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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1947, p. 7

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h , WUgOUS MM IMU t a en. ft \M> small CV.nuT, fnn MM Grayslaka, *. HmT for immed- CHA& LHffUD M VOGH* v'-W' CHAS. L Plum* •W;' . ' • xV-k. • •" ' 1800 POULTRY--100 Ltriarn wlhti. \ WADING Good idadl ft brooder tY-«ew ICdD. Model "H" 1sXot^ pfiSSi 7 ft 1 cultivator: i fert and A "B" silo lift and 16-in. tra tractor dfee;. ,&gp 0 ft OBtar com plantar bean attach.); Gehl Altar. Ww M* (with attach.): MeD. eorn Under fop loader sad handle earnew 100 fen, "Mail wagon box; manure apraadod, on robber; and unibie will eell at on farm located on North sida.-of Island '«t of Wauconda, and of MeH#iry on .MARCH « Planing at 12.30 o'clock, the following property. \ , ,4 is UAD OF LIVESTOCK listing of sseetly Hojbteiw^ furniture. Mods! A Foid All MOM of |25 and under that amount cash, ow that amount » awBt of 4s months at 6 per cent I m «MnM m Mils approved the dwlL Anfoii ISIMIIK credit arrangements before wn^aw la mads. No property to h* removed witfl aettled for. JOHN GBARY VkWimf State Bank, Clerking TWICS TOLD ^v, of later sal TMMB Prom the Pilea of the Ptaindealer of Tears Are 15 milk soma Guefnaays, 2 heifers, soma close three how Inilken. being first calf > springers «nd Holstein bull, 14 jykiliy SjimI and GtjycI Co^ \ ~' ; •; • v . . . • * " uid Or^ ft«rrioi t* **$.,. »^liok Dirt -- Sand tad Qtawi ' W * Boad Grading Snow Plowing ' 5? *V A r-y -- --T7- m :>i' mmmm BOA s J; S**>' k, STROMBERGCAftLSQN PHILCO * #> # •<«* IUNGWOOD R1CAL& RADIO Sv> Phw tktMoad MS 'J* ••• • -&• Stafwood, m. BOUBS WIRIMO - * QMRIUins Radio and lUfritfttatton Sorrioe s • r*V ;*• :4" r 4 -V ^vflf' >;,w * j * ITS BEST v V ' ' ' N-iirlf»el fcSiSiM: « It CLEANERS dm HoBsnr, OL H*kn W<t<r, Xfr. PhoM 104-11 WOOD8TOOK COMM. SALS8 00., ISO. i:30 p.m. onState 17 W CXXDSTCKX QXINCBS | 0HASL1S LK0K4SD, AaaMaowr 1 . > HAIBY 0OW8 KITHS& 0L08S Ot F&KSH WOT 0ALF BT SIDE BULLS BMMF OATTLl OALV*6 HORSES lir $ 1 'Jf-- w tI ' # " IMBUMI your stock bora i«t CALL 672 or «#» pnosBo ALL OONBIQHOSS PAID OASH DAT ARBS HALS W* ASS BOHDSD ' ' " fOV OAK BUT--TOO 0AV SSLL ,, ^ WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., INC woodstook, nurnm 8IITY TEARS AGO !• the nf out the dirt to re tci dynamite was usee lessen the flrosen dist, and with good SIMQWB. WWandsrstand that the old brick church property in this village has by its owner, Paul Brown, to Wm. Stcrffel, who we believe contemplates tearing down the old church and building a residence on the lot. Our naw Marshal. C. A. Lincoln, is amending to his duties in first class shape,- and no fear or favor is shown to any. W. H. IwLhad the misfortune to drop a styute on his foot, at the mill race, on Saturday. He still walks a nttle lame. FIFTY YEARS C. E. Gay lord will move onto the Frank Whittles farm in March. The musical given fey Miss Evelyn toddnd and pupils last Friday was > decided success. J. Noyie, the future occupant of the Geo. ntb farm, has arrived with his goods from Wisconsin. Mm. Geo. McCollum died at her residence in Wauconda Sunday. Ed Granger has secured a committee clerkship at Springfield and will go down to commence nis duties on Monday. FORTY YEAR8 AGO 21 milk cans; 5s . - mmm fbi- 42 «»ws; M-H 101 Jr. tractor on rubber Feed 800 bu. oats; 150 bu. corn; 100 _. ....... bales straw; 0 ft. silage; some hay. Sterilising tains, JMUH ana strainers; 2 Mid) tractor discs; dec. brooder; brooder house; 50 gal. tractor oil; 25 gal. tractor oil; 2 small bar- jg.^ _ . . , _ _ _, sctor: 0,i^ t"ctor ^ Tl»e_ undersigned being compelled to, b«rrow; all STTIMI tools and equip-i Gehl'hammer mi juit farming bocause of illness and ir«nt used in tlfc ^operation of a H-H com binder; J. D. corn pUnter, " Motion~b^~*Altl»off, feft attach.;^. D. manure spreader; Buss, that the minutes (lilw new, with starter and wh. wt*.); The Oity < M-H power lift tnctor cult.; J. D. j semi-monthly (Frond low; new, men present: labor will sell at public auction on i farm. 15 i As thi" 18 » IM*® , new end gattf seederi 2 rubber-tired nweting"be approved*Tis rfHaSJd^ SS^S^b0018 e<»uiPment wil1 ^ 80,(4 be- wagons; new belt; Ui saw: skletion c^ried. W mlies east or Harvard on Kout»^lfore noon. ^ ,delivery rake; mower; hay \oader Report of officers, nsslsj»ss 14, on Not responsible fqr acciderite,, .. i ,ine °* »*»er farm, committees Were received by SATURDAY, FEB. 22 Lunch wagon on grounds. I machinery. Milking Equipment wit: Igor ... „ ^ Terms: -All sums of $25.00 and Commencing at 10:30 o'clock sharp ; under that amount cash; over thftt! Universal milkinir machine 2 «in»n» the following described property to-1 amount a credit of six months at! unite c^plITte T mUk cant ellc \ *3Ps 6 per cent will be extended on notes j-water heater; etc. ' Mnvin nr i iVNivtrf approved by the clerk. Anyone de- ^UVlfflTOC^: )»;|j siring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed ujntil settled for. 9KJQENE GROELL '»j...' Consisting of I 41 choice Holstein cows, a num-l her of which sure fresh and close springers; 2 Holstein heifers. ^ i 2 good work horses. I 4 Poland China brood sews 4o| farrow in April: 1 Hereford boar. ' 125 Rhode Island Red pmlets. 1 Hay a§d Grain * ;• :.| 800 bu. Viclatid feats; 10 tons ear! corn; 600 shocks of corn in field; 10 tons mixed hay; 15 ft silage in 14 i ft. silo: tkn of bran; ^ ton of-ott ! ' meal; ft ton ^ ; CHANDLER AND ELFERS. Aacte. F 20 McD. tractor on rubber; "Met)'. 2 miles north of Gurnee, 2 miles tractor cultivator; McCormick Deer- j southeast of Wadsworth, 4 miles ing tractor disc; McD. 2 bot. 16 in. northwest of Waukegan, on gravel plow; 2 S-sec. drajrs; J. D. corn road on east side C; Mt ^ fit. planter with fert. attach.; McD. Pahl R. R. on * mower; McD. hay loader; McD. corn binder; Gehl silo filler; 50 ft. drive j. •' Owner. First National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking Auction THREE ANGLE FARM, Pre* PUBLIC AUCTION SERVICl^ CLERK ^ Subscribe for The Plaindealer kegan, of C, SATURDAY, 'MARCH t belt; McD. manure spreader. Rubber-tired wagon and f&ck; iron1 wheel wagon and rack; iron whe«4 wagon and flare train box; Appleton] 4 roll corn busker;; feed cart; elec. "21 choice Holstein and Guernsey at 12 o'clock L & M, Lunch wagon on grounds.] Cattle motor and pump jack; horse culti vator; walking plow; 200 ft. hay rope; grab fork; rubber-tired wa^on with cart; SuHge 3-unit milking cows consisting of 5 cows with calf at side, 9 close springers, several heavy milkers; 3 heifers, 8 mos. old; Angus bull, 16 mos. old. Council. Motion by Buss, seconded fee* A!* thoff, to adjourn. Motioti earned. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor ^ EARL R. WALsCcity Cl<*t ; Woodpecker Ml •MOT A power company reperta tbmt damage by woodpeckara' oiakM necessary the replacement of at least 1C0 of its poles each yeaf. (at CENTRAL MARKET) ^ <W*t *• ? Wo are equipped to give yon a complete Locker or Home Freezer Service including cutting of Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb, ^Etc.; wrapping, freezing, coring hams and bacon, making Salt Pork, Dried Beef, Corn Boef, Smoked Geese and Turkeys. E. S. Wheeler has had a new telewne installed into his residence. We are Informed that Mrs. Torrenee of Ckkago will locate in Mc- Henry the flat of March to conduct a ftkat-daas millinery and dressmaking astntiahment Joseph Rothermal has moved his family,1 into the Tlwlen house on WaaUngton street The house thus iracated will be occupied by Mr. and Mes. Ja^ N. Gilbert. ... The Hunter-Wedder boat works is in full operation. All the old and some new men are now employed jund the factory now presents a aeene of unusual activity, TWENTY-FIVE YEAR8 AGO ANNOUNCEMENT WONDER LAKE SHOE REPAIR SHOP ^ ? NOW OPEN i , W « "1! ftTALRlr WORKBIANSHIP ^ 1 REASONABLE PRICES ^ || Btock North of Milbrandt's Variety Store m AL MERRITT ^ . J* Pick-Up and Delivery ServiotV ' -1* » 'J 1 PHONE WONDER LAKE 641 Allen Noonan has re-entered the employment1, of Overton 4k Cowen at their garage on the West • side, having started work) there on Monday morning. Miss Vera Buss, who during the post few years has been employed in the officejif the Wilbur Lumber company bore,, began work in the office of the 8t*r garaga on Monday. H| many friends throughout this enti** community will no doubt be pleased: to learn of the excellent promotion gi+en F. V. Cobb a former Xcftsry voung man. Mr. Ccfcb is new employed by the Borden Mi^c company in its Chicago office. RTANT BENEFITS WXD NEXT OF KIN Of Wb^UJ) WAR n DEAD Three important benefits due next of- kin of men who died in the arimi fofccee during World War II AN accrued military pay, death gratuijy; payf and social security funds, the omab Veterans Commission has poinwoat The GMsmiaaion called attention to these bensfits in connection with its campaign to contact the next of kin of all HMnolcans who died in the service. Purpose of the campaign is to make certain that all benefits due next of kin are being paid. Under the accrued military pay provision, the dependent of a man killed in service pay ami Allowances due the soldier at the time of his death. is given the back sea dt The death gratuity pay involves payment. to the dependent next of kin of an amount equal to six months pay, including (compensation of types received oy the servicemen toe time of his death, except rei and subsistence allowances. Qualified dependenta of deceased seiricemen whp were covered under the SeciM Security program may be eligible for payments. Not all servicemen were covered under this progfsn. A check with the local Social Secririty board is necessary to determine whether these payments are due. r Any dependent of a deceased serviceman who has not received these benefits may contact Service Officer William R. Cairns smoae office is located in the Murphy Mock, Woodstock, for information regarding them. AWARDED MEMBERSHIP Haviafc done satisfactory Holstein* ca)f won during 1M6, Donald Aloys Wegener, McHenry, has been awarded- a certificate of merit and granted a junior membership in the Holsteinrieslsn Association of America, BrbtUebero, Vermont. He was recommended for these awarda by the 8tafl» 4-H Club leader. * Ufflf- familiar folding paper which are need to paefcaf* items and other cobsumer . geoarally contain three separate layerrof paparboard. The mldli rwrfm is kaoam in AM trade aa Vie top liner, the inside a* the inner liner and the center to ealtod the flkr. at various We have several used Electric Refrigerators for sale. h, v *"*. - t j * j Also one used Electric Bottle Cooler. III 312 ELM 8TEEET iteration PHONE 49».w f wotKfotpacKmg Tmits, greatest Uvb animal market in the world. Every day, in my f job, I tee five stock from the western ranges and farm products from the Mississippi valley pour an here by twl and by road. That's what makes Northern Illinois the kiggost center for food processing in the country. I ••fke this job and it's to tny advantage to work erf t, - * - "' -d \ . very hub of the food industry. My wife and enjoy living in Northern Illinois'and get a hi *ut r-> " .. * This cattle buyer knows what he is talking about. Heisooe 0 a hundred thousand people employed in the food industry in Northern Illinois--where a billion dollars worth of food products are processed every year--where more fresh beef, mutton, lamb, pork, saus;«je and lard is produced than anywhere else in the world. ./,v ' And because the Middle West is the nation's graittfy, Northern Illinois is also a huge grain distributing center. The Chicago Board of Trade handles 86 per cent of the entire nation's trading in wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, and soy bean futures--the largest market of its kind in the world. With •0 ideal balance among industries, trades and agriculture, this area is indeed the heart of the world's richest inland empire. For the long range future, this evenly balanced economic area provides many outstanding advantages to business and industry. The theme of this advertisement is similar to one of a series emphasizing the outstanding advantages of this area, which we are publishing in national magazines and newspapers throughout the country. As a resident of Northern Illinois, these are facts you, too, should know. «stfng fas (his Railroad Center of the United States • WoHd Airport • Wand Waterways^ Geographical Center of U. &. Population • Great Financial Center • Tkp "Great Central Market" • Food Producing and Processing Center • leodor in Iron and Steel Manufacturing • Good Labor Relations Record • 2,500,000 Klowatts of Power ••umeodoos Cool Reserves • Good Government • Good living • Good Services for Tax Dolors. Send fey free hssUsh ssntatalug i. V.*A - Ftr m$n infrrmsmn, cmmumctU with tit ; TEftiffdiklAL INFORMATION DEPAft^MEkT S R B V I C I COMPANY OP S O I I H I K S X

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