•*y» m (hnia Wv to i lEa. Noiron it tinted the kowe and Vincent tiont at the bast with-- for n towns, with no wee--, sad vita B*'iSB!£ the possibility tkst both hsr ud would loon walk sis nstoreQe, It was with gtest pleasure tbt the porchaaed THREE fun st mm time. All of her frioidt of cooree receive only carda for ing bo ranprod fhm tha lard it it is to keep «dL lb taut* tha bast product cwtths fat iato --n pfecas _ ths bottom of Ah mSSm Tsko Ptoty of tea. UsnaQy a kat tlo of lard can be rendered In two three hours. p»Mnti tha cracklings' contain moisturs they wfll tie to tha bottom of tttohSSs at first snd theiard moat ba stlmd to prevent their burning. As tha moisture is balMS out tba eracfcttnca rtea tott* top. Tha lS! «SlS5 *V"**£"* ** kapt bolow 178 ilimia F. to tm alskaof ollrath« i SP*?!* P®*1*. «*• lard is done. Hie lard may be stored nanMR says that ths congood hsakh el bar family is a of gratitnde to hsr. Myrtle Fuller proudly preto lwf sssemblea suests, tbt I ThsnkagMng * --. that nearly married cooflo, ind "Chock** Jamee. Sr. of Chteafo, Ginny»s bar aunt, llrs. C. Ghsl in oat tha aarly Sunday (Weago. Her to sttsnd. Chadh oaothor, Mrs. A. Jam**, pud his node, Own Raines, ware also yialHt. A ftm Mg torkey rapbefore this eager bit turkey that she won st the part of the prorram. Community Club party last week. Mra. E. Joanne, the two Fuller daughters, Dorothy snd Helen of Chicago, and Helen Fuller's bay friend, ibe from Chicago. Saw youag Henry Schan in civilian clothes tha other dsy. Could it be that Ulicle 8am has released him? Mrs. Lkyd Banwall and Mrs. Wal IVoxdf i those from CnifoTK at the heme of Mrs Arthur Hoppe of Wast McHenry. A special leeaon on "Glass Etching was given by tha Boaae Adviser , and BMQNf IIVB of thai* aan and hfh The W at the Mr. and Mrs. K. Weisenberger and their two sons were in Chicago for the holiday. Mr. Weisenbergar's aunt, Mrs. J. E. Stamm of that city, wss their hostess at the Noren's saw tha Jad and small daughter, irii :• tf i>w •; Community Fellowship Night Friday, December 6 at &00 pjil _.a( China will speak and wflishow his pictures <rf that land. muik. Refreshments. Evcryooc wdconl^ WONDER LAKE GOSPEL CENTER ^ GRAND OPENING Saturday, December ^ Charles Diadone's Grocery S&fe AT LILT LAD We hart a complete CHftg to Paferovt f':' *VW **' ' f K~ »«• K-. i;{ •* r f UNWANTED HAIR •.% Is a social handicap. Lei us remove it from face, arms and legs SAFELY . . . SCIENTIFICALLY by sh od of ELECTROLYSIS. 115 vg» *26Kain8t. Hmm 641 STOMPANATOi r Body Contour t wave moth- SIS!:.31! )< 'X -v ^ *"•" "r';SS 227 ffftw St Woodstock, HL STORE ffBBfnllli IHn VHDBfHIOIII FOOTBALLS • Regulation sixe and weight *. .,jFull grain leather re type 18.75 •&L _ *!'• <v' ^ • , " TENNIS RACQUETS^ * Non-slip grip * Medium weight HOdOKY PUCKS Official -- BOXING GLOVES ,, 75c w it t , ^ Children and adntt sises * Complete set $7.50 ft 910.50 BASKETBALLS^-- " w ¥ '&• P' " * Hand MWii gaudn* leather From tt.85 to $8.50 " ».« GOUT BALLS ^Liquid centcr .. 3 for 12.75 MODEL BUILDING SETS -^Complete line of B^t MtKhSs ' j Priced fnmi 50c to $15.00 %os»o»»a»ooo»»oioio»Mio»%as»oi)»o»oo»i»WOios»iaoaoaiioaaoiaaoooa FOX RIVER VALLEY BOAT CO. CSAMPION MOTORS WOLVBBQp ,/^tr SPORTING GOODS tU N. UVB8IDB Mrs. Jamas Seladorf prqtarad so assiduaualy for the hoHday that she even painted all her dining room chairs for the occasion. When her guests, Mr. snd Mrs. Paul Annsmen tos and son, Bob, snd Mr. snd Mrs. George Annsmentos, sll of Chi. csgo, arrived three dsys lster there no pises to sit. Those chairs I have just road that behavior is tha theory of manners practically applied. LILT LAKE place just didn't dry--Not s neighbor hsd s single chair to spare--company for dinner, yon know, and the poor lady in desperation Md to bttrow chairs form the sehoofhoose! Mr. <snd Mrs. Psul Mats were grstefbl for the pleasure of esting their first Thanksgiving in their own home, and to have it together. On Sunday, another Thanksgiving was observed when their son and hi* (By DHk ByatU Winter ia on it's way once again, bringing with it those gay sports of ice skating, skiing and tobaggsning. With all these things come th e usual caaamunity partftN^ ind entertainment. Topping off the list of events for this weelL is tha Western Jamboree and Box Lunch Social. This includes entertainment, dancing, cards and btinco. Hie addmiasion for the pien folks is ftase, and for the ladies, one box lunch sufficient for two. Coffe* in sny dry container In • cool place. If-it is stirrod occaaioawlly wh&e It is cooling, tha product will bo whiter. Save tha loaf tat for summer, as it has tha highest malting point. "Fa plmyvi wf* amd fcrsn^fcr asms FOX DELUXE BEER Ml mdbe sure ifceportyVteo aucceuF And tun enemfkjmmpmty . is hound to bem lucotu every time you seme FOX DE LUXE 1 Extrmftsiatlfce drficiaiii btmrmndrwith importedBuktmiam lyaf - Nesd Ths Plalndsalar, StsmpsT Ordsr family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mats .of j will also be served free. Last week Chicsgo, snd their daughter, Jennie, I mentioned eoetumes in the column, aged 4, were able to be with them. WfeH, there wan a little misunderstanding as to what kind. Any old Edward Wenzel son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wtniel of Wonder Woods, was a serviceman for a long time. He went to Ireland and returned, and to India and returned. His sister, Marjorie, a WAC, went to Germany. -For three yaaurs their rs did not cross until this week. Wednesdsy, November 27, Msrjoriei Wensel returned from her travels after having been gone for For the first time since the war these Wensel children wore at their parent's table. together. Another sister, now in Boaton, was unable to ba prcamt For thia gathering, Mr. and Mra. John 8. Wensel were vary grateful. The James Pavliks had tljeir family* together and a special guest, young Bill Barr of Allentown, Ph., who was unable to get to his own home for the holiday. Barr attend; Northwestern Academy where Jack Pavlik is also a student. Thanksgiving at the August Wenkel Mfte in Wonder Woods wss rosily thing would boat describe them, for they are to bo tha' oldest you can find. A good old-faahioned hard time party. For all you women, who it a habit yon to ban-peck, come special. A huge venison roast 9 their table. Wenkel shot the himself on s hunting expedition to Rspid River, Michigan. A raatty Mg buck, a twelve pointer. wMes iwghad 260 pounds, it drssaed ** to MI pounda of mast lbs. WsaSTls ynost gratatol for ths osedlent hesHkef hm ehildreitnB six of Miloch and his wifs of Chisago, ssn-in4sw snd daarttar sf Mr. snd Mrs. P. J. Bsndl sTLsokont Paint No. S were the hoHday gaaats ^IkaBndl haana. Tha Ipdm, Cbariaa, ph/Ic In Ae Nav/ to ba ptoaant. He Is atschaoi in Tunlaia, covered, young Bendl bopaa to he a civilian again. He plana to enroll at Northwestern Medical School. out and taks a try at the yelling contest. This Is also open for the men. The music will be furnished by the Hwapson Brothers orchestra. A prise will he given for the best wrspped box lunch snd best cos- This event will be held at Has Lily Lake Ladiea League held their meeting at tha Lakeside Inn Wedneaday. Friday evenipg tha Lily Lake Parent Teachera association will hold its monthly meeting st the Lily Lake schoolhouse. Everyone is invited to attand. Plana. anil ha made for the Children's Christmss party. News about the TAC brings us to the fact thst Jean Milinac is now the president. The club met last week at the home of the C. O. Hyatts. A business meeting was conducted, refreshments served and games were played. A _ huge surprise was unveiled at this meeting, the first issue of the Gissmo waa handed out. For anyone, not as yet about it, this ia the club's The writers are anonyadvise all to watch thia, for i groat promise. Tha club has invited to attend a Christaaas party In ths Normand hams on Dec. 22? All members sre lnvihad to evening of night for twohre of the girls. Tha dsBswing, Hey, Mildrid Koch, Lscille Wjihaa, Arlsne O, Jolr Blnspsr, Islen. Ragsrs, HynttijSrpakaMa, Jeaanic Fakatts snd Pat Krein, van favosted In the Girl 8eouts of Amaries. piis local troup is sponsored by the LUy !fV« Ladies League. A brief review of the ceremony follows: The lights in the country club were dimmed as the parents and friends watched the girls take their posi- Wfca. LaMont and Family, Mr. and (tions in a V-formation.. Mrs. Krinn, Mrs. Brad Fleming and brother {the leader, began the program with George were holiday visitors at the a short speech. She thanked the home of the Justus Kellner's. Mrs.! LLLL for their kind co-operation. , Refiner feels glad that there i«< The troup was then presented the {enough to eat, and is grateful that American Flag as a gift from the the war has ended. Ladies Club of Lilymoor. A signal ----- i was given for all to rise _ and the The Harold Hoffman* entertained, pledge to the flag was recited. As at Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. To- • the last words of the pledge echoed hasitis and their three children, Tony j through the most cclorful ceremony aged 9, Donald aged 8, and EdJwWiInI' ii „of th« entire evenin„g was performed, aged 3%; also Mrs. Dvorak and her that of the candle lighting. Each son, George,/aged 2 years. candle standing before the placque •• ; represented a rule in tha Girl Scout Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sandahl of code. These were lighted oaie at a Chicago and Mrs. Sandahl's father,1 time while the rules were recited i" A. Sandahl were guests in the home j rotation. Next Mrs. Krinn and her of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Scott of j two assistants, Sue Rogers and Lil Wonder Center. The Scotta, long. Wijas, presesented the girls with summer residents, sre spending their their pins. After this the ceremony first winter in their home here, snd t was brought to a close as the girls this was the first Thanksgiving. They j presented Mrs. Krinn and the aaaiswert happy to spend this holiday in jtants with a lovely b°x of candy, their own home, and happy to have j Refreshments were then served for their good friends about tnem. jail those attending. | On Friday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Win. Martin spent the day be-j Mrs. J. N. Yaeger and Mrs. C. J. fore Thankagiving baking her won- Hyatt, along with the three children derful Norwegian coffee-cakes and, and Mrs. Lorraine Jones and her sent them around to her neighbors two children, made the trip to Chias a ^re-holiday gift. They are j cago. Now three guesses as to called "Eulacockta" but I haven't the whom they went to see. None other faintest idea how you spell it. 1 than our deer old friend Santa Claus. dont know about the rest of the Of the description I received from neighborhood, but I didn't wait for the kiddies on their return I would the holiday to eat mine, I aat right say it had been a day in paradise for down and ate it while it mas still them. hot! 1 Dad Hyatt has a birthday In a few days, on the twelfth of the Joe Monteleone, accompanied by Charles Freeman of Cary and A. Hetteck and son, Bill, of Chicago went hunting last weekend to Mausmonth to be exact. Also celebrating her birthday, only a few days back, was Miss Dolores Krein. She is one of thoae young ton, Wiaconsin. Joe got a fine1 ladies that keep their age behind young buck which weighed 97 lbs. ' the closet door. Mr. and Mrs. Wan. J. Tilicke of Sgt. Louis Shelton, son of Mrs. Wonder Center are parents of a' Davis, has recently re-enlisted in the baby girl bom at 3:25 a.m. on Sun-' army for a ten-year period. He is day, December 1, 1946 in the Wood- j now stationed at Fort Knox, Ky. atoek hoepital. She weighed 7 lbs.,1 On tills coining Saturday, the new 10 os., and she has been named Marjorie Joyce. Mrs. Marjorie Rogers, mother of Mrs. Tilicke is keening house for the maband. who aphia teeth with such „ be lost a front tooth. For those who rsassmbor the story sif * was one of X^ss pisaw V-WW-- - + 9 w ^ " Lily Lake Grocery will have its grand opening. This marks ths opening of another business establishment in our fast growing community. We wish yon loads of luck in your new undermking, Charlie. 1mm bays sis dot -op tfeafr Grocery snd ths Tll>iwi Us rabbit a e tuple of waaka Psst. The paper arrivos their every Thvroday Tent news DAYS until Chri&mas and you're worrying with topping 1 i s tJL when your whole problem could be solved • so simply! PH0T06RAPHS WILL 00 IT! One sitting . . . one visit to look over the proofs and mske your selections .and there you are... OVerybody happy . .T nobody slighted. woRwiacs RIVERSIDE DRIVE tniuimt sbsotmsii Msomaa a nmd. & • A PUp of the Imar--the pen .« icNjr vOv anoooa J Then, Soap-the bell point ia -ircti acted; aaleir twehed • • • • • • • • • • • • Maple, easy-to-operate. Sir- <|y--the HytheRel-Riet la a iofdasigaaadcon» Aa nStO-•f lM- - -€si W I1W.> iK at s eeoaMe price. fc rnrnr^rrrm ^ •: . vm wmtmw * ayss'sg I ^ tOME IN FOR FRK 0EM0RSTRATI0II wbk»e«mas»>ii»gH a - - - - -- •k Gladstone** INFORMATION ON HOME FREEZERS A word to the wise about Home Frozen , Food Storage Cabinets as to costs and economy. Quoting- figures from patrons who have been using largo and smaller -home cabinets along with Locker Service, , HERE ARE THE FIGURES LARGE CABINET Large CaWnets (16 cu. ft.) Average Price $525.00 10% Depreciation per year $ 52.50 - Interest at 6% on $525.00 per Year . c 31.50 Average Power Bill per mo., $3.50 . 42.00 TOTAL POST FOR YEAR 1126.00 SMALL CABINET Jor Locker Patrons who use the 5 CIL ft. Home^ Cabinet. Average cost $175.0Q : " . 10% Depreciation per year '1*^ 1 17JW . Interest at 6% on $175.00 per year ;v". ":J. 10JtO Average Power Bill per mo., $1.10 13^0 Two 6 cu. ft. lockers in cold storage plant at $12. 24.00 1.22 $ 66.42 Insurance on locker space against all haards TOTAL COST FOR YEAR » .This results in a saving of $59.58 Far more than the average locker user pays in one year to have his meats cut-up, wrapped property and, quick froxen at the proper temperature. All meats, vegetables and fruits must receive this service to assure good keeping qualities No Home Cabinets have as yet been built that we know of that arc intended by the manufacturers to quick freeze the products, and know that all good manufacturers are instructing their deakors aid agents to inform their customers who buy home storage cabtatts ttlt their food products should be properly from before being phapid tm their cabinet. s This message is brought to you tlio oovtegy ILLINOIS FOOD LOCKERS ASStl . , *• i ~ ^ - * <• *• "V , *