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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1947, p. 8

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y;vm befort Oa Para** 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and 7.*00 to Re*. Wm. A. O'Rourke, Pfcstor. in 10. 18 LEONARD, ItMBM too I. Mary* ' ^ sMmmu Sunday: t.«#o, 8:80, 10:00 and llstt Holy Days: 6:00; 8^#] 1®^ W«ik Dart: First Friday: OiW| Q«W» fva 6:46 and 8:00. 6:80 and IKKK Confessions: Saturdays: 8:00 p.m.ind 7:00 p. m. ^Thursday before First Friday--- After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; % 8:01 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. ! Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. f; c; St. Patrick's Catholic ."^Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and lOtfl. Vm Weekdays: 7:80. . First Fridays: 7:80 :• ,_•» First Friday, Communion dla- St. John's Catholic Church, Manoa: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy bcyai 7:00 and 9:0f Weekdays: 6:86 and 8:00 First Friday: 6:86 and 8:00 ConfeesioAs: * Saturdays: 7:26 and 8:00 Thursday before First Friday-- 2:80 and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. si WELDING . , - Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment * flf. E. VANCE--McHenry 514. 909 South Green St, McHenry, III McBENRT CAB 491 Waakegaa Road r" 84-Hoar Service . TEL. MeMENRY 472-J • CECIL SALLOWS FRANK E. WEILER PAINTING AND DECORATING Phono McHenry 689-W-2 Painting, Paperhanging, Spraying Estisutas Cheerfully Furnished fc' •r-tf Q-T TRUCKING CO. Sand -- Gravel -- Cinder* Black Dirt -- Limestone Dump Trucks For Hirf Phone Johnaberg 877-W4I McHenry, I1L AL*8 WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 691 Main St* McHenry * Electric Portable WeldiM • Aeetyleae Welding and Catting ALEX W. WIRF8, Operator Phone 616-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. St. Peter's Catholic Church, Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10K Holy Days: 6:80 and"9: Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00.- Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:16. Thursday before First Friday-- *2:30 and 7:16. V -Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. (By Yardstick) Greetings, Folks! Last (Friday evening Alan McKim was the honored guest at the Jack Aces regular monthly birthday party at McDonald's. Trie boys really "went t6 town at this affair, giving Alan a grand sendoff on his journey through the 22nd yw of his life. Hughie and Jean McDonald kept the boys well supplied with the necessary ingredients so vital to the success of any party. Our congratulations to you, Alan, and may you enjoy many happy birthdays in the future. oral ehaire; gasoline alow; and 88>fall6n irantMRMrto My lease having expired and bo-J TOBtlS. m^unable to get a farm, have de-j tfUB > Last Saturday the Roy-Al Inn was the scene of a dual celebration by the Screwy Dtozen. It was this group's regular monthly birthday and annual valentine party. It was a big nig<ht for the Screwy Dozen who turned out 100 per cent on this occasion quit £W and will sell| at pUblic auction on the Schildt Farm j 1M miles' West of Route No, 47 from Boal'a Corner, 2% miles east of Hartland Station, 4 miles northwest; of Woodstock off Route No. 14 at' Gpifgr'a Corner, on MONDAY^ FES. * , 1 Commencing at 10:80 o'clock, "the following described personal property, to-wit:. 98 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK ' Consisting of 31 choice dairy cows, *f which are fresh and spring- 2 heifers; Registered Holstein Terms. t, 8r, GUS UBDWaLIi, Jr. First Stat*^Baak^ef Harvard^' AUCTION QraM find tkm lm - -- ' HUffr », Mft - HMwm CSAST many of LEONARD and RD. VOGEL, aftarfrnrdahe stftf-pdMajMjfg. i m Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) ) John St. % block east of Hwy. 81 West McHenry, 111, Frederick t. Pudse!!, pastor, McHenry, I1L •> Services. Sundays--10 ajn. Sunday School and Bible Study Study Group--9 a.m. A cordial welcome is extended to ail visitors and vacationists to worship with us. Sunday school children will receive attendance cards for their home-church records. "In the Cross of Christ we glory And ftnd joy and peace divine." Phone McHenry 6S7-R-2 -- Baaement Excavating -- NETTS SAND ft GRAVEL . r 8peeial Rates en Read Gravel L Lot Filliag . . Black Dirt . ~ Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT : Johnahurg P. O.--McHenry --WANTED TO BUY-- We pay $6 to 826 for Old H« leas for down horses sad cattle MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsbarg • Spring Grave Read Phone Johnahurg 6S9-J-2 CALL.AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS HORSES AND CATTLE '1:.,.- W» pay phone charge* Community Church Church School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Methodist Youth Fellowship, 7:46 p.m. Wayne Price, Paator. 3 ' Ringwood Church . Ringwood, 111. Sundajr--Public worship, 9:80. Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, director. Paper-Making Paper making is one of the chief outlets for forest products, the consumption for that purpose in 1942 being estimated at 17,000,000 cords. Some of the western species of trees sometimes grow to 12 feet in diameter at the base and will cut 800 feat of logs from a single trunk. P iMiP Lb'5 D - 0 / < ? ' n i q n * ^' NMfchMd* tea. He psfflsf _ mjr brliafhckt huea Idts a. cTtsh too* l owohsoe n(u aHnodw ad«m>- '/*B leptieir indcirxeTcetloieoa.n aansdia rafpypMlierndi^te KdtwaitnievB utpboqnr loaad »lw< r pimple* and Maclrnrarii nad dl»appeared. Theat aaoa enthwiaatiGany ptrnl* Kliarw ud « do loaccr cmbanaaard mhw Bot "S£!t a & Hy* . 2 yrs. old; team of gray mares, to honor their president, j 10 and 12 years old; 64 choice feed- Jerry Cermam and that lovely dish, j er pigs weighing from 50 to 160 lbs. Grandma Ronifetad, wh6a» birthday anniversaries happened^wst week. After enjoying a xew hours of j McCormick Dteering M tractors, ba dancing to the music of Pete Kamin- ers, field choppers, silo fillers, corn ski's Symphony Orchestra, (( lovely huskers, corn planters and all tools 'fjlwned Machinery Full line _of machinery including " il- Havin* decided to quit fanning I will sell at public auction on ray farm located 6 miles east of McHenry, 6 miles northwest of Wauconda, 1 mile west of! V9I0, and % 1 mile south of Route 120, on IfONDAYf MARCH 3 Beginning at 10:80 <fclock sharp, the following property: 62 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 62 \ o . V"?: Thereae Cunningham was c Valentine queen with the equally lovely Ethel Soma and Lil Sawdo as her ladies in waiting. After the coronation ceremonies the folks enjoyed a delicious midnight supper of barbecued spare ribs, potato salad, cake and coffee, prepared and served by the gracious Betty Cermak. The three barristers, Roy and Al^ Blake and George Baumbeck, had 4 busy time keeping the huge crowd supplied with liquid refreshments. and equipment used in the operation of a farm. Full line of dairy equipment. furniture and Poultry. Household ment. Lunch wagon on grounds. Usual bank terms. Not responsible for accid All machinery and tools sold before lunch. NEIL AND VIVIAN THOMPSON Mr™s, r- John R- Freund, Mrs, Chelini, NMIomI a.nk of Worfrtock, Mr. and Mrs- Ben Chelini, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Schmidt and the beauteous Lorraine Chelini were among, the many MoHenry folks present at this affair. I Among the many entertainment! features was a broom dance in which Clerking AUCTION Located on Long Grove Road, beabout twenty couples took part, thenjlnf? miles east of Barrington,' 1% there was Bennie McMurray, who has 1 m"es? southwest of Quinten Corners, «P past with hie s6ngs of the west through a Dallas, Texas, radio station. His efforts at this party had an entirely different effect on the audience. The two Screwettes, Betty and Shirley, brought the evenings feature entertainment program to a climax with their act and were rewarded with riotous applause. Let's dance, chillun! were the words from Maestro Kaminiski that echoed through the .hall and dance they did until the wee isma' hours of the yawning. -To Lee Sawdo and his committee goes the credit for the success of this gay evening. data they i PRANK S. MAY Trackings Black Dirt Gravel BOLGER'S DRUG STORE nBrimnn da pf:. Truck for Hire Phone Johnsbarg 686-W-2 R-l McHenry : JOHN F. BRDA * SON 4»it Metal and Furnace Work 191 N. Green SL, McHenry, IIL Phone 248-R HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid fo- Dead and Crippled Horsea, Cattle and Hogs -- (Sanitary Power Load- I ing -- Tankage and Meat Scraps *116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverbt 'for sale. Phones Arlington Heights Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. Mrs. Louise Brand entertained Mrs. George Scheubert, Mrs. Geo. Cable and Mrs. Susan Schaeffer at luncheon in her home last Friday. Miss Cynthia Rourke enjoyed a Sleaaant weekend visiting Jerry and larbara Bohn in Chicago. 4 miles south of Lake Zurich, on I TUESDAY, FEB. 26, at 11 o'clock WATER PUMP8 %t V" 1'airbanks Morse Ejector and Pump DR. JOHN WAIDZUNAS Physician & Surgeon Main St., Johnahurg, 111. Tel. Crystal Lake S6-M Office Hours: 19 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m Sundays by Appointment The VFW sponsored book, entitled Gen. Marshall's Victory1 Report, which is now on sale at Roy-Al, is without a doubt one of the most complete summations of our efforts in World War II, The many pages of this book are loaded with historical data which will provide many hours of interesting reading to any real American as well as the parents of the boys in the services who figure so prominently in the history-making events described in this book. ^ We strongly relommend that ]ri)u Ijet your edition soon ae the supply * limited, It'a the ibiggest dollar's worth you'll ever get. Should you have difficulty in obtaining a copy contact yours truly and we will be glad to get one for you. » happy to welcome and Mr. and Mrs VERNON J. KNOX Attorney-At-Law , typea. All sixes. Complete and Eaay c, , w. famflv have to inatall. Sungi pmapa. Take old ^ G™en tnd Blm SU" McHenry tamljv nave «- --j- Tuesday and Friday Afternooaa |W* Brocl^n Other Daya By Appointment Phone McHenry 48 rumps in trade. KNG8TROM SALES AND SERVICE Tel. McHenry 696-W-l (800 ft. from Nell's Ballroom) Telephone All Branches Crystal Lake 1119 Of Sewer Work MrHENRY CO. SEWER SERVICE Blocked Sewers Opened Without - Digging By Electric Motor-Mole and Root Cutter Cryatal Lake, IlUnoia |*2i£JSS2-^iMJ£^£J2SsLi2!EEJiZ£* . f t . " ' CHARLES S. PARKER. Attorney (JosWn ft Parker) Office Hoars: Wednesday Afternoons--1:09-5.41 Office--Koenr Supply Company, 642 Main Street, West McHei Phone McHenry 486 Woodstock 1136 lenry We are indeed Mis# EJthel Soma Gerald Burg as permanent residents, Ethel will make her home with the McMurray# of Maple Hill. The Burg established residence in home on Orchard Drive. Lunch wagon on grounds. CATTLE!--17 Holstein and Guernaey cattle, conaisting of 5 springers, 2 recently fresh, balance milking good; I vaccinated, 2nd calf heifer, 1 vaccinated, lat calf heifer; Roan ball, II montha old, vac. HORSES--Team, a good pair, gentle. POULTRY--60 Legh orn henp, FEED--660 bu. oats; 360 bu. corn; 65 bu. pop corn; 60 (bales straw; some baled hay: 7 ft silage. MACHINERY--McD. F-20 tractor on rubber; McD. 2-row tractor cultivator; new A. C. tractor disc; McD. 2-bot. 14-in, tractor plow; McD. grain drill; McD. corn planter (with fort, attach.); 2-sec. springtooth; 3-sec wood drag; sulky cultivator; McD. Mower; Ini hay loader; side delivery rake; Oliver manure spreader (rubber in front); new Ward's Low wagon on rubber and hay rack; 2 steel wheel wagonsi; triple box; McD. grain binder; McD. corn binder and bundle carrier; Int. erilo filler aqd pipe; new U. S. grain blower; Appleton corn shredder. MISCELLANEOUS--25 ic. 6 inch belt; 25 gallons No. 30 tractor oil; cultivator discs for tractor cultivator; 130 ft. hay rope; 200 chick electric brooder; roll barb Arire; 19 steel posts; two 50 gallon- barrels; electric clippers. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- Dairy Maid electric water heater; 12 milk cans; 2 sterilising tanks; pails; strainer. FURNITURE--Chest of drawers; 6 aptique dining room chairs; Kenmore vacuum cleaner; Floor Vaccuum Commander. V elmer Webster, prop. Proelkh and Wick, Auctioneer^ Public Auction Service Co., Clerk consisting of 24 <4iead of Holstein milk cows, TB and Blood tested; 2 Holstein heifers, 2 yrs. old. bred; 4 open Holstein heifers, cklfnood vaccinated, 16 | mos. old; 6 calves; 2 to 8 mos. old. PURE BRED HOLSTEIN BULL. LILAC HILL BESS CHIEFTAN, 16 mos. old, calfhood vaccinated, grandhe son o? MONTVIC GHIEFTAN X,, | who's dam at 11 yrs. produced 13,- 593 lbs, milk 8.9 test. FOLLOWING CONSIGNED BY MARVIN WIRTZ: Pure-bred Holstein bull, 17 mos. old, was grand champion over all breeds at Elgin 1946 Fair. Pure-tored Holstein bull, 10 mos. old, sired by King Bull of the NIAB association. 1 open Holstein heifer; 1 bred Hobrtem heifer, vaccinated. HORSES: 3 head good sound work horses; 2 set breeching harness. CHESTER WHITE HOGS: 2 sows to farrow April 16: 1 sow to farrow June 16; 2 year out boar; 14 fall pigs. FEED: , . ® * A • 1500 bu. Controlled oats, n>r seed; 400 bu. Vicland oats; 10 ton ear corn; 800 baleq mixed hay; 10 tdn Alfalfa and Timothy hay; 10 tona loose cut straw; 17 ft silage; cut fodder; 3 sacks soy beans; 67 lbs. DeKalb 422 seed com. MACHINERY: McD. 10-20 tractor, new sleeves -V -V ^ \ ICNRY FREUND IPTOMIT&X8T W«st MdBduj Fan's ^ewelrj Sknre Thursday Aftflrnoons) m-' '"••V :<{ f-i McHENRY GARAGE 698 Front St. (Route 81) General Repairing Welding--Arc and Acetylene light Blacksmith Work NICK P. MILLER Phone McHenry 108-R 4. P. FREUND SONS ivating Contractor acking. Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 294-M McHenry, IB AUCTION Chuck Brocken, in our estimation, is about the most honestest guy we ever met and should you wonder who Chuck Brocken is, well--'h®'s the pilot on the 8:20 WAF, "Cannon Ball Express." To go on %ith the story Chuck was having a gay time last Saturday shaking the oust off hia Rnts on the dance floor, when he ots a roll of Morganthau's lettuce under hie big feet. He picks the stuff up and without hesitation asked the announcer to find the owner. Just two minutoa later a very much surprised and grateful Fred Thomsen stepptd up to claim his property. Next day Fred spent 16c of this roll for a needle and a spool of thread to mend the hole in his pocket. Were Aladin alive today he wou)d have swapped his lamp for a . beer for Chuck we're sure. CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer Phone Woodstock 478 I Tel. McHenry 248*J HAROLD H. BELL - - INSURANCE 3 ? tARL R. WALSH -^%a. Ante, Farm and Life Inaurance1„p*P«|-h«n*»nit. Removtaf Repreaentiar ^ 1 Old Wall Paper With Steamor, Spra^ RELIABLE COMPANIES | Painting When «UOTB1i|!m*,,T *** 1,5 N' GREEN 8T- McHENRl Green A Elm McHenry 1 1 On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Meyers ere distance call from Major and Mrs. were pleasantly surprised by a long , jnany. Mr. Meyers experienced some difficulty in conversing with hia son-in- Having decided- to quit farming, the undersigned will sell at public auction on our farm located th miles southeast of Harvard on Route 14, 9 miles northweet of Woodstock, on the Harvard-Woodstock road, on MONDAY, FEB. 24 Commencing at 12 nodn, the following described property. 14 HEAD LIVESTOCK • Constating of 6 heifers, 11 mionthB old; three other heifers, 8,/6 and 6 months «ld; 3 'brood sqpvB to farrow in May; 2 horses, a sorrel 10 years old, wt. .1250 lbs*, and a grey horse, 10 yrs. old, wt. 1300 lbs., 2 back pad harnesses; Chester White boar. 200 Leghorn AAA pullet^ laying good. MACHINERY F30 tractor on rubber, cultivator; 2«row mounted corn picker for F80, model 22; 10-20 tractor on rufbber; 8-ft. McD. pulverizer; 3-sec. steel drag; cultipacker; spring tooth har 'V & : DR. R. DeROMfe pcMAHON REFRIGERATION« --- Dentist -- 129 Green Street Phone 292-J. McHenry McHenry 419 or Wonder Lake 568 Office Honrs: 10 a. m. to 6 i daily except Wednesday. Evi C10 Main St., McHenry. Illinois by appointment. row; 2 single-row horse cultivators; . .. !• „ r- . „ . • - 3-bottom 16-in. McD. tractor plow; fiftv o IMcD- binder with bundle loader and. fifty dollar a minute Wag0n hitch; potato digger; potato lanter; McD. 8-ft. grain binder y tion Irdm overseas. , ninnt„r. M„n o f* a 9.m tni eTyM^^- attach-: McD. com. planteHr with ifer- R#»ttv tilizer an<^ 8°y h***1 atachment with nr® thp tongue truck; McD. steel hay loader; are the latest additions to Sam Na- jjcD. 6-ft. mower; No. 7 oil bath loader jfOTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHO|» Electrical Contractors A." - Radio Repairs IM as eetimate that next electrical V Joh of youra. Mi LEO G. ROTHERMEL, Prop. jvV. - - none McHenry 272-M :;r * / m Rtreraide Drive TeL Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- Tuesday ft Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 8 pjB. Evenings and Sunday Morainga by Appdrfntmentlthanson* a Follies at the Riverside ,^*1, tJZ iruMnr hit**! "Mfg". ^Co. in McHenry, r > y d u m p has more glamour than chorus line ever had, AlVl/i AViiv vASVWAt IIVW BI9v"« and piafeans'; Case 22x86 ball bearing threshing machine, like new; 6-rofl Appleton corn husker, good cond.; Keystone hay loader; McD. corn binder with carrier; McD. bundle loader; P. O. 2-bot. tractor plow, 16 in.; 8 sec. drag; tractor and horse hitch on rubber; set sleighs; McD. Model A silo filler; 16 ft. oau bear- ' wagon; McD. 7 ft. tandem disc; iber-tired wagon; 1^>. spreader, tractor type, uaed ony one year; Case corn planter, fert, and soy bean attach.; McD. side delivery rake new, never wed; McD. 6-ft. grain binder; Bfodley hanunermill with conveyor Mid screens, grain blower, elevator and pipea; McD. 10-in. grinder: fanning mill; 76 ft. 7 in. drive belt; 206 ft. new May rope; Gas barrels and hose; platform scale; H. P. electric, motor: aickle grinder; McD, mower y double row cultivator; 2 single row cultivators; GaL water tanks; corn eiteller; grass seeder; 2 grab forks; .1% ton limestone; dump rake; 110 ft wire; Mock and pulleya; 2 60 $al. oil tanks with pumps; forge; slip scraper; steel silo cart on rubber; milk cart on rubber; ground feed cart on rubber: hay hoist; steel wheel wagon and box; Stewart electric Clip-master; 20-ft. canvas; jiost drill; Chevrolet All-Purpose Farm Truck; double trans.; Buick jeep* with snow plow; Model A Ford with pr. take off mower; 2 air compreasors; tires and wheels for New Idea manure spreader; 2 tiree and tubes, 600x24; 4 tirea 5.25x18; ^4-in. electric drill motor; 6 swarnp of bees: 100 Leghorn hens; 1941 NASH CLUB COUPE. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- DeLaval 3 single units, extra nail and pipe for 32 cows; rinse ado wash tanks.; gasoline stove; 14 milk cans; pails and strainers. * Many other articles too numerous to mention. This is a large sale and will start prompt^ at 10:80 o'clock. Home Bureau Ladies Witt serve lunch. Not responsible for accidents. TERMS: All soma of 826 Mid under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone deairing credit, kindly make arrangements before Purchase is made. Mo property to e removed until settled for. FRANK E. WILSON ^ McHenry State Bank, Clerking lined -- Glaaaea ing -- Vianal RehshlHtaUen plete Vlsnal Analyste. 1 to S~8ntMiy McHENRY498 9 im mm+m. -t f•: A €':\ c'_ 0 1 > ' ' ' ' ^ Kitchen m\ Full nic table picket f« NCE'S SHOP and cupboards made to ordir. chain, swings, pier bendhes, pic-: 's play pens, sand boxe^ to^i»s> boxes, bird houses, Mo. - • men's and ladies' belur, ptims, etc. ENCE SMITH Joh^kslrarf eta • '0 w - Rewinding 4| Bebaildinff McHem Electric 102 W. TE REPAIK 8H0P ^Eedesigninf Semce UOE W. KLONTB Mwtd Auto-Lite Dietrfbtttet • 1 ':0h : • , •*" - Ancient Pigmenta Tha Greeks and Romans many pigments, and glues and egg whites were the vehicles. They made many artificial colors such as white lead, litharge, red lead, yellow oxide of lead; verdigris and bona black. -v V!'1 •"V - "-f 9- w tk|i mmmL T< Giay Graalta er Ha tantovdybag eraani> McHenry Plaind«alei around again after his recent side delivery rake; 3 rubber-tired •' wagons; steel wheeled wagon; hay racks, 2; two double boxes with A" shoveling (boarda; lime epreader; new Glad to see Bill Rochelle u^ 5" isg. sssvsss.=urss;s: Talsphons No. 899 STOFFEL * REIHANSPERGER fnsnrsars agesrts far all classes of jpeperty In the hist cempaaka. Wait McBenry, Illiaaia WILSON'S ftADIO SHOP --• Appliances on AH •Makes rii-- DR. H. S. FIKE , Veterinarian P92 W. Waakegan Rd^ Phoae 81 McHenry. 111. Office Honrs: 1 p.m. to 2 p4B« Except Thursdaya Evenings by Appointment McHENRY FLORAL CO|| Phone 494 ft* Mile 8oath af McHenr* • Auto on Route 81 St. McHenry, 1H Flowera tar all eccaaieaa! responsilNe for his speedy recovery. IT" h'av "haler'IB on rubber* 6 NNoorrtthheerpn? *p^i^kuer tfwi!h!iflterf fiiashhtinn^gV thtrhoruo«upghh phuindles balinj? wire: 14-in. walking ow; 2-hole portable corn sheller; the ice on our lake last Saturday, teller; Avery manure spreadri, hln t^iferr«ller on MoD manure spreader ^ on steel> ^ individual hog nouses, ftom his P®«t at Crystal Lake to gxg ha 8-horse motor: n? as signal mainte- 2 ^ rfeds; l|jpht „leigh; No. 18j Letz feed grinder with cutter head; ^mCchaagroli.e Merkelz is now employe,d new all-steel wagon with new tires; ; ^ ' at tl)e Miller Products in McHenry.' pniTi TRY KOITIPMKNT Until next we«k, wa again^sajr. j 2 electric br«^ stSI?for 110 line, 300-chick siae;*2 electric brood-1 • er stoves for 220 line, 600-chick sisa:! U. S. Ore j2 brooder houses, 8x10 ft. and la: Seven-eighths of American iron oreft. (six sided); feeders and foun-' oomea from the Lake Superior : tains. XITIP)IRVr ranges. On the basis of present MILKING HWIPMENT mining methods, the Mesabi range . WU> b. worked ou. b, ltd or A. D. However, advances in met- | machine hag pu^p md % h.p. n allurgical art are expected to offset i2o milk cans; waah tank; so' the decrease. I tank; steel wheelbarrow; arillt YOU CAN HEAR THE NEW 1947 HAMMOND ORGAN. "Dan-Daniels1 SHORE CLUB ON tT. ISO AT UX.Y LAKB mm* ^ -f'** mp*. THIS >=' AS "DAH" PLATO Y< OMAN TONIOH Enjoy a delightful Oocktailr- *(#'• to this «W-I • , ti - i

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