 1946. I pledge my best efforts for the benefit of the people of Me- Henrv Count v; FRED BAU LILY L PIZZERIA new and delicious Y PAUL'S PIZZA STOP TAVERN V ' ULY 1AKI , Also Italian Spaghetti and Ravioli NEW HERNIA SUPPORT for reducible RUPTURE Enjoy the comfort and security of the O.T.C. Hernia Support, designed for small reducible ruptures that do not warrant a truss. No bulky pads, no springs--not a truss. Easy and comfortable to wecr. Come in today. Expert fitting, sympathetic understanding by trained fitters.. • No Bulky Pads • No Springs • Not a Truss BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Greea Street" McHenry vniiimiiiiiniiniiiiiminnnl > :: MILL INN (Formerly Bernard's Mill) •. • North Bnd of Wonder Lake at the Bridge STEAKS, ROASTS, CHICKEN, LOBSTER TAIL Dinners served from 6 to 9 p. m. daily except Mondays Saturday: 6 to 11 p. m. Sunday: 1 to 7 p. m. FRY EVERY FRIDAY COCKTAILS -sr~LIQU0R -- -WINE BEER We cater to partiii FRANK J. WIEDEMANN, Owner TeL Richmond 312 •v • r *. ftHapiaMHi ^sportsmenJ west side of the lake with fourteen, iirds in their skwi. This should cheer op the hoys who hunt legitimately and who cam* away empty handed. These thret fellow* probably direct - descendants of the men who slaughtered the •(carrier pigeons of America until every last ope was extinct. It isft*t hard to see that these hen hunters and pigs can do to the pheasant population in just a few year's time. If some of the youngsters tap oh your door one of these evenings and tries to sell you a few tickets fer the party at the school, please con* sider it. This party slated for November 20, will be the annual Community Club Thanksgiving party which is held at the school. Everyone is invited to attend this party. The Ringwood Camera club will hold its first exhibition of its memmm from thelatart of the school tern, stationed were found in Panama. "Alio about chttdren tn oHNi days -fiod •bout AppMaad, the stoty of raising, mfttn*,and harvesting of apples. There was a eemedy too which I am afraid everybody Hied better than the educational pictures. Ann and Tony Grosso celebrated twenty years of marriage over last weekend. A gala dinner and a special calm commemorated the oceanon. Among those who wished them well during the day were Mrs. E.' Bashesftke and- daughter, Joanne, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kncera, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Basik, "Aunt" Carrie Rhode | and "Gussie" Gustafson. Young Arthur Fransen, Donnie Reuter Tony Grosso also congratulated his {and Sandi Jo Monteleone all had parents as well tg small niece Patsy birthdays last week. Kucera and her "'boyfriend* Ronnie Haroldson of Chicago. | The upstairs room has some new Everybody held their breath last Friday until the report cards were all examined. It was alright, though, everybody has' a passing grade. This isn't really a Wonder Lake item, but many Wonder Lakers know siriall Cathy Wegner of Ringwood who is a regular passenger on the bus to Woodstock, where she at-, tends St. Mary's school. Well, anyway, Cathjr oonfided to me a great secret. wato seven years old bers' choicest prints this coming Sat- last Friday. She said that she sat urday evening. Many of the wonder in the middle of the floor at her Lakers are members of this club, grandmother's house and opened^ all Gerald Alletag of Wickline Bay is the presents that had been given resident; Jane Dunaway of Deep her, and that it was lots of fun. the "haunting "sea»on~~to the hunting r i n g W o o d s i s v i c e - p r e s i d e n t a n d " " . . . . . Alice Noren of Wonder Center secretary-treasurer. This show has SSTp library books which eteryone is anxious to read, SHARON GRACE SELLS, . 'Reporter. I l l I I I IM'I'l 111 M»l l Lilymoor « HHII 11 !'• I'M I 1 lil»'l I (By Sara Nade) Time marches on as we pass froth season. Yep, opening day fbr the Jimmy Molitorr Don't 'wait fsr Orartesy week to be courteous. Tow "please" *nd "thank you" mesa a lot more than you think they do. work hard Mad also for victory other city people. In an orchard, bees pollinate the blossoms, thus providing a good set of fruit. Every clover Held requires plenty of bees to give a high productkm of see£ For more than SO crops, the honeybee helps farmers meet production goals. Victory gardeners, too, get more abundant crops of cucumbers, pumpkin, melon and other garden vegetables and fruits when bees are plentiful. City dwellers would have no white clovfcr on their lawns without the honeybees and other pollinating insects which are' necessary for the perpetuation of such plants. loon* with boiled linseed eft. with strong sappy water causes the paint to crack. IV >' A.,ibv 4 ijl Robert Nielsen, one-year-old, son pheasants started off with a bang. I of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Nielsen of! <i>he hunters that didn't have anyhigh interest for; Lake was baptized 011 ®un- thing to shoot at shot at each other the camera fans and, .as there is a I November 3, at the ho"ie t>*_ M,r- for excitement. We were sorry toj great shortage of enlargers and dark • ®"d Mrs. Nels Lars, en of Woodstock, hear that there were a couple of rooms, there is a great deal of rush- * "J* ?anse »me, his cousin, Karen nearsighted hunters who mistook W. ing around borrowing some of the! Nielsen, two ana one-half yearn Kurbyum's pigeons for pheasants and more important equipment. If you;0 .,; y®* also baptized. The occasion killed two. chance upon some earnest soul in .k®®5®that is long remembered kthe darkest part of your basement,!®? that date was the Golden Wed-; jfew® of the W e e k -- . - 7 * don't scream, it probably isn't a ding Anniversary of the babies | Oongratulatiofts to llffr. aii<} Mrs. great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beigecker, not only on their wed- Rasmus P. Jensen who were present ding anniversary but also the longfor the ceremony. j awaited occasion_to burn the mort- T - , , , _ .A. , . ! gage papers. They had a lovely A friend of ours was auartered i *v ^ *,KOO<i T^efinltlon °.» , party at Club Lilymoor on Saturday, , hmaatii t /, 5^, ^ . wntten by i November 2. Invited were their J. G. Holand. Gossip is always a friends of Chicago as well as their personal confession either of malice neighbors of Lilymoor. Dancing the or imbecility; it is a low, frivolous, i polkas and singng German folk and too often a dirty business. There 80njrSi as well as popular numbers, are neighborhoods where it rages like had the crowd requesting the Bei-I a pest; churches are split in pieces i geckers to have another party in the ^ 'V. neighbors make enemies' near future. Music was rendered for life- ^ . j by C. Brennar and Mr. Kurts. With Harrtooit School Notes , all the fancy trimmings were served Joanne^ ResNeske came to school chicken salad potato salad, sandbly burglar, just a member of the camera club doing some last minute developing. in a hospital room directly beneath * r w«i««/i" the delivery room. He feels that the " label "Delivery Room" is a masterpiece of understatement and suggests the substitution of "Inner Sanctum." Donald Reuter celebrated his 13th birthday on Friday by entertaining thirteen of his friends at Fiala's. There was lots of ice cream and j this" week "with gfasses" on,"anF"she : ^ches" and'wffe^ cake, and the young people played {looks different but nice. | W1jfr8 and 'Mrs** W ! bunco for the prizes. Several of: 1 ' "na **' the younjf ladies who attended this The upstairs has finished party assured me that it was about the most fun of any party they have attended for a long while. Sandra Jo Monteleone celebrated her birthday on Saturday--her 8th. There were many games, prizes and wonderful food. r«ngrntfl|ntjpng to a nice little girl! Ebeling, the newlyweds, left for California Fri- Congratulations, toe1, to a big girl who had a birthday this week. Mrs. Jane Richards, who has a birthday gift that she can enjoy all winter long. A beautiful electric blanket. Another birthday in the district this week was that of Arthur Franzen, but no one told me his age. I think it must be about nine. Anyway, happy birthday, Arthur! their | day. animal murals» which decorate the) Decided this week at the Girl back of the room. They have also Scouts meeting was the date of the gotten well started on hibernation Investiture ceremony and the presmural. It is going to be quite color- entation of the flag, Saturday, Noful and will contain many^ of the, vember 30, 8 p.m. at Club Lilymoor. animals that hibernate in winter, ll After the meeting- the girls separated will also contain winter birds : jnto groups. First group had their ™ , . T--, . ^ spelling bee; second, painting weeds; The school enjoyeJ movies last! third, popping corn in the fireplace Tuesday which were about clothing an(j the rest were singing and playin different countries and climates. ing the piano. Before they left for ; home they all pitched in and cleaned the hall, which was more than appreciated. The scouts are well on their way to a successful organization, thanks to Mrs. R. Krinn, scout leader, and Miss Sue Rogers, ass't. Mrs. R. Krinn, Sue Rogers, Mrs. S. Wijas and Mrs. C. Johnson met at Mrs. W. Einspar's home for fur- WALLACE BROS. AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer ?'hhoonn e Woodstock 478 ther discussion on the scout program. _ . . . A . The undersigned having decided to JfJ"* •J- Einspar served the refresh- TTie choir of the (kwpel Center quit fanning will sell at public auc-' * held a combination and practice at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peterson at McCullcm Lake last Thursday. A biip party to honor the birthday of Mary Anna Glouser of Ringwood, with lots of fun, loads of food, ana a little singing, filled a gala evening. Those present from here were Esther Martin, Sharon Grace Sells, Peggy Selsdorf and Joan and Clayton Dornbush. ^yThat bosquet at Woodstock given iby the Chamber of Commerce to the outstanding members of the 4-H Clubs in the county had two Wonder Lake girls present. Esther Martin and Sharon Grace Sells of the Busy Bumble Bees' 4-H Club were chosen for the excellence df their record books. tion on their farm one mile East of Cary, on the road known as the Blacktop River Road, on THURSDAY, NOV. 21 Commencing at 1:00 o'clock sharp, the following described property towit * 26 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of Mr. and Mr. A. Wirfs and Mr. Mid Mrs. R. Krinn spent the weekend in Hammond, Ind. Mrs. Kay Kurbyum from Neillsville, Wis., spend the week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kurbyum. We were all shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. V. Basqi's mother, Mrs. Ada Thompson. She died suddenly of At the Home Bureau meeting last week in the home of Mrs. Gertrude Watkins, and at which Mrs. Carrie Covalt was co-hostess, there was an exchange of house-plants, a bazaar, a pot-luck dinner, a lesson on home decoration and a book review. True versatility in their programs. Commander and Mrs. Werner Bauer were house guests of Mr. and a heart attack Thursday, 21 Dairy Cows--tfostly Holsteins.: November 6. Services were held m A number of these cows freshened Phl£f*°T an.d she ^riet Saturday t h i s F a l l , t h e b a l a n c e t o f r e s h e n ! h u » b a n d . within the next thirty day*. . Jh® Thursday afternoon ,club was 2 Holstein stock bulls. | entertained at Sally Koch's residence. Three head of good work horses. Served ™r,e a delicious, whipped 75 red chickens. cream birthday cake and wffee. We H«v r.riin ..j WifUnm a" had a very nice time, Sally. Too 1,000 teles of choice mixed Tay; 5 *£, bu l£ tons of loose hay; 250 bales of straw;! P 'kIVw 1,000 bu. of oats, good; 12 tons of i?™ m6 c?rn in crtb, 178 .hock, .'j Mc-D. grain binder; Mc-D. corn binder; 8-sec. steel drag; Van Brunt 7-ft. grain drill; steel wheel wagon and box; fanning mill; J. D. 6-ft. mo^er new; J. D. corn planter with fert. attach., J. D. manure spreader; Mc-D. 6-ft. loader; ~Mc-«D. side rake; single rof cultivator; walking plow party the Thursday afteris having Saturday, iN<oso you and your husband can attmJ the dinner noon club vember 23. After a short furlough Pvt. F. Svoboda is California bound. It is rumored that from there he may have to go to Korea. Let's hope, *t£i whwl w^n ind w*k • hW Freddi« that you can stay in si unny Mrs. Theodore Leckband over the form scales' linn" i'i•>. inn fi 111*** «»d what better excuse would past weekend. The Commander i*'«™. jg i your mom and dad have to go to at present attending the University of Illinois at Champaign. A regular officer in the Submarine service, Commander Bauer was, until the WOODS Attention Car Owners We wish to announce that inf addition to our other service, we now have a new department. Have a comp l e t e stock of . . . GENERATORS . . . STARTERS . . . DISTRIBUTORS FUEL PUMPS . . . IGNITION PARTS We rewind and build them to factory specifications! We are a little off the beaten path, but will guarantee you prompt and satisfactory service r . . Call on us liTflf Ifft • ! Gauge and Dealer trade invited Seaco Sales & Service r \ * Jfred J. Svoboda _ Lilymoor, ^ox 416, McHenry, Directioas: Turn south from Route 120 at/itty Lake School, turn left at third road (leading to lake^, seoond building from Center avenue. ^ AUCTION rope; 20 new stretcher; 10 milk cans; ~2 pails and1 strainers; post hole digger; scalding ffayrmck kettle; wheelbarrow; cream separator. Wash .tanks and heater; brooder stove; set of duoof* boards; snow nfl-x1, " \ yvur wvui «inb oau hkw w fo w Twiu coast? At any rate enjoy your fatique is what the teenred Saturday night the ride they came back to Club ager*s suffered rht. After fence; electric fends;' also manv artiiSvto mention includmoor. It was the uietest witnessed in a long time. Ta tip, president, next time you want 1h ammers, tmoi ccounnduuuccti aU d< own to earth meeti: it CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Phone 478 a hayrack party of the boboy s< ancing around wi cles too numerous: ing log chains, spades, shovels, f> Also quantity at household furni on!--# T * it 1>g® °* the buns Others hid theirs The farm having been sold, I will * n c f r ^n "L®, S"!and when it came to eating time they sell at public auction on the farm i J?" J? ^couldn't find tMm! J. Rogers not loiown as the old Ashley Anderson P™[fd " IVL. only roasted Se hot dog in the jated about'four miles north i . fireplace, but the bun right with it. of Woodstock on Route 47 and one P" 5. Your'e probably right, Johnny, the mile east of Route 47, and two miles 1°® bun protects the hot dog from burn- Cary State Bank, Clerldag and girls, take a tip from j you saw some walking and dancing southwest of Greenwood, on MONDAY, NOV. 18 Commencing at 12:30 o'clock sharp, the following described property, towit: 46 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of 34 Milk Cows 34 4 yearling heifers; 6 heifers under 1 year old. 1 team of horses.. 100 White Rock pullets^ Machinery Int. B tractor with cultivator; Int. F-30 tractor on rubber; Int. 60 combine with motor; 16 in. Mc-D. gang plow: 10-ft. tandem disc; cultimulcher. Case corn planter with fert. attach.; Case bundle loader; 2--3-s«c. wood drags; Mc-D. silo filler; Little Giant elevator with hoist; New Idea manure spreader; 2-wheel trailer with cattle rack; Mc-D. side deliver rake. 3 rubber tired wagons; 2 grain boxes; hay rack; dump rake; Universal milk machine; log chains; oil barrels; electric cow clippers; 2 hay grab forks; wheelbarrow; set double harness; 3 electric fence chargers and. numerous small tools. Hay and Grain 1,500 bu. ear corn in crib; 1,600 bu. oats; 2 tons alfalfa hay, haled; 6 tons mixed hay, baled; 10 tons straw, baled; 20 ft silage, 14-ft. silo. Terms: All sums of $25 and under that amount cash, over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. GBORGE WOODS Ftast National Bank of Clerldag ^|§:yp SATURDAY EVENING DECEMBER 16 BART'S TAVERN Main Street] as- West McHenry LUNCH WILL BE SERVED Don't forget the Cribbage tournament Friday night! * • i FRESH DRESSED BOL6E3L DRUGS ;v, -A':'. ^ .. rf Phone 146-R-2 NOW ON Oakhurst Terrace Turkey Farm Genoa City, Wist PHONE 2# :~J206 S. Green St THANK YOU ' yii aij.«m »i Q mm i»iii0i|h' .. I wish to thank all the Republicans for their ^rote and support in the general election Tuesday. As county and probate judge, I will ev< do my best for the public good* y Le|;'s elect a Republican president in 19481 JUDGE HENRY L GOWLIN Mftl MAX FOR ucu oimj ..SO IS YOU* AM* SKILLY GASOLINE Your car and Skeily Gasoline... what a combination for driving pleasure! Jink try a tankful of Skeily powc#» packed motor fuel, and see the last starts, tippy pklra^ and hill-climbing ease youH have. Remember...Skdlf • % - ; Gaaoline b told on a money-lNK*#«mrBnteeofsanstactioe||| STOP IN AT INK SKHXY SIGN FREUND OIL CO. Cor. Rt. 31 and Wankegan Road PHONE 202 i tr*- McHENftY, ILL. QUALITY YOU'LL APPRECIATE SERVICE YOU LL REMEMBER 'ThV"'" •?