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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jan 1947, p. 9

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~ .w. v. -.. ".Jtom?. :;3.-'•• * [ • * . > * * t * * j m T * f c - " v " * > - - • • - f"" '.- ** '• '*-"••V% •'„-*-,5 -> .v "* ', •*,; l^B *<a^Hp- &^*'"•' <•• ' •*% ~f v «fv €*, " * *><^5 „r %4'W* i "j' 'i'V "'jjit.1 / .":fS.t»*-C. S -i.\,>.n1»' '.-.,T< ,>.'v"rJ- i:^' i^..ji;.'si'>5'ft;. >*s%« ;w : r • >••» ' * • v * • "A ' •' - ' V .. .. , .. . v. ... ,fw* - .u-,r.y^* \%m " ••»--> ».• -,C3- . *•»"' • .•*-• , * .• -J ' *.••* "jU *«v *' " -t :\*~?r '£• g .-,.5 tf, ^ *jfvfTO v;1 t>: fc>" * V dWt <W v (j •WSPv: K&&% , JAlTOAftY 0, 1917 *#*• S4 MK3TCW1 » *»' IIH* of Chi- «D£Dmn&l TmO 4 Mr. nd Xn. Harold Moreaaaa the ptmti of the first hahy is this esaaaraalty. Jam. t-A daughter was born to Mm {in|^. Jam. Sr-ncn ware four gnMn- Vn In tte PM(r F. Miller home lAn a dMN wan born to Ser- HMmn and Mr*. Sfcrdock, Wauke- Qaaatin Walshs, irtdb a daughter *• koni to 41M Bn Thsfens. . 19---A taftor -was kon to tin Stanley Johnsons. August 20--A son was born to tehriMMii and Mr*. John Doherty (Shirk? Smith). August B--twfa girls wars hsn csgo. 11M SUM te a son was i«. A daughter \ fa George Novaks. April 24--Mr, and Mrs. Fred Good. to .the Arthur KaaaOs. sir wakoauod their first damrhter. ..Anfwl S6--Jadm 1 ^rii »-A aom Wsasld, was bora to "S1 *^ W«frsd Blake. April 2»-Dr. and Mrs. William A. August 27--A son was Nye rejokod over the birth of the'r Mr. and Mrs. Ahrin third daughter. August SO-^kajrirten wars born May 1 Mr. and Mm luiivs Hansen rf May .1--. .A little girl _w a--s b orn two £*^* R **i n&g wMoro. da.n d Mrs. Vir- August SI--The W\ A. Browns of Wf- 1st jj>** «»d Mrs. Edward J. Wister of wis also bonk to,K®*ding, Pa. _ . May 4--TTie Norman Siedschlags Jan. 9--The Roy Weidrfchs of of wrin^ Grove were happy over Bfagwood became parents of a the «rth of a daughter. daaghter. i «•* 5--A daughter, Donna Lee, January 11--Boys were the order *•«, born to Mr. and Mr*. Frank j _ „ septeartar . If flw day* wiUi sons arriving at Keeler of Tehachapi, Calif. (Frances! ,®eP'*™f,er 8---Mr. and Mr$. Tlteo fti Joaeph Buchanan home in Chi- Stratton). j thy McCleary of Chicago announced eago and the Donald Justen home May 10--A daughter was born to! e "J™1 • son. A boy was bort la Kingwood. iMr. and Mrs. Vincent Tbnyan ofl^°,4 and Mrs- William Lingen Jan. 14--Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simon Ringwood. I "Iter. «f Chicago welcomed a daughter. _.M*y 12---A was born Recall Many Deaths ;• ••: '?v i'® *>{•<& >• ' 'h . J4 i* /1 January to the was brought at the start of the New Year ftp the death of six smiths old John Weingart, Jr., of Johasbug. -- January 2--Death kept taking its toll of our «MI folks with the sudden passing of Zehna Lee Grotthuss of MeCuttsai Lake. January 4--MiaL Belle S. Tripp, 85, a teecher ta -the -public school here for six yeank died at the home of • daiighitar in Beloit Ifn. Jtcob July 27--Ptanaral sarvicea ware held for Mrs. Hsrold Colby, C2, who died at Wauhsgan. July M-d«Henry for twenty ysars, John died two days after he broken arm in a fall. Aagaat August 8 -- A few daysv iBness ended in death for Hilary Rodenkirit, who had resided in McHenry for six months. He was secretary-treasurer in the passing Schaafer, 69. April 8--The deaths of two form- «r residents were mourned, John of the Armored Express company tat Buss snd Mrs. Edith Karls, both Chicago. of whom died in Chi^go. t August 4--Mrs. Elisabeth Worts April 9--The citv was shocked Sexton, 86, a native of McHenry, was £> k*™ "ft*1? sudden passing of laid to rest In Elgin, y ^ Mrs. Fred Bohlander, 77, who died; A mvn«t e bj-- i jp o. t , following a heart attack. fA?*ust &T-®dw>rd ®tre~- 5 !®" April 14--A native of the Vofc) community, Geo: died in Rockford April 22--Edward P. Walsh tired manufacturer in the tool in- «o«e M. Huson, *TO2,! ? I dustry, died^in a Waukegan hospital after a iinferilv iUnegs. »> • r, m-1-u .li Henry d>of December 8--A brief Ulasss in USSTiar 76, of V4*. friends heard of the August is--ta, 87, at Geneva. and Mr. tarssa wars ftnrmer uwnefs of tha Omhari Bsack festal lMra. 6--Long a lsader inchns in thfa area. Fredsrkt A. Bdler died at his Chwatd Bsaeh hoost after a six months' fllnsss rkjfsaiisiT H--Henry C. Arch, TL. pisissi rSSidint of Pfatakae Bay, Aa^. at the houM Jaf Us saa in Kver Forest. The same day a former resident of Chapel Bill, Marvin . Schneider, «7, dtod in Chicago. Daflisalbei1 12--McHenry lost 'Ml well known residents, John 19«Sh» ' «.^WiBte»G.-TVPT*8cto,U-r.^ .. August 10--Henry C. Koch di«d of! December 17--One of McHenry** ®J|a heart attack at the home of his old time residents, Theodore A* hfoar« »fift.y ».'y ear* and tLooath"e"r i}ry of A. H.jTJ*l"* 382^, aralyw ayW *aft Vthie 1a1,g18e oCf? If6t5K. Unit^,I^AuMst' 14--MnT'llilVU?e Raught. I8* 2' ! former M*cCullom Lak< *** J"AS^ ftaSJL ^:P-^ O,^ r. diH -* grandmother ot Mrs. Albert Wil- ^_""kegan- Sh® was • natlve of Wonder Lake became the pw»ud_par __ _ annetrea oof f *I ssloann.d TLhaek eJ oasnenpohu nWc.e dW tahge- j w--Ja nuary 12--84ward F. Severing- HHai.r v-a.r-dit , wih;o/- was nb.;o-r n and lived 8s0onn- vari aatt jjo0vnn.nssDbuurr0g.. birth of their second son. iir1 t E™*"*• jJJl1 64J, aan usmurmy m1e8r-- t' eOrfWdytnotn oAf - thHee rJrooh»nnsti-, n° f\v^Hho°f* MMccHHeeniirnyf,' ityj-d --The IS--Mrs. ieald|nt daughter wa» bom on J*1'1!?1?/ •--Boys remained the|bur* communitjvdbd Mr. and Mrs Ivan Keck Mother's Day to Mr. and Mrs. Frank ?£ler,_?' ^arrivmg at^ both '_ T passing of Mr*. * ^ , 'hi, * r 4 Ian.16-- suae the parents of an 8 pound May. •fcL I May 14--A da Jan. 19--Virginia Shirley was born Mr. and Mrs. 1 , te the Charles Stillings. EMkhorn, Wis. (Marie Miller). December 21 -- Two deaths ocfather died in Volov i curred on this Joseph Kit ohnsburg. in Chicago. iter waa ton to the John Cotti and Eugene Freund: ®- Myfphy was mourned by the resi,dJe nces. community. Morgan of! Sep*"™**' 16--TTie Harold Hoff-|, Si-foorge * 1 mans of Wonder Lake became the' '°rm«r Ringwood; resident, died Brefeld, a in August 17--McHenry friends wers - r'TT't rTTT saddened by the passing of Miss May .^m. BelvidSS. i (Mayme) Aylward w**h"ou died after a*1 Burr 4tt vears old. died mhmr a April 27--Funeral services warejsh®rt 'lingering illness. held for Mrs. Kesia Armstrong, «ne; Ai^ust 19--Old time residents of, December 22--A long period of of McHenry's pioneer summer rest- i McHenry mourned the death of Mrs. j poor health ended for Louis «--«*>». dents. ! ry Merits, who ihany years ago ! ^ died suddenly at his home Msy I operated the McHenry Hoase^here. Cn Green street The same day jilT2Q^Mr>and'Mr*."jack Downs May lS^A. 'ww"action' to thelpa™nV °lj ^^ter. ;an Bgin InapitaL !inof Wd to rest ' ^ ctlSTgo^" C,mwford, dt Caidiff, rjKf, welcomed a ten Ringwood comnmnity was the little1 September 19--Announcement was Jshuary 28 -- A coroners jury *n McHenry. Mrs. Kstherine Schnei- August 28--The two snd one-half nJSlur 28 Dr E. TIiiiiims - - ^ ^ -o te-drg.g'oajait'^Ar ig ss^A^'^sstsi', hJ-AJirs found dead in his trailer home by Blasius of Genoa City, Wis., a rest- the Woodstock hospital his eipployar, Paul Gerssch. Mrs. /°r. di#d in August 29 -- A heart ailment Ina Grscy of Burton's Bridge, died the Woodstock hosp tal. proved futnl to Harriet Strever, 8, the sasaa day. i ^ »-Mra. Moflie Tretxler, 91, daughter of the Merwin Strevers. ^emw *** o£ ^ I\e d*y ^ ctain«f ForiTTo? Jan. 2^-A son was born to Mr. | Schsefer. .. " " 'and Mrs. Harold Lloyd Kidder, and Mrs. Robert Doran of McCullom! May 16--A smi was born to Mr. ^ Septemfcer 20--Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Iakf.' A daughter was born to the snd Mrs. Robert Rusboldt (Delms « Fre»sd-welcomed s son. •nest Riehls of Crystal Lake. Freund) of Harvard the same dayi September 28--Mr. and Mrs. Wsl- Jan. 28--The G. C. Gilkersons of that the Edward PritchetU became r^®°SJ*n«r8 b*ame the Pw*nts of il Lake welcomed a son. | the parents of a girl. • ~«*hter. an. 29--Mr. and Mrs. Griffith H.' May 18--A boy was born to Mr. Jan. 81--A girl was born, to Mr. illia ame ts Turner of Johnsburg welcomed Ms y 19--Mr. snd Mrs. Chester Mrs. William O'Brien (Bette Colby were the proud parents of a The same day Mr. and Mrs. daughter. May 28 -- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Freund welcomed a daughter. February !. May 30 -- Christian Richard waa city, passed away. May 9--Friends and family were at the sudden death of September 26--The Alfonso Godi-i Feb 2--11M sudden death of Mr*. nss of Lily Lake welcomed a daugh-! Peter F. Freund was mourned by ghccked ter. (he entire coauauaity. September 28--Mr. and Mrs. The©- >--Dearth ftom -- • - was the verdict of Coroner Ehorn in u.v n nn, the death of Ifts. Helen Birk Long, respected residents home in Wilmette. Residents of Ringwood were sorry to learn of the death of a native of the community, WU1 Beck. December 25--Mrs. Anna Halasaa of dore Pitsen became the parents of their first child, a girl. September 80--Mr. and Mrs. Wel- Bro °T r ons, for many years a resident oc Schsefer, who passed away in Elgin. the Country Club subdivision, lfe- He was a former Johnsburg resident H.nrv in Aimm Sept washi r Henry, died in Chicago. Decemfcer 27 -- Charles Feb. S--Death ftwn nstural causes pKfua T'h ^Str'sibdirisS^"1 °'l ,S«Pt«mberl -- Math Jungen a!71~who had nsided»near J^mshurg .. tL> «• r- ri t isiaqua neignw su Dai vision. t DIOI)Mr resident af tlu Jahnahur* -- j suddM»V ter wn of Spring Grove an- Feb. 1--Daughters were the order born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert New- nounc*d the birth of • dsughter. the day, arriviirn g and August Langfield at the James kirk. igfield homes. > Jane Fsh. 4--A son, Thomas Layton, wrs ^une 2--The Charles Whitings be- •srii to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis New- came the psrents of a boy. Man. June 5--The Dolphin Freunda of VUk 6--The Ddwin Hettermanns Wauconda became the parents of a of Johnsburg welcomed s daughter, son. yWA. 7--A daughter was born to June 8--The Kenneth C. Kruegara 1^. and Mrs. LeRoy Miller of Johns- of Cedar Point Wia., welcomed a lfing. i daughter, while the Jess Connors of Feb. 8--A girl waa born to the this city became the parents of a bvin Nesters of Chicago, msking "on. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Heil welths Nick Kennebecka proud grand- corned a son. October October 2--A son, Jon Joseph, was born to Mr. snd l^rs. Fred J. Meyers. The same day the Louis Brefelds welcomed a son. Oct. 4--A daughter was born to Mr mid Mrs. Edward Steadman of Lily Lake. October 7--The George Sartders of ' ' • . . X respeciea residents passed away at nf t the •Sf® of Sh® ^ Mrs. Jose- ton , where aha had been acting _as t)hine Heimer. a who tavern, manager during the absence of~the owner. ghts subdivision. | pioneer of th. Johnsbirg' ior tw W.TsSTau5iy indee notsf MpacsHseedn rys ws amy oastt community, passed away at the age. of - heu^a^ment ef 82. lie same ddaayy William Ha£ * heart ailment. . „ . one of the eariieat summer rest-! ; k-c: t&smZSZ. SKI CNflB bt ^r*^®r' 7®» * reaident here for victim of the season was Mrs. Mi'- _ _ in $r?nty*^ro rS™ ^fore mov^ to dred Berget, 29, who died in a Chi- fICI CDDITC Valparaiso, Ind., where she died. ! cago contagious hospital. The same lar|_i*ljHo 11* est May 16--A wealUi of memories of day the untimely death of Mrs.1 WfcMMPilJl• fc Feb. 6--Mrs. Ellen McCarthy Kel- M^Cra^^^eTr'^idinr'hire' for .Z-McHenry's first polio ley, Crystal Lake resident for many {w»ntJ*So' resident here foi ViCtlm of the season was Mrs. Mil-! years and well known here, died ~ - - ChiCftML Feb. 7--Private funeral services' hcr""native^Scotiand "and "of' earlv ^"timeiy death or Mrs wesrree held for Da^el Gibson, Jr., JJ. i„ EhSSTin Slxabeth ®<«rTir1 15-months okL a meningitis. The died ' same day S.ri»r Gm« «wSdS^r tk. birth Jl'. of a boy. •r*f days in McHenry psssed on of spinal death of Miss Maud B. < ay death one of our oldest residents. J"rith the She wss s McCullom Lake resident Cut, M, September 4--One of MeHenry's „ .» w T1 ®;, , ! earliest educators, Mrs. Mary Louice Umy 17--Mrs. Jennie Mclntee, a Cobb, 87, died at her home in Ricli- JoOhlclSto b' eArr U8a--n Mr. and Morfs .V lW_:_il liaLm. !I ™ "fc 10--Miss AUce (Arisen Warner) of Elgin be- atisi _ I June 9--Children's Day had special; cam<f «• parents of a girl. j retunied to hMurd of the death XtM' Johnaburg, who had been ill for two reaident of Riverdale for twenty- n^d, "i'nd.* The same day Mrs. Sutton of They<SSe dJv^SHenl^friS;' N~F^^oF jJSrtSi'^ ^ " i of a native of the the Woodstock hospital * "l ^ MMitfc annitarsary a u On January 22, Mr. and Mrs. WB» double nuptial psi ^ * s-4 of a boy. • Vik 12--Bern to ealobsate with June 4*--The Joseph M. Freunds1* ton. "H* day] Richard wtntam, was born H^ai-jLrss t sir strrsL*?* 11--Mr. and Mrs. Gerald meaning for the James Wkgners of _ October 9--The John Sauders of I ®*ty, Mrs. Mary Rossmsn Lindor Hettarmann (Mary Simon) were re- Milton, Wis., and the Sidney Mar-; Johnsburg welcomed a daughter, ri rS«r^ .. I . 56. Jsidng over the birth of a daughter, tins of Ringwood. The former couple | October 10--A eon, Jamas Michael, . * 5gt"r^r«JS5:lg; srg^.?»r^ ga; ^ son, Jamas-j P. ifcvf , Mfy 18--A heart ailment proved age o£ 76." i fnlln--„| w _ -~1 «•--» *"*• *Brtin Cftal to Donna Ruth Rosing, who , Sept 11--A telephone call from j Sa^&m5Sn^an7 op was the daughter of Mr. kppy and Mrs. Edward Justen. • third daughter. j j t ,a~,n " ^Writ-Hww«r~ . JonTlC-Tb. H<m»l K.tchunu of1 ..Ortofcer 11-Mr. ml lin. c^'twyk cy« wort jf tk. tll€ fc^asfila a# tkal* JllllMlMIW WalMMIMfl i M. BfthP hfiMlHA fk* MMnta a# A i *vllUIUIW ACQdMIt 1H WhlCfl * •••uyu hu rrauim - n nuaiu, waa oorn; . |L ^ ^ . **J W--A. D. UMfflil, 88, dieJ passed away. over the arrival of their!to the Richard Aronsons of PistskeeI «" '. 1" . . ... in Woodstock. He wss a former Krk hotel hei Bay. i. _18--ln _• "Med with McHenry resident _ _ *«/ 28--Two well known persons dent "of Shaimar for three"and one- J"c,t in this communif -- . . tine Haaford, birth of the?r welcomed their eighteenth i ®°hr became the parents' of s j ?• "fSKILi WkM m child, s son. _ child, s son. The nme day a daugh-1 d»«*|*t*r. |«obbs, 12, ««dkburna which re- ^ h®r* m»ny *T>- , I Catherine Sehasitt, »«pt 16--Alex Tomaschek, a real-1 Clarence J. Freund. February 18 -- Pleasant Raymond Vraund. , iOvins Miller sad Peh. 17--Mr. Hnat of Ringwood welcomed a son, i>ani Gai whOs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrison Engeln). were beaming* over the arrival of . June 2 . suited in his death. to! Feb. 16--Elmer Vogt . . . G r a y s l a k e di*d Wm P?fMlfwa?LTh!y h*lf y®*rs. died at the age of 71, ofth^rrirtieUi wedding aani^nary Ban Smith 81, who died in after a long illness. I iriU Umm 1m* *ShHr eaiMnu NsWlmla. sn«d4i aM rsv. uLaiussili e aCmsr*r, 87, Sept 20-Albert E. PadidLoci.k , 80, WiUiiSTutSSf W SsringGim w ocasnd Mrs. Stanley tor was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Wil-!„October 13--A girl was horn to; .. um_„ «n ^ r- -- HamGarson of Rockford (Frances! Mr. snd M«. Robert Vetter. fJJJJ; 18--;°«J ,dl*J Wauconda. who passed away at father Bsrl Paddock of this eity, w^SebretoT^hb _ - - October 22--Mr. and Mrs. Edward. *®"owln« « yccident in which he Sherman hospital. died in Waukegan. He was a reti- • first ter to Mr.~~ T^?nu^L Edward was Hogan (Eileen Kilday) became th1e A" *•!' »-Joseph E. Miller of Rich- dent of Wauconda township. Tin i Febf^^Mr. 'and^Mnu Joseph e 24' SStrTWMeid ^ Wrth ^ * I W^S^^StTto MS! to childhood tookthe Me~^ Miss ^ JtAj# wr FeK 20 - The Alfred Diedrichs "jSa * - Two McH 1 Jeanne Powers. 30. wha aa^ awav ^ IUB^ Sept ^-^rles E Guy. Sr, 88,^ at the Can H. Wi •» 1NVUIM BUW«IU WM \-aa^« f ^Wlf ilW I . a. wt!U «Mv-lr*aams wlik . •^l'M "• «'IW» Q01( OI VVSUCOINIB lOWMIUp. AOS . and Mrs. Roland Enaipi. | prants of their flnt child, a mm, Tt wftmki lUv moad* • resident in the Johnsbarir same day Miss CUra Wilson died -- Mr. and Mrs. Victor, P»JWck Edward. iS£ *^35, nin22 e?BnS2ni$ ,or m*n? ^ ta Wilmington, WU1 county. 8he Diane Marie the birth of a daughter, welcomed their first tfenry eom»Ies chQdfaChoth ]M! Joaeph Wiser, giris. Thsy wars Mr jad Mis. Or- Jwrten - - Round Lake. I{il October 26--Mi. and Mis. Harold n •&4 Woodstodc hosnitsl to Mr. " N°ai5rii^"Harold | in fg. Wffk^Sh" 7a Jnn® 5-Mrs. Bienapfl, the bizth JeSfL ra hEaLy. «f* t5h™er1_ "orf' SI't"ev1. Paul Tuchllna?ky'. twenty ysars s resident of McHenry died /t the Woodstock 1 fanrity. A high mass tei' rsad ia thsir hsnar, nk __ , -- lowad by ill ogMn house throughout j aj^a^ A'/ *11 • %»wa« sua mass ivi mm jwii| ui HI UlfllllKtOllt ^]|| COVUSC^F* mn became the parents of a FVswnd sunaanead the birth of a | 26--Ason was bqrn at the I to (AiJdlwod took 'the fthw the Woodstock hospital after a long- was brought to McHenry for buriaL - f. and Mrs. 1 p„ _.... M ..,1. » . thy illnsss. 8ept 21--Charles E. Guy, Sr« 88 . - . jMnn* Pow*r* sn «way JIM v«.rf »u .,uM»niv .* M« Kaat River Boil I saocted coopk ^ i Henry thsir sun St- sn illness of four weeks. K dre^*SchwarT oTuw Country1 Cl^h j^- s^amd Jaae June 5--Mrs. Fred Bienac years old, died suddenly at his kono' lart 'liw itii Granger) «d< Octeher 2*--Mr. and J. Frett rejoiced over the their first child, s girl. Donna Jsaa. i October 81--Mr. and Mrs. jests' Dowell of Grayslake became the 28--A son was born to .. Js^^S-4bna^ ware tibs oider of ®"ts of their jecond chDd, i . -HM WI dsughter of Mr. snd Mrs Paul Woodstock (Ethel Csesath, the son born to the Herman corned a daughter. Mrowns of Ringwood, and the daugh-1 . July tar that arrived in the Clarence Jwy ft--The Kenneth Crains he- Stilling home. ,came the parents of a boy Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barr of Wauke- the day. Boys wan born to Mr. street |u>d Mrs. Harold KoBsnkark ef this Novi November 2--A son was bora to far in Woodlswn Park. Inected cou^ who "^Snu^^2--Celebrating with the riBeniS and'lfc aiid*UnTfYtd I ^October 28--Timothy* InSg mi i*^^,of..^r;CTf P>^^JInc^!jn8oy dieda't theWoodst^'hMpiuf iftei' shocked at the s^nTdaaUi^of Anl^^ th#ir "tfBSSt -iiSrSSfe. regret of the passing of Orton Gil- Sept 26--McHenry was saddened 80lemnised on OetobttiO^lt, wTrlr I.k7 i^rt- «1. in Los Angeles, Calif, to learn of the passing of Jsme* SKZ^n ^UrTaS. MisaJsiaie { Wonder With his two brothers, he erecte i Hughes, Sr., 84, s retired farmer. Unman of beeaaM the I Maacb 1 _ 8toiXl now occupied by the Sept 28--The Lily Lake eommun- of Smuriwilliam Smith of National Tea company. The same day Ity mourned the passing of Frank I Rinrwood. Ratnrninn te this vfcia- M«, 27--Mr. »d >«. lfa,.tl«y,»dMr.«4 Iba. WlIUu. Swj Mr. «nd kr,T M »'«"» Sch«»m«, M^-NorrSulT^^Tn^b^'. SgtSL th. - - ts_of (Julie RMMiser) of Chicago. a»i »«»e day the StanMd Coes fam-J™? w She wss s former summer resident in balding up that subdivision. ' Muple resided hwa tiKoajT SeS first" child?™' daughter. The Pf*taksei Bay. jn Tscoma, Wssh^ ilyv welcomed s daughter. October aasss day a son wss born to Mr. the Stanley Vycitala welcomed a son; November 6--Four future voters *'. asi Mrs. Jameo Reinlie. ®l*o. j were_ the son born to Mr. and Mrs. ™? March eh 4 -- The arrival brightened local homea. March 11--Dr. Charles F. Read, ' -"•C andeare of the of Volo died unexpectedly the same Oct 7--Peter * * wlth * Iamily ****** K 5aeIr Pshruary 28--Mr. and Mra. John _JuIy A «« *»s horn te the Charles Miller of McHjMiry, the hoy pnpperich welcomed s hoy. • Kwineth Ptewers of N. Crystal Lake, born to Mr. and Mn. Paul Achor of ••totanding <yntnb I Jniw 151 A Smmt «sas k^aspaa *ka CntW. fvwi ami fka ^wLta a science of treatment ware bornto the LeRoy Melseks and Schuringa wars happy over the ar- November 8--The Haas the Hokan Christiansens of Elmwood rival of a daughter. The 1 v3 "4 Park and a dat to fit- si s- v..aJyir °* r ^ awt'ss 'snar&.'as _ gr a welcomed^ a daughter. Jr June 14--VoI° residents were sad- Oct 14--Mrs. Bertha Michael is, 60, n„u.» observad their fifty-fifth hter arrived In the *>n was born to the Richard Mc- . November 10 -- A daughter waa 1>5S3; °21 ^ cKJ of mJSS??s eIm? f" R?t^ °ia ^ de*th °f M™ Sffcther ^K d^MI' ^ in wedding anniversary at thsir basse «d oldastresidents. Miss CharloS mS- Jjuun„ee 1i6£--.MiLrs . FFrra.„nkk FFa.vy , .RRiinng,- ,lo®ngi? il,lXneJssl0. 8pit^* 1' * on Ri«™ide drive by entertetetog their immediate familiae at a tarkay Five children, Mrs. Richard I Donalds of Woodstock. born in Evergreen • daughter. T lttt^^Mr. *andC BJta^JoT'Frett' 1^-Mr. and Mrs. E. Joseph Mrs. Jack Hart (Btolyn *Justen)T"U ^v^'t^6 june to--aars. rranx ray, a King- long ""t** ef Johnaburg became the parents of Gausden jwcaacjAe jpreud parenta . November 11--While the nation re- ;2ii,l5!!2^JiWA^L"i ??.i,re,i _w°od resident, passed away after a Get 16 -- Badness came to the welcomed a girt March 7--Babies were born to the „ - Alfred Thelens of Johnsburg and the Horcher wetomed s boy. n* ~ * of their first child, a £>y. F""' -joioed ovw Armistice Day and it* 8d^™ol7Wfriands lengthy illness. The ssme'day Mrs. Johnsburg community aith'the new* (^ton Baibian July 17--A son wss Wn to the meaning. Dr. snd Mrs, Lee Gladstone ®id F^,en?8 M»ry Friend, nee Huemsnn, passed of the d&th of Jacob H. Adams, 76. GJ^n^mSrf George Thompsons. were centering their sttentions on 2^3 LJ^ Lt awV in Chicago. She was s former Oct 19-Last rites were conducted wStiaS ..July 19-lG"7nd Mrs. George their new son. _ » A ^lif^^f McHenry resident in Maywood for George Baumann, March 2*-* llfetl,n€ of mem- June 20--A heart attack proved 86, a resident of McHenry for many cele^UoT^ weU Vs W«*l tagpd Howards of. McHenry. A1 «My 20--Friends were interested Mr. snd Mrs. Willis Stanek of Sprinic iri was born to the former and a to leani of the birth of a son tojGrov® and Mr. and Mrs. George !£*". 3 oy to the Howards. I Mr. and Mr*. Harry Frye of Harvard.1 Jackeon, while the Robert Conways ^*0 ?f En Nove"m "be r 18--Son~s ware born to ones cuvenng- • pwiiwu r _ w <*»d suddenly at her horn, on Court CbicafO fln cptaio. Co"w,»", of*3pring " ' ' rtr~'- ™- Oet a March 30--Funeral services were period of more fatai to Mrs. Linus • Newman, who years. Mr. Baumann wss a former children and great u._ v ' Ttain. Mr. and Mra. WUl&un OeffUng ef Andrew McAnsh, 74, Johnsburg celebrated their fifty^xtt June 28--Stuart Main, 68, who summer resident of Pistskee Bay, Cr»t ho.pittl, Chiw. " \.. n®5f* the day with them and also many „ „ t Novesaasr of their eeventeen grand^iidrui and Nov 2--Last wtes were conducted four great-grandchildren. Mr fiva for Eugene Groell, 72, who died in childr^, ^ Mrs. Anna C^&r of o, Peter, George and Alfred hashing, wad Mrs. Catherine •do of McHenry. i «ri 1 March lO^A deTujrhter joined the' Ju,v 21--A son'was born to Mr. welcomed a daaghter. , •agnnf Hughes household. A son Hn<* Mr*. Arthur Henning of Genoa November 16--The Bud Liptrots T^JT1^ n!!!rfi1 Jif'!7C?S.;.!^RC w" •>»iting his brother on Route died in «.«.•* was bom to the James Harrisons of , City, Wis,, formerly of McHenry. (Jayne Kent) became the parents of . of Chicago, 2, McHenry, died suddenly of s after a week's illness. Ringwood. July 22--Mr. snd Mrs. Richard a daughter whom they named Jeanne. local resident heart attack. The body was shipped March 18 -- The William Funks Weber (Mabel Bolger) welcomed s No*. 18--A girl was born to the A K n„ to his home in Middleboro, Mass., wars the proud parents of their first dsughter, torn on her mother's birth- Walter Lafsens of Wonder Lake. ° this community's for fcurial. _ _ . . child, a son. j dsy. ! November 20 -- The Willis Dor- 1"°°*®/ residents, Jiisspn J. Frett, June 24--Friends in Ringwood snd Woodstock, and for F. W. Thomp- fn.jcm_0 March 14--Donna Mae was born to July 28--A boy was the new addi- waldts welcomed a daughter. r" ¥"*JP McHenry were shocked to learn of sen, a bay resident for forty yesrs. _f ' Ifa*. and Mra. Walter Low of Ring- tion to the Lewis Pitsen household. November 21--This wss s populsr v™ *n«na- the passing of Henry M. Stephenson, Nov. 8--A pioneer resident of the Gussardo wood. * I July 24 -- The Willaid Zerbys dsy for babies in McHenry. Mr. JS, retir^i mail carrier, who had lived McHenry vicinity, William Doherty,I"u*x*rao March 18--Word came of the birth'(Doris Kennebeck) of Mansfield, and Mrs. Clarence J. Freund and April 1 A lingering illness ended f,ja er/ re lifetime in the Ringwocd Sr., 90, passed swsy at his home: . ggQ TOUR PARDON af a daughter to Lieut and Mrs.' Ohio, welcomed their first child, a, Mr. snd Mrs. William Wolf became » ---- community. south of the city. 1 an wrr» to have inadva Eugene Justan. | son. the parents of daughters, while Mr. to Mr. and Mr*. George Stenger and Jsly Nov. 4--Mrs. Emma DeCamp, 84. omjtt«d the New Year's card _ March 28--Mr. snd , Mrs. Robert July 26--Mr. snd Mrs. John Hogan and Mr*. John Herdrich welcomed a to Mr. and Mrs. Leo lkrber. July 1--The Johnsburg community died at her home on the river. She Hoofr tavern, Allen Noenan, Sr., Bartrum of Route 2 became the par- of Ringwood announced the birth of son. December 9--Mr. snd Mrs Pasquale learned with sorrow of the death o' had been a resident here for eleven' amj ^11^, Nbonan, JrM propnetora. eats of a sen. a boy. i November 22--Mr. and Mra. Bruce Cairo of Island Lake welcomed a Mrs. Martin H. Freund, 86, a re- years. ^ I With other McHenry merchants, March 26--A 6 pound 12 ounce July 27--Twin boys were born to Klontz announced the birth of their daughter, while a son was born to spected resident for manT yesrs. Nov. 7 -- Funeral services were tfce*e two men had expaaeeed their sen, Peter Thomas, wss bora te Mr. the Ernest Freund*, while a daugh-. first child, s son, to be called Bryan Mr and Mrs. Bernard Blake. • July 2--Mr*. Bertha Eisenmenger, held in Chicago for Max H. Boehme, desire to us of wishing their many * Mrs. Peter Roche. ter 'Was the new arrival In the Wendell. December 11--Dr. and Mrs. Robert s former McHenry resident, died in lste of McHenry. . friends snd patrons holiday great- George iRraching home in Spring November 26--A.son was born to Bestoso (Kathleen Justen) became Crystal Lake at the age of 54. Nov. 9--Pater Nsiss, former Mr- in-,. We are sorry to have omittea Grove. i the Raymond Mays of Spring Grove.. the parents of a daughter. July 5--The sudden passing of Henrv city dark and a veteran of their names. July 80--Ringwood residents, the1 November 26--Mr. and Mrs. Fran- December 12 -- A daughter was Aloysius Kattner of Spring Grove the first world m ~ " " ' " ^ ~ V-rvj March 27--A sen was born to Mr. aad Mrs. Eugene Geary of Island Lake. War. died ia Vaughan m. _. loveiy gnu ana nn NoV. 1%--Walter Knox, 46, of Chi- them for Christmas. As we are not a eago, son of Edward Knox, died of ,in a position to send letters af a heart diseMe. ....... t thanks to them all. we are using thm March 29--A boy was the new 1 Melville Selleks, became the parents]cis M. Schmitt of Johnsburg became born to Mr. snd Mrs. Richsrd Justen Grove snd Wsukegsn came as s hospital at EBneL ill. 1 THANK YOU! i addition to the Clemens Freund home <*f * daughter. i the parents of a son. : of Ringwcod, while the same day a shock to friends and relatives. Nov.14--Mrs. Katharine Orvis of The Saters oJ St Msrv's wish ta~ a| Pistskee Bsy. - I Aagust { November 28 --Charles Frederick son Was born to the Clarke Nichols. July 7--Residents of this eommun- Spring Grove, at one time a reaident thank all their kind friends for the April August 1--A girl was born to Mr. was born on Thsnksgiving Dsy to In San Francisco, Calif., a daughter, ity heard with sorrow of the passing here, died after a long illness. lovely gifts snd beautiful cards sent April 1--(A son was bora to Pfr. and Mrs. Clemens Adams of Johns-! Mr, and Mrs. Charles Bauer (Monica Joan Frances, was born to the of Mrs. Catherine Bracher, who re- XT~4* " -- v--" AK r*,s - - -- . . * --*• and Mr*. Earl L. Dowell of Battle burg. I Beller) of Chicago. i Richard Wegener*. sided in Round Lake. She was Creek, Mich. 1 August 8--A daughter was born to November 29--Sons were born to Decebmer 19--Mr. and Mra. Harold native of Volo." April 5--A daughter was born to Mr. and Mr*. Fred Carson. , Mr. and Mrs. Floyd freund of Wtibd- Reemer of Shalimar became the par- tJulv 15--H. C. Goettsche. a sum- Nov. 17--Mrs. Adolph Koehmstedt, mMns 0f conveying our thanldL the William Grassers of West Mc- August 9--Mr and Mrs. Richard i stock and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Katt- ^ts of a boy. m^r resident of this community for 58, of Waukegan mother of Mrs. i 34 THE SISTERS, Henrv. i Clark (Betty Thompson) became the ner of Spring Grove. j December 20 -- A daughter was manv veirs, died at his Fast Rive:* Earl Marshall of this city, died. t April 9--The John Bursmas wel- parents of their first child, a son. | December bom to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Baker. Ro»«* ho~«e after % Ion* illness. Nov. 20--Fred Bohlander, S3, whet VlfilDKMCK CHANGES corned a girl. I August 10--A daughter was born- December 3--A daughter was born) December 21--Mr. and Mrs. Wilv Julv 18--The Volo ccmmunity lost operated*a grocery business in Mc-! ~ ' " _ _ nj.m April 10--The Vernon J. Kramers to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reid (Elea- to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Freund, and liam Hay welcomed a girl. a-lifetime re«« dent hi the death of Henry for twenty-five years, died Mr. and Mrs, uiarence ri*uaa welcomed their first child, a son, nor Rankin). (the same day a son was born to thi December 24--iDr. and Mrs. L. B. Mrs. Eva Oeffling. 74. in Rest Haven near Milwaukee, Wis. have moved rrom Ujsapper anarr- Vemnn Fred. Ensign aiid Mra. August 11--The Richard Jttstens Howsrd Lockwoods. 1 Murphy became the parmts of thei.- July 20--The long suffering oI Nov. 24--The Johnsburg eommun- j "?ent jn the wq fcnuaing on «'«• |«vdl Walhu.p became the ppaarreennttss welcomed their first child., a son.' December 4--Mr. and Mrs. George third daughter. Paul Schwennan,, local Chevro_ let ity was hocked to lean of the 1** Drive to thsir new^ af a daughter, Ksthlson Ann, born The ssme dsy ths Arnold Freunds of1 J. Schmitt announced the arrival of December- 26--A girl was bom to dealer for 18 years, ended with hif death ef Albert & ReiHg. la Portland, On. CMcaro rejSMad sssr the birth of S:a rirL iMr. and Mrs. William Vales of Lin- death. 1 ' Anril 17 -- Mr. and Mra. Hater deugMaa. December •--1Their first ddU, a ; cola. Nebr. JUIT 22--Friaai* wars shocked st n./W: V. H -- Mr. and Mrs. Lsa! daaghter, was 1 laM da arrival of a ssn. j WW|am Osfij. hay was ham te «a| Wa te Mr. and Mrs.' I the 27--A son was hern to the af Siting O'Brien who sv-:^^r^#3r:|psana on Fox ef Barry R. away at his thifewSitex ftp*} Court street The ssatlsssat tter wiV bs occaaisd lr Mr. awl 1, J.S 'SSaLl£-.$di

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