SPECIMEN BALLO fj%X> H THr NfW be voted at the Township Election, McHenry Township, McHenry m 1%, Tuesday, W- LduXfcs u^c&f Town -sM ;-«&* »w!'* iV" v-" #•*$«£ ,rn*> fm- ygfc "»• *w w < * • • * • • > ^ • * * ? « » »A « y* » f - ' - > * * T ^.•>•»,s i ",;V >il» .«» b^* W,«"V .;V'-V^ 'I J. V'HI "*' "{&* F: W^LtCmtf /iwmI •/ roauction Urged ieita&s of nm production of MbUDs Wsst tfMWl pw*« pn*atsly was nevergrsater Inthehlstacy~af theooonfcy «fc» •%*« CfTIZENS' (By Petition} ';; **•*&* •••*^ ' • ;;?;F6r 0a^nFfs|r • * n MATH N. SCHMITT Court St., McHenryt ilk' r-. *'A' i'WJfe's^ tS^iSdal Petition) Petition) Petition) fcnVJS • V ., ff/- £'* : •'- .'ji WJ! Snpervlsor A. fc FREUND ' ; 401 Richmond Road "McHenry, Illinois FV>r Highway Commissioner ] CHARLES J. MILLER 606 Front St., West McHenry, 111. fV>r Highway Gomrnhmoim day* tmoSUtk aomndnt. nkhm tbat the baa deeMed to ON sll-oat scooomtc warfare again* other fame, «I|«m«r found, whose aim it H to das Urine and taftuanee .fit world aftatos... . This means tte* be foasht with food and manufacturtnc equipment instead * and bombs, ted that the anas Involved will Omses to Korea and ftom Turkey to China... am tatterlnt or wwM security la at stake, indications are that ahinttal American support will -be given. Currently, tremandona quantities of foodstuffs are moving ftp last year's record production, but It is said greater amounts win be needed to fin the coming yeart ._ Thorn commodities that can be transported most conveniently with least risk of damage such ss wheat, processed milk and agp wall as animal fats and vegetaldl oils will be most in demand, as a* present. , An individual's belief regarding the wisdom of the pnfrseiMtfMflf have little effect on efforts for maximum production. Carry-over applies this Spring will be low hi moat commoditlea, making it imperaltw that production be heavy if for no othsr reaaon than that aafety glna of inventories may be regained. . . . Again, there li the w factor: who can say what the situation will be if unfavorable tiona Jhovjd prevail. / ..,,,wTJJWJ( THIS COLUMN IS SPONSORED BY f$jf ' ' J WM. B. SMITH v RJJ). No, S, HeRwft Co. FARMERS CO-OP. PHONE MAPLE LANE FARM AUCTION CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer Phone Woodstock 478 Hie decided to sell his grade cows and heifers, pure bred cows, on miles north of Volo, undersigned having rrad and retain nis ; the term 2V4 2H miles Route No. auction on south of 12, will Fox Lake on sell a* public FRIDAY, MARCH 28 spring and summer com; 1 Guernsey cow: 1 Swiss cow: 1 Guernsey first qaif heifer; 1 Holstein first calf heiftft*; 3 Holstein second calf heifers, S Holstein bred heifers, 6 Holstein open heifers. Commencing at *12:30 o'clock sharp, All of the above described anithe following described property to-imals have recently passed a Bangs wit: I Test and all heifers raised on the 31 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK farm have been vaccinated. There Consisting of will be a detailed description of 14 Choice Grade Conn each animal on day of sale. The Some of which are fresh, balance j above cows Of breeding age have (Political Advertising) • M Y LA ^ T F O R as candidate for thi office of McHENRY TOWNSHIP pm fiitt* # Kr. ^ WLf/ . Ia aanoanciiig my cmiuUdacy for the ofiioe of supervisor of McHenry Township, X fed that the public is entitled to know certain facts about my personal history. Having been a xvsident of the county all of my life, and having been engaged in fuming for ten years after which I entered the contracting business which pertained to dredging and excavating which I followed until the first day of January of this year, when I sold the business. I have long taken an active interest in the welfare of this community and the township in which I live, and feel that I now have the time to devote all my energies to the responsibilities for the office of supervisor. During my business career I performed work pertaining to public improvements such as public buildings, roads, parks, waterways and the improvement of farm land. This experience well qualifies me for the important position of' supervisor. I offer this platform for the approval of the voters of McHenry Township. s m *• fitt : • jp1-v |j' 11 • # »T2X'te 1. CAPABLE REPRESENTATION FOR McHENRY TOWNSHIP ON THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IN KEEPING WITH THE FINANCIAL AND POLITICAL IMPORTANCE OF THIS AREA. There are seventeen townships in McHenry county each of which has their own supervisor. McHenry Township ranks third in that it has an assessed valuation of over $20,000,000. Its rank is not its only importance. It has some of the richest agricultural area in the state. Through its rivers and beautiful lakes, it is a summer resort area which is rartidly becoming a year-round community with ever increasing taxable valuation. It is important that the supervisor for McHenry Township have the ability and interest to properly represent the needs of McHenry Township on the county board where sixteen supervisors and their assistants, who are picked by their own comunities, fight for the welfare of their own area which they represent. 2. RECOGNITION OF THE FACT THAT McHENRY TOWTSSHIP IS DESTINED TO BECOME AN INCREASINGLY POPULATED AREA OF FINE YEAR-ROUND HOMES AND A DEVOTION TO EVERY EFFORT WHICH WILL PROVIDE ROADS, SCHOOLS, PARKS AND ADEQUATE FACILITIES TO SERVE THE INCREASING POPULATION WHO WILL BRING ON UNEQUALLED PROSPERITY AND EVER RISING VALUE TO THE TOWNSHIP. ^.ADEQUATE RAILROAD TRANSPORTATOWNIHJP RESIDENTS OF McHENRY In 1®45 I was one of the founders and an active member in the McHenry Township Associ& tion, Inc. which was formed for the avowed purpose of improving railroad transportation to McHenry Township. At that time I wws a member of a committee which made a survey "w*™* that in January of 1945 there were over two thousand unoccupied homes in McHenry Township practically all of which would have been occupied had the Northwestern Railroad provided suitable transportation ' so that. these peoiMe could get in and out to their various work hours. Despite the fact that no progress has been made to thi? date in improving railroad transportation, I am active in the fight «• a private citizen and pledge that if elected to the office of supervisor of McHenry Township, 1 will use all the power and influence of this office to strike the iron bands of inadequate trans-, portation and to relieve the intolerable transportation situation so that the many thousands of Chicagoans who now lonj? eagerly for a home In McHenry Township will be able to enjoy that and find adequate transportation facilities to fit any and all working hours. 4. EXTENSIONS OF THE EXISTING BUS FACILITIES IN McHENRY TOWNSHIP TO GIVE MUCH NEEDED SERVICE TO THE SCHOOL CHILDREN AND THEIR PARENTS. When the WAF Transportation company was seeking a charter in Springfield last spring, f gave freely of my time to lend these boys every assistance and to use the acquaintanceship which I had with senators and representatives to see that this franchise was granted d*> spite the opposition of selfish monopolistic interests. I feel that I enjoy the friendship'and cop* fidence afl the WAF Transportation company and pledge "that if elected I will make every effort to see that the splendid bus transportation which now serves the rest of McHenry Township will be extended so that our friends and neighbors in Johnsburg, along the Fox river and in any other area not served at this time may enjoy the same advantages. 5. A RECOGNITION OF THE FACT THAT HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF CHICAGOANS SEEK HEALTH AND RECREATION IN McHENRY TOWNSHIP EACH YEAR AND THAT EVERY INDUCEMENT SHOULD BE GIVEN THEM PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT LAW AND ORDER AND A WHOLESOME COMMUNITY FOR OUR CHILDREN BE MAINTAINED. «. A REDUCTION IN PERSONAL AND REAL ESTATE TAXES WHEREVER POO. SIBLE AND A PLEDGE THAT THE OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF McHENRY TOWNSHW UNDER MY ADMINISTRATION WILL BE CONDUCTED ON SOUND BUSINESS PRINCIPLES UTILIZING EVERY POSSIBLE ECONOMY. : Iwan bred to association bulls. I invite inspection of this herd and will appreciate anyone interested in buying good grade cows to come in before tha sale and if they fcfr desire can see them milked. Machinery . No. 18 DeLaval cream separator with attachments, motor driven; hand power cream separator. Terms: All sums of |25 and under that amount cash, over thst amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property be removed until settled for. MAPLE LANE FARM Frank M. Hartigan, Owner IwcleeMe, I1L, R. F. D. Phaoe McHenry 6S2-R-2 McHenry State IBank, Clerking ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to announce that I' will be a candidate for re-election aa aldennan of the First Ward, McHenry, 111., to be voted at the City Election to be held Tuesday, April 15, 1947. Your support will be appreciated. 48-6 ALFRED TONY AN to ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to anounce that I wilt, be a candidate for the office of highway commissioner of McHenry township, at the coming election to be held on Tuesday, April, 1, 1947. Your support at the. polls will be greatly appreciated. 41-6 WM. B. SMITH f U t l ( - t R L i D O M & p a PPA sssures you dfniit delivery by rtghtmd seirisl number from mr OIL-O-MATIC quota in ytmr neighborhood. But don't delay on PPA! No more will be accepted than promise sure delivery before 1947's besting season stsrts. THENNES OIL CO. Telephone 465-R McHENRY, ILLINOIS lOMf IN Ok N'i * OU UlTAIL S ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of highway commissioner in McHenry township, the elcetion to be held on Tuesday, April 1. Your support at the polls will be very much appreciated. CHARLES J. "CHUCK" MILLER 41-6 be a candidate Jet re-election to the office of Supervisor of McHenry township, at the coming election to bai held on Tuesday, April 1, 1947, Your support will 41-6 MATH e appreciated. N. SCHMITT ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of supervisor at McHenry township. Your support at the polls will be spfpreciated. ANTON P. FREUND. ANNOUNCEMENT desire to announce that I will ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to anounce that I will be a candidate for the office of. alder- S5T Ml Waatataa U. man, third w»rd, at the nlsfttw «i be held on April 16, 1947. Tear »rt will ^be greatl) .. . ^ • • C^tiSren's Aeeidenta Traffic accidents to children S Is 1« l^ars old tncreased U m in 194S. . • ,<i,u. n'liHI , For a smooth lawn, roll it spring after the frost is out ground at a time when the not too wet. Vs. ITS HERE NOW Km 1946 WsstisihMtt *****aeelTroMmiisise wfcftfc Compfetofy Avtomatn e It mis e Drains • 0enns Itself iMwh Off SEE A FREE DEMONSTRATION! the wonderful Weatinghouae Laundromat t It does the hard work of washing for you! You have no tuba to fill, no hand rinsing, nothing to clean up afterwards. Xti fact, your hands never touch the water! No bolting or anchoring required. Installs anywhere, upstairs or down. Thrifty with water, aatp* electricity. Come in, see it now! CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP TIm Hmtrfttil Staled in Steel and cuaraatMS for five years after year of aunufacture, against nuMB> facturiag dafects. Your liHf > aoce of long Ufa and troahta free sanricel PHONE 251 GREEN STREET McHENRY W !Hi I! P P i! ! PDInET B14 R i c h a r d J a ^ e r A Vote for Me is a Vote for These 6 Big Issues-- ANTON (TONY) P. FREUND ' i . ---- WHY OO X MAVB TO ALL OASSSSO UPL- V RATHE* WIAA MV OVI8ALI.S Mi MY MOMMY ALWAYS 5UYSAU OUR BAKERY COOPS AT Riverside Bake Shop 'i r ::