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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1946, p. 1

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wBm FiswW'f BK&rea l'J&t*?4J2 " *T "**##' ' ,W^ w __ j:* y r 2' ^*1 " C <% *®* £,*;- -H * ^ "*- <fi~ '*:*V' ** • * "*<*• jp> V--v* ~ i* /-v;^Vs *"<** ^ ^ -J -H ji«'W *# .r#V • * •* * <-- ,.• - .. Vf'- ; '«** MfcC-5 ;.;s5rj"«< >• .;f<»•-,'«*( *• 'i.;.-"^' v T" .ra t" tr;- «-« '.I* Vi- •*!|T.'4*V " " -' A- -T«. <*,?F..F 'V. .1.•1• m^rn., « 21,1M6 PLAINDHALER TO BE PRINTED ONE DAT EARLY NEXT WEEK falls on Thursday, NOT. MMMMM nkurk that what McHenry ia neeessaTf for needed -was a sports shop. As if in answer to the reooest. three Mcto be printed one day earlier than usual, • on Wednesday. CITY ARE Br Since 1921 BpsMents in this area learned laSt that higher rates for teleservice wffl be sought by the Bdl Telephone company bethe end of the year, according • report of officials. The sise of > increase sought was not difebut it is tSoacht that it will 15 and 20 per cent, t This will be the first increase in weal service charges sought by the since 1921, when a rate was granted on its plea higher rates were necessary of increased cost. The comnow completing studies on its petition to the Illinois jrwwuts commission will be based. While engaged in the largest serimprovement effort in its Myths Telephone company has straggling with- Its own high Miring problems. All during . and especially since the Drools Bell Telephone company have been going down, is a fact, despite the largest of telephones and calls «nl. year earnings will be as low of the De- University ma te PaolEdwaid, Gutisnaa, aeeNk to the listing society at a sist him president; aid tary. The topic for debate this year is: "Resolved that labor should be given a direct share in the msnsgsmsnt of industry.** The members plan to imrtiripate in a very taiga number Or debates, including tournaments at Bfoomington, III., Manchester, Ind, Denver, Detroit and the My eastern tourney at West Point, sponsored by the U. S. Military Academy. 4-H TOWN DIRECTORS ASK COUNTY BOARD FOE LONGER LEASE A delegaton of directors from the board of the 4-H Town Inc., including George Richardson of Spring Grove, was present at last week's meeting of the board of supervisors, seeking a change in the terms of the lease for housing 4-H Town on the old fair ground sits at the eastern city Units of Woodstock. Mr. Richardson asssrted that the lease at present is for only twenty-five tears, and that in his opinion the length of time should be re-considered by the lands and lots committee. Buildings ape to be erected, he Grove neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Wed* X* Brtmann, when tragedy their home last year* wUl he -- to laarn that the eoopls has a •** daughter. The baby was horn test a year after fire destroyed their >ni) and took the lives of their five children. It will be remembered that following the fire, which was probably the worst in McHenry county history, kind ftiends started a fund for the couple, with a total of almost $12,000 being collected in a few weeks. ' The Ettmsnns began at once to erect a new home, and now tho proud father is hurrying to finish it for the homecoming of his family. SIX ARE INJURED M BEAIMM COLLISION ^ Bfceklop Will Be ~ £ Vatft Ai Covering ' Oa Buati&f Surfaces - Me<r sci roved roads and; various other which are always following wartime curtailment are keeping the McHenry county readers busy these days. At the board of supervisors' last meeting, a great deal of discussion came about concerning two proposed road improvements in the Huntley community. The roads in question are the seven-mile stretch from Ave corners to Hantley, and the seven and one-half mile stretch from Huntley to Algonquin. Supervisor John Filip of Algonquin Henry . , and JaiMtiofliiinad, startedasportinp goods business. They are operating the new business in the quart* era on Rivsrids Drive which house the Fox River Valley Boat company, the management of which the brothers took over last Jan. 15. iinrafivo o TW »*• carrying as complete a up for diacutttan I,in* °* winter and summer spots equipment as is possible at present This includes golfing, bowling and skiing equipment, archery sets and a variety of other articles which wUl please the sports-minded. Remember this newly opened store when doing your Christmas shopping. JUNIORS' ANNUAL PRODUCTION WINS AUDIENCE ACCLAIM I township lad the fight'on the'resolu-" nOL ! A very serious head-on c o l lision of tion rsfommsnded by the road and ^JUf Ijf two autos occurred last Sunday,! bridge eoMnllse v»hich suggested soil shortlv after noon, near the Barre-1 cement he used. "The people in mv nurfit^rium t .x.n^L^L.C_ i _1f ville school, causing severe injuries township ahaast a blacktop road," said! «rki * to «. Mip. H. V moTed X&Z' •"•••I i v«i nwnwHij. Correspondents and advertisers will need to get their copy into our office one day earlier. Our deadline on display advertising will" be Monday iWDon, on classified ads, Tuesday s^ 10 sum., and news, Monday fcondnet Last Riles pfor Fred Bohlander In McHenry Friday NEW ELEC11UC MOTOR SERVICE OPEN HERE McHenry friends of Fred lander, 83, learned on Wedn0s< his death, which occurred that day, Nov. 20, 1946, at the Haven rest home near Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. Bohlander, who had been in Another local business which has j JSl?here' foT$h*Tuk<^n t£ been growing steadily m its short summer a short time after period of existence is the electric 1 death of hi« wife motor repair shop of Bruce Klontz,j ... „ , located at 102 West WHuke?an 01 MVQ^>hla^dei'.]^*f lx>™l 0.n Aa«?«f street, McHenry. The_business; JITw.uw wDfe SS!St Mr. and Mre. WUliam Wi son, GeoHfc Mrs. Marie Kossman and sen, Ingene, all of Burton's rs. Hassl Ober of Laks were enroute to visit it tM 1 spseMtathins be changed to Paul visor of said, a^t a^n esSmated cost'o^T fSO,0001O^g inj^hsthres about 12:M on »inin our worst depression year, and such an enterprise should-war-1 day> gs next year will be the rant a longer lease. Herbert Kilb^ i their ear and another, from the opposite diassistant In township, ad- Wrong Pro- T," a three-act comedy which ' provided many a laugh throughout super- the evening. Well cast were the charactei in the sixtr-Ara-year "Of the company. Compared with the •war year of 1940, Illinois Bell me is up 89% hat expenses are 80%. This new expense burden M increases on Mmost everywe buy. . Increased Wagea However, the greatest expense inhas occurred in wages, where total pavroll costs are up 126% 11M0. Some 14,000 additional have been employed and trainto man new equipment in place en order--but the payroll increase largely because of history another director, aaasrtsd that boys and girls are members of 4-H, Mrs. Wright suffered the clubs in the country. He went on to t severe injuries, including a leg describe the town when completed, I broken in two places and a broken consisting of a central pavilion, sur- > arm. She was still unconscious many rounded'oy a- structure for beef, one j hours after the accident. Mr. Wright for dairy, one for sheep and poultry, {suffered a deep scalp wound and Mrs. one for hogs and one for home I Ober a broken leg. Others were economics. He added that $4,1741 badly bruised and cut about the face, has been earned by the clubs this j (Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wright year to start the project. are hoping for their speedy recovery The matter was referredf^ to' the 8<> that they may celebrate their lands and lots committee to meet golden wedding anniversary with a committee from the 4-H di- summer. drssssd tboard and said he ni""51' ^ thaught t-h e aa-t feeeern esidheorueldti nnbe £gfiv«i «in R^i^T P AM 8on» Robert L. Freund and Jacque consideration before Hopkins the leading playera, Mir. mm"1 *aret end Alan Bockman, and ' the able supporting actors and act- . ; resses Elaine Nell, Diane Freund, ... on. y»ue continued, Marion Conway, Dick Heuser, Larry with Supervisor Edward Kuecker, Hau? and Roy Nom. some stndy taking action, sagge.sting it be fenred to the road and bridge < most j nittee. Debate chairman of the road and bridge committee, stating that his committee had given it much consideration and had agreed on cement. He added, however, that it if they wished tions. The road was up to the board to change specifics- Keeping the audience in gales of laughter was the young ne'er-do-well, Jacque Hopkins, who spent much of The new business is known as the McHenry Electric Motor Service. Mr. Klontz is equipped to completely rebuild and redesign all types of electric motors from the smallest up to 75 horse motors power. Parts for aCout popular makes, of electric will be carried in stock. The new local businessman expects to have motors of all siuv for sale and for replacement. A«j soon as tracks are available, pick-up and delivery service and also emer-, gency service, will be offered the | public. At the present, in ease of eme: re! in Chicago be^- i fore moving to McHenry in 1902« Here he and his late wife operate^ a grocery store in the Stoffel build* ing in West McHenry, where couple made the acquaintance I won the respect acquaint of local fifty-three Tihheeyy sold their store and retired 1927. On Nov. 23, 1945, the bra ted their fifty-filth wedding tiversary. The body of. Mr. Bohlander n bought bade to McHenry will rest at the Peter rM. Ji funeral home until 9:30 ^ o'clock v. • |iM _ JULm^|,t.iFriday morning. Services will be nergency, he promises a complete ducted at that time Rev. S. t. build on any motor up to 50 horsepower in twenty-four ^ours. The shop equipment at this time includes a precision back geered screw cutting Sheldon lathe and a 76-ton capacity hydraulic press capable of taking diameter up to 45 inches. Equipment on orHer includes il windinj by Erdey. The body will taken to Monee, where last ritse be held at 1:30 p.m. at St. Paul'i Evangelical and Reformed church Burial will be in Monee. Survivors include two _ ters, Mrs. Anna Marie ^nowlet'tf Glen Beulah, Wis., and Miss Gladys special coil winding machinery with Bohlander of Milwaukee; also tw*f; «™»ug aurviujr cvwiiw wie which he will be able to put out „„o( _, -..i, i,;!,!,... __J «. # nolice in a most convincing manner, prdouction work and keep prices at |fhe lafter ^^din^ i„ Minnesota. % Using his most persuasive arguments, a minimum. | „ ' "vl" _ . a Mrs. Katharine Orn| rectors in an effort satisfactory lease. to work oat a higher wage In oar company at this time { ,„,m„ -- " eat of every dollar goes to em ! CITY COUNCIL TAKES essoin wages. e want to go on paying good and improving the service, with earnings down 54% since we face a serious problem. Our policy has always been to STEPS TO IMPROVE CITY WATER TOWER (For ^_c ouple of days last week McHenry" residents felt like the fel MOTHER OF McHENRY RESIDENT BURIED TUESDAY MORNING Desth came to Mrs. Katherine^ Orvis of Spring Grov« last Thursday^ November 14, 1946, following «"• year's illness. She waa 79 years e€|:'. arguments . to talk the "wrong profesor" into I Mr. Klontz, a graduate of the next***-"II --j-- frw five corners to; posing as the real person brought; local high school in 1939. graduated Huntley is estimated^ to be com-; about many amusing and embarrass-1 from the Chicago Technical college pteted at a cost of $161,000, and the j ing situations which eventually had I in May of 1943 with a B.S. in elec- °*ker project is expected to reauire a nappy ending. , trical engineering. He entered the ili i *** un federal j Credit" for directing the play to its navy in June ^ same year and . age. * ^ u - , . successful producton staee was Miss during the three years he served in Mrs. Orvis*was born in Comtf a substitute motwn which re- , 5,U8i„tic in a^pUuw. I itchoolintr. he ». Music between acts was furnished '$• considerable experience in 1 eldest child of Robert and Nancy line. Besides additional. Shaw Patterson, who emigrated toj\. schooling, acted as electrical in-!America in 1872. Coming to C3d«| n true tor at Bainbrid«re, Md., and atjeago, Mr. Patterson fotmd emptoy-| Sympathy is extended Mrs. Earl t offered Marshal in the death of her mother, j commended to the road and bridge Mrs. Adolph Koemstedt, 58, of 612 committee that blacktop be used in-!. "a"'~*iH«;'~chorar T ^tv"^! Washington, D. C. He served aboard ment as a baker. In 1875 they xi «»*--»- street, Waukegan, who | Jtewl o^c^nLThe^te^on^ this voices, gowned in pastel-colored^for-! ^hiP 0PerRtinir of Guatemala, to McHenry county, residinginHar- p«,vid. Si low win 'Water,' I thr^v^, to. |, VK/V SAND ?"wCnKTi'.n^y! Cuba, and in the Panama Canal Zon »ies at the lowest cost consistent wfcter evfrmjilieie, but not a drop to St. Therese hospital. She had been >ng cast against^ it Contracts 'or and 'a ^ ' jas a first class electrician. •" fair treatment of employees drink" >» »bout four weeks. A nstive of,the two improvements may be let «•» financial mUt, .( ihi *M k wlw*! im ' allowed the pressure in the city * The fact is that low earnings now water mains to lower, with a final iten the financial soundness of, result that unpalatable water was business, with consequent harm (coming through the faucets, eutomers' service and employee' | In order to prevent further ocfsre. Hence, it is evident that in curences of the same nature and to future telephone rates, in com- > improve the ^condition of the city; ;inon with most other prices, must the increased costs of doing Ths company has put off this de- ~ >n to the last possibe moment. rovenents may iy next spring, having uy in 1942.: priority over other road program imles her husband, sne is sur-! provements. vived hy eight children, Lawrence and Joseph of Wkukegan, Lester of Beloit, Pfc. Herbert of Carlisle. Pa., Mrs. Earl Marshall of McHenry, Mrs. Ivan Amlin of AmHurstberg, water, the City Council d£u£3i*nd Mrs. Raymond Diehl oft methods with Engineer V. H. Kasser i t K ,. - f on Monday evening of this week. i tv J f It was concluded that the installa- ^nwIUS I Ascension cemetery. ' f ARM THE Pri*» Perciwon Enchantment , RETIREBIENT FUND Entered In Big Hone Show | ACT EXPECTED TO ! Milton Dowell of McHenry, 111., COST COUNTY $9,000 j has registered for competition at the | International Livestock Exposition and Horse Show his Percheron stallion, Enchantment by Enchanter. The finance committee has gfr Municivard for two years and later IK Woodstock, Mcllenry and Sole* Mills. Their last change of residsnc<jb^> %as to Spring Grove, when MM.-H Orvis made her home since On Nov. 14, 1885, Katherine Pat->?'|} lerson was united in marriage witi#^? William Shotliff, a widower with ossi' child, Laura, now Mrs. L. J. Harriscn of Rockford. To this union thresi £ % j sons and two daughters were horn, 1. Walter, who died in 1937, Alice Waff* tion of a blow-out valve at the base fisct, until studies are completed; j of the water tower is necessary. This wfil not know exactly- when a re- < will allow frequent cleaning of the will be filed with the Illinois stand-pipe without draining the en • tree Commission, nor exactly j tire contents. This improvement will much will be requirsd to* re-j be made immediately. Further steps ths balance between income will be taken to improve conditions. in Wauk< with raukegan burial jn McHENRY POISONED IN FAST FEW WEEKS •vary so plea In the meantime, users of city water need not have fears. The superintendent of waterworks has received reports from the State of Illinois Department of Public Health that the water is purposes. MANY ALIEN VETERANS FAIL TO TAKE SHORT CUT TO CmZENStilP -- _ ven a report concerning the Illinois pal Retirement fund act, as it per-. , . „ _ ,, g Enchantment already has a fine show tains to McHenry county employees, i ner, Fred, William and Mabel FM»*| record for the season, having won The act 'was «PP">ved and a resolu- • *en» who passed away on May 1B^| the Reserve Grand Championship at tion adoPted providing for prior serthe recqnt Wisconsin State Fair. |yice credits to I* times the rates of, Mr- ShoUiff P~»®d »way on Dsc^| Mr. Dowell is one of thirty-seven I municipslity credits for current ser- 18, 1900, snd four years later tbmg - - -- ' was united in marriage with John W The couple had one ssa* f John B. Sanborn, now of ^ SEEK $3,000 DAMAGES wiks Oil and Joe Lange seek D . , . ^ A .. . 83,000 damages from George Lein as Percheron tireeders to enter their • ! Sanborn til; result of an accident on Seminary »*"* thf f"5*1 International. Ten Approved was the recommendation ^nDO™ avenue. Woodstock, on October 24, ^re,n' BUt*8,W,U be represented that the county clerk, R D Woods, 1946. The damages are for persons! competing-fwpthe he the authorised agent of the counr 8100,000 of awards. -- ~ -- •" -- :+tr WALTER KNOX, 45, OF HEART DISEASE often thfre is a of pets to take , , againet time who resort to JUJQ Qf OHIOAOO inhaman practice of poisoning This cry tor action was again last wow when several pets the vicinity of Rivsmide Drive diSd . this manner. It is hard for as to imagine anyredding in oar peaceful city would stoop to dsstroying a by this means. Only those who owned Funeral set vices were aem on Saturday at St. Edward's church in Chicago for Walter Knox, son of Edward Knox well known here. An employee of the Olson Bug company for twenty-six years, and manager Many aliens in Illinois who served* in the srmsd forces of the United: States during World War II havsj Isss than two months Mt to takej safe for drinking > advantage of a special law on natttr- j aBsation, Homer C. BTadney, administrator of ths IBhn sis. Veterans Conuniasioa. TVs aaosad Wkr IMS, which permits veteran aliens to take a short cat to citizenship, nsBimbsr 81, 1H& This act aH alisM entering the service Dec. 28, IMS. The act waives the customary declaration time teats lish. injuriss to Lange and property age to a truck owned by tae oil com The suit was filed ii^nday Dnncan Food Store SaVed county court | From Boriiiiif On Friday - ' fund are county treasurer, county j Because of the alertness of Cecil clerk, cjrcuit clerk, clerks in the, j ty for the fund snd that an actuary) be employed to ascertain and file a report as to the contribution to hSj msde by the county for this ftmd. Tho" Witt Ui. Jl^SSilSS^SdSSTSirtjSSC Grove. After Mr. Sanborn's dsath on " 16, 1920, his widow was parried a^| ; ; year later to Byron L. OMs; ' survives her. She also Waves ASK INJUNCTION ^ miciu ,. B*Uow*,ot McHenry Cab com- above offices, state's attorney, clerks ^ v - >is causing no little concern to at Dmny. the Duncan food store and in office of county superintendent of ,, , ?[, schools, countjr reporter, probation ®^ KlffSnrsi zmndi 1 what. county . . officers, sheriff, county superintend- j ! were saved from destruction by fire ent of nigh ways, county highway do-1 °ff surrounding buildings, located on the Act of according to a billoif complain t blacktop road southeast of McHenry, -1* --1 Mod m circuit court ky Atty* J* J* | mm n¥**i Jssissisit i.. Im> McCauley against Leonard H- last Fridy. .. .j- . . A . u. | Mr. Ballowe was taking a passen-, tor and Jailer, county home employes Tim plaintiffs contend that Mr. ^ ^ ^ ^ w^he «nd board of review clerks. Palmer operates s pinery mi three ~ ' jSm addition in nty hignway aa.j----* *;T™" last Friday. ipartment, comity veterinarian, jani-,caOM ^ ' and board of review tLSSssLsr&SxL fl' '£SJS. . 8s»»hes Fansral seivkes ware held « day afternoon. Not. IT, at t o'clock in tit* F I. AxteU .rfrfitinn in "oticwl * fir* »preading across the The estimated cost of financing from the Eborn fanesal lots in the E. L. AxtoU addition in ^ nMr hoiMl«« H. thc fund will be $9,000 according to, Clerk Woods. Most of this will come! from the earnings of ths - flees, with but a small li wwum Or cats and have of the store st Diversey and Craw- "*£• . . .. . i lie"plaintiffs sdd, he allows tracks jugt It 'vfrcssssry. j The i them animportant part of the ford avenues, Mr. Knox died of heart, of garbage and other rsfase to stand ln} hoJ^ TL superintendent of «chods fVed A. Graham ly can rsalias the heavy hearts of disease at th« age of 45. th>t n*. iSSJ? for days, resulting in obnoxious odors ur snder t h e ^ l a n ; . t h e s t a p l e s e r v i c s e , w h k h r member when ha u greeted Survivors include his father, ths "i i^S. ^ m.«« mkiIMm tkM •»». ".• ' wincan and retrrement funds of their <«rn organi- -- tka kan ii»«i Imm, !• J--1 wiIav twn uum --' many or them in Illinois, have failed • IKR aft»i frienda. '-W.< • the hews that Rover is dead, widow, Grace, two sons, one brother ^-"nt^s"1 n*f"thTVrs^ ***** nt* **** nafnMlt.afU. Plttm tO __ J AIYK THK OONTLIUFTW thiir IVAT WW RNTTTVBWL XUIKIS OI UW VWB VR^BIU- endlUtK Th»^«m^on, they avsr,^^cab i»ssenger were required to put sstions. The "1 snd H" plan for know that he died unnessaril; t„es , b. reed.*i*n*g• . out the fire, last i!!j»Ttton O!®** County Price travel from Msarily, and two sisters. ox me speemer ^ their homes, bm Ifeasngh poisoning, only adds to their, Miss Genevieve Knox of McHenry. proceedings provided disejise and end»ngetSg their health. -grief. cousin of the deceased, ettamle^ ! They ask a tor if voar neighbor's dog is annoying services. ' Veteran aliens in Illinois who have b any way, pick op the tele-. • . snd give that neighbor a1 DIBS OF WOUNDB He will appreciate your at-i Ernest Voss, 84, was killed «wv w-^T-^v on tnese You'll feel proud of your- week while painting on the Martin for main uncovered. They also ask that, fc and cannot 1MUe any sugar j the defendant be restrained from per- forms. All business and forms must gy APPROPRIATION of the the first, of the saiptures fteaa Paul's • epistlss llifith psi act, service not applied for eitisenehip under the ? defeiiSnnt or" any ol Gontrol Bo&lld No. 114 : the recent election. r*m d mstter or vegetable matter The local Price Control Board No. AMERICAN LEGION, prior service is the ssme ss adopted the twenty-third and • by Kane, DUPMO, Lake and Bowie HI» comforting words, delivered in counties, according to Mr. Woods. an earne8t manner, were prompted County voters approved the fund *^ j>Y his personal contacts with -?w& officer for the Illinois Vetrour. «.k wfcu. p.inti^on ^WPOTTS BBHjifep hslf, too, for after all, isn't that the Freese home in the village of Sharon. | Did; with Edwin Peters when he wss assistance in making application. •pest mis mil ill r thing to do? 1 Wis. He was working on a scaffo i WL. - '»>»»'" l|S»0»»a< | gtruck in the heck of the head with BlrtKs a Peters said he heard the The county poor claims rfe] m I shot and the whine of the bullet which indicated it had ricocheted off some other object. A 16-year-old Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stanek of youth was questioned and admitted Sprto* Grove are the parents of a hunting rabbits in s nearby field. He aen, born on Nov. 18 at the Wood- said he had scared^ up a couple of Stock hospital. : rabbits near the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conway wel- had shot at them. -fnw s daughter, born at the wood- Stock hospital on November 13. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Max George Jackson, who reside between town of Delavan, lost his right arm McHenry and Woodstock, on NOT. in an accident st the stone crusher 18 st the Woodstock hospital. located in the gravel pit on the Delaand Mrs. Walter Larsen of van mound, south of EUchorn, Wis., r Lake are the parents of a last week. He was brought to the daughter, born on Nov. 18 at thc, Walworth County hospital where th Woods ther notice, ii representstive from th^ including an apDropriation of |9,00f Rockford rent office will continue to *? the various American> Upon, and Mr. > • • • » » • • • « • • • • » » • * m i t t i n g l o a d e d t r u c k s o f g a r b a g e t o b e r e f e r r e d t o t h e O f f i c e o f P r i c e 4 * !stand uncovered and permitting car- Administration, 222 West Adams AIDODK tnC SlCft ; casses of dead pigs and filth to re- street, Chicago. However, until fur- I main. On the court hearing they ask IIMMMMMIIMMMMMM that this be a permanent injunction WII1 W1HI1I1, w „ , Vnpt>. w.-_ u -- „ . . i hold interviews for his clients every Veterans of Foretgn Wars ^osts ™ .•T&,n^iC*ne ^7rfntJUr" HELD TO JUBY Friday afternoon only, from 1:00 the county, un^r the BogardtM hospital, Wau- Xich*r4 Turner was held to the until 5:00. wa» *PProved by the board of si •fEU* ThuTS*y' ! grand jury last week on s charge „ - , . ***• "*n?l..J*>on>e.? "rf!* of assault with a deadly weapon, j Freese home and from a ^rocsnt illness which kept her ge ^ ,1]^ to have assaulted Bruno ^ SI!®!™ home in West Mc- Qfcet Qf Crystal Lake with a knife on^ ingn 1D1I ~ | October 29 in front of the Crystal WraM ARM I Mjn^sf. Tollexsen has been a sur- T , NMR FRVOTAL Lake. Roeker, a resident mi tho gfcaTpatient at St. Therese hoepi- f F ,, , .. - - taL WankMnn 1 Justice Charles F. Haves set his Miss DoraAy Schroeder has been *t $3,000. Turner pWded guil- - medical patient at St. Therese ty^to the charg^of assault RESIDENCE CHANGES ,^S1 was appro? visors last ropriatod superweek. The amount apto each post follows. i deceased before and after her | Alness. Mrs. Myrtle Hauck sang - I "The Old Rugged Cross" and "Bean- 3 $^ tiful Isle of Somewhere" daring the Service. 1 r^' . Serving ss pallbearers were Mark - ;r 'Fierce, Charles Gillespie, Ben Wfctts, ATnmk Sanders, Thomas Madden and ^-4; Chester Stevens. Interment was in ^ * the Shotliff lots in Coles cemetery. , in Friends and relatives from ths set. following cities were in attendance: North Hampton, New Hampshire, ^ : ::,;k Middle Inlet, Beloit, Lake Geneva, and Wihnot, Wis., Chicago, Bock-. . ^ tock American Legion, $2,000 ford. Rock ton, Carlinville„. DesPIainea* - j; Harvard, $900; Crystal Lake, $1,600; Waukegan, Woodstock, Zion City an& WW MAA _ TL.TT A *1 AAA. UAKWMAA III COMING EVENTS hospital, Waakmn. Mrs. Henry Hehn« Feedstock hospitaL Mr. and Mrs. Bud Liptrot (Jayne Kant) became the parents of a daughter. Jeanne, born on New. 16, St the Woodstock hospital. 1 amputation was made just above the elbow. Wi Hehner remains quits ill at her home in ^«st McHenry. Joan Banal of Boots 2, McHenry, at Sher- Turner told the that he didn't remember Mr. and Mrs. Donald Freund have Marengo, $700; McHenfy, $1,200; Hebron, 111. moved from Oakland subdivision near Cary, $200; Fox River Grove, $20C; Jphnsburg to the upper apartment Algonquin, $200; Union, $800; Hunt* in the Mrs. Christina Nell home on ley, $200; Hebron, $150; Richmond, Waukegan street. Mr. snd Mrs. $200. November 21 state*, attorner Lindsay, who vacated this Crystal Laks Veterans of Foreign ft,* River Road Pinochle Chsh--Mrs. apartment, are now living m their Wars, $400; Woodstock Veterans of Alex Drucker. too mucn new home on John street. t Foreign Wars, $200; McHenry Vet Bazasr Community sbout the arpimcnt wh^wulted in Mrs. Julia Kent and family have er*ns~of Foreign Wars, $200; total. Church--1 to 9 pan. Obst being badly cut about the head moVed from a place on the river to $8,660. "Hie amount is appropriated Q man hoepital ditfiag the and nose, past week, ^scccoorrad ing th7 Harold duced. Both had been drinking, the Kent place in Lakeview subdivi- from Dec. 1, to the testimony intro- sion, recently vacated by the Richard. liie McHen JACK LESUE DIES Smith family. TTie Smiths have' receive an Friends of Mrs. Louise Leslie w.v > •»»«» nwUw ... 4. . . . . be sorry fb learn of the death of a fall from a swing in the bassment ^ argument started^ ; . DECLINES APPOIMTKVIT her husband. Jade Leslie, in Ttajunga,! of their home last Saturday. ej"** d a dnnk. _ ()«t wd Tnrner w--> Oerkfite, appointed a mem- Calif., oh Thursday, Nov. 14, afte.- Mrs. Ben Eaner has returned home slashed st him without jrynmg after, OPEN BRANCH PLANT fter of the Crystal Lsltepidice de-Is short illness. Mrs. Leslie returned from St Thf ss hospital, where she, he refused tobuy adnnk Coopers, Inc., established woolen Etrot^Sy by^y^Gwe >dy aboot^dsye sgo to CalifcrnU jvnm cesdtoed for « few vmeks. I. ZLJn W>'l! win Knme lias As offer and after spsnding two months visiting Mm. .JLaaisa Klalnr who has been *?; **.7 **** "oon htwndi plant in BarlinghSnwintervi «meiL! friends^TlfcHenry. Her husband iU at. bnEe «a ths Country Club presented. ton. Joel Murphy said ths salary,!was taken iU just after her depar ,subdivhrioa sinee last Satnrdsy, is, : P"yy,' 75>per month, was not satisfactory tore for home and lived only a few mneh issproved at this tiSMt* 1 * mvpsMi mstauaa. -- - _ „. _. of A. -- Social Meeti^t. 1046 to Dec. 1, 1947. November 24 try American Legion vrill Servicemen's Homecoming Ftttp-* ' Monica, dauglrter of Uie sm,"> »miiy. additional amount of $260 Villa C--l ub. R_ esort--S-ponaored I f ' will Phalina, sufered a broken elbow in Turner, s former merchant marine, moved to the recently completed from ths appropriation made by the Johnsburg Community Cteh. <$ the M arK,^nt hom« in »*me subdivision. bosrd from the period ending Nov. ^Nevemhsr S 80, 1946. j OES Oericfitx. r On Thar. lsl*r of the hrr* NOTICE Day, Nov. 28, the days after her arrivaL Lyle DIKBCTS FLAY NOTICE _ of Spring Grove, Mi Place kitchen will he dosed all waa chossn to be ths director of the _ postoffiee will day Tharsday, Thanksgiving Day. gajr 4*WBI C the Wisp" by Doris 7 to • a jn. and from Bar wiU be opesL IM Hahnan._to hs presented December 7 pjn. There wfll he no window 1 -- . jV tha Mackhurn Flagrs, at Blackee, no rural or dty delivary.j Mr. and Mrs. Veraea Krsmsr and ban Cellega, CariinviBa. will he diapatthsd at < pun. 1 ssn visited Mr._ Florence Varbroofh S7«S4Qp in Cfctafs o® A#, [: ATTENTION, DANCERS! plaihin, f- V Lawrence Dachow's Bed Raven fcarM wooien eh>tl,ta» for 'Victor Recording Orchestra will hs st Nell's Ballroom, Johnsburg, Tfcursday night, Nor. 28, for a Ifcaaks- ' fDayi Danes. Dent ndss it! November Installation--Acada Hall. TOP 4-H GIRL . ' PTA v. 1 | Miss Isabel Bronaon, daughter ot pobHe Anetite of Hoosshsli „ , .- _ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bronaon of La-, ture. Geroge Stefasdssrisr, West will begin ss soon as em-1 Fayette, WML, was named the out- < McHenry. are hired and equipment k I standing 4-H girl in the state of: Dsaatehsr 4 The company mannfsc- Wisconsin by ths state 4-H orgsni- ppA Meatta^. firing NOTICE The Central Garage, Garage and tho Otto Adams wfHae dsaad afl day Bs sure and bring tha Uddtos (to ses Toytaad at sstion. st -giri tiis She was 4-H member in Walworth IMS, bassd on dub spirit, wurk and judging ebOrowson is As sscssi of ft* LaFsyette dub to roin 4JU wt&wi _ -- t' "* _ 1*• «._ €. wnW

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