life*. Matt Laores v«t die it tMr rMort at Wis. and lbs. Thad Sdstowks are a vacation trip in Mexico *Sin? Mn. Ralph Schroeder and Sunday *h« Mr. and 4# In tin Hoary Dowe Mr*. Paul Schweman and daagfc- Mrf Mrijr, Mrs. S. B. Ward and ln.~ fcebert TkonuMM attended' a iaesrt in Bfin on Hmrsday mninf. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aylward of elan Mills visited his uncle, Patrick his birthday anniversary Mr. and •pent a Mr. and Chicago spent the tiveein McHenry Lawrence of end with rela. and Mrs. Peter Engeln «f called on relatives here Sunday. Marion IVeund, df Mundelein for Si. August Gensnra on Sktarday. John and Dahiel Coooey ntwrnod recently to <ka«d Forks, teL after spending some ttsse wHfe their paints, Mr. and Mrs Martin Oeoney. Mr. Mil Mrs. CKcrlil Phslta of Kenosh% Wls^ visited Miss Ann Frishy on 8uday« Brown df with Mr. and SPRING GROVE (fcy Mrs. •Tharlss Freund) Mr. and Mn. Mike Freund visited with Mr. and Mn. Frank Wagfte? . l^e^^Euit son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Katteer was christened Edward Arnold at St Peter's church on Sunday. Sponsors for the hah* were Valerie Arseneau and Memn Kattner Mrs. Stinday guests in the Math Nim*- gertf home were Mr. and Mrs. JOe and the CAT, several days Mr. and Mrs. **yd»nd May enter, at their home on Sunday in pew Mjr. Raymond William, Jr. KNL^AMt Lent spent Oli Friday, November SO, Mr. attd Mrs. Vfeaiifc Prosssr visited Mr. ani Mrs. Frank Wafner. Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Kmneth Wagner, were Mts. Ham H. Joe HdM, Mia. Jota Irs. J«bi F»S>AT, »- Tie MGH8 Warriors travel to Laka Genova for a twin MIL The lightweights taka the floor at 7 lit eoaka to. McHenry for M of the two start fliia 1' , i <d mi? fast Mefy IM in *a Hardware 14. 90 ,-<ete Urn • of At part fcr for The Need Tires? Come in and see wi*t we have to offer in x Firestone We have all sixes in track and tractor and most of the popular passenger car sixes. Drive in and let us winterise your car or trtfck, We have anti-freesee, defrosters, radiator hose, fan belts, s • pomps and jacks; also wheel rims; winter oils and greases. ,T.- • /tv;" • > , W. ~ • r ' * - "" v" - H&COjTC. CV-, Jg TIRE AND TUBB VULCANIZIM - . ALL WORK GUARANTEED . Phone 294 ,-'1- ' /• West McHenry mm night. After the meeting cards were played and refreshments serveu Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. Bob Lent spent Monday in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Freund visited her pavefits, Mr and Mrs. Frank May on Sunday. Mr. and Mts. Andy Straub anJ children of Chkago spent Sunday in the Albert Brits home. f FORESTERS WELCOME VETERANS OF WAR A moat impressive pregrtun took place at St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall on Sunday evening, Dec. 8, presented by St. Mary's Court No. 594, Catholic Order of Foresters, in recognition of the mertfbers who were in service during Word War II. s» Chief Ranger Paul Yanda called the meeting to order at 7 o'clock, and the opening prayer was_ given by Spiritual Director R Baumnofer. The chief «j j 'if? "P: <v '• h, *'**„•";»*<• j, - j Mi «t' < ' it "1! 4-i* • , -tt 'Iff -f/ 'i .ft-1'/:*.'.'1!;j" ' r * * * • W . r t • ££it< & . '»i: « ^ 1 4* * .K ^ >' ' . • .j - • . ..""ifMiSflta-,.. ™ turned the meeting gram chairman, mother William H. Rev. Eugene ranger then over to the mm pro- Althoff, who gave address of SCHENLEY stsssss 1MB 5th m • • 'TT- . HOLIDAY WINES Port NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS * Sherry * Muscatel * Burgundy Specially Priced P. M. DeLuxe 13.49 Gth () .m, Pint $2.26 THREE FEATHERS 5th $3.98 $3.98 5th Whiskey 6th $3.48 welcome to tfte servicemen in a most impressive and fitting manner. He then asked the audience to rise and join in the singing of two patriotic numbers. There followed a mcst delicious banquet served by wives of the com. mittee. The menu consisted of tomato juice cocktail, salad, turkey with all the trimmings and ice cream and cake. More than 240 guests were served including sixty servicemen. (Following the banquet, the chairman called on Rev. Father Daleiden of Spring Grove, who responded with a short bat inspiring message on the serviceman's place in Catholic life. The chairman then called on Rev. Paul Tuchlinski, former assistant pastor of St. Mary's, and editor of that famous little paper, the "McHenry Ranger," which for several " years went out to boys in all parts of the globe. Father Paul responded by informing his listeners that he had pirtriished and brought with him the last edition of the mystery ranger and asked the audience if they wished him to read it, as was the custom at the C.OJ1. meetings. The audience was enthusiastic in their desire to hear again the contents of this paper, and so the last edition, highlighted by excerpts of letters from the boys, was read. Memories of other days were brought back, as the men expressed their thanks for being home once more. Through the co-operation of the state and high courts, a surprise visit of Brother Dick Tobin, secretary of the state court, was announced. He handled his part of the program splendidly by amusing his audience with his usual Irish wit, bringing out the fact that Forestry held numerous advantages to its members, especially from a fraternal point of view. He then presented the boys with servicfe buttons. Following the presentation, Brother George P. Freund presented the fifty-year members with badges as follows: Brothers Engeln, Barbian and Bauer. Responding to an invitation from the chairman. Rev. Father Baumhoffer arose to address the audience, informing the assembled group of the splendid report that the chaplains of the army gave concerning Catholic boys who were in service. What Would Please the Mag More Than A Swell Pipe For Xmas? tor THAT MAN! iKv* aS§«SW»rf «^r#at ir»y rf 0k? that men like and need. ¥• v . . . •w Day-to -day personal contact with our tomers is a constant source of information used to fill these likes and «needs. You'll d<| well to come to this Men's Store for gifts -- famous Trade Mark names are ailf assurance of real worth. •r _ . ?-, ^ • . 1 •:'* Serve These Famous Cocktails At Tour Holiday Parties Walker's Dry Martini, Manhattan (5th) jPeublein's Dry Martini (5th) FAMOUS BLENDS & ' Back Again In Limited Quantities That Old Favorite C & 6 Straight fifth CANADIAN CLUB (Limit 1) 5th $5.47 OLD TAYLOR 100 Pro* 5th $6.75 K-y-..,.. FRENCH DRY BETTER BUYS AT Borer's Drug Store - Tf/r-r "T~™ ; MHSEOBSt ! X He'll like the warmth of the flannel--the gaunt nees of Rabhor style and the feel of the i luxurious 100^ all wool quality. Yon couldn't think of a more useful pleasuregiving gift than this. •' . . 14.84 - • ••'• •: x '% . . *7. "i rv-4: f- I j}x^, ' , \ y ' 4L ir v: # 1 'yM . -.•-"•i...'# ' ' ' -•sm-i -•t. •. ...^ .. p ' 'C%! l.-rfS? t r*? - . . . AH wool shirts in rich » ' <r/r Gift Belts in a van fcty of leathers of fine pigskin and supple cowhide. Famous Expanso belts, and S;/ •'"'Hi.. 7 t - *-. •; .'1 - '*rr >MARXMAM> ; ; ; fin* pipes and give years of ioyment. Many shapes, $3.50 to $25.00. the eye 1 1 *•. '*'• ;vsa> • • • • • • • - ' . ' " » : - _. . ' v,._ ,4!r;, •••• ' ; ' V ' ... to.fl.fHff.,,,.. i.,„,;^ *• *'y •t C-r •••• Gift, '&&• . J 'I;,... lers in solid eolors s ^ W.96 to J . 'etVi y-Z;ii/; 'i- ' islriililptZi :... ' jm. . , ?T' • * « T T ; . ; * * a •McHENRY;