MM ijtfUlf nir burns firearms, 7 per cnt. and poison, 6 ML UJttB per cent. T«Mteiu Iq^ if*. blacktop 'road on 18th Annireimry Specials This Month Only .____ Sata* at MeHenry •ad Mn. Joe WiMMr of Me- •eta of Lants OCh* H I «MSunday wna her mother, FWDAY, MARCH Sl \ IttUWN. will meet at the home Jepaon on Thursday, tMs aaadrtnery is la CbilMMficiar *t t2:8o o'clock Clm fbllowing property nit: & wc •M mmsffWi* fcv J." v *VaV« MeHENRY FLORAL Oft. WELDING aad CsastiarHsa PertaMs Efatpeaeat v r H. *, VANCE--MeHeary 81«J 999 Seath Green SU MeHeary, DL ^ MeHENRY CAB 401 Waakegaa Ba4l 24*Hear Servias fBL. MeHENRY 47W CECIL BALLOWl I W: -S. * K4 r ft, • FRANK E. WEILBR rfAINTING AND DECORATING PIMN MeHeary 688W-2 fahtec, Paperhanging, 8praying Brtiaatei Cheerfally Famished Q.T TRUCKING 00. -- Gravel -- Ctodew Bfcek Dirt -- Liauateae Dana Tracks For Hire Pheae Jehasbarg 677-W-2 MeHeary. IlL SVv AI/8 WELDING AND REPAIR r SERVICE Ml Mala St, MeHeary Electric Portable WeMlag ' Acetone Weldiagsnd CsttHtf ALEtW. W1RFS, Operator IW 018W-1 er 464 M*HENRY, ILL. wv s P*ae MeHeary M7-1-2 I -- Raaeaieat Excavating -- NStTS SAND ft GRAVEL Special Rates an Raad Gravel Lot l mSmi m- Black Dirt . . fwa -MeHeary J. E. NETT P. O* * S --WANTED TO BUY-- We pay 88 ta $25 for OU Hanes lese fe* dewa her see and cattk MAtTS MINK RANCH Johaoaarg - Spring Owe Read ILLLLF'O|^WS4UD'HOG8 ROROI AM CA MM S. MAT Fall Line Pre-War Oil Pemsnents 3 up to (25 com I plete with , free M wb"* haircut, steamer oil treatment, sjfecial shampoo and hair dress. . Grade and Hi-School Girls' - Permanent* •5ttp Rag. (7.50 up for 15, 25 and S59o discount on all peftnanents start-' mg from . |7.80 Swedish and Turkish Baths and Body Massage by John Stompanato Sr., and Mile Sara Uturti (Mrs. j. Stompanato Jr.) In your home or our salon. STOMPANATO'S Beauty, Body Contour Salon 226 Main St. 227 Benton St: Phone 641 Woodstock, IlL Wednesday. . A 1 o'eldck iiwas served. Prises ware awa | to Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Letter Carr. ^ , 1 Mrs. Lester Carr entertained tit# ; bunco club at her hoBte Th Prizes were awarded to Miss VI Low and Mrs. Ray Merchant Mrs. John Woodward and Mr*. _t ! Jack Lenard entertained at a pinfe "St ' land blue shower for Mrs. Gordoni J*ha | Fossum at the home of Mr,. JaAtaf | Lenard, Tuesday evening, ,ri I Your Neighbor" was played. She rt-i^ i ceived many .useful gifts from her, P1**" friend®. ! "* * Mrs. John Black man entertained a U few friends at her. home Thursday j evening in honor of the birthday Tha 1 | of Mrs. Cora Flaqders. Ice CreamJgr™n* coffee and cake wfere served. She, «*••«*>» - , - - j received soma nice gifts from kir J®P» "Ml »• piayed and everyfriends. |aaa ia a^asyie. ^ Earl Whiting and James Uwmwi1 _ *r* *®d Mrs. Don Smart and sons were visitors at Milwaukee, Tuesday, f Job and Bill, of Waukegan were | Mrs. Paul Norman and «hUdi«n,^f gwdur Jfauer guests in tha IVsd i Evanaton, and Virginia Jepson, R.N.»1 om,e\ I' and_ Mrs. of Hines ho&pital spent Tuesday and j and daughter, Nancy, I Wednesday with their mother, Mrs.! F ««an and Mr. »nd Mn. [Rose Jepson. * ! h?ui" Winir and daughter, Janet, of Mr®. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock W*fke**" afternoon callers, land Mrs. Viola Ltrtr were visitors^ "Of^r CpUine of EJmhurst spent ! at Waukegan Tuesday aftern(ton. ! ^"••dav tWitn his parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting visited her Mrs. Coilias. daughter, Mrs. Roland Jackson, and , Mrs. Walter Taylor of family at Richmond, Thursday. | Dundefe spent Sunday with Mrs. Mrs. Alan Ainger and children of i Jawos. Hetron spent Thursday^ Friday and . George Shepard spent %inday in «# tha Keystone Home attended the meet* k on Fridhy, March Roy Harrison and Mrs. e Home Bureau social be held in the Richmond March 15. Cards WINDOW SHADES Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georg« Shepard. Mrs. Rose Jepson spent Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. Roland Mc- Cannon, and family at Woodstock. :Fred Wiedrich, Jr., is spending the week at Albert Lea, Mi"*^ Audrey Merchant, R.N., of (Elgin ppent Saturday with her parent*. Mr. apd Mrs. Ray Merchant, Mrs Wm. Roth of Minneapolis Is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Frankjt Stephenson. Mrs. Milford Smith of Lake Chetuk, Wis., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Harrison the past week. Mr. and Mm Ted Kooistrs and family of Sharon, Wis., spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Emma Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby, daughter, Dorothy, and sons, Lester and La Verne, Mrs. Lulu Sherburne and Walter Voelts of Crystal Lake were tha Alan Ahtger home at Hebron. Miss Amy Harrison, R'. N., spent the weekend with friends at Madison, Wis. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Barnard spent ^>ur<^^a|tcrnoefl with Ret: and Mrs. AhM Aiager and children of Hebron spent Sunday with her. parants, Mr, and Mrs. George Shepard. Ifr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch called on his mother, Mrs. Jennie Bheon, on Saturday. Mr. and )Crs. Paul Miller of Zion spent Jfieaday with Mt. and Mrs. John Blaekiaan. Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of Crystal Lake am) Mrs, Andrew Hawley called on Mrs. Jennie Bacon Sunday. Mrs. Ed Bauer and family visited Mrs. Elisabeth Weber and family at Antioch, 8unday. Mr. ana Mrs. Robert Van Dusen and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Elfin spent Sunday* in the ^ ^^ h7"'i°K" and femft Alice and Marion Peet of Elgin Iof Bgvld«ry spent Sunday^^with Mr. spent the weekend with their parents.; anr. Mrg' r ,^°" „ m Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr- Wlck* °L CS" ^ FLMt Prt*»y: 8:|| Mrs, Joe Miller and son of Rich-I®**0 *nd_ Bwtara Laurence of^El- Confusions: ^ mond spent Thursday evening with LaurwK^ home *^ m er, Saturdaysi 7:25 and 8:00 IN* HeD. F-W Famail tractor on rubber; 194K B X John Pairs tractor oa robber with staiter and lights; 1M6 NV). 60 lH-tefi F*wd V3 truck, dual wheel ana ttae Chains; 1.988 No. 69 20; John Deere grain and hay blow* er No. 2 with pipe. TV St. Mary's Catholic Cknak Masses: 8unday: 7:00, 8:80, 10:00 and 11:80 Holy Days: 6:00: IM: UTtOO. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:S0 and 8$0. Confesslens: Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00'p. m. Thursday hafara First Friday-- _ After 8:00 MMS on Thursday; 5:M p. mr and 7^0 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. St. Patrick's CathaUc Charch Masses: SaadM; 8:00 and 10)00./ , V# WeMga: 7:80. . first Fridays: 7:80 Si" On First FrMaap, Cofnimmion distributed at 6:80, 7M and before C^i^djntnt the.7:80 Mass. Saturdays: 4:00 to 8:00 p. m. aMd 7KW to 8:00 p. irt. Thursday before first Friday-- \ 4:06 ta 6:00 p.m. and 7:d0 to 8:00 \ Rev. Wm. A. OHourke. Pastor. St. John s Catholic Chailek, Jehaaharg Masses: Sufldfy: 8:00 and 10:00. I ^ Holy Days: 7 KM) and 9:00^ 7, Weekdays: 6:35 and 8:00 w si -- Blsck Mrt --, Ararel Claisf -- Uaiesteasf Tnisk for Hire Pheae MMsri 888-W-8 R-l MeHeary JOHN F. RRDA ft BON NESEN-S Floor Covering Peter M. Jnstea Faraitare fttflte Phaaes 491-M or <8 t. A A. A A A .4 A. A A A. A ^ •) rTVTTVVTT W V /*• RETOOTH AND SHARPEN SAWS AND LAWN MOWERS By Machine iAlae Greasing and * Repairing Cars WILLIAM BUCHERT Ctl Front St. MeHeary Ml N. sad Fanwca Work DL ^ WATER PUMPS Fair beaks Merse Efssist aad Pamp AU sises. Tiiaiptsis sal JMsr ta iaetalL Saa^ paaips. Tahe aid paaips in trMe. ENGSTROM SALES AND SERVfCfc TeL MeHeaty •M-W-t {399 ft ttmm NslTa BsHnsa) HIGHEST CASH PRICES psld fa~ Dead snd Crippled Horses, Cattle Hogs -- Sanitary Power ing -- Tankage snd Meet" Scraps 116 er MeHeary 659-J-2. Reverse for eale. Phones Arlington Heights Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. ljblephone All ftrtnehoa Crystal Lake 1119 Of Sewer WWrft McHENRY CO. SEWER SERVICE Blocked Sewers Opsaed Without __ Digging By Electric Metor-Mele aad Cutter Cryatal tela, Illinois 188 E. Crystal Lake Ave CHARLES 8. PARKER. Atteraey %;jeelva A Parher) OflTiee Hears: Wedaesiay Afteraeuas lO-IO Office--Koehr 8 apply Cesiaaay, 542 Maia Strsst, West MeHeai Pheae--Mc:HH enry 41 Weedctoc! k 11S5 INSURANCE EARL R< WALSH fire. Aate, Firm aad Life Insurance ReprsssnUng RELIABLE COMPANIES^ When yon need hwwaace of say Uad Phone 48 er 118-M Green tt Elm MeHeary »y Mrs. Ed Bauer and (family Mrs. S. W. Brown was a visitor at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wtai Hoffman and daughter were visitors, at Woodstock, Saturday Mr. and Mrs*. George Haberlein are visiting their children in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison of Wabeno, Wis., announce the arrival of a son on March 3. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison fire |he progd grandparents. Mr. and Mr-». -Wm. M«*Ca*noin visited Mm. Kinley Engvajson fit Wonder Lake Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hihse of Crystal Lake spent Sunday after* noon with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and- Mrs. Mae Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Car* and family visited her mother, Mrs. Hunter, at Hartlsnd Svndav. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton na*r|s»n. , unusuai Oreaio - An unusual orchid is blanca (white nun) whose center rtsembles a nun kneeling in prayer. .&MNi ftftsii temliutU ' Th|| dSa^ crtaMMg^ between sluaMandmHtrnmWmWum was ... ^ AWaA mrvv rn WM m«. »M(>Uou /« W. P. BROOKS * SON Psinting aad Pspering All Material At Cost ' TeL 181-R 116 Waaklagtea ML MeHeary. Illinois ^ DR. JOHN WAIDZUNAS Physician ft Surgeon Maia 8t., Johnsbnrg, 111. Tel. Crystal Lake 36-M Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 Saadaye by Appointment t :-- VERNON J. KNOX Attorney - At- Lew , Cer. Green aad Elm Sta^ MeHeary Taeeday and Friday Afternoons •Other Dsys By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 'McHENRY GARAGE 668 Front 8t. (Ronte 31) Genersl Repairing Welding--Are and Acetylene - Light Blacksmith Work NICK P. MILLER Phone McHenry 108-R* (3 H.P.I Hvtki Powtf-H* ll'/iHi.l Hwtki Hi-ft«y IJ H.P.) YWK«Rl( cavartd JBat M vara^lkgliM in Naw ant dismost se- Hbcth ward nearly UNfaitananea 91 the state tori. At raukee's hast da* oost the _ itananca iWMHitory In- W pmk fm It m r " .FWjNf laRjlMM^ emph,. •1st t)lt nnmiJlppwi on Milwaukea tMMftfv. Tha sixth, fourth, 8Mb gfW third wards impose a total Ourrent oost of $880,488' for mate> tenance of their prisoners in state custody. The eighteenth, fifteenth, HMrty • datti pod twsnty - second wardadmpoea aiiBt of $25,031--onefourteenth • > >au mm o»w .l Thmadnp Wore First Friday aaoand 7:80. , Bev. A. J. Neidert, Paator. #. Peter'a Cathate Charily , : 8pris| Orave . sjMassest -' >• ; Sandani: 8:90 aad 10:00. h Holy Days: 6:80 aad 9:01. ; Wsehdagrs: 8:01b »vv..v- I: First Bridsy: ' 8:00. . , Confesstons^ Saturdays: 2:80 aad 7:15. Thursday before First Fridays-- 2:30 iand 7:16. Rev. John L. Dalaiden, Pastor. Zioa Evaagelieal Lathen|a Charrh (The Church of tha Lutheran Hour) John St K block east of Hwy. 81 West McHenry. 111. Frederick C. Pudsell, pastor, Mc- Henrv. 111. Servicee. Sundays--10 ajn. Sunday School and Bible Study Bfcadv Groun--9 a.m. A cordial welcome is extended to all visiters and vacationists to worship with us. Sunday school children wfll receive attendance cards for their home-ehdrch records. "In the Cross oty Christ- we glo And find joy aad peace divine. Ceauanalty Church Church School: 10:00 a.m. _ Worship Services 11:00'»v Melodist Youth Fellowship, 7:46 p.m. . Rev. Wayne Price, Psstor. & J. c LIGHTS" MAINTENANCE«.SERViCINd w'-iStf <• " v \ - far Ugbtp and power ^ 0*11 McHENRY '4- '• 7:80 to ft:90 p.E ^ Ibtlmttiw Oiv«m DR. H6KRY 4 A OFTOHSTKIST M VUlUn St. • &&?>*>• - « ; WM v Steffftn's JewvlTy Bton Thursday AftotHooiis) Byee Examined -- Glasses Fitted j •laaal Traiaksg -- Vtenal HehsbmisHe» * 4 ; Ceaiplete Visual Analyaia i Honrs Daily: f ta 12 aad 1 to 3--Satarday Eveaiaga: 8 ta 881 pja. " * PHONE McHENRY 452 McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. tfexcavaUng and Orano SerlrW^ ^ Dirt--Sand and Oravs^^ ^" Road Oradinf Snow Flowiiif McHKNBT i tw* • ' Sf . Ringwood Church Rinawood, IlL » . Sunday--Public worship, 9:$8> Church School: lQjN. Choir xtehearsals--Wednesday evening. Mia. Kenneth Criety, director. Sf* ELECTRIC MOTORS : omPLETs repaik shop . • StwinfflBf * KrtmOdiac ' atdwlpiiy McHmry Electric Motor Serrul , BBUOS w, KLOiqp ^ MB W. WSaxSQAM HD. • rapHS 181 A W N I N G S •y TARPAiJIJNS CANVAS GOODS / I Large Sslsctiof of Materials ' ORDER 1ARLY i k .. :i» LvvV; ^ ••••' ' Specialising in Store and R--idenoe Awninfi Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Thonneaon Prop. ••s I wmmm Give Yourself 4 i'-J* s?. I MeMAHON REFRIGERATION SALES AND SERVICE MeHeary 410 at Weader Lake 566 SI8 Main St., McHenry, Illinois ft ROTH&RMEL ELECTRIC SHOP EUctrlcal Contractors Radio Reaalrs Let as eetfssete thst aext electrical |eb of years. LEO G. ROTHERMEL. Prop. Phone MeHeary 272»M 104 Riverside Drive A. P. FREUND SONS Exesvsting Centrsctof' Trucking, Hydranlk and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-# f McHeBfT,~IS ITel. McHenry 24S-J HAROLD H. BELL / Painting, Paperhanging, RewnMa»f Old Wall Paper With Steamer, SpriH Painting' No. Ml - STOFPEL ft REIHAN8PERGER Inearaaee agents for sll rlsssas ef .. ara»TtT in the beet « Wast MeHeary, IlUneb 165 N. GREEN ST. MeHBNUt hd the BOiKNS "PACKAQ8P IMPLKMINTS" For Flowing, Saadingr Cultivotln«, Discing, Mewiag, Snow Flowing POWERED and BALANCED to do all these jobs with speed--esse --economy -- more profit for you. T "PACKAGED UNITS '--Buy your implements as you need them -- Elow, harrow, seeder, cultivators, fnisickle Mower, snow-plow. COME IN and see Bolens HUSKI 2-WheeI Tractors and Implements, u Ask to' sec the newest unit -- the H u s k t U N I S I C K L E ^ , WILSON'S RADIO SHOP -- Appttaaess t08E.Ehi HI DR. K. DeROME • / * • -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street f Phone 292-J. McHenry Office Hoars: 16 s.m. to 6 |.n dsily except Wednesday. Evening* by appointment. Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R.,H. WATKIN8 * Dentist ^ --Office Hoars-- Taiaiay ft Satardaya: 9 aA ta 6 pas Evsnings snd Sanday MaraAags by frppolatailat! Uskoat Pelat Weader Lake, Hi LAWN & GARDEN tQUiPMENT CO. On Route 21, two block* Soath of Route 120. PBONE GRAYBLAKB 808i? " GRAYSLAKt, ILL. For TASPAN AMD AOS OAS SAMSSS Simplex ironksS ALL MODELS BI0Y0LS8 » BOYS' AND GUMJI* MODBMh, HC . OOLSMAH BXATSI^ SSMDIX WASHnrO MAOSnais ^ ^11 fie f^eehased aa Time Paymaate i -ACE SETS THE ?ACE-^ -o- S.0S STOSS 104 S. wmcaw •M SkeM S00 3 1 >\f "-3^ t)" fti t,-®;., '-'W4 \:w, 4't f* v- -hut the WMA^FTAYS IN! And foot KM Wsve is k>vdy-right 60m (he stttt! ^ So giva yowndf a Tool GNMCOU Wum: *fcr your date toniffac. It Isats for Ibe Tooi lot duag 70a aeed. % rT, 1 PERMANEN THE CREME COLO WWC BOLQER'S DRUG STORE ' * • .14*;! * . GREEN iMlA, lzt£- ,.Vn.Z,}^.Ai