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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1947, p. 6

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FOB SALE SHBET METAL AND FURNACE WOtt--Gutters ukI ftnfcaeia w- Mired. John McDonald, Bwnw Rd., Ib-l, HeHmry. Phone McHenry 650-R-l. 44-tf '•f FOR SALE--Netw Hiawatha bicycles, boys' and girls' models, 24-in. wheels, S39.9&. Available immediate delivery. Gamble's Store, West McHenry. 44 PORSALE--8-t >iece oak dininf room auite. Phone McHenry 142-J. 48-2 NOTICE--I am mtesd to take care of plowing, disking and wood sawing-. Herman Don, 206 Richmond Rd., McHenry. Phone 24L 42tf ?v : 1 FOR SALE -- Four-room cottage, completely furnished; modern plumbing. Lob 75x125. McCullom Lake. Call IMroee Park 4823. *43-2 BEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheel ing Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling NV>. S. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. w 86-tf. WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN. WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone M-J. 10-tf m &:• i ' ' '•t v* .; hi"".\ * i* * * .' J\fv • i ' FOR SALE--Now Coronado deluxe 'GET A FREE ESTIMATE on roofing and siding; material or labor. Frank Gam, 800 Riverside Drive McHenry. Call or writes. Phone McHenry 166-W. Guaranteed by Sears. Roebuck ft: Co. Free delivery. 42tr vacuus* cleaner, $58.50; available immediate delivery. Gamble's Store, WVst McHenry. 44 FOR SALE--Man's bicycle; good Condition. $25. Call 2I5-R after 6 p. m. *4* FOR SALE--New 6 ft. Servel gas refrigerator; new 8 ft. Servel gas refrigerator. Carey Electric Shop, McHenry. Tel. 251. 44-tf SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLS cleaned. Fred Wells, 12S Ellsworth St., Crystal Lake, til. Phone 643-M or 716-M. 42tf WANTH>--Late Must be in good Leonard, 4818 W. cagA 41. .rnmkBLMt Was WANTED--Part time work, ntth Jg without auto. Tel. McHenry 096-W- 2. hay load ition. W. Ave., CM- 44 WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair; Anthony Noonan, 100 So. Orson street, McHenry. (Fkont part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) lB-tf WANTED -- Wo nave for summer homes, city piopnty and hrmi. List your property with ue, Jacob Frits, Main St., Johiisbutg, Rt. 1, McHemy or 2006 BhoffleM Aft, Chicago, Pnone Lincoln 13S3-18S4 if. WANTED TO UNT WANTED TO RENT, with of without option to buy, about 20 to 40 acres of land, vacant, partially wooded; need not bo high quality soil. G, S. Andreen, Oaknurst sub., R-8, McfeHeiiry, I1L *48-2 FOR SALE -- Eight-^ece dining Tel. Mctf -y 4-; • GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if deafared. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. ~ ~ Box 274, Mctf room set. 104 S. P*iiv Henry 64-W. 44 i John • E. Hill. P." O. FOR SALB-Ne. Coronido water heater, 66-gal. capacity. Im- TREE SPRAYING AND WEED mediate delivery. Gamble's Store, KILLER SPRAYING. Frank W. West McHenry. 44 Henkel. Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. HOUSE FOR SALE--5 rooms, full j -- 1_ basement, McCullom Lake. Phone' FLOOR SANDING -- Refinishing McHenry 666-J-2. *44-2; varnishing and waxing new and old rm:~ „ , . _ tL--- 1 f~l oors; also "K" entile, a lifetime floor. FOR SALE -- M®1 Nash sedan. W- p^ estimate. Call McHenry 497-R. WANTED TO RENT--2 or S-room furnished or unfurnished apartment, in or near McHenry. Call McHenry 44. 44 WANTED TO RENT--House or cottage in McHenry. Tel. 567-J-2. 44 WANTED TO RENT -- For period from May 1 to Nov* 1, furnished trailer coach. To be used as living quarters at permanent location and not for touring. Address Box "H," care Plaindealer. 44 in. tires; good condition. Htenry 649-W-l. Phone Mc- *441 43-*4-tf W' FOR SALE -- Gas range, ice box, I£AIX ROBERT E. KNOX Phone porcelain top kitchen set. three beds 691-R-l when m need of Insulation and two dressers. D. SiegeL Tel.;®' » new roof, asbestos, or insulated McHenry 92J. *44 ,bn<* siding, weather stripping, or i -- - S combination screen and storm win- JUST ARRIVED -- Camfield electric i dows. Free estimates. Durfee Bros, automatic toaster. $19.95. Gam- Roofing Co. 43-tf MUMII McCnllMiLdie On Parade (By Yardstick) We's Store, \S[est McHenry. 44' ffi'S/. ¥ . r 'j ' ».» I . • 'V M ' ^: f , f . : \ \ HOUSE FOR SALE--Modern home with basement and furnace heat; also garage. Located at McCullom Lake. Peter Kaminski, Phone 656- M-2. R-l, West McHenry^ 43-tf FOR SALE-- Medium Clover, $23.10; Alfalfa seed, $15.00; Hybrid seed! corn, $4.00; all per bushel. Alse other bargains. Postal card us today for catalog and samples. Hall Roberts' Son, Postville, Iowa. 41-4 Greetings, Folks! Last week's Plaindealer eHfled the shocking news of the sudden passing of a truly great man, Chas. F. Renich. As publisher of the Plaindealer and the Woodstock Sentinel for the past twenty-two years, Mr. Renich through his charities and _, , . .capable leadership in the affairs of HELP WANTED--Girls for press- j McHenry county gained the respect HELP WANTED ?iae at tka illoee of the day . joarnay %nck home in Cioero. and Mrs. Wat Meyens of Maple BUI oatortained over the weekend Mr. Mi Mrs. Hefb Maoch and ^nghtec, hody. Mrs. Shirley Fox. Mr. and Mn. Daico Mayan, ltr. and Mn. OttoBikhop and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ntterul of Chicago. The folks would.ap thdr visit with an sifternoon of penny ante wtiich provided that balfe in Herbe's wallet while Edith dsrtded that this was as good a tine as any to begin that diet.. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith, their oon, David, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank 8chmitt were guests of Frank Howard at dinner at the Hotel Sherman in Chicago. After dinner this group enjoyed the thrills of a hockev game between the Blackhawks ana tne Detroit Red Wings. What bettor way to wind np tne weak Could one wish for? Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stacknick, Eddie, Jr., and daughters, Betty and Patsy, drove out from Chicago last Saturday to help* Grandpa Barney Graff celebrate.Jiv 80th birthday. Father Time has bc<en kind to Barney for, in spite of his 80 years, he doesn't look a day over 79. Our best wishes for many more such happy occassions to Barney Graff. «FLASH!! Steve Huslka, Jr., has finally got up courage enough to pop the question to lovely Therese Cunningham and, judging from that diamond on the third finger of the lady's hand, we surmise that she answered his plea in the affirmative. Now won't somebody please tell these kids where they can find a place to live 00 that they can get | married and make their joy com-! plete? | We are indeed happy to report • that Fred Chullerstrom's broken wrist ' is well on the mend. Fred I suffered this injury when he slipped! and fell on the icy pavement in< front of his home about two weeks! ago. In spite of his injuries Fred 1 been nakklH|| his daily ^ r to faattre early _ _ for at leant twelve families, Which goal to prove that you just cant ksep a goad mn down. Mr. aad Mis. Fred Thomson had AS weekend guests Mr. and Mn. Howard Duke and Mother Dtake of Chicago. With the coming elections for township, supervisor and road commissioners 00 close at hand we again remind our readers that April 1st is th« big day and we urge all to turn out on that day and vote. How well we- remember the days when our road to town was Mocked by deep snows and, the many calls on our road supervisor for aid by persons who professed to be taxpayers but shirked their duty on election day. April 1st will be the day when busses will be provided for your convenience to go to the polls and ineure better roads as well as other public improvements for the future which we as voters and taxpayers of McCullom Lake an entitled to. So-- get out and vote on April 1st. Be-I a booster for McCullom Lefce, not a gripe. Congratulations To Mrs. Leo Smith on her 18th t&thday anniversary March 28. " Nats and Bolts v V Jack and Jill, dressed fit to kill.;: Went driving on a bender, i., And fit to kill, drove off a hill '. 1 For, salvage, ^here's one fender. Anyone ^who thinks by the inch and talks by the yard should be removed by tne foot. Counsel is1 the advice old men give young men when they can no longer set a bad example. Golf is one game that keeps many a man awake during a sermon. A little bawl and change is what the Braiitigam's got with the arrival of Patricia. And so until next week its „ r ADIOS. ing blouses. Riverside Mfg. Co., 200 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry. Tel. 39. 44 HELP WANTED--Laborers for construction work.. Ivar Fredrickson. Call Wonder Lake 221. 44-tf of everyone and 'was dearly beloved by all. No greater tribute could be paid any man who has devoted all his life to the service of humlanity. Many will long remember and some will never forget Charlies F. Renich, a real friend. HELP WANTED--Middle-aged woto help share home and take Call 215-R af- *44 man -. FOR SALE -- New Coronadp deep freeses, new reduced prices, 8 ana - . ------ 16 cu. ft Available immediate de- elderly lady. livery. Gamble's Store, West Mc- ter 6 p. m. aWfy' 44 HELP WANTED -- MEN--Buffing, SALE--Year Around Summer, inspection and plating, first and sec. 4~room frame with enclosed' ond shifts; file trim and punch press, 2 blocks from Wonder Lake, second shift; smelting and die castlot. Priced for quick sale, j ing, second and third shifts. Apply 47,500. C. E. Craig Real Estate, 128 j in person. Electric Auto-Lite Com- E. 154th Street, Harvey, Illinois, pany, Woodstock, 111. 44 Ffaone Harvey 1130. 44-2 CHEAP -- One pup, 8 months old; Phone Wonder Lake 44 HELP WANTED _ WOMEN--File blac* trim, punch press, racking, first and second shifts; inspectors, first shift. Apply in person. Electric Auto-Lite Company, Woodstock, lit 44 FOR SALE--1000 bu. Vidand oats. Fhose McHenry 606-R-2L 44 FOR SALE GE 6 cu. ft refrigerator. Call McHenry. 272-M after 6&0 pi a *44 FOR SALE Small drill press. Can be seen at Ai's Welding Service, W. McHenry. TeL 464. 44 • H" FOR SALE--Dining room table and tve chairs, vety reasonable. TeL McHenry 684-M-l. 44 FOR SALE--66x182 lot; city sewer, water, gas and electric in. Wattles anbdMmen. Tel. McHeny 226J. *44 FOR SALE--New Thor washing machine. TeL McHenry 226-J. *44 FOR SALE--1980 Nash sedan. McHenry 189. TeL 44 FOR SALE--Corn silage, baled hay and straw. Phone McHenry 612-J-2. *44 FOR SALE--Holstein boll, 900 lbs. Rudolf Nionska, Route 81, 2 miles south of McHenry. *44 II FOR SALE--One good woiflc horse, reasonably priced, Roy C. Davis, 111. Phone R. L. 8402. 44-2 HELP WANTED--Sales lady for clerking in hardware store. John J^ Vycttal Hardware. Tel. McHenry HELP WANTED--Girl to clerk in drug stors and fountain work. Bolgers Drug Stun, McHenry. 88-tf HELP WANTED--COUPLE EXTRA MEN. HUNTER BOAT CO. 88-tf HELP WANTED--Women and girls to sew. Good opportunity for those interested in this type work. Apply Rivenido Mfg. Co., McHenry. Phone 89. 20-tf EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE 8URGFRY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 168. Phone 298-R; W. McHenry, I1L 40-tf WANTED TO BUT AT McCULLOM LAKE FOR SALE -- One store, 8 and 4- room flats, 2-car garage; hot water heat; also store fixtures. Jacob Frit*, Realtor, Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago Lincoln 1888. WANTED TO BUY--I am in the market for a McHeriry county farm, ranging from 80 to 200 acres. Must have good buildings and good soil. Prefer one with stock and tools. Box 238, Waukegan, 111. *44-4 In last week's edition we read with interest Mrs. Loretta Ball's appeal for volunteers to join the Red Cross ladies in gray who are doing such a grand job of helping to restore our hospitalized veterans to normal he&lth. What better wey could one find to devote one afternoon a week than to help those who have sacrificed so much for us? A phone or personal call to the Red Cross office in Woodstock will get you prospective "Gray Ladies" all the particulars. McDonald's last Saturday night was no place for anyone but a Me. This annual 8t. Patrick's celebration at Mac's is eagerly looked forward to by all the folks at McCullom Lake. At last Saturday's party over 200 Sons of Aukl Erin passed through the portals of. Jbdi Wmn porium to pay tribute to the natron saint of the land of Shillehgfc. Among the celebrants' won the Bc- Jensen's, McBaumbecks, Q*Gi aRii, 0*Smiths, McCeimaks, O'Nimtss, the OTlahertys, McPietscha, and about 192 others who enjoyed an evening of dancing to the Irish tunes or Pete McKaminiski and his Symphony' orchestra. The refreshments flowed freely and the delicious corned baef and cabbage served by Jean waa simply out of this world. Twelve months is a long time to wait for a repeat performance of this "Mardi Gras." WANTED FOR CASH Homes -- Farms -- Busi EDWARD M. LANNES Real Estate Route 2 McHenry, 111. 40-tf McHenry 674-M-2 McHenry 667-R-2 Chicago Phone Keystone 2060 GI year-round | 40-tf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rourke had as guests last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Palmer of Chicago. On the same day little Johnnie Rourke was the honored guest at a birthday party. It was Johnnie's second birthday and eight of his little friends enjoyed an afternoon of games with prizes awarded to the winners after which they all enjoyed generous portions of delicious cake and ice cream served by Mother Rourke. WANTED TO BUY -- Four or five room summer home, near McHenry, on or near Fox River. Adaress Box "BJ," can Plaindealer. 26-tf FOR SALE -- New home; occupancy about March 1 Phone McHenry 227-J. . 87-tf FOR SALE--Will be able to furnish new beautiful, year-round home to civilian family if acted upon at once Occupancy about April 1. Write Box X, care Plaindealer. 87tf 1 I -- - FOR SALE -- Used phonograph rec- WANTED -- Chicago manufacturer ords. 25c each. A good supply of desires to purchase one-story buildthe latest records. Steffan's Jewelry, ing having about 5,000 square feet lfain St, West McHenry. 35-tf off floor space. Will consider pur- -ftno „ 7 . chasing vacant already zoned for fVK SALE--Generators, armatures, manufacturing, preferably close to starters, fuel pumps, distributors and transportation or town. Write Box WANTED Sunday was a big day for Jerry and Betty Cermak and for Jerry mother in particular, for it was that little ladjrs birthday anniversary. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Petracek, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Souhrada, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cermak and iAnton Cermak, all of Cicero, journeyed to McCullom to take part in the festivities. After a delicious dinner served by Betty, Mother Cermak was buried under an avalanche of gifts showend upon her by all those so near HMIIIIfflllllllllilMIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. TeL McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf FOR SALE--Year - round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manyflle Rock Wool Home Insulation "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call t£0 J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 36tf. LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 5Ux350 ftj an Route 31, about two block from [ depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf| " MISCELLANEOUS 'P," care Plaindealer. 43-2 CARPENTER WORK WANTED-- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. Lessard, phone McHenry 634-R-2, 43-3 WANTED*---To take can of children after school and evenings. Mary Heuser, West McHenry. Tel. McHenry 74-M. 44 ACT NOW--To secure the county's Most profitable small business. One man can operate. Write Mr. R. G. CRlbertson, 223 E. Douglas Street, Bloomington, 111. 44-2 COME IN AND SEE US about our now 1947 H. C. A. homes. May be had in either 1 or 1% stories. No tiro homes need look alike. May be had with either plywood or lath and abater interior walls and ceilings. Construction time 2 months. Frett Soothers,. General Contractors, 804 Washington St, Woodstock, HL Tel. Mf-W, or JohnslMirg, 111. TeL Mcmmrm- i*L 44-2 TaL Me- •414 ipp PUBLIC HOTICB Notlc* of propoMd chang* la Schedule III. C. C. 6. , To patrons of Western United Gas sad KMctric Company. Western United Gu and Electric Com- ry hereby ghrw notice to the pubthat tt has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on February ~ 24, 1947, a proposed change In Its Rite IB, prepayment meter gas service. Rate IB Is an obsolete rate. It requires the use of special prepayment meters which are difficult to maintain and .parts of which are practically Impossible to replace. The only customer now on this rate can be served advantageously on a standard rate* Because of the above facts, the Company proposes to cancel Rate IB. A copy of the proposed change may be Inspected by any Interested party at war business office of this Company. All parties Interested la this rr**" may obtain Information with rssaset thereto Mttwr dlreetty £em tMs CecfrgflWSWW mm FAIR Caster and smart, too. She knowsM&at we can be relied upon to keep her Eaater finery like new. Regular dry cleaning is the way to protect beautiful clothea. Beauty Parlor* There are 125,000 beauty parlora in the U. S. : i- Co. Excavating afctd Crane Service Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravel Eoad Grading C ALL McHENEY 97^ aaaiiiHi HAVE YOUR SEPTIC TA9KS EiSmS SANITARY < XDDIE HUTT, Prop. TELEPHONE McHENRY 290 Erom where I sit...// Joe Marsh Do Men Like Women? PAINTING HINTS If you want to do a perfect Enamel job, you must use ITnaiaul Underbody of the finest obtainable. It has no equal because of intense hiding, only one coat is required to cover the surface perfectly. Levels up fine and provides the perfect haaea for the finest Channels. Underhodiea produce an extremely hard, nonporus film and sand perfectly. It takes fewer coats of enamel to finish the job. Underihody is a heavy bodied one coat paint, • but easy working, and- can be followed up the next day with an enamel coe£i '•*" t, * - 7Tt'" W: 7*^1 ' * *%*"'* ' Crystal Lake Paint Store Use Moore Paint Phone 1160 Across Fro$; Depot CRYSTAL LAKE* HUL tram tti gtedtot «fll ghre about half the day's vitamin C. sA "jUl DK. «. & FOE CM W. McHenry, HL Office Hears: 1 pan. to t ffn^t Thnndays kr • I . . , r? . <' Wf'M McHBfRT FLORAf. <>>' * A SI far aH *• NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a tentative budget and appropriation ordinance for the Town of McHenry, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning Tuesday, March 25, 1947, and ending Monday, March 29, 1948, will be on file and conveniently available to Public inspection at Blake's Garage, 'earl street, McHenry, 111., from and after 9 o'clock, p.m. Tuesday, March 26, 1947. Notice is' furth|l|j., given hereby that a. public hearing on said budget and appropriation ordinance will be held at 2 o'clock, p.m., Tuesday, April 1. 1947, at Blake's Garage, in this town and that final action on this ordinance Will be taken by the electors at the annual town meeting to be held at 2 o'clock, p.m. Tuesday, April 1, 1947. Dated this 12th day of March, 1947. MATH N. SCHMITT, Supervisor. H. WALTER ANDERSON, Clerk. (Pub. March 13 and 20) Need Rubber Stamps? .Order at The Plaindealer. WBLDING Maintenaace aad Co--hat Ilea Portable Eqalpment H E. V ANCE---McHenry 514 1 8outh Greea St, McHenry, ] McHENRY CAB gp 4tl Wankegan Raad . ' M-Hoar Service m. - TEL. McHENRY 47S4 ->.1 r ^ 1 - i * C ' CECIL BALLOWB mm WWANTEDTO RENT Year 'round modern three ox four bedroom house on Fox River. Must be near McHenry train service. Address Box "W," care McHenry Plaindealer. FRANK & WEILER PAINTING AND DECORATING Phone McHenry C89-W-2 Painting, Paperhanging. Spraying Estinuites CheiMfaOy Famished 9-T TRUCKING CO. Band -- Gravel -- Cinder* Black Dirt -- Limestone Damp Tracks For Hire Hwm Johnsburg 677-W-t McHwry, I1L AL*8 WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE r Ml Mala St- McHenry Electric Portable Weldint v Acetylene Welding and ALEX W. WIRF8, Operater Phone S1S-W-1 or 4S4 M'HENRY, ILL. Phone McHenry 637-R-2 -- Basemeat Excavating -- NETTS SAND 4k GRAVEL Special Ratea en Raad Gravel and Let Filling . . Black Dlpi . . Power LevdHng and Gradlag. Johnabnrg J* * TF<L-i(eHeM* RETOOTH AND 8HARPBN SAWS AND LAWN MOWERS By Machine Also Greasing and Repairing Cars WILLIAM BUCHERT Ml Front St. - McHenry W. P. BROOKS ft SON Painting and Papering Mil Material At Cap ' Tel. 131-R |16 Waahington Si ' McHenry, Illinois Maybe yon read that recent ac* tide in a national magasine. claiming that Aaierican men don't rmlly like the company of women. They Jast put them ap on a pedestal ind leave them there. But I wouldn't say that that was ' so in our town. Look at any married couple--like the Cuppers. Jane wouldn't nag if Dee spent his evenings "with the boys"--but actually Dee likes nothing better than to stay home by the fire, sharing a glass of beer with Jane, playing cribbage, or just talking. Aad when ha doea go out. Car an afternoon of fishing down at Seward's Creek, or for an evening glass of beer at Andy BotUn's Garden Tavern, Jane is almost always with him (except when she's got a spot of baking in the ovA). From where I sit, respect doesn't rule out everyday companionship ... and never should. They go together--essential parta of a succeesful marriage. Copyright, 1947, Vnitea State* Brewer* Foundation-' HUPPY & LEO'S GROCERY and MARKET §ALL McHENRY 1T» For Daily Deliveries v , - - . r e v Full Line of E A T and all vegetables in HUBERT atid LEO SMITH, Props. Formerly Snith 'Bros. Mm on Oman MeKeory HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid fa- Deed and Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Loadins -- Tankage and Meat Scraps 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverac for aale. Phones Arlington Heighta Chargea. Palatine Rendering Service. --WANTED tO BUY-- We pay $• to far Old H« leaa far de MATTS MINK RANCH 8prfng Gi nme lehaebaia Wf J } CALL AT ONCB ON MAD H0G8» HORSES AND CATTLE Wa J3L FBANK & MAT Traefciag , r Blacfc Dirt Cfoders -- Ttack for Hive R-l Mrifawy JOHN F. BRDA * SON Sheet Metal aad FUiaat ltl N. Green SU McHeny, 10. Phase MU . WATER PUMPS Falrbanka Morse Rector and Pamp typea. All sixea. Complete and Easy* to inetalL 8mp paw pa. Take eld pumps in trade. ENGSTROM SALES AND 8ERVICB Tel. McHenry (N-W-) (MS ft. from Nelfs BaRroom^ DR. JOHN WAIDZUNAS ' Physician & Surgeon Main St., Johnsburg, IlL Tel. Crystal Lake 36-M Office Hours: IS a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 Sundays by Appointment Telephone All Branches Crystal Lake 1119 Of 8ewer Worfc McHENRY CO. SEWER SERVICE. Blocked Sewens Opened Without Digging By Electric Motor-Mole aad Root Cutter Crystal Lake, Illinois L. Nelson 138 E. Crystal Lake Ava. VERNON J. KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sts., McHenry Tueeday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phono McHenry 43 McHENRY GARAGE SM Front St. (Route St) General Repairing Welding--Arc and Acetylene Light Blacksmith Work NICK P. MILLER Phone McHenry 1SS-R A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contractor Tracking, Hydraulic BUILDING-- nnd u -ROAD TeL M4-M McHenry, HL TeL McHenry MSf HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Paperhaagiag, Rearaving Old Wall Paper With Steamer, Spray Painting v 105 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY DR. R. DeROMB -- Dentiat -- ISO Greea Street Phono 292-J. McHenry Office Heara: IS a.m. to S daily except Wedaaaday. by appointment. 1U. Wonder Lake 41S DR. R. H. WATKQVS iTawbr * CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Jeslvn A Parker) Office Honrs: Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-5:M Office--Koehr Supply Company, 542 Main Street, West McHeary Phoner--McHenry 48S Woodstock 1135 INSURANCE • . EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm aad Life Repreeeatiag . RELIABLE COMFANIES When yaa need hwaraace of any kb| Phone 43 or 118-M Green A Bn McH« McMAHON REFRIGERATION SALES AND SERVICE McHenry 419' or Wonder Lale 9 51S Maia SL, McHeary, HHnoia ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Mectrkal Centractara Badla Repairs Let aa ertfcaate that aext job of years. LB01 G. ROTHERMEL, .. Phone McHenry 272-M 3S4 Riveraide Drive Telephone No. 3M STOFFEL A REIHANSPERGBB Inaaranee agents for aR ilssem ef la the beat a Weat McHenry, minoio WILSON'S RADIO OOP 1 : fcv.... .'i

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