McHENBY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1947 OF NTHEIffiY COUNTY WM DEAD & Twenty-one Named On Roll Lived In This Community ##• STAMP 11 BECOMES VALID APRIL 1 FOR TEN POUNDS SUQAR Tht Office of Te announced this emporary Ct ontrols week that spare stamp No. 11 in OPA family ration boolqB •will become good April 1 for 10 pounds of sugar. Validation of the 10-pound stamp will maik OPA's changeover from the 6-pound ration procedure for household users, T^ie current stamp. No. 53, good for five pounds, will expire March 31. j * r j Stamp No. 11 will be good through a Just as World War II was becom- September 30 tut OPA said a llg a lfhaaory, and a less vivid one second stamp good for 10 pounds Ijntfe each pajNIhg day, a list of men i will be validated July 1 providing sugar imports meet expectations. OPA officials said it is' possible i that still another 10 pounds, fcringTj ing the year's total for household] users to 35, may be made available \ September 30. Above Those For 1946 lost their lives in McHenry ity during the last conflict was ised. This list is believed to be most authentic compiled to date, the serviceman's address and of service With which he IS, X'^n^TiudS! ™>ru«y Milk Prt«« who formerly made their here or who had close contact use of families residing here. . ...... . . Some of these /heroes can never . CIms prices for milk delivered durbrought back home. They iTY !7' ' e Chicago men who were lost at sea or ™Vk marketing area were announced reported missing on air mis- Colebank, However, families of those •gmfawtmtor of Federal Order 41.. in the overseas cemeteries1 *4-254 P®' hundredsoon be called upon to make the ™*htr (94„ C*I&B 0,?er, <*»**> for Class I milk, $3,874 for Class II milk, $3,554 for Class M milk and Plaindealer's Publisher Dies This Morning Charles F. Renich Succumbs After Q Extended Dliiess mm i -- - -- , incision as to whether or not they the bodies of loved ones retailed to the United States. The|*»-«g tor Class IV milk. ? , flknt of the war dead from the i T*16 February Class I, II and III Hawaiian cemeteries and from the Pnces are 31.3 cents below ^ the Henri Chapelle temporal? cemetery I JaHuary price »nd M.# cents above, la .Belgium are expected to arrive £}e February, price. Thei lale this summer. Class IV price is 4.4 cents less than • ; The list of McHenry county dead | January^ but 93.5 cent* aboveFebf fa printed below. If any names have ] ru*ry '*** year. v omitted, families of these menj - • , r ; asked to contact W. R. Cairns, i -- h|h « a* •. ^jjsmity service officer, in Woodstock.,. fHAftl-ES A. GOING, OLD Army IBOTT, ROBERT E., Cary. JAMS, JOHN W., Woodstoc SON, WILLIAM, Crystal lUkKER, JAMES B., Marengo. BAKER, PAUL W., Crystal Lake. LVIS, CLIFFORD G., ~ Lake. TIME RESIDENT, DIES nvx FROM McHEHRY AMONG 4» KffitOLLKD IK EXTENSION SCHOOL Testifying to the jopularity of the MeBenry county co-operative extension center of tne University of Illinois, which was opened last fall in Crystal Lake, are the names of forty-nine students who are taking advantage of the courses offered. These students are as follows: McHenry: Norman Knaack, Elida Page, Mary T. Phalin, Richard Wheeloek and Bernard Davis. Algonquin: Robert Brandlin. Arlington Heights: Warner Baxter. Five members of the Legion Aux- ^^^nrrtwI^irJini^CRkh^HnsLh !u i,iary' McHenry chapter, were pres- Wiutl^ wlln u1 meeting held in Beh.rens Green, Mrs. Elbert'Buchl Mrs. 5°^ P»»l V.rxl. and Mr.. WinBeld cSSll, «3d£ii -P,rt3C.h Highlirht ofevening COUNTY LEGION AUXILIARY HAS 100% MEMBERSHIP : McHenry Unit To Be .. Hostess At April 11 Pan American Meeting HEAD-ON COLLISION OF TRUCK AND AUTO CAUSED ONE DEATH i i. . .. . . e' City Council fend public in mWililfarfui *K^opnaailil,i SDierpTartV L"eg.eJ l counttyh ew aansn othuen cfeirmste ntot tbhea tm MorceH tehnarny sc!id«e* r rtoo ad. For*a left turn on to a San Buss"hi^h^tk>n°to Another auto accident in McHenry county caused the death of one person last Saturday, March 8. The victim was John Wellington Foster, 50 years old, who died in the Woodstock hospital from injuries received in an ^uto-truck head-on collision near Richmond two days previous. He suffered a skull fracture and was unconscious when taken to the hospital. Hie failed to respond to treatment and passed away forty-eight hours after, the accident. Foster, whose home was in Muk- night, marked the deadline'fo7fiUn* wanago, Wis., was a feed salesman, nomination papers for places on 35 well known m this area. He was election ballots to be voted Annl driving east on Route 173 near the 15. John Schlosser farm as a truck an-( As a surprise to members of the proached from that direction. The Citv Council fend the n«hlic in genof Aider- CITY ELECTION GIVES PROMISE OF ONE CONTEST • Brown, Freond Seek Post In Third Wardt^ Buss Retires In Tint Tuesday night, March 11, at Bs •;JSS RTcha^'M^h;^^; Robert ^"per^enf^/memhe^hTn'fn^t^ riiw;rC,p^.n41 Li.it1: ^mke Sr£. mw«if S««y 8®cond- Jh® percentage is based on Sirnov inH p i v tJ>e number of members enrolled in Petewon y ^ Ralph: the various units for the previous O I *' t R°|S| t"„K®r,C,r.r. y"L"/rUiInIUKg tI mhee , incvung, announce-; I in i TT ^V^i.L L r'.1 ment was made of the forthcoming'wife, Daisie. Patriotic conference, to be held at i Funeral Foster applied his brakes from the board. His term expi) and crashed headon with the truck, this spring. Alderman Bttss dnven by Israel Tureck of Milwau- served the city during the part "SL' .. . . . • j twelve years and has held the im- The accident occurred at almost portant and difficult chairmanship; the same spot where a track driver Df the Water and Sewer committee kwt his life several months ago. during aU those years. His under* The deceased is survived by his standing of the financial structure . • m » • * •. «. * * * wvuvmv vvnuci ci iv.c« m; ut? uriu ai; -*• services were tendorf andjiuaniU Shelkop^ the Palmer House, Chicago, on March j March 11 at Mukwanago. 24. At least two members of the held Prospect Heights: Peter Rogers. Richmond: Vernon Peterson. ! of the city and keen interpreted on of the Municipal Code have been evidenced on many occasions. Friends of Arnold Anderson peti- : lioned him to file for the office of " alderman to succeed Buss in the sec- 'ond ward. The petition has been filed and Anderson's name will ao- "GRAY LADY" APPEALS FOR VOLUNTEERS IN VETERANS HOSPITALS Woodstock: iSSJJ cSSTwiUtam1^ * repre8ented at'farmers Must Sign AAA £*p J^d Miss Julia FeWer' parliomentarian,' APPhcatl0nS By 31 Koehler, Grover ^cheubert and John announced that there had been a re-! ia" vision of the by-laws and each del-) The deadline for signing 1947 ap- pear on the ballot without opposiegate was given a copy to present to! plications to co-operate in th# AAA tion. her unit, to be acted upon and re-'program is March 31. According to In the first ward, Alderman Tonturned at the county council meet- j Bert Bridges, chairman of the Mc- yan seeks re-election without oppoeimg on April 11 in McHenry. The j Henry County Agricultural Conser- tion. local unit is hostess to county mem- j vation association, no applications A lively contest looms in the third * 1 cers once each year and so of course will be accepted after that date, waid, where Charles D. Brown and ! This weeBc comes an appeal from me*ribers will fee busy during the Farmers are asked to make every George J. Freund seek election to: ; Mrs. Loretta Ball of McCullom Lake, nex* *e?r. weeks preparing a pro- effort possible to sign in the county the aldermanic post formerly held by jwho served many hi^urs as a Gray ^rar"- Since Atiril is Pan American; office at Woodstock before it is too Fred Ferwerda. In answer to many Lady at Hines Veteran hospital in m<>nth for the Auxiliary, appropriate late. . queries, this is not to fill a vacancy, Chicago. Her husband, a World War entertainment will be presented, in-1 Cmmunitv committeemen will not since Ferwereda's term of office H veteran^ is at home once in con*!call at farms during the 1947 sign-, w°V,£jB^pire year- P* but Mrs. Ball realitej. that there are nection w'th^eoccasion up campaign as they have in the will be for a fbur year term. A *_ resent dmL ' i Other aldermen whose terms do . not expire until 1949 are George PJ* ft-im .e to select that Easter 'iF reund (now serving as Mayor Pro- fa_ > u w:ik-_ nu 1 Plaindealer employees and a multi- still many hospitalized vets who need ^ Present Program I saddened ImJ If thl tude o{ friend» were shocked and the friendly help jaf the cheerful °t n Wednesday evening of this | h,jM A p„:???%» _J^ saddened this (Thursday) morning,'volunteer. wee^ McHenry county Auxiliary. . . ncS A. ^ March 1947, to learn of the death Dressed in the gfaV uniform with1 members offered their services in1, ftem). Joseph M. Reiner and WiUiaa 2k '91 1 Q T 7 v , # of Charles F. Renich, 75 years old. j the Red Cross over the heart, Mrs. presenting a program for veterans ,°"r newert collection. Off- jj Aitho(f. IAN, ERNEST F., Crystal Lake. 1 Jjj*:_?}' He ^ at the entrance to his home i Ball made her first trip to Downey |»t Elgin state hospital, each unit, ^*fa" .^'de Police Magistrate BERWANGEK, MATTHEW WaiKondaTnine^™ on WashinKton street in Woodstock j hospitol recently, carrying with her furnishing some feature, as well as Larry J. Huck has filed for the Marengo. n", ?; -bout 3 o'clock in- the morning, as | Victrola records purchased by the Sandy ThoB« entertaining ®,IEabeth P,ch* office of klice Ma^strate .n offiee JOTER, MELVIN, Huntley. ^ ! H^Ji- £ ^y£na^Beaclf w«» waiting for a taxi to take) local chapter funds. These records , McHenry were the "Hungry 8tr««t. McHenry. ^"^jthat has not been filed in McHenry %15LU)Y, ROBERT L., . Uaytona Beach. , him to the hospital. are used most successfully in the P»ve, a group of young high school; for several years. Due to the vacas- •BDCabSv HBRBERT E., Harvard. I *r- Goim spent his boyhood and! Mr. Renich had been in poor'musical therapy work in conjunction, ?nU8,clan 1 8 have been entertain-! PURCHASE TAyERN jcy in t^is ajj caMS jn ^ c^_ M7NDE, RAYMOND, Spring Grove, early manhood in McHenry, later health for more than a year but in ; with the electric shock treatment. I ,nS at 'O®** programs for the past] Mr. and Mrs. Carl Springman have! have been heard by the Justices at<> fi CBAPMAN, RAY L., Hebron. | H10*.1"? ™ Riverside, I1L, where he recent weeks had been able to ,«pend Upon her return, Mrs. Ball made two years. Members of the band purchased the business known as; Peace elected to serve throughout the CLARKE. JOHN H.. Crystal Lake. ',T®? r many years. Even though some time each day at the Sentinel; a plea for women to accompany her include Richard Heuser, Warren; "Ma's Tavern." located on East River j township. -? ' COLBY, PAUL E., Crystal Lake. ®*ch ,passing year made wider the, office. I on Tuesdays. There is a special Wegener, Robert freund, Francis j Road, and will conduct it under the j jn annoUncin* his candidacy * i OORNEX1US. WILLARD M., Har- bleach between his later life and ear- One of the most capable and re-1 need for several women at all handy Baj^er and Carol Harrison. i name of "Snug Harbor Inn." T1ieit»,_ ml. 'lier memories of McHenry, he en-iSpected newspaper men in this area, i with the simplest erafts to worki . one can dispute the fact that;couple announce fine food and drinks! Hurk rlearlv state* h!« lmtitkn Jf' > PAUL L., Hcftron. MT Renich_was owner and publish- with the very yoiwg mentol patients, the W^^xiliary js{»c«v®Jy tak-! as their specialty. j fairness in all cases, witTflraM^' M, DAVID 8., Marengo. PAUL S.t Marengo. DANIE1. D.j Richmond. WARREN B., Crystal LallKc IBLDRED, IWGLE. WILLIAM S- Marengo. ;|BlCKfk>N, NORMAN, (Fox River '1_ Grove. frARENHOLZ, HERBERT W., Crystal Lake. IIS, HUGH C- Harvard. VERNON iL Woodstock. e. NER, NKE, iTZ, A. I^ER, ETT, stock. DSTONB, ©YEAR. N, EDW. CHA KE, «todc. GUMPRECHT, l^TNN Lake. P. It, Marengo. Jr., Cary. . , , , -, , ^ er of the Woodstock Daily Sentinel i boys around twenty who sit without an important part in helping to miniseinf ^he 'Years of his youth for almost half a century. He pur-! interest unless prMftpted by some , wing our country and those who spent here. At the time of his death chased the McHenry Plaindealer from, individual to eometSimple craft. for us hack to a normal mode -- mica jiwwayiy^frw-. ^ f-y-a ifn Bell k jieealing lo Urn ^ msse »• Besides the _ , _ , ^ h«TSi^r~s ov^S? and publish- women who wouhHiWto help this »bove mentioned activities in which Funeral services were held in Flor- er since that time. worthy cause. Anyone interested is thev are engaged, members are pur- Ma. However, when Dr. and Mrs., It j iikelv ^ Mr R-nich! *«ked to call the county Red Cross fhasing books for their own public Hairu return to their Evenston home made fr5ei;ds than i office in Woodstock, pW Weed- libraries in memory of deceased war fir Ki^ll ""y other pere0n i" McHenry county j 8tock 105°- SfcL;„bUnal i during World Wat II. For the four' violators who imperil Hve*:i..\S sideration for first offenders) f •- f toward and consideration ride his late wife in Elgin. County Auto Dealers Elected 1947 Officers The McHenry County Auto; Dealveterans; a recording machine has been purchased for the orphanage' that will make you NOTICE Beginning today, March 13, Mi-j in minor violations. Place Restaurant will be open every! Thus, the city election Thursday, serving lunches and din-jnite shape and it is hoped ners, until further notice. 4S-fp j voters will take their usual in in the selection of men who will Come in today and seiect the hat! an important role in guiding 'that grandest! destinies of our city during the years during which our country was' $1525 In Sheep Olaim ' jSoT'thi 'iK KTpi.!S.S Ch#ck» P"d I" County j, 1 b» th. .nd « <m ___ j , * a Girl Scout uniform nas been purj women serving from these two com- j Sheep claim checks paid from the chased for a girl in the Normal or munities. i d°£ tax collections in the office of { pnanage. in ioii u> i County Treasurer Henry Nulle, as With such valuable contributions. In November of 1944 Mr. and Mrs. by Marion Rfewuseen. chief Mircly it is important that the Legion Auxiliarv maintain their 100 per cent membership for some time come. at Normal, 111., food and clothing j lady in the Easter parade." All the four years, has been sent to the war orphan in latest styles in the newest shade* '"list arrived for spring showing. Flizabeth Pich, Green street, McHenry. 4i-fp i , . ., , , , i dinner held at the Elks dull in Wood- „/ (IU< McHenry.. {elected president and James Holmes stock. It was the last such gather- SfJJ fS?,' ™V& wf"w_r a* •ALEY, WILLIAM H., Woodstock. W., Woodstock, re-elected eecreUry and treasurer. I intr at which the beloved publisher dlST hoJs Amount MKCIAN TH DP DTI II * * ••Crystal Lake. The aseociation plans to expend its ^ pre<ent. A party was held in; ^ f«? HBSIOH TO BE Hr.l.B AT WVwdstock. training for veterans as mechanics. honor M of his seventy-fifth -birthdav mil* F., Wood-, Classes .will be held every week. The1 anniversary last December 19. but fe ST BARY^ MAPfH association is one year old and dur- a BUdden Hlness nrevented hls being HJ'llWiliL NuSdi' 1 lCw 4. Crystal; ing its initial year has been most preMnt. i f.^01a'Z 1' successful in many Ventures. i Survivors |*196, and Algonquin, 9loo. Claims „ . . . . . a r e p a i d e a c h y e a r t o p e r s o n s w h o T h e R i g h t R e v e r e n d M s g r . C h a r l e s Survivor* include the widow, Lucy have had animals destroyed by dogs. S. Nix has announced a mission, to HKELEIN, NICHOLAS J;> Richmond SCHUTT, RUDOLPH W., Harvard. Fennings Renich: one dan^htor. Mrs. •BMANN, HENRY H., Crystal SEDIVEC, JOHNi R., Caryi Florence Mathia«. of Nashville, Tenn.; inn TTTfLTT SnTTOOT. l*ke ' „ _J SIMEK, RUDOLPH R., McHenry. and five grandchildren. HRATH, EDWARD F., Harvard. SMITH, MANUEL M., Harvard. The body will rest at the Merwin MU8ICIANS PRESENT EHN, GBORGE_G1L Marengo. STARRITT, CLAYTON B., Crystal funeral home in Woodstock until 1:30 ENJOYABLE PROGRAM Lake. o clock on Sunday afternoon. From STECKELBERG, EDWARD L., Cary then until 2:30 o'clock it will lie in . . iSlBDMAN, BEN, Woodstock. ; state at the Presbyterian cjiuirh, . *ar*e crowd gathered WILLIAM E. Woodstock. MELVIN H., Woodstock. , JUSTEN, CLARENCE, McHenry. be conducted at St. Mary's church from March 16 through March 30. Father Michael Wernsing, O. F. M.. of the Franciscan Mission Band of Chicago, will preach the mission. Devotions and sermons the first week will be for the married people, the second week for the single, Order your rubTer stampe at the Plaindealei. We Ofer Yov Congratulations! Births .•I f a v Bolton i^ 'JVoo<i8 1 tock SWAN, CHARLES W., A^onquin. ,wfiere Rev. C. C. Ureh will officiate the high *hool auditorium last i^iuding8 all high school students! Round Lake announce the Wrth of years a KKLAHAN, THOMAS R., Algon- TAYLOR, GEORGE W., Woodstock at services. da>'"m5' March 9, to hear the The mission for the last week wili' a daughter, Patricia Lee, born at St., ories of 1nin- j 1SPASKE, DTCK J., Harvard. | ' A complete obituary prill appear anrlual o?nd ""der the di- clore with the papai Blessing on j Therese hoqiiul, Waukegan, on i were those of the Chicago ffre, which IDELDER. ARTHUR, Crystal Lake. ' TWOMLEY, C. ROBERT, Woodstock, in next week's issue. j rcction of Paul R. Yanda. The pro- Sun<Jay afternoon, March 23, and March J3. ^ Mrs^ Bolton^ is the former occurred when he was only 4 years Our very sincere esapetulatioi>aJ to NL C. Klein s# Wadtegan, celebrated his eightieth birthday a»-f neversary on Sunday. March 9.* His Mre. Mildred May, es her home with Mr. planned a birthday dinner to urftfcki pis other two families were Were Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. Id. N. Yew* efj McHenry. A teother and his wife,: Dr. and Mr*. J. L. Klein at Chicago, ! were also present. | Our octogenarian was bom in Uffi , in Chicago, where he ratted aatf f t the death of his wife twenty-six^ 1 ago. Among his vivid mesa-"6* •' early days in the great city V , .KENNEDY, RAYMOND E., Har- USBORNE, ROBERT T., Marengo. vard. IVANDERSTRATTEN, ROBERT M. KINREED. HAROLD R.. Marengo1 Woodstock. < KLATT. WALTER L., Harvard. VAVRINA, LOUIS, Fox River Grove. KNUTSON, CLARENCE H., Mar- VON HARZ, JOHN, CrysUl Lake, en go. MJk FLEX, LEANDER L., Jr., Wood stock. LAKE. GEORGE W., Harvard. liAZANSKY. JOHN, Cary. MRS. RICHARD DOWELL DIES VanDenBoom of Mc-, old. W A ONER. RALPH B., Harvard. WELTZIEN, MORRIS, Huntley. WESSON, ALFRED E., Ringwood. WHITING, C. ROBERT, Woodstock. YORK, CLIFFORD C., Harvard. Mrs. RicharH Dowell. 64, died at her home near Volo on Tuesday evening. March 11, 1947, after a brief „„ i•lili ness. Tfwhi e >t. odjy i• s resting aat. the •D undf surh as th6 ciEriwt® in C/lftr* inet Polka" and tthhe. trombones in SSL*-*?«» Jacob Justen Sons funeral home un- X£ FEW, WALTER E^ Jr., Har- ZENS, MAURICE C., McHenry. vard. UETTERMAN^ (EJUGENE H., Spring Grove. the Dowell home. Serviecs will be " held there at 2 o'cock Saturday af The latter ,nr,uded pam, of considerable length and in h j-tte sTngie' wiU o^njMiss Helen „te chnical qualities difficult, presented the same evening. ,• , xHieennrryv. ,, VI . . ^ . , Mr Kiein was a printer by trade There will be three masses daih*. j Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Gende an- and wor|(e(] at various times for the" the time to be announced on arrival I ^unce the birth of a son at the Chicago Daily News and the Chicago of Father Michael. After the last Woodstock hospital on Tuesday Tribune. mass he will preach a short mission j March 11. Mrs. Gende is the former sermon daily. Miss Betty Thennes. Evening devotions are scheduled | A ion was .born at Sherman for 7:30, including the recitation of pital.JElgin, on March 11 to Mr. and a challenge which the young musicians met admirably ,uSr sections of f™the- « w'her'"MTchS * inoune. rrwer •' ^ ' Upon moving to McHenry, he lived lin«-'on Center street for a few years and * » __j later with the Schoewer family be- Navy a cornet trio . ... . „ . .. j„ nlayed by three freshman bovs tonroon with( burial in the Wauconda nonald Mcrrackpn welter Mueller , • ard RicharH Hiller. and two marimba ; . m» • * t *__i • solos by Miss Marianne Glauser, a LEVERNIER, WTLLIAM H., Union. B'AILEY. JAMES, McHENRY. i Attention Musie Lovers. Arriving Renjor. Both proved popular with the UNDMANN, JAMES, Crystal Lake.1 BENSON, RICHARD. Algonouln. LINDOREN, ROBERT C., Harvard. REHLF.R. J^unt'ey- ^IRW »LMFR C.. Hebron records and albums by great artists, bert Felse lONO ROY J., Woodstock. BOTSFORD. MAR\ IN. Crystal Lake. "Till the *e'se CFORGE D Woodstock ^'8 wee^' records, "the great- audience, as did a novelty vocal solo. '.wt name in entertainment. Single "MaeNamara's Btand," sung by Ro- McANDREWSv DONALD E., Mar-i BREMFR. CARL L.. Marenc-o. eneo. / lfcBROOM, BURTON F., Woodstock HcCAFITC. JOHN D.. Harvard. HcVTCKERS. ARTHUR T.. McHenry. 1CILLER, ALFRED E.. Woodstock. MILLER. LEO M^ McHenry. WORTON, ELMER G., McHenrv. KUSSER. WILI JAM, Woodstock. CHAMBERLAIN, ROLLO D., Mc- Henrv. COX. JAMES H., Woodstock. GARDNER, WILT. I ^M T.. McHenry. JOHNSON. NORMAN, Carv. LOUMSBURY,, THOMAS W, Woodstock. LUND. ARCHIE. Marengo. _ T , The «econd portion of the program; . Steffan Jewelry, wa8 composed of four selections' y the rosary, sermon and benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Grade school children will receive mission instructions on Monday, Tuesday and Wtednesday of the first week. Confessions will be heard every mornine- after the last mass, beginning Thursday, and every evening after devotions, beginning Wednee- JJAGEL, FRANK H., Jr., Fox River MVCUfF. ELLSWORTH, Marengo. fl^nvp. j MERWIN, J'AMFS T., Woodstock. NARSUTIUS, THOMAS E^ Richmond. NELTiFS. JOSEPH. Woodstock. NELSCN, LA VERNE W., Crystal Ir«ke. NELSON. ROY C.. Faring G^-ove. NEWMAN, RAYMOND L-, McHen- .VOTHNAGEL, FREDERICK, Harvard. OTrOTT. BR¥ON R.. Woodstock. OSTRANDER, LAWSON K., Wood- •tociu & PAKULLA, STANLEY M., Crystal L"«ke. SARSON. WILLIAM An McHenry. TERS. ELMER M„ Crystal Lake. _J»ETFRS. ROBERT Crystal Lake. ^VrrE. HUGH 1*, Harvard. XTT FY, EDWIN A.. Woodstock. iRIMJRtS, EVERETT Mh Hsrvard. ' ROBERTS, LAVBRNB F, Woodv- fr.. «t«rk. JPCTJLOTTMAN, GORDON Crys- IKHTJLTZ, *CHARLM &, Crystal *MILLFR, ERNEST C.. McHenry. MOLTHEN VICTOR R. Hervsrd. REYNOLDS. FRANKLYN J., Cary. SCHROEDER, LA VERNE T., Crystal L*ke. WETDMAN, EUGENE M, McHenry. Marine Clouds Roll By." West McHenry. 43-fp which united the band and mixed I . c h o r u s , w i t h J a c q u e H o p k i n s a b l y iservine as narrator for the finale, Antonir the Sick 01d ^ Marches On." TAVERN LEAGUE MEETS The McHenry Mrs. Andrew (Jack) Trent of Pala- forp movin* »?u.^»uk^«an fourteen tine. Mr. Trent made'his home in years ',n v Mc: McHenry for man" years before mov. £enry h? to local K. of ing to Palatine. £•. ^apter, and served as grand Mr. and Mrs. George Frisby of knight. Elgin, formerly of McHenry, are Besides the celebration planned the parents of a boy, born at St. tv his family, Mr. Klein was guest Joseph's hospital in Elgin on Tues- of honor at a breakfast given by day. the Holy Name society of St. An- A" daughter was bom on Monday, astacia's church, Waukegan. He is March 10, to Mr. and Mrs. James the oldest active member of the or- Norton of Ringwood. ganization in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schweitzer of Besides his three daughters, Mr. County Tavern | Ringwood are the parents of a Klein has two grandchildren and two League, Inc" held its monthly' bo™ on March id at the Wood- *reat grandchildren. T..he entire program represented! at Harry Minola's Lily Pond, U. TLT. rc m" j. Woodstock March^4 Thel Mr- and Mrs. Joseph Himplemann JANESVTULE MAW ^ tnany months of diligent work, the! Tavern a^ ^^^stoo^ J^a^"__- j^Iare the parents of a daughter, born »*****•» •••»••••••»< insultP ^ which must have proved Calvert Distillers Corporation Mr,. Lillian Jones of Wonder L.k. mttfyin, for .11 those Ukin, p.rt, j ^..r^K «•"».» was a surgical patient at the Wood- ' at the Woodstock, hospital on Sun- IS NEW UMJBV ROLKT AGENT IN McHENRY stock hospital la*t t»eek. CONTINUES HEARINGS Mrs. Ralnh Hergott of North Chi- ^ cago is critically ill at St. There«e The hearing on petitions for pro-! r *'".CV hosoital, Waukegan. She formerly (bation for Fred Anderson, 18, and fol!ow,ed ^ refreshments. ,m*de her home in McHenry. • Robert Prochin. 14, of Marengo, was i to the Too." which told the story of 1 whiskey blending. This was given I after their business meeting and was BARKER, RAYMOND A* Ringwood. BARKER, ROBERT, Woodstock. BEHAN, CHARLES E., Jr., Crystal Lake. BYRON WILWAM R., Woodstock. FREUND. ALBERT F., Woodstock. JAMISON, ROBERT A., CrysUl T<ake. KNUTSON, CWARLES H., 'Marengo. MARVIN, ROBERT. Harvard. MVTYFR. WILUAM J.. Woodstock. MONTGOMERY, KENNETH M. H-fcron. rem WALTER j., McHenry. RlBClt. KEWWTH ~ SAn/>R!l. fBDWABI). Algewmia. Betty Ann, dauurhter of the Hubert'continued H Judge Henry L. Cow- Smiths, underwent •> tonsillectomy at "n th»> week until Monday, March the Woodstock hoenital last week. j 17. The report of the psychiatrist Harvey B. Wll'iams underwent | who is to examine the two bovs has --rr-perv at St. T^ere!,e hosoital, j rot been made. The two were taken W""keg»»». the lest of the week. ^ j K'<ff»re Judge Cowlin recently on Mrs. Pue Adams is recovering j Hrlftign^ncv netitions growing out nieelv after several weeks' illness i of a disturbance at the farm home which have kent her confined to her of Charles Rimnac near Marengo how on Elm street. | Feb. 14. TTiey are at liberty under William f. Doherty hsj^ been ill | tl.000 bonds. State's Attyi Don A. at his home south of McHenry this week. Dr. William Hepburn has been con. fined to his home in Ringwood this week through illness. Wicks recommended the continuance. SUFFERS INJURU8 Spates, 18, of raral route Comp l ete J«ne of Lee's poultry i M^S^tStfCfkNil ^wwSTs^i1!!* Henry. m4 ««t < sMUiMii fmmw* fx ~ -s>" GIVE MIS8ION Rev. (Father Wnlter K. Conway formerly of McHenry, and Rev. Charles R. Callshan, Holy Cross Mission fathers of the congregation of the Holy Cross, religious order that administers the University of Notre Dame, are giving a mission at St. Ambrose church in Chicago, 1012 E. 47th street. The mission is scheduled to last through March 23. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Examinations for applicants for three limited teacher's certificates, deutary, kindergarten-primary and special, will he given at the office «f MtHsiair count superintendent of schools at Woodstock on FcMsy, Mardi 14, at t*t aja. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Nye of Harvard announce the birth of a son, M Gregory Lio well, on March 7 at ti^h<ei sales in McHenry is N. *. Clark of March L ahd Mrs. Merle Davis cf WR\ *7^*1 in ide. Calif., .r. .he pfWrt. *28= Harvard hospital. The little lad w; - . weighed 6 pounds, 11* ounces. J" ' #LtiMll, A son was born on Friday, Maidi E^h£?*d 1 7, at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. JJ™- £££$: and Mrs. Philip Palmer. th* Chevrolet agency. Mr. Clark v Lieut, i ^u^r'sheryT^TiiSh J. | ^ Mrs. Davis, the former Maxine Bacon, »nd come to McHenry is residing in Oceanside with another .. hyhest quailincabone *w daughter, Maxine Merle, while her T ,....... husband is serving with the marines . j*1 th^new in China. Mrs. NeUie Bacon of Me- - 8 |U f to p»»d »«»d~».h«r rf "V- -- - - -- ' three chfldren. However, he hepes^ ^ that conditMMis will permit tteir /: -;M residence in the near fW- . sitae- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy ai Chicago are the parents of their first . . child, a son, Richard, born on March I, 10 8. Mrs. Murphy is the former Ruth, ,US: v,^ .. • 1- of Dr. Devid ... ^ - ad*.. t