: Mr. od Mr*. Max Beth ant Mr. gad Iba. William Beth of Chicago and Mil lalph Shapaoa «f C>)H>1 - taha wars callen at Mrs. Cora|j SeUeys Wednesday aftotnoan. Virginia ta visiting in the hoaae of todaaghter, Mrs. F. N. Muqr, and Mrs.* John Hogan was Imtm to Mr. nd Mn. Owrfe HaftacMa •pent Friday In Chicago. Mrs. Paul Vfelkington and Mitchell bun leaders af H* thine (bli) Mn. JohR W^HB1 REDUCE -- S»My -- We fattan SWEDISH MA88AGM * Sweat Cabinet Baths Spot Seducing Short-Wa "> , ./'• Deep-Moist - STOMPANATCS Beauty, Body Contour Salon . •v " . 227 BenfinSt 641 < Woodstock, QL mM HERE TO EXTEND VNONTTO PLEASE S"*«RY wv,."' ~v" We are now equipped to serve a complete line of Frozen Fruits and Vegetables - DICKOW'S MARKETS OKEBM ST. -- PHONE S -- GET YOUR Cheer at the OLD BRIDGE TAVERN " 110 Riverside Drive McHENRY EON RICO -- RON MERITO CARIOCA ALL RUMS -- $3.10 fifths _ 85c to $1.26 a fifth BLENDED WHISKEY8 13.43 Fifths $3.92 P. M. Three Feathers Fifty Grand Imperial Paul Jones Xtark & Tilf ord Hill & Hill--$3.77 -o- L Culvert Resem Hinsqy Schenley 7-Orown Philadelphia ' ma Qrud M Old Taylor --Fifths-- fjfcrt;- Coronet Brandy -- $3.92 Vermouth -- $1.75 Wyfcv s.S"' _ . %£y'. • • CASE BEER fcUts, Budweiser, Blats $3 40 per case, phis depoUt fruger, Meister Bran, Tavern Pale • 12.75 per case, pins deposit (AH prices do i)pttad«d« tales 'A, &jh< | l £ * _ ; iv r* i K. ;•y s5hi'ii r . at the Old Bridge Harold (Schmalx) Miller Hogan are to togo to the We are proud of oar Mr.' and Srt. Sr! anil Lour Sunday in the Sunday Pettice Mr. and Mrs. Hainry Crystal "" noon in tha' TIL Miyi" -- * Mrs. (Ban Crystal noon in Mrs. Twn 'Kane ii staying -with her sfaftor, Mn. HUOM TMIJ, at Kenosha and foN? •wrT Aqr to the hospital at VIMHCU for treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson were visitors at Woodstock friday. . Mr. and Mn, Say Wiedrkh and family of Greenwood visited his mother, Mrs. Fred Wiodrick, Sr., Saturday. Mr. and Mra. Phetp Sannders of Sycamore, Mrs. Pet the Saundsn of Harvard, Mr. and Iba, San Start and son, Bob, of Wabflasfan and Percy Leonard of Lake Geneva spent 1^ « Ohri«m*. D»jf.v; ti,., ,tS "& iKcHenryr Illinois Closed^ From J December 20 to 28 Open December - - 29 , w< MI m. JWWI TH WWWI and daugfcteifcKr. and Mrs. Curly phm of and Mr. and Mrs. Bd Wieka of Chicago spent Sunday] in the (Wvw lanrrence hone. Tha ^tfldren of tta lower _ tray anta for the Mr. ahd fimrily Mft llr. and Mrs. Granville Carlson and of Maywood spent the Boy Wiedrtch ^nd i Coataa spent Stmthe Fred Wlodrieh, hi the Clayton Bruce home. Mr. and Mn. George Bacon of Antleeh were eallers at the hone of Mrs. Jennie Bacon on ^te'^ihia Jepson is visiting in the hema of her sister, Mn. Paul Nftrnan and funftr at Kvanston. The Keystone Home Bureau unit of McHenry County went into Chicago on a tour December 9. They went into Marshall Fields in groups of eight with » guide and viewed the most! interesting part* of the store, then they all went to the Hone Arts FBL * SAT., DEC. 20-21 Cartoon IS All-Celor Cartoons Elmer PfcaMieeo of Woodstock was a vifitor hore Sunday. Mrs. B.T. Hollar «eat Saturday hi ipjy i-- W aft^moen hi ' Mn. F. N upon f« in*at Mr. Mid Mn. Joe King ahd sons of Chicago spent Sunday; with her parents Mr. iuid Mrs. E. £. Whiting. The BSmmo# ISM Scopte opanad th^r meeflag Bw«liiiltiai 10 J>y t«ing tha finf^vae of America, a #n |Wi o«r pladga to the American flag and the Q&l Boom pledge. We whan *» .wan fmng to Chicago. Tha giU ecouta ^n twing an eduM- 27 on flNMr the* live raised on a bake sale and aaplag dupcaa on a cake. Wk had Awtriy Aadraia give the --* 4 fti i -11 t 737 played a uni Tha Mouse, Dean Lulu and _lt Hiai i--1 Plus: "CITY FOR CONQUEST* |Jam«a Cagney and Ann Sheridan SUN- MON^ ft TUBS. BBC. 22-2S-24 1haar*n TarriSc Together GeorgeBaft and 8ylvi« Sidney in KB. ACBT* = ^WTFHJMI SUMM_ WED. THUBS. A FBL Dee. 1S-26-27 Cootinuoua Shews (Wedneeday) Christaaae Bay front 2:S0 on. Opeai at 2:15 "COURAjGE m • -M 'W * s 0 i * m W-V"-' s V ty.-; ,'si OAR hair** 1MB hi zsm rt J tjiii • k :\.1 - ---ti. i eur nwaic auper- •JI!» """ ^ • R,?;; ^ "-I ^ ihL ^ l.< la v 'V - • u*f; " "W 0PTTO§ you o*a, yom caa-bva darner, mote mical heait wHk Sully furnace a \ Route 120 - •J;««'r •, %. . ^ -jA"' ' 'i r t. v 'H • • • "V v PHONE 202 fREUND OIL Ca s lor. Rt SI and Wankegaa Road Skate on the Ultra Modem Floor with banked corners. R1 - ? VH'-. "'A J,, -ivt'lH' • "S»lC <•;? WEST MCHENRT, ILL. -**1 •»•: Mx. -.V ^ V .iph " When somebody aaya to*<w, '«Good j*Ae|i are hard to find"--DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT--if you're a physically and mentally fit young man from IS to 34 inclusive! In your new Regular Army, 40,000 good jobs a month are opening up .. . interesting jobe that pay well... that'^- /- offer advancement, career opportunities and trahdag aadi ^'f experience in many uaeful skills and trades. ^ /' S'V <L?V'.-T New higher Army pay . . . food, clothing, ^aertera,^ travel, at no extra coat. . . GI Bill of Rights edtiicational / - . benefits for thoee who enlist before the official l A t^c war and aerve at least 90 daya . . and the qpoor ||^ ^unity for early retirement with a life income... a3dup^: "^ to a career ybu can't ftfford to miaa. >. •>*:%• « rn f "_i i-** mr~7W* »' W mmmm mmm of aervice and 6veg>sa> the^ which still ha _ Go after the facto at one of thcae good^j^a now! You we facto at yottr nc and RNL18T NOW # * * * * * * * * * fev iitiw emn.'lirfM to P*r HCMQ $TMA* 13X0* I7JS 1SLSS 115JOO H7S UMS . . . . loouao ATE IIIM . . 9OJO0 SSJe 10U29 4$jj MJ« * • * * # * * * * * ^•rhn *t hin," T«k» W Mt Anmf" ~W IW| W NIIVcBn • rout KMiiuut M«r i' tOHy Hall, Red Craw. (2nd floor) Woodstock, HL|p VF;*-- ' SyV'^'iV" {' "ti it f •' ^ ** tv,- ^FV-T wonderfully different Holiday deoorations. Send dieer to your fiiiMds with radiant bouquets, of mixed flowers, fire-red pointsettas, exquisite oonagea. TAR your own HOME, select center pieces, fireplaoe deoorations, holly wnatiui When you order from us, you're SURD of flowirs 4ew freSh and ANNA^PKGNAT artistically designed. We telegraph EVERYWHERE . . WN defiver locnlly One mile south of McHenry on Route 31 4 4'r- £ * JllfeW j!S ^ TELEPHONE 404 " , ' , ' T-d-h. *! (