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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1946, p. 9

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rnwrn-mmMmm* thm * m Um»M Mra. Bey MM as. O»4HMK at 1SsKk. Boll call wis iiMWMKid to by each one ghriaf .abihle i«m of thank*. ££»•£»%£ ^SSL* ,te Mr. awl Mrs. B. T. Mar entertained _the Bw HmAwd dab at their l#uw TtaHreday evening. Print w#w awarded to tbnL wSdoii Andraas and Kenneth Cristy, Ugh; and Mra. • The thing we >ell can't be seen. Yoa can't look at a prescription and tell where and how it was compounded. there is a difference. Because skill, care and experience are vital, these guardians of health direct folks to this "Reliable" Pharmacy. r Drug Store green Street McHenry Mr. and Mia. Find Wieirteh, Jr. the past weak at 4$beft Lea, 'Ca Joe Carney of Chief and Monday with MrT and Mrs. Roy Neal. Mr. and lira. Roland McCannon of Wbodstock, spent Sun Say Wetteier and Donald Swansea of Chicago spent Thursday in the Louis Hawley home. Mxa.Harrey Bauer of IBL^spg^Wednesday in the Mr. and Ifikra. Harold Wiedriih and daughters, Pearl and Henrietta, of Chemung spent Wednesday with Mao Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dawson of Waukesha, Wis., Victor Wkgner Of West Band and Misa Tbny^Tagner of Evanston, spent the wedkend with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck on He das with Mra. Roao J . afar, and Mra. George Shepard spent Sunday in the Alan Aingar home at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd and son, komrtcs wftfs iftrottgh afNCttf • VSnlktefftM Bureaa Imuim ml fill Km : ton, It. C, is Mt weekly eatrnmu M ••id Nriie«Mii and hit British primitravelnwwtfmfior, milk tko Newt/mpt* 1 reader* Uii* ey the veteran Qurntiim* otmy bo advened M dbe Bureau Roy, and Mra. Roy Neal and son,, «•<* thoy will bo mmmmrod fit e subsequent John, spent Saturday evening in the1 catum*. N» roi&m cwm bo mmde 4,rm by Arnold Eckstein homo at McHenry. | "»«». but omly « At cmlumm which wilt Mrs. Etta Wattlea and son, Glen,; *pp--' i* Ah wmywper mmMy. of MeHeary and Mr. and Mrs. Frank j . B . Harrison kpent Sunday wth Mr. andj cn««g« m Bonaficsuriei Mrs. C. L. Harrison. ! Mrs. Lena Klanperich and small! Because the new Insurance act of t>on of McHenry .were visitors at the 1946 has completely changed regu- S. W. Smith home, Saturday. j lations with respect to beneficiar- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wicks of Chicago, | ies. Veterans' administration is urg- »n, and Mr. ftenily of Arlington Mr. and"Mrs. Cvrly Wilson, i ing all veterans who have National -and j and Mgfr n * Service Life insurance' to designate eights «pent j daughters «*f Elgin spent Sunday beneficiaries for their insurance if Monday wi* her father, Charles home^ ^ Mr" *SL?lTlPiiia,Hl M™; ffiTSBl ^UoA cM on hw1 vid^ 'or an automatic order of lut lfcH^^n 7 at Ste .n?tyunrV .nd Mrs l^Si cession hi the event no beneficiary y' S. Inman at Witchita, Kansas, before designated, but on and after V Mrs. Blaekman spent Thursday Mr* J. C. Pearson is; July 31, 1946, that provision no With relatives at Aritioch. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. Steeow of Nfles Center spent Wednesday with Mrs. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Carlson and daughter of Maywood and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bruce of Belvidere spent the weekend in the Clayton Bruce home. Mrs. Lill Conway and Mrs. Ralph they return. _ teaching in Mrs. Hawleys' absence. , longer holds. Under the hew law. if Milton Laurence was home over the insured is not survived by a desthe weekend from Ft. Sheridan. He; ignated beneficiary, proceeds of his expects to get his discharge some- j insurance will be paid in a single time this week. „ sum to his estate at his death. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kattner of A- nnr+ #>* Spring Grobe spent Saturday even. .*• E i,wX ii£ in the Ed BVuer home. V ! J"®" ?». identity, as such, and is Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedricti and, f^jecrt to all laws governing esfamily of Greenwood spent Sundsy! tales, including claims of creditors • parents, administrator s fees and court ex , Sr. , penses. This would expose depend-if spent; ents to the risk of unnecessary ex- - i f , - 4 ray Kalph afternoon with the formers' c(iurt- ex- Simpson and son, Dennis, of Crystal (Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich ,J J _ke, called on Mrs. Cora KeUeyj Ed Benoy of Woodstock, spen Way afternoon. j Saturday with his daughter, Mrs.; pense and delay. In addition to nam- Mrs. A. Wice of Sturge^ Mich., is Paul Walkington and family. j ing a primary or first beneficiary, it Visiting her sister, Mrs. Roy Neal i Dewey Beck of Arlington Heights, ajso is important for a veteran to . *J5ySiii5»wto&wn.™ siEs^i.s*turdw ,nCh,rl"c,rr j^ryr'"5T"TT-, But physidans know that hiear Hebron. ! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.,! ^ Jrst Miss Alice Peet of Elgin spent! and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winn were beneficiary is deceased, unpaid ben Saturday and Sunday with her par-' Sundav dinner guests of Mr. and e wlU P®1™ *n*° ®e msured s Ifents; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. ! Mrs. Louis Winn. i estate. All restrictions upon the David Redmann of DeKalb who is j The . Keystone Home Bureau unit' choice of benellciariea also are reattendng Northwestern university | will meet at the home of Mrs. Ralph moved under the new law and the •pent the weekend with Mr. and: Carr on Friday, November 22. ; insured now may designate any per: Mrs. Weldon Andreas. | The Keystone Home Bureau social! son or persons, a corporation or • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelley of evening wbs held in the Richmond his estate as beneficiary. Carey spent Saturday morning in the j ha ll on Saturday evening, November Mrs. Cora Kelley home. 116. Nine tables played cards. Prises Questions tatd AniWtrt s Mrs. Paul Collins and three daugh- j were awarded to Mrs. Cornwell, a m_ -- •«»«»«. » < ters of Arlington Heights spent Mon-J Charles Osborne, MTS. Charles Reg-, _ . . e v e r s e a s i . tiay with Rev. and Mrs. Collins. i ner and Mrs. Robert Sutton. Hos- j . . WTU* ***** ? wound- Mrs. C. L. Harrison and daughter, | tesses were Mrs. Roy Harrison, Mrr. , , eewtraetea ma^ria and fun- Carol, spent Friday afternoon at. Clarence Harrison and Mrs. Howard 'ever. He la Mnln to hold s -Woodstock. Vogel. I Joh because bo is rick half t*ie Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry 1 Three members of the (Keystone time. Is there any way he can re- Home Bureau unit were invited to i ce!ve care and a pension without the Solon Mills and Richmond unit ^ entering a veteran's hospital? -- on Friday, November 15, to a pot Mrs. V. F., Lancaster, Calif. luck dinner. They gave the lesson A. There is a provision that elifci -j,.* - DOUGLAS TRUCKING I wiffo to announce that I will be hauling farm livestock to Chicago and bring back coal, feed, limestone, etc., on return load. Your patronage wlU be appreciated. * i. * V ...£• . I " -rJS^V Tel. 136-M "PAT" DOUGLAS^: Jkm 88, West McHenry iii in nnssnu ignorance. At that time I was not conscious of the fact that there was a movement to establish a library in McHenry. This movement is, I have found out, ably headed by Mrs. C. W. Goodall. It The early fairs of England were deaigned primarily for trade between British and. foreign merchants, importers and manufacture TSLtiv mHfcJ'tS'Sl ; eerr#a-. AAtt ^fairs "mMerercchhaannttss wwoouulldd iinn-- is certainly gratifying that there is, the goods, select piece by a in m Mc- m„A .•_TrT: _ Jz oping the Kod^ montiln Awarethat a plentiful m* stant water mfffy wnn i* if faiming waa |o anrrnsd areas, Cody-became group town interested in j r estabUahing an irrigatian Henry's cultural welfare. I cer-' ^ i Shoshone river vatti tainly thank Mrs. Goodell for herj to^<^. 8|~P« ^ to | opening of the 10th cenS ftn. togr POUUM in »T «"•»»' j SSSj ; !ain'<1. w*f" ^ Cambridge. Ita early history is Well, the mighty eight of McHenry! unknown, the first recorded refer- High are preparing to send their j ence being in a charter by King delegates to the Illinois Association! John-in 1211. Stourbridge fair conof Student Councils. Yes the stu- tinued until 1934. This fair waa dent council was invited to the; under the direction of Cambridge annual ^nvention of that organita-l university. At night red-coated stu- H0n. atlfirtonh'gh school mOcero. dent8 a* watchmen, going it s reaiiy an important event. Mc- about the grounds "harnessed and ^ -ux* rie Larson, Mafgare^Cruicknhank. j *^)OU* ^*>u there!. Skip Noren and Jacque Hopkins. TTiis convention is the first of a series of activities in which' the council is entering. The student council is really working hard and deserves recognition by th< Reaseving Decaleomanias When It is desired to removd dee students.! calcomanias before repainting walla or other surfaces, they may be softover to the United States ment when the latter agreed til atruct a dam and reaervpir i the newly-enacted reclamation taw. The site chosen waa Mat of* the infant community of Cody naiMd for "Buffalo Bill" and eafer to profit not only from its wiwfrni frontier atmosphere but from its nearness to Yellowstone park. Row the thriving town containa many m£ mentoes of its famous namesake* oven the houfe in which he waa born baa been, moved mn, Of course, I should mention that ened with denatured alcohol and the first game that our basketball j then removed by gentle rubbing or team is playing will be Friday, to-, scraping with aandpaper. morroy night, at Crystal Lake. So, we want a big turnout • Potato Grawera Of abdut 100,000 New Yorit state, more produce leaa than five acres ekch *ear. Well, see you next wi Statue BaUon; Quivers Vibrations strong enough Jto topple a 10-pound weight from the windy torch balcony of the Statue of Liberty complicated the Westinghouse lamp division's task of simulating electrically a "living flame" in the torch. Subscribe f or The Plaindealar Another Thorp Sale AUCTION ART and AND •"i --- CHARLES LEONARD, AucUoneer on Home Furnishi attended were Mrs ii?S; .MEN'S SHOP; Phon« 19 '-'i' ./..t!, McHENRY MINI Straat 8 RjEFElGERATORS, DEEP FREEZERS, "AND WASHING MACHINES^ REPAIR SERVICE 312 Elm Street 4Phone 439-W inga. Those JJ*10! ble veterans may receive home town DR a,l p.h Cr, arr andj Mw'r s. Wa^lt4errl 8V' a7l™en-':| care from local physicians in states where the stat(, ^e y dica] associalion Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muzzy visited, has entered into an agreement for his parents at Marengo Sunday. I suc*) care with Veterans admims Mrs. Vern Malsch of Lake Geneva! tration. California doctors havt visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane spent Sunday in the Sam Duba home at Mtkndelein. Mrs. Agnes Jenclu entertained at a birthday party at her home Sunday evening in honor of the birth-! '1 V™ days of William Spencer, Mrs. Lar-! sita.te hospitalization. Suggest you sen and herself. Games of cards1 your nearest Veterans ad were played and a nice supper was! ministration office and they can adserved. Those to make up the happy vise you. Q. What are the requirements of made such a contract. However, to obtain a pension it would be neces «ary for the veteran to undergo a medical examination by physicians of the Veterans' administra- Beinp unable to obtain help the: undersigned will sell on the farm j known as the Dr. Schroeder farm,' 6 miles northeast of Woodstock, 6j miles northwest of McHenry and 1 mile north of State Route 120, on . FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 29 ' Commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp,. the following described 'property to-1 w i t : ^ i 52 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of j 84 Dairy Cows--11 Guernseys and 23 Holsteins, 3 of the Holstein cows are registered and papers -will be furnished. About one-half of this dairy has been fresh in the past six weeks and four will freshen in about 30 days. This is an exceptionally high producing herd with an average yearly butterfat test of 3.9 and RESTAURANT - Formerly Eva's Restaurant ^ ;;;v 204 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY Catering To Private Banquets and Dinner PartkriF IHnners and Lunches served at moderate prices. PHONE McHENRY 38 J '% - - '-f 'V'< * "" > gathering were Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. J- C. Holly, Mr. and Mrs. Larson, Mrs. Eva Eption to determine his disability the present time are producing rating, although thB Wl»t neccs- ! bull, 18 month, old; 3 whiteface steers, wt. about 760 ea., one Black Angus cow, one Black Angus heifer, 6 monoid. 6 mos. old. 12 sheep. a disabled veteran to be eligible for Feed a car at the expense of Veteran*' administration? How do you go pel, Mrs. Schubert and Mrs. Jencks. j about getting your national insur anee ehiuiged to a 20-year payment? Need Rubber Stamps T Order at The Plaindealer. NIXON AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Phone Woodstock 478 --W. P., Lewis town, Pa. A. The law provides that any veteran of World War H who has lost the use of, or lost one or both legs at or above the ankle, upon application is authorised to purchase an automobile from a dealer of his own choice st a cost not to exceed $1,600. A form may be obtained from your neareat VA oflice. In changing over your inaurb m •« ». ia.u . .. . . ance, your nearest Veterana' ada^ H^ ministration office will provide you 2?al property on the farm ftmerly; forms and toatruc known u be WiUiam Schildt farnj ^ona in making out your application -- - - for the change. Q. Is ft trae that aD IMS draftee* will be released from the army bv December SI, IMC?--A. J. K., Ad* Okla. • A. Not necessarily. While some newspapers interpreted an October 17 ruling of the army to mean they would, the regulation mere ly provided that, in an effort to ltt miles west of No. 47 from Boals Corners, 4 miles northwest of Woodstock, 2 miles eMt and north of Hartland , oh WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp the following descrbied property, towit: 59 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of PICK-UP DELIVERY SERVICE • ' Z ' * wffl be testuned as before the war. - Two deliveries -- Monday and Thpi»day GRANDE CLEANERS tsm PHONE U McHENRY - v- ' * ^M^MNUMMNMiMaasmaMMMSMM 25 Holsteins sad Mixed Dairy Cows, , 4. . . 4 two-year-old heifers due to P'ace *he army on a volunteer basis freshen in December and January, 9 an(^ to increase efficiency, sufficient yearling Holstein heifers, 10 6-mos. j personnel to bring the army down old heifers, 4 fall calves. j to strength to meet decreased ap- This is an extra choice dairy of | propriations would be discharged on cows with some very good Holstein! or before December 31, 1946. The heifers. Anyone desiring additions ( army now is preparing an addition to their herd will make no mistake in al ruijng to make the October i7 purchasing cattle here. order more specific. 6 Spotted Poland-China gilts, 3 • Spotted Poland-China barroin. Q. My husband is in the army and 2 good work horses. ' ' C " " - e x p e c t i n g a c h i l d I n N o v e m Hay and Grain ber. Am I entitled to maternity 250 bu. of old corn 1945; BOO bu. care from the government?--Mrs. of new corn in crib; 7 acres of corn; F. C., Hollywood. Ala. in shocks; 15 tons of mixed hay, A. If your husband is an enlisted baled; 400 bu. of oats; 7 tons of 2nd man jn the first three grades, you cutting alfalfa hay, baled; 80 ft. of are entitled to maternity care. Sugsilo feed m a 14-ft. silo, 10 tons of gest that your husband consult his l.t ;uttmg alfalf. lo<«, 1» ton. of. offi(;er for .u detail.. Machinery or y°u m®y aPP1y to your 'oca' F-20 Farmall tractor on rubber C*"08® for information. with new style cultivator; 2 3-sec. j Q. My son enlisted in the army drags; IHC com binder; IHC 8-ft | air corps for 3 years. He la IS years Jram binder, good; IHC silo filler;; 0|d i wouM^Uke to know if he can ump rake; 2 IHC mowers with be pat to the stockade or gtv«a a tongue trucks; newIHChay loader; dishonorable discharge far feeing In v culti- ^ Mrmy mder age?--N. N. P., 600 bu. oats, 2,000 hales mixed timothy and alfalfa hay, 5 tons 2nd cutting al Haifa baled, 5 tons baled straw, 800 bu. ear corn. Machinery Model L. J. D. tractor rubber with lights and starter, F-12 tractor on rubber cultivator, Mc-D. 42 combinc, Wood Bros, single row corn picker new, Case tractor spreader on rubber, Mc-D. 8-ft tractor grain drill Witih fert. attachment. 2-wheei trailer, manure loader for Model-H or M tractor, 2 single row cultivators, McCormick 5-ft. mower, rubber tired wagon and flare grain box, J. D. 14-ia. tractor plow, J. D. 8-ft tractor disc, 4-sec tion steel harhow. 7-ft horse disc, sulky plow, steel wheel wagon and rack. Universal milker Outfit complete, three single mnita, 2 wash tanks, electric water heater, 14 milk cans, saddle, set of breeching harness, o portable hog houses, 2 Jamesway hog nouses, 2 Jamesway hog waterers, numerous other articles. Gravley garden tractor outfit complete with plow, disc, drag, 4-ft. mower and l,0P0-lb. trailer. Usual Thorp terms. EDWIN J. NEWKIRK Hern Finance Corp., Clerking W. F. Powers, Representative ~ Phone Woodstock 110 : L a w r e n c e Duchow1* < RED RAVEN^ Victor Recording Orchestl* will be at •••„«• -A m*-' NELL'S BALLROOM Johnibnrg Bridge, 3 miles north of McHmrf Thursday Nite, Nov. 28 Why not swing out tfce Bed Raven ^elka te the of the Red Ravens at a , THANKSGIVING DAT DANCE This band is well known thonghovt the oomtry for its OOMPDY POLKAS Sweet and Swing Modern Mvsie •M-: <4! •*H. 'Cl • • f i' • 'iiffin'ir ! Case side rake; IHC single row j New Idea manure spreader, new;! P^dale, Mich. a . . 12 new rubber-tired wagons and. A. Although your son entered the i racks; rubber-tired feed wagon; 2- army by giving his age wrong, oral- | bottom Allis Chalmers plow; 7-ft: narily'the army will do nothing t IHC disc; new limestone spreader; about it. They certainly will not , new Case quack digger; 7-ft. grain • give him a dishonorable discharge, j drill; new IHC corn planter with| if you should ask for his discharge | fert attach.; US grain blower. j ,jue to his agt, he might be re- l I Woad-wheel Wagon and rack and! jeased with ah honorable discharge. | jbox combination; slip scraper; new: Ti,ot ia oil H stock tank heater; cream separator;, ' . j. i new IHC 2-unit milker; 12 milk " j" ; jeans; wash tanks; pails and strainers. | Name Canteloiipee ^ j Also many articles too numerous1 Cantaloupes are s§ named after to mention meaning all small tools Cantalupo, Italy where th$ melons |and equipment used in the operation j were first grown in Eurone. I of a farm. j 1 . Terms: All sums of $25 and under! • that amount cash; over that amount [ Asphalt Compounds j a credit of six months at 6 per cent j Asphalt compounds are the old- ^ i will be extended on notes approved I oat and moat efficient waterproofing j ^ by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, »nH weatherpoofing agenta yet dia- W kindly make arrangements before covered by man. They kept Noah'a I £ pureh ase is made. No property to j ^ afloat and until this day have X be removed until settled for MRS. BEATRICE SCHELDT NOON First Natianal Bank af W« • - ' " • , .1 yjiifa gardens of wonder of the Smooth Full-Bod ind FLAVOR - - •WEST WINES PORT -- MUSCATEL -- SKERRY TOKAY -- WHITE PO»* Fifths $1.15 ? DBT WINES SAUTERNE -- Fifths 80i BURGUNDY -- CLARET * Fifths 70i ZINTANDEfc wmsiuiT CALVERT RESERVE Fifths $3.90 ATLAS FSAtm Beer By the Case--$2.75 D®po«^ , * Fifths $3.40 i S1P-SNA.CK, INN 200 E. ELM STREET uyi

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