' ^ '$7' The WW meuHliii fa tto MCMd wltll .T to rPIGK-UP ANDipl DELIVERY SERVICE Biwrt to . V'"M«' . CALL HeHXmtT 14 . - ' * V i - ; , ' ' n i l i m _ J f -J.-, •'. r*'j 1 |' IRANDE CLEANERS fNk fpi ttoUBoi Videta to yov* J®rty *" lUL for IN tto lake and dtrtaf UtMt W»l John Fez, to iga to* rmai.. iifdy and wag MMiy the bampe t* folks at their ik&l la hoping. from Vn. trade ago John Fox, itatkmad in aniied there i grand tine * I* « Center will to. of tto S«%wy Dean* Wtr the scene Cliristo# Mehiy these v;#-.' -;-fr M •f - *- ^ &V-. v ' - ' v.- i m As Btflg ar toi «to*nflltoMth of a ?• of hug cholera virue • .to® ttat ia not at tto -- . . lfb,f : V" - *.>"* Ito flnl biqrdi jni la • la Saotland by Srkpatriek MtrtHlto. tti Aral Heard* «aa quit* differ, ant from ptoraiMajr models. Ha had invented a "dandyiwrse" or hobby-horse. To prapd H without tieatly hia long, •wima underwater te while the eagle rote tto hia captured flsh drop i) la • totter paint Job tar dean off aurface dBrt with a brush or vacuum deanat,, and thenwash toraMve greaaa tto cleaning may reduce die number of coats of paint needed, as igfiell as mate a tetter appearing gnrfbee that win last longer. mm* and catctoa hia catches it in his talons, to enjoy hia secluded crag. hail, %. N, and alto at tte Anil Uary meetfag Dacanttof 11 wO go for tto hnnt if dWMtt vetecana. Yon have dene a gr&djdt, Mrs. Lode, r#ir Mttf Mr. and lira. Frans enwm parenta of tto hnoos Olympic spied ~ ating ctompion,Leo Freiaiager, apent last Sunday at their cottage re. Lea, his beauteous wife. May* and 4-year-eld daughter, Joanne,who have ton starring witii the "Hobday On lee" mv throughout tto east for tto past four months, are at present enjoying a two-weeks Utok' toWa -toe* working peat Hw wmIi senlag ktpekingi and * *" * ^"11 with Santa also he there In pataoa to dlettfitote the many lifts to tto deanrvii *V' khVaI s been the *P®a m in the past, an tto mlltata «r McCullom LaJca yiirpg and old alike are invited toaUend. TtoU fa no charge of any kind, as ttafe#§ for this great annual event are derived from the club's varied acthMee throughout the year. We wish to all* give Lee Sawdo, Otto Pyrits, Barney Graff, George Baumbeek and Otter Ebert, the Screwy Dooenls wrecking crew, credit for working for hours during last Sunday's snowstorm, pitting up the Community Christmas tree and installing tto many varicolored lights. These 'boys really did a nice job under extremely ditMIt conditions. Mrs. Einar Devfk eecaped injuries when her ear skidded on the ice at the railroad eroaaing Monday evening and ovwrtarned in the ditch. The only damage to the car was a broken window. Mrs. George'Koeti tes moved from her home on Orchard Drive to her town house in Wert McHenry for the winter months. We hope to see you back in the apring, Mrs. Kosti. MMickeyw Schmitt and Alan Mc- Kim have given up their outdoor Jdfcg wiwi oM Jade Frost began pinching their ears and are now emptejpsd at Odm Mfg. Co. in Crys- Mr. and Mrs. John Boyle and their little fauadly were weekend guests of Mother Boyle, Ray dXom of Vycital's ace meskimirs, left thM .concern for better Jab with tto Fablic Service Co. Good lack to yew. Bay. We are iahij suni to report that John Barteidas is eonfined to his bed with a very tod cold. He is under a doctor's care at the present and we staeere^Jhope for a speedy In last week's eolanin we erred when" we stated ttot the purse presented to Bitty and Jean Bald at thett open-houae party at McDonalds was from the Screwy Dosen only. The true fact is that there were many of the young couple's friends who are not members of this club who also contributed. 86 sorry pleaae! Congratulations""Tib-- Chuck Brocken on his 23rd toirth- ' anniversary, Dec. 15. oe Crick, Jr., on his birthday, Dec. 14. Joanne Nordman on her 8th birthday. Dec. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Art Brand on their seeond wedding anniversary, Dec. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doran, who will also celebrate their second wedding anniversary, Dec. 88. Nats and BeNa She had begged her husband for months to have his picture taken. At last he decided to go through the agony, but when the ureofs arrived, she exclaimed in horror, "Oh, there's only one button on your coat." the club's puahing with, hia ftot egeinst. the xdManiwigftiuQd, to gtorad it with treadles ao ttat it operated much like a child'a tricycla today. • . On thia iron-rimmed bicycle, Mac» Millan created a local aensation by riding aome 70 miles frotn Keir to Glasgow. That was in 18M, but tto celebration of tto oentrtmial was postponed until thia year becauae of the war. It was juat a hundred yeara ago, however, that anotbar Scotaman, Galvin Dalaell of Lanarkshire, Improved MacMillaa's model, and aome historians divide honors for tto immrtioii between tto two ••en. ;s o'r-r. -U inttocareMcoaspoend ing of prescriptions joyopa JOHN THE TAJLOR Boiger*8 Drug Store McHenry 'i../ -»4 ss- ?*• f>iiicv.i< iii O 4# i i. - "7 U ^ J INTRODUCING nri. '.w: ^ - ' "3t?" ' " ' w :um mm mi Oiii'iuiiM! ' (I . j'l.nl'iiiiiinut " V:. - rj' * '$ faT * 1 V'.." f - V, t * > " F V C"; :• Jh? v "S"- CRYSTAL LAKB c^> /«• I ; PAINT STOBB WWWT" • • ^ -»• ' , 6 *. --^ I • ' - " * " 1 ^ ^SL. A » {_ 1 V .^*-.1*,.,^ + i, t • .was ffiM •'?.! . .t? Subecribe for Ito Fiaindealer Trnmon Mttdk>\: •_•aM. * _a _ s gwVa_HAi ••• ^J| ~«W»wMyEm&aKw-- --4«t mn •••»«• aai WT >••». com IN NOW roa samiatVATioM. JOHN J. VYCTTAL, HDWL PHONE M-M McHENRY (MXA saw TSUI'S STX FAXTT . : " • -r, ' nUrtl. "* ttDanw Daniels Lake Shore Club Et 120, Lily L»k®--Phone TUBmrj BATS -- tJomSTTI fV' ' Ipclud«a In Your Rmiaiatten . Oommnnity 8inft With "Dm" U ib» m§ia Dancing until DawB --• "Bud" Ca&wmy ibles Ees«rved u ^ No Govwr Bob Doran, Maoafsr ftp •X . , "jmm Bolger's Drug Store * i , ,"f; 1 ^CHBN 1 : T - i.r - i • " * GktiteAe MJumu- Boat-- ^-r tT-rL S mpiartet of wonderful Chen. Ye aids to make her ChrWmas happier, J 411:^ thrill tfer wtfh Thif rm v.; *4250 m *3950 Give yser • wlhaert a geaniae Lane Cedar Hope Chart, aad it's lev* fat keep*. Laaail .. Biuellf v'OKAJID OnaranUed Bound Off 47jw, it.so, nito, m.«o, euje saoKSBS'^ISSt" f *• -iivi* Mm m t "" .Si. lUhA... Itafe ...Iltavbi***. i2L.i.,« ft«k. . .tL... 12 «.* ,'»J: jSfi