:>%K-' %£?>'• . (By Mrs. Geoive ShwuD *.'"* Mr*. Viola Loir entertained the fwnw'i 500 dob at her hoaiiftdaaedsy. A woe-o'clock tendbeon wa* SSftLfi entertained tte Bunco club at a Christmas party ar ker hme Thsndar Prises Soy Dodd- and „. ajkl Christmasgifts were exchanged. Mr*. John Weodwfcrd and see* "GRANDE CLEANERS PERSONALIZED SERVICE" PICK-UP AND • Direct to your home Mondays and Thursday* ; CALL McHENRY H fop JW^w--HiwId t.'"r ' ' ' ^«S35ir» ' SV • ' . •£ X* •>** ^ ' ' V'^'V V GRANDE GLEANERS i& .» ' a) v • targe selection of tree ornaments and decorations-- electric tree tope, electric wreaths, Noma Bubblejjte at Cqnrtal Lake is vUtim in the Mrs. Fred Wfcdmprnwas a w YOU CAN FIND to please the young and old at VYCITAL'S RADIOS Valve Type FOOTBALL $3.95, $11.50 m Stitch Mistress SEWING MEN'S SKATES MACHINE Johnson Hockeys It actually sews* $14.65 m gg Hard Toe Hockeys $12.50 LADIES' SKATES Canadian Flyers $11.50 Junior Johnsons $10.50 PING PONG SETS $1.49 to $7.50 SCOOTERS $3.95 and $4.75 SCOOTER SKATES $8.39 Stuffed ANIMALS from 96c to $7.50 ift-pc. Pastel Dinner Ware 5-pc. Kent Coffee Maker, with tray .. ^ 8.85 A Palgtish Lawn Mower makes a. perfect gii)| l«-in. 28.IK) at W( Mrs. JWtid Jackson and <1 ter of jorhnwwd spent Fittar afterm witlr her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs.Geerge Sheimrd Hers at Woodstock, PrUay i inf. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein spent Friday in GhlnuM. Mrs. Franfcie StgpSaoaon Woodstock YUtor Friday. Mr. and lbs. EdBauer and family spent Sunday in the Arnold Katt* ner hone at Sprint Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peterson and father, Peter Peterson, spent Thursday afternoon in the 8. W. Smith home. Dr. and Mrs. George Haberlein spent Smday with hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. George ITsfcerlain W. A. Collins of Beloit spent Saturday night and Sunday with his parents, Iter, and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Oonk spent the weekend with relatives at Holland, Mich. Dianne Oonk, who has spent the past week there, returned home with her. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feet and daughter, Alice, and Mrs. Mae Harrison were Sunday dinner guests in the Henry Hinse home in Crystal Lake. Mrs. Rose Jepeon retained home Wednesday night from a visit with her daivhter, (Hive, and family at Armstrong. fiL Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday with relatives at McHenry.. Roy Bigger of North Dakota was a visitor at the home of- Rev. and Mrs. Collins on Monday. Miss Alice Peet of. Elgin spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet Mr. and Mrs. Neil Harrison and daughter of Crystal Lake spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Sbad|e visited relatives in Chicago, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch visited his mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. "Curly" Wilson of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents, Mir. and Mrs. Oliver Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Joe' King and sons of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith were callers at the Lyle E. Hopper and R. H. Smith homes in Chicago Saturday morning and attended the Fat Stock show in the afternoon and evening. ily visited her mother, Mrs. Hunter, at McHenryv Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W.Brown entertained at a dinner party at the Baker hotel in St. Charles Sunday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown. They all attended the theatre in St. Charles in the afternoon and were guests in the Leonard Brown home in Elgin in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson of Woodstock spent Saturday evening in the Ben Walkington home. .Mrs. Hoffman of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of her son, Win. Hoffman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hanford of Long Lake and Mn and Mrs. S. W. Smith were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connell and son, Robin, of Chicago were afternoon cfellers. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie L. Smith and children, Dorothy, Frank and Sam, and Miss Catherine Freund, Mr.' and Mrs. Wilbur Benoy and daughter, Coe Ellen, of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs John 8mith and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Ice cream and cake were served as was Mrs. Smith's birthday. IWVMiss Virginia Jepeon returned4 '4*/ home Monday evening from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Ansel Dewey and famiy at Armstrong, 111. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Smith and son, Dick, of Chicago were visitors at their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Sunday evening. Ben Walkington was pleasantly surprised at his home Sunday even inj? when a gToup of^neighbors came in and reminded him ofvhis birthday Those to attend were Ifr. and Mrs, Raymond Harrison, Mr. and Mrs Charles Peet, Mr. and Mrs. Louis tun* otit an flour and sugar. aa4 » Ywl ,f<:n * m Smorhst gift iNrtfer hfr Mm' ^ CHEN VM Smart Sots v'. piW IwiWBUb MVV9% WW P :' ^ • Ms own amort pedrags. $WS ifet mb 'IC4 MERCS Cves* FRUIT THAT COMES IN TIN WITH AIL THE 600QNE9? SEALED THEREIN CANNED FBOIT Kadtrta Prune PI Halves Pears .. Sliced Peaches Fruit Cocktail jfrapefnrit Juice No. 5 can 2 for 55c Orange Juicji - So. B «•« Blended Juioe No. 5 can...... Grapefruit Juice „ No. 2 can 2 for 31c Orange Juioe No. 2 can 2 for 35c Blended Juioe DICKOW'S MARKET OKEBN ST. -- PHONE 3 -- McHENKV afais :V a i: h • "ft '• ii Short Days but still time enough for Photographs! V you make your appointment at once, to sit ft* a photograph and in one visif settle all your Christmas perplexities. WE GUARANTEE Df&IVERY UN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! NifORwfcK'S AMWMM COME RMM Havt Your Kitdmi A Bathroom The last weed in individually applied ws|J tiles.... Sparkling new colors, deep and pastel shades, easily kept arw!* m tit N. tiverelde DvlVe HdODttT, ILUNOI8 PHONE Richmond 952 4IA& WW COUPON TOBAYmim...-- John F. Hora. Rlelunond, Itllnole QIMMOOM QHTCWM D W*B««OOM *tau, ITAL. SWISS OOLOMY Muscatel, Sherry, Dry ' ITALtAS - ' swiss ooLon .t BURYNDY^M*01* " ® 1^1., • « ^ ,, *•- r-.-, - S1.1S" .4.: j./ . fifth ' - • v * BOMA Pm^ Md ITAL. SWISS OOLOITY fait) W--fHUl, Sben7 . d^UUUETT'S VMSSSL DARE ; EAMUMTTL ' 'rS SPECIAL runve HCAKIIWI OAXZOM. UOMBO, DOIT Q, IW ">r- ^Towr Mn -- tUt »k 1KL75 pint. COCKTAILS Dry Martini Cocktail Du Bouchett Manhattan Cocktail Du Bouchett Martini Codctail ........ i'L- AFTER DINNER LIQUORS KW': IS. fe*- t; . v-: "i •"*" 'f le Kyper --$2.4a~ fifth Delecta * T», *Y | F'. - ^--rOOEBT'S, _ ^ I rH-, ,J &«ul 4 m r OLD TATLOK , •j-„ OLDOBAWDAD ..OLD mxesaALO -o . OLD rOBSSVSS AH these tamnds boitlsd in bond sa.se fifth fr IIIIjpjUlHIL jjnM.imiim^ir m'i.til i-uW-t hit; SCHENLEY THREE FEATHERS CALVERT RESERVE SEAGRAM'S 7-CROWN • & filLL ft HILL T * ••••'•• es.ee r- ' fifth THRKSrSATHSBS 8O0EHLBV SEAORAMtf7-CROWN xnoprs PHILADELPHIA ERTREfl tSef# pint GONZALEZ Very fino brandy, 5 years oil CORONET U. S. Q, J. BAVET • $4.25 . 'fifth ,, •/""'i GINS % $3.10 ^ fifth BtJDWEISER, PABST, BLATZ, SCHIJTZ, KERLEY HALF AND HALF. Your choice at $3.40 per ease. (plus deposit) TAVERN PALE, ATLAS PRAGER, MEISTER BRAU AND FOX DE LUXE i_ $2.75 per case (phis deposit) CIGARS r White O^, Van Dyke, Phillies and Harvester w-. n Box of 50 cigars aft our special price of $125 * 4 We also carry a (til Une of all popular brands - CIGARETTES Camels, Lucky Strikes, Uhesterflelds, Old Golds, PMDip Morris, PaU Malls and Herbert Tairytons Carton of 200 dgarette* for only $1.75 .. McHENRY ICE CREAM Cream of Creams The Best in the t 'T* Chocolate, New York and many other flavors--25c pint We have the largest stock in town of imported and domestic wines and liquors. 8ee Gus before you buy. ,... »»,, • ... •«>, Hmm IMa gag XXKfl, ' "*?**