r - " Y . • P ' .: ?.• :•••-;-• .••; • "" ':* "• •;Twmm «*$• - ^ A „ -N • * * , **«V* «*„ \ \ X ** * C ^ 77*^^ KT^firm M-r • *« T^V • .«*•' k'ta* r 4* »?.•< ' ,; TWICE it m washing fuletel but da m' (oa$ a Job'aa flu rig)* amount It is waatieftil \o uae a water Mftdwr. Water should be thoroughly dis. before the s6ap is added. It wfB reduce the amount of soap reqMred. If jou give It a chance to Ida its Job before you add the soap. :;QfcQe it three to live minutes. Always measure the quantities to be used after determining t>7 experimental •tka tin right' aftwt^ikeeMary -for tt* water you use. A two-inch suds the waabwatar is the most desirable. Find out how much aoap it takes for flat «u4p -- then nwaaure the amount in the future. X lng _ ? Read the Ws^t Ads • '•"; *?' " . iicmcmjiL •ASTHMA1 ASIHMAfllfniuRixdvNf »•>•>••• HthMeHohim CAgTIOK-gM mtif at Oiftris** BOLGER'S ^!fk)«UG STORE On Hwy. 69, 2 miles north of Grand Ave., 2 mites wast of Loon Lake, 3V4 miles northwest of Lake Villa, 7 miles north of Fox Lake. being1 farm south Chain 0*Lskes Gon course, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER M, at 12:t0 o'clock CATTLB -- 9 Holstein and Swiss cows, j cently ' stein T. B. and Bancs tssted. HORSES AND HARNESS -- Ba; mare, weight 1,300 Ihk, ing, weight 1,250 fa harness. (PEED--750 bales mixed hay; 200 bales straw: 160 shocks corn. MACHINERY---New Mc-D. side delivery rake; new Mc-D. oil bath mower; new Mc-D. 6 ft. Rain binder; Mc-D. manure spreader: Deeringcorn binder; 18 steel stanchions. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- Fitm Master milkihg machine (4 months old), complete motor, pump and pipe; 6 milk cans; sterilising tank. MISCELLANEOUS -- Hay rope; grab fork. 14XS2 ft. Elgin cement stave silo With zinc lined doors, can be moved anytime from sale time until silo filling time in 1947. SOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 1 Net reenowriMe for accidents! f' , WALTER GEBHARDT, Owner Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneer* Public Auction Servicie Co., Clerk # DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 514 Main St., West McHenry Steff&n's Jewelry Store (Closed Thursday Afternoons) v Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted "Visual Training -- Visual Rehabilitation Complete Visual Analysis Daily: S to 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: S to 8:99 PHONE MeHBNRY 125-J "UAH" DAKIELB LAKE SHORE CLUB How Serving: , CHOPS, 01 SHRIMP AND SANDWICHES Fine Liquors and of course "Dan" at the organ! Bob Doran, Mgr. Phone McHenry 667-J-l Route 120--Lily Lake PHILCO RCA ZENITH STROMBERG-CARLSON RINGWOOD ELECTRICAL & RADIO SHOP Phone Richmond 883 Ringwood, HL HOUSE WIRlKG OONTRAOTINO Alio Refrigeration Service MCHENRY 1IGN SERVICE PHONE 440-R SIGNS, 8H0-CARDS, TRUCK AND WINDOW LETTERING Orders taken now for SIGNS and SHO-CARiDB for the coining HOLIDAYS Fox Street McHenry, HL FRESH DRESSED TURKEYS NOW ON SALE OakhdFst Terrace Turkey Farm Genoa City, Wis. Phone 146-R-2 yfcpu* PH ONE 20 206 S. Green St McHENRY %ALM' eff Inlet set Taken Fresi *e FBse ef the Plsindselsr ef Tears Age SIXTY TEARS AGO R. A. Howard, of the west side market, has been ing, making it on bnildings on each side will enable him to put in a fine cellar. Jos. Fitxsimmon* has tteen treating his residence to a new coat of paint, inside and oat. - At the pickle factory of W. A. Cristy, in this village, they took in bushels the Jehn CHbte property, south of I proved tft W too small and incontown, to Cfaqr Band of CUiago. Ivenient. EH Brink has accepted a position of the cmapaiiy. at the West Borden Condensed A team bsl< took a Saturday a carriage no damage was done. TWENTY YEARS AGO un Wlflwf'f to Henry Degan J<*.• W.. Kiirk,, off Forestt Ciitty,, Iowa,, cnins Ihrely mudown Green street new tinsmith and furnace man, f"d. their hands thrust snugly into at the party i'y a.fter n oon. Be•yon d uprs« t- i e mployed_ b .y . J o^hn J.. V.yc.ita.l. . tahl ei nir f ncAoaMt cVo mllamrsm-- Uh, oh--11 a littlej woi od t Fs•i*_k« , groimd . . . Noses sre beginning' to day, iiiinmlai color like red marachino cherries be- there and bsat cause of the brisk air . . . Storm windows are going up. but fast ...1 Mickey Tnsrh Pemile now walk in the out-of-doors parents hoase in with their chins deep in coat pockets urday night. "J * either or attend Mrs. T. M. Barrett who has been1 tJPr®- [.me*n ^7 walk •ro«"d scho°l with "Mick." first real snow storm of the a summer resident of McHenry for v1 ,V^lr £ coat collars season visited this section last Mon- several years, has recently purchased , i j1.*""8 "iru^_?I nu*Iy_v ,n^? .. Someone recentl day morning, but before noon the a lot on Fox river from Mrs. Lena pockets eoat of iwtute had almost entirely' Bohr and expects to start building disappeared. operations at once. Since the postoffice has been raised The Charles Unti ice cream factory you g«rtli. jenei»i from ^ourtn-class to third class is receiving a new <»«««• of naint. .Another bit of evidence proving Uncle Sam has found that the which has improved the appearance | Jm*1 TjJ ~on ** , rsiainir liia knii/i.! present quarters were far too small <rreatlv . J?r ,ce th*t w*» on the part of • a level with the '°r ***• JP»^Hmg business and Post- M " , M ^ ., PfV . ^ f ill* blacktopped ,id. of to!, whteh "«»« W.it« ™ BoUtad to seek ch^*nlI.n,'_,5S!. ^l^d«» "XTrih*. about 16,000 of cucumbers this season. The McHenry Brick company are hashing business these days, and have orders for every brick they can make before cold weathet sets in. This is mission week at the Johnslarger and more appropriate quarters, Uncle. Sam alloZigW *250 |*r Se r n &i?6 h°m* * Mr. year for rental of same. THIRTY YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Fred Felt*. The E. W. and Mrs. Walter Deroche and ... Mills and Co., department store at Carpentersville was robbed early Monday morning, the F. St McOmber a life long citizen total loss ,in merchandise amounting of our town, will move with his to ^approximately *150. son, Jack, traveled to South Bend,' has been sparsely cuhivatad. Ind., Saturday, to see Notie Dame in lower areas, near the Dead aih,,-* whip Northwestern University Wild- would have to be washed of ts. | era] salts to be made fit lor tfllada.: Yeah, Notte Dame jcertainly hand-' Famed Jericho, a little north at . . was very sweet. hearing this remark, 1 piped up in an indigant:' not s*eet, I'm four!" - Tha's all CTiyt Jordaa Valley The Jordan valley haa era settlements and for femily to DeKalb ud ttke up hi. Hett.rm.nn Bn>,„ proprietor, of W.m home there. the Central garage at Johnsburg, Butter on the Elgin board of trade announced the opening of a new sold at 81 cents per pound last Sat- sa'es room and service/Station in urday. West McHenry for the handling of E. V. McAllister, the west side, Chevrolet cars. . x„,» „ uiuioiuii W«<» « uw -uniiB-1 druggist, has purchased tlie beauti- Charles Ensign^ and family have burg church. Four or Ave priests,ful hom®» owned for many years by ™ved ^ronij M". parsonage to arei n attend an ce P : F. S. McOmber. Mrs. M. Bohr's house on Green wi hTlTii,, ir,H.nrv nr. I Mary Burke of this piace_ is, street. wi 1 now teaching- at the Sherman niatic club have organised, and will, «^Kool for tht rominir vear at an early date, Bring out several - -- commg: year-* HiU Mr. and' Mrs. Clarence Hill, who I occupied a house boat during^ the Gerald Carey took up the position summer, have moved to the Frank as assistant in the West McHenry Hiigfces flat east of the nver. State bank last week. •••I1 <• ••<•••• A. Engeln is treating his building to * newcoat of paint on the out- The tall weeds and grass in Borside which much improves its ap-. dens park have been mown during V SCA pearance. the past week, which adds much to •#««© \#RR MV DH^ Miss Weidrich of Genoa Junction the attractiveness of Centerville. . \ . . Mr. and Mrs. M. A. ITielin have; • • 111• •{' 1 • 'I1 • •1••••!'• "I1 • ••+••• 4 moved from Nordquist cottage on1 ' /»_ «nmm» vtar*it>va\ Court street to the Huemann flat { Y Man.jcK«i over N. A. Huemann jewelry store! The days have been much cooler, on the west side. ! and the nights noticeably longer this Wis., took charge of the telegraph office at this station, during the absence of. Ben wedding tour. Buss, Jr., on his FIFTY YEARS AGO John Stoffel has bought the Wm. Walsh residence on the corner of Wfcukegan and Fourth streets. Consideration $800. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh will move this week to Elgin, where they will make their future home. E. B. Perkins is now engaged in painting the outside of the new house of D. F. Hanly on the west side. A photograph car arrived in town on Monday, and has set up business on the hill, just west of the residence of John Evanson. M. Merriman has commenced the foundation for a new barn, in the rear of his residence, on the corner of Elm street and Park avenue. The old pickle sheds in the rear of the Bishop mills are being torn down, which much improves things in that section, besides removing a dangerous old fire trap. Miss Julia Story delivered an address before the County Convention of the W. C. T. U. at Woodstock last Thursday. El B. Perkins has just finished tainting the interior of the Plainlealer office and it now presents a very clean and handsome appearance. A new platform and steps adorn the front of the Bishop mills, in this village. A much needed improvement. FORTY YEARS AGO A new class room has been opened, past week; or two. In the early in St. Mary's school for the pri-! mornings, now, one can expect to mary grades. Nei*s' school house • see a fairly heavy frost covering the Joseph M. Schoewer has rented his father's blacksmith shop, and hefinning next week, will do business on his own hook. John Pint has just installed a power grind stone and is now prepared to do grinding of all kinds, such as feed cutters, knives, etc. The price of butter was quoted at 26 cents firm the same as last week, at the meeting of the board of trade, Monday. Simon Seffel recently disposed of AUCTION FROELICH * WICKS. Aecta. Lake Zvich, IU. pi, Old Buesching Farm, located 1 mile east of Lake Zurich, Illinois, just south of State Rt 22, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER SO Commencing at 12:00 noon, sharp, the following described property: 43 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 22 HEAD HOLSTEIN MILK COWS --7 clone springers; S Milking fresh and balance bred back and milking good. 7 of theee cows are fret and second calf heifeaa. S head Holstein heifers, 8 BOS old, vaccinated; S Holstein heifer calves, I mos. eld. 14 head Hampshire Feeder pigs, average 100 Ibe.; 8 ft by 10 ft hog house. FEED--1200 bu Vicland seed oats: 126 bales clover and alfalfa; 875 bales first and second cutting Canary grass hay; 100 bales year old clover and timothy; 16 ft silage in 14 ft silo; 1500 bu good hard ear corn in crib. MACHINERY -- McD. Model-7 silo filler, 50-ft. pipe, like new; 7-ft. tandem tractor disc; Bradley hammermill, new; 2 Broadcast seeders; rubber- tired wagon and hay rack; double box and steel wheel wagon; McD side delivery rake; McD green crop push type hay loader; bob sled; set McD disc hilleie; Rowell silo filler with 50-ft. ppe; McD stationary baler on rubber; MeD 5-ft. mower; McD corn sheller with motor; 16-fL planker; 1,000-1b. platform scale; roll woven wire; 2 oil drums; 100 ft hay rope; McD dump rake; new pump jack % h. p. motor. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- Sani-Matic electric water heater, new; oil burninig tank heater, new: double unit Rite-Way milking machine; 14 milk cans, sterilizing and washing tanks; electric milk stirrer, pail and strainers. POULTRY sad EQUIPMENT-- 100 yesrling1 White, Leghorn hens, laying good; 100 White Leghorn pullets, laying good; 50 white Pekin dudes; 500 chick sixe electric brooder; electric water warmer, fountains, feeders, etc: Egg cases, poultry wire. HOUSHOLD--Coal and wood heater; dining room table; dressers and other household articles. Terms: All sums of $25.00 snd under thst amount cash, over that amount a credit of six months st 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled fbr. Net ReapensAle Far Accide*g» EWL DEINLEIN McHenry State Bank, $lerklaf All the Diapers You Need For Only a Few Cents a Day HOSPITALS * PHYSICIANS * NURSES Subscribe to Our Service i ""T" * Call ROC-A-BYE DIAPER WASH Tel. Crystal Lake 1244 iversi REALTORS Throttgfi booms and sfumps-- affording the same dependable service Of superior facilities and experienced personnel. This Month in Your Sewiee BULLETIN go nostalgic and celebrate Christmas in the little red „ schoolhouse of long ago. This is a suspenseful occasion. Will you be snowbound the night of the doings? Will you remember your lines? All is revealed in "Once Upon a Christmas Time." The illustrations are by John McKee. A» GtfertaWae A» Your favorite THE Semite BULLETIN (aSSTC.*!?** . A* w *r" «*» --i Tj ~ r ground nrfij -*•* aBh|e| f£iU? tTr S.11* bov. Wr rMniad te>^» WiA ••HM i. Ikal .•.T0"^ °9o« Hot yogi • ft 3B& m go up-to-date on the About You and Your House page with, totalizing Christmas tree and table decorations. Here are Angel Pin Ups (halo-equipped) and merry Cow Bells which revolutionize their paper drinlring-cup forbears. Here too are Mr. and Mrs. Snow, a not too substantial couple really, with marshmallow antecedents. Yes, there are complete how-to-make instructions included fbr all decorations shown. Designs by Eleanor Hedrick. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN PLAN TO ATTEND THE VICTORY INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION--NOVEMiER H*D J- f|jiKrr~T;