WT to WTJOMWI SLSS^ The tvpert llwwifftit trine dtalblod * ^ 1 their annual income from $8,77©.C8 Ilttnota Division of Rehabili- to $14,170 after being suceesafWly after eitoblishing art out- rehabilitated during the past year. un| record for assisting dis-. The veterans were earning a totou I persons in this ana last year, I 0f $1,747.20 when they 'contacts 1 w launched a new drive to in- j the division-. After rehabilitation. ^IBn handicapped people throughout | this flgure was raised to $5,772. > tills region of the assistance that! The civilians increased their total Sin be given them through the state yearly income from $2,082.80 to vision. ' $8,398 after rehabilitation. Frank G. Thompson, director of the | The handicapped neople reside in (department of registration and edu ^ counties of McHenry and Lake. Ration and chairman of the state Mr Thompson remarked that re- , tpaard of vocational education,' suits from any one of the nine sucfnany handicapped people in Illinois cesgfuj cmseB fn this area was worth Jsntitled to the services of the the time and money spent. To, fcion are not taking: advantage of1 ilIustrate -his point, he gave the facts1 v*ft. He said they don't know about about a rehabilitated case in this the division and its work or they r#_^ (?fee! their usefulness is ended , A * ' n^hant seaman suf- T^LJ"!!^r|anCe J fered sevSe Injuries when he fell ?JfHsabled people is shown m a recent #n (»)en hatch on his ship durii^ a bombing raid. After long confinement in a marine hospital, he discovered that he was ineligible for .benefits from the government. With no means of support, he returned home to become dependent on: his family.. j Without hope of ever returning to maritime service, he contacted the Division of Rehabilitation for guid- j ance. Although he wanted to con-| tfnue his education in college so that he might develope some means of! self-support, the young man's nerv-, ©us system was so disturbed by! his injury that the counselor feared | he could not adjust himself to college' life. I Seemingly destined for a life of r*. io. miuMto HtlHN4WssMHa Ituwi VliH. By VIRGINIA VALE JACK PAAR, ex-G.I. comedian who's under contract to RKO, has just signed a sixyear radio contract, topping a career that began 12 years ago, when he was 16. You hear him now on the CBS "Vaughan Monroe" show Saturday nights; then you'd havfe heard htm as a staff announcer--and unintentional comedian. Announcing the Cleveland National air races, he did line, except that he pronounced the wrong plane as winner; looked away for a minute and the winner • Health is the greatest trsas> Uteyoacaa ever hope to pos* ' sses.Doa'tktitebbhudhssIf •mgr. If yon aren't fetliag •# so par pigrsictUy, better ai ON a doctor BOW, without de» lay. Meed his experienced V OCViuiiigijr uwuireu *v» » m--III And t8**-, bring ' inactivity and resigned to pecscriptkMu to «Us *TteBa» Me" Pharmacy for proaspt aad carefal componadiag; Bolger's Drug Stom Green McHenry the neces-J „ r „ aid fromj his "family, the young man lost all feeling of security and self-respect. Through medical treatment pro-1 vided by the division, his nervous { conditioin was gradually eliminated and his health restored. He was soon able to enter his'original pro-| fession once more and is now a self-supporting, self-respecting citi- j sen, doing an Important job for his country. m . 1947, is the last day on which some families of World Wax Et veterans who have died since their discharge out apply for Social Security benefits ana receive the rail amount for which they are eligible, Bernard Barnett, manager of the Waukegan, Social Security Held office, has announced. 11M veterans' amendment to the TSnl/UI A. OSFFNMVUL POTHER TO BB HELD FIB. X0 Under the sponsorship of fourteen engineering electrical and other or- Snisatknte, a Thomas A. Edison ntennial dinner will be held Mon Social Security act, Mr. Barnett ex-1 fcSi'J??* ' HmJIfp 'tm' plained, gave rights to old-age of the Palmer House' Chl' fiTamZimlieZsT o f most World War InI „ve5*C |l The gathering is planned in con junctio* with the hation-wide ob- Read the Want Ada WANTED, YOUNG MAN . ' for ' ' - , CLERK IN STORE 43-hour week . Apply at I NATIONAL TEA CO., - McHenry -ANNOUNCING- : > •• «• "• * '-.I • "'K the opening of &c McHENRY TOWft CLUB KITCHEN FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 Open Every Day Except Tuesdays JACK PAAR he'd picked came in last. During the war he was a member of Special Services, entertaining troops on what he calls the fungus vaudeville circuit. --*-- Ingrid Bergman's been^ awarded the highest Swedish order. for artists and scientists by King Gustaf of Sweden. But seeing her going about New York you'd never suspect thai she's a top-ranking movie star, and also the star of the town's best play You'd see a pretty girl, wearing a mink coat, with a black hood tied over her head--unrecognized by people who'd clamor for autographs After seeing visiting stars who spare nothing and nobody in their efforts to be recognized even while they wail for privacy, she's refreshing. --X-- d.ie jr*** i ^rv.n^ of "the late inventor's 100th # e' k ifw i birthday, which occurs the following Pen8'onJ>r ot^rIday. Charles Y. Freeman, chairman compensation from the Veterans Ad . of'^ ^ lfidi company, mhustratton. (Receipt of National ^ ^ the principa, 8peaker. iifB, in»ur*nce_^,.1J, ""t.d.s-1 Spohlloni & th; din^r are the \ Social Security Electrical Association, Museum of oenents.) j Science and Industry, Illuminating If the veteran died before August Engineering* Society, Western So- 10, 1046 -- when Social Security ciety of Engineers, American Insttamendment WBS passed -- his family tute of Electrical, American Society may get benefits for all the month* of Mechanical' Engineers, Chicago back to the time of his death, if Technical Societies Council, Inc., they file a claim on or before Feb. institute of Radio Engineers, Ameri-/ 10. Otherwise, benefits can be paid can Society of Civil Engineers/ retroactively for only three month*.! Electrochemical Society, American No benefits can be , paid unless and Institute of Mining and Metalluruntil a claim is filed. * gical Engineers, American Chemical Monthly payments under the new Society, Society of Motion Picture amendment, may go to the veteran'® | Engineers, and Society Of Automochildren, widow, or aged dependent tive Engineers. parents if cei-tain qualifying condi • -- tions are met. If no one is eligible-: Fertilising Soil for monthly payments, a lump sum. Where fertilizers are. used, the payment may be made. ! farmer may add fertility elements If the veteran's family already to the soil by one or all of thfte is receiving Social Security benefits: common methods: the use of based on the. veterans civilian manure commercial fertilizers, and «» ta "oproU^ crease the size of the benefits if tions. Barnyard manure is produced the veteran never worked under on most farms, and legumes should Social Security, his family still may be grown on all farms wherever be eligible for benefits under the new they are adapted. law. In either case, prompt action Order your ruooer stamps at^ the new: Plaindealer. .• is necessary to avoid loss. The Waukegan • Social Security Field Office, located at the jnrowiii^ fhkikwi. flhortMM of pitv |m ftisrts lor Uvcstaefc Ml diou^ fnfnt MMKft workers «f npm> flunf iwi a*v«ral nmriils formerly discarded or poorly utflirad by various induatrioa. On* was starlib, which oyrtermeai take in quantity in cleaning oyster bids. Whole starfish, when-sundried and ground into meal, contains about SB par cent of protein, 19 per cent of calcium, and smaller quantities of other mtrients including phosphorus. Tests of its suitability for poultry feeding showed that it compares favorably with sardine meal, familiar as an ingredient of poultry feeds. The tests were with White Leghorn and Rhode Island Bed chicks fed diets adequate in all nutrients except those that the starfish and sardine meals were ex>^ pected to supply. Starfish meal proved a good source of protein, but it gave best results when fed in rather small quantities. 'f** :---- • i i - c y ^ ' • Old-Sight .c- Presbyopia is just a fancy name for "old sight." After 40 most normal eyes lose their aoility to change focus easily and spectacles are needed for reading and close focusto*- More Una half ol the tickets floe the Irish Sweepstakes wire sold li the United States and its possessions, although the lottery benefited Irish hospitals and was iMMd .ML. British horse races. CeecMkaU The recommendations for treating diiokcni for coccidiosis using i.ifZ fuanidine have been changed/Treat this disease by one to 100 pounds of feed for one day, skip three days and teed the mixture again on the fourth day. This fig. ures two ounces to 12 >4 pounds of feed. If enough mixture is made tor two days, it will be easier. A thorough mixture is necessary. j :1.; •j 'j j ft r¥7r "• i Small gam* animals, sucn as Game Animals .. . . rabbits, shculd be skinned, dressed, washed snd chilled promptly. Only the thick back and hindquarters are usually frozen in order to save locker space. Ribs, neck and forelegs can be stewed while fresh to bet* 1 ter advantage. There is little pro* I tective fat on small-game meat, I so if should be well protected by | careful wrapping against dehydr* 1 tion in locker storage. - ANNOUNCEMENT - .^T-- r^- '--========== ^ w Gene Ant^y has formed his own independent producing unit, whicli goes to work at Columbia Pictures the first of April, with an exclusive contrast to preduee four high budget pictures per year for two years. Big outdoor musicals with Grade A stories, that's what he'll aim for. He should be able to turn them out, with all Columbia's facilities and his own aupie organisation to draw on. Henry A. Reichold, the Detroii industrialist, thinks there are two o: three million people who want to listen to straight classical music, with no interruptions or commercial interferences. That's why he's sponsoring that series of "Sunday Evening Hours" with the Detroit Symphony. But--he's deliberately bucking Fred Allen and Edgar Bergen: has the same time on the air as two of our best comedy shows! £ - The Roscoe Karas are original; when they headed for Reno, on complctiw of "Gallant Man" at Republic Studios they were iriteftt not on divorce, but on having a second honeymoon; they've been hap* pily married for a quarter of a century- • Oscar Bradley, conductor of "We, Jhe People" orchestra, is pretty proud ef Arnold Eidas, who recently eompeted In the international violia competition In Paris aad took firtl place. Be won a cenoert tour to It cities. When Eidus returns t« this country, probably in April, Mr, ^Bradley plans to have him as a guesi -na the show. You see, the violinist till recently was one of the boys is the band. BODY and FENDER REPAIRING Complete paint jobs* years in the trade. Special wreck work. Over 2G HANS FLACH 609 Front 8k West McHenry made it possible by their patronage for/iiMfco expand, we want to express our gratitude. As a result of this expansion we will be able to give you more prompt service and high quality work. We wish to announce that we are now located in our new establishment at 607 Crystal Lake Road, formerly the Creamery building. Our new plant is adequately equipped to competently handle your lanndry and we are in a position to accept new customers. . We guarantee satisfaction and invite comparison. • McHENRY LAUNDRY TELEPHONE M'HENBY 189 -*r Comfort plus! ' * Skipper Sweaters Trust, a cardigan (ofr comfort and warmth! Super-soft 100^ wool yarns in attractive heather shades. Also see our fine assortment other Wilson Brothers Sweaters--in both cardlgan and slip-over typas| McGEE'S McHENRY In "Undercover Maizie" Ann Sothera portrays a police woman--and we're told (and it's hard to believe) that she spent several days at the Los Angeles Police Academy, undergoing the strenuous routines prescribed for rookie cops; showing u£ "for setting-up exercises in a play suit, hitting the bullseye with a pistol, though she'd never fired one be (ore in her life, etc., etc. --*-- Setting up a "Vox Pop" broad, cast is no cinch. Parks Johnson and Warren Hull often interview ai many as 190 persons during the pre> liminary proceedings, determining tfie six who'll go on the air. Then Mrs. Johnson has to round up pres ents for them. --ft ODDS AND ENDS--Vtomcm Lsk* is going to bid* tbst ty* mmi*r $bmt lock of bmr sgmn im Psrsmammfs "Ssigon,' . . . "National is slmtod to cpm* to tbo mr wmvts tobrmmry 3rd, with Eliusbttb Tmy lor mmd Mickty Roomif- . . . Morhmo Asmu, ogod 7, u>bo plmjn tb* dsugbtcr on tbo Smmd*y "Blondii* sbour, mud* b*r fhm d*bmt im "Tb* B*u Y**n of Our Up*t.". . . Eooryom* ought to st* "Cstsmr mmd CUopmtr^' if only u S9* wbmt "Cloriomi TWMW«W cms b» lik* u>b*m its romUy glorioms. . . . M*r c*d*s MeCmsmhrifli*, *4 ."Big Sister," b stmrebimM for m wWm drtmm plmytr; bm fc bmd§0t^0 b*r m drtmm fromt HmAJnl doosmft bmow hot* to |fc _ Waatod Laavis Just one dice bread thrown into tha garbage eadi week by ovary Amercian family to the same as throwing away 100 million loatvajl of bread a year. Dark Staged I* Tha dark colored ring oil the eufc of a harff-cookod' to tha result of too muc ton WiT TWe 1947 0UHBoliila bri^it new tastefidlv tsilsrsi There are three full lines of 194? Oidwobiles--General Motocs flllitj ears in every wafI . OlfciMi S«ihi "91" 4 0>f S»<-- |MN Nrw •! antra ml «AM rnhMt) Smart is theward for OMemobile*s 1947 styling;:: the long, ra&sb lines ... the attractive new colon ... the over-all impression of quality and y>od taste. And tmart is the way you'll /aaf... once you drive a new OldsmobOe of your own. YouTl enjoy the ||^nw that follow you down the street. Youll revel in the comfort and luxury of CHdsmobfle's coil-cushioned ride. And above all, youll find a new kind of deep-down satisfaction in every effort* less moment of driving ... thanks to GM Hydra- Matic Drive.* This is the fully-pn>vod,fuUy- au tammtir drive * • • the drive that shifts gears automatically and **^** the clutdi pedal right out of the car! See ***** great new (Mdamobtle now on display. Three complete lines of cars to choose every one a amort choic* for 1947! 1947 OLDSMOBILE OFFERING -- *OrnONAl AT 1XI1A co« a l l '•'•m * o O * * * * * « S f S l t f M O I I I t SUBURBAN MOTOR SALES R. J. OVERTON >403 FRONt STREET McHENRY, 1IX. ^ . . . . • 1 " . ..I. ' J • :V.- "vl S:" • v K-.-A-' . '••••• . • : -i '