& • - - .. .V , ^ "j '• ~ "- V • * ' .37:. '•.. * ; V. '}i: " AINDEALE a *V i XcHBTKY, ILLINOIS, THUlSDAY, KBUTA1Y «, 1M7 *•.3* NY SCOOT WEEK TOKOKEIVB FEB. 7 TO FEB. 13 : ' Father-8on Banquet For Local Itobati On ^nesday, Feb. 11 The Boy Scouts of America, now •umbering 1,980,000, will observe the thirty-seventh anniversary of the organization* during Boy Scor.c Week, opening Friday, Feb. 7, and frr.Ama jk iy.^ni RULE OPERATION TO BK HSU) FOE ADULT! A. novel class for instructing in the we of the slide rule will begin in McISenry on Wednesday evening, Feb. 12, between 7 and: 9 p.m. ct the high school. There will be no charge for attending these classes, which will be ef .great value to contractor*, engineers, people handling insurance, etc. C. H. Duker will act as instructor for the four or five lessons which •tiutx or joust PUBOK LOST BIB PIOHT TOR lUKDOK Ralph (Red) Haupris, Woodstock,! sentenced to the state penitentiary at Joliet for seventy-five years for the murder of Henry Mengs, 66, also of Woodtsock, lost his fight for freedom recently when the court upheld the original sentence imposed Scot 9, 1929, by the late Judge Edward D. Shurtleff. Haupris sought to be released from the state penitentiary by set will be necessary to become thor-] ^n* OP the fact that the court was oughlv acquainted with the use of n^thOut jurisdiction m that « plea of the slide rule. Cbntraiy to common I f"»lty should not ha^e been accepted belief, Mr. Duker says the instrument j *or ™ reason that the court knew is quite easy to learn to operate. he was of unsound mind at the time, and HNRTEEN FROM HERE MATE! INTO K. OF C. 300 Men, Women OUxnax Day With Sumptuous Banquet Forty candidates from McHenry Woodstock and Harvard were initiated into the Knights of Columbus last the The JU-AL BEAUTY SHOP WILL OPEH Hr PRIES BUILDING ON FEB. IS 1 opens doors next week, operated by two very well known women. Miss Alice Gaulke and Mrs. Julia Kratoweta. The yoont ladies announce the opening of JurAl's Beauty Shop, which is located at 106 8outh Greta street, in the Pries building. While all the equipment is not yet installed, everything will be in place by next Wednesday, Feb. 12, the opening date. The owners say that tney will be completely equipped for general beauty work. Both Miss Gaulke and Mrs. Kralo- B08E FARM SUFFEBKD GREAT DAMAGE DURING RECENT FREAK STORM Damage totaling several thousand dollars occurred on Wednesday night of last week during the freak storm when sections of five 400 feet greenhouse units collapsed under the weight of snow and sleet at the Bauske Brothers and H inner rose farm on Route 14, three miles northwest of Woodstock. ,5 William Htnner, ^son of one of th* owners of the bu^in^ss, said* that about half of the five greenhouse units collapsed, damaging, the rose'; on mm LOCAL WOMEN, " ' i - ,1 Services Held For Mr*- Theresa Heimer *fnd Mrs. Martha Page Death claimed two well known Mem oif»n»»wn wruij wy wn. eaay xo team »•« w»a VI uiiMiumi minu HV me ume, ust Sunday at tM county seat. 7^ bv insurance and) Anv u th t k a sanity hearing should have i last previous initiation service took ^ graduate of the L. Burn- t„ ' TP^ft V«VDII1^ M. iiiueviMjp m vv. •« i IQQnrf the nation's largest birthday cele- j to ^im should pfan to attend thrae1 a w^viSii fbuee oObDHseerSvfeda imn Ueev?eeriyr cinityy,n 8two*iIvIui i j1 c^I assoeu®bl'i.c wsheircvhi.c e*a re ^*inK Riven as village and hamlet. ,, In McHenry," M. L. Schoenholtx, Scoutmaster, and his twenty-five 8couts, have been busily preparing! for this very important week. Mr. j Schoenholtz has resumed his- job as; leader of the local organization since; his return from service last year.! During his absence, the post was, Utty filled by Fred Svoboda, Sr., ef Lilymoor, who Voluteered hix I Wt Oftf Yoi Congratulations! services when McHenry Scouts werej of leadership. A '• , . times have we offered cor.- jlesparately in need | grattilations under such sad circum For their observance of Boy Scout stances as this week, when we ex Week, held 6 Scouts and their fathers. Troop!occasion on Monday, Feb. 3, the day i Wii_.n eommittee members met last week i that hjs wife was laid to rest in with William Green to formulate | St. Mary's cemetery. ems for the banquet. Present were! Because of the great devotion of y McGee, Homer_FitsGerald,__El-this couple, married fifty-eight years plea of guilty. He further con- f tended that a letter written by the j *r J"VkTii court to the Department of Public Welfare was sentenced he was "only saved from the chair, D on account of his lack of intelligent development" and further that "his th,Pd degn mind will never develope sufficiently l men McHenry: Robert J. Sutto make him a fit or safe member &«*. «^ne of society." Also that he should j Walter Miller, Martin Wegener, Carl "never be released, pardoned or' ^*1M» Frank E. " ' paroled." j Sutton, Eugene^B. Freund and Thos. "To entitle the accused to. an Sutton. aquital on the grounds of insanity, the legal presumption of sanity must Chicago years' < _ m-i impairment oi rumic innfftll<» de*rre» i nwllv! l*^^®r ®ight years, the greater at the time he (Haupris)!™* S! SSSd dSlTiS .?S1""* ^ haTin« been^in Mc- IU»1„ 1 ' * i both of the latter the Legion hall! j ®enr^* ' iyin, bMh .he «1 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION -,he ,ollow,n'! IS TOOBD FOK VETS AS PROTECTIVE MEASURE TO. Unit i" thi..wor|f and Those from here to receive all three degrees were Robert Donnelly. *• ' be ove2r come2 Ab- y "Lev:.Lid en• ce tending to!. nFr-a nfkL .GJe nod.e:,. Richard Weber and Administrator Homer G. Bradney plants as well as the buildings. The ( Henry women this week, the first loss was said to be partially covered being Mrs. Theresa Kammerer Heim* " i er, who passed away at her nome as a night > in West McHenry on Friday. Jan, company, suffered > 31, 1947, at the ag BS of 78. She had struck by the collapsing glass and Mrs. Heimer was born in Benton greenhouse framework. | Harbor, Mich,, on Nov. 12, 1869, --1 j where she spent her early life. On Mother Of Mrs. Bngvalsw \Oct. 7, 1888, she was united in Dies At Fort Mi>yer, Fla. Mrs. Laura Gehardt of Milwaukee, Wis. passed away suddenly on Feb; S. 1947, while vacationing with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and 3$ of the Illinois Veterans Cofnmission Mrs. Kinley Engvalson of Wonder has endorsed the proposal that vet-1 Lake, at Fort Meyer, Fla. erans should arrange with their j Besides Mrs. Engvalson, she it family physicians for a thorough i survived by two other daughters^ physical examination within the first'Mrs. Iris Stittgen- and Mrs. Helen last Oct. 7, the departure of one of ||A||v lUiniftf H'l'l'liin th«n was naturaUy a loss which th« HULD ANNUAL lEETlNG other will long mourn. One of the Freund, Jeppe Jepson and Her- Nye. Observnace Theme The theme of the observance Is "Scouts of the World--Building for Tomorrpw." Through the World Friendship Fund of voluntary gifts established two years ago by the Boy, Scouts of America, they have given $110,464.36 to help Boy Scouts overseas rebuild their organisation!*. To give the most helpful assistance within their capacity, the Boy Scouts off America have dealt only with 8cout officials overseas recognised by the International Scout Bureau In London. AJready, 119 shipments ef Scout literature, equipment, office > supplies and other Scouting mater- [jf* ^>een 8ent *° thirty-two, memorable events in their lives wfis countries. ' their golden wedding celebration in The anniversary theme will color 1938 whwi f^iiy And friends called the oi*»ni"^on's major activities ^ congratulations. FARM ORGANIZATIONS the most active of fanu organisations, the McHenry County Farm Bureau and McHenry County Sullivan ap year after their discharge from service. j Mr. Bradney emphasised the experience in many cases of World warden, were In charge of the first, War. .I .v etera.n.s. w h.o. .b.e came. ser.i o.u.s lyand second degrees. Charles O'Brien disabled^ or died within a short time Boebel of Milwaukee. district deputy, who has long been ^ter <«»ch»rge because treatment interested in the three county coun-1for som« diwase unknown to them cils, opened the second degree work. iwa8 MP#CWThe third degree was perviaion of a Chi< charge of Michael Howl of Supreme Director lett. VFW PLANS INSTALLATION; AUXILIARY HAS ELECTION riage to Henry Heimer of Johnslwg at St. James church, Chicago. The couple resided in that city until 190ft, when they moved to McHenry. Mrs. Heimer passed away in the ' lived Farm Supply Co., reported a pro-1 sive day's program was the banquet gressive and prosperous year at the j served in St. Mary's in the evethirty- fourth annual^ meeting held a t j ninjf for about 800 as arthritis, heart disease, and tuber- "V1 *| name for thirty-two years, retiring One of the features of the impres- culosis, within a year after dis- ^ ®c:homholitz as commain«i- ftfte€n y^ars ago. charge. jer and Allen Noonan as adjutant of Mrs. Heimer lived quietly, largely The veteran is thus protected if he! Th^VF%^A^^lVarv has a medical examination withia ajg0( having held gym men and women, the Woodstock Community high I With the ladies of St Mary's church, the year, and in many instances early > nn_i . M " school last Saturday evening. !in chawe of the serving. treatment may eliminate the dis- Outstanding projects in the past Jack Byet^gimnd knight of Wood-! abling condition. ! hSuik ^rwUl beL^KildayJri" George Richardson, organisation, including first, the o - j capably took over his* duties of pre gfcnization with the Home Bureau, sen ting guest Speakers, of 4-H Town, Inc., which now has aj Numerous high-ranking officials of throughout 1947 with the Sixth y. World Jamboree as the prime dram-Lg^P' Heimer event in World Scoutii The World Jamboree will be held next i. - t to 21 on a large estate fat ,horn on Feb. S, his younger days burg. He moved building fund of $4,500; second, the organisation of a soil conservation district, recently completed after several months of preliminary work. . Farm Adviser W. H. Tammeus gave a report of his office, showing a tremendous amount of program in 4-H activities, fam labor, soil iaM -L... U_ ___ tWesWti«nng«,l dUe»mlllUoInI»sHtr»aMtioOnIl aI nd soil con- 1H8, where he servation district work. at Meissen on the River Seine, about >. **»-» >T, ffS" h*toT*, Of , i n t e r e s t a l s o wa s t h e a n n u e l sixty miles from Paris. "ShhT --S2"« • Ireport of the McHenry county rt- Franee was to have been host to: mT* i P°rt °' ^ McHenry county AAA,I ^ World Jamboree in 1841, but the showing 10,602 farmers and lJnl 1 hunting and fishing and caring for > non.furmm who in the office I the state council were present. Among these were Henry Phenix of Chicago, state secretary, and Mario Distefano and Lao Marray, both members of the visiting degree tease. Two grand knighta, waiter 8ullivan of Harvard and John Hill of McHenry were also introduced to the aslemblcd ffiiMts Visiting priests included Father Efcaa and Father Eiaers of St Mary's, Woodstock:' huwr Thennes of Johnahurg, Father Keenan and Father OHourke of Hhrvard. All mation should be secured through1 vice-president; Mary arrangements with his family doc- junior, vice-president; tor, since the Veterans Administru- secretary; Mildred ~ ^ h.. k.,o„ confining he.- interests in later years IthLeitr second an- family and other activitlsa. She alao gpent , gnmt M & f*r time visiting with old friends la West McHenry, who will sorely feel the absence of this genial personality. Tne deceased was a charter mem* ber of the Lady Foresters of tY - A3 Hsttermani) i Ann Baoou tion can only provide such service c£th£im>' DulSer, lcSpiainT*Heten after the veteran has filed a disa- Low, three-year trusteed veterans in „ , The local AuxUiary has been in i ,-f^s^viw u R existence littie more than a yeri, ^ ist beasts a growing membership ~ "WW* "**• dimwit, .wl .11 ies planneul^r fne bility compensation claim. IvC Service Officer William Cairns, at Woodstock, will assist but filing disabf other claims arising from their vice. RET.mSE TENTATIVE DATES TOR RETURN Or OVERSEAS DEAD sr group for the to come will appear in succeedissues. war made that gathering an imnossi-1.n"ntulg.*nd ll*"'nK *nu cmr,n® IwrInon-farmers who called in the office!spoke a few words aa did District hflity. The IntrtTiational Scout Com- j during the year. The report also j Deputy O'Brien. Jp<bre William M. urittee, however, agreed that tne , ^ revealed that out of the 2,626 farms i Carroll and Michael Hewlett Guest t conclave of boys from many j!*™ r!. .., • • ;?• tw in McHenry county, 2,166 were speaker of the evening was Father! tai ms should be held in France as 1 h.ope Sor. °.ur .^togenanan ttot time, up jn the spring of 1946 to' McNally, director of charities of ti e Lgnculturi Of these The tentative date for return of the first remains of America's World i AEM7 AIR FOEGE8 OFFEBS ENLISTED 'MEN FINE TRAININGS Lt. Kenneth W. Schauss, W«r II f*"0"* temporary local arnvy recruiting office has an } II I , • ' _ ^ | i | \ ; BlglKU up 111 UIV iprillF VI IWQ tu WVSVSUI/1 uii\>*vi soon as feasible after the war had i ^He. great healer, passes qulcfcly, un-; cp^p^rate with the Agriculture Con- Rockford diocese. 1,165 V nations i feasible after the war hadir:; .- - iv,rviw,ow: ** ended. r* once..n?<y* flnd «njoyment Mrvatjon program. Hie first World Scout Jamboree™ / j farms approximately 1,900 were able was held in London in 1920. The! _ Anastaala Maloae jto carry out the conservation prac- 18,000 Scouts from all over the1 Off wy. heartycongratulations tices recommended for their farms, world, including 367 from the United *° "**•. Anastasia Malone^ who oh- amounting to a total payment in the hagen, Denmark in 1924, when 6,000 "T in the Woodstock hospital. How- j made to about 2,250 lkrmers. Bart Scoots camped together. j she is r^orted to be im- Bridges is county chairman of this Lord Baden-Powell, interviewed at,P«w^«S «•*!^*1 »wj associate organisation. WMhington .twenty years ago, saldtigM^ftjy^ Igf1 °th-r •The .world will never wipe out watre in tne not to aiswar until it teaches international; A . friendship to . its children. Until: _ r _ . . fids takes place all the disarmament; Doherty, on Jan. 29, 1804. on the, L. A. LaFond, nMnager McHenry w^w , csaferances and Leagues of Nations Doherty farm, u^ere the Rebeltj County Service Co.; lbs. Claia church, the world cannot bring., about *™*e' ^ Sweeney, home adviser; Robert Ger- j Calvary rs we Scouts M«H«**ry mov- k>ff, prosidem MeHeary County Rutalj Other personnel who wore Intveiced and submitted mparts www Jack Shtorius, Insurance director; Melvin Howe, organisation director; John McGeo Laid To Roft In Woodstock 8atnrdaj mec. Bd Every four years an International Jamboree, j 1 in McHenry county until mov-! kiff, president M( to Kane county as a young Youth; Maynard an. There die lived until re- • McHenry Count John S. McGee, 8t years old. a copsia of Ray McGao, Ma. E. R. •dtton and Mrs. Blewtr jtye, of thi« cttjy, tlied on WeSitlfr evening, m. 0, 1947, of ^lifci lissase, at Um home of the Misses Lillian and Ethel McGee, Woodstock. Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Sarah Keefe, of Chicago, and srr- .«a- 9 u . . « . funeral home until Saturday morning at lt o'clock, when last rites conducted from St Mary's Woodstock, with interment in cemtery. IMHUMIIIIIIUMMMIM ry cen 1M7, it cemeteries overseas announced •"". army* nas August nounced that it is possible today to ny Major enijgt jn the army air forces ana se- General T. B. Larkin, the quarter- cure training and experarmy general, through Colonel J. jance available in its s^ops, hangers N. Gage, commanding officer of the and laboratories. Futhermore, your Chteago quartermaster depot. work will enable ytou to keep abreast •The preliminary o p e r a t i o n a l &ched- o f a | 1 t h e l a t e 8 t developments in ules contemplate that thme who fell aviation and help you become an at Pearl Harbor end other armed »yptr+ jn your 200 skills , are taught in the. schools and on the rm and personnel who now rest in seven cem<mries |n the Hawiian the boys from every country 1.'™ere. ttntu rt* **5®^ County 4-H Federation; est together, rub shoulders and find •bo"t • i preeMent 4-H Tovm, wt that they are all built about Malone s three sisters live in • Inc.: John Dehmlow,^president Mc- BirtKs the other fellow. This I think TO»»«oity. They are Miss Ellen j Htnry Co, Dairy Herd Improvete of the moet imnortant thinsrs .MM. . Mlcheaol Knox and ment aaociation; Arthur Baud, seo- - Woodstock • Lake National ! MMMHIIIIUHIIMIMHI is one important things M J. Walsh. we do." , M*s« The Boy Scouts International: „ ,, Bureau in London reports a world; EDWARD BAUER) 47, MUnhip Of 4,418,18® ta ««J; BURIKD SATURDAY nations, estimated aa of October IN SPRING GROVE retary Farm Loan Ass'n., Eugene Mehl, j Bdwtri 7, UKM. on tne pmx IW mn„ Mhsmwo K I. twpen Volo and Wauconda, the son TJJS™; ' . of George and Mary Dutslar Bauer. "J Ho passed away on Jan. 1947. ^ Legion He attended the country schools in 4A 4al»* Aa A Uf Aekhnan No. 3, Dairy Cattle Breech] Ass'n.; and Clayton Munsottj ve of the state grange the business session, elecdiroctmrs waa held, with _ WmA George Richaitben, Burtott townal git Mte. Dw.Unmrtip. Fml Ray> re-elected, was elecpert ar, !Wued, reachmg* the San Fransisco ™ learn fort * Embaftatton about August practical aspects of who w*r* !po^iltynd trSid^Lcl^ls^ at Henri Chapell temporary e«aetery cinmletely supplied with the latest in BclfitfA tvt tcbMUwd to iffivo ihuhmii--miAIiicit initnnmfa •'New York Port rf EmtarkatMn and training aids toinsure complete about Agrust^, 1947. # ^ knowl^ and Only tne reuuuns ox those re-. far nrsmstinna In ^ y* the AiAF are goad, with promotions to the United States for after serving sbnMmths toPfc. with private or a pay of Promotiocs are determined by ^rour ability and ?y; idley drew (Adele) Butler of Chicago; flue grandchildren and one great grand* child. Two daughters and one eon preceded her in death. The body rested at the Peter K Justen funeral home until Monday morning at 9:S0 o'clock, when a funeral mass was sung at St Mary's church. Interment was in the church cemetery. The great many who visited the funeral home to pay tribute to a loved one, together with the. aaiy floral offering* and spiritual bouquets testified to the respect in which Mrs. Heimer was held by those who knew her . Mrs. Martha Page Friends of Mrs. Martha Postman Page, 65, are this week mourning her death, which occurred early ~ morning. Feb, 2, 1947, ' 51 ^ '-1 Z m brought final burial in either national cemetery. The tentative schedule is basedI on ** ,p*iaity. A" increue in the asumptiou that prssmt casket Cum authorised to those who mMufactH^ roquiKments wUl be qaalifV for flying dpty. met; that fell scale deliveries of n* retirement nav in tin service thit tM otUftnti will eounrae »« atfvlM itftlfii SlttsCS K-i without interruption until aU orders * ^ and for twenty years ser- Htennr. and Mrs. Lets ^esa fittsd. vice 1107^6 a month for life. | Chicago; three sisters, Cupent estimates "• that 80% Enlistments may he made at the irf Woodstock, Mrs rf the recovered nmalns^wlU be Waukegan recrufting station, returned to the United 8tatee or /•» IT ltKCt. homeland of the deceased and that sW*t' 20% will hp iui<Mtfc pwrnpeatly ov**1*®*?!!!! GGfflJ)WJ WEDDING there a few daps from the Florence Beat in MarengOk where she had sod since Jan. 26. Mrs. Page, who had spent a year in California, wturnsd about five the ago in peer health, whieh toned to dedtee until her death this week. She was a native of MeHcnrr and always resided hen exce^ fer t short time spent hi California and la Woodstock. Following her husband's death, she moved from a farm near McHenry to town and lived for sanny years in the Page home on Waakegan street. Survivors include three step dkllft* ren, Lester and C. Ray Pago of Mn Letah Heine of Mrs. Math _ . Mrs. Rose Smc4- 126 berg of Loe Angeles, Calif., and Mia. Anna Fulmer of Elgin; five iirnthsfs Fred Rossman ofBkhmend, Albud of Woodstock, Dick of MiBst. Otto of. Carpentsraville^fhnd ,to letters of inquiry whieh itre uto BY LOCAL FOIiKS be mailed te tho-next-of-kin by the 'office of tbO' quartermaster general. of Crystal Lake. Her hnsfcanri, Chstie • end a sen, Frank, preceded her 9 I t i t ! | death. I Mrs. Page was a well known and ouice 01 we > mLU. m1*. respected irweenideennit. 1o f Ada . - j The Amdrkan Grave Registration jJLj^^.iforstturdav^'ib. 1 wher* ^ pksaant Service activities at the Chicago Lh W C«r' ness won fer her 1 Lk quartenwuiter depot will be tm£r 2J?'J" _ The_ decoded w msnnnr and many friends. 4ft ef A. Feltuary 3 •A.uxailiatryy--^Hfi)T on--8o p.m. Ti<egio that vviicriinniittvy aAnndd cmamm*e ftAo iMfdeitMlenrrvy .t ed to jt ake che placDe noft kAm. tW t. nM uatuli.L; Aa .P1!"* FebraarT f county about twenty-five years ago, Jr*1' Jr. J«n. 31, at the Woodstock nospitai ou-rt«nn*st*r deiiot will be undier The deceased was "a member ef Supper -- Community working on farms around Ringwood £jjfo^S«Sf^Chim2£TI' tak^ S £Land JL" 9'Kih* ^he direction of K. Colonel Carroll Jg* ^, Maw^,rtelT0,The cele- Fox RJw Valley Camp, RNA, and Methodist Church. and Rghmond. the baby was born on the first birth- j Grinnell OMC who will co-ordi- *nd Mary j f1L iL 1 he ? also of the local chapter. OES. February lt | On Nov. 21, 1928, he was united SlnS™ ST* anniversary of her sister. «^ tS« JistJSStioITrf remahli nL ^rmU°n was arranged by the couple's " P * - Olss Valentine Party in marriage to Olivia Kattner, and ai^Fot^ £ifnt5 A son was born on Thursday, Jan. turned from tJle Pacific areas to the ^u*wte™' Carohne Justen fUner Father-Son FBeabnrquuaerty-- 1B1o y Scouts, 'btoo rnt,h fiisv e Uonf iw5homn Ssurfvicve,h Umrban, on„ 7d.; .I.fTar icM H,.r^VT~n»isr ^Gr^l^;' and Mrs. Leo Schaefer. ^ ^ neTt-VkTwithin "Se CsiS*of Illi- SL^Sk of^llie ^iTEh£Sd »enS »ntil" ; Wisconsin. Indiara ™le K*cl,k of li)ib nxgniana 2 0.c^0ek w, Ciicle 1, WSci-Mrs. Walter H. Poland, LuAnn, Marvin and Joan. ,ey Alden: ^^ond' ^ririu W h^pi^ ""^Michigan and those returned „,w. officiated at Arnold Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon (Bob) Knox Hopkins - February 12 VFW Special Meeti 1 Georg and Seneca; Michigan from the Atlffnti" Theaters •»> the states of Illinois, Minnesota, Wieeon> The body rested at the Peter M. funeral home in West Me> " Wednesday afternoon at when Rev. Wayne Price last rites. Members [announce the birth of a son, at the n-i.nta I Woodstock hospital on Jan. 80. i>a*ota. Nearly 100 relatives and guests ' . . - the couple 1, at which Bl™ Sidnev J. KecUk, lmnd cemeterypresident of the O. K. Press of Chi> 168 OX UllDOU| MIHOWWi IVI^W* present to honor tj._ f.Xj!!,, mi &||{a aii^niMAtic AMfififilt af utklah 8wrWaC8Be , Iow», Nwtfc Dakota <ad SMtk ST'-- chant of in Waed «. r.. ^ve £il<l£;. B"f k'vR"e,; •"" ^ Auxiliary Meeting--Ameri- five sisters and ttyree toothers sur- ,J"uvon- • eanism 1# i^. Bauer and his family moved1 RESIDENCE CHANGES j Mr. and Mi*. Paul Buyk of Chi- MIH11 cago, served as toastmaster M-. jail BIRDS, LOVE BIRDS Bast River Road PinoeMe Club--Mrs. to the DweMey farm west of Ring- , cago are the parents af a daughter,! . m and Mrs. Bartell have resided a> Love csnnot be denied--even though Albert Vales. wood twelve years ago on Feb. ID, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Stilling bom at a Chicago hospital on Jan.1 AlBOllff Uft€ rjjTm their present home at 2734 W. 23rd it blooms in jaiL Thus Herbert K of C Meeting. 1 and purchased the farm in November have movad from Green street to 26. Mrs. Boyk is the former Hen-; Place for the past thirty-eight years. Crouter, 24, said to be from WaU* February 16 of 1944. He took an active interest their new home on Richmond Road, rietta Herdrich of MeHenry. The t||mi Utttttttttttttfttf Among those present at ue cele- conda, and Cora Beaceley, 2S, wha Public Party--Sponsored by PTA-- in the community and will be greatly The place they have vacated has couple has one other child, a son. bration were four grandchildren and g^ve her address as New Orleans, Parochial School H«H missed by his many neighbors and been made into two apartments and Mr. and Mrs. Howmrd Burman of H. C. Hughes of Woodstock, form- three great grandchildren: Marshall La.t were married last week in tha February 17 friends. ' will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W«6t McHenry are the parents of a erly of McHenry, underwent surgery Mencell, son of Mr and Mrs.^ Otto county building at Waukegan, short- 3"-^ VFW Special Meeting •--v Parochial School Hall. Febcwary 28 Immunization Clinic--Grade School. March 16 Public St. Patrick's Party--Sportsored by Altar 4 Rosary Sodality. March 28 Business and Professional Women's Club--District No. 2 Tea -- Mc- ®etiry; . MUNICIPAL BAND VOTE With praises from Harvard Le as to encourage them after first public performance last the members of the Harvard community band have set up paraianent organisation. Circulation of petitions was started to have a •aunidpal hand proposal placed an he ballot for Jfce April tfeleetioa. Funeral serv'ces were held Satur-, Herman Kreutser and Mr. and Mrs.' son, born on Saturday dt Sherman at Hot Springs, Ark., recently, ac- Mencel, his wife, Bernice, and two ]„ after both had been released from day in St. Peter's church in Spring Wiliam Kreutser. hospital, El<in. 1 cording to word received by friends children of McHenry; Grace Fischer.; county jail. Crouter was arT«et Grove, in which he was an usher Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wbhlert and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sompel of here. 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Men- ed by deputy sheriffs a week prevand a V^mber of the Holy Name family have moved from the upper 1 Johnsburg announce tne birth of 1 Mrs. George Stailen of Chicago,, a eel and wife of Lieut. Fischer of ious on a larceny warrant signed Society. Mother Of Hartlud Pastor Laid Ta Rest On Tuesday Mrs. Mary Dording, 74 years old, mother of Rev. Father John Dording, pastor of St. Patrick's church, Ha tland, died last Saturday, Feb. 1, 1947, in the church rectory, where she resided with her eon. Funeral ssniui were held 'at St lfaqrii cbuwth in Woodstock at 11 enTUeaday, Feb.. 4, becave of the fsry bad cwJthn fLJ£> _ the lata at Marcus, Iowa. aoartment in the Popp building in West McHenry to their new home on the Woodstock Road. The apartment vacated will be occupied by the owner, Mn. Steve Kosti Mr. -and Mrs idaughterrborn at the Wtoodatsek hos- former local resident, is recovering the army air corps; Vernon Keclik. Mrs. Ivy Lund,'wife of the pro j pita! on Feh. 1. from surg jry which she underwent and Elsie Hornburp _ and herm bus- etor of the Long Lake Inn NEW DOCTOR Dr. Frank L. Brundsa, M. D., has at St. Elizabeth's hospital two weeks band of Berwyn, Mr. Keclik and Mrs. bride was Uso an inmate ago. : Bornbursr Jfeing children of the county jail after being arrested Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grays lake Sidney Kecliks. 'a_ Waauukkeeggaann 1re staurant Eugene Frost are opened an office on Main street over underwent surgery at 8t. Therese The honored couple were presented ^rancy charge. When taken now settled in the new apartmeptBendull's Variety store in Rourd, hospital. Waukegan, last week. with a beautiful bouquet of fifty custody she told officers above the George Wirfs garage on j Lake. D. Brundza served with the Mrs. Ota Gygi has been a patient golden flowers, with fifty silver dol- been arrested fifty times Richmond Road. , navy thirty-three months, being in at the Woodstock hospital this past lars in the center, the petals over- states, since leaving New Mr. and Mrs. Joe. L. Freund have ] the Mediterranean theatre of war. week. moved from a farm north of Johns- j with the amphibious forces, and be-! George Bohr is ill at his homo on burg to the Joe P. Miller place on fore entering the service, he was Court street. the Spring Grove Road. 1 a resident house surgeon at the Ahrin Steinadoerfer of I Wabash railroad Lily Lake at Peru 1 has been seriously ill at thhee ttarvard Great universities, hospitals andilnd. ' i hospital, where he underwent surmuseums dot Chicago and Northern} ---------- ll*** last weak. •Knots. There an 86 Institutions 1 • One-fifth of the United States Mitai Kormeud has been a ssedef higher education In fin area,}nsf latien ttpss within an overnight ical patient at St Theresa hasfHsl, twenty in Chicago alone. iliw>teht h»tf <* CMwgs. iW«£«an. lapping the coins, giving-^ them a four years ago rirt golden tinge. ^ jhikingtrip. Iduch MRS. KELSET DUB Mrs. EUen Keiaey. msthsy of _ -- nepiessnlsfies HaroM Kelsoy. <Ke« Chicago at Jtorimtti es Wsdnssiay, Jan.'«eery n, 1941. Funsral ssrricea won haWltary en feteday at Wclog^ftom thej te Waa* Ads : v ** X .1... L'rC '"2 1' .5". ..,v' .Mr J . V ^ f a*.. .. *si