:«®plIiiWSll SCOUTS <T PJ5 V *P^,*S <X fe* jr fleout jneetfof i evtehtnr, March tWi At - -*• with Marttn -- , Donald Phalin, Richard atill and Merle Freund acting- as bear- , guards. Mr. Scnoenholtz, { Kr. Jepeon and Mr. Sand helped > the boys in their test passing. Then came the games of "Rooster Fight,' j ••Tug of War" and "Dodge Ball."! Hie songs that we sang were "There {Waa A Little Ford," "My Darling Clementine" and McNamara's Band.' > The meeting1 came to an end by retiring- the colors by the same boys •lid, of course, we all sang taps. This afternoon (Thursday) the, •couts are out in Hunter's woods, west of town passing several outdoor tests such as firebuilding with two or less matches, making beef Kabobs, running1 a mile in 12 minutes with only fifteen second leaway on either side, laying out a four acre field, tracking a "wifFelpoof" for a half Sile in twenty-five minutes, or learng tHe use of. an army compass, demonstrating the proper «ae «f a knife and hatchet Don't you, dear reader, wish that' you Were in on! this fun? JACK W£B£R ANNUAL Mntlfia u voten, uneidenta Henry, in the and Kate of iraal town G AND to the i, mt tiw anand election of officers of said town will take place first, A. D. 1947, Tuesday of said MVi * X<; ' * I 2 ANNOUNCEMENT - • X aesire to anounce that I will be a candidate for the office of alder- Man, third ward, at the election to •fce held on April 16, 1947. Your •tapport will be greatlv appreciated. 48-5 4 CHARLES D. BROWN Hanging Towels * - When hanging up towels, pillow Oases and other fiat pieces, hang over the line about two inches and pin down. This prevents-sagging of corners. If the towels are thin, two Can be hung at a time. on Tuesday, April flrst^ 1947. being' the first month. The polls will be open at 6 o'clock, a.m., and will close at 5 o'clock p.m., on said day in the place or places designated as follows: No. It--Royal Blue Store, Ring*- wood, ni. No. 2--City Hall, McHenry, 111. No. 3.--Blake's Garage, Pearl St., McHenry, 111. No. 4.--Bildner's Barber Shop, Johnsburg. The officers to be elected art:- One Supervisor. One Road Commissioner. The town meeting for the transaction of miscellaneous business of said town will be held at the hour of 2 o'clock, p.m., on said day at Blake's Garage, and a moderator having been elected, will proceed to hear and consider reports of officers to appropriate money to defray the necessary expenses of the town arid decide on such measures as may, 4n pursuance of law, comle before the meeting. Given under my hand at McHenry. this 12th day of March, A. D. 1947. H. WALTER AJNDERSON, . Town Clerk. "{Pub. March 18 and 20) : inspection at Blakes Garage, street, McHenry, 111. from Mid 9 o'clock, p.m. Tuesday, March Shallow Dr*we|. For the shallow drawer where you keep small kitchen equipment, use partitions to divide the drawer into sections. Partitions made of plywood are best,, but heavy cardboard can be used. NPL OF ttrtjee is h . tentative budget and a] ordinance for Ik IWn <u in the Cennty of MeHen*?, Illinois for the fiscal nv Tuesday, March 25, 1M7, and ing Monday, March 29. 1948, will be on file and conveniently available to gublic Blake's Ga earl after 25, 1947. Notice is further given hereby that a public hearing on said budget and appropriation ordinance will be held atni o'clock, p.m., Tuesday, April 1, 1947, at Blake's Garage, in this town and that final action on this or-i dinancevwill be taken by the electors at the annual town meeting to be held at 2 o'clock, p.m. Tuesday, April 1, 1947. Dated this 12th day of March, 1947. MATH N. SCHMITT, Supervisor. H. WALTER ANDERSON, Clerk, (Pub. March IS and 20) ' SINGS WITH CHOIR Howard Webb, Jr., is the only boy from Houston, Tex.^to sing with the.! Apollo Boys choir of Dallas. The j choir is an exclusive group of twenty to twenty-five young men whose homes are scattered throughout the United States. It is often compared with its famous predecessor and is called "The Vienna Boys' Choir of America." Howard formerly lived in Elkhom, Wis., with his parents, who operated a music store on N. Wisconsin street. He is now 13 years old. His father directs the Houston Youth Symphony and his mother plays in the Houston Symphony. J • Igloo Myth Most Eskimos do not live in iglaftc. In fact, over half the Eskimos in the world have never seen an igloo and only about one-quarter actual* , ly use igloos for winter living ters. Complete line of David Roberts veterinary medicines at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 43-faf-bp vomro HJ8XNBSS WOMEfT McHenry will be host to members of the Business and Professional Women of District 2, comprising Mc- .. -- -- ---• \ane counim to be pany this will bo Mrs. Vi Henry, Will, DuPage and Kane counties, at a special program presented on Sunday, March 23, in 19> TfluH InRIIRi'v The chairman for wmek:2 of the HMfiH A vvwiitvu VII I "--'V ' the high school auditorium. The program will begin at 2 o'clock with raenfoers of the county acting as hostesses to the visitors. Guest Speakers will be Mrs. Elisabeth Mann former commanding officer of the women's prison at Dwight, 111., and Sara McNamara, former army nurse, who will speak on India. Other features will be presented under the direction of a committee including Mrs. Gretta Goodell, Mrs. Suzanne Reed, Mrs. Manr Yates, Miss Ethel Jones, Blance Thornpsen and Marguerite Desmond. A short talk will be given by Mrs. of chapter is derXaka. -- «ajb' Mary Eadras of Won- ^ coming event* March IS East River Road Pinochle Clab-- | Adelmeier Home. I March 14 i Mothers Cluib--Special Program. I March 16 Public St. Patrick's Party--Soon sored by Altar 4c Rosary Sodality. March 1* Ringwood Home Bureau Unit--Hoffman Home. March 29 W. S. C. S. spy *u«& am pBaji Faster way to Banish Clothes-dinging odors I fA • m Swit Aire MtttroIixM odon from cooking, smeUitf, p«r- •piNflm, motti pravwitivM, cltanln? flald* . . . immadi- •Mf fKm clothw plvatant fragrant . . . frtihnw. Do«t M* Me >•*. $1.80 -AlWn'mr ExfW **•«. U. S. Off. PORTIS .. . #he best hot bwy „ ^ •n the market today ^ $7.50 I* $12.50 c«d Professional Women"* ----rt No. « Tim -- Mc- Kwdi M O. E. & Initiation. ' * ^ !*•••* gg ri - %. • * PuWie Can! Party--SpoMored to O. R & ' "• March 19 Bake Sale--Prie« Market--Sponsored by Circle 8, W. S. C. S. April 11 County Legion Auxiliary--McHenry. Conoett. W. a C. & Bixhtdaar Tsa. '• ApirM m St. Clara's Court, C. O. W^ tain Husbands -Pot-Lock 6 p. m. Complete line of David Roberts veterinary medicines at Wattle* Drue Store, McHenry. " 48-tf-fen FitzQ^pild's Men's Shop Phone 1 West McHenry THEATRE * PHONE tt Woodstock, HI FRL A SAT., MAR. 14-15 "SINGST7 IN**?!?® i*OORN** Phm: with Laarence Tieraey StJN. 1 MONM MAR. 16-17 t > Brrol Flynn ;-v :r Eleaaor Parkas : ' 'TJEVER SAT GOODttYBr with "Caddies" Zakall Patty Brady TUBS., WED. it THURS. March 18-19-M • • ^ "LADY LUCK" w»th " Frank Morgan Order your nwbor Plaindealer, n*mpm at tfei' , Ulinoig FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Ri ng Ctesfcy -- Fred Astaire Joan CaaMeld "BLUE SKIES" StTNDAY AJflD MONDAY March 14-17 Frwemaa Rfahsrd "BLACK BEAUTY" New^ Cartoon and Special Treat -MEN OF TOMORROW" jpLOSEDj TUESDAY WEDNESDAY W THURSDAY DOOM Reed -- Toaa Drdot "FAITIIFUL IN MY FASHION" Reach up-and touch a BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 4# McHENRY • ';p ; fr. \ - i' * r>. t f i > , 8®hti. r. YOUR * 2: ) i (l ft f i i ( ( * i I IHKMMAIXM GotUidfr SecurityOffice » i > % P.O. Bldg WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS *, <• n Shorts Shirts Winner! moments* Ringsider Super Short! Wilson Brothers Ringsidera modeled like j| boxer's trunks--with freedom and comfort a-plenty. Full-cut, with easy-fitting all-around elastic waistband .and the exclusive Wilson Brothers suDer-seat (no binding Athletic McHENRY WtJ pippjU.jp mmm t n * ^ ^ y A . t'? X,-' rou*VE got the sun in the morning and the moon at night just like everybody else. You've gbt little roads to explore, and pleasant places to go, and nice friends to enjoy life with, just as others do. . > . t But thereV one tiling you have that not everyone else can -- if you do something about it. ' It's in the extra lift you find in traveling in car-styling as fresh as tomorrow's morning glories, enduring as the classic lines of a Grecian vase. It's in roaming the quiet little roads -- or the busy big ones -- with plenty of eager horsepower under your bonnet, all ready to Fireball you along or drift you serenely through calm and quiet It's in the feel of a car that's really big enough. Roomy enough for three-aseat -- husky and solid enough to be ever steady in its stride^--stout enough to take the most rugged going • It's in such plus-values as soft coil springs on all four wheels -- bodies studiously mounted to be quiet and firm and true -- a wheel light yet firm under your hand -- an engine with the toijch of perpetual youth in the fineness of its cylinder-wall finistu for something a bit better than ttg| ordinary. We say not everyone can have 8uc|k» That is simply because there's nevor^ enough of a most wanted thing to go round -- and this is America's most wanted car.'1 To get it, y<m can*t hang bacfc. You have to get in ahead of the one who In a word, it's in a Buick -- style star hesitates. • . and standout performer of this and The morai jOajnly is; Order your* niany a season to come. In a car bought not alone out of need or expediency but plainly and frankly out of desire right now! erton Motor Fraat fit, WmC McH--iy, Ok 222 KIUb St, Ctfiai Lake. BL -SMZii-' r J ,V * ' H* • 9 v: 4