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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Dec 1946, p. 8

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S toat cat com stalks. of Crystal Lake, imbAT, DECEMBER 17 at liW o'clock sharp, described property, toll BEAD OF LIVESTOCK h-': ¥,•' t- 8k«Or Nti oils. 2 wilt McConntck Deerht* nudfis, nsw; cttftiraior; minare spreader; land teller; hsiy loader; walking1 plow; 2 wrans; seed corn dryer; set of good, fiarness; pile of old iron and old tins. Terms: All sums of $2iand under that amount cash, over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring ercdit, kindly make arrangements before purchase Is made. No property to be removed until settled for. EDWARD TBSSENDORF • Owner •Vint NatlSnal Bank «f Woodstock, Clerking : S sOO p. as. and 7:00 n. in. before first Friday-- Aftjf AsAftKaa Itandtvi 8:01 p. m. and TM jp. ». Msgr. C. 8. Ira^ Pastor. St. Patrick's Catholic Ctatfcf [assss: Sundayt: 8:00 and 10:00. BMCUTOR Head the Want Ad|$ Fjummu Peraosafitm 0*WBBM Farm Shew f. Ror every type of Gel as today. FrtEtNDOitCO H ail rm Sit WEBT McHENRY Harry Campbell Gladys Blair "His County Hour," hoard daily on WBBM, Monday thru Saturday, im ma ham of farm news, information. hymns and smmIc rami AaMriea pntea. Hairy Campbell, WBBM's Fama Bro» gram Director is heard daily, airing vital ton information whfc^ b* haa bean doing in the mid nest Cor over tan yearn lis a fiumar, has held important ama with many mid-waa i aal frith ttsUJBJDJL Gladys Blair fa> iem«bsmd br •ssrannas all over the i naardtares tisMBvreelciy i cookbook and pareonalapi ths mid-west. She is onMThsCoontry "Ths Country Hour" on WBBM, 780 kfleeydas, Monday thru Saturday, 5KI0 to Mt AJtfL, bringi you ths news and lyoawant. MM*-' . --v;> • and LEE'S \ * '-4 , -r- AND *rk- «* 7 " "' f r Formerly Eva's Restaurant D1 sy4: 4^m$, 3f Catering To BifiqueU and DfauftiTPijrHei Dinners and Lunches served at moderate pHces. PHONE McHENRY 38 y> 1^1 Is Your Property Sufficiently Insured? A nationally known statistician states that a very of real property is under If jmr «ti rofflctatatly iiitrtMtWen yiMS ago, yon should add 40 per cent; if it was suffiinsurod four years ago, yon should add 30 per We gladly help yon to re-check your insnrance. Tor information, inquire of *'f JACOB FRITZ, Realtor i - ' Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1333-4 ' /'• Johnsburg, McHenry Rt. 1, Phone 672-R-2 MEMBER 07 BOARD OP UNDERWRITER^ §H Attention Car Owners -We wish to announce that in addition to our other ssrvioe, wo now have a cw department. Have a complete stock of... GENERATORS.8TARTER8 . . . DISTRIBUTORS FURL PUMPS . . . IGNITION PARTS Wo rewind and build them to factory specificationsl Wo are a little off thfe beaten path, but wiH guarantee fM prompt and satisfactory service . Call on us mAS^:. I Garage and Dealer trade invited jSeaco Sales & Service -fY** **• -"'"Trod 9? Svofeodft' • LUyteoor, Box 416, MeHenry, DL, TeL 615-WAUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, ^ Phone Woodstock 47S Due to the death of John N. Schildt, the Executors of his estate g'll sell at public auction on Hie rm formerly known as the Henry Schildt Farm, in Hartland Township, 6H miles northwest of Woodstock, 2 miles west of Boal's Corners from Route No. 47 and 1 mite east of Hartland, on FRIDAY, DEC. 20 Commencing at 10:00 o'clock, sharp the following described property, towit: As this is a large sale, we will start promptly at 10:00 o'clock sharp. Al small tools and feed will be sold before lunch. M HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of 41 Holstein Milch Cows 41^ ' Some of which are fresh and including a number of cows due to freshen in January and February. 10 Holstein heifers, coming 2 yrs. old, bred; 13 yearling Holstein heifers; 2 Holstein calves; 1 Durham steer; one pure bred Holstein bull, coming 3 yrs. old. 4 brood sows; 26 feeding pigs. Hay and Grain 1,600 bu. of Vicland oats; 1,800 tou. of corn in crib; 15 acres of shocked corn; 700 bales of 2nd cutting alfalfa hay; 600 bales of clover and timothy hay, mixed; 1,500 bales of al falfa and timothy hay, mixed; 8 tons of timothyi hay; 3 tons of chopped hay; 12 ft. of silage in 16-ft. silo; 35 ft. of silage in a 14-ft. silo; 25 tons of good oat straw, baled. Machinery.*? U. S. 6-roll corn husker, self feeder, new; New Holland baler, new; 28- inch Case separator; 16-inch Papec hammertnill; 3 steel-wheel wagons; cultipacker, new: horse cultivator; John Deere single-row cultivator; 2 walking plows; cement mixer; phosphate spreader, new; Gehl silo Aller, C-40; New Idea hay loader; bog cutter; slip scraper. Flare side wagon box; grass seeder for 3-section drag, new; spring tooth qna<flt digger; *Mt. tractor disd: US grain elevator; 2 DeLaval milking machine motors, pumps, with pipe line for 46 cows; tons saelectric grinding stone; S JMW drise holts; 24 ft. long; power corn shelter; 85- ft. portable elevator with ja£k, en- Eine; hand corn shelter; 2 brooder ouses; Colony house; 2 poratble hog houseB; 2 drive belts. 3-seetkm drag; ^fanning mill; 3- horse gas engine; 26 milk cans; electric water heater; sterilising tanks; stone boat; feed cooker; steel water tank; 3 cedar poles, -80-ft. long; 3 sets of pipe dies; 160 ft. of rubber hose; Buick %-ton truck; 2 extension ladders. Many articles of good tools used hi an up to date farmers repair shop. Some household furniture. All small tools, forks, shovels, wheelbarorws, etc., used in the operation of a farm. Attention: This is a larff sale and will be started promptly at 10:00 o'clock. All small tools and equipment and feed will be sold before lunch. There will be a lunch wagon on the grounds. Terms: All sums of $2S.00 and under that amount cash, over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone de siring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled HENRIETTA MENGE and ALVIN H. 8CHHDT Executors First National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking 11 JeiTi OstlMHc ChiNtt. JilfilfMif : • • MS and 6:86 and 7M and . fees First Frid^p^ 2:80 and 7^|. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. it. P<Her*s Cathobe Ckvdh» Spring Grove Mknncs . . * Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 640 and 9:00.r«*}^ Weekdays: 8KM>. - First Fridaj: 8:00.~ ; Confessions: • Saturdays: 2:80 and - Thursday befbfe First Friday^-- 2:80 and 7:1& Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Zfcm EvangeHehl Latkeran Oiftl (The Church of the Lutheran HottrV John St. % bte«k.sast of Hwy. 81 West MtHenry. 111. Frederick C. PudselL pastor, McHenry, IiL ^ Services, Sundays--10 ajn. dundav School and Bible Study Study Group--9 a.m. A cordial welcome is extended to all visitors and vacationists to worship with os. Sunday school chil< Procunier and Hewitt AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Phone Woodstock 478 ' AttoftMp," mm Te pteveal Are, ^erialists rect- / iff fff Pftpfcr, old dotUat; (Md baW» bedbe removed and "-m PHONE & Gma Sti m m xeu: ...w" ... elehMd' n^aj' from • akHkas" fripat ^pea^ to p*oi4:l|A «iw; the heettnr plant and the becleened with w*«lipnrt«L-, UiMttnV be tight, not loosened by winter's * NPW Wti tiie structure and wafir drying into properly cured hay may result in spontaneous combustion. If n 'new jodf Is needed, •elect a fire-resistant rooOng material, such at aspliaR shingle, met' al or aiMstoe. Out* badly split, ZurHe-r2es2uJta&nt UsidSin'-g. -.x • ' • • ^ r"~ ' ' Need Rubber StamprfT OK«rwat The Ptalndeater. « Hie undersigned having decided to quit farming* will sell all the personal property on the premises located 2M miles southeast of Woodstock on Route No. 14, 6% miles northwest of Crystal Lake, on MONDAY. D BER 16 Commencing at 11:00 o'clock shar$ the following described property, to. wit: 80 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of 88 Holstein milch cow*. 10 Jersey milch cows. 17 2-year-old Holstein bred heifers. 11 calves, 6 to 8 months old. 1 Jersey bull calf. 2 Holstein stock bulls. 6 Hampshire hogs. 5 Hampshire sows. JaMBpMm DtROw, Vicland Hay and Grain Ton good clover hay baled; bales of straw; 1,000 bu. oats; 3,500 bu. ear corn. Machinery IHC Model M tractor with culti* vator, ne*r; WC Affis Chalmers trad' tor with' power lift cut^Eyator, new Case silo fiUer, new J/D. No. 10 hammer mill, new Case 2-14 in. bottom plow, new Case corn planter with fertiliser attachment, 6 ft. Allis Chalmers combine on robber, new Co-op single row corn picker. Rubber tired wagon Mid flare box, Allis Chalmers powes mower, 8 ft LaCrosse grain drill with grass seeder, IHC manure spnader, IHC side rake, IHC com binder, gear driven; 2-sec. steel dittf, wood-wheel wagon and box, new mot rack, fanning mill, 20 ft. grain elevator, platform scales. John Deere 8 ft. traetor disc, 2 2-wheel trailers, 500 chick electric brooder, 4 single unit $orge milker with pipe line for 50 cows, electric hot water heater, 2 wash tanks, 16 milk> cans. Meaning to include all small tools and equipment used In the operation of a farm. There will be a lunch wagon on the grounds. TERMS--All sums of $8! and under that amount, cash, over pat amount a credit of six months, at 6 per cent will be extended en notes approved by the clerk. ThoAe desiring credit kindly make arrangements Erior to purchase. No property to e removed until settled for. PRQCUNIER AN& H&WITT Owners First National Rank of Woodstock, Clerking LILY LAKE PIZZEMA tr-:. -j/4-Something now and delicious At tyr THE BUS STOP TAVERN Hit LAEl Also Italian Spaghetti and Ravioli Knight's Refrigeration i V--• v. i-v -• • •wrppz .' • •' i-'- -T-.'c r. j f e« = ^ r - - - r . < v " * • • •. mil Hfj I" • REFRIGERATORS, DEEP FREEZER& - AND . vf-.":,-:; WASHING MACHINE%|^ M MffT IMir ao ipHfi wo# • • No Bulky Po# |«y «nd csmlsrtdhls to • No Spring* Camo la today, bpoit fth> • Not a Trust lliiA. n--slfcsBt <wwlorslOndh>f by i-2 ' 1 . * . . . 3 WE HAfE TRADE THAT SKI VICE MADE HESTER OILS HESTER OILS *Tie Best For Ldrt* ;v;t rUEL OIL amount tUBBIOAHTS / ; Wesl^el C. ft N-W. R. WL, WEST MdDDtBT, ILL. TELEPHONE M*HBNRT MS QttftiimSA 9mys\ I«*« no secret ttetttMtte end more physidans axe dIMdingpadetttsto'tlils "Reliable" Pharmacy. They know that we can atwaysfee oonnted on for careful cootpounding. Bolger's Drug Stote Green Street McHenry W'A >OS TO HOUDATB OVB LA8f K • WILL BE HELD AT I' Wednesday, Dec. 18 & %SjH •t Oaulke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois ; Charles Leonard, Auctioneer tt mSAB OF JMX* COWS, BITH^ tn^Si SPRINGERS OR FRESH WITH OALT BT 8EDE. »t;: ; Load of Jeneys hy Ifr. Parks ^ ^ FEEDER PIGS CALVES STOCK BULLS HOUSES ~ . BEEF CATTLE * SHEEP i -r -i.* J.*. - BROOD SOWS FEEDER OATTLE ^ YOU CAN BUT -- TOU CAN BELL J; tfihli Woodstook B72 or 499 if yon have i>:to consign • %.• ] dw next auction will be hold at 1:30 p.m., Feb. 5, 19^ ALL CONSIGNORS PAID CASH DAT AFTER SALE. All consignors make arrangements to get jour livestod . in. either the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. Terms: 25 per oent down^ balancein monthly installments. 1 to 16 months time at ft of 1 per oent interest. Woodstock foaarftttoir Sates Co. Inc. WM. E. CUUJUE. OwfMt-Phmw 872 a * ..J HOMES-COHAGES-FARMS BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS "S ' ^ ^ * THESE ARE THE FACTS - We cannot give ail absolute guarantee of the sale of your properly- when listed with us, however wo de prearisr yov wetion uRsurpassed. Our oontimious and extensive itfvMttriif has buih? a bocklog of prospeeis on all types of real estate, berth commercial and .a. "Talk To U*. It WiU Pay Us Both" McHENRY REALTY CO. Kin 120 MdfENBT, n.ttMniW ^jTjp:e lenh.1.1 alI^iUe 69Q<MlZ f

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